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Elena is a really sensible person , her heart too .
She can't make people around her sad , but it's HER
who takes the fault and try to be happy , of course
she's not in the inside. When she loves somebody ,
it means she loves ! Elena is friendly, beautiful , all
good things ! Elena is the light of sunshine .

Elena is very good ! And anyone can be attached to

her easily ! She ... no one can describe her , she's like
a secret !

by Ella1 September 24, 2017

459 20 FLAG

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Facebook friend Julia.

The most beautiful girl you have ever met. She
loves giving (and having) attention. She is also
smart, funny, fun,sweet and incredibly reliable.
Elena's are a treasure. The actual Greek meaning
is: light. Elena's can tell when someone is feeling
low or down.

Guy1: "man, look at Elena!"

Guy2: "dude, if I got a chance, I would steal her o!
her bf."

by Cupcakenoodle123 May 06, 2015

2347 127 FLAG

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brother Manley.

Such a beautiful person, most valuable friendship
anyone can ever have. If yo ever have an Elena in
your life don't let her go. She will always be there
for you even if she's in a struggle. Most strongest
girl ever quite sensitive but very brave. Has a voice
like a hundred harmonic angels . Such a young
body but such an old soul.

The way her body flows with hair following in the

wind, everyone needs an Elena.

by s_in_love August 31, 2017

810 42 FLAG

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Elena is another word for perfect. She is usually
smart and really pretty. Elenas usually are smart.
They are gorgeous and talented

Elena is smart.

by angel bbi January 04, 2015


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A Beautiful woman, with a big heart. Who's smile
makes you smile no matter what, who's big brown
eyes always get what they want. She's caring,
funny, adorable and the best person you could
ever meet. She's loved by everyone (though she
doesn't realize it) and is the most unselfish person I
have ever met.

Elena J you are the best!!!

You thinking: Oh Elena is smiling, I can't help but

smile too.

by HRSN#1 November 05, 2011


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Uncle Manafort.

is ancient name which meaning is light, rays of
light, sun and moon light.

One theory of its origin is from the Ancient Greek

Goddess of the moon light X(H)elena who walks in
dark paths and searches for lost travelers.
The name is also known by Helen (Elena) of Troy.
So o!en it is considered a good omen for the baby
girl to bear this particular name.

Elena of Troy was the most beautiful woman in the

whole world.

by lenival May 15, 2010


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A smoking hot, free-spirited, and down to earth
celebrity. Her generosity and compassion towards
others is astonishing. You can always count on her
to be positive, honest, and supportive. She's
usually a social butterfly and can be very
opinionated. It doesn't matter what you're doing
with this girl, you're going to have fun. She is
independent and sophisticated. Her encouraging
advice brings out the best in you. She's a triple
threat. Beautiful, funny, and intelligent.

Elena is looks absolutely stunning tonight.

by reegz November 04, 2013


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cousin Abdul.

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