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“Abriendo Fronteras en el mundo, Porque la excelencia está en ti…….” 2022 – 2023



10 Points

1 (Vocabulary) Circle the correct option. Total: /5

1 Billy can’t concentrate for very long. He has a short
a focus. b attention span.
2 Sandra is addicted to her mobile phone. She’s always
a on social media. b superficial.
3 Caroline can do ten things at the same time! She is
a pragmatic. b a multi-tasker.
4 Ian puts a lot of photos of himself on social media. He loves taking
a images. b selfies.
5 Otis only cares about his appearance. He’s really
a superficial. b pragmatic.

2 (Vocabulary) Order the words to complete the indirect questions. Total: /4

4. you / know / where / do
the parade takes place?
4. you / me / tell / if / could
there are any decorations?
4. know / you / if / do
I need to wear a costume?
4. tell / you / me / could / what
time the concert starts?

3 (Vocabulary) Circle the correct option. Total:/ 5

1 Notting Hill is a place in London where / who people celebrate a famous carnival.
2 A crocodile is an animal where / that lives in hot, wet places.
3 Spectators which / who are watching the firework display should stand behind the line.
4 I wore a headdress for Halloween which / where was made of feathers.
5 Jugglers which / who are taking part in the performance usually wear costumes.

My favourite festival is a celebration of books and reading that takes place in my school every year.
Everybody wears a costume which is inspired by a character from a book. There’s a parade of floats
with different scenes from books. The people who are on the floats wear costumes to look like the
characters. This year, our float has a scene from a Philip Pullman novel. He’s my favourite writer and
I’m going as Pantalaimon. It’s an animal that constantly changes form, so I have three masks – a bird, a
leopard and a meerkat! At the end of the parade, there is a panel of judges who vote on the best float.
The team that wins first prize go on a writing course with a famous author! I hope we win!

My favourite festival is a celebration of music, but there are a lot of other things to see too.
There’s a market where people sell bohemian clothes and handcrafted headdresses that are
covered with
feathers. There are jugglers who juggle with fire and acrobats who walk on really high stilts. Last year
there was a mud-rolling competition (it often gets wet and muddy in the fields where the festival takes
place). The winner has to upload a selfie of themselves covered in mud! This year, I’m going to wear
a green and purple headdress that looks a bit like an exotic bird. It’s beautiful. I’m taking stilt-walking
classes at the moment, so I can join in with the acrobats. It’s not easy and you have to concentrate!

4. (Reading)Read the text and write Mark, Delia or both. Total:/ 4

1 is learning a new skill to perform at the festival.
2 is going to a festival where people wear costumes.
3 describes an activity in the countryside.
4 wants to win a prize to learn to do something.

5. (Reading) Read the text again and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). Total:/ 4
1 People that go to the reading festival have to bring a book.

2 2 Mark is going to be on a float this year.

3 Delia says you can see people who juggle fire at the festival.

4 Delia is going to buy a headdress at the music festival this year.

MRS. MARÌA AUXILIADORA Steven Moreira Misael Peñafiel


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