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A. Complete the photo captions with a phrase from the box.

an adult a teenager
a baby a Infancy
a senior citizen a child

He is a baby he is a teenager she is an adult he is a senior citizen

What do you think? At what age do people make these transitions?

1. from infancy to childhood: Child

2. from childhood to adolescence: teenager

3. from adolescence to adulthood: Adult

4. from adulthood to old age: Senior

B.Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect or simple past.

1. I have lived (live) in this apartment for five years . Before that,

I lived (live) with my parents.

2. Leonard was (graduated) from high school two years

ago. He has been (not, graduate) from the university yet.

3. Nora has not been (be, not) to South America, but she

travelled (travel) in Mexico last year.

4. We have started (start) this course two months ago.

So far, we finished (finish) five units.

A.Unscramble the questions. Take turns with a partner asking the questions.

1. English how do speak well you How well do you speak English

2. you how are old How old are you?

3. can fast you how type How fast you can type?

4. you how tall are How tall are you?

5. your family how often move does How often your family move?
B.Complete the conversations. Write questions using how.

1. A: I think Mr. Chen is too elderly to live alone.

B: He doesn’t look old to me. How old is he ?

2. A: My brother failed his driver’s license test six times because he drives

so badly.

B: Wow! How badly is he _?

3. A: I can’t go to the movie with you tonight, because my first class is very

early tomorrow.

B: That’s too bad. How early is your class ?

4. A: I don’t want to get my own apartment. It’s much too expensive.

B: Really? How much is it ?

5. A: I haven’t finished reading the assignment for tomorrow. I guess I read

too slowly.

B: That’s a problem How much more do you have to read ?


A. Check the items below that show a transition in life. Share your ideas with a partner.

⁄ 1. get a new job

⁄ 2. go shopping

3. buy a car

⁄ 4. begin college or university

5. play soccer

6. get married

B. Read the text. Circle the correct option.

1. Amy Purdy is a champion

( cyclist | snowboarder ).

2. She has prosthetic ( arms | legs ).

3. Purdy ( imagined | remembered ) her new life.

4. Purdy’s ( book | organization ) is called “Adaptive Action Sports.”

C. Write True or False next to the statements.

T 1. Amy Purdy nearly died when she

was 19.

F 2. It wasn’t difficult for her to

recover from her illness.

T 3. During her recovery, Purdy

decided to control her life again.

T 4. She helps other people by

sharing her story with them.

T 5. Purdy worked as a model before

her illness.

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