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Vacation Time

The stereotype is that Americans are lazy, but studies show that people in the

U.S. get less vacation time than people in other parts of the world. A typical
American worker gets two or three weeks off out of a whole year for
vacation. Most U.S. workers cannot take those two or three
weeks consecutively. They usually have to be spread out throughout the year. Even
when U.S. workers are on vacation, they are often expected to be in
communication with their boss. This means checking in via email and mobile
phone. Most U.S. businesses do not encourage their employees to take all the
vacation days they are entitled to. In fact, most U.S. companies discourage it.

Other countries, especially countries in Europe, have much more vacation time. In

Germany many people have six weeks of paid vacation. At least three of these
weeks can be taken consecutively. Maybe this is why Europeans and other
travelers vacation in far-off exotic places. Most American families tend to
stay closer to home, rarely leaving the country.

The difference in the amount of vacation time is legal. Most companies in

countries outside the U.S. have to give paid time off to their employees or else pay
hefty fines. However, in the U.S. there is no federal law requiring employers to
give workers paid vacation. In fact the U.S. is the only developed country that
doesn't guarantee yearly time off to workers. There have been efforts to pass
laws giving U.S. workers one week of paid vacation by law, but so far those
efforts have not been successful.

Even when U.S. workers do have time off, many are afraid to take it because they
worry they may be seen as non-productive workers and lose their job. Other
workers worry about going on vacation and having a mountain of work when they

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