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Name: _____________________________________


1 Listen and colour. 164 /5 marks

2 Listen and number. 165 /10 marks

a b c d e

f g h i j
Name: _____________________________________

Reading and Writing

3 Read and unscramble the letters. Write the words. /5 marks

1 m a t r 4 c h l t e i p e r o
______________________ ______________________

x a i t m c e r p a
2 5 n a v
______________________ ______________________

3 y f e r

4 Look at the images and write the words. /5 marks

Last year, I 1 ____________________ 1 2
in the countryside with my family.
Every day, Dad and I
____________________ and then we
____________________. After dinner,
we 4 ____________________ by the fire.
We walked in the wood every day and
we 5 ____________________. It was 3 4


5 Write questions and answers. /10 marks

1 travel / tram () Did you travel by tram? ________ No, I didn’t. ________
2 travel / ferry () ___________________________ _________________
3 wear / boots () ___________________________ _________________
4 find / wood () ___________________________ _________________
5 have / fun () ___________________________ _________________
6 sleep / tent () ___________________________ _________________
Name: _____________________________________


6 Which picture is different? Tick  /10 marks

1 4

a b c a b c

2 5

a b c a b c

a b c

7 Look and answer. /5 marks

1 What does Jack like drinking 1 2 3
on Saturday nights?

2 Did Jack see wildlife in the


3 What does Jack always catch

at the lake? 4 5

4 What does Jack find when he

wants to make a fire?

5 Where does Jack sleep when

he goes camping?
Name: _____________________________________


1 Listen and circle the correct words. 166 /10 marks

1 Ben’s new computer game was cheap / expensive.
2 He says the game is educational / realistic.
3 The game is easy / difficult.
4 The game is also exciting / boring.
5 Ben’s laptop is old-fashioned / modern.

2 Listen and write T for true or F for false. 167 /10 marks

1 Jill’s grandma sends her emails.

2 Jo has got a postcard from her uncle.

3 Sam’s talking on the phone to his friend.

4 On holiday, Pat sends her grandpa an email every day.

5 Hannah uses the internet to do her homework.

6 Tom loves his new computer game.

7 Rita’s new skirt is expensive.

8 Amy sends emails to her friends every day.

9 Kate’s new house is very modern.

10 Mike talks to his grandpa on the phone.

Name: _____________________________________

Reading and Writing

3 Look and write the words. /5 marks

1 a b c
d e

4 Read and answer with complete sentences. /10 marks

1 Could we send texts 100 years ago? We couldn’t send texts 100 years ago
2 Could we use the internet 100 years ago? ________
3 Could we talk on the phone 10 years ago? ________
4 Could we send emails 100 years ago? ________
5 Could we write letters 100 years ago.? ________

5 Look and write sentences about the books. /15 marks

exciting realistic cheap educational

Best Friends    

My Life in Space    

The Beach    

1 Best Friends is more exciting than My Life in Space. __________________

2 ____________________________________________________________
3 ____________________________________________________________
4 ____________________________________________________________
5 ____________________________________________________________
6 ____________________________________________________________
Name: _____________________________________


Total /100 marks

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