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Basic English Course A1:

Dates, Times and Simple Expressions

Present Simple.vs. Present Continuous

Present Simple Present Continuous

I speak English I am speaking English

you speak English you are speaking English

he / she / it speaks English he / she / it is speaking English

we speak English we are speaking English

they speak English they are speaking English

These are many uses for Present Simple and Present Continuous.
These are some of them:

Present Simple Present Continuous

Things that are always true: Things that are happening at the
moment of speaking:
● Water boils at 100 Celcius
Basic English Course A1:
Dates, Times and Simple Expressions

● The water is boiling now. It

is ready for the pasta.

Permanent or true situations Temporary situations:

● Jack lives in London. ● Jack is living in Paris this


Habits or things we do regularly:

● I drink coffee every


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