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Expressions with Food

❶Read these food expressions and their meanings. Then write five sentences using them in context.

1● as easy as apple pie something simple

2● top banana leader

3 as hungry as a bear very hungry

4 the apple of someone’s eye a favourite

5● bad apple bad person

6 big cheese important person

7 bread and water basic needs

8 bring home the bacon earn a living

9● buy a lemon buy something worthless

10● compare apples and oranges compare things that are very different

11● couch potato someone who watches a lot of TV

12● cream of the crop the best

13● packed in like sardines crowded

14● cry over spilt milk worry about something in the past

15 piece of cake easy

16● eat like a bird eat a small amount

17● eat like a horse eat a lot

18● sell like hotcakes sell a lot

19● forbidden fruit something banned

20● for peanuts inexpensive

21● go bananas excited or crazy

22● small potatoes unimportant

23● have bigger fish to fry have more important things to do

24● life is a bowl of cherries life is good

25● melt in one's mouth delicious


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