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P: Excuse me nurse please help me

N: What happened with you?

P: Nurse, I feel tightness in my chest and I have difficulty breathing for the past 5 minutes

N: What happened before?

P: I was jogging suddenly I felt short of breath, now it’s not tight but I’m afraid it will happen again

N: Keep calm, if the shortness returns you can inhale through your nose and exhale through your

P: Did it help?

N: Yes of course

P: Then what next?

N: I think you should have an inhaler to use when you are short of breath

P: I think it will be very helpful, thanks nurse

N: Urwell

neck pain

P : I feel pain in my neck

N : why does it hurt?

P : Before I played tennis but after that my neck suddenly hurt

N : let me check, is this part that hurts?

P : that's right nurse

N : Has it been compressed before?

P : not yet, nurse

N : after i check you had neck injuries. I suggest you apply the warm compress on your neck. and I
will also prescribe medicine to reduce the pain

P : ok nurse, thank you

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