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Hi guys i hope you´re doing well, I´m here to give my opinion about the writing by Paul Wilson

About overeating i´m agree with this paragraph because althought apparently is the less
dangerous condition this one can put you life into risk
To have poor eating habits certainly will lead to many diseases and even death itself.
I believe that Once we are aware of the damage we do to ourselves with bad eating habits, we
will be able to have a better quality of life. So i think that there is no reason to get to that point

About Bulimia Nervosa this kind of desorder is link to people who wish to be slim and feel
good with their appearance they do like to eat but putting their live in risk throwing up after eat
this kind of things really blow up my head because i can imagine that awful sensation of vomit
in every moment

Respect Anorexia Nervosa I think that is more common in some scenarios like in modeling
world for example, you know the target of the models is like to be slim to wear clothes designed
for slim people and that stupid estereotipes of "beauty" that get out of their hands in so many
You know this kind of things makes me feel furious because i believe that beauty is beyond

Therefore i agree with the health expert paul Wilson, who with very valid and forceful
arguments will demonstrate that bad eating habits and those conditions are even harmful to

Every day we hear or see people with this type of disorder that affects their health. I agree that
they must be treated immediately by health professionals to avoid more serious consequences

Now that i´m thinking about this, without consider how many people suffer of those conditions.

I´m concern because there is no reason to risk your health and even your own life if you have
the power to control it

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