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Falcon, Andrea Jill S.

BSIT 3A2-1


In the first rule of netiquette remember the human, this means that whenever you post something

or send someone an e-mail you have to remember that there is a human person on the other side

with feeling who will read what you wrote. So, you can’t just rant on and on about how you

dislike them when they have feeling too. The golden rule about sending something is that is you

wouldn't say it to their face then you shouldn’t send it at all.

Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life. If this rule were

followed 100% of the time then the internet would be a very safe place. If you are able to follow

this sure your self then people on forms, chats and blogs will respect you more because you are

giving them respect also.

Know where you are in cyberspace. This rule is very important because if you don’t know what

the people around you are used to hearing or if they are used to using a certain language or used

to different computer lingo. If you come in and say something that there not used o herding or

something that might offend them then you could be in trouble. It is always a good idea to stake

out chats or look throughout old forms to see what people on the site are used to.

Respect other people's time and bandwidth which means that you shouldn’t try to waste people

time. When you are sending something to a contact you need to think, will this person get

anything out of this e-mail, and if you don’t think they will then don’t send it. If the answer is

maybe then come back to the person. Remember you don’t want to be sending people stuff that
they will never look or find it interesting because then you will just become a nuisance. These

are the main points of the Netiquette.

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