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Castillo & Tulud 1

Ericka Castillo & Seth Tulud

Mr. Nestor Mercado

GEED 10043 The Contemporary World

November 12, 2021

The Darkest Day: Security in the Wake of 9/11

The September 11 terrorist attacks, also known as the 9/11 terrorist attack, have been the

deadliest terrorist assaults on US territory in 2001, consisting of a sequence of hijackings and

suicide attacks carried out by 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-

Qaeda. The attacks on New York and Washington, DC, and Pennsylvania on September 11,

2001, resulted in massive casualties and destruction, as well as a rise in counter-terrorism

operations in the United States. There were 2,977 persons, including 19 terrorists were killed

and more than 6,000 were injured. The disaster had a particularly adverse influence on the

New York City police and fire agencies. Hundreds of people raced to the scene of the attack,

which resulted in the deaths of over 400 police officers and firefighters.

Former President George W. Bush began by highlighting the significance of people

coming united. But, almost instantly, his platform went from compassionate conservatism and

societal issues to being in a wartime president, and it transformed everything in a way that we

can't exaggerate. When the second plane hit, it was presumed that it was a terrorist attack, but

when the third and fourth planes hit, it was evident that it was an act of war. Since Pearl

Harbor, the United States had not experienced any kind of attack on its coasts, and it seemed

unlikely at best that the US could live under this situation. Not until 9/11 did the country

believe that the oceans could protect them from such large-scale acts of terror.
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As a result, airport security was enhanced to never-before-seen levels in the immediate

aftermath of 9/11. The number of flights entering and exiting the country was drastically

reduced, and those that did enter or exit were subjected to extensive security inspections. Less

than a month later, the United States launched an attack against Afghanistan in an effort to

destroy Al-Qaeda and prevent militants from establishing a safe haven in Taliban-controlled


In addition, the US launched the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT), after the 9/11

attacks which caused the growth of USAID's (United States Agency for International

Development) role in the Philippines. President Macapagal-Arroyo supported the US

government in regards to global counterterrorism. In exchange, the United States has

promised the Philippines a large package of aid and support. President Bush classified the

Philippines as a Major Non-NATO Ally (MNNA) in recognition of the Philippines'

commitment in advancing regional security and battling global terrorism. The partnership

helped the Philippines with the program from USAID and GEM (Growth with Equity in

Mindanao) was considered as the flagship activity of USAID in Mindanao. Due to the success

of the program, it was continued for another five years as GEM-2. The program includes

infrastructure development, improved business practices, governance, and improved

education. The GEM-2 program helps to consolidate peace as well as the acceleration of the

economic growth in Mindanao.

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References Editors. “September 11 Attacks.” History, A&E Television Networks, 17

Feb. 2010,

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