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. The general election held in 1933 under the Weimar Republic revealed that the
Nazi party had only 44% of the votes ,majority of the Germans did not support
Hitler and the Nazi party.
. With the passage of time,resistence to Nazi regime was minimal because political
parties were banned ,those who counted votes after elections were members of the
Nazi party and they rigged vites in favour of the nazi party.
. Many people were afraid to come openly opposing the regime because they were
afraid of the secrete police-the Gestapo and the police who suppressed revolts.
. The Nazi enjoyed considerable support between 1933-1945 as there was no large
scale opposition.
. Serious opposition to Nazi regime only became serious towards the end of ww2.
Both the communists and the socialists maintained underground opposition after
1933. They printed pumphlets,posters ,printed illegal newspapers. They also made
slogans and encouraged industrial workers to strike.
Groups of youths such as the Edelweiss Pirates,the Swing Movement ,the White
Rose-Munich University Students continued to to show their dislike of the Nazi
. They gave refugee to ant-Nazi teenagers ,they also printed pumphlets ,put posters
on the walls denouncing the Nazi party.
. They also gave refugees to war deserters and pick up fights with members of the
Hitler Youth Movements.
Trade Unions were officially banned in 1933,but their activities continue to exist
being supported by socialists and communists groups underground. They
organized illegal strikes and demonstration underground.
A number of church leaders from the catholic church and Protestants churches
continued to speak against the Nazi regime.
. In 1941,the Catholic Bishop Galen spoke strongly against Eauthanasia,,forced
sterilization,and concentration.
. The Protestant church leader Niemoller criticized the Nazi regime for forming the
third Reich church led by a Nazi leader. He was arrested for that and send to
concentration camps.
These members organized secrete discussion meetings on how best Germany
should be governed after removing Hitler from power. These included army
officerws,members of the aristocracy and professionals.
The army General Beck planned to overthrow in the early 1930s. During ww2
when Germany was under pressure by the Russians at Stalingrad ,senior army
officers planned to to assassinate Hitler. This was known as the July plot of 1944.
The plot failed and 5000 leaders were executed.
NB Opposition to Hitler,s regime continued to exist secretly after 1933 although
Hitler used various methods to suppress revolts.
The Nazi regime attempted to control the Germans through Terror using the
Hitler set up a police state in order to remove opposition to the Nazi regime
This was a secret police which started as Hitler,s personal bodyguard led by
Himmler. The SS was given extensive powers to arrest,detain,interrogate and
confiscate properties.
. The SS was divided into section eg the SD which was responsible for state
security,they delt with Nazi enemies. There was the Waffen SS worked along the
side of the SA –the army,then the death unity which was responsible for operations
in the concentration camps.
. In addition to the SS,there was the GESTAPO.This was the secrete police which
was set up by Goering in 1933. It was led by Heydrich under Himmler. This
police had extensive and sweeping powers to spy on the Germans and search for
opponents of the Nazi regime. They intercepted mails,telephones and those
arrested were send to concentration camps.
These were large scale prisons for opponents of the Nazi regime . Besides
oppositions,other groups send to concentration camps were the
Gypsies,beggars,criminals,the mentally and physically disabled. Some of these
camps were the Dachau,Buchenwald and Mauthausen . The conditions in these
camps were very harsh,brutal,torture and other forms of ill treatment eg they were
used as slave labourers in Agriculture ,Forestry and mining . inmates were were
also subjected to hunger and starvation ,medical experiments. These camps were
also used to kill the Jews.
These were brought under Nazi control in which Judges were from Nazi supporters
. These Judges and Magistrates had to sign an oath of loyalty to Hitler. Jewish
judges and lawyers were sacked from their jobs.
The minimum age for death penalties was reduced to 16 yrs and anti-Nazi jokes
and listening to foreign radio stations carried a death sentence.
.In his attempt to control the Germans Hitler and the Nazi regime appointed Josef
Goebbels as the Minister of Propaganda and media control. His job was to
persuade the Germans to support the Nazi gvt. He made sure that everything seen
and head in Germany were in line with Nazi values.. Goebbels made sure that
every aspect of the Germany culture ,form of communication were dedicated to
produce loyal nazi followers.
[a] Art and Architecture.
All art and architectural materials were greatly censored and controlled to put
across Nazi messages.
. Goebbels disapproved much of the artistic output of the Weimar Republic which
were considered to be denigrating the Germans.
. Art galleries were forced to replace paintings and sculptures with those which
illustrate the heroic qualities of the Aryan race. Many writers,artists and composers
were forced to create works of art to celebrate Hitler and the third Reich.
. Archtecture on stone buildings emphasized Nazi authority.
[b] Music
. Jewish composers were banned and military style of music was promoted . Folk
music was encouraged and Jazz music was banned because it was believed to have
originated from the black community.
[c] Literature.
Books were greatly censored . Libraries and bookshops were instructed to remove
books from the Jews and communists from their counters . This led to 20 000
books being burnt on fire.
. Only those books which potrayed Hitler,s archievements and Heroeism were
encouraged and sold .

[d] Films and theatre Arts.

Film plots were shown to Goebbels before they were shown to the public.Political
films,love stories and thrillers were given Nazi titles.
Propaganda films vilified the Jews and attacked the Germans as brutal
imperialists . They also celebrated the wonders of the Nazi Regime. Admission to
films was only possible at the beginning of the programs so that audience will not
be able to miss newsreels that broadcasts Nazi messages and Hitler speeches.
[e] Newspapers
. All newspapers and magazines were brought under Nazi control . The Jews and
anti-Nazi productions were closed down.
. Editors had to attend daily briefings where they were told what to write.
[f] Radios.
All radio stations were brought under Nazi control ,cheap radios were called
people,s receivers were sold to people such that by 1939,70% of the Germans had
these radios and these sets were unable to receive foreign broadcasts.
. Radios and loudspeakers were placed in cafes,bars, factories,streets and other
public places so that everyone would have access to important announcements
from Hitler and the Nazi regime.
[g] Mass rallies.
The Nazi calendar was filled with special Nazi Unniversaries eg Hitler,s
birthday,the Nazi day,War heroes day.
. Celebrations on these days were accompanied by Marches,parades,processions
and speeches from Hitler.
. The most popular of these was the annual mass rally at Nuremburg where
thousands of people were accommodated and intertained by military
bands ,marches,flying displays and speeches by Nazi leaders especially Hitler and
this was meant to enforce the cult of personality of Hitler .
. At local levels campaigns were organized by members of the SA and Hitler
Youth movements.
[h] Posters.
Goebbels made use of clever ways of putting across the Nazi message. The
Germany people were bombarded with posters which carried Nazi messages which
were meant to promote the personal image of Hitler. The posters were also meant
to promote family values and appealing to Youth to join Hitler Youth movements.
. The posters also warned the Germans against the Jews influence.
[i] Sports.
The1936 Olympic games provided Hitler with an opportunity to use propaganda to
advertise the achievements of the Nazi regime.
. Technical facilities for the games were superb as there were 100 000 seater
stadium equipped with television sets,cameras ,electronic timing devices ,stop
The Germans performed very well and their athletes won the gold medal .
Hitler realized the use of propaganda at an early stage ,starting with the Mein
Kampf,preaching the Nazi ideas and destroy anti-Nazi ideas,this came to be known
as indoctrination.
. To achieve this effectively the Ministry of Propaganda and enlightenment was
created and it was responsible for organizing all propaganda in Germany.
.The Nazi economy was not carefully planes as it was meant to solve immediate
economic challenges in Germany such as unemployment.
. In order to solve the problem of unemployment ,Hitler and the Nazi gvt
introduced labourservice,public works and re arming .
1 Labour service corps.
This was a scheme which was meant to provide young men with manual labour
jobs. The scheme was compulsory from the age of 18-25 to serve in the coprps for
6 months.
These workers lived in the camps and they wore uniforms. They also received very
little wages and at times involved in military drills.
2 Public Works.
In order to solve the problem of unemployment,Hitler introduced the policy of
public works.This involved the construction of roads,railway
lines ,canals ,bridges,houses ,hospitals,schools and military barracks. Many young
men were employed in these constructions.
3 Conscription and Rearming.
From 1935,all able bodied men between the age of 18-25 were forced to do
military service for two years . Others were employed in armory industries and
factories producing guns ,chemicals,tanks and planes
4 Others economic policies which were introduced included the following:
[a] The Jews were forced to leave their jobs to give way to the Germans
[b] Married were forced to leave their jobs and stay at home thereby creating jobs
for men.
[c] The gvt also created more jobs by giving people land and manufacturers to
make the country self sufficient economically by making food available,raw
materials and basic commodities.
. The policy of self sufficient Germany was called Autarky. Hitler wanted to stop
Germany from importing raw materials as he feared that he would not be able to
import them during war.
. In 1934,he appointed Schacht as the Minister of economy,he was the head of the
Germany national bank called the Reichsbank.
. Hitler wanted him to improve Germany,s level of raw materials by making
trading deals with with less developed countries where they would raw materials
and be paid in goods.
. Raw materials given priority were for the armory industry eg iron,and the reduced
the import of cotton and wool.
. Schacht,s policy enabled Germany to pay for re armament,it also encouraged
Germany industry to grow and made Germany depending more on imported raw
materials rather than reducing it.
. Schacht was fired and replaced by Goering as the Minister of economics in 1937.
Goering came up with his 4 years plan for the economy in which he set higher
targets for re armament and he also wanted to make sure that Germany move
closer to achieve autarky.
. He introduced artificial replacements for those raw materials such as oil that was
. A company called IG Farben was paid to extract oil from coal. Attempts were
also made to produce artificial rubber.
. These experiments succeeded in creating jobs but did not significantly reduce the
amount of goods which Germany imported.


1 The Nazi policy towards women.
.Hitler had a number of aims to achieve by controlling women,he had traditional
views about the position of women in the society.
.He viewed women as inferior to men,their job was to bear children and raise them
as well as doing household chores.
. Hitler also believed that women should not go to work,they were taking jobs for
. In 1933,the law encouraging women to get married was introduced and this was
meant to increase the Germany population which was falling.
.Marriage loans were introduced to help young couples to get married. Some of the
money will be used to look after the children born.
. Women were given medals to encourage them to bear more children. Those with
8 children were given gold medals,those with 6 children were given silver medal
and bronze medals were given to women with 5 children.
.Women unable to bear physically fit children were sterilized.
. Instead of going to work ,women were encouraged to be home in the
kitchen,looking after children and going to church. Women doctors ,lawyers and
teachers were forced to leave their jobs and give way to men.
. Girls were discouraged from going to tertiary colleges and Universities and they
were trained to become wives and mothers at home..
.Women were discouraged from putting trousers,tight jeans,make up,styling hair as
this was viewed as bad for bearing children.
.The Nazi policies towards controlling women were successful to some extent as
majority women accepted these policies especially those with traditional mind set
who believed in their traditional roles.
. However ,not all women were prepared to accept these changes especially those
women who had gained their freedom and rights during the Weimar republic gvt.
These women joined opposition groups like the communist and social democrats.
. By 1939,the economy was set up to support the war and a large number of
workers were needed in industries and factories. Women were needed in these
industries and factories to replace men who had gone to war. Women employed in
these industries and factories increased in number after the outbreak of the war.
2 Nazi Policies towards Young men.
Hitler introduced a number of policies to control youths in Germany such as the
education system and Hitler Youth Movement.
[a] Education System.
The Nazi Education system was meant to make youths have access to Nazi values.
The system was meant to create a Nazi State. Through these schools the Germany
youths would be fed with Nazi ideas and this was called INDOCTRINATION.
.The Nazi gvt introduced the Ministry of Education under the Nazi leaders.
. Education was made compulsory to all children below the age of 14. Boys and
girls attended separate schools.
. Teachers had to swear an Oath of loyalt to Hitler and the Nazi gvt and they were
forced to joined the Nazi teachers,s league led by a Nazi leader.
. The textbooks were re written to fit into the Nazi ideas ,history and racial
. The curriculum was made up of different subjects such Physical
Education,Biology and History.
. Physical Education was important because it was meant to make the youths
phyisically fit to prepare them to join the military system.
. Biology was so important as it taught that they were the Aryan race,a superior
race to all other races.
. History was meant to celebrate the History of Hitler and the Nazi gvt.
. Religious Education was abandoned.
. The education of girls was not a priority,Hitler was interested in teaching girls
domestic chores and become mothers and housewives.
Hitler and the Nazi regime wanted to continue controlling the youths after
school,he introduced the Hitler youth movement which was made compulsory for
boys and girls
. Other Youth organization were banned.
In 1933,the membership rose to 2million and by 1939.
.In the boys camps,there were in activities that were meant to prepare youths to
become soldiers. The activities were meant to make them physically fit,eg
drills,marathon,singing Nazi songs,cleaning and assembling rifles.
. Girls were forced to join the League of German maids. They organized activities
such cooking,sawing,looking after children,husbands. They were also taught Nazi
ideas,athletics ,marching and singing Nazi songs. This was meant to prepare them
to become mothers and wives at home.
However not everyone was happy to join Hitler Youth movements,there were
teenager rebels especially those from the middle class and those who had just the
working class.
. They rejected Nazi ideas,gangs of these youths appeared in the streets playing
their own music. Boys and girls were free to be together.
. Many of them joined larger rebel groups such as the Edelweiss Pirates which was
anti-Nazi and during ww2,they collected propaganda dropped by allied aircraft and
distribute to people through their letter boxes.
. There was a Swing movement ,another rebel group,which was anti Nazi . The
group accepted and protected desserters of ww2
. The Rose was another rebel group from Munich fighting against Nazi regime.
To start with the church and the Nazi regime seem to be working together well
because the Nazi supported the church which was given freedom to practice.
. On the other hand the church supported the Nazi gvt because it feared
communism which Hitler promised to fight.
. The church also supported the Nazi because Germany had become immoral
during the time of the Weimar Republic gvt and it expected that Hitler was going
to put to an end immorality.
. This relationship changed,in 1933,Hitler signed an agreement with the Pope
called the Concordat. The two agreed that the should run its own affairs ,schools
and newspapers .
In return the bishop was to take an oath of loyalt to Hitler. This agreement did not
take long.
. The Nazi regime disliked the Catholic youth Movement because many catholic
youth did not join Hitler Youth Movement,in 1937, Hitler made Catholic Youth
. Hitler took control of church schools because he wanted to control catholic
youths by giving them Nazi ideas.
. Most priests who opposed this were taken to concentration camps.
. In 1937,the Pope wrote a letter condemning Hitler and the Nazi gvt,s
concentration camps,and racial policies.
. Hitler also extended his hand to control protestant churches . In 1933,he
introduced the 3rd Reich Church under the Nazi bishop,this church was anti-
christian and promoted Nazi ideas.
. This was heavily criticized by many protestant pastors led by Niemoller. They
opposed Nazi persecution of the Jews . They formed their own church called the
Confessional Church. Many pastors were arrested and send to concentration
At the center of the Nazi gvt was the creation of a pure Germany race called the
Aryan race which meat to be superior than other races. It was viewed as the master
race which was meant to rule other races . The Nazi viewed other races as second
class citizens especially the Jews and slavs . These were viewed as subhuman
. Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany,s all problems,eg Germany,s economic
woes,Germany,s defeat in the war,nazi propaganda viewed the Jews as money
landers and this was viewed as immoral.
. The Jews were viewed as the greatest enemies of the Germans. Films were used
to demonstrate the Jews were evil.
. However the reality was that ,the Jews were not a threat to the Germans as they
were very few in number by 1933.
. A number of restrictive measures were put in place from 1933-1939 to remove
the Jews from participating in political ,economic and social activities of the
Germans. The Jews,s rights were removed.
. Hitler made use of anti-Jews propaganda to get the support of the Germans.
. In 1933, Hitler ordered a boycott of Jews shops and business,members of the SA
were used to persuade the Germans not to buy from the Jews shops and firms.
. A new law was introduced to exclude jews from gvt jobs –civil service leading to
thousands of jews lawyers,teachers engineers loosing their jobs.
. In 1934, anti –Jews propaganda increased as local councils banned Jews from
public places such as parks,swimming pools and playing fields.
. In 1935,the Jews were not allowed to join the army. The Nuremburg laws were
passed eg the Reich Law of citizenship which stated that only those of German
blood could be German citizens and the Jews lost their citizenship eg their right to
vote,hold gvt posts. There was also the Law for the protection of Germany blood
which did not allow relationships or marriages between the Jews and the Germans
. In 1937,Hitler openly attacked the Jews and this was followed by Aryanisation of
Jews businesses. Many Jews businesses were taken over by the Germans.
. In 1938,a serious increase in anti-Jews policies,as Jews were required to register
their properties for further confiscation .
. Jews doctors,Lawyers were not allowed to practice and Jews children were not
allowed to attend gvt schools,colleges and Universities.
. The Jews passports were to be marked with the letter J for easy identification.
. Jews were not allowed to run shops,firms, or any other business.
THE KRISTALNAUCHT- The night of the broken glasses ,Nov 1938.
This was an event which followed the murder of of a German diplomat by a Jews
boy in Paris. Members of the SA started destroying Jews shops,homes,synaguoges
and other businesses.
There 90 Jews who were killed on the day and other 20 000 were arrested and send
to concentration camps.


Ww2 was caused by Hitler and the Nazi regime,s foreign policy in 1939.The war
had devasting effects on Germany as it brought about hardships economically and
. The war demanded Germany economy to be directed towards war material
. War added more pressure on workers to increase production of war material.
They had no time to rest,no holiday ,no leave for worker. Working conditions
. Although they were given bonuses and allowances ,this money did not mean
anything because of the high taxes charged on them. Workers remained poor and
they continued to suffer.
. There was also a critical shortage of labour and the Nazi gvt depended on foreign
labour in the form of prisoners of war and labourers from conguered states. As
foreign laboureres were not enough, gvt also changed its policy on women being
mothers and wives into workers to work in factories and industries . Women in
Germany were under pressure to work in factories,industries as well as being
mothers and wives at home. They suffered so much during the war.
. The critical shortage of labour resulted in shortage of basic commodities such as
food,clothes,soap,toilet papers and building materials. The ordinary people in
Germany suffered so much because of these shortages.
. These shortages resulted in importing some of the materials from defeated
countries such as Romania-oil,Poland –Wheat. Food shortages resulted in food
rationing in both rural and urban areas.
. The war also resulted in many deaths in Germany because of the allied
bombardment. The British introduced mass bombardment raids on civilians and
these left thousands homeless and they became refugees in other countries. The
allied bombardment killed 400 000 civilians and 500 000 were disabled. Houses
were destroyed and many Germany women were raped by Soviet Union troops .
. The war also resulted in infrastructure destruction.
. The state suffered from massive debts and inflation was the ordr of the day in
. The final phase of the war became terrible as there was the rise of violence
against civilians by Germany troops who were under pressure from Soviet troops.
Germany civilians who did not support the war were killed such that by
1945,living in Germany was hell.
. During the war,Germany had taken control of much of Europe,millions of Jews
were forced to live in Ghettoes and others were send to concentration camps.
. When Germany attacked Russian in 1941,she created a special group of the SS to
help soldiers conguer the areas and forcepeople to accept Germany control . This
was called the Einzasgruppen,it was responsible for killing those who rested
Germany control. The communist officials,the Jews were killed in their numbers.
There were 800 000 killed in mass shootings or gassing using carbon monoxide.

. After the Wannese Conference of 1942,the nazi officials agreed to kill all
European Jews . This was called the final solution. The Jews all over Europe were
evacuated to secrete extermination camps in Poland which were equipped with gas
chambers. There were about 4.5 Million Jews killed in these extermination camps
through starvation,hard labour,injections,pills or gassing. These killings were not
published as ordered by Himmler the leader of the SS.
. Youths in schools were affected negatively because the curriculum was more
inclined to military drills and academic skills were ignored.
. Of great importance ,the war resulted in the growth of opposition to Nazi rule.
For example there were revolts by the army against the Nazi regime towards the
end of the war. This was called the July Bomb plot.
. Many members of Hitler Youth movement stopped supporting the regime,they
started supporting rebels such as the Edelweiss movement,Swing movement who
accommodated war deserters. They constant fights between these rebels and the
few remaining members of Hitler Youth Movement.

1 Germany had largely caused ww1 that caused economic,political and social
destruction in many ways hence had to be punished in that way. War makers must
be made to suffer.
2 Reduction of the military system was a fair deal considering the fact that
Germany caused the war because it had a very strong military system. Its reduction
in many respects was proper as this reduced chances of her causing another war in
3 Germany had signed a similar treaty with Russia in 1917,the treaty of Brest-
Litovsk,with almost the same terms ,hence it was proper for the allied powers to
sign the same treaty with Germany. Many historians felt that the Treaty of
Versailles was a much less harsh treaty than the Brest-Litovsk ,Germany deserved
the treatment
4 Although Germany,s economic system was affected by payment of reparations
and loss of colonies,most of her industries were still operational and she continued
producing basic commodities for its people.
. Germany ,s economic woes were also self inflicted as she did not raise taxes to
sponsor the war as other countries were doing ,she relied on borrowing money to
support the war leading to it suffering from the debts after the war.
The unfairness of the treaty
1 The loss of colonies by Germany was unfair considering that those colonies were
given to Britain and France to control thereby strengthen these allied powers
economically and militarily. Germany colonies were not given their independence
according to the principle of self determination.
2 Payment of reparations were unfair considering the fact that Germany had lost
colonies which were sources of economy to her. The amount was too huge for
Germany and the fact that the allied powers revised the payment system on the
Young plan is a clear indication that it was too much for Germany .The Germans
viewed it as way of destroying her economy by the allied powers .
3 The fact that the terms were worked out in secrete and were forced upon
Germany was unfair,Germany was not given the chance to defend itself on
allegations levelled against it. Germany officials and statesmen were excluded
from the negotiations. It was a dictated peace to them, they were just a copy to sign
in agreement with the document.
4 The war guilt clause was viewed by many Germany speakers as unfair because it
gave Germany the full responsibility for causing the war when it was the
responsibility of many countries such as Britain ,France ,Serbia etc. It was because
of this clause that Germany was asked to compensate the allied powers for the
losses they encured during the fighting.
5 The military terms left Germany defenceless as 100 000 troops were not enough
to protect Germany from foreign invaders,let alone maintain law and order inside
1 It was fair to Austria because it had caused the war as an ally of Germany in
many ways. The war caused by Austria and her allies caused so many
deaths,injuries,economic and infrastructural destruction in the world hence Austria
deserved to be punished.
2 Austria deserved to lose colonies because she was very powerful politically with
the support of these colonies and that is why she was able to start a war. To reduce
chances of Austria causing another war in future her boundaries were to be reduced
to reduce her political strength.
3 Military terms were also fair to Austria because ,its military strength led to it
causing the war hence it was fair for her to reduce the number of soldiers to serve
in the arm.
4 The payment of reparations by Austria was also fair to some extent as it had
caused the war ,therefore had to compensate for the damages incurred by the allied
powers during the fighting.
1 Austria lost its people to Hungary and other newly formed states such as
Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia.
2 Austria was unable to effectively protect itself effectively from foreign invasion
because of the limited number of soldiers.
3 It was unfair because ,her economy was destroyed by payment of reparations.
4 It was unfair because other countries from the allied camps who caused the war
were not punished eg Britain ,Serbia and France.
1 It was fair because Hungary had caused the war as part of Austria and Hungary,a
friend of Germany causing the war in 1914 which caused so many deaths and
economic destruction of the world.
2 It was a fair treaty as the peace makers wanted to stop other countries from
causing similar wars in future.
3 It was fair because it was meant to stop Hungary from causing another war in
1 It was unfair because Hungary,s economy was destroyed by loss of states and
payment of reparations.
2 Unfair treaty because states taken away from Hungary were not given their
independence as agreed at Paris peace conference,instead of being granted
independence ,they were given to Britain and France to control.
3 It was unfair because it left Hungary weak politically and militarily as it could
not defend itself against foreign invasion.
1 It was a fair punishment considering the fact that it supported the countries that
caused the war to cause many deaths and economic destruction of the world.
2 It was a fair treaty because it was going to stop Bulgaria from causing another
war in future which was likely to cause many deaths and economic destruction in
the world.
3 It was fair because Bulgaria had to pay reparations to the allied powers to
reconstruct what was destroyed by the war caused by the central powers.
1 Unfair treaty because reduction of the army destroyed its military system such
that it was unable to defend itself against foreign invasion as well as maintain law
and order in the country.
2 Unfair treaty because its loss of colonies and payment of reparations destroyed
its economy which took time to recover.
3 Unfair because colonies taken away from Bulgaria were given to other countries
to control,her people lost their independence to foreign rulers .
4 Unfair because the punishment was viewed too harsh considering that she did not
cause the war so much and that her participation in the war was minimal in causing
a lot of damage.


1 It was fair because Turkey worked together with Germany and central powers in
causing the war that caused deaths and economic damage in the world.
2 It was fair because it was meant to stop Turkey from causing a similar war in
3 The loss of colonies by Turkey was fair because it was meant to reduce its size
hence reduce its political strength in an effort to stop her from causing another war
in future.
1 Turkey,s loss of colonies meant that its people lost their freedom as they were
ruled by foreign rulers.
2 It was unfair to Turkey as it was too harsh ,the reason why it was revised to the
treaty of Lausanne where Turkey was given back Smyrna,control of straits,free
from international troops which had occupied it as part of the punishment.
3 It was unfair to the Turks as it led to revolts and wars.
There has been much debate on the effects of the peace treaties as some historians
believe that the peace treaties had positive contribution to the world while others
believed that they wars and rebellions in the world.
The peace treaties were criticized because they demonstrated signs of failures.
1 Peace treaties created too many new states such as Yugoslavia,Czechoslovakia
which contained unhappy minority nationalities. These minority nationalities were
ruled by foreign rulers and they remained unhappy.
2 The new states were not strong enough to resist powerful nations Germany and
Russian,s acts of Czechoslovakia was annexed by Germany in 1938.
3 Defeated states were unfairly treated in order to satisfy the demands of
Britain,France and Greece hence the indigenous were ready to reverse the treaties
leading to wars and revolts.
4 Many of these treaties did not work and they did not last eg the treaty of Sevres
only lasted for 3 years.
5 The terms of reparations were revised for Germany and Turkey ,a clear
indication that they were not fair and they caused discontentment.
6 The treaties left defeated countries bitter and they were determined to revenge or
reverse them. This was true of Germany under the Nazi regime and in Turkey
where nationalist leader Mustafa Kiemal led a revolt .

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