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Model answer for Part 2


Describe a place you often go to when you have a

free day. You should say:

- where it is
- who you go there with
- why you go there

And say how it compares to other places where you

could spend your free time.

Well, when I have a free day, which is hardly ever, I often visit a nature reserve called
the Ojcowski National Park. It’s in the south-east of my country. It’s about an hour’s
bike ride from my home, so its location is fairly convenient.

Who do I go there with? Actually, I usually prefer to go alone. But sometimes in the
summer I do drag along a few friends with me. We go on bike trips then.

I think the main reason I go to this place is to just get away from the hustle and bustle of
city life. But of course I enjoy the fresh air, the wonderful views, and the sounds of

It’s a bit different to other places where I could spend my free time mainly because it’s
outside the city. I usually spend my free time at the cinema or in cafes, or sometimes
just at home reading a book or watching a film. Another reason why it’s different is
because, like I said, I prefer to go there alone and spend time in solitude. When I have a
bit of free time in my city, I’m almost always in the company of friends. I think in the city
you need to have friends or it can get a bit boring.

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