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Client Server Based Live Meeting

Development of a feature-rich web based Employees Communication System

1. Title of the project: Live Meeting

2. Domain: Software Industry
3. Sub Domain: Management
4. Project Architecture: N-Tire Architecture
5. SDLC methodologies: Waterfall model
6. Abstract of the project:
This project is mainly developed for the communication of Employees of
organization located at different locations. The project entitled “Live Meeting” set of
platform for the project leaders and administrator to send messages to keep constant
interaction with the programmers.

In the proposed system is the administrator can sit at his system and
communicate with the project leaders, programmers and can also maintain the login time,
logout time. He can chat about the project going on with both the programmers and project
leaders. This project also maintains offline messages. The administrator sees the IP address
of the system of project leader/programmer he is interested and chat with the people .The
project leader gives the instant report about the project to the administrator.

Through this Communication System, Whenever user logs-in into the system
then login time is recorded in the administrator’s system automatically. The administrator
can scan the present online system IP Address and send the messages to single
programmer ,set of programmers, project leader or Set of project leaders or all the
employees where he/ she is present.
This project makes the most of the tedious and mundane deskwork to minimize.
This facilitates the user to concentrate more on the project and less on the managing of
these tasks.

The software is fully integrated with CRM (Customer Relationship Management) as

well as CMS (Content Management System) solution and developed in a manner that is
easily manageable, time saving and relieving one from manual works.

The proposed system maintains…

 Frequent interaction between the administrator and the project
 Automatically recording the login time/logout time of the user.
 Maintaining on line and offline Messages and Message View
 Employee Hierarchical

7. Functional components of the project:

 MESSAGE SENDING: In the large organization there are a set of programmers,
Project leader and Administrator. These programmers are spread through out the
organization into various groups. Project Leaders are in need to constantly interact
with the programmer’s in-groups spread over organization. It is difficult to go and pass
the message to each and ever programmer in personal
 CHATTING: When a person wants directly to communicate with the colleague, he/she
can use this service. If a person is in online that person can communicate with the
other person through the system located at different location.
 VIEW MESSAGES: This project consists of both online/offline messages. if the user is
online he can directly interact with the other user. If the user is in offline he can view
the message when he logins for the next time.
 EMPLOYEE HIERACHIAL: This project maintains hierarchy for the employees.



 LOGIN DATE/TIME: When the user logins the system, the login time is automatically
 LOGOUT DATE/TIME: When the user logouts the system, the logout time is
automatically recorded.
These Login and Logout time are monitored by the administrators/project leaders
depending upon the hierarchy.

8. Keywords:
 Generic Technology Keywords: Databases, User Interface, Programming
 Specific Technology Keywords: ASP.Net, C#.Net, MS SQL Server
 Project Type Keywords: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing
 SDLC Keywords: Presentation, Business, Data Access Layers
9. Environment:
 Servers:
a. Operating System Server: - Microsoft Windows 2000 or Higher
b. Data Base Server: Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005
 Clients: Microsoft Internet Explorer,
 Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net
 User Interface: ASP.NET with AJAX
 Code Behind: VC#.NET
10. Requirements:
 Hardware requirements:

Number Description
1 PC with 2 GB hard-disk
and 256 MB RAM

 Software requirements:

Number Description
1 Windows 2000/ XP/ or
Higher with MS-office

2. MS-SQL server2000/2005

3. Ms-Visual Studio .Net 2005

4. Ms-Internet Explorer

 Manpower requirements:
3 to 4 Developers can complete this in 3-4 months.
9. Milestones:
No. Milestone Milestone Description Remarks

1 Requirements Complete specification of the Attempt should be made to add

Specification system including defining some more relevant functionality
hierarchies constitutes this other than those that are listed in
milestone. A document detailing this document.
the same should be written and
a presentation on that be made.
2 Technology Understanding of the technology The presentation should be from
familiarization needed to implement the project. the point of view of being able to
apply it to the project, rather than
from a theoretical perspective.
3 Database A database of at least 10 entries It is important to finalize on the
creation of users with at least 1 should database at this stage itself so that
application admin. development and testing can
proceed with the actual database
4 High-level and Listing down all possible The scenarios should map to the
Detailed scenarios and then coming up requirement specification
Design with flow-charts or pseudo code
to handle the scenario.
5 Development Implementation of the main During this milestone period, it
of front end screen giving the login, screen would be a good idea for the team
functionalities. that follows the login giving to start working on a test-plan for
various options, screens for each the entire system. This test-plan
of the options can be updated as and when new
scenarios come to mind.
6 Integrating the The front-end developed in the
front-end with earlier milestone will now be able
the database to update the database. Other
features should be functional at
this stage. In short, the system
should be ready for integration
7 Integration The system should be thoroughly Another 2 weeks should be there
Testing tested by running all the test to handle any issues found during
cases written for the system testing of the system. After that,
(from milestone 5). the final demo can be arranged.
8 Final Review Issues found during the previous During the final review of the
milestone are fixed and the project, it should be checked that
system is ready for the final all the requirements specified
review. during milestone number 1 are

10. The following steps will be helpful to start off the project:
 Study and be comfortable with technologies such as: ASP.Net with C#, and SQL Server.
 Gather some knowledge of product hierarchies and maintenance before starting the
 Create a user database with different access levels.
 Start with creating the login screen.
 Create menus for navigation and group the functionalities as sub menus.
 Create the help-pages of the application in the form of FAQ. This will helps user.

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