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Technology is fundamental to any organization that want to grow their impact and
influence in the labor market. It helps interact with client, facilitate trading activities by
executing multi-billion transactions, manage risks, gather the latest market information
and maintain 24/7 operations remotely.

Investment bank operate on the global financial market and collect millions of
transactions daily. Major transactions are needed to be carried out without any delay
and this can be achieved by incorporating technology to our banking system. All major
investment bank have developed their own in house software for their customer to be
able manage their account and carry out transactions at their convenience. In recent
years all banks have shifted their trading from trading desks to electronic trading by
maximizing the smartphone technology.

Technology is the key to turning trading strategy/plans into trading profit. It enables
new price system and model to be developed to the market and get to the consumers
almost immediately. When a system of banking is unavailable, millions of dollars can be
lost. So robust system and infrastructures are needed to replace the unavailability of the
system. They serve as the fundamental platform through which investment bank operate
and make profit. It often the edge that gives bank a competitive advantage.

Technology role is to solve the challenge of the evolving regulatory burden of the
financial sector. It plays a major role by doing more than keeping up, it has to drive the
changes and development necessary to keep the bank ahead of competitions.

The future growth of investment banking is technology dependent and investment bank
bodies need to start planning on building a robust system in applications/software
development and server technology as this is the backbone of the effectiveness of the

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