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– Lists and filters

David: In the Now Platform, one of the common ways you interact with
information is through lists. In simplest terms, lists provide the ability to look
through a set of information and select one item to view or edit. But, lists are so
much more than just a way to select information. Want to master ServiceNow?
Master the power and flexibility available in lists.
Kristen: Absolutely! Lists put the power of the application in your hands. They
provide so many different ways to analyze data. No need to get IT involved. You
can organize the information you need in just a few clicks! Pay close attention in
the upcoming video to all the ways lists can filter and sort data. You can even
generate bar chart and pie chart reports right from your filtered list.
David: Configure different views of a list to target specific groups based on their
needs. Or, even personalize the list for just yourself. You might have your own
way of looking at the data. And don’t forget …those filters…are your friends.
They can solve so many different issues.
Kristen: You got that right– totally! Take a look…

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