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8/10/22, 5:45 PM Methods for Training Employees: Mentoring, On-The-Job & Job Rotation - Video & Lesson Transcript

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Methods for Training Employees: Mentoring, On-The-Job & Job


Contributors: Karishma Daswani, Kat Kadian-Baumeyer

Explore training methods for employees. Discover various methods of training employees and find examples
of training and development programs for employees.

Table of Contents

 Training Methods For Employees: Overview

 Importance of Training Methods for Employees

 Training Techniques in the Workplace

 Examples of Training and Development Programs For Employees

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Training Methods For Employees: Overview

Training methods for employees are processes by which knowledge, skills, and expertise of
workers are developed or enhanced. Various methods of training employees can be used to
teach new employees the functioning of the organizational processes particular to their domain,
or it can be used to enhance the professional development of existing employees so that they
take on additional or new responsibilities.

The main aim of training techniques in the workplace is to attain efficiency in employee
performance so that they understand what is expected of them and feel proficient in doing their

Importance of Training Methods for Employees

Organizations can use different training methods to help their employees to adapt to a new job
or to a new position.

If employees are well trained during onboarding they can fit into their new role with ease and
continue working well, which is a source of motivation and leads to retention as employees feel
comfortable in their new surroundings. A well-trained employee is more productive and, if
working in the industrial sector, would also be prone to less accidents.

Different types of workplaces require different formats of training.

Training Techniques in the Workplace 1/8
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There are various methods and techniques to train employees in the workplace. The three most
commonly used methods are on-the-job training, job rotation, and job mentoring, with each
method having its own advantages and disadvantages.

On-the-Job Training
On-the-job training is a method of training in which employees are trained to perform a
specific task by actually doing it in real-time alongside their trainer or supervisor, who is likely a
more experienced employee. This method is most effective when there is a new employee in
the workplace, as they perform tasks and learn as they go.

On-the-job training can be structured, using hands-on application supported by classroom-type

instruction, and it can be unstructured, using only hands-on application.

The advantages of this method are:

It allows employees to learn by actually performing a specific job or task that they would be doing
regularly or even daily

The employee receives immediate feedback and remediation on what was done well or what
requires improvement

The disadvantages of this method are:

It can slow down or disrupt regular workflow, which would lead to decreased productivity

It can interfere with the efficiency of work for the trainer

Job Rotation
Job rotation is a type of training method in which employees are taught to do different tasks
which may not necessarily fall under their main domain of work. When trained to do various
jobs over a period of time, this method works well for tasks that require a specific job skill.
Employees are made to rotate around to different jobs within the organization, performing
various different tasks unrelated to the original job that they were hired for.

The advantages of this method are:

Employees do not become bored by repeatedly performing a single task on a daily basis

If a certain employee goes on leave or leaves the organization, another employee can very well
handle the other individual's responsibilities because they have been trained to do so

Employees develop new skills and this opens more opportunities for work within the organization

With time, employees can decide what they want to specialize in the long term on the professional

It hones in on the employee's interests 2/8
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The disadvantages of this method are:

It can create low motivation levels if employees find themselves in a rotation that they do not enjoy

If the new rotation in which the employee is disinterested continues for a long period of time, it can
lead to low productivity levels

It can disrupt the workflow as an employee learns a new task or job

Job Mentoring
Job Mentoring is a type of training technique that involves employees working alongside an
experienced coach to oversee their learning experience. The mentor or coach gives advice to
the learner and provides guidance at every step, but is not involved in performing the daily
tasks, which is synonymous with on-the-job training. Trainees shadow their mentors to learn the
job firsthand and may consult the mentor or coach at any time for assistance. This method of
training is most useful for high-level positions, as when more tenured employees leave the
company or are promoted they serve as mentors or coaches to upcoming employees that are
filling their position.

The advantages of this method are:

A mentee, when trained in this manner, is able to experience the organization from within, learning
all functionalities

Getting one-on-one training from a mentor who is already acclimated to the company and has been
moved up or promoted through the ranks is a valuable learning experience

The one-on-one nature of the training offers a personalized learning experience

The disadvantages of this method are:

Workflow may be disrupted due to one-on-one training

If the mentee-mentor pairing is not a good fit then it can lead to a disrupted learning experience

Examples of Training and Development Programs For

Below are examples of training and development programs for employees based on the three
training methods we just studied.

Cookie, a training manager at Sweets Candy Factory, uses these three training methods to train
new and current employees.

Cookie hired a new candy wrapper named Patti who had no experience working in a candy
factory and had never even experienced working on an assembly line because she was fresh out
of college. On-the-job training examples provided the best knowledge to Cookie, as she used
unstructured on-the-job training to teach Patti how to do her job well. As the candies moved
along the assembly line, Patti learned her job easily in the following manner: 3/8
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She saw how to wrap each candy while working alongside a more experienced candy wrapper.

The guide showed Patti exactly how to wrap candies, how to time the assembly line, and how to
detect irregularly shaped candies.

If Patti made a mistake, the trainer would be able to correct it immediately.

Cookie used the job rotation training technique for tasks that require a specific skill set, like
chocolate mixing. She moved Melvin, an experienced candy cutter, over to the mixing
department to learn how to mix chocolate. Melvin worked alongside an experienced chocolate
mixer to learn the job. With Melvin well trained in mixology, Cookie knew that if necessary, she
could quickly and easily move him from candy cutting to chocolate mixing without disrupting
the factory's output.

When Coco, the marketing manager, notified Cookie that she would be moving out of state in a
month, Cookie assigned Coco to begin mentoring Ruth, the current marketing coordinator, for
Coco's position. Using job mentoring as the training technique:

Ruth would shadow or watch Coco as she performed her job.

Ruth would take on some of Coco's responsibilities during the transition.

Eventually, Ruth would perform all tasks of the job. Coco would be on hand to offer advice as

Lesson Summary
Training methods are used by organizations to enhance their employee's skills or teach new
tasks. This is done to maintain work efficiency and keep the workforce motivated as well-trained
employees are able to do their tasks and fit into the working culture.

There are three main types of training methods: On-the-job training wherein an employee
works side by side with the more experienced worker, performing tasks alongside and getting
immediate feedback, job rotation wherein each employee is taught multiple work roles to fill in
for an absence whenever needed, and job mentoring wherein an employee observes the work
of a mentor to learn the nuances of daily tasks of his guide.

Video Transcript

Training Methods
In this lesson, we will study several training methods managers use to teach an employee a new
job or task in the organization. The training methods include on-the-job training, job rotation
and job mentoring. Each method has advantages and disadvantages.

Let's look at how Cookie, a training manager at Sweets Candy Factory, uses the training
methods to train new and current employees.

On-the-Job Training 4/8
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On-the-job training allows employees to learn by actually performing a specific job or task. The
employee will perform the job and learn as he goes. On-the-job training can be structured by
using hands-on application supported by classroom-type instruction. It can also be unstructured
using only hands-on application.

Cookie hired a new candy wrapper named Patti. Patti had no experience working in a candy
factory. In fact, Patti had no experience working on an assembly line either. Cookie used
unstructured on-the-job training to teach Patti how to do her job. This method works well for
the job of candy wrapping. As the candies move along the assembly line, Patti learned how to
wrap each candy while working alongside a more experienced candy wrapper. The more
experienced candy wrapper showed Patti exactly how to wrap candies, how to time the
assembly line and how to detect irregularly shaped candies. If Patti made a mistake, the trainer
would be able to correct it immediately.

The advantages of this method are:

Immediate feedback on performance

Swift remediation if task is not performed to standard

The disadvantages of this method are:

Can slow down production for the trainer

Can disrupt the workflow

Job Rotation
Job rotation teaches current employees how to do various jobs over time. The employee will
rotate around to different jobs within the organization, performing various different tasks
unrelated to his original job.

Cookie uses job rotation for tasks that require a specific skill set, like chocolate mixing. By
learning different facets of the candy making process, the employees develop more skills. This
method is useful when employees call out sick or take vacations.

Cookie temporarily moved Melvin, an experienced candy cutter, over to the mixing department
to learn how to mix chocolate. Melvin worked alongside an experienced chocolate mixer to
learn the job. With Melvin well trained in mixology, Cookie knew that if necessary, she could
quickly and easily move him from candy cutting to chocolate mixing without disrupting the
factory's output.

The advantages of this method are:

Reduces employee boredom

Increases skills

Opens new opportunities to employees

Hones in on employee interests 5/8
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The disadvantages of this method are:

Employee may not be satisfied with the new rotation

Employee morale may decrease if employee is moved for a long period of time

Can disrupt the workflow as employee learns new task or job

Job Mentoring
Job mentoring involves providing an employee with an experienced coach to oversee his or her
learning experience. The mentor or coach provides advice and instruction, but is not performing
the job with the employee as in on-the-job training. The trainee employee learns the job
firsthand and may consult the mentor or coach at any time for assistance.

Cookie uses this method for high-level positions, like management trainee programs. This
method works well for employees who have already acclimated to the company and have been
moved up or promoted through the ranks.

When Coco, the marketing manager, notified Cookie that she would be moving out of state in a
month, Cookie assigned Coco to begin mentoring Ruth, the current marketing coordinator, for
Coco's position. This meant that Ruth would shadow or watch Coco as she performed her job.
Ruth would take on some of Coco's responsibilities during the transition. Eventually, Ruth would
perform all tasks of the job. Coco would be on hand to offer advice as needed.

The advantages to this method are:

One-on-one training is often personalized

Mentor is available to offer advice

Mentee experiences growth within the company

The disadvantages to this method are:

Mentor-mentee pairing may not be a good fit

Workflow may be disrupted due to one-on-one training

Lesson Summary
In summary, there are several different types of training methods used to acclimate an
employee to a new job or even to a new position within his current organization. These
methods include: on-the-job training, job rotation and job mentoring. Each method has
advantages and disadvantages.

On-the-job training allows employees to learn by actually performing a specific job or task. On-
the-job training can be structured, using hands-on application supported by classroom-type
instruction, and it can be unstructured, using only hands-on application. This method is good for
new employees learning a new job or task. The advantages to on-the-job training are that the
employee receives immediate feedback and remediation. However, it can disrupt workflow and
decrease productivity. 6/8
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Job rotation teaches current employees how to do various jobs over time. This method works
well for tasks that require a specific job skill. Once employees have learned different tasks or
jobs by rotating through the organization, it is easy to fill gaps due to absences or vacations. The
advantages of job rotation are that employees do not become bored by repeatedly performing
a single task, but it can create lower morale if the employee finds himself in a rotation that he
does not enjoy.

Job mentoring involves providing an employee with an experienced coach to oversee the
employee's learning experience. This method is good for high-level positions. As more tenured
employees leave the company or are promoted, they serve as mentors or coaches to upcoming
employees filling their position. The advantage of this method is the one-on-one nature of the
training. However, the mentor-mentee pairing must be a good fit.

Learning Outcome
After watching this video, you will be able to describe the advantages and disadvantages of
mentoring, on-the-job training and job rotation, which are all methods of training employees.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the different types of training methods?

There are three main types of training methods -

1. On the job training - This involves learning by doing every task in the presence of a
supervisor and gaining instant feedback

2. Job Rotation - This involves learning multiple skill sets to cater to a deficient demand in
any department if a need arises

3. Job Mentoring - This involves being in the presence of a mentor daily and learning by
observing the mentor's daily work routine and tasks

What is the most effective method of training employees?

The most effective method of training employees is one wherein they are provided skills
and knowledge to do every daily task which could be by doing it along side the guide,
observing a mentor or learning different skills that are different from their domain. Every
training method is more suited to a situation and has its own advantages. 7/8
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