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Ujian Akhir Semester NAMA : Hasniatin Husni

NIM : 1909200414201012
Waktu 60 minutes

I Lengkapi kalimat di bawah ini dengan kata does, is, or has into the gaps.

1. - My sister is very clever

- What is She do?
2. - She is a teacher in a primary school.
- Where does She live?
3. - She does a lovely house in the country
- is she married?
4. - Yes. Her husband’s name is Ray.
- Does she have any children?
5. - Yes. A girl called Mary. She does eight
- She does a lot of friends.

II. Ubah Kalimat di bawah ini dalam bentuk pertanyaan..

Contoh :
You are writing a letter
Are you writing a letter?
1. We are cleaning this room.
Are we cleaning this room?
2. She is carrying a bag.
Is she carrying a bag?
3. They are working in this office.
Are they working in this office?
4. He is painting the wall.
Is he painting the wall?
5. They are learning English.
Are they learning English?
III. Ubah Kalimat di bawah ini ke dalam bentuk negative.
Contoh : Ani is cooking rice.
She is not cooking rice.
1. Herman is buying a magazine. He is not buying a magazine.
2. Sundari is getting reward. She is not getting reward.
3. Amir and his friend are working homework. They are not working
4. I and you are going to the cinema. We are not going to the cinema
5. Susi is cooking rice. She is not cooking rice
V. Tulis a atau an
Contoh : a ticket
an orange\
1. a camera
2. an apple
3. a newspaper
4. an ice-cream
5. a bag

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