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Helps in continuous improvement and releases new features in small batches

This is OPPOSITE to WATERFALL model.

Commit - making changes to the existing project .
Main Branch :
New branch - with this feature, developers can work on new features or bug fixes while the
main branch remains unimpacted.
Merge : when a side branch or Sub-branch is merged with the main branch.

A version control system like GIT stores information of all the history of change in project.
It keeps tracks of when and what changes have occurred in the lifetime of the program or

DVCS or Distributed Version Control System

It has the main repository which stores the source code.
From this repository the entire copy of the code is copied to the users working on the
project. This local copy is called Local Repository.
From this local repository, users can work offline.
Ang change/commit from the local copy is directed to the main reposity whenever the
users are online.

GIT is -
- a DVCS
- Open Source Software
- Works for small or very large projects.

GIT has two interfaces

- command line
- source tree

GIT setup and Installation Commands

Download GIT from Atlassian website.
check git version using - git --version
get help on any command of GIT using - git help topic_name
set user name the command - git config --global "any_username"
set user email the command - git config --global "any_email"
check the user name using - git config
check the user email using - git config

git clone URL_of_of_the_host_website
git remote add origin "website_link"

GIT Objects are also called GIT ID's

what does cloning do?
Cloning creates a local repository that is a copy of a remote repository.

Step by Step Commnds

git init -> this will create a .git folder which would contain history of changes done to the
git status -> show the status of all the untracked and tracked files in red and green color.
git add file_name -> this will add all the untracked files to be a part of the git repository.
git restore --staged file_name -> this command will remove any files added to the stage
git log -> to view all changes made.
git reset hash_value -> this will remove all the commit history after this particular hash
git stash -> to move all the changes to the stashed area and it will not be shown in the
unstaged area.
git stash pop -> it will let all the changes to be moved from stashed area to the unstaged

Now ->>>> Install Git, login and create a repository

git remote add origin URL_name -> link the repository URL with the folder you are working
git remote -v -> to check which repository is linked.
git push origin master -> this will push all the changes or files from the current working
folder to the remote repository(GIT repository).


type nul > file_name.txt (this will create an empty txt file)

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