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Sourcetree Setup and Usage

1. Download Sourcetree
a. Please download Sourcetree from
b. Once downloaded install and login to Bitbucket Server.
2. Add SSH key to Git Account
a. Please add ssh key to Git Account,
3. Cloning the Repository
a. Copy the link to clone.
b. Open Sourcetree and click on clone.

Provide Repo Link

a. Please refer the link to understand GitFlow.
5. GitFlow Setup
- Click on Git Flow icon on the top right. And Initiate gitflow for the repo.

Sourcetree Setup and Usage

6. Feature Branch
- To create new feature once the gitflow is initiated, click on gitflow icon again and choose “Start
New Feature”.
- A new feature branch is created.
- Once the changes are done, please stash the changes by clicking on stash button and pull from
develop to get the latest branch.

- Once develop is pulled apply the stash on the current feature branch and resolve the conflicts if
Sourcetree Setup and Usage

7. Pushing and Merging into develop.

- After pushing, login to Git and create a merge request.
Sourcetree Setup and Usage

- While creating a merge request, please change the target branch to develop/dev.

- Once merge is completed, open sourcetree and finish the feature by clicking on Gitflow -> Finish
Feature, if you are unable to finish the feature then pull from develop and try again.

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