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Your class has watched a television discussion about the qualities that contribute to people having a
successful life. You made the notes below:

Qualities that contribute to a successful life:

 Ambition
 Honesty
 Flexibility

Some opinion expressed in the discussion:

“It’s so important to have goals.”

“If you’re not honest, people can’t trust you.”

“These days, the skills you need change so fast.”

My essay:
More and more people dream of leading a life of success. By analysing models such as Bill Gates, one
can observe that there are similarities in the personalities of life-winners. This essay aims to explore
the two most relevant.

One of the key factors in becoming successful is having a great deal of ambition, as it leads to
achieving long-desired goals and overcoming unexpected obstacles. While many can set short-term
aims, little do work long ours in pursuit of their desires. A representative example would be the case
of some students dropping out of faculties due to the workload required in contrast with other
ambitious colleagues willing not only to limit social activities and procrastination, but also to
endeavour to be top-notch students.

In today’s world, being flexible is a non-negligible skill in having success, as unplanned events might
affect one’s ideally straight-lined pathway. It is crystal clear that mastering one specific aptitude is
bound to be fruitful, but accomplishments often rely on the power to adapt. A representation of this
is the realistic scenario in which a meticulous and rather cautious businessman has to take an
immediate, yet important decision for its company. In spite of his dedication and wholly approach,
the lack of flexibility would not make him able to switch to a quicker and effective thinking and it
could cost him the entire progress made by then.

In the light of the above, I feel that ambition is a more significant element in winning at life, in
asmuch as flexibility is buildable and depends on the intrinsic motivation to expand one’s limits. In
fact, it could be seen as a rather extension of it.

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