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What would you do if you saw a homeless person b begging

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the street? Walk on by? Give a few spare coins? Not the Salwen
family . . . they gave much more than that. Read their story and
ask yourself, “What would I have done?”
Kevin Salwen was driving his 14-year-old daughter, Hannah, back
from a sleepover. Hannah had often seen homeless people begging
for food at the stoplight near their home. But on this particular day,
while they were waiting for the light, Hannah noticed an expensive car
The Salwen family in front of the house they sold
in front of them and a homeless man standing on the side of the road.
If Hannah hadn’t seen the homeless man
“If that guy didn’t have such a nice car, the man over here could
alongside the car that day, maybe the Salwens
have a meal,” Hannah said. The scene clearly made a deep
would still be in their dream home. But would
impression on Hannah, and she continued to discuss it with her
they be as happy? In their new, smaller house,
parents and brother for some time. She wanted her family to make
they found they were spending more time
a difference in the world – even if it was a small difference.
together and became closer as a family. They
“How much are you willing to give up?” her mom asked. “This admit they might not have become so close if
house?” Eventually, that’s exactly what the family did. They sold they had stayed in their old home.
their $2 million dream home and donated half the proceeds to the
If you want to learn more about the Salwens’
Hunger Project’s work in Africa.
remarkable story, visit their website.

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