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Rationale CEAT FairYEAH!

is the first event of the College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology Student Council together with the College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology Recognized Student Organizations which aims to set the mood of the students and create an environment of youth empowerment through the guidance of faith, zeal for service, and communion in mission as well as to motivate the students to actively participate in the college. This event will highlight the different student organizations of the college as well as the Student Council, by setting up booths, to inform the students, specially the freshmen, of the upcoming activities, as well as to make them more in depth with their chosen fields. This event will also include invited Recognized Student Organizations (GENSHIKEN and GLAM) as well as the Lasallian Pop Band to have their booths set up on the CEAT Grounds along with the CEAT SC, PC, and RSOs to motivate the students to participate in other organizations and tap their interests on music, art appreciation, and also to boost their talents. The event will also include the launching of the first ever CEATSC Newsletter, Horsepower, which will mark the start of many good things to come for the college and for the University as the whole Lasallian community prepare for the Centennial Celebration of the Lasallian Presence in the Philippines.

Program of Activities WHOLE DAY 8:00 18:00 The booths will be open for students, and the different RSOs would have their own small fun activities as a means of interacting with the students MORNING 8:00 8:05 8:05 - 8:15 Opening Prayer Welcome Remarks from the Dean or Associate Dean It may include a brief history or background of the College 8:15- 8:30 A brief interaction with the students going in for their 8:30 class.

LUNCH TIME: Launching of the CEATSC Official Publication, Horsepower. 11:30-11:35: 11:35-11:40: 11:40-11:45: 11:45-13:00: Opening prayer for launching of publication Opening remarks Introduction and presentation of Horsepower, the CEATSC Official Publication Recruitment of students who wish to be part of the Publication committee

AFTERNOON: (16:00-18:00) 16:00-16:15 16:15-17:50 17:50-17:55 17:55-18:00 Interaction of the hosts with the students Pop Band Performance with GLaM Closing Remarks by Associate Dean or Dean, and a message for the students Closing Prayer

Rationale for the morning schedule 8am is the best time to start the college fair for it is neither too early nor too late. The said opening prayer, if deemed inappropriate, could simply be for the organizers and participating organizations for the fair. From 8:05am to 8:15am the time projected that the students with 8:30am class will be going to their respective classrooms, is also the time where in those with 7am class would simply be discussing minor details included in the course syllabus as traditionally discussed on the first day. Hence, this is the most convenient time for the Dean or the Associate Dean to give the welcome and opening Remarks. The 7am classes would have been dismissed by 8:15, as stated in the University policies and more students will be going to their 8:30 class. Thus, this is the best time for an interaction between the participating organizations as well as the students.

IN CASE OF CHANGE: In the event that the CEATSC could not release and launch its official publication, the following program for the lunchtime (from 1130-1300) will be implemented.

LUNCHTIME PROGRAM: Launching of CEAT Exhibit Hall 1130-1135: 1135-1140: 1140: 1140 onwards: Prayer for the afternoon program Opening remarks of the associate dean or the dean Ribbon cutting and launching of the CEAT Exhibit Hall for the A.Y. 2010-2011 The CEAT exhibit hall shall be open for all students, and will be managed by the CEATSC and its scholars.

ESTIMATED EXPENSES ITEMS Tents DESCRIPTION 12x12 12x24 ----QTY AMT/QTY 5 500 2 1000 2 1000 ----200 ----------AMOUNT 2500 2000 2000 2000 3000 300 2200 14000

Dancing Balloons Furnishing and redecorating of CEAT exhibit hall Food Snacks for performers, invited organizations, and organizers CEATSC booth Materials for decorating the CEATSC booth Contingencies TOTAL

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