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2 Global change and the importance of fire for the ecology
3 and evolution of insects
4Q1 Amanda M Koltz1, Laura A Burkle2, Yamina Pressler3,
5 Jane E Dell4, Mayra C Vidal5, Lora A Richards4 and
6 Shannon M Murphy5
7 Climate change is drastically altering global fire regimes, which abundance and quality of basal resources, cause short-term 43
8 may affect the structure and function of insect communities. and long-term effects on soil nutrient availability, temper- 44
9 Insect responses to fire are strongly tied to fire history, plant ature, and moisture, and transform habitat structure 45
10 responses, and changes in species interactions. Many insects (Figure 1). Recent changes in the intensity and frequency 46
11 already possess adaptive traits to survive fire or benefit from of droughts are leading to higher incidences of fire [3]; 47
12 post-fire resources, which may result in community ecosystems are also experiencing changes in fire frequency, 48
13 composition shifting toward habitat and dietary generalists as seasonality, extent, duration, and severity as a result of 49
14 well as species with high dispersal abilities. However, global climate change [3]. Such changes in fire regimes will 50
15 predicting community-level resilience of insects is inherently likely affect insect community composition via ecological 51
16 challenging due to the high degree of spatiotemporal and and evolutionary mechanisms with consequences for the 52
17 historical heterogeneity of fires, diversity of insect life histories, strength of biological interactions and the provision of 53
18 and potential interactions with other global change drivers. ecosystem services (Figure 1) [3]. 54
19 Future work should incorporate experimental approaches that
20 specifically consider spatiotemporal variability and regional fire Many insects are adapted to survive fire and some even 55
21 history in order to integrate eco-evolutionary processes in benefit from ecosystem changes associated with fire [4]. 56
22 understanding insect responses to fire. For example, immediately after grassland fires, prairie mole 57
crickets (Gryllotalpa major) profit from enhanced acoustics 58
Addresses within their burrows for improved signaling to potential 59
23 Department of Biology, Washington University in St. Louis, One mates [5]. Similarly, some forest beetles (e.g. Buprestidae 60
24 Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130, USA
25 2
Department of Ecology, Montana State University, 310 Lewis Hall,
and Cerambycidae), respond to heat and smoke generated 61

26 Bozeman, MT 59717, USA by fires to colonize newly available, high-quality habitat [6]. 62
27 3
Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University, It is nevertheless unclear, even in fire-prone habitats, 63
28 1499 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA whether existing morphological, life history, and behavioral 64
29 Department of Biology, University of Nevada, 1664 N. Virginia St.,
adaptive traits will be sufficient for maintaining species and 65
Reno, NV 89557, USA
31 5
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Denver, 2050 E Iliff functional insect diversity as fire regimes continue to change. 66

32 Ave, Boettcher West, Denver, CO 80210, USA Moreover, many insect species that rarely experience fire 67
(e.g. high latitude biota) are beginning to do so on a more 68
Corresponding authors: Koltz, Amanda M (, regular basis. Despite the importance of fire as a natural 69
Murphy, Shannon M (
disturbance in many ecosystems, the role of evolutionary 70
processes in shaping insect responses to fire is an underde- 71
33 Current Opinion in Insect Science 2018, 29:xx–yy veloped research area. Yet the potential for adaptation is 72

34 This review comes from a themed issue on Global change biology especially important in this context, because many insect 73

35 Edited by Oswald Schmitz and Adam Rosenblatt

species have short generation times and large population 74
sizes, which facilitate rapid evolution [7]. 75

Here we provide a brief review of recent advances in our 76

36 understanding of insect responses to fire from an ecologi- 77

37 2214-5745/ã 2018 Published by Elsevier Inc. cal perspective that considers how responses to fire alter 78
species interactions and functional roles of insects within 79
ecological communities. We also discuss specific traits 80
that allow insects to survive fire and how these traits may 81
contribute to certain groups having the capacity to cope 82
with or adapt to rapidly changing fire regimes. 83
38 Introduction
39 Natural wildfire is an important form of periodic distur- Ecological responses to fire 84
40 bance that disrupts ecological processes at a landscape scale Various aspects of fire, including severity, extent, fre- 85
41 [1,2] and places unique selective pressures on fire-affected quency, and seasonality, impact the abundance and diver- 86
42 communities. In particular, fire alone can alter the sity of insects across all trophic levels [e.g. 1,8,9,10,11] 87 Current Opinion in Insect Science 2018, 29:1–7

Please cite this article in press as: Koltz AM, et al.: Global change and the importance of fire for the ecology and evolution of insects, Curr Opin Insect Sci (2018),
COIS 499 1–7

2 Global change biology

Figure 1














Current Opinion in Insect Science

Conceptual diagram depicting the ecological and evolutionary effects of fire on insect and plant communities. Fire directly affects insect (A) and
plant (B) mortality and also has a number of indirect effects that act as selection pressures on insect traits (C). Indirect effects of fire (C) can
include long-term changes to plant and detrital resource availability, quality, and heterogeneity, as well as habitat structure. Short-term indirect
effects include immediate changes to soil nutrients, moisture, and temperature. Plant community responses and recovery to fire are influenced by
insect herbivory and pollination (D) and by insect effects on detritivory and nutrient cycling (E). Likewise, recovery of the insect community is
tightly tied to the resources and habitat provided by the plant community (D,E). The strength and timing of species interactions within the insect
community (F), such as predation, parasitism, competition, and mutualism, vary with time since fire and can also affect insect community
recovery. Insect and plant communities are adapting and evolving in response to fire-induced selection pressures on insect traits (G). On a longer
timescale, post-fire changes to plant community biomass and composition due to interactions with insects (e.g. biomass removal due to
herbivory) may result in eco-evolutionary feedbacks to fire regimes that either promote or inhibit future fires (H). Changes in fire severity, extent,
frequency, and duration may amplify and/or attenuate the strength of these fire effects on insect and plant communities.

88 (Figure 1A,C,F). For instance, high soil temperatures insects are key herbivores, pollinators, and detritivores, 105
89 during severe fires kill ground-nesting insects, such as their short-term and long-term responses to changing fire 106
90 Megachilidae bees [12] that typically survive lower inten- regimes could have important consequences for ecosys- 107
91 sity fires. Most community-level recovery depends on re- tem functioning. 108
92 colonization from nearby undisturbed areas [13], so
93 increased fire extent will delay recovery in central Our understanding of insect responses to fire has his- 109
94 portions of burned areas. Effects of fire on some insects torically come from a bottom-up perspective that pri- 110
95 are short-lived, with certain groups recovering quickly marily considers insect recovery in relation to recovery 111
96 post-fire. However, increased fire frequency may not of the plant community [13] (Figure 1B,D). This nar- 112
97 allow enough time for many arthropods to recover. Fur- row focus is understandable as recovery of the plant 113
98 ther, changes in soil moisture and temperature due to fire community defines habitat structure and availability of 114
99 can alter soil arthropod community composition for dec- resources for the entire insect community [16,17]. 115
100 ades [14]. Some soil-dwelling arthropods may recover Thus, fire return intervals that maximize plant diver- 116
101 more quickly [13], but this response is linked to season- sity, such as mosaic burns that increase spatial hetero- 117
102 ality, demonstrating that fire timing also influences recov- geneity of resources, should maximize post-burn insect 118
103 ery. Even ephemeral responses to disturbance can have functional diversity even though this is rarely measured 119
104 cascading effects on communities [e.g. 15]. Given that explicitly [13]. 120

Current Opinion in Insect Science 2018, 29:1–7

Please cite this article in press as: Koltz AM, et al.: Global change and the importance of fire for the ecology and evolution of insects, Curr Opin Insect Sci (2018),
COIS 499 1–7

The importance of fire for the ecology and evolution of insects Koltz et al. 3

121 Fire effects vary across space and functional groups [e.g. that can more rapidly colonize the center of large burns and 176
122 18–20], meaning that fire indirectly alters the spatial and generalists that can forage in recently burned areas despite 177
123 temporal distribution of species interactions [e.g. restricted floral options. 178
124 between bees and flowers or herbivores and their hosts,
125 21,22] (Figure 1F). This variation, along with the unpre- Responses to fire by higher trophic levels (e.g. predators and 179
126 dictable nature of post-fire resource availability, tends to parasitoids) are tied to prey recovery and are therefore 180
127 result in a higher proportion of diet generalists and fewer sensitive to mismatches in species responses. Predators with 181
128 specialized interactions in fire affected areas [10,23]. generalized diet breadths are typically able to recover more 182
129 Specialist-feeders are potentially more influenced by rapidly than diet-specialists. For example, several recent 183
130 bottom-up effects than generalist-feeders [24], suggest- studies detected no post-fire changes in the abundance and 184
131 ing that recovery by diet specialists is likely to be slower diversity of spiders and predaceous beetles, which tend to be 185
132 and more closely tied to the recovery of particular plant or generalist-feeders [37,38]. Relative to many predators, para- 186
133 prey species. Thus, while the first species to colonize sitoids tend to be more specialized on specific hosts and 187
134 burned habitats are those that survive fire (e.g. some soil- sensitive to fire-induced shifts in community structure. 188
135 dwellers) or capable dispersers from nearby unburned Parasitoid responses to fire may also be taxon-specific, as 189
136 patches, species with generalist feeding habits are the shown with other types of disturbances. For example, vari- 190
137 most likely to benefit from post-fire resources and recover ability in precipitation and host-availability affects special- 191
138 quickly. For instance, grasshoppers, which are good dis- ized hymenopteran parasitoids more than generalized 192
139 persers and largely generalist feeders, commonly increase dipteran parasitoids [39]. Taken together, diet-generalist 193
140 in abundance post-fire as they exploit re-sprouting vege- predators are likely to be more resilient to changes in global 194
141 tation [e.g. 21]. fire regimes than diet-specialist predators and parasitoids. 195
However, other studies have found mixed effects of fire, 196
142 Fire responses are best documented for herbivores and indicating that habitat type, taxonomic group, dispersal 197
143 pollinators that depend directly on plant resources. Plant ability, and time-since-fire are all important components 198
144 biomass and community composition are key determi- of predator recovery [e.g. 40–42]. Changing fire regimes 199
145 nants of herbivore recovery (Figure 1D), as are fire- may further exacerbate mismatches in species interactions 200
146 induced changes in plant quality [e.g. 25–27] and plant post-fire, resulting in longer recovery times or altered com- 201
147 defenses [e.g. 28]. For example, low-severity, frequent munity composition (e.g. more generalist-feeding preda- 202
148 fires induce resin production that protects trees against tors). For instance, fire can cause increased soil temperatures 203
149 bark beetles [29]. However, fire effects on herbivore that promote earlier hatches of soil-dwelling insects [2] or 204
150 communities have also been found to be mediated provide some organisms temporary relief from specialist 205
151 through changes in habitat structure instead of fire- natural enemies [4,43]. 206
152 related changes in host plant quality [30,31]. Fire-induced
153 changes in both resource and habitat quality therefore Habitat quantity and quality may be more important for the 207
154 select for a combination of generalist traits in post-fire short-term recovery of litter-dwelling and soil-dwelling 208
155 herbivore communities. Despite these insights, predict- arthropod communities than other traits such as dispersal 209
156 ing herbivore responses to changing fire regimes is still ability [44] (Figure 1E). Fire reduces or eliminates the 210
157 challenging and will require a better understanding of availability of resources and habitat space for detritivores 211
158 both the direct and indirect effects of fire on herbivore and other litter insects in the short-term [45]. In the long- 212
159 communities across a wider array of habitats. term, the abundance of soil arthropods are not commonly 213
affected [reviewed in 46], but their diversity decreases and 214
160 Our understanding of responses of insect pollinators to fire can remain altered for decades due to persistent changes in 215
161 is mainly focused on floral resources (Figure 1D), and less resource quality [47]. Although belowground habitat and 216
162 on nesting habitat or mortality due to fire. Notably, many resources for insects increase as plant communities recover 217
163 ground-nesting species do survive fires [12] and are posi- in some systems [48], high-frequency fires also result in 218
164 tively associated with recent burns in some systems [32]. reduced soil carbon and nitrogen over decadal timescales in 219
165 After fire opens space for flowering plants to thrive, polli- others (e.g. broadleaf forests and savannah grasslands) [49]. 220
166 nators are attracted to abundant floral resources [e.g. 33]. Therefore, recovery of soil arthropods [41,50] is influenced 221
167 Pollinator abundance and diversity, especially of diet- by a combination of pre-fire and post-fire soil quality, litter 222
168 generalist bees [22], show a strong time-since-fire signal, availability, and plant composition, necessitating consider- 223
169 peaking soon after fire and decreasing with declining floral ation of short-term and long-term legacy effects of fire to 224
170 resources as succession proceeds [34]. These successional understand detritivore responses. 225
171 trajectories differ depending on fire severity [35], life
172 history, and ecosystem. However, species with different Adaptive traits and potential evolutionary 226
173 nesting habitats (e.g. below-ground vs. above-ground) are responses to fire 227
174 not influenced by time-since-fire in all ecosystems [36]. Species that are able to survive fire or recolonize fire-affected 228
175 Changes in fire regimes may favor large-bodied pollinators areas can benefit from post-fire conditions via increased 229 Current Opinion in Insect Science 2018, 29:1–7

Please cite this article in press as: Koltz AM, et al.: Global change and the importance of fire for the ecology and evolution of insects, Curr Opin Insect Sci (2018),
COIS 499 1–7

4 Global change biology

230 resource availability [26,51,52], advantageous habitat altera- functions within ecosystems as herbivores, pollinators, 284
231 tions [33], and/or altered species interactions [e.g. reduced and detritivores, their responses to changing fire regimes 285
232 predation, 4,13] (Figure 1F,G). Many insects currently could influence the susceptibility of some ecosystems to 286
233 exhibit a variety of morphological, behavioral, and life history future fires (e.g. via biomass removal from herbivory). 287
234 traits that allow them to survive fire events and recover
235 quickly from fire disturbance [2] (Figure 1C). Some of Conclusions and perspectives 288
236 these include morphological adaptations to detect fire, Several fundamental challenges have limited an eco- 289
237 including smoke-detecting antennae in cerambycid beetles evolutionary approach to linking insect communities 290
238 [53] and infrared radiation sensors in buprestid beetles and changing fire regimes. First, our current under- 291
(Melanophila acuminata) [54]. Such traits can allow them to standing of insect responses to fire is largely skewed 292
239 escape fire, synchronize emergence, and locate resources toward observational studies in grasslands and forests 293
240 and mates post-fire [e.g. 55]. Many insects exhibit adaptive where fire is common and taxa already tend to possess 294
241 behaviors to fire, such as climbing trees, fleeing, and burrow- fire-adapted traits [1,2,13]. Second, most studies use a 295
242 ing into the soil [2,56,57,58]. Life history traits that can single fire to document insect responses, but these 296
243 improve survival to fire include living some or all life stages effects cannot be extrapolated to predict changes in 297
244 belowground [2,59], high-dispersal capabilities [13], and community interactions, evolutionary responses, or 298
245 diet-generalism and habitat-generalism [23,60]. ecosystem functions due to frequent, repeated distur- 299
bances. Third, fires do not occur in isolation of other 300
246 Even within habitats that have historically been exposed global changes. Altered fire regimes could exacerbate 301
247 to fire, it is unclear how changes in the fire regime, such as effects of other selective pressures, including changes 302
248 increased fire frequency and severity [3], may ultimately in temperature, precipitation, nutrient pollution, habi- 303
249 affect insect communities. Although more frequent low- tat fragmentation and degradation, invasive species, 304
250 severity fires could favor fire-adapted insects [13], they range shifts, biodiversity loss, as well as spatially and 305
251 could also pose risks to species that thrive during later temporally mismatched biological interactions [e.g. 306
252 successional stages. As fires become more severe, species 67,68]. How insect responses to fire are influenced by 307
253 adapted to low-severity fires may be negatively affected these and other drivers of global change still needs to be 308
254 and community recovery times may increase. Changing assessed. 309
255 fire regimes could influence community-level succession
256 in unpredictable ways, such as by preventing species from Future studies can address these gaps by using manipu- 310
257 recolonizing from non-burned patches, or by imposing lative experiments of fire frequency and severity to 311
258 severe founder effects and genetic bottlenecks. Under investigate effects of fire regimes (as opposed to single 312
259 certain conditions, changes in fire regimes could result in fires), on insect communities. These types of studies are 313
260 evolutionary tipping points and population collapse [61]. particularly important in ecosystems where wildfire is 314
261 Insect species from more variable environments might historically rare but projected to increase (e.g. tundra) 315
262 have higher degrees of plasticity and may therefore be [3,69]. Experimental approaches allow for systematic 316
263 better adapted to cope with increasing extreme fire events manipulation of variables such as fire severity, focal taxa, 317
264 [62]. However, selection and the potential for rapid burn season, and abiotic conditions, all of which play into 318
265 evolution could be strongest on species with limited the ecological and evolutionary responses of insect com- 319
266 phenotypic plasticity [63]. munities. Although recent studies have worked towards 320
understanding habitat and resource heterogeneity [e.g. 321
267 Emerging evidence suggests that global changes have the 70], future experimental study designs should be more 322
268 potential to drive evolutionary trajectories of functional explicit in incorporating temporal and spatial variability 323
269 traits that lead to eco-evolutionary feedbacks to ecosys- when considering the resilience of insect communities to 324
270 tem processes [64]. Fire is one such global change that changing fire regimes. Similarly, a better understanding 325
271 may serve as both an important selection pressure and of post-fire feedbacks between plant recovery and 326
272 driver of changes in the function of insect communities insect-driven ecosystem services (e.g. herbivory, detri- 327
273 (Figure 1). Few studies connect shifts in insect commu- tivory, pollination) could be achieved through experi- 328
274 nities with ecosystem processes such as carbon and nitro- mental manipulations of these community components. 329
275 gen cycling in fire-affected ecosystems, but fire does alter Long-term experiments that manipulate other global 330
276 the functional roles of these organisms. For example, change variables along fire frequency and severity gra- 331
277 although pollination levels can be high after fire [i.e. dients (e.g. Konza Prairie and Arctic LTERs) provide 332
278 pollen deposition, 9], pollinator visitation and seed set opportunities for insect ecologists to advance our under- 333
279 vary with time-since-fire [e.g. 33,65,66]. It is an open standing of the interactive effects of multiple 334
280 question whether post-fire insect communities alter the disturbances. 335
281 environment to a degree that may feedback to fire fre-
282 quency and severity (Figure 1H), but this area warrants As fire regimes continue to shift as a result of climate 336
283 further investigation. In particular, as insects serve key change [3], insects and the ecological communities they 337

Current Opinion in Insect Science 2018, 29:1–7

Please cite this article in press as: Koltz AM, et al.: Global change and the importance of fire for the ecology and evolution of insects, Curr Opin Insect Sci (2018),
COIS 499 1–7

The importance of fire for the ecology and evolution of insects Koltz et al. 5

examine the role of diversity in resiliency to fire and quantifies 395

338 inhabit are also likely to change. A better understanding interactions between plants, insect herbivores, and their natural 396
339 of the effects of these changing fire regimes on insects enemies across a time-since-fire gradient. Results demonstrate 397
that frequent fire maintains species diversity and important 398
340 will require consideration of the actual traits (e.g. diet 399
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341 and habitat generalism, dispersal ability, belowground biological control. 400
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351 We thank the University of Denver Organismal Biologists, Carlos Botero, and pulses differentially impact plants, herbivores, 412
352 Joan Strassman, and Oswald Schmitz for helpful comments on earlier detritivores and their natural enemies. PLoS ONE 2012, 7: 413
353 versions of this manuscript. This research did not receive any specific grant e43929. 414
354 from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
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Current Opinion in Insect Science 2018, 29:1–7

Please cite this article in press as: Koltz AM, et al.: Global change and the importance of fire for the ecology and evolution of insects, Curr Opin Insect Sci (2018),
COIS 499 1–7

The importance of fire for the ecology and evolution of insects Koltz et al. 7

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584 69. Mack M.C., Bret-Harte MS, Hollingsworth TN, Jandt RR,
Schuur EA, Shaver GR, Verbyla DL: Carbon loss from an Current Opinion in Insect Science 2018, 29:1–7

Please cite this article in press as: Koltz AM, et al.: Global change and the importance of fire for the ecology and evolution of insects, Curr Opin Insect Sci (2018),

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