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Final Requirement

TPC 411-Transportation Management


Nowadays, Philippines has a lot of transportation issues not only in Metro City but

also in different province in the country. Through experience on finding an

honorable job outside Oriental Mindoro, I found out that the transportation is so

difficult and you have to take a risk for you to take a ride compared here in our

Province. Not congested, less air pollution and take less time for you to travel

wherever you will go.


This topic Trends and Issues in Transportation explores issues directly relating to

transportation today including fuel cost, labor, and environmental impacts. In 2015,

the Fuel Cost average cost was around $125 per barrel, which was $5 less than the

previous year. In addition to fuel and labor costs, and regulations, the transportation

sector has a significant impact also on the natural environment.


As conclusion, for me the existing transportation system in the Philippines is still

not good, that’s why Innovation and Transport Development such as Metro Rail,

Monorail, Bullet Train, Pipeline Transport, Conveyor Transport, Ropeway

Transport and Hyper loop Transport for sure will affects the daily experience on

transportation such as Time reduction, a Reduction In Financial Cost, Improvement

in Comfort and Safety For Passengers, Increased Convenience (through increases

in connectivity of destinations) and Increased Accessibility of Destinations.

Support from the Government and Citizens of the Philippines will make our country

unite and better.

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