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put your animation to


bootanimation form: contains part0 part1 folders and desc.txt

file, part0 and part1 folders saved with split pictures of the animation, form
should be png or jpg.

desc.txt file content is as below

400 400 10
p1 0 part0
p0 0 part1

the first line, 800 is width, 480 is hight, 15 is frame number.
the second line, p is a identifier, and the second row is cycle numbers(0 means
endless loop), the third row means frames between two cycles, and the fourth row is
related directory. when it plays the animation, it will play accroding to sequence
listed in the file.

packing requirement:
if you pack it on windows, please use winrar, choose ZIP form, and compress
standard choose "store|",
if you pack it under linux, then zip -0 -r ../ ./* linux command
use -0 to appoint compress to the lowest class stored, that means just archive but
no compress, otherwise, it may cause animation playing error.

packing done, then change its authority value to chmod 777

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