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Opinion essay

Kristin Galluci and social media

After watching the video, I realized that Kristin is absolutamente right about it; social
media is making us unsocial and we are doing anything about it.

First of all, I want to make clear that social media was created as a method to meet
people from other places and keep in touch with your friends and family from other
cities or countries, but over time, these methods of connection with people have been
becoming more important in the lives of people to the point of needing them in our
everyday, not only to communicate, but to follow the lives of other people that we do
not even know
and it has created a need to make everything we do public, just for people to see us.

As a result of this, cases of depression and anxiety have increased, mostly in

adolescents, since having such a great need to see what happens in other people's lives
through social networks creates a disagreement in our lives, since we believe that
everyone's lives are perfect except ours, which is completely wrong, since most of the
things that are published on networks are not real, are edited or only teach a part of
the reality of those people, but we don't think about it cause we only care about the
perfect picture.

In my opinion, social networks were created with good intentions but users have
"contaminated" them without realizing it, at the same time that we contaminate our
thoughts and self-love just by believing that everything we see is exactly as shown in
the photos and we do not think about the filters they carry, not just photo filters, life

Lucía Sola Caballero 1BAT A

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