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Model answer for Part 2


Describe a memorable photograph.

You should say:

- when it was taken

- who took it
- what or who is in the photo

And explain why you remember this photograph.

I’m going to tell you about a photograph of my sister Maya and me. I don’t usually
regard myself as being very photogenic, but this particular photo turned out really well.
My sister and I look alike, and you can really see that in this photo.

I can’t remember the exact date this photo was taken but it was quite a while ago, I
think about 3 years. It was taken when we were on holiday with the family. We’ve kind
of stopped going on holidays as a family together and that was the last time the whole
family was there.

As I remember, my father was behind the camera. I wouldn’t normally call him a
brilliant photographer -- I think he just got lucky this time. And of course having the
right kind of camera helped.

So, I’d describe the photograph as just a simple photo of Maya and myself eating fish at
a restaurant – and you can see the shore in the background and some kids playing on
the beach. I think the reason this photo is unforgettable to me is because it brings back
all the great memories of that memorable holiday. And as I said before, I look good in it!

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