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Hello Everyone,
My name is Rahul kumawat And my topic is about the size of universe,
but before that, i have a question, Can you believe on god? I mean Is god really exist ? If yes,
Then why not all humans are happy at a time ? Why some face difficulties in life and some not
in a give time period ? Well i thought, i have a illogical answer for that.
Ok , So, Smallst thing on the universe According to scientists is string
after that is quats after that elctrons and then atom some bacteria, fungas , viruses after that
some insects and etc etc . and then come us , human beings after humans, some animals and
building etc etc.but all things contain in some spherical thing that is our earth but earth also is a
part of solar system , but solar system also come under something that is our galaxy , The milky
But you know whats the intressting thing about our galaxy. If we think to
excape from the milky way galaxy then we need one lakh year even if we have a spacecraft
which can travel with a speed to light.
According to scientists there is a billions of galaxy in the universe and all
this galaxy contain in a ball like strature and there is billions of balls in the universe so can you
think how big is the universe and if universe is so big then from the god perpective we are so
small that we can't even exsit for the god and for this we can also predict that we are not alone
in the universe.some people also believe that aliens are not exist in the universe. It is like you
take a spoon and fill the spoon with sea water and make a statement as there is no fish in my
spoon then there is no fish in the entire whole sea.

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