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🚯 Pollution occurs when harmful substances contaminate

air, water, and land

Land Pollution Effects

human respiratory system problems

skin problems


breeder of rodents directly causing leptospirosis

eye sore to the environment and negatively impacts tourism

open wounds, fruits & veg, dust & particles, and water
serve as portal of toxic substances to the human body

Air Pollution

the components of normal air are nitrogen, oxygen, argon,

and carbon dioxide

polluted air consists of excess carbon dioxide, sulfur

dioxide, nitrogen oxide, mercury, ozone, lead,
hydrocarbons, smog, and particulates (small particles of
liquid droplets that are suspended in the air)

causes acidification

sulfuric acid mixed with water droplets causes acid rain

ground-level ozone is a colorless and highly irritating gas

that forms above the earth’s surface and is produced when 2
primary pollutants react in sunlight and stagnant air

temperature inversion is the reversal of temperature in the

troposphere wherein the cool layer of air is overridden and

Pollution 1
trapped under warmer air

health effects include chronic respiratory disease, lung

cancer, heart disease, damage to brain, nerves, liver
kidneys, eye irritation, nose & throat infection,
bronchitis, pneumonia, headache, nausea, allergic reactions

Water Pollution Effects

disruption of food chains

pollutants and chemicals are eaten by tiny animals and

said animals are consumed as well by fish and the food
chain will be disrupted to all levels

death of aquatic animals

eutrophication is when an aquatic ecosystem is overly

enriched in nutrients which causes a dense growth of
algae & bacteria and leads to death of marine life from
lack of oxygen that is hoarded by said algae & bacteria

destruction of ecosystems

disease including hepatitis A & E, cholera, typhoid

Noise Pollution

excessive unwanted sound and noise that is already harmful

to humans and disrupts their everyday lives

40-60 dB is the normal loudness

can cause hearing impairment, hypertension, irritation,

sleep disturbance

R.A. 8749 Philippine Clean Air Act

R.A. 9275 Philippine Clean Water Act

Pollution 2
R.A. 9003 Ecological Solid Waste Management Act

Coral Degradation

caused by the following:

destructive fishing methods

oil spills

anchor / propeller damage


untreated or improperly treated sewage

effects include:

loss of source of income

threat for tourist attraction

loss of food supply


restrict stressful activities such as cyanide & dynamite


shade or cool selected reefs

remove coral predators or disease from the area

reduce pollution & coastal runoff

Oil Spill

release of liquid petroleum hydrocarbon (marine oil spill)

into the environment and coastal / marine areas due to
human activity and may also occur on land

impact to the environment

physical smothering of organisms

chemical toxicity

Pollution 3
loss of habitat

ecological changes

effects to human

loss of source of income

health threats (such as respiratory illness, tetanus,

food poisoning)

loss of habitat


community clean-up & sustainability activities

mangrove plantations

strict implementation of laws concerning the environment

Cyanide & Dynamite Fishing

fishermen & divers crush cyanide tablets & dissolve it in

squirt bottles or throw dynamite to sea water for easier
and faster catching of fish

signs of distress on cyanide-affected fish

increased gulping for air

erratic swimming movement

muscle incoordination

death w/ extended gill covers


food poisoning

reduced food supply

unemployment / loss of income

reduction in tourism

why people resort to cyanide/dynamite fishing

poverty & lack of job opportunities

Pollution 4
ignorance, laziness, greed, lack of discipline


natural forests are cleared


illegal logging


forest fire


raise livestock

illegal mining


loss of biodiversity

greenhouse gas emissions

disrupted water cycles & drought

soil erosion

Soil erosion

washing away soil because of strong current of heavy water

or rainfall, flood, rock temp., etc

manmade causes



cutting down forests (deforestation)

building of roads & cities


loss of habitat

loss of source of income & vegetation

Pollution 5
threat for food & life security

land devaluation


planting trees around farmland to protect from wind

plant new trees to replace old ones cut down

avoid illegal logging

Illegal Mining

extracting metals & minerals from the earth

huge source of revenue for the government


deforestation & loss of biodiversity


loss of aquatic life

river dredging: gravel & mud suctioned from a

particular area of the river

spread of diseases & increased risk of accidents

lung silicosis: disease cause by breathing in tiny

bits of silica

asphyxiation: deficient supply of oxygen to the body

anoxia: body / brain completely loses oxygen supply

eye, nose, throat irritation

Climate change

long-term shift in the climate of a specific location,

including change of variability of climate despite average
weather conditions remaining the same

general shifts in climate, including temperature,

precipitation, wind, other factors

Pollution 6
global warming is any change in the global average surface


natural processes

volcanic eruptions

variation in the sun’s intensity

slow changes in ocean circulation / land surfaces

occurring for decade to centuries



travel light

teleconference instead of flying

see the light

recycles and use recycled products

plant native trees

turn down the heat

buy renewable energy

act globally, eat locally

Pollution 7

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