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Los Mina, #6 ST, H1

Santo Domingo, February 14th 2022
Dear Paco
Hi, my lovely friend, it has been a long time since we are not
together and I miss you more every day, in this moment I want to tell you
the things that I have experienced in a time of distancing, in a time of
In the first place, it never crossed my mind that covid-19 was going
to arrive in the DR, much less that my life would change as much as it
did. First it was the social distancing, the closing of the classes and the
beginning of the virtual modality, with all that I am sure that your
company would have helped me a lot but well, sometimes things are not
as we want.
During this process, I experienced many changes on a
psychological and emotional level, not counting changes in my daily life,
but somehow I have learned to live with them and face whatever comes.
After a time that the period of distancing was lifted, my emotional
situations could improve a little, my life had some good changes such as
moving, I got new cats but they will never be able to replace you or your
brothers, you will always be in my heart and I don't say this to make less
of those I have now but simply I will never be able to forget you.
And well, as I said before, my life has changed for the better and I
have realized many of the things I had no idea about, my vision of life
has changed and it hurts me that you are not with me and you can’t be
part of the changes but in the same way I wish you the best and I hope
that wherever you are, you can be happy.
I hope you the best, my little boy and I wish will meet soon, with all my
Isis Nuñez.

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