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THE EGOT STRIKE OUT ON A PATH WITH OPTIMISM AND ENTHUSIASM + BE TRUE TO YOURSELF » TURN THE PAGE AND START ANEW The frst card of the tarot is, fittingly, the patron saint of new beginnings. The Fool is en optimistic, enthusiastic soul, about to embark upon a journey. When this card appears, its a signal that you should do whatever activity you're itching to start, even ifit looks silly ‘on paper’ or others raise an eyebrow. Only you can walk your own path, and you must follow your heart (over your head) \when this card turns up. Distract your head by having it focus on dealing with the logistics and details of making the heart's dreams come true It likely that this first step will lead to ‘long journey, full of ups and downs and twists. Whatever it is you think you're embarking upon, well, it's probably going to change into something else. However, that's OK and is not a reason to hesitate or procrastinate. Anything is possible, the world is full of limitless opportunity and the Universe does have your back. So, set out asf you know you can't fail Be mindful that everyone else has their ‘own pathway, too. What to you may look like a whim or seem foolish, could well be their life's ambition. Be respectful of others’ ‘missions’, Even better, help! lf the Fool represents a person in your reading, it’ likely to be someone younger, or with a youthful outlook, possibly an air sign ~ perhaps an Aquarius. They may be influencing you to make a bold leap |n many tarot decks, the Fool is depicted as a vagabond, heading unknowingly towards a dangerous cliff edge. He wears tattered clothes and carries a small bundle of belongings on a stick, symbolizing his untapped potential or past burdens, which are not yet weighing him down. A small dog yaps at his feet — maybe his conscience warning him to take care, or perhaps an encouragement to be bold and keep going, ‘no matter what befalls on the path ahead. GOOD KARMA TIP: Every day is a new beginning

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