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Nombre: Edgar Pajoso Cortes López Matrícula: 2797646

Nombre del curso:

Nombre del profesor: Laura Everes
Advanced English III

Módulo:1. Building relationships Actividad: Homework 3

Fecha: 30 de ene. de 20


y attention to the phrases to express a message in a polite,
diplomatic way, and with modal verbs.
 Learn English with Let's Talk - Free English Lessons. (2015,
September 10th). Business English Lesson - Using Diplomatic
English atwork (Learn English) [Video file].Retrieved from: Business
English Lesson - Using Diplomatic English at work (Learn
English) (Links to an external site.)
g diplomatic language to either agree or disagree with the
situation, according to your perspective:
SituationChildren and teenagers should not
be allowed to watch TV series that include violence,
graphic or verbal, as it represents a bad influence.
Parents must prohibit strictly.
A coworker in your office is
I thik children and teenagers are not in the position to watch
TV series that include violence, graphic or verbal. I’d like to
request to their parents to prohibit it.
I’m afraid you shouldn ́t be able to

Descargado por Luis Arango (



misusing information for personal purposes (access

confidential information and reads emails that are not
directed to him). You decide to talk to him about his
wrongdoing before telling your boss.
A student in your classroom is
isolated from the rest and is shy.
You talk to the teacher to inform and
express your concern about the
situation and do something about
your classmate.
misusing confidential information and reading emails that are
not directed to you. Could you avoid this behavior, please?
Teacher, I’m not enterely happy with the way we treat our
classmate. I think we should do something and make him feel
better and part of us.
3. Read the following article about rapport and personal
relationships. Scott Tousley. (2015, June 20). A 10-
Minute Exercise To Increase Happiness, Build Rapport,
and Strengthen Relationships. Hubspot. Retrieved from:

4. Completetherapportexercisethatcomesinthearticledoingst
eps1,2, and 3. Step 1: Write down the name of
someone you admire that you’re in regular contact
with.Remember the beginning of this article, we asked
who is someone you admire? Well, grab a pen and write
down their name. It can be anyone you admire, but
there’s a catch. You must be able to realistically get
ahold of them. Examples include:

  An entrepreneur you know: I don’t know.

  Someone from your family: My mom.
  An executive on your team: Daniela Ontiveros.
  Your best friend: Carla Cuevas.
  A previous (or current) mentor: Teresa Vidaña.
  A VC you respect: I don’t know.
Descargado por Luis Arango (


Don’t write down someone like Bill Gates or Ariana Huffington.

Think of someone you can easily contact.
Step 2: Write down WHY you admire this person.Now take
a few minutes to write down why you admire this person. Did
you learn a valuable lesson from them? Did they go above
and beyond to help you? Why?
My mom: She has always taught me to be persevering and
achieve what you want, what I most admire is his bravery and
strength. Without a doubt, my mother knows how to be an
independent person and get things on her own.
Daniela Ontiveros: From the moment I arrived at my job, she
was the one who trained me and taught everything I know
now. I admire her for starting to gain experience from the age
of 21 and to date she continues to update herself, learning
more and applying learning in her day to day. Carla Cuevas: I
admire her for knowing how to lead her balanced life between
work and school, I consider that she has also been very
successful in her work and is something for which I am happy
for her. Despite having bad times, she always see the positive
things in life. Teresa Vidaña: This is a teacher who I admire
for the wide knowledge she has, I am also surprised by her
willingness to work in the area of finance and also to be a
teacher at night. He has a passion for the topics he talks
about and always has new things to share.
ty. It is important to know how to have tact when saying
things, whether they are good or bad. The way we express
ourselves greatly influences the way the other person reacts
to our comments.

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