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– Task Management
David: Throughout your enterprise, you’ve got things that need to get done.
That’s one of the reasons you have ServiceNow. Managing and resolving tasks
are what ServiceNow is all about! The original vision Fred Luddy built into the
Now Platform was to automate the resolution of tasks through organized and
repeatable processes. It’s part of the ServiceNow DNA! That helps you get task
done more efficiently and timely.
Kristen: Think about it…all Tasks have certain things in common. They have a due
date and every task has a status to track its completion and they are assigned
to a group or individual.
David: And the quicker you can identify where to route the task, the quicker it
can be resolved. You might also need to collaborate with others so nothing gets
dropped. That’s just a small sample of what they all share.
Kristen: All that infrastructure has already been created in the Now Platform,
ready to take on any type of task you can dream up.

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