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Department of Quality Control MSDS-021-09
Chloride in water Revition: (01)
solution July 2009

Section I. General information

Name of product: Ferric Chloride in Water Solution Synonyms: N/A
Supplier: Zn Fundiciones, C.A. Uses of the Material:
Av. Dos Parcela G-24, Zona Industrial Santa Cruz.
Chemistry: Raw material for Coloring
Edo. Aragua, Telfs.: 0243-2619154 / 2618730 / 2618151
Fax: 0243-2617328 Decolorizing agent in the refinery of
Email: / Oil and Grease
Jefe de Seguridad: cel.: 0414-4573039 (José Ovalles) Oxidizer Agent for Organic Industry
Transito: 167; Policía: 169, Guardia Nacional: 168, Bomberos: 166
Waters Treatment: As a Clotting Agent
Section II. Composition and information on ingredients
Name CAS N° UN N° Guide Chemical formula Exposure Limits
Ferric Chloride
Solution 42% 7705 2582 154 FeCl3 Corrosive

Section III. Identification of Risks

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): Methods of Exposure:
If in contact with eyes: it can produce blisters on eyelids,
intense irritation, eye watering,
Redness of the eyes. It can produce grievous bodily harm
and/or permanent lost of vision
If in contact with Skin: Irritation, in the event of lingering
contact, risk of it ulceration and with repeated contacts,
allergic dermatitis. It can cause permanent pigmentation.
Ingestion: not very probable risk because of strong smell.
Physical condition and appearance:
It can cause intense irritation and risk of ulcers in the
Condition: Liquid, Viscous Solution; Color: Dark Amber;
mouth, throat, esophagus and stomach. It causes nauseas,
Smell: Penetrating
vomiting and diarrhea.
Inhalation: intense Irritation to the nose and throat,
Summary of Dangers:
coughing and difficulty in breathing. In the event of
The dangerousness of the product is due to its acidic nature.
repeated and lingering exposure, risk of throat illness,
Its affect is due to its corrosive property. Irritating to the
bleeding from the nose, chronic bronchitis and coloration
skin, corrosive to the nose and eyes. Avoid contact with
of teeth.
metals, a it can produce inflammable gases.

Section IV. First Aids

If in contact with eyes: Consult a specialist in such If the person is unconscious, place on the right side in a
situation. Without delay, wash eyes with normal tap water lateral position, undress; apply cardio-breathing
for 15 minutes, keeping eyes wide open as you wash them; resuscitation (C.B.R.) or give oxygen if necessary.
in the event of difficulty in opening eyes, apply analgesic Avoid the person's cooling, cover with a blanket.
If in contact with skin: Remove clothes and contaminated Inhalation: Consult a doctor immediately. Move the
shoes immediately, when necessary take a shower with affected person away from the contaminated area; carry the
soap and water, wash the whole skin in contact with the person in an up right position to a place with fresh air,
product. Seek medical attention in the event of persistent ventilated and calm. Apply breathing resuscitation or give
pain or skin rash. oxygen when necessary, avoid the patient's cooling,
Ingestion: Obtain medical attention immediately. covering the person with a blanket and seek immediate
Transferring the patient to a hospitable center. medical care.
If the person this perfectly conscious, washing the mouth
and to give it to take abundant water; No inducing the
vomit, unless the personal doctor indicate it himself.
Department of Quality Control MSDS-021-09
Chloride in water Revition: (01)
solution July 2009

Section V. Measures to take in the event of Accidental Section VI. Physical and chemical condition
Personal properly trained and protected must participate in Appearance: viscous Liquid
operations of containment of spills. It should be to Color: Dark Amber
eliminate the loss without exposing the personnel. Smell: Penetrating
Disperse the vapors and gases with water. Boiling Temperature: 120 °C
Freezing Temperature: -9 °C
Methods of cleaning: If possible, contain the largest Point of Inflammation: N/A
quantity of the liquid with sand and dirt. Remove the Density to 25 °C: 1.36-1.45
product by mechanical means in appropriate receptacle, Molecular weight: 162.2 g/mol
seal and label. Wash the area with abundant water. Solubility in water: infinite
Concentration: to 35% at 42% according to injunction of
the customer.

Section VII. Fire and Explosion Risk Section VIII. Control of Exposure and Personal
Point of Fire: None Technical Measures: Aeration of location. If the risk of leaks
exists, provide face masks to avoid breathing vapors.
Class of Risks: NFPA (See Rhombus section I, General Personal protection: Breathing:
Information) Face mask with type B filter; if the risk of decomposition
Means of Extinction of Fire: Non Fuel exists, self- contained breathing equipment are necessary in
the following cases: in confined environment, or in places
Risk of Fire and Explosion: Ferric Chloride is none with insufficient oxygen, use no other face mask than those
inflammable; however, in contact with metals produces that provide appropriate protection; only use breathing
inflammable gases. filters according to national and international norms
(COVENIN 1056)
Equipments for Protection in the event of Fires: Self- Hands: Use protective gloves resistant to chemical agents.
contained breathing Equipment, anti-corrosive clothing. Approved materials: PVC, Neoprene, and Rubber.
Eyes: Safety goggles for chemical risks and face masks in the
event of splashes.
Skin: working clothes that completely cover. Materials:
Completely or partly made of PVC, Neoprene.

Section IX. Data of Reactivity Section X. Ecological information

Stability: (conditions to avoid). Avoid direct contact with Ferric Chloride is stable under certain conditions; however,
metals, general concentration of dangerous vapors. in the event of decomposition produces dangerous gases that
affect the environment.
Incompatibility: (substantiate that contact should be
avoided). Metals, strong base agents, oxidizers.
Dangerous decomposing products: Hydrogen Chloride and
hydrochloric acid.

Other information: corrosive action on many metals. In

contact with strong bases or alkaline materials can cause
violent reactions or explosions. Ex-theoretical reaction
with base agents. Vapors heavier than air expand on the
Department of Quality Control MSDS-021-09
Chloride in water Revition: (01)
solution July 2009

Section XI. Handling of Waste Section XII. Managing and Storing

Disposal of waste material, should comply with the entire Keep product far a way from substances that react with the
national, state and local regulations. product. Avoid contact with metals. Preferably siphon using
gravity or a pump. Use equipments made with material compatible
Dilution and contamination of product can cause changes in with the product.
physical and chemical properties. Store in a well ventilated place. Conserve in closed container far
away from sources of heat and reactive substances.

Other Cautions: Warn personnel of the dangers of the product.

Section XIII. Transportation Section XIV. Another Reports

Should be in fiber glass containers covered with anti The information contained in this document is presumed that he
corrosive or metal resins covered with rubber. And for is hurry according to sources looked up to issuing date. The
application by costumers, in plastic drums or PVC. Safety company does not become responsible by force interpretation or
valve storage should be available to avoid internal over the abuse of the information contained in this sheet.
The use of this information, the same way that you prepare them
of utilization of the product, they escape to the company control,
Guide of answer to emergencies: 154
therefore the user is in the obligation to determine if necessary
safenesses for the use of the product come true .

The information refers to only the specified product itself and it

can not be fit to combinations with another products in distinct
processes that concretely one describe of or.

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