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15FGSPJ000 | Robert Blake

Oct 31-Nov 1 & Nov 21-22 | Sat & Sun 10:00 am-5:00 pm

Dear Students,

For the first day of class you will need to bring a sequence of your current work between 7-17
images, with or without text or caption, with or without sound or voice. It should be in print or
digital form ready to view, any media.

Handouts and class bibliography will follow the first class.

The assignment is to prepare what you bring to the first class as described above. Please
consider what is the not obvious core “subject” of your presentation.

For the brave and obsessed only: take a negative. Select it or shoot a roll of film to capture one. It
has to be film. Once you have selected it, make a work print of it. Write to it, from it, around it,
behind it. Let yourself play with it. Bring the negative, the work print, the text to the first class,
where I promise you we will do something with it, to it, from it, so that it will never be the same
again. Think of it as an offering or a sacrifice. Let it go!

I look forward to working with you.


Robert Blake

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