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Without a doubt, the telephone is one of the greatest achievements in technology, today it
has become an essential tool in our lives, whether it is to play games, watch videos,
communicate, inform ourselves, etc. But although it helps us, it also harms us, since over
time, there are people who have developed a dependency on it, called NOMOPHOBIA.
In the first place, this person is constantly watching the cell phone, to see if they have
received any notification.
Secondly, they can spend hours and even days without sleeping in order to stay connected,
and for this they can ingest a huge amount of caffeine to stay awake.
Third, avoid going to places where there can be no signal, this in order to avoid not having
Finally, people who suffer from this disorder totally distance themselves from the people
around them, whether they are family or friends.
In conclusion, I consider that the life of people who suffer from this disorder is difficult,
because they have a constant anxiety to be with their cell phone, and it also generates
significant physical and mental health problems.

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