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Securing MySQL

Arwan Ahmad Khoiruddin, S.Kom., M.Cs.

Sekilas tentang database

Saat ini, kita selalu berhubungan dengan database, baik secara langsung maupun secara tidak langsung

Sekilas tentang database (lanj't)

Semakin maju sebuah organisasi/negara, semakin banyak berhubungan dengan basis data Semakin banyak data yang lalu lalang, semakin butuh jaminan keamanan data

Data Security

Tidak semua data boleh dilihat setiap orang. Keamanan data: aman secara fisik dan non-fisik. Aman fisik berarti terhindar dari kemungkinan-kemungkinan kerusakan, bencana, kehilangan dsb. (ISO 9001:2008) Aman non-fisik bebas dari tindakan nakal akibat adanya system's security vulnerability


Vulnerable: exposed to being attacked or harmed (Oxford Dictionary) In computer security, the word vulnerability refers to a weakness in a system allowing an attacker to violate the confidentiality, integrity, availability, access control, consistency or audit mechanisms of the system or the data and applications it hosts. Vulnerabilities may result from bugs or design flaws in the system. A vulnerability can exist either only in theory, or could have a known exploit. Vulnerabilities are of significant interest when the program containing the vulnerability operates with special privileges, performs authentication or provides easy access to user data or facilities (such as a network server or RDBMS) (

Fighting for Better Security (

We do fighting with intruders Do not give anyone (except root account) access to the user table in the mysql database. Do not grant more previlleges than necessary. Never grant previlleges to all hosts. Do not store plain-text password in your database. Instead, use MD5 or other keys. Do not choose password from dictionary

Fighting for ... (cont'd)

Invest in firewall Do not trust any data entered by user(s) in your application. Do not transmit plain-text data over the internet. Last but not least: ALWAYS LEARN

Matur Nuwun Syukron Thank you Arigato Gozaimasu

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