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TIM lhltk lET Rtvlewen Social Sclt"ctl I 89 ··

14. B.
The Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Net Worth
(SALN) discloses a public servant's wealth and makes
sure that there is no discrepancy betWeen their income
and accumulated wealth .

15. B. I

Argumentum ad populum is Latin for "~Imeal to tbe
people". It alleges that "if many believe so, it is so".

16. A.
Argumentum ad '!I~Jtordiam is Latin .for "appeal to
~t tries to win support by exploiting ano~ .
person's pity or guilt.

17. A.
A<!.!!Qmin.em is Latin for "to the It is often
described as a fallacy because It can be used to
question personal conduct or used as personal attacks.

18. D.
Argumentum ad baculum is Latin for "argument to the
cudge" or "appeal to the stick~. It is an argument that
uses force, coercion, or threats.

19. A.
Argumentum ad verecundiam is also known as "appeal
to authority~. It argues that a statement is correct
because it is made by a source that is regarded as
authoritative although it may be erroneous.

20. c.
Argumentum ad ignorantiam or "appeal to ignorance"
argues that a proposition is true because it has not
been proven to be false or vice versa. An absence of
evidence, however, does not really prove what is the

~ .. ..... ',I


!-~ ·.
70 I The Cllr/tt LET Rnltwer: Social Scieaces

Test XI

1. Which statement does NOT describe the Babylonians?

A They cbmpiled one of the earliest examples of a
diagnostic handbook.
· /Q B. They were credited for writing the oldest piece of
\[) literature, the. Epi~ of Gilgamesh.
C. Their astrology was credited for paving the way for
D. The set of laws collected and put forth by their leader
was a giant step for the development of the concept
of justice.

2. What were the secrets of the Hittites for their success in

Iunder and intimidation
@iron implements and war chariots
D. consulting the stars before going to war

3. As you are reading this question, what legacy of the

Phoenicians are you reminded of?
A the word "bib/ion", from which we gotthe .root word for
Q "bible" and many words relating to book
\__[) @)the alphabet which was adopted by the Greeks and
Romans, where we also based our alphabet
C. the extensive trading that spread the Phoenician
~~e paper from papyrus reeds harvested in one of the
colonies of the Phoenicians

4. Though-not a major political power, the made

las · g contribution for their belief that would become the
t ee major faiths in the world right now.
~'fhaldeans C. Persians
(_o/Hebrews D. Phoenicians

,.. .,._ ,· ,I
... ~; t .-- 'll("

1;.~·· •· :,. ... ;
ll"'.i.·· . .
The (/11klt LIT Revlewerz Social Scle11n1 I 71

5. What is a....c..ontrihution-Of-t-Re-As,syrians ·lA ai:Jr.-stwdy. of
~!igla. th Pil~ser invaded other lan.ds mainly for plun~er.
~The A,Rsynans were able to efficiently manage their
empife by employing terror.
A)systematic library that contained thousands of clay
\_.,tablets with information about Mesopotamia was
D. Ashurbanipal ordered a grandiose city highly
influenced by the culture of Mesopotamia.

6. When you received an e-mail from a friend, you should

be reminded that the Persians improved the mailing
system by _ __
A. establishing a monetary system that was accepted all
/ £ver the empire
/ B. organizing satrapies and satraps
~/ (S creating a 1,200 mile long Royal Road from modern-
day Turkey to Iran
D. using an official language all over the empire

7. TheJ.9ht of the Jews led by Moses from Egypt to the

Si,nai Peninsula is called .
/l'~:'piaspora C. Hegira
/' (~Exodus D. Migration

8. Why is Egypt called the "Gift of the Nile"?

A . .Egypt's civilization lasted for thousands of years.
s : The monuments of Egypt still stand today.
/ rG.)'vithout the Nile, it would not have been possible to
1/ Li~stablish a civilization.
"- D. Many were fascinated by the ancient civilization of
9. Wlio were the Mycenaeans?
i( An Indo-European tribe that settled in mainland
/ Greece.
// B. They were the heroes in Homer's stories.
G~ They borrowed the culture of the Minoans.
(3 All of the above .

... - -.· - .. - -- . ..
72 I The Qultk LET Reviewer: s·oclal· Sciences

10: Some schools patterned their school's mission and

vision after the Greek ideals like excellence, courage,
~ d hono·r in Homer's epic poems, namely the
(~Hi·ad and Odyssey C . Aeneid and Eclog_u_e_s__
/ 8. Works and Days D. Dialogue and Republic

11. _ _ _ : "rule of the few" as _ _ _ : "rule by the

A. ~~re; republic ~~~ emocracy ; oligarchy
6( oligarchy; republic ~ ligarchy ; democracy

12. Which statement does NOT describe the Athenians?

A. They value moderation.
n-e'y value the Golden Mean.
They granted equal rights to the women.
They cherished freedom of thought and speech .

13. Which statement does NOT describe the Spartans?

e people had a militaristic orientation.
ey valued the Golden
--,_ Mean .
hey led the Peloponnes1an League.
D. They trained their warriors not to fear death.

14. Which of the following does NOT pertain to Julius

A He formed a triumvirate with PornR~y_ and ,Crassus.
~ ,He was known for his co~~:g~~~s -~f_ ~auL
He crushed a revolt instigated by slaves.
He. established reforr:ns for the soL9.i..~x.s _and the poor.
15. Which c:if the following statements is FALSE regarding
Octavian? - -- .
A. He ~.the··· nephew of Julius Caesar. .
B. H,e·was later knowri as Augustus, meaning "honored
/ a'nd majestic".
~· His reign started the Roman Empire and Pax
Romana. ·
\~ He was defeated by the combined forces of Mark
\.,'JAntony ·and Cleopatra.

I- • ...-- • ""' - <) · , • .· .. -·. - --- ... -

• I ..
·- - '
The Qulclr LET Rovlowon Social Sclone!!f I 73

16. In their Religion class , Sister Mary said th at P-alestine

during Jesus' time was part of the Roman Em pire.
Because of this, Jesus had to deliver his message
!Y through .
V cA.' ~is disciples C. parables .
¥ the Bible D. the Holy Spirit

17. Constantine was known for everyth ing stated below,

~ He was the first Christian Roman emperor.
~He was said to be victorious after he followed Christ's
orders in his dream.

D C. He issued the Edict of Milan which stopped the

persecution of Christians.
D. He declared that Christianity should be the official
religion of the Roman Empire. ':J {Jf(_.f.-f.J·ti<0lfl~v'

18. Which statement does NOT pertain to the monastic

A. It was initiated by Bened ict of Nursrc;
B. The monks and nuns kept classical le~ing alive.
R.Jrhe mon~s wielded political power.
The rfiOnks and nuns renounced world pursuits and
devoted their life to spiritual matters . .

19. Which does NOT pertain to the Byzantine Empire?

A. Preserved the Greek and Rom'aiiideas
)\l Blended Western and Eastern art
()f.Also known as the Western Roman E:mpire
{ D) Halted the Muslim advance into Christia~ Europe
'·::............... ...,
20. , the breaking of religious images was' one of
' ··
the many reasons why the of the Orthodox
Church and the of the Roman Church
excommunicated each other.
A. Schism; pope; patriarch
B. Schism; patriarch; bishop
~· Iconoclasm; pope; patriarch
u· ~asm ; patriarch ; pope

End of Test XI

' .. ~- r .. _ .,. ..,,.,;;-.:.,.._ - . . ... · ... , ' ,_,_,...

74 I The Qultk LET Reviewer: Social Sciences

Test XI
Answer Key and Discussion

1. 8 6. c 11.0 16.C
2. c 7.8 12. C 17. 0
3. 8 8.C 13.8 18.C
4.8 9. 0 14.C 19.C
5. c 10. A 15.0 20.0

1. B.

Scholars believe that the Epic of Gilgamesh originated
from a series of Sumerian legericrs-a'1ia' poems.

2. c.
The Hittites from Anatolia credited their military success
to the use of iron implements and war chariots.

3. B.
The Phoenicians alphabet was spread by Phoenician
merchants and used by many people. The Greek
alphabet, from which the Latin alphabet was based, is a
direct descendant of the Phoenician alphabet.

4. B.
The Hebrews, also known as the Israelites, started a
faith that would fonn the basis of the Abrahamic
religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

5. C.
The Royal Library of Ashurbanipal, the oldest
systematically organized library in the ancient Middle
East, contained a wealth of information on ancient

6. c.
Darius rebuilt the Persian Royal Road to facilitate rapid
communication all over the Persian Empire.
7. B.
Exodus, which means "exit from Egypt~. Is the story of
the Israelites' departure from ancient Egypt as
described In the Book of Exodus, the second book of
the Bible.

B. C.
Just like many .ancient civilizations that started in river
valleys, the ancient Egyptian civilization would not have
thrived in the desert if not for the Nile River that made
the area fertile.

9. D.
Mycenaean Greece is the historical setting of the
ancient Greek myths including the epics of Homer.
10. A.
Homer, considered as the greatest ancient Greek poet,
is the author of the Iliad and Odyssey. Hesiod was an
ancient Greek poet who wrote Works and Days. Virgil
was an ancient Roman poet who wrote the Aeneid and
Eclogues. Plato, the Greek philosopher, wrote Dialogue
and The Republic.

11 . D.
In an oligarchy, power resides in a few people. In a
democracy, power resides among all the citizens.

12. c.
Although democracy originated in Athens, the status of
the Athenian woman was lower compared to women in
many Greek city-states.

13. B.
The Golden Mean, the philosophy that people should
follow the desirable middle rather than the extremes,
was practiced in Athens, not in Sparta.

14. c.
Crassus, one of the three members of the First
Triurmnrate, crushed the slave revolt led by Spartacus.

·'· y ~-~ .. - ·~......_ ··-r- :-- .. --

.; .

76 I The Quick LET Reviewer: Social Sciences

15. D.
Octavian defeated the combined forces of Mark Antony
and Cleopatra . After the latter committed suicide,
Octavian added Egypt into the Roman Empire and
would later be known as Augustus, the first emperor of
the Roman Empire.

16. c.
A parable is a brief story with a lesson or instructive
. principle. It is utilized by Jesus of Nazareth to teach
about the Kingdom of Heaven, and other virtues. They
could also be veiled commentaries about society during
Jesus' time. ·

17. D.
Constantine may have enacted the Edict of M"an which
tolerated Christianity, but it was The-o..doslLIS who made
Christianity the official state religion of th~ Roman

18. c.
Monasticism is a religious practice wherein one
renounces worldly pursuits. The dE}Votion to spiritual
work would make it unlikely for a person to pursue

19. c.
The Byzantine Empire was the Eastern Roman Empire.

20. D.
Iconoclasm was one of the r,eligious issues that caused
a schism, or a split, between the Roman Catholic
Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church ..

, ..
The llultk LIT levlewert Social Selent•• 1 77

Test XII

1. Islam's central doctrine is the , which says that

there is no god except Allah and Muhammad is His
A. Zakat C. Salat
} lJShahadah D. Saum
2. What is oftentimes erroneously referred to as "holy warD,
when it actually translates to "struggle in the way of
/ A Han c. Salat
/ @ Jihad D. Zakat ·

3. The Arabs made significant contributions and

, illJprovements in the academe. Which among the
· J.:>llowing is NOT a contribution?
/ ~· algebra c~ chemistry
./ B. astronomy €)none of these

4. Many of the Arab contributions to education happened

during the Golden Age of Islam. In which caliphate did it
happen? r\
A. Abbasid [,g.! Rashidun
B. Fatimid D. Umayyad

5. Sir Alberto is careful not to exclude students from any

aetivities because it might have serious consequences

i m the students' self-esteem. Which term was applied to

l a person excluded from Indian society?

C. Kshatriya
D. Vaishya .

6. Wh~t was the term for the traditional Chinese concept

th?t the powers of authority of the e~erorame_fr_g,m
hea\lell...and emperors should then be regarded as "Sons
L ~eaven"? ·--:\
,Chung Kuo , 'C.JMandate of Heaven
Confucianism IX Taoism

. ... - ... ~.

,· ·.
78 I The ll•kk LET ltvlewtr1 Soda I Selene"

7. What is the 'Buddhlst term when one h ~s perfected the

~Qhtfold Path? · - -
!\""') ~Dharma oksha
~J,./ B. Karma irvana

8. Chinese society can be described as a mutual respect

between the leaders and the followers. Which
(' philosophy explains this u®rstanding?
V A. Buddhism C. Confucianism
B. Civil Service . eaven's Mandate

9. We give s:redit to the oriental philosophers for their

to their ideas in education. Who does NOT
~ong to the group?
x':-YBuddha C. Mencius
/ B. Confucius D. Lao Tze

10. Who ,;as-'the Chinese emperor who ~~unded the Chin

nasty which became the basis for tne name "China"?

A Shih Huang Ti
Lao Tze
C. Kung Fu Tze
D. EmperorYu

11. Many Japanese are more than willing to offer their lives
for the sake of regaining honor. What do you call this
V practice?
C Seppuku
I B. Kamikaze . Zaibatsu
L/ ·.
12. Aside from the Western classics, Mr. Bacalso induded
Asian classics in his Literature class such as
..about'the Japanese medieval court ---
( A} fhe Tale of Genji
/ B'. Kabuki
C. Bunraku
D. A Thousand and One Nights

•• • I . -........ <!• )'" ., ...... 11.",., ·.

TIM thick liT lwltwtr• Sodal ScltMH I 71

13. What is the long'est epic in the world that originated In

ln~a? r:::
/ 1\. Epic of Gilgamesh \..c.. ahabharata
/ B. Bhagavad Gita D. Ramayana

14 ) ::anointed one, ::enlightened one

Buddha G: Christ; Allah
ha; Allah . ~hrist; Budclha
15. Mr. Mosqueda disc~ssed in class that the architecture of
a building _98n be used to study history in the absence of
historicardocuments. Which among the following is NOT
~mpl~ of Asian arch~·ure?
~- ~~~kor'Wat C. hichen ltza
B. Borobodur . ~ohenjo Daro

16. Miss Cheryl said that through their class activities, the
students can practice diplomacy. Who is credited for
creating the largest land empire in history not only
(l through superior ftghting skills but also through
(.;/diplomacy a~s-witA-etAer tribes?
. ~ Ashoka C ~ Genghis Khan
~·Darius the Great D. Kublai Khan

17. The Chinese' praying for their dead relatives, the

Japan~se' reverence for their departed loved ones, and
the.-fndian's Sraddha are evidences of .
/ <.respectfulness A· close family ties
./ B. filial piety ancestor worship c_9J.
18. ~Empire ::Jncan Empire is to:
A isbon :: Macnu Picchu
/ . Lisbon :: Tenochtitlan
e-:-.Porto :: lisbon
enochtitlan :: Machu Picchu

" .r . . ..... .,._..,. .. -- ·· ·- ··• -·-'-- ·

80 I The ll•kk lET ltewlewer: Sod•l Sdencts

19. Which among the following is NOT a civilization In the

A. edlec C. lncan
~Harappa D. Olmec

20. During the Age of Exploration, which among the

following . was NOT received by the colonies from the
A,..,culture ~"'""foodstuff
_ /· diseases ~none of these .

End of Test XII

• I


~ ..

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- "P·. ,r4
~ . . ·i,. . .....
~· IJ11/tk LET Rtvltwtrs Sodal kt.!KH I K

Test XII
Answer Key and Discussion

1. 8 6.C 11. c 16.C

2. 8 7.0 12. A 17. D
3.0 8.C 13.C 18. 0
4.A 9.A 14.8 19. 8
5.8 10.A 15.C 20. 0

1. B.
Shahadah is the first of the Five Pillars and is the
profession of the Muslim faith. Salat or Salah is the
practice of formal PLayers. Zal<ans tlie giVing of._Eims to
the ~~f-S'aufidS:the fastingdurmg themooth ·of
Ranla_~.~Jl. Hajj is the pi~age-to Mecca.

2. B.
Jihad is a religious duty among Muslims which literally
means "struggle". It is more of a personal struggle to
maintain the faith rather than a "holy war".

3. D.
Alchemy, the forerunner of modem chemistry, was
derived from the Arabic, al-kimia. A significant number
of stars are still referred to by their Arabic names.
Algebra is derived from al-jabr.

4. A.
The Abbasid Caliphate made significant contributions in
science, technology, literature, and philosophy.

5. B.
The Caste System was a social stratification system in
India. The outcastes were treated as untouchables. The
Brahmins were the priests. The Kshatri~~ were the
W8'iTiO'fS and nobilities. The Vaishyas were the traders
and bankers. The Shudras were the service providers.
6. c.
The Mandate of Heaven says that the heaven will bless
a just ruler and his descendants but will take away that
mandate if one is a despotic ruler.

7. D.
Nirvana, the central concept of Buddhism, is the state
of .eternal happiness when one has finished the
Ei'ghtfold Path. Dhanna refe.[s_to personal duties and
obligatio~anna is the action-tbatJeads to the cycle
of reincarnation. Moksha is the "release~ from the cycle
of reincarnation. ---

8. c.
Confucianism, which is based on the teachings of
Confucius or Kung Fu :rzu, stresses the importance of
relationships, sucnasthe reverence of juniors for their

9. A.
Buddha, or Siddharta Gautama, is a spiritual teacher
from ~o.dia but was born in ~w Nepal.
Confuc1us, Lao Tze; and Mencius are philosophers
from ancient cf'iina.

10. A.
Shi Huang Ti was leader of the state of Chin. He unified
the warring states and became the first emperor of the
Chin Dynasty, where the name "China" was derived.
Emperor Yu was the legendary first emperor of China.

11. C.
Seppuku is a ritual suici®_.9l.d.l~em_Q9__wejmentdone by
samorat~egam.:their-honor. It is a part of the
shido)'the samurai code of honor. Kamikaze, literally
ine"winds", were the stonns that protected Japan
from Mongol invaders and were used by World War II
pilots on a suicide mission. Zaibatsu refers to financial
and business conglomerates in Japan.

... ··: ..:'

The fhltk LET Rtvltwert S.C..I Sdt~~e" I Ia

12. A.
The Tale of Gel]!. or Genji Monagatarf, is also
consicrefeaas the world's first novel attributed t{ La~
C-Muras;:~ki. Bunraku Is a traditional Japanese pup'pet
- th'Efafer. Ka@Is..a traditional Japanese dance-drama.
A Thousand and One Nights, also known as Arabian
Nigh~Js...a-classic in Islamic literature compiled during
the Abbasid_Q.ynasty.

13. c.
The Mahabharata and the Ramayana are the two major
Sanskrit epics of India. The Mahabharata is four times
the length of the Ramayana, making it the longest epic
in the world. The Bhagavap Gita is part of the
Mahabharata. The Epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest epic
in the world.

14. B.
Christ is from t~e Greek khristos, meaning "anointed
one". The term usually refers to Jesus of Nazareth.
Buddha is a Sanskrit word meaning "enlightened" or
"awakened one". It usually refers to Siddharta

15. c.
Chichen ltza is a Mayan site found in Mexico.
Borobodur, is a Buddhist monument in Indonesia.
Angkor Wat is a Hindu and Buddhist monument in
Cambodia. Mohenjo Daro is an ancient Indus Valley
civilization site in Pakistan.

16. c.
Genghis Khan was the founder of the Mongol Empire,
the largest contiguous empire in history. His grandson, .
Kublai Khan, was the founder of the Yuan Dynasty in
China. Ashoka the Great of the Maurya Dynasty is one
of the greatest rulers-of ancient India. Darius the Great
of the Achaemenid Empire was one of the greatest
rulers of ancient Persia.

· .cc:::,- - -- - - -- -
84 I The Q,/ck LET lewlewtrs Sodt~l Sciences

17. D.
Ancestor worship, or veneration of the dead, Is a
common tradition among many Asian cultures.

18. D.
Tenochtitlan and Machu Picchu are Important sites of
the Aztec and lncan Empire, respectively. Porto and
Lisbon are important cities of Portugal which pioneered
the Age.of Exploration.

19. B.
Harappa is an ancient Indus Valley civilization in

20. D.
The Columbian Exchange was a widespread exchange
of animals, plants, slaves, culture, ideas, and even
communicable diseases between the Western and
Eastern hemispheres.


1. was the main political set-up and was

the main economic set-up during the middle ages.
( {:;:: ·~udalism; manorialism
~sCholasticism; monasticism
/ C. manorialism; feudalism
_/ D. monasticism; scholasticism

2. / is the code of conduct followed by in

order. . for them to properly serve their king, people, and
9.od. .
~-,pharter; knights C. knights; charter
/ '-8/chivalry; knights D. knights; chivalry

3. What was the movement started by Pope Urban II in

1095 which aimed to liberate and recover the "Holy
/ (ands" from the Muslims?
_....-/ ~ .Christian War C. Holy War
vrusades D. Reconquista

Tht Q11/tk Ln Rtvltwtrl Sodilll Sclt!tttl I 81

4. What was the school of philosophy in the Medieval

Period led by Thomas Aquinas which argued that
re,fisons could be used to explain Christian teachings?
Ai Stoicism - 7.J..,t- D C. Naturalism
Scholasticism- D. Humanism

5. Renaissance is a French word meaning _ __

- ~wakening c. peak ·
__/ B. birth '-~ebirth
6. Ho':Y--_did Gutenberg spread Renaiss~mce ideas?
g..{He printed the oldest version of the Bible.
/ )13.)-iis printing press made books widely available and
,V affordable.
C. He wrote essays which criticized the old view of the
D. He promoted a scientific view of the world through his

7. Which statement CANNOT be attributed to Martin


~e believed salvation can be. achieved through faith
and good works.
B. He outlined his ideas in the Ninety-Five Theses and
nailed this in the door of the .Castle Church in
n\ Wittenberg.
\ CJ His cause got the support of the German princes.
-o. He attacked most of the sacraments of the Church.
8. Which is NOT a feature of the Protestant Reformation?
A. the growth of different Christian denominations
B. work ethics that reflect their faith
~independence from the rule of the Catholic Pope
~ none the above

9. The motives of the Age of Exploration can be summed

up in three words:
A. guns, goons, gold ( C)God, gold, glory
B. guns, glitter, goons 'D. God, gold, guns

.--- - ·· ··-· ···~- ..... _

! ·.
88 I The l}u/ck LET levlewerr Sodtll SdtltcH

10. Which among the following was NOT a development

ng the Scientific Revolution?
ts. · ~icrobiology
O:"laws of planetary motion
/ D. heliocentric view of the universe
11. Louis XIV once said, "L'etat c'est mol," or, "I am the
State" and claimed his power came from God and that
man should question it. What kind of rule is this?
absolute monarchy
constitutional monarchy
((;; enlightened monarchy
'0. limited monarchy
12~hich goal best describes the Enlightenment?
\~ to rai~ Europe from the lack of reason, superstitions,
dic;taforship, and harsh conditions
B; ) o develop the trade and commerce of Europe for
/ / progress
/ C. to encourage the free exchange of ideas
D. to conquer other lands and exploit their natural
resources and enslave their people

13. The / ,.,-( ' , which started in England, was marked

wiUrlhe growth of factorie~~d mass production.
/ A.Counter-reformation ~ ndustrial Revolution
.// B. English Revolution D. Reformation

14. Which statement CANNOT be attributed to Adam Smith?

A. He is krtown as the "Father of Modern Economics".
B.)iis major economics ideas ift~ found in "The Wealth
r(" of Nations".
/~e said that the government must see to it that
/ everybody's needs are met.
D. He put forth the idea of the "invisible hand".
The Qulclr LET Revlewen Social Stlent, l I 87

15. Which of the following does NOT refer to Karl Marx?

A He described the history of the world as a class
B. He said that the capitalist greed is the root cause of
inequalities in society.
C. H ~ wanted to establish a government where the
Jh(~·orkers dictate economic production .
/ (~ e argued that we can achieve an equal society
through peaceful means.

16. Studying cause and effect, students were tasked to

enumerate the causes of World War I. The following led

/ 0 -
to the outbreak of the First World War, EXCEPT

/-A) greed and secretive nature of powerful countries

C B. the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of
@ Japan's militaristic ambitions
D. the consequence of imperialist conflict

17. Teaching in an international school, Miss Davis

encouraged her students not to let their cultural
differ~ces be a hindrance from cooperating with one
anptfler. She explained that even Sun Yat Sen and
Mahatma Gandhi have similarities. What were these
similarities? Both .
/ A promoted a society ruled by religious leaders
B. rejected violence as a way to achieve reforms
m ed nationalistic movements in their respective
D. supported Marxism to change existing governments

18. It means the control of a "superior" country over a

11 "weaker" countrts ~olitical, cultural , and economic
/ · . . . affairs. - - -- ---··-(- ]-----.- ----- .
.u :A\ Colonialism
·, B~ Fascism
C Imperialism
. Neo-colonialism


88 I The Qu/d'LIT RtTit11tf! Social Sdtilctt

19. While comparing and contrasting events, Mis Bautlst

asked what factor was a major cause of both World War
I and World War II. It was~-~-
(' ~A. the spread of Marxist ideas into Europe
lj~~- the dropping of atomic bombs
the rise of totalitarian fascist states

20. The religious differences of the people in Mindanao

might lead to tragic results if not handled properly, said
Mr. Sa,bang to his Contemporary Issues class. Similarly,
the; eligious difference between the led to the
g.r;eation of Pakistan as a nation in 194 7.
/ A. Christians and Muslims
/ B. Hindus and Buddhists
£.,Hindus and Christians
~ Hindus and Muslims

End of Test XIII

Answer Key and Discussion

1. A 6.8 11. A 16.C

2.8 7.A 12.A 17.C
3. 8 8. 0 13. c 18.-C
4.8 9.C 14.C 19.C
5. D 10.A 15.0 20.0

1. A.
Feudalism was a system that revolved around the
relationship of giving land in exchange for service or
labor. Manorialism was the rural economic activity in
feudal society. Charter is the grant of authority or rights
to govern a certain place.

~ . ' ..

' .
The t/ultk LIT ltewltwer: Social k lttlct• I 88

2. B.
Chivalry is the code of conduct followed by European
knights during the Middle Ages.

3. B.
The Crusades were a series of military campaigns
called by popes and led by kings and nobles to restore
Christian control in the Holy Lands that were controlled
by Muslims. Reconquista was a series of Christian
military campaigns that sought to wrestle the Iberian
Peninsula from Muslim control.

4. B.
Scholasticism was utilized by Thomas Aquinas in his
work Summa Theologica, to defend Christian thought.
Stoicism, which says that destructive emotions are the
result of poor judgment, was founded by Zeno.
Naturalism is the belief that only natural laws and
forces operate in the world .. Humanism is a philosophy
that focuses on human nature and concerns .

5. D.
Renaissance is a French word meaning "rebirth". This
cultural movement that happened from the 141h to 17th
century started in Italy and saw the revival of classical
learning and the development of literature, arts, politics,
and religion.

6. B.
Johannes Gutenberg in~ented the movable type of
printing press which spte~d the ideas of the
Renaissance, Reformati(bJl, and Scientific Revolution.

7. A.
Martin Luther, through his study of the Bible, believed
that salvation can be achieved through faith in Christ
alone. This challenged the Catholic dogmas and started
the Reformation.

- ._.. .--.....
8. D.
The Protestant Reformation saw the rise of different
Christian denominations in different states since each
prince or leader can now choose their own religion
through the Peace of Augsburg. This also ended the
pope's political power. The "Protestant Ethic" drove
people to hard work and the growth of capitalism.

9. c.
The Age of Exploration was fuelled with the desire to
spread Christianity (God), accumulate wealth through
precious stones and spices (Gold), and conquer new
lands for their country and king, and for personal fame

10. A.
Social contract, a theory that illustrates the appropriate
relationship between people and Jtl~ic goyernment, was
famously espoused by T-homas Hobbes, John Locke,
and Jean Jacques Rousseau and developed during the
Enlightenment. -

11. A.
Absolute monarchs have unrestricted power over their
states and subjects. This was best exemplified by the
long reign of Louis XIV in France.

12. A.
The Age of Enlightenment sought to reform European
society through the use of reason. It also promoted the
ex_change of knowledge and opposed the abuses of the

13. c.
The Industrial Revolution, which started in England in
the 18th to 19th century, was marked with significant
changes in manufacturing, mining, transportation, and

The IJultk LET Rewlewttl Socl1l ScloiUtS I 81

14. C.
Adam Smith argued that a free market economy is
more productive and beneficial to the society and th at
the state must not interfere with its economic activities.

15. D.
Karl Marx said that capitalism produces Internal
tensions and oppresses the workers. This would lead to
a violent revolution led by the proletariat (i.e . workers)
since the bourgeoisie (i.e. rich capitalists) would not
give up their wealth without a fight. The workers will
., eventually win, according to him, and form a socialist
state, which would give way to communism, a classless
system based on common ownership.

16. c.
Imperial Japan's militaristic ambitions culminated with
their Axis alliance in World War II.

17. c.
Sun Yat Sen and Mahatma Gandhi led nationalistic
movements in China and India, respectively.

18. c.
Imperialism is an extension of an empire or country's
rule over another country and takes advantage of its
society, politics, economy, and culture. Colonialism is
the establishment of colonies in a territory by another
group of people from another territory. Neo-colonialism
is the taking advantap.e..Gf-developed countries over
deveiQpiog__co.untrieS __e_CQD.QrDiE§S~ Fa~ rs:_a radi9.~
political ideology that exaits -~vertrly' individual.)
19. c.
Ultranationalism, the extreme devotion to national
interests, as well as the desire to spread their territo-
ries, was a major cause of both World Wars I and II.

20. D.
The Partition of India was the separation of British India
and saw the creation of Pakistan for the Muslims and
India for the Hindus.
92 I TM QwltHIT Rewlewer: Social ScleMII

. . TestxiV . _9,~
1. It 1s the sector with the largest contribution to the
ilippine economy.
Agricultural . Public

D /
/ . Industrial . Services

2. Which statement regarding the definition·of Law of

,_Qemand is FALSE?
. ~ If refers to the ability and willingness to buy goods at
different prices.
~It says that demand increases as price decreases.
(~)It says that demand decreases as price increas~...........
D. Its demand curve slopes downward.
3. It is the sector with the smallest percentage of
A. Agricultural
~ Industrial
C. Private
D. Services

4. A table that shows how consumers behave in terms of

quantity demanded in relation to price is called a
1~ d~mand , while the graph is called a _ __
'-D A. curve; slope ~chedule; slope
~chedule ; curve ~;:,lope; curve

5. Supply reflects the ability and willingness of to

specific quantities of a commodity at
C.. ---a~ternative prices.
~hmsumers; buy
B. consumers; sell
C. ~rs; sell
D. suppliers; buy

6. Which of the following statement regarding the Law of

Sj.Jpply is TRUE?
® The quantity supplied increases as prices decrease
h B. The quantity supplied increases as prices increase
·~ C. The quantity supplied is determined by price and
other factors
D. All of the above

The tl11ltk lET Reviewers Social Selene-. I 13

7. Which situation shows an example of surplus in tt1e

A. The ratio qf students to teachers in the Philippine is
B. The Philippines imports rice because of hoarders.
fY / C. Cheap clothing is sent to the P~ilippines because it
V ,--0 was not ·sold-in the co_~;Jntry where_Jt originated.
( D)rhe Philippines exports cash crops to other countries.

8. A is imposed to prevent artificial sh~ages

caused bYJ2.anLQ.:- buyjng..coRsl:lme r~-
J,- ~rice floor
1 \ ~priceceillng
C. disequilibrium price
D. equilibrium price

9. As the population grows and there will be no economic

regulation§.-we will end up having a/an of
watey / ~
A.excess C shortage
..?!:(scarcity . surplus

10. Which applies correctly to the trend in Philippine foreign

A. The Philippines' expenditures on imports and
earnings from exports fluctuate. ·
@ They tnlTPpines spends more on imports than it earns
f~om exports.
_J/ The Philippines spends less on imports than it earns
_.- from exports.
D. The Philippine expenditure on imports is balanced
with its earnings from exports.

11. The pri~~~e fish agreed upon by a customer and a

mafke;'t vendor is the .
L- price floor .
B. price ceiling
~disequilibrium price
~equilibrium price

12. Which branch of economics studies the sum total of

(e-Gf>~ic activiti~s? r
~ ~croeconom1cs C. normative economics
B. microeconomics, D. positive economics

·.-., · .. ·- ................ .
·•. 94 I The Dt~kk LET Reviewer: Social Sclenc11

13. Obligations incurred by the government in the form of

loans ~9 services or goods are called _ __
W det:it C. tariffs
) e1orfeitures D. taxation

~. The canteen is being operated by the teachers of a

certain school and use the profits and funds generated
to gra_~;~t loans. This is an example of a _ __
A,;A. consumers' C. marketing
/ rs~ credit · D. service
! \ __ .
15. What alliance was formed whose primary aim was to
prevent the further expansion of communist influence in
r \ ,SGutheast Asia? .
! , (A. ~ssoe1ation of Southeast Asian Nations
t ./ ~\·North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(0 Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
D. Warsaw Pact

16. Which is considered to be the first international1 war

between Communists and non-Communists?

, 'I

,p) ~- Cold War ~'\,lr~n-lraq War
· "\,.-a Korean War ~VIetnam War

17. T he Cold War was an ideological conflict between two

superpowers namely the , which represented
capi!.alism, and which represented communism.
A."People's Republic of China; United States
"' s: People's Republic of China; Union of Soviet Socialist
G. United States; People's Republic of China
~ nited States; Union of Soviet Socialist Republic
18. . initiated the policies of
and _ __ II .
which 919ans "politica.!_Qpenness" and "economic
rest~~Cturing", respectively.
A.,.Khrushchev; glasnost; perestroika
'Ef'Gorbachev; glasnost; perestroika
' I
/ Carter; glasnost; perestroika
I . •'

~~orbachev; perestroika; glasnost

-., ,. ·,:-


t.:. •
..,. ·; .
. '·
The fJ11kk LET Rtvltwtrl Social Scltn"' I 88

19. With the breaking up of the USSR , the _ __ was

formed . .
h ~)Soviet Republic C. Russian Empire
·D B. Russian Federation D. Russian Soviet Federative

20. What is One China policy?

A. The Republic of China includes mainland China,
People's Republic of China, Hong Kong and Macau
-~One China excludes Hong Kong and Macau
0;Yoeo _Le's R~ublic of China includes mainland China,
Republic of China, Hong Kong and Macau
D. To employ relations with mainland China, one has to
maintain relations with Taiwan.

End of Test XIV

Test XIV
Answer Key and Discussion

1. D 6.8 11. D 16.8

2.A 7. c 12.A 17. D
3. 8 8. A 13.A 18. 8
4.8 9. c 14.8 19.8
5. c 10.8 15.C 20.C

1. D.
The Service Sector contributes about 55% to the
. Philippines' Gross Domestic Product (GOP). The
Industrial Sector contributes about 30% to the country's
GOP, while Agricultural Sector contributes about 15%
to the country's GOP.

2. A.
Demand, not the Law of Demand, refers to the ability
and willingness of consumers to buy goods and
services at different prices.
98 I The fJu1ck LET Reviewer: Social Sclencu

3. B.
The Industrial Sector employs about 15% of th e
Philippines' labor force . The Service Sector employs
abot:Jt 50%, while the Agricultural Sector employs about
35% of the country's labor force.

4. B.
A table that shows how consumers behave in terms of
quantity demanded in relation to price is called a
demand schedule, while the graph is called a demand
curve . The slope is the direction of the curve .

5. c.
Supply refers to the ability and willingness of suppliers
to sell specific quantities of a commodity at alternative

6. B.
According to the Law of Supply, as the price increases,
the ability and willingness of suppliers to sell product
increases, and vice versa. On the other hand , the Law
of Demand states that as the price increases, the ability
and willingness of consumers to buy products
decreases, and vice versa.

7. c.
Surplus refers to something 1in excess. Developed
countries often have surplus from unsold, or even used
products. These are sent to developing countries and
are sold at cheaper prices such as the case of surplus
shop's or ukay-ukay stands in the Philippines.

8. A.
Price floor is a government or group-imposed limit on
how low a price can be charged for a product. If prices
are too low, consumers might be encouraged to
excessively buy those cheap products which might
result to an artificial shortage. Price ceiling is a
government or group-imposed limit on how high a price
can be charged for a product.

I ,

9. c.
Scare~ ~ef~rs. to.-'!.E~an~!}t s· uation wherein a
commodtty ts hmtted. Meanwhile, shortage refers to a
temporary situation wherein the demand of a product
exceeds the available supply. Therefore, even If water
is limited, people can properly allocate and distribute
the water supply to make sure that everyone's need for
water is satisfied. However, if the country's population
keeps on getting bigger and the people are not doing
something to ensure the availability of the water supply,
the available supply might not be enough for everyone.
The result is a water shortage.

10. B.
The Philippines spends more on imports than it earns ·
from exports. This results to a deficit in the economy. d
11. D.
Equilibrium price refers to the market price in which the
quantity demanded is equal with the supply. It is the
agreed upon price of buyers and sellers. If the buyers
and seller do not agree with the price and the supply
and demand are not equal, the result is a

12. A.
Macro means "large". Thus, macroeconomics studies
the structure, performance, and behavior of the entire
economy. Micro, on the other hand means "small".
Microeconomics, therefore, studies the economic
activities of individual households or firms. Positive
economics studies the facts, looks at the causes and
effects, and test theories. Normative economics looks
at the value judgment of whether an economic activity
is good or bad, and makes recommendations on public

13. A.
Obligations incurred by the government in the form of
loans and services or goods are called government or
public debts.

' · -~.·--
98 I Tbe thkk Ln Rewlewer: Sodal Sc1t1w

14. B.
A credit cooperative is fanned for the purpose of I
pro":'otingt ththri~, providbing cAredit arknd .oth~r financi at . ,
servrces o err mem ers. rna eting rooperat 1ve IS
engaged in the production of inputs of members and In
selling their products. A service cooperative Is engageet
in providing social services to their members. A
consumers' cooperative procures and distributes
commodities to their members.

15. c.
The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) was
an alliance to prevent the further expansion of commu-
nist influence in Southeast Asia . The North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (NATO) which is mostly composed
of West European nations, also has a similar aim in
Europe. The Warsaw Pact, which is mostly composed
of Eastern European nations, was an organization that
aimed to spread and strengthen communism in Europe.

16. B.
Though the Cold War was an ideological battle bet-
ween the USA and the USSR, the actual confrontations
were passed on to their proxies, satellites, or allies. The
Korean War was the first actual confrontation between
the capitalists (South Korea) and the communists
(North Korea). The Vietnam War was another proxy
war during the Cold War.

17. D.
The Cold War was an ideological conflict between two I' ,
superpowers namely the United States of America
(USA), which represented capitalism, and the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), which represented
communism .

18. B.
Mikhail Gorbachev, fanner head of state of USSR,
initiated the policies of glasnost and perestroika, which
means "political opennessn and "economic restructur-
ing", respectively. These radically changed the political
and economic system of the USSR, and later led to its
dissolution, and eventually the end of the Cold War.
The thkk Ln Rnlew ra Seclal ~It INti I 98

19. B.
The Russian Federation is recognized In International
.Jaw as successor state of the fonner USSR.

20. c.
The official name of mainland China Is the "People's
Republic of China" (PRC). The official name of Taiwan
is the "Republic of China" (ROC). The One China Policy
states that there is only one state of "China", though
there are two governments that claim to be "China".
Since the Philippines maintains official diplomatic
r~lations with mainland China, and only economic and
cultural relations with Taiwan, from the Philippines'
point of view, as with most countries, the People's
Republic of China includes mainland China, Republic oJ
China, Hong Kong and Macau.

Test XV

1. Discussing that writing can be used as propaganda, Sir his Communication class let his students
remember the great Filipino reformist known for his
/~ work, Fray Botod., which exposed the ignorance, abuses,
r / J~!_ld immorality ofacert~~r. Who was he?
'- (A.~polinario Mabini · Graciano Lopez Jaena
B..tmilio Jacinto . Marcelo H. del Pilar

2. Who was known for a parody of "Our Father" and the

"Ten Commandments" in his attempt to campaign
against the abuses of the friars?
l \ Antonio Luna ( .-'e :..._Graciano Lopez Jaena
( B~, P'eoro Paterno ~ Marcelo H. del Pilar
·,,__) ~

3. In their discussion of gender equality, Miss Yvonne

reminded students that women members of the
Katipunan played a significant role during the revolution.
'I ' Who was known as the Lakambini
' ....... of the Katipunan?
;~ A. Delfina Herbosa \~. ~Melchora Aquino
Gregoria de Jesus o~·Trinidad Rizal

.... _, .. ~-,.-~.;_ .............. ~ --·

! .:-
100 I TIM llllkk LET lnhwtr1Sedal SdMCn

4. Disagreements in class may lead to disastrous events,

such as the case of Rizal and Bonifacio, reminded
Ma'am Acosta. Where did Rizal and Bonifacio not
A. i , the inclusion of women in the Katipunan
IFUrn how to win independence from Spain
\...~ in the manner of organizing the Katipunan
D. in their religious convictions

5.~h·ctiat the following occurred fitrst?

G. execution
Cry of Balintawak
of Rizal at Bagumbayan
C. trial and execution of Bonifacio
D. proclamation of Philippine Independence at Cavite

6. "Heroism knows no age," Sir Jonathan told his Boy

Scouts ..Such act was shown by this "boy general" who
tried ,to delay American advances by making a last stand
a>P'asong Tirad. Who wasr!' ~- ?
h.:tntonio Luna \~· regorio del Pilar
__,/ ~~uan Luna - . Macario Sakay

7. Fo~ whichare the Filipinos thankful fo_!"~lian Felipe?

{A_)the tune of the National Anthe~ {'\... n o .
A- 's.,the making of the National Flag · ~-":·1~~-'-"./
11 \C.
the lyrics of the National Anthem (/ {.<.><( I
' b:theyraft of the Malolos Constitution
8. ~11~ era in Philippine history is characterized by a
/ system of political and economic liberalism?
\_~)American C. Pre-Spanish
B. Japanese D. Spanish
9. In which Ylars did the United States and the Philippines I
i .
fight si~e' by side? i
J~ Wqnd War I
I, ( ii) V)t6rld War II
y ietnamWar

...-/ A. i and ii only (C) ii and iii only

B. i and iii only D: i. ii, and iii
I . ---:l.
<Ao5 I
Tlte t1v!R Ln It"'""" Social $d•..w• 1101

10. If they were to come back to life, who among the

following would be the most vocal to speak against th
country's foreign policy of close association with the
United States?
A. Jbse P. Laurel & Elpidio Quirino
- 'B. . . -Leon Ma. Guerrero, Jr. & Jose P. Laurel
Claro M. Recto & Leon Ma. Guerrero Ill
Claro M. Recto & Jose P. Laurel

11. It is a plebiscite that provided for free trade relations

be~n the USA and the Philippines.
A. Bell Trade Act · C. Spooner Amendment
/ BfJones Law D. Tydings-McDuffie Act
12. What issue surrounded parity rights?
A. It gave the US the right to import their products to the
Philippines without restrictions.
B. It gave Americans equal rights with Filipinos to
\ develop and exploit natural resources of the
¥ Philippines and to operate public utilities in the
0/ /~.,..'country. . ·
~It gave Americans the right to travel without
restrictions to the Philippines.
D. It allowed the US the right to establish military bases
in the Philippines and conduct "war games• without

13. Which of the following is NOT a qualification of a natural

born Filipino citizen? ·!i'

~- being/born in the Phtlippines of Filipino parents

\. ~) haying resided in th~ Philip~ines thro~hout ~is life
C. 9ne whose motherts a foretgner who IS mamed to a
/ Filipino
)). one whose father is a foreigner who is married to a
/ Filipina ·
14. He)s the Philippines' fir~t Nfltlonal Artist awardee.
~/Jovita Fuentes ;~-=- -c. Fernando Amorsolo
; B. Jose Garcia Villa D. Amado Hernandez
102 I The IJuklt LET Revlewtr1 Sodal Selene••

15. Whose major achievement was the congressional

enactment of the Agricultural Land Reform Code signed
by him into Law?
A. Carlos P. Garcia ~ Ferdinand Marcos
~1) B. Dios~do MacapagaiL~ Ramon Magsaysay
16. CarlgS'P. Garcia ordered the wealthy to stop spending
vrShly in his policy of .

A austerity
/ economy
C. retrenchment
D. thrift

17. In line with the foreign policy on cultivating closer

relations with Asian countries, then President Diosdado
Macapagal took leadership to bring together the people
of Malay stock. Which countries were these?
Borneo, Malaysia
,8 -:--RtJilippines, Indonesia, Singapore
/ ,. .c ·. 9hilippines, Malaysia, Indonesia
_,/ "-D(f>hilippines, Malaysia, Singapore

18. The EDSA Revolution was called "People Power"

because it was - - -
A. led by Fidel Ramos and Juan Ponce Enrile
B. led' by people's representatives
~oined by people from all walks of life
/ / D. planned by the people

19. As a result of EOSA I, the Philippines _ __

A. chan~ed its form of government to parliamentary
B. in_tehsifted its participation in international affairs i.
c~saw the impeachment of Joseph Estrada as president I

r-Bl became known worldwide for its People Power
V Revolution

20. Whayaw was passed by the Philippine Congress which

affirms the total integration of persons with disabilities
intb mainstream society?
~/~ R. A. No. 7277 C. R. A. No. 7796
··B. R. A. No. 7722 D. R. A. No. 9163

End of Test XV

1_,1 1

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The l11kt LET Revlewtrs Social SdtDUI 1.103

Test XV
An swer Key and Discussion

1. c 6. C 11. A 16. A
2. 0 7.A 12. B 17.C
3.8 8.A 13.8 18.C
4. 8 9.C 14.C 19.0
S.A 10.C 15.8 20. A

1. c.
Graciano Lopez Jaena was editor of La Solidarldad
who wrote the satirical Fray Botod.

2. D.
Marcelo H. del Pil~r was also the editor and co-
publisher of La So/idaridad and Diariong Tagalog, the
first native daily newspaper. He wrote parodies of the
Ten Commandments , Our Father, Hail Mary, and the
Apostle's Creed.

3. B.
Gregoria de Jesus was the founder and vice-president
of the women's chapter ofKatipunan, as well as
custodian of the Qocuments of the organization. She
wa.s also the wife: of Andres Bonifacio, the supremo of
the Katipunan.

4 . B.
Rizal believed in diplomatic reforms while Bonifacio
believed in an armed revolution. Rizal fought with a
"pen" while Bonifacio fought with a "sword".

5. A.
The Cry of Balintawak, or Cry of Pugadlawin, happened
on August 1896. Rizal was executed on Decemb?r 30,
1896. Bonifacio was tried and executed on May 1897.
The Philippine Independence was declared by
Aguinaldo on June 12, 1898.
1.04 1 The Quick LET Reviewer: Social Sctencee

6. c.
Gregorio del Pilar was the young general who led the
Filipino troops in the Battle of Tirad Pass to delay
Aguinaldo's retreat.

7. A.
Julian Felipe composed the tune while Jose Palma
wrote the lyrics of what is now the Lupang Hinirang, the
national anthem of the Philippines.

8. A.
The Americans introduced a system of governance that
was different from the Spanish times. Free trade was
also introduced by the Americans.

9. C.
The Philippines fought with the Americans In World War
II, being commonwealth of the US. ]:he Philippines also
sent Filipino troops during the Vietnam ~~ -being an
ally of the US and a member of the SEA.:ru.

10. c.
Claro M. Recto and Leon Ma. Guerrero Ill, partners in
their Jaw practice, were known for their debates and
criticisms against American policies in the Philippines.

11. A.
.The Bell Trade Act of 1946, also known as Philippine
Trade Act, linked the Philippine economy to the US I
economy. \

12. B. 1
The Philippine Parity Rights plebiscite of 1947 gave
Americans equal rights and opportunities with Filipinos
to develop and exploit the natural resources of the l
Philippines and_ to operate public utilities in the country.
13. B.
One may have lived and resided in the Philippines for
his whole life yet he may be a foreign national whose
parents are not Filipinos.

14. C.
Fernando Amorsolo, who is famous for his paintings of
Philippine landscapes, became the Philippines' first
National Artist for Painting in 1972. Amado Hernandez
and Jose Garcia Villa were the first National Artists for
Literature in 1973. Jovita Fuentes is the first National
Artist for Music in 1976.

15. B.
Diosdado Macapagal enacted Republic Act 3844 or the
Agricultural Land Reform Code of 1963 with the
intention of distributing small lots to landless tenants on
easy payment terms.

16. A.
Carlos P. Garcia initiated the "Austerity Program" to
curb corrupt practices and luxurious lifestyles. He
emphasized the value of thrift, wise spending, industry,
and integrity. ·

17. c.
Diosdado Macapagal spearheaded the formation of
Maphilindo (Malaya, Philippines, Indonesia), a regional
association that would approach common issues of
those countries involved.

18. c.
The 1986 EDSA Revolution was also known as the
People Power Revolution because it was joined by over
two million civilians, including some political, military,
and religious personalities.

1.08 1 The Quick LET Reviewer: Social Sciences

19. D.
Philippines was recognized for the EDSA Revoluti on
and inspired many simil~r non-violent people power
revolutions in other countries though it has also been
criticized as a "mob rule" and have not made genuine
changes in the country.

20. A.
R.A . 72F is also known as t e Magna Carta for _.. OMW
Disable<i'Persons. R.A 7722/ s the Higher Edu cation
I Act of 1994. R.A. 7796 is n act Creating the Technical
Education Skills Development Authority. R.A. 9163 is
I the National Service Training Program Act of 1991 .

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