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TITLE: YPFB Chaco will explore a new oil well at the region of Astillero with revenue of

expected $500 million dollars

COUNTRY: Bolivia

SOURCE: El Deber

DATE March 26, 2022

ABSTRACT: On Saturday, the Vice Minister of Exploration and Exploitation of Bolivia, Raúl
Mayta, confirmed that YPFB Chaco will explore a new oil well in the region of Astillero. The
subsidiary of YPFB will start the project with an investment of $60 Million dollars and the
revenue according to Mayta will be around $500 million dollars
The plans for the start of exploration of the well are expected to begin in April after the
environmental license is provided by Sernap and the approval of the population in the area
around the planned oil well .

According to Mayta the area affected will be at least just 0,0004% of the area of
conservation of Tariquía where the oil well is going to be located. The presence of this
project has attracted some criticism by some environmental groups afraid that opening of the
reserve to one project of exploitation will open the doors for new projects in the area.

Despite this fear, other groups from Padcaya and Bemejo support the exploration project in
the Astillero area with the argument of generating economic income, development and
guaranteeing the supply of natural gas after the production decline in well X44. Which is also
the argument of Germán Mamani a representative of local the population that agrees with
the project “"We want development for our province and we are in a state of emergency to
stop any small groups that try to hinder this project"

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