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GO BEYOND EXPECTATIONS suseranox Lisa Young, August Niodothaus NE-Build & Grow Rte vocanuLany axmnan neaona 1A Imftom... ‘countries & nationalities ‘the verb be My Wedding Day 4 1B rminto. frentinenctivion fovea atsaing ok Hard aya 8 1€ Practical English Soca exresions 2 (AR 2A People around me personality adjectives ‘question words: Jessie and Her Friends, 4 2B Talking about appearance 2Ciectivesto describe adverbs of manner Welcome to 8 &H 18 appearence 2C Practical Engli Talking aboutsimi jes and diferences 2 Reviow Tost Unite 1&2 Fa 3A Things need everyday _e.ryyioms simp rose ae 2 2 ——— possessive pronouns Upeyting Finding New Uses ee Shvoent ee possessive adjectives for Old Things a) 3€ Practical English Everyday stopping a 4A This is my house parts ofa house artcles:a. an. the Living onthelce 36 4B Inside a house deserbingrooms ajectis ‘ARoom of My Own “0 4G Practical English Finding aplcetolve “a Review Test2 Units 3&4 40 5A How! met you telationsip-eleted words siple past statements Truth or Dare? “8 5B Whatwe do Phrases with get indofnit pronouns Charity Events 2 5C Practical English Join 56 VOCABULARY )RAMMIAR READING 6A I lostmy wallet! verbs inthe pasttense simple past questions Itall sartedwithalosthammer... 58 health preblems and Common Gold Remedies a ou SB I don'tfeel well remedies shouldfor advice the World 62 6¢ Practical English Tong sbuthoathwlteciosus 66 Review Test3 Units 5&6 os (OM 7A Inthe kitchen vettsrletedtocooting —imporaivos FoodsThatAreBatterliomemase 70 7B Eating out adjstvestordescitingtoad. 2,0, eho, niter Hong Kon Fond Guise ” TC Practical English y\itings review 8 (OO 8A Anything special? —_—-Woekend-latos presen perfect Woskene Fun with Fido 80 sxpressions worisfor describing 8B Going far away eee presentperectus single past Aroundthe WorldinEloven Years 84 8C Practical English Atthe airport a8 Review Test4 Units 7&8 90 (OO modals for prediction {A Life events life events The Miestones of Lie 22 wil, might 98 I'm well prepared iobs infiives of purpose What's YourJob Like? 96 9C Practical English Good news, bad news 100 10A Fllshow youaround buildings andstrustures _comparativesdectives Building onthe Pest 102 108 Amazing views seogeplical features superlative aijectivos Exploring Hang SonDoong 108 10€ Practical English Writing s postcard 10 Review Test Units 9&10 12 Listening Scripts 14 GrammarReference 124 O countiis &nationalties @ the verb be 1 VOCABULARY A Have you ever traveled to another country? Is there a country you would ike to visit? B @ Belowis a list of countries and their nationality adjectives. Fill in the blanks. Then listen and check. _ a oom -an 1 8 4 Germany German 2 Mexican FLAGS What flag is this? 3 South Korea Sauth Korea This is the Canadian flag. ‘jan 2 + Beit ae @ SEES Fi pean Spanish 5 Seoul Seoul isin South Korea. 30 Turkey ae 8 Athens 1 7 Madrid 42 United Kingdom — British heal ~ese 18 Jopan Japanese 14 Vietwam 6 Chinese 2 LISTENING 18 Portugal Portuguese A QHD Liston to tho throo conversations. Chock(¥) ‘ the sentences you hear. irregular 17 Greece Groek 1 Dm anew student here 18 Franco @ 20 Switzerland —— Ly Where do you live? Thai 2D Thsis myclassmate Swiss 17 Came say it my fey, 8 Cm tom china, © QBED Tote Tho World Guiz with your partner. You can C1 Areyoufrom China? fing the arswers fromthe chart in B. Thea listen and check 4 uritt LANDMARKS Which country is each landmark in? MONEY Where is each currency from? 18 the pound The pounds fom the United kiagcom 14 the yen 15 the yuan 16 the baht B QRMM Liston again. Answor the questions. 1 Whara is Elizabeth from? 2 Wha is Ana? Whereis Ana from? 3 What is Elizaneth’s last name? How is it spelled? _ Pronunciation’ 1 QUE Listen and notice the change in stress. Canada Canadian Chira~ Chinese Haly-itaian| Vetnam Vietramese Enyot~ Egyptian Jopan Japanese 2 Ab Practice the words above. Focus an the word stress. 3 GRAMMAR A GBB Listen and complete the sentences. 1 ‘you here far Enalish class? Yes, 2 This ‘Ana, my roommate. from Mexico. 3a fom China from South Korea, B 42 Discuss what pronouns come with am, are, and is. Learn more about te verb be. > Grammar Reference p. 124 © Complete the sentences with the verb be. 1. A That's Ming, She's in my English class. B sie from China? A No, she She's from California ‘And that's Ghen and Lee, Ming's best trent, B they from California too? No, they They're rom Chin. 2 ALi, my name, ‘Mark. What's your name? B Hi. Mark. Alison, vyoua student? ANo.| Actually. | a teacher theyre = iheyte youare you're shes = she's srenot=arer't heisehes isno:=isnt 4 WRITING & SPEAKING ‘A Complete the sentences about yourself. Write more things about yoursolf. + My name is 4 +m from ‘and | lve in 'm 2 B 83 Make groups of four. Introduce yourself to your group. © B8 Work with a student from another group. Tell ‘your partner about your group members. Unit1 5 5 READING Gam ‘A Have you ever been to a wedding? Whose wedding was it? B ead the article and complete the fanily tree below. Q henge: Mao ames == © Read again. Markthe sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct the false sentences. 11 Ming's parents lve in London, 2 Lei works as a hairstylist in South Africa 3 Ming's parents-in-law run a grocery store in Japan, 4 Chloe and Lorenzo havea three-year-old daughter. D ELIEUA Complete the sentences with the words in the box. [tance fatteriniaw ——ssterindaw niece 1. Myhusband has a sister. She is my 2 Mybrotherhas a daughter. She is my 3 Akio is my husband's father. Ho is my Fianes is use for aman vais engaged and lance is used fore women who isengaged Both are prcnounced the same way. 4 im going to marry my boyfriend, James. He is my E. && Draw your family wee. Then talk about it with a partner. 6 LISTENING A Look atthe people and their names below. Who are they? > Chive & Lorenzo Chong and Min are Ming's parents. B QI The people above are congratulating Ming and James. Listen and number the pictures in order. 6 units My Wedding Day \ Hi, Pm Ming, Vn 26, and I’ns from China. I’m getsing my master’s degteein fs fashion management here in London, “Today is my wedding day. My handsome flancé, James, is standing next to me. Z Hie 0. hee Tig ues Cus dtins Heteanarchtiee, WF snses hte lbdtesncrroas -_— oa ‘My dad, Chenglei, and my mom, Min, i ‘Tianjin, China. Thisis their first trip to London. I'm excited to show them my new house! here to celebrate my wedding They live in Thave a brother, and he's here too. His name is Lei, and he's 22. He's a hairstylist. ‘We don’t see each other offen because he lives in South Africa. Today, he's here with his girlfriend, Sara. She's from the Philippines, and she’s really great. My father-in-law, Akio, and my mother-in-law, Mao, are here as well. My fiancé is excited tosee them. Th always busy, so he doesnt get to see them very often. ‘They run a big grocery store in Canada Chloe is my sister-in-law, She's 38 and lives in Australia. She's married to an Italian guy, Lorenzo, They have a three-yearold girl, Leah. Thave a Japanese-Canadian-ltalian Australian nieve! ‘Our family i so international! Min OVER TO YOU 1 When do you get 10 see your family and relatives? ‘Who usuelly comes to those gatherings? Who doesa't? 2 Wha do you talk to the most when you get together? Is there a family member yau especially lke or look up t9? Why da'you like that person? 1 VOCABULARY A Look at the pictures below. Where are ‘the people? What are thay doing? B QED Match the activities with the pictures. Then listen and check. camping Hoing stopping [LJ soing tothe movies i tistoning to music Clineving tras [practicing the guitar [1 reavina nasty LJ stuaying a foreign tanguage [walking my dog taking pictures [watching sports [El working out © AB Cen you think of someone you know ‘who enjoys any of these activities? Tell your partner. ‘My mam enjoys stung treign © tree-tine activi I'm into... 2 LISTENING A @BBD Listen to four people talk about their free-time activities. Which activity does each person talk about? B_QMGN Listen again. When and where do these people do these activities? Complete the chart. When Where 3 GRAMMAR A @BED Listen and complete the C 2% Write sentences about yourself using love, like, enjoy, don't sentences with the verbs in the box ‘mind, don’t like, and hate. Then share your answers with your a partner, lke love enjoy hate | = 1 we suing oegn 9 ° 9 Jonna love tke, enjoy don'tmind don't ike hate 2 |__walling mv doa 1 doo tke dancing (sae al working out pT a ek at 1 reading postry when ——__—esiiaie) \was yourg, Bo goto the gym) 4 {olay onine games} B && Circle the verbs that follow /ove, ike, 5 {cook at home) enjoy, end hate. What form are the verbs {shop online) int 7 {study foreign languages) Learn more about ike Jove, joy, hate + ing I don't tke dancirg. How about you? — | enjoy dancing > Grammar Reference p. 124 Pronunciation + @WBListen and repeat. Notice how the words with ag endings ere pronounced. cooking ring pk 19 watching reading swimming got 2. Practice the sentences in exercise 3C. Focus on the correct pronunciation of ing endings. 4 SPEAKING & WRITING A Write sentences about yourself by matching parts A and B. ae ‘lave — with my friends: Jove listening to music in the mening B && Compore your sentences with a partner, ‘hate going to the movies alone, Oh, realy? | enjoy going to the moves atone unit1 9 5 READING Qn A What do you usually do on weekends or in your free time? What activities do you enjoy doing? B Look atthe pictures and the title. What is the woman doing? What do you think the article is about? © Read the introduction to the article. Check(¥) the correct sontonces about Rebecca Cant. She helps poor familias 1 She is a musician She writes baoks about music D Read the rest of the article. Then make sentences about Rebecca using the phrases below, community center onthestreet —_ classes and programs make dinnar make time the piano or the guita folk music club three-year-old old country song fabecca works at a comm o 6 LISTENING (BED Listen to the conversation between Rebecca and Mr. and Mrs. Hawi, Chock(y) tho correct answers. 1 Mr.and Mrs. Hawi 1 helped Rebecca last week signed up for a computer lass a a's concerts: Dat night 3 Rebecca ] works on weekends C1 peis energy from music Mm OVER TO YOU 11 Do you think hobbies are important? ny or wity aot? 2. What are you ‘ume for these things? pies end interests? Do you think youmake enaugh pit) TTT 7 gel te areas On weekdays, she is Con ace Een Ft Peron aoe coe onmier n aeee tse) ros Cnet Seenaacn SEC | Cer hs Hard, Play Hard! Rebecca Cant On weekdays Inher free time With family ... Rebecea has a simple routine on When workis ovr, Rebecca goes homa Rebecca lives with her American weekdays. In the momning, she gets up and listens to music. “We always have fhsband, Jeremy, and thelr three ear and gets ready for work Then she rides music playing in our house. she says. oldson,Ben.“Ifst met Jeremy at a folk her bike to the community center by She loves making dinner whitelistening music cub. was singing an old country Sam. Rebecca spends most of her day to music She lkes songs about love, song from America, He asked me how utsde her office She talks to people travel, and adventure, Later in the 1knew the song. Tht’ how we started onthe street and visits people at their evenings, se plays the plano or the talking.” Rebecca often sings songs to homes She aks them about thelrives, guile. Sometimes she practices some her fer. "Singing makes me feel 30 wwotk, and families. he helps people old songs. Sometimes she writes new happy she says, with ficulties. She also helps people ones, “Lalways make time forthe things find classes and programs they need, Love," she says, unit? 11 Practical English Social expressions 1 VOCABULARY A. How do you usually greet your friends? How about your family or people at work? B Look atthe expressions in the box and write the correct letter for each question. 1. Which ones aro usud to say ello? §— (] J] Have @ good day. g. Thank you very much peered | oe omnes 2. Which ones are used to say goodbye? [_][_] ae eran ferent 3 Which ones are used to say thankyou? [_][_] Which are responses toa thankyou? [_]|_] 4 Which ones are asking for something? [_][_] 5 Which sured to apologize? Oo Which is a response to an apology? [7] Hoy, Pete. How's itgoing? b, 4d. [e's alright. ‘©, Sure,no problem. k. See you! Bye. f Thanks. 1. Gocd morning, Mrs. Jones. How are you? © BB Look at questions 1-4 above. There are two answers to each question. Of the two, which one is more formal? D_ @BED Look at the pictures and dialogues below. Use expressions from B to complete the conversations. Then listen and check. E_ && Practice the conversations. sally Mrs. Jens 0 ist gs Are yon our nyt choo? Sally estan Mrs. Jones Wil hve Sally Thos Ms Jones Scipasastoa os tuver ese ? Sally = . Pete Hoy, Sally. I'm doing okay. You? Sally I'ma little nervous about my test today. Pete Oh, that’s taday? Good luck on your exam! Sally Thanks, See you after class Pete Sally asks to borrav a pen in cas, Sally Emma, I can't find mine, re youge, I give it ack t you after class 2 READING & SPEAKING A Sally makes a new friend, Drew, at a schoo! party. Complete Sally's lines using the sentences in the box. Drew Hi, Im Drew Are younew here? Sally D Sorry, Sally. What's your last rame again? a D Lebedeva, okay. Nice to meet you. Where are you from? Bo D_ Wow. I'm from Vancouver! Where in Ganada are yeu from? So D Great, Sawhat are you studying? s + Nive meeting you too. Bye. + lim studying English. You? + Lebedeva. It’s spelled L-E-B-ED-EV-A, + Yes, i's my firstday [im Sally Lebedeva, + tim from Canada, but was born in Russia, Lebedeva is @ common family name in so Russia, D Im studying fine art This is my last semester. So where are you staying here in Sydney? s D That's great Well it was very nice meeting you, Sally + lim staying with an Australian host family. B_&& Practice the conversation with a partner. Switch roles, TYP TE + lim from Vancouver too! | grew up there and moved here for school a month ago, © && Have a similar conversation with your partner. Whore a you trem? I rom Singapors but! ves bwin Indonesia Sownat are you studying? {im studying econammics, What atout you? Sallyis lost ard asks for help. Sally Good morning, professor. Vm looking for Professor Kwan's office. Professor Jenkins His affica is at the ond of this hallway, on the left Sally On, |see it Professor Jenkins Sally bumps into Mike the hellway. Mike Oh, are youalright? Ididnt see you there Sally Fim fine. Do you teed some help with that? Mike No,| got it. But thanks! 14 © personality adjactives Tom is realty gets up early or works hard. L Juen gets along well with strangers. He's very He never 1 VocABULARY A How would you describe your personslity? Use threa words to describe yoursett B_ @MED Look at the pictures end complete the sentences with the words in the box. Then listen and check. talkative outgoing funny lazy selfish quiet shy serious caring hardworking © && How well do the words above describe you? Draw a circla, triangle, or an X next to ach word. ‘Then use these words to talk about your personality Qzusually A=sometimes X=notreally 1 think im telktive: fh Sometimes fim s A Fant realy ony but im usuelly omgoing D Do you know any other adjectives that describe porsonality? Unit 2 @ ewestionwords People around me She Naudia alwaysdoes her bast. She is very na te kim always tries to help other people. She's so, 2 LISTENING A @RED Listen to the conversations and choose the correct answers. 1 Martinis Cathy's coworker / boyfriend. Martin works at 2 calé on weekdays / weekends Cathy usually sces him after work /school 2. Martin is Melissa's brother / boyfriend. Melissa says he never / always cleans his room, Melissa thinks / doesa’t think Martin has a girlfriend, B GME Listen again. How do Cathy and Melissa describe Martin's personality? 1 Cathy thinks hes DD quet Osy Dtenny Di caring Oi hardworking 2 Molissa thinks he is Ti taketive = 1 funny levy Osty Oi hardworking © Grammar Reference p. 124 © Complete the questions with who, what, when, where, why, and how. is your favorite movie character? Sherlock Holmes. ‘would you describe his personality? e's tarkanive and serious, does he live? He ives on Baker Street in Landon, is special about him? He's very smart. He solves cnmes. do you like hi He's bvitiant and funny. did you watch the mavie? /watched it three years ago. D a& Ask your partner about their favorite movie character. Use the questions in C. Pronunciation 1 @HBD Liston and repeat. Notice how tho intonstion changes when question words areused, [shea student (Do you eat breakfast? _# Who is he? Wher jouentbreaktaat? 2 & Prectice the conversation in exersise 3C. Focus an your intonation, 4 SPEAKING A && Complete the questions with the correct question words. Then intorviow a partner. You can also make your own questions. isyour birthday? How would you describe your personality? ‘are you from? Well m outgoing and ate your hobbies? vwould you describe your personality? ) ) ») is your best fiend? your best friend Oe B 83% Introduce your partner to tho class. unit2 15 5 READING Qua [A Think of your closest friends. How did you mect them? B 8 Road about Jessie's frisnds. Then make sentences about them using the words in the box. screenwriter rock band exchange student high schoot new recipes Spenish class literature club Portugal Dory wants tote 2 sereenuriter Look atthe highlighted words. Write them next to their definitions. always tallng the truth not araid of trying new things vwiling to give and share things having a set goal and trying hard always telling people what to do able to lear andl understand things quickly D_ Which of Jessie's friends would you most lke to meet? Why? 6 usTENING (QHED Jlessio’s friends are talking about her. Listen ané check(¥) the two words that each person uses to describe he. 1 Sandra Cl sweet C1 taltative C earing 2 Reese Cl quiet Clhonest 1 open-minded 3 Tory CO bossy C1 funy C1 inteligant 4 Ping — Cearing Li shy C1 understanding 5 Omity shy outgoing C1 smart 6 Grace Olazy honest C1 helpful 16 unit2 ‘Sandra and | both work part-time at a bookstore. She's quiet but very hardworking, She never comes te work late or leaves early. She's also kind and She plys guitar rack aot free tickets to her shows. —e I met my bestfriend Reese in high school She is ‘and caring, 50 she gives the best advice. She is 2 little serious, but she stil kes to have fun, Traveling is one OF her favorite things ta do, We are going to Portugal together this summer, "im OVER TO YOU 41 Tell your partner about three af your friends, Talk about + their personality + their intorasts| 2. How da you think your friends describe you? @ Whatdo you thinkis the best partof ycur personality? Whatdo you thinkis the worst part? les talkative 0d with times ost ‘Tony is one of my roommates. H and outgoing, That’s why he’s 90 people. He's also a goad cook. Som tre cook together, and he teaches me ecines, He's alittle lazy though, so !do m« of the work! a Screenwriter, doit cant in my Spanish class late, but Grace is $0 fet about it. She's a Grace is the teaching assist ‘Sometimes | turn in my homework ‘etanding, She never gets uPst unde! she’s patient if students make mist tittle BE, but Lreally admire her Ping is an exchange student from China. He ikes to learn about other cultures. think that’s because he's so BAWEREUSIS anc ‘open-minded. He enjoys living abroad, but he misses his family. They talk on the phone every week, Ping Is funny too. He alw, makes melaugh, “ © acjectives to dascribe appearance —@ adverts of manner Talking about appearance hb aid 2 start ered 8 brown 3 =u EE mustache J 16 very. Moni Fs sa ie nae ; V4 . . + a I" I 1S fairly snot ‘15 pretty tall rr 8. ol 1 VocaBULARY A Think of your favorite actor or actress. Describe his © @9IEQ Check (y) is or has. Then listen and check. or her appearance. is [hes a i short He hes gray hair and own eyes [a [a she tong eury rai B @REA Write the corract ward for each picture. Use i ‘the words in the box. Then listen and check. © | O |? He____bata . ol]a|ste abeard anda mustache. beld beard — blond curly young iw shor, al —_ aust Oo | om [4 she tal and sin ololste oid FP scot epee ere sieses | ake ness sre pm uo ‘My grandpa is bald, Ho is very tal 18 Unit 2 2 UsTENING A @HED Listen toa conversation between two friends who got backstage passes to a concert. Write the roles of the band members below the pictures. + leaden + drummer + guitarist + keyboard player B @ME) Listen again. Whois each sentence about? 1 He's really outgoing 2. He plays boautifuly 3 People cal him “Fiying Fingers.” 4 Howrites the songs. 3 GRAMMAR 4 SPEAKING A @MED Listen and complete the sentences with the A Think about people you know. Find someone who aalettan the hoe conten gach denarii. Wile we mors lige sient person fox wooly wal beauty + tal and stim | + has curly ait 1 Hometime amis I. 2 Haphaye te kyoaae pe ame : 3 He plays the gutar 4 He sings: Name Name B_B& Compare the sentoncos below. Discuss how the “spesissoaly | . adverbs add meaning to the verbs. | She sings. . Sie singe uly Name Name ‘She sings beautituly Leatn more about adverbs of mann. > Grammer Reference p. 125 + in his/her thirties B && Tell a partner about the people above. (My tend Pete is tall and sim. He sings well He is talkative © && Make five sentences about yourself using the verbs and adverbs below. Tell yaur partner your sentences. ext walk fast slowly lean play ‘quickly easily ‘speak — work well beautifully sing dance loudly quietly make — drive carefully hard | eat fast, but | speak slowh. | pley the piano weil Welcome to B&H The BestHairColoringkit. | B2Sic Workout Kit Full-body workout tools, all in one box! Get your dream color at home! We know what you're thinking, Do youwant toll your hairat home? Aiomtmeibeni Many at-home hale coloring prectucts SERBS hat, but notthis one! Try this all-natural Paircoloting kit now. ew leave you with beautiful, healthy hair! 1 never gocanyway, ‘An exercise machine? takes up too much space. Stop thinking anc start moving with ths basic ht This isan excellent choice for HRIBY beginners, «long-lasting colors sa wide range of options. Includes: + Stepper /dumbbells exercise ball *DVD with seven 15-minute workouts 5 READING Ona A Look at the top of the web page. What is the D MGEEEAA Look at the highlighted words. Match promotion offer? them with their definitions. 1 10 harm something B & Read about the two products. Wht are the a silt Nave bb advantages of each product? Make a list with a 3 afters pry tea partner. fenrmayin 4 not sure about what to do © Read about the two applicants on the next pege. 5 to add color to something ‘Answer the questions. 6 1 special sale orevent to sell something 11 Why doos Josh use at-home hair coloring products? E Would you lke to try these products? 2 What does Josh say about the edvantages and ity orcatiy mat disadvantags of natural products? 3 When did Emma gain weight? 4 Why doesn't Emma go te the gym? 5 Why are Josh ard Emme interested in these products? 20) unit2 BEAUTY & HEALTH products: Keeping you beautiful and healthy! Choose the product that you want to try. Tell us your story. wi you want to try this product? fhaircoloring kit _ workout kit Josh, 20, Chicago Hello. 'm Josh from Chicago. Ihavelong curly halt, and I dye my hair frequently | use at-home hair coloring kits to save money, bbut the reqular kits damage my hair. Now | use only natural hair coloring kits. They dort damage my hair, but the color doesn’t last long, Id love to try out this new kit. hope it can help me. [haircoloring kit Mworkout kit Emma, 3),Dewolt im a working mom in Detroit. | gained 2 lot of weicht when | was piégnant, Now | want to be slim again. | know | should start working out. When | had enough time, | went to the gym regularly. But now | need to be at home as much as possible This kit has shor! workouts that | can easily do at home. It sounds perfect for me! Josh and Emma got to try the products. Listen to their reviews and check |) the correct answers. Hair Coloring Kit 1 Josh says this pradut is boter than ether products CO cheaper than other products. 2. After he uses the kt 1 his hair fee's soft. bis har necomes damaged 3 Ho wil 1 keep using the coloring kit stop using the coloring Kt 44 He thinks this arodut is a great option (1 an okay option Workout Kit 5 Emma especialy kes 1D the stopper. D the ovo, @ She thinks the 15-minute workouts are Di too short. 1D very usetul 7 She oxarcises Di every day. Di every weekend. 8 She says she is more stim now. DD she feels healthier 1 Have you ever bought beauty or health products online? What dd you buy? 2 Were you satisfied with the products? ‘Why o° why net? 8 What kinds of beauty or health products «do you buy regularly? What de you consider when you choose ther? unit2 21 OC / Fractal emacs Talking about similarities and differences 1 READING A Cathy is talking about the similarities and differences between herself and her mom. Read and answer the questions. My mom and I have many things in common. We both have curly brown hair, and we are both short. We are algo edventurous. We like to try new things Finally, we both love romantic comedies. So we often go to the movies together. There are some differences between us too. She has brown eyes, but I don't. Ive got my dadts blue eyes. Our personalities are different too. My mon is talkative, but im not tn fact, Crm pretty quiet Lastly, she loves plants and gardening, but | dont. | like taking care of animals STS uC Cane ane ot) Serene nee crue ee een eed are their personalities differant? Dae tue) B_&b Read the first paragrapn. Find and circle the E ah Read the second paragraph. Find and word “both.” Discuss where itis placed. underline “but | don't” and “but Im not.” Discuss when each is used. © Look at the sentences below. Put the word “both” in each sentence. Mark where it would go. F Look at the sentences below. Write “but I don't” ie ‘or “but 'm not” in each blank. Worhave dar y professors gray hair, but don't Weare tal 1 Myprofessor has aray hair, 2 My parents are rich, My mom loves computer games, ‘Weare quiet and shy. ote puter ‘Wo wear glasses. 4 My sister likes to swim. 1 2 3 Welike taking pictures 4 5 B My brother's vory lazy, D ab Find similarities between yourself and your partner. Make sentences using “both. G && Practice using “but | don't” and “but I'm not.” We both have frown baie Make sentences about people you know. My mom likes pasta but | don't 22 unit2 2 WRITING A Think about your family members. Complate the sentences. ib shy / outgoing, but Irv not. 'm. 1 ‘and both have hai 2 ‘and | are both talkative / quiet, 3 ‘and bath lke 4 has hair, but! don't. | have hair, 5 6 Ikes butt dow. ike B Pick one of your family members. Compare yourself to that person. Write tie ways in which you are similar and different Family Member], TESTE aii —_ similarity — We eyes hair ) Hara | strane —Hafe oat "| git aye a= -takatve/quiet ssimilarity —> We outgaing/shy sdiference = He/She EE) cen anis Baia ——— -similarity >We toad -movins sdilference — He/She tt! | el tain Write ebout yourself and the person above. Compare your looks, personalities, and likes. Add any details you want. ccccecerrercec TDIVIAIIIIIVG ‘SIMMLARTIES | and | have many things in common. looks » + Wo personality> -We(eelalso likes » + Finally, wo aFENENCEE | Thare ara some differences between us tao, looks » + He/She personality » ~ Our personalities are different tno, He/She likes » + Lastly, he/she ee — Df Share your writing with a partner. Ask about other family members. Soc ert ae ie ee Now about your mom? Is she tall and stim too? io, she isnt. She's unit2 23 Units 1&2 y Review Test 1 LISTENING A You will hear five conversations. Listen end choose the correct answer for each question. 1 QED Whee dace Mr Tumor look lke? 2 CRE What doos the new professor look like? a b. 5 ®. 8 QR Which is NOT true about Nathar? ar Hels my, b. Hes smart ¢. Hels talkative 4 QHED Where vid Janet NOT grow ug? 3, Canada b. New Zealand e. china 5 QR What will Josh do on the weekend? apy cars . work €. 0 camping B_@XEB Listen to two interviewors talk about job applicants’ personalities. Put a letter on each blank nextto the correct person. 1 Clarence a. outgoing 2 Terese bi shy 3 Abdi . talkative 4 Casey _—_ d. lazy 5 Fite . herdworking 6 Lowis 4, selfish 9. serious h. funny C @HED Listen to the conversation and check if each sentence is correct (Yes) or incorrect (No). ves 1 Janae lites going shoopng af 2 Joante is going camping this weekend, oo 3 Mark's girlfriend hates outdoor activities. oo 4 Mark ikes staying at home oo 24 Units 182 GRAMMAR ‘A Choose the correct answer for each blank. 1 A___thoy om the United States? B Yes. they are als be cam 2. Ais Ms. Mantero your mother? Byes. a. she is b she's itis 3 A___didyou go lastnight? B [stayed at home. a.What b. Whee ¢. How 4 don't tke____out a.cating boat cate 5 enjoy ___ to the beach. I's so beautifull ago b.t0.90 ©. going B Read the conversation below and choose the correct answer for each blank. ‘A Hi Mark, Youre late, 1___ were you? B Sorry, | was working late.2__else is coming to ourparty? A Jessica and Travis are coming. 3____will they get here? B They didn't tell me wat tine they'll get here, 4____ate they coming? By bus or train? A I'mnotsure. 5 ____does it matter? B Traffic is really bad. I they come by bus, they may be late ton, 1 a. When: >. Where ©. What 2 a.How b. Why ©. Who 3 a. When b.What Why 4 0.Who b. How ©. When 5 a. Why >. Where c. How © Read the conversation below and complete the sentences using the given words. A. Did you go to Maya's performance lest nit B Yas, Idid, She played 1 (beautiful) ‘A. didn't know she could play the violin so 2 (good) B She played the songs so 8 (aie, didn’t sho? A ttwas amazing, The crowd cheered so 4 (loud) at the end. Everyone was impressed. VOCABULARY ‘A. Complete the sentences withthe best words. 0 Amika is _ Braviian Brazil 1 Suavis 2 They are from Tokyo, Japan, They are 3. I mot my husband in Australia. He's from there, sa he's She is from Rin de Janeiro, She is from Toronto, Canada, 4 Vought a ‘Switzerland. watch. It was made in 5 We ate macarons ata bakery in France, I's a famous treat. Choose the correct answer for each sentence. 1 Hove (reading / working out), | spend a lot of time at the library. 2. We enjoy (playing tennis / carmping) in the forest on wookends 3 {love (going to the movies / playing cards) win my friends atthe table after a meal. 4 When Ineed to relax, lenjoy {walking my dug / studying a foreign language) and thinking about nothing, 5 don't lke (going shopping / practicing guitar), but | hhave ta get some new clothes. Complete the sentences with the best words. 1. A Doos your mom hava hair? B No, its curly, 21am young, but my grandmother is. 3 He has no hair on his head, He is Alam I eantt reach the top of the bookshelf 5 The child’s hair looks golden, He has hair Check the correct word for each description. 1 He tolls jokes all the time Dtunny O serious 2 Sheis always at work. Dishy Di hardworking He always has something to say Dilaxy Di tolkative 4. Sho naver helps me when | nged it. Dsetisn quiet 5 He doesn’t clean his raam often outgoing D1 lazy Review Test? 25. @ everyday items _@ simple present Things I need every day 1 vocaBuLaRy S LMA A How often do you go to a supermarket? Where do ea ured ‘you usually shop? Do you go by yourself orwith your MMAEn S Ten tse oe family? B_ @QHEY Match the words and the items in the ads. ‘Then listen and check. [1 band-aids [disposable zs tight buts Ci tatieries Ll vet wines tater poper Ll taundrydeteroent —] shamcoo TA tootnpaste i sunsereen © Name other items shown in the ads. Think of some other everyday items. Ti ie ie , 2 LISTENING A @MED Listen to a conversation at a supermarket. What things do the speakers buy? Check(¥) the items, Things to Buy Ci disposable razors C1 sunsereen PT Ci toilet paper Ci louncry detergent wot wipes B_ @EEI Listen again and complete the sentences. 1 The man is al out of 2 They won't buy berause it's not on sale, Stich 3 They will buy because it's on sale 3 GRAMMAR A @XED Listen and choose the correct answers. 1 Let's frish shopping before he wake / wakes up 2 Ineed (needs visposeble razors 3 We don't / doesn’t nead toot paper 4 She don't/ doesn’t wari to buy sunscreen 5 Do /Do ‘wo need laundry detergent? B 8 Discuss the questions below. + When do you add ~(els toa verb? + Whan do yau use do end when do you use does? Learn more about the simple present. > Grammar Reference p. 123 © Complete the sentences with the simple present forms of the verbs. 1 My mother always. make) a shopping list bofare she. (00) shopaing 2 Lusvally {drive} othe supermarket | almost never (wall 8 My father {oot buy) a lot of snacks 4 Lusually (buy) toilet paper when i's on sale 5 My sisteronly (use) 2 sgecific brand of lotion, 8 My parents usually {shop) online Thay. {not go) to stores very often D_ 8 Change the sentences in C into questions. Ask and answer the questions with your partner. oes your mother always make a shopping Ns? No, sie doasr'. | usually make one though Do you usualy drive to the sypermartot? Yes, 160. i Pronunciation 1 QEEIListen and repeat Notice how the verb endings with -sand -es ae pronounced Hohaas cat fe cooks everyday. She watches TV, 2: @HEI Practice the pronunciation of the different verbs endings. [3] dens wits shops Lal buys gos eves lidlenanges washes uses 4 WRITING & SPEAKING A Completa the sontoncas with tho words in the box . Five thin J can t live without Fuse it My PHONE My GuITan Playing music is my © ursam YF site y a” ABT COFFEE ———s tinged a cup =o ra my can Loveto on weekends. + all the time + start my day sarylips “favorite activity + take long drives B && What are five things you can't live without? Brainstorm ideas by discussing these questions with a partner. 1. What do you use all the time? 2 What do you like to do every day? 9. What do you always have in your bag? ‘4 What do you like todo on the weekend? 5 ts there an object thats special or important to you? © && Make your own list of five things you can’t live without. Share your list with your partner. The fest ter on my ist 8 my phone. {use ital te time, The second item(s my bicycle. fade it units 27 28 5 READING Om A Do you use lemons? When do you use them? B Skim through the article, Write the correct heading for each tip using the headings from the list below. Keep Ants Out ofthe Kitchen Remove Stains Easily Got Boautifuland Healthy Skin Make Your Nails Clean Again Highlight Your Haie Naturally Keep Your Fruit Fresh © Road the articlo. Which situations can lemons holp with? Check(¥) the correct boxes, T thave damaged her. 1 My nails C0 there a TH twant tog ‘edi sweat stains on my shir ind vagotables. Ud My arms are sunburned 1 There are ants inside my house. D8 Look at the highlighted words and phrases and guess their meanings with a partner. 6 LISTENING QED Listen to peop tak about dtferent ways to use lemons What gid thoy us thom for? Are they satisfied with the results? 1 They want to keep ants out / clean the kitchen. Are they satisfied? Yes CNo — C Don'tknow 2 They want to block swoat / remove stains ified? = «Yes, = CINo. C1 Don'tkno 8 She wants to highlight her hair / make lemonade Is she satisfied? yes No = 11 Don'tknow, Are they 5 Ma read mM OVER TO YOU Orta dire tire 1 Seo ener fd sone acta shes tins pete sbeking soda olivecil salt «vinegar = super to make lemonade. 2 Do you know any tips for the tasks below? Share any tios you know, eee mom (0) ‘removing stickers from jars + deewrinkling you emis DRL) a + cleaning vathroom thes + claaning tea or coffee cup stains Nee lt nti Con Come ‘Avocados and apples are healthy and delicious. But what happerss when you cut them and leave them out? They RGERIBPOINA ond no one wants to eat them. What can you do? Use lemons! Spray some lemon juice on sliced fruit and vegetables. This will keep them looking fresh. Ants often visit picnic tables, but sometimes they also visit your kitchen, Luckily, ants hate lemons. Spray lemon juice near holes in your house. Rub lemons on the outside of your doors and windows too. Then ants will SEPWED. . You can use deodorant to make your underarms smell ‘ better. But what happens when your shirt gets bad sweat : stars? Use some lemon ule to BIR ther. ts the lemon juice with water and put it on the stains. Then wash the shirt with laundry detergent. It will look clean again. Don't go to an expensive spa this weekend. Make a facial ‘mask with lemons! Mix lemon juice and honey. The lemon juice ean get rid of blackheads. It can make your dark spots look lighter too. And honey isa SGU moisturizer. ‘Are your nails yellow or dirty? Run to your kitchen and get some lemons from your fridge. Squeeze leman juice into a bow! of water. Sal your fingertips in the bowl for a couple of minutes. Then wash your hands. Enjoy your healthy-looking nails! Do you want highlights in your hair this summer? Don't spend money at a salon. Mix lemon juice and water. Spray it in your hair and sit in the sun for a while. Just remember to wear sunscreen on your face. You don’t want a S0RBUA with your highlights! Units 29 30 © sescriving items _@ possessive pronouns Is it yours? possessive adctives 2 strived shirt 1 VocABULARY A What do you consider when buying clothes or accessories? Number the words in order of importance to you. (1=most important, 6=least important) __design _ fabric __ patton __trondinoss B ME Look at the pictures. Combine the words from the boxes below to label each picture. Then listen and check. rim _z yet leather gyeatet hie sik plastic icket tress feenim ruboer heels boots silver old earrings ring shieeT floral print bracelet cap 5 Plaie polka dat scart skirt © A Think about things you like to wear. Tell your partner about them: ‘really my brown leather jacket. wari most every dsy 2 LISTENING 6 A @BEQ Melissa is having a garage sale. Listen to the conversation between Melissa and Jane. Check (¥) the ms they talk about. Cieather boots 1 leather jacket Di potkadot dress) floral printaress DD gold earings 1 gold rings B @MED Listen again. Who owns each item? The loathar jacket is Matissa’s dacs Unit 3 3 GRAMMAR A @HED Listen and complete the sentences. 1 What's going on? is this all 2 Soeall these jackets? They're all You mean the polka dot dress? — No, that one's is the floral print one. B 3 Complete the exercises below. 1 Change the possessive pronouns in A by using the phrases below. “his jackets mydress — yourstulf « her dress 2 Change the possessive adjectives to possessive pronouns. “my = + your — his — her sour + + their © Complete the sentences with the words in the box. my mine Katie's hers their theirs 1 A Are these your glasses? B No, they eren't Ithink they are Kevin's 2A Isthis your jacket? B No, iis my dau's, jackets black 3A Isthis your parents’ car? B No, isn’t car is silver 4 Alsthis bog? B No, that is mine is the small one. —————————— Pronunciation Learn more about possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives, > Grammar Reference p. 126 1 QRH Listen and repeat. Notice how the words spelled with Jare pronounced, Thestipad hats ve mine resis jacket? 2 HEI Practice ine pronunciation of i [ailitem fie might (ilprint this his 4 SPEAKING #8 Play twonty questions with a partner. Pick one item that a classmate has or is wearing, but don't tall your partner what its. Your partner will guess what itis by asking yes-or-no questions. Then switch, roles and play again. fim thinking of something that Befongs to 3 person in tis class. an you guass what itis? Ist yours? Yes, itis! ) Is it denim? No, it isnt ‘sit your tag? . Yes, ist units 31 32 5 READING Ox A Look at the pictures in the article. What were they criginally used for? How are they being used now? B Read the ttle and the introduction. Do you know the difference between recycling and upeycling? © af Read the paragraph titled “What Is Upeyeling?” and explein to 8 partner what upeycling is. How is it different from recycling? Dead the rest of the article. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Upcycted itams can be found online only 2 You can't sell upcycled iter. 3 People didn't rouse things in the past 4 Upeyeting can help with the waste problem E GEEIEIA Look at the highlighted words. Write them next to their definitions. Upeyciing takes something old and gives 1 use, a reason why something exists ita now flfGEB Iti 0 way of rousing 2 shops that sell used goods old materials, even trash. Sounds like 3 using new and unusual ideas recycling? Yes, itis similar, butit's also 4 dvds corrtning into omlier parse Atferen. Recyeing ESRI enol 5 to understand the importance of something icpenane Sine te Sriew Geel peste ‘changes an item but doesn't break it down. ‘So you ean doit athome if you have an idea. ‘And more importantly, upcycled items don't just get longer life: they become more valuable and more beautiful F Which of these upcycting ideas are you most interested in? ‘Why? Would youtry to make any of them? 6 LsTENING A Look atthe picture below. What do you think was used to make ‘the decorations? ny at] iT is B @QBED Listen to Seth and Barb's conversation. Check(¥) the ‘orGit shewer forouch guostion: You ean find alot of upoyclingideas online. You can also find upoyeled items in some shops and 1 Where are Seth and Bort) FRFHRESEGHBE. Many people are giving a new lite Clattha brary Cat Seth's place told products. Try searching for some, and you 2 What does Barb want? will find all kinds of SPB@HNE examples, CSeth’shottles Cl Seth's textboai Check out these upoyclng ideas: 3 What place is Barb decorating? © bookends made from old telephones Chertoom = Ther backyard @ outdocr furniture made from ail drums ‘@a lamp made from an empty glass bottle @awreath made from old computer parts © flowerpots made from old tires 4 What did Barb make with some old jeans? Dadress Dapurse Unit 3 FINDING NEW B iu ‘What should you da with your empty glass bottles and old denim jeans? You don't need them any longer, but you don’t SO CU Sa ee ee Cee eae a Upeyetina is not a new idea. In the past, people often reused ' umd - things. They made quilts from ea Uy ld clothes. Thay turned old bags into dresses. Tires ‘ me . became swings forchiirn, | But today, it's common to ie throm away old things and ert, buy new ones, Bacause waste isa big problem, people are starting to BpeBIaKE upcycling again. ‘There are alot of advantages to upcycling. lis a cheap or {ree way to make really cool things. And it’s an easy way to do ’ uo something good forthe environment, sig wie bate tutthatopott new dinking glass Search online for upcycting ideas. Pick an idea that you like, Then share it withthe class, Include details about what i's made from how itis made + why you think i's interesting units 33 aC 1 LISTENING & SPEAKING A Do you drink coffee? If so, what's your favorite type of coffee? What desserts do you like? B Q¥EQ Listen to the conversation between Lisa and a barista. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Lisa ordered two lerge lattes 2 There was one ham-and-cheese sandwich left, 3 Lisa asked fora glass of wate 4 Lisa paidincash C QHD Listen again and complete the dialogue on the right. Compare your answers with @ partner. D 8 Look at tho cafe menu. Role-play the conversation using different menu items. Switch roles. 4 Practical English Everyday shopping SOO Cree Peer ee Va B_ Good morning. L_ Good morning, Can have twa iced lattes, please? B Sure. What 2 L_ One large and one medium, please. Oh, and td tke two ham-and-choase sendwichas; too B _ there's only one left, but we have tuna sandwiches. L_ Okay. Then one ham-and-cheese sandwich and one tuna sandwich, please B Certainly. For here or 2 L Forhere. B like anything else? L_ No. Oh, wait bring me @ glass of water? B Sure. Anything 2 L_ No, thank you B Okay. That's $12.50, pay? L._ By credit card, please. Here would you tke to B Okay Please sign here. Here's your card and receint 1 bring everything right over Thank you! Fe Neturel me owerse 2 SPEAKING ‘A Lookat the people below. Which store do yeu think they are in? Match them to the stores at the bottom of the page Which flowers would Jean lite? Oh, roses! Hm... Where Ki are the mutes? |IMN)) p. i iy! Hoy, thase novels ae really cheap! The aspitin must be around here somewhere The fight bulb boughs here doesnt work {need 2 nevr one, bought this scart yesterday. but ve changed my mind about it B 8% Match the dialogues to the people above. Then practice them with @ partner. 1 A Are these novels an sale? B Yes, they're all $5 today only. 2 A (bought this ight bulb here yesterday, but it doesn't work. I'd ke to exchange it B Oh, in so1ry, Do yauhave your receipt? A Can youtell me where | can find the aspirin? B It’s inaisle 2, over there, © Lookatthe dislogues above. Which customer is asking + if something is on sale + foranather color + if something sold gut + where things are A These roses are nice! Do you have white ones? B Imafraid we only have red and yellow ones. A Then Filtake the red ones. A Excuse me. | would like to get a refund an this scart. B Sure, Gan | see your racoipt? A Excuse me. Ate there any muffins left? B Lotme check, Sorry, were all sold out refund D_ 88 Mace similar conversations with different items. Use the storas below. Take turns being the customer 36 © parts ofa house @ articles a, an. This is my house 1 VocABULARY A. Whatthings are important to you when choosing © Cover the words and look at the pictures. Can you a place to live? name the numbered parts? (number of rooms, rent, lacation, parking, transportation, etc.| D ah Use the vocabulary words to talk about where you live B QRED Look atthe pictures. Write the correct ‘ive in 2 five-story apartment b ve on the thind faor number for each word. Then listen and check. Ben. aite there key warioms Allouse CD ooraae (Cl window Cert steps Ll root 7] ewo-story bse An Apartment Building (1 bacony ts toor Ey second oor (1 top tioor | El tourstery apertment iting 2 InBrkish English the fist Roars called the grunt Sear anche second foor's called he fs por. AmE Bee = Ai foor 3rd thor = i Moor re fone 2d Foor Ist foo > Tetfoor ground foo 2 LISTENING A QRED Liston to two people talk about where they live, Check(y) the picture that best fits each description. cali Check (¥) the things that each home has. two bathrooms Clayard 1 agarage CO abateony Clagarage [a flatsor B GRE Liston agai 1 Cabalcony 2 7 big windows 3 GRAMMAR A. @BED Liston and complete the sentences with a, an, or the. 1 live in__two-stary house. 2 I'mgoing to buy ___flat screen TV and_ armchair 3 There is___ garage. | painted garage door white 4 Myfavorite placeis___balcony. 8 Hiceto look at__sky from ry window B 8 Discuss the use of articles. When do we use aninstead of a? When do wo use the? Learn mareabout articles. >Grammar Reference p. 126 € Circle the correct articles. 1 Live ina / am dormitory on campus. | have a / the roommate, Our rom is very stall, so we don’theve many things in a / the room. 2 Hive ina / am old house in the country. There is a/ the fireplace in the tiving room, A/ The house stays wari in a / the winter live in /an small apartment, There is a / an enormous closet in my room. A / The closet is for my clothos and bags, ee: Pronunciation 1 @MEDListen and repeat. Notice how the is pronounced before vowel and consonant sounds. the house the old Foure the apartment the ma¥ernapartmant 2 QUePractice tne pronunciation of ae We live on the tenth lor ofthe apartment Please movethe armchair tothe iving rocn Ps nTV 4 SPEAKING & WRITING A Think of your dreem home and answer the questions. + Isita house or an apartment? + Where is if? In the city arin the ‘country? + How many rooms are there? + Is thore a yard/a baleony/2 garage? + What color is the house? {root, walls, doors, etc) + What's special about yyourdream hame? B_&& Ask and answer the questions above with a partner. You can also meke your own questions, € 428 Write about your dream home. Share your writing with the class This my oreams ore ts a two-story house with ‘2 red rot and white walls. Gh the fist Roor tere i. * Unita 37 5 READING Qxa A. Road the introduction at the top of the article and look at the pictures. Where is McMurdo Station? Who do you think lives there? B Read the McMurdo Station and Weather paragraphs. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct the false sentences. 1. MeMurdo Station isthe biggest community in Antarctica, 2 Around 1,000 people lve there year round. The average temperature is above O°C in summer. 2 Therenre24 tauesof andight pardiyaurky surtenee McMurdo Station 2 McMurdo Statien is the largest x C Read the rest of the article. Answer the questions. Re ARUnieyiniAniarsticaehe va 41. What do the scientists et MeMurdo Station study? station is located on Ross Island, 2. What other jobs ae thera at MeMurda Staton? and it is run by the United States 3 Whatcan people dain their free time? Antarctic Progrem, or the USAP. 4. How many meals does the cafeteria serve each day? Around 1,000 people ive thera in ‘the summer and around 200 people live therein the winter, 5 Where and how do residents get food? D_Whatis the most interesting thing about McMurdo Station? IF you had the opportunity to work in Antarctica, would you do it? Why or why not? Weather Antarctica is @ giant frozen land. 6 LISTENING The average temperature in summer is slightly below zero HED Listen to the video that Mark's Fiming and complete danreaeltelalis: buttheint ind What each person says. makes it feel much colder. In the . summer months, there are 24 hours Ima in Antartica ) of sunlight each day. In the winter | Ive been hare for months months, however, there are 24 hours of darkness. {work the hi well because ofthe sunfight 1's hand cook because we dent have enough and vegetadle. "is OVER TO YOU 11 How would your daily life change if you liv in Antarctica? Do you think you would enjoy living there? 2 Have you ever experienced a harsh climate? If so, share your experince with the class 38 units Imagine living in one of the harshest climates in che world The temperature stays below freezing almost all year, and orn ee enes Tar cncars Boge a ceae W rene WZ RSs ss en eave C Ce MoM ardo _Station Jobs Personal Life There are many different jobs to do at People at McMurdo live in dormitories. They can control the McMurdo, Soma sciantists are there to do temperature inside. Most poople have a roommate in summer, whon research. They study the weather, Antarctic the station i¢ more crowded. Each person's daily schedule depends animals, geology, sea ice, and many ‘on his or her job. n their free time, peoole can go to @ bar, coffee thar things. They wark in labs or collect shop, or gym. At these places, thoy can participate in game nights information trom sites outside ofthe station and free science lectures. They can also watch a few TV stations, (ther people at MeMurdo keep the station road, or play video games in their rooms. running. They include cooks, meincenance workers, doctors, plumbers, carnenters, and ) firefighters. Food Tho cafeteria prepares four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a nighttime meal for people who work night shifts. There is a ssmall greenhouse in the station, and the rasidants graw tomatoes, ‘cucumbers, lettuce, and herbs. They can't fish or hunt in Antarctica, so the rest of the food is delivered to the station. The food usually comes from the United States or New Zealand. in the summer, an airplane delivers dairy, eggs, and fresh vegetables to the residents every week, © seser Inside a house adjocives 1 VOCABULARY ‘A. Do you like to decorate your room? Why or why not? B QED Look at the posts and complete the phrases with the words in the box. Then listen and check [brie bright builtin cay glass_—smadem ~— round spacious vintage wooden oay 9av ‘Pausk #smalibedroom ‘#kicheninterior #lowernots ‘Pblackendwhite#tvingroom awarmand. bedroom and sunny kitehen alamge, living room with walls with: cabinets andaven witha design eo [Soe 5 oQav A 9QaYv h 9aQayv -48imple #fat Flvingeoom ‘frepaea #armchair #bathrcom #white ‘a smal, simple living room living room interior celgant bathroom with white tiles with a white ecuch with fireplace anda large window and a coffee table anda © Write a post about your room. Pbignindons Hyeltowoom #malouscozy 40 units 2 LISTENING A @HED Liston to two poople talk about their holiday home. What rooms do they talk about? Number the rooms in the order they are mentioned ee FD stoner FF eatnrcon B_ GME Listen again and look at the list below. It ‘shows the things they wantto buy and why. Correct che mistakes. 1 QUmListen and repeat. Notice how final consonant sounds link tothe vowel sounds that follow them, There's abuiltin stove Thisroam istealy cozy ‘2 QAUD Liston and mark the linked sounds. Then practice 3 GRAMMAR A GRE Liston and complete the sentences. 1 Tike tha sofa andother furniture 2 lotsgeta ___carpetina__ color. 3 Itdossa'tmatch this___ktchen. 4 Everything is___ except fr ane thing 5 don’ lke the carpet. @ This room is really B && Look atthe sentences above, Circle the words that each adjective is describing Learn more about adjectives, > Grammar Reference p. 128 © Put the adjective in the right place. 1 11k Msnitue. vintage} 2 I nocd a safe. (comfortablo} 3 The living room is and bright. (spacious) 4 Myroom is but eazy (small) 5 The bathroom is toa (dark) 6 | ve inan apartment. (6) with 8 partner. Theo lamp is too ot, Let's get anew lamp D a8 Change the sentences above to make them true This ccuch is sett and eemfortab for you. Share them with your partner. 4 WRITING & SPEAKING A Look atthe pictures. Which room do you like the best? What adjectives would best describe the room you chose? + Write some adjectives ta describe the room end its furniture simple, bright, wooden + Write some sentences with the adjectives you chose. This room is simple and bright. has wooden fomitire Te walls Imagine that this is your room. Is there anything you'd like to change in the roam? Why? ‘the picture on the wall too bia! © Bf Talk aboutthe room you chose with a partner. Describe the room and how you'd like to change it. 1d ike to change the picture on the well i's to big. | want 2 smalter one J READING & SPEAKING Qa A Look atthe pictures of the two rooms. How would D_&8 Role-play with your partner using the questions you describe them? How are the room decorations below. You can also make your own questions. differant? Switch roles. Student A: You are a journalist Interview your partne: B Read the article about Henry's room and Amelia's “Dhar: You are HenryfAinsle.Artiver- yur parmer's room. What's special about the rooms? ‘questions. You can make up your own answers. € Road again. Complete each sentence with Henry or = What is your job? Amelia + How would you describe your room? 1 ___sloope on a matiras + What to you ike most about your room? 2 has@ ot of art pieces. + Why did you decide to live a simpler life? {to Henry) 3 keeps only important things + Whiy do you visit the flea market regularly? (to Amelia) A ___ isis the flea market regularly + Would you ie to change the style of your raam? 5 ____dossnteollect a ot ot things anymore. Hf s0, how would you change it? 8 ___dovant ike much decoration. 7 collects vases, photographs, and posters 8 rit find space to hang some pictur s Came eat Pee See De De ey Aa | Peete People havd diffdleathifest/les ‘ Coe ed ‘The space someone livps in eee cect es scys clot about the person EY, ens Take these two rooms ipr example, Poe ee Dee erat err Peers ons Pectin) CeCe ed a ec Ce nd De matey Pee ad nee ete aes eee tet car een ome basic white eee eens ee ene Perodua ten Pee oe eeu ney ee ae et ee Tee Penal eee om, there isametel- Ther a 7 Pere fen i . , tof 6 LISTENING & SPEAKING A @KEE Listen to Henry and Amalia talk about their rooms. Complete the sentences below. Henry says... ‘Amelia says ... [ike to koep things +I think my things show my Inyto things ! need, + ike to my place with the things I love. + Iigive away things | don’t anymore. + Hove art and, furniture, B_&& Mark the sentences above that are true for you. Then talk about your room with a partner. ™m OVER TO YOU 1 Do you like your roar? if at would you change aboutit? 2 It you could keep only ten things in your room, what would they be? Make « list unita 43 ac Eee Useful expressions + Making suggtions Nowabout..2 Why dor'twe What iow 7 Lets + Respording o suggestions arether (Okay, et's do tat. That's a gieatides, 44 Unita Practical English Finding a place to live 1 UsTENING A Look at the pictures. These people are looking for 4 place to live. How are they searching? Which way do you profer? B @HED Listen to the conversations and check(y) the correct answers 1 Linda and Zoey want a house that is not expensive Ti available now DD tumisted 2. Tina wants a house that has Di agarden LJ abalcony Daterraco 3 Paul wants ahouse onthe main street Di witha big yard that has two bedrooms C QED Listen again. Answer the questions, Linda and Zoey = When are the upperclassmen moving out? + Will they look at al ofthe houses posted? Josh and Tina + Why does Josh want to ook fora different place? + Wht will they do next? Paul and a real estate agent + Which side of town does Paul want to live on? + Whet isthe real estate agent's second suggestion? 2 SPEAKING A Hove you ever moved to 0 new home? What did you ike about your new place? What dirt you lke? B 2 Suppose you and your partner decided to share a house. Read the information in the ads below. Which house do you and your partner want io rent? Why? tke wo havo a large ving room ‘fe too. We can invite fiends over Fer RENT a an tave pres hore Es. — fi alate living) ean Tora CO MSE ioe Prony foe © 88 Discuss what to buy for the now place and where to put each thing. joy guout buying wooden 5 table and chairs? ‘Fwwoaden chai js to buy Where to putthem T wcoden table terrace Where do you want to put them? Fd lke t put shen on the trace, Good idea! Then we can have coffee oy read there Unita 45, Units 3&4 y Review Test 2 LISTENING A You will hear three conversations. Listen and choose the correct answer for each question 1 @HES Whee will the woman NOT use lemons for? Bc keeping ants away 2. keoping fut resh ¢. cleaning laundry stains 2 QMED Wor does the man’s new apartment NOT have? 3 B QHD Listen to wo people talk about a shopping list. Which items do they need to buy? Check Yes or No. es No 11 shampoo oo 2 wilet paper oo 8 disposable razors ou 4 sunsereon, oo 5 first aid kit oo 6 Band-Aids oo © RED Listen to two people talk obout room designs. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence. 1 Theman thought the woman's rum a needed change. b. was fine c. ad too much stutt 2. The woman realty liked a.her ifestyle b. having a latof stuff. «the idea of minimalism, @ The woman's redesigned room has 2. dark decorations. b. bright decorations. .colorful decorations. 46 Units3a4 GRAMMAR ‘A Choose the correct answer for each blank. 1 Would you like to nat __ orange? aa ©. (8) 2 Inged_____pento sign this paper aa 00) 8 Isthis, notebook? a. yours d. you're . your 4 Thatisn'tmy phone number. Isit__? . Kim's . Kim 5. The book you borrowed wasn'tLile's twas amine b. my come B Read the passage below and choose the correct, answer for each blank. 1L__you want highlights in your hair? Don’t 2 money at a salon, Mix lemon juice and water. Spray itin your hair and sitin the sun fora while.|t3____yaur hairnatually Remember to weer sunscreen on your face. You ___a sunburn with your kighlights! Tad b.00 © Does 2 a. spend b.spends _¢. spending 3 aLhighlight —b. highlights. highlighting 4 a.dontwant —b.don'twants ©. doesn’t want © Read the passage below and write the adjectives from the underlined sentences. Today | looked at several houses for sale. The first house wasn’t bad. 1 It was small bat i looked cozy. 2. kes! the large windows in the living room, However, itanly had two bedrooms. The sacond house was much larger.8 It had-an old fireplace and shiny floors. The problem with that house was the price 4 It was too fexpansival The third house was much better 5 it was the right size, and the price was low. | think Iwill look et itagain and talk tothe realtor about buying it omen VOCABULARY ‘A. Complete the sentences withthe best words. 0 The Spanish-style home has a___roof. clay tiles, made of 1 Hive on the top building, 2 There is an amazing view from the b 3 This home's beautiful y has green giass and a garden. ofa ten-story apartment 4 Thog is where we keep our car. 5 There is a small staircase with only five s leading up to the front door. B Choose the correct word for each sentence. 1 [ike to buy (vintage / glass) furniture from antique stores and old shops. 2 Thisis @ (moder / builtin} bookshelf, soit can't be moved ‘3. Some people think my home is small and uncomfortable, ‘but | think itis warm and (round / cozy 4 These large windows let in ats of sunlight, so the room feals (bright / modem) © Choose the correct word for each description. 1 [always wear this around my nack whan it's eolé outside. a.awoolscarf b.asilvernecklace c.a siknecktie 2 You should wear these when i's raining outside so your feat don't get wet ‘a.adenimcap 6. leather heels 3 My fiance, him a-agold ring «. rubber boats this to me when he asked mo to marry b.awoolsweater —c.asikeap 4 Youneed to put this on your finger when you get a cut a.aBand-Aid 6. sunscreen toothpaste 5 Thisis special soap used to wash dirty clothes, a.toothpaste —blaundiydetergent c. shampoo 6 The hotel provides these for guests who need to shave, a.lightbulbs b. disposable razors. batteries Review Test2 47. 1 VOCABULARY A Do you have a friend + you met at work? + yuive tive with? © telstionship-related word How | met you @ sinpie past statamenis you've known for mare than 10 years? B_ @HED Look at the chart of people's relationships. Complete the sentences using the words in the box. Then listen and check working at the aus company classmates couple cowarkors ex-girlfriend 1 Liam and Beth are. 2 Beth and Natalie are 3 Natalie is Liam's, 4 Natalie and Caleb ara a 5 Beth, Natalie, and Caleb are ‘ance roommates stepmom mutual friend siblings stepson 6 Caleb isa ff Beth and Ethan, 7 Jonah is Stella's & Stella will be Ethan's 9 Caleb will be Jonah’s 10 Jonah and Derrick are © & Think about people you know. Tell your partner about them using the words above J have a roommate. Hor name is Kato. Sho Vane swe sittings. Their cares ace 48 units 2 LISTENING A GED Listen to three people talk ebout someone they know. Choose the correct words. J Rcismy | roommate/ orion. Ps Omar is my Martin is my | classmate /closetriond. fiancé / coworker. mi a B > GQBBM Listen again. How did they get close? Check(y) the correct answers. 1 Katie & Riko OO They were roommates in college. 2 Alicia & Martin (They often walked their dogs together. 3 Bill &Omer OO Their bags were switched. 3 GRAMMAR A QED Listen and complete the sentences with the wires in the box. 1 Our moms. roommates in college. 2 One day, | about his dog 3 Omar and! tothe same gym, but we teach other 4 This bag mine [were wasn’t went asked —id’t know B 8 Maich the verbs below with the verbs in A. Discuss how each verb is changed in the past tense. fsn't sak sare +go. + don'tknow Learn more about simple past statements. > Grammar Reference p. 127 © Complete the sentences below with the simple past, form of each verb. Q. How old were your? A (00) 17 Q Where did you lve? eal Al (ive) with my parents in Minos, @. Who was your best fiend? A Jake. We (go) to the same high school wo (pley) baskettall every day _ Did you look simila: to your curtent self? ‘A. Woll, ack then my hair. bo) shorter. 1 {oot have) ong har Their moms were clase friends, They helped each other in the park They worked out togethar 4 SPEAKING & WRITING A. 88 Who is your bostfriond? Ack and answor tho questions below. When dif you fist meet? How ai you et close? What was your fst ‘impression of hiner? When’ the fast time you mee lhe? ‘How often do you see him/her? B Write a short paragraph about your best friend ‘Aaron is my best fiend, | fist met hrm in my running club He looked shy aad quiet at first, but he started talking and Pronunciation 1 QM Listen ani repeat. Notice how the ‘endings are pronounced, [i}waleed watched fnished ple past (lived played loved [ic}wanted nected onded 2 db Practice saying the words above, Focus on the ending ‘ed sounds. units 49 5 READING Oan A Do you know the game truth or dere? Do you heve any similar games in your counry? How to Play Truth or Dare Asks B, “Truth or dara? $<, »~—__— 113 chooses truth WB chooses dare ‘tell 810 do something and B has to doit Aasts B aquestion and B has to answer trully \ Then itbecomes B's turn to ask, Truth or dave” B 88 Look at the pictures below and guess what happened in each one. Number them in order and make a story, Talk about it with a partner. 50 units © Read the story Tiuth or Dare. Compare it to the story you made. Did you guess correctiy? D & Read again. Which parts show the characters’ feelings toward each other? Find the parts and talk ‘about them with your partner. E_ What do you think happoned ator the story? 6 LISTENING ‘A How do you think the woman in the story felt when asked to play truth or dare? If something similar happened to you, what would you say? B @MEB Listen to the woman talk to her daughter about her lave story. How did her feelings change in ‘the story? Number the sentences in order. [1] she thouaht he was cheesy, ([] ste fet uncomfortable. H she thought he was sweet "= OVER TO YOU 1 Ace you dating anyone? If so, how did you first meet him/her? 2 Do you believe in lve at frst sight? Why or why not? 3 Share a special love story you've heard orread. Why do you thine i's special? Truth or Dare? faerie Chery nese Me NOT Ser Sc CUES en RU na acer offered co share mins, “Thanks,” she tid. “T'm going o the bus stop.” Sree aca reno eet Acree EU aete Cees ncn a eo eee Leva scene taTe TY Suddenly, I said, “Let's play truth or dare.” DRL tenet a Peseta Artec ey eee “I dare you to have coffee with me,” I said. She smiled and agreed. ane was really happy to be with this woman. She was funny, intelligent, Ears eee aS eR ene CeO Rn ca Suddenly, she said, “Truth or dare?” Soe ete Sa et steers Suna tees ct igen ry i We were paying for our drinks when my phone rang Suiesitrt seats Sree reee STS ess ee regs ae esr (f Bia eeeryas tenes ost ter Y 1 fee disappointed on my way home. I didn't know hoy to contact her SUratonr etanscd roe tm enn Hooked downar my change from the day before. “Why do people write on money?fhe complained. A 7, é Sy ere ene eee ere oes ee cc ca © ptrases with g What we do 1 VOCABULARY ‘A When was the last time you got together with your friends or family? What did you do? What did you talk about? B QED Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box. Then listen and check getalong with get dark getdressed.up get better got married got togothor get up get wet 1. Thay seom to 2 I think | have the flu. Lhope each other. 1 s09n. 8 Ineed to for 4 We every winter 5 Wewill in the interview. fora family reunion. a garden, 8 Itdoesn't 7 Myalarm clack didn't go off,so 8 Thechileren play inthe fountain in Norway inthe summer Iida on time, and © BB Use tho oxprossions with gotto ask and answor tho questions below. Thon make your own questions. = Did you late today? + Doyou with your family often? * When did your parents 2 + Do you fe 10 for parties? 52 units 2 LISTENING A @RED Listen to the conversations. What event are the speakers talking about? How does the event go? Why? B QB Listen again end complete the sentences, Nicks Sherris Isis party toy, buthe is too for the party. ‘When he arrives at the party, all the cuests have left. Shert is realy He hopes that shell him. What do you think will happen next? What would you do if you were Amanda, Sherri, or Nick? 3 GRAMMAR A GRED Listen and complete the sentences. 1 He had to take care of at work 2 bid soe my keys? 3 leant fndmy keys 4 ishere. They alot. 8 Would you lke wo usin? B 88 The indefinite pronouns above begin with some-, any-, 0 no-. What's the difference between the three types? What kind of sentences are they used in: questions, negative statements, or positive statements? Learn more about indefinite pronouns > Grammar Reference p. 127 € Complete the sentences with the words in the box. something somebody somewhoro anything anybody nowhere 1A I'm looking for who can speak French, B Sorry, | don'tknow 2 A We don't have who speaks French. to eat athome. B Then fers stop atthe store end get for dinner. 3 ALet's go special for dinner tonight. Any ideas? B How about Aloha Kitchen? {A | love the food there, but there's to park 4 SPEAKING ‘A 82% Play a guessing game using sticky notes. Make groups of four. Follow the steps below. Guessing Game 4 Each member rites @ noun on asticky noe. It ean ba parson, placa, o thing 2 Stick the note on the forehead of the person across ‘from you, Make sure the person can't sea the ward. 3 Guess what the word on your forchead is. Take turns ‘asking and answering yes-or-no questions. & Who guessed their word the fastest? Alsita porsan? B:No it isnt Als ita thing? 2 Yes, itis Ac Is it something we use every day? D: Yes, itis Is it something you keep in the bathnoom? B:No itisnt A: Does anybody have one right now? Na nobody does. Als it something sof B Yes, itis A let me guess. think its a ptlow. B. You'e igh! ‘Questions te ask Isita parso/place/thing? {sit somacna who's? leit somathing «2 Isit somewhere. Does anybody 7 units 53 5 READING Ga A Look at the pictures and the tities. Which category ‘would you put each article under? “Charity Education = Environmental protection B 34 Work in three groups. Read the following parts. Group A ead about Learn to Grow. GroupB Read about Save Our Oceans Group Read about Run for a Purpose © 8b Work with people from other groups. Share formation by answering the questions below. 1. Where will the event take place? 2 When does the main event begin? What other activities ae there? 8. What do participants need to bring or weer? 4 How can you sign up for the event? D_ Which event would you like to participate in? Why? 6 LISTENING QHED Listen to three people talk about the events. Answer the questions. Macy Kevi Sopi Learn to Grow 11 Which activity did Macy's whole family do? 2. face painting b. tree climbing 2. When did Kevin and his friends pick up liter? a. inthe morning b. inthe afternoon ¢. all day 3 Whatis NO ‘She got up early for the event. fe about Sophia? 8, She took the wrong bus, c. She was late for the eve 54 units Save OurOseans —Funfora Purpose tree planting Learn to Grow Let's get planting! ‘The Marin Headlands Nursery is celebrating World Environment Day. Join us from 12.00 to 400 pm. on June 5 to learn about nature and have some fun! Events & Activities There will be games and activities throughout the aftemoon, Current plans Include a potato-sack race, face painting, and tree-cimbing demonstrations. Tee planting vill start at 130 p.m. What to Bring Wear clothes that can get dct. You only need to bring ‘a water bottle and sunscreen, How to Participate Al activities will be best for families vith children, but anyone s welcome. No registration is necessary Just come tothe Marin Headlands Nursery «and get ready for some funt "ms OVER TO YOU 1 Whatelse do people do for good causos? 2. Have you ever taken part in any meaningful events? 8 How do organizations advertise events like these? Look at some examples below. Which do you think are effective? Can you think af same ather ways? “pamphlets = posters + social media blogs we. be eS CALLING ALL SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS! ‘The Department of Biology is holding a beach cleanup n july 10. Get off the couch and come to Heron's Head Park for World Oceans Day. Events & Acti Volunteers wil ies $k up litter from 10.00 a.m. to 12:30 pan, ‘A short presentation about ocean health wil follow. Delano’s Pizza wll provide lunch after the presentation, What to Bring “The rocky areas arouné the beach can be dangerous. Closed.toed shoes are required, Trash bags will be provided. How to Participate ‘Anyone ean come, but lunch és provided only for registered participants Bing your student ID card to the student center to sion up GOING Al Why not go to Go! HERE ON JU 1n Gate Park for our annual company charity run? This year re raising money to buy toys for children in need. Events & Acti Runners can collect their race numbers before 7:09 am. Therace willbegin at 715 am. Live music and 2 raffle will be walting 2t the end ofthe course! What to Bring Getting hurt is not an option! Please wear appropriate runaing shoes and clothing. Plenty of snacks and water willbe available, How to Participate Nobody is too old or inexperienced to participate Anyone can walkor run the ace al or emal Mary Foxin accounting for detas and registrationinformaton, bE 4 Practical English Join the group! — 1 READING & LISTENING PP AL is A Have you everbeen to a charity event? es NYA enna B Look atthe event posters. What do you think they are about? Write the correct name end purpose for each poster. Name ‘Fun fer Water + CarWash Fundraiser + Get a Burger, Fight Hunger Purpose THE ec a + Fundraising concert for @ naw community center weet CLL Ls + Give gifts tu ehiliren in the hospital + Help us buy new basketball uniforms Yr e a ETT Led C GRE Listen to conversations about two of the events. Which events do they talk about? Who wil go to each event? Which event? Whowill got 1 2 the man /the woman /bath the man /the woman /bath D && Pick an event and invite your partner. Switch rolas ‘Student A_ Picks poster and nite Student ‘Student B Ask about the event. (purpose, placa, date, ete) ‘STWOODS CITY PARK oye sling burs lr a trang overt. Wout you tot 93? ai ena Oh realy) Wher fo? uli 15.9 fr er te mony afd at a ae (GREEN HILLS HIGH, BASKETBALL TEAM SS 1K:$5 3k : $10 5K: $15 So ae aT See anaes re es to PR Cn eee 2 SPEAKING A Imagine you are heving a discussion. What expressions can you use for the following actions? + agree with someone + disegree with someone + suggest ideas ‘move on to the next topiz B QHD oe! (J) and Maria (M) are planning @ charity event. Complete the conversation below with the sentences in the box. Than listen and check. 4. First let's tak about how we will raise maney to add 190 books to the library. M | think we need an event that is fun for both parents and kids. JU think so too, M That's a great idea, We could make the cupcakes ourselves, and then the children could decorate them. J Sothat's settled. | think the school cafeteria isthe best place. It's abig space and, we don't have te worry about cain M The cafeteria? Wee should have the event outside. It will be easier to clean up attonwards. 4 That's a good point. Then let's have itin the school narking lt. M Creat! J The date. What do you think about Saturday, September 167 u HW call the schocl and ask i that day is available + | don't think thar’ such a good idea. + That sounds good to me. + What do we need to talk aboutnext? + Where would you like to have the event? + How atiout wo sell cupcakes? © Bf Look at the expressions in the box above. Which are used to agree (Al, disagree (0), suggest ideas (SI, or move onto the next topic (M)? Mark each expression with A, D, S, or M. Then practice the conversation with a partner. D_&B& Now make groups of four. Discuss and plan your own fundraising event. Use the expressions in Joel and Maria's discussion, | 1 Whatis the purpose of your event? eg: help children jn reed, provide clothes forthe homeless What can people do at your event? When is your evant? Lets wk about 1 Do vou think we could..? Where will yur event take place? What is the name of your event? E24 Make a poster and presentit to your class. Vote for the best idea, © verbs in ha past tense 1 VOCABULARY A. How is your day going so far? Did anything good or bad happen? B Write the past tense form of each verb. forget miss is/are find lose fall have get meet de spill go © QTV Change the verbs below to the past tense and use them 19 complete the comic strip. Then listen and check. forget miss lose spill fall asleep have a fight find out D 8 Have you oxporionced anything similar to any ofthe events in the comic strip? Tell your partner about it Yostarday J JV rewrred hen lad coffee on my chess on the way to schoo! 16 J wes late for sles ‘0 charge clothes, 2 LISTENING A. @BE Listen and number the pictures B QQ Listen again. Pick the corract response for the last comment in each conversation. [1 When did you last see them? [1] Let'stake itt a repair shop tomorrow tl [| Maybe you could ask the professor to give you one more day, 1e next one is at ten, so think I'l get there by noon, 5B units simple past questions | lost my wallet! 1 my shire. 3 GRAMMAR A @EZD Listen and complete the sentences. 1 you et up late? 2 What you do? 3 Yyou up all night? 4 How the party? B 8 Change the simple past questions above to the present tense. Which Words change to make the simple past questions? Learn more about simple past questions. > Grammar Reference p. 128 wos a test. | wasrit ‘mal, bue | prepared for it a al my wallet there. © BB Complete the sentences with was, were, or aid. Then ask and answer with a partner. 1 yocrereeyaatenaiy? A Write G (good) or B (bad) next to each situation. 7 Then add your own example. ° How the weather last weekend? missed the bus/train/fight 2 3 Were you tred yestorsay Wha! you da last nigh ‘ hel oon had a great meal bought something that! iked —— 1 Qi Listen and repeat Notice how did you's orate B_&& Talk about good or bad things that happened to Did you getupiat When did youmeet her? you in the past. Ask and answer questions ebout the Did you tl in Whee did you |v events. 2 Practice the questions above, Focus on the pronunciation had a great dimer yesterday. ~ What dil you eat? of did you ro) 5 READING @aa a8 A. Did you ever lose something important? Did you find it again? B Read about how a last hammer ed to an unexpected discovery. Then putthe sentences below in the correct order. (Clawea net oasroning with ie etal astact (J Archaeologists came and sew the treasure. [7] Whetlng fost »harsmer in his ld [LJ Lewes shared the money with Whating, [El tawes gota arge reward tor te tnd [EJ The treasure was taken to 2 musoum in Londen. [EDiiewes found some treasure in tha ald © A Make questions using the words below. ‘Then ask and answer the questions with a partner. 1 What/Lewes's job? What was Lawes's jb? - He was a garlener vist/ ownage Srihari? CeCe a Se ee feet ee aed Ce age Seo Cee ac acu sift. Lawes began searching the field with the ‘metal detector. What di he find there? Not the hammer. Instead, he found treesure. He found a large number of gold and siver objects. Surprised, CL Why/Lawes/surprised? 2 8 4 Whatithe Emaress pepner not/shaped like? 5 Where/the Hoxne Hoari/now? 6 How much/Lawes/get/es @ reward? 7 Lawes/keep/all ofthe reward? D_& Role-play the situation below with your partner. Switch roles. Student You are a journalist. Interview Lawes. You can make your own questions or cironga the questions in Student B You ate Lawes. Answer the joumalist's questions, You can make up your own ee 6 LISTENING A: Me Lawes, how cd you fd the tease? B Iwas searching the fell fr my hienu’s lst hammer, but 2: What dt you use t id the hammer? B:lused a metal detector. wes a retirement git ‘A: What was your job before you retned? B Iwas 2 gariener 1 The woman found 7 her USB drive and her nacklace 1 her USB drive but not her neckace A QB Listen to the conversation between two friends. Check(¥) tho correct answor to complote each sentence. 60 unite It all started with a lost hammer... een field. They were shocked by what they found em nD Sra ee ere Pa ee Seon hd SOU ae ee as Pe Seen eee ee a Tho archasologists found out the treasure See ee ate ee mR Seo ent) cee Ca Oia feud aire ey ec eerie Ce On nL icy Pere eo ae) PO ere Ree) met Prince Charles, He later got a ceward Coreen) er eee er) Cn n though he didn’t ee er eer ne) Oe Oana No, it wasn’t! The hammer was also found Sra SOO eee) Cee es iz OVER TO YOU 2 The woman found her lost items es rend, jory reminded the man county’ Oofastory B 83 Compare the woman's experience with Lawes What do their stories have in common? Tell the story jtuavon? f what happened. 3 Are there any ald orf Vhat treasure © doslth problers andremedics_@ | don't feel well 1 VOCABULARY A Have you felt unwell recently? What did you do to get b {had a bad headache last weekend I took some medicine and rested at home, B_ @¥2q) Match the problems below with the pictures. Then listen and check. [J stomachache Li tever TH toothache CH eunbuin [Lsoretrost [7] hoadacho Fbscache Cl eunny nose C8 Talk about remedies forthe problems above. Use the suggestions in the box and your own. More than one answer is possible. ‘apply some lotion {0 to the dentist drink some tea do light stretchos tako some medicine sea a dactor get some rest use am ice pack What can you do when you have 2 stomachach You can see @ doctor. Dking some Ws tea can D 28 Talk about what you should and shoufdnt do when you have the problems listed in B. When you have a stomachache, you shoul lie down and rest You shouldr't oa spicy food. 2 LISTENING A @¥2) Listen to the conversations. Guess what problems Nick and Mindy have. 1 Nick probably has @ 2 Mindy probably has @ B GBB Listen again. What advice do they get? 1 Nick should and He needs 1 get some 2 Mindy shauldn' and she should use 3 GRAMMAR A @2ED Listen and complete the sentences with should or shouldn't, 1 You gohhome and lie down. 2 You gout in the sun 3 | use sunscreen? 4 I thine you get some rest B_&8 Discuss when you use should. Clivasktornelp 7 togive advice Learn more about shavid » Grammar Reference p. 128 Di wate plens © Complete tho sentences with should or shouldn't. Use the pahrases in the box. apLiteeenat sive it too many treats forget to take medicine always check food labals 1 lan and Pam’ car is realy dirty. They should get it cleaned. 2. Jason has a bad cole, Ho 3 Pete wants to getup early. He 4 Suvi allergic ta airy products, She 5 Our dog needs to lose weight. We D Make cther suggestions for each situation above Pronunciation 1 @HUlI Listen and repeat. Notice how should and shouldn't are pronounced, Youshouldn'tcrrkcottes. You should seea doctor. 2 @WMListen and circle the word you hear. {think you should / shout ‘You should shoutdn be caret .go outst. 4 SPEAKING A Complete the survey. HEALTH HABIT SURVEY J tovnon nests 02 © 4 ae | a — . Peet Oo eo Pn YD eatlast food? B 8 Imagine you are a doctor. Look at Your partner's survey and give them some health advice. Switch roles. (think you should exercise more You shoul eat fastfood to0 ten ww. 64 5 READING @an Prana Pea merce) ‘A When was the last time you had 2 cold? What did you do to fee! better? Y SS) occas tet Pe n soup B 4% Read about common cold remedies around the ; Recoeee td ‘world and share what you read with a partner. ones Student A Fead about the remadios onthe lft page ree ea Student B Read about the remedies on the right page eee When talking to your partner abaut what you've read, include the following + the country where each remedyis popular + the ingredients and/or how to make it Pati eeth Blea ee et eet nec © Read about the readers experiences. Answer the Pees questions. eee 1 Which remedies did the readers tr? eee eT 2. How cid thoy laarn about the remedias? ees 3 What did they say about how the remedies tasted? Pacers ton 4. Did the remedies work well for them? Erte D_ Have you tried any of the remedies in the article? Which one would you try if you had a cold? You have Why? acold. What should 6 LISTENING (HID Listen to three people talk about cold remedies. What do they each recommend? Perera eet Check) the correct answers. The hot toddy is popularin Ireland. 1 Cl canned chicken soup 1 homemade chicken soup Figepe ae he apn ene ee LC er Ci beady lemon, and spices. Of course, you shouldn't 8 cough syrup B wmnip honeypot "im OVERTO YOU 1 Do you know any other natural remedie help you recover from a cold? 2 Do you know any natural remedies that are used to teat problems such 2s the ones below? + stomachacha vangover ‘sleep problems + motion sickness + maming sickness Unit Common Cold Remedies around the World bit ca Rents ae Done ert ee ee eee Pen rence ie een en treet eee ees oO. Se SS = Turmeric Milk ie fea ener ls like ginger. Boil icin milk Sven / to make a comforting. aac Pansy y Miso Soup cen Be: rea & Erick Maina, Kenya allic lemon teafor me. It helped my headache and ran iowa el NE think yo Irnke it at home: better Italways helps me breathe Aisha James, Australia 66 during tiptolndia, | came down with a cold. The tour guide recommended his a remedy: Megumi Ishikawa, Japan 66 when | get acold, my ssmakes me drink mi Fight away. She colds.{ don't think it esa Practical English Talking about health-related issues 1 VOCABULARY & LISTENING A Look at the pictures below. Guess what's happening in each picture. B Think of a time when you were sick or hurt, What symptoms did you have? What did you do to feel better? Ask and answer questions using the expressions below. Vad a runny nose | sncezed a lt. | coughed a lot My .. ves itchy. 1 had dares My .. es swollen, 1 had fover. have @bedcold have an eye infection {had a sore throat. break an arm sprain your ankle heii Henaca | kept throwing a get food poisoning pull a muscle in your back renee | ettpin in my went wo @ doctor | rastad at home. ried same home remedies, | gota prescription from the doctor. | got same aver-tha-caunter medicine at the pharmacy © @QPED Listen to Luca and Kaylee talk about their weekend. Which of the expressions above are related to their problems? Write L (Luca) or K (Kaylee] next to the correct expressions. Then ask and answer the questions below with a partner. Whar was wrong with (wea? He got food poisoning, 66 unis 2 SPEAKING A Look at the pictures below. What are these people's jobs? B_ @2E9 Match the numbered sontences to the patient's responses on the right. Than listen and check. pemes atthe hospital [1 Thankyou F 11 Heo, dct hove ES 4 Holla, Ms. Pembleton. Please take a seat TA ie ale eT ‘What seems to be the problem? [J For about 2. ttaw ong heve ound? Vc 3. Are you raking anything fori? lash 44 \at0. Do youhave any bor symTOnS! ae okay. Latte yan vrprtr nf Bk YOU" sons {BG os ite youhave OR. Vo i ni, hoes oR Do yu ave any ales? 1, ay il write you a prescrintion Youcan pick up your medication at tne pharmacy a |] I'm here to pick up [ ] W's Annie Pembleton, © 28 Role-play the conversations above with a partner. One of you will be the patient, and the other will be the doctor and the pharmacist. D8 Role-play the conversations again. Change the highlighted parts. Use the role-play cards below. + You have swollen eyes + Your pationt has an eye infection, + It'sheen about three days, + He/She needs ta use antibiotic eye drops + You tried using eye drops, but they didnt work and ointment three to four times a day. + You also heve itchy and watery yes + It’s better to avoid wearing contact + Ask the gharmacist if you ean wear contact ieecaome staat lenses units 67 Units 5&6 Review Test3 LISTENING A You will hear four conversations. Listen and choose the correct answer for eech question. 1 QHBD Whore did tho man fect moet his girlriond? 8 EBD What symptoms does the man have? ist and estant lat rear eva are ene rea 4 QRED Which nay do he sposter NOT manson? Saree gale, ene oreo aen B @HED Listen to wo people talk about a discovery. Complete the sentences based on the conversation. 1 Eric Lawes was: ahammer that bolenged to his friend 2 Eric Lawes found some objects in the field a ‘ame to cig up the treasure, 4 Eric Lawes received a huge for his discovery. ‘5. The man thinks that Eric was very 10 fing those objects. C EZ Listen to the conversation and check if each sentence is correct (Yes) or incorrect (No). Yes No 1 The man is having a bad day. oo 2 Ho had to takeabus berausehis car broke down, = 3 He lost his wallet at tre bus terminal oo 4 He tried to look for his wallet but he didn't find it, ©» sO 5 The wornan forgot to prepare for thepresentation. §=—© . 68 Unitssac GRAMMAR ‘A Choose the correct answer for each blank. 1 |___tothe restaurant yesterday ta buy dinner a. walked b.walking ——_¢. walk 2 Where you? I tred calling you saveraltimas, a.was bis were 8 ___ate all the candy bars, but | don’t know wha it a.Something b. Anybody —_¢. Somebody 4 Does___ inthis room have Mark's phone number? | need to call him a.anybody —b.anything —_¢. something 5 Inged to find____in my backpack. Let me look fori. a.nothing —b.samething ¢. anything B Read the conversation below and choose the correct answer for each blank. ‘A What are you doing? Bmlooking for my call phono. | lost it. A Hmm... 1_____you look in your bag? B did, butit2 there A Where 3 you when you had it last? B Aa B ry B ‘was diving my car Do you think you dropped it in the car? No, itwasn'tthere, 14 __the car. 5___you lock on the ground? ‘ida. I'l go check now. 1 a.Doos b.Are ©. Did 2 a.was b. wasn't c. didn't 3 a.did b. were care 4 a. chock b. didn’t check ©. checked 5 a.Do v. Did c. Were © Road the conversation bolow and write should or shoulda’tin each blank. A. Are you running late? B lam.Howis traffic? 1 the train? A You2 traffic, Teke the train instead. B Okay. Where 3 I get off the tren? A. Got off at Main Sticet Station and take exit 5, Thon yous walk about ten minutes to get to the meeting paint. I take the bus or take the bus. There is too much VOCABULARY ‘A Write the best words in the blanks. 0 Myhead hurts headache 1 My head feels hot and my whole body hurts. 2 It hurts when I swallow food, 3 stayed out in the sun too long. Now my skin is alld 4 I slept on a naw mattress, Now my back hurts. 5 Something's wrong with my teeth. I hurts whem | chew food, B Write the given verbs in the past form. 1 1___orget ta:d0 my homework 21 (spill my coffee and had to cleanit up. 31 (find! the earring that was missing yesterday 4 Yesterday! 6 Iwas so tired that bus ride home. {go} toa concert itwas great! {al asleep on the © Complete the sentences with the best words. 1. Meet my f ‘marvied next month, ‘Marcos, We ara getting 2 Jessica is my 2 She was fun to date, but ‘we had different life goals, so we broke up. 3. Ahmad and lare in the same class. We don't know each other that well. We are juste D Check the phrase that matches the underlined parts, 1 The sun goes dawn earlier end earlier these days. I's almost winter. Ti traets der C1 tegots wet 2 Mybost fiend and | moot with each other every ater weekend Li get dressed up LA gettogether 3. They fell in tove and planned to have awedding T get tonetier (1 getmariied 4 The two friends never fight and always take care of, ‘each other Digetalong wel! C getbetter Review Test3 69 vetbs ‘elated t0 cooking @ imperatives / mods forrequests ‘In the kitchen i A Reed the I’st of feod below. Do you use eny of them whan you c00K? In what ways are they used? cucumbers carcts ‘lemons eggs butter potatoes B QE Match the verbs and the pictures. Then listen and check bate peel D1 pot Cl ctop LD stice Ol mash Llsireoa LI suena CO stir A Are these foods often used for cooking in your country? What are they used in? »— \ o Seo. chocolate chips — B @EED listen to the three conversations. Which ofthe foods above do the speakers use? Write the correct number next to each picture. © QHED Listen again and complete the steps below withthe correct verbs and foods 1 -Cut the apples and them. -Add 7 while you boil the larmans Add some and water z some lemons and put them in the lemanaci 8 -Use a cookie mix. ~You can add berries, or nuts = Mix well and the cookies in the oven. Unit 3 GRAMMAR A HEB Listen and complete the sentences. 1 you help ma? 2 you slice two lemons? 3 well and bake the cookies inthe oven, 4 {forget to stir while you boil B 4 Which sentences are more polite: sentences 1 and 2 or sentences 3 and 4? Learn more about imperatives and modal for requests. > Grammar Reference p. 128 © Match the words in the boxes to make imperative sentences. to the salt sot oN tho table pas the dishes wash |= +} yourhands Do the vishes D_ Bf Chango the sontoncos above into polite requesis. Practice these requests with your partner. Can you do the distes (teaser? Could you ¢o the dishes? Respont ‘Saying yos Sire. 0 problem: Ys, of onus, cercainy. Saying 10 Sur I cant. ma lela Gusy ight now Fin ataié tear ihe now requests, Pronunciation’ HEL Listen and repeat. Notice the intonation in raquests. Could youhelp me, pase? _* oud you bring me some water, please? _? QEAPractice theimonation. Could yous that again please? Couid you open the window, pleas 4 SPEAKING A Look at the picture below. It shows how to make an open sandwich, Guess the instructions. How to Make a STEM ORU SHC Porc B&B Look at the recipe and complete the dialogue below. Than practice the dialogue with a partner. ‘A What is the recipe for? B Wsarecpeforatunaand____open sandwich. ‘A What da you need? B Younced some tuna, mayonnaise, tomatoes, and bread. ‘A How do you make it? B First. you mix ‘with mayonnaise, Adda litte sat, Then, ‘the tuna ona slice of bread, Noxt, ‘the tomatoes. Finally, put the tomatoes on top and enjoy! © && Create your own open sandwich recipe. Ask and answer ‘questions about it with your partner. unit? 71 72 TENIN A Do you enjoy cooking at home? Why or why not? B @HED Listen to Cassandra talk about homemade food. Chock() the correct answers. 1 Cassandrais 1 afulhtine computer programmer 1 a fulltime mom 2. She thnks cooking at home is good because 1 she can save money 1 she ean eat more 3. She recommends 1 eating infront of the TV 1 cooking wit your family ING Oza A Read the paracraphs on the left-hand page and answer the questions 11 What does Cassandea write about in her blag? 2. Why is homemade food good for your health? B Read the three recipes. Which recipe is each sentence about? Write G (guacamole), F (frittata), or GB (granola bers) next to each sentence. 1 After you mixall the ingrecients, put the mixture in the retrigerator. The main ingredient is avocado. The last step is to bake the mixture in the oven You can use your favorite vegetables ta make it, Fresh lime juice and spices are added to it. Dried fruit is one of its ingredients Mm OVER TOY 11 Which recipe would you like to try? Why? 2 What food do you tke te eat as a treat? 8 What kind of food do you avoid forhealth reasons? Foods That Are HOMEMADE ane Te eg a eeu Nese Mine a Beer mca) Du et ng cr ee em Goat au ea Cun good for you. You can avoid fat, sugar, and salt. Pee a Mae can save money for other things. And cooking at home helps you spend time with family. jeryone can help make meals and have a Cees re

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