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Model answer for Part 2


Describe an activity that you enjoy.

You should say:

- where you do it
- who you do it with
- why you enjoy it

And say who you would recommend it to.

Right, I’m going to describe one of my favourite activities, which is watching films. I
enjoy watching films at home, but if I have the chance I definitely prefer to go to the

There’s a very old cinema in the centre of my town which is renowned for its
distinctive, old-fashioned interior design. If I were to translate it into English, the name
would be “The Cinema Under the Sheep”. And that’s my favourite cinema.

I usually go there with my friends but basically I would go with anyone who’s willing to
go with me. So why do I enjoy it? I’ve never really thought about that. Well, first and
foremost, it relaxes me. On top of that, it makes my imagination run wild. For example,
when I watch a historical film or costume drama, I try to put myself in the character’s
shoes and imagine what the world was like at that time.

So who would I recommend it to? Let’s see …. Well, I think anyone who has a lot of
stress in their daily life. It would help them forget about their problems, and it’s much
healthier than drinking alcohol for example.

Err, I would also recommend it to people who don’t take things too seriously. I can
imagine that some people might be influenced in a negative way by certain kinds of
film, for example violent movies. So, I guess I wouldn’t recommend it to everyone.

© IELTS Speaking Masterclass

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