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CET IP University 2011 Analysis

The paper comprised of 150 questions divided into four separate sections. Students had 2 hours 30 minutes to complete the entire paper. Four marks were allotted to each correct answer and one mark was deducted for every wrong answer. Most of the students could solve the paper with ease. Per se they did not find any particular section difficult. The sectional division of the paper was different compared to the other law entrances. The details of each section are as follows: (i) English: This section comprised of one reading comprehension passage. The passage was short and consisted of vocabulary based, inference based and specific detail questions. This section al so comprised of finding the errors, fill in the blanks, idioms, synonyms and antonyms. There were forty questions in total and the overall difficulty level of this section can be called as easy. General Knowledge: This section basically comprised of questions on current affairs along with few static general knowledge questions as well. The difficulty level of this part can also be said to be easy. There were total fifty questions in this section. Legal Reasoning: This section comprised of thirty questions. There were around three principle-fact based reasoning questions. Rest of them was inference based legal reasoning questions . What left student amazed were the three mathematical questions which featured in this section, though the questions were pretty simple and basic. All in all, the difficulty level can be said to be easy to moderate of this section. Legal Aptitude: This section can be called the brother of the General Knowledge section. It comprised of about thirty questions based on legal knowledge. Most of the questions were focused from the legal current affair though there was couple of direct questions testing the knowledge of the Constitution of India as well.

(ii) (iii)


On the whole, it was a trouble-free and unproblematic paper. The overall cut -off of the paper can be safely estimated as 500+ . The detailed analysis of different sections of the paper is set out below: Section English General Knowledge Lega l Reasoning Legal Aptitude Tota l No. of Questions 4 0 5 0 3 0 3 0 15 0 Suggested time (mins ) 3 5 3 0 4 5 4 0 15 0 Possible Attempts 35 50 30 30 165 Possible Scores 30*4=120 45*4=180 25*4=100 25*4=100 500

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