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Bess 6. Ward
Daniel J. Arp
Martin G. Klotz
Cover image: Nitrobucter winogrudrkyi Nb255 (courtesy ofWilliam Hickey; see Fig. 2 in
Chapter 11)

Copyright 0201 1 ASM Press

American Society for Microbiology
1752 N St., N.W.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Nitrification / edited by Bess B.Ward, Daniel J.Arp, and Martin G. Klotz.

p. ;cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-1-55581-481-6 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN-10: 1-55581-481-6 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Nitrification. 2. Nitrogen-
Fixation. I.Ward, Bess B. 11.Arp, D. J. 111. Klotz, Martin G. IV. American
Society for Microbiology
[DNLM: 1. Nitrogen Fixation-physiology 2. Ammonia-metabolism.
3.Archaea-metabolism. 4. Bacteria-metabolism. 5. Ecological and
Environmental Phenomena. 6. Nitrates-physiology. QU 701

QR8Y .7.N542 201 1


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Contributors h
Prejace xiii

1. Nitrification: an Introduction and Overview
of the State of the Field
Bess B. Ward
2. Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria: Their Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology
Luis A. Sayavedra-Soto and Danielj. Arp
3. Diversity and Environmental Distribution
of Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria
Jeanette M. Norton
4. Genomics of Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria and Insights into
Their Evolution
Martin G. Klotz and Lisak: Stein
5. Heterotrophic Nitrification and Nitrifier Denitrification
Lisa Y Stein



6. Physiology and Genomics ofAmmonia-Oxidizing Archaea
Hidetoshi Urakawa,Willm Martens-Habbena,and David A. Stahl
7. Distribution and Activity of Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea in
Natural Environments
Graeme W Nicol, Sven Leiningev, and Christa Schleper
8. Metabolism and Genomics of Anammox Bacteria
Boran Karta1,Jan 7: Keltjens, and Mike S. M .Jetten
9. Distribution, Activity, and Ecology of Anammox Bacteria in
Aquatic Environments
Mark Trimmer and Pia Engstrom
10. Application of the Anammox Process
Wouter R. L. van der Star, Wiebe R.Abma, Boran Kartal,
and Mark C. M . van Loosdrecht
11. Metabolism and Genomics of Nitrite-Oxidizing Bacteria:
Emphasis on Studies of Pure Cultures and of Nitrobacter Species
Shawn R. Starkenbutg, Eva Spieck, and Peter]. Bottomley
12. Diversity, Environmental Genomics, and Ecophysiology of
Nitrite-Oxidizing Bacteria
Hoker Daims, Sebastian Liicker, Denis Le Pasliev, and Michael Wagner
13. Nitrification in the Ocean
Bess B. Ward
14. Soil Nitrifiers and Nitrification
James I. Prosser
15. Nitrification in Inland Waters
HendrikusJ Laanbroek and Annette Bollmann

16. Nitrification in Wastewater Treatment

Satoshi Okabe, Yoshitevu Aoi, Hisashi Satoh, and Yuichi Suwa
Index 435

Wiebe R. Abma
Paques B.V., Balk 8560AB-52,The Netherlands

Yoshiteru Aoi
Waseda Institute for Advanced Study,Tokyo 169-8050,Japan

Daniel J. Arp
Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331

Annette Bollmann
Department of Microbiology,Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056

Peter J. Bottomley
Departments of Microbiology and Crop and Soil Science, Oregon State University,
Corvallis. OR 97331-3804

Holger Daims
Department of Microbial Ecology, University ofVienna, 1090Vienna,Austria

Pia Engstrom
Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Chalmers University ofTechnology, SE-412 96 Goteborg, Sweden

Mike S. M. Jetten
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science,
Radboud University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen,The Netherlands

Boran Kartal
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science,
Radboud University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen,The Netherlands

Jan T. Keltjens
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science,
Radboud University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands


Martin G. Klotz
Department of Biology, University of Louisville, Louisvdle, KY 40292

Hendrikus J. Laanbroek
Department of Microbial Ecology,
Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAV/), Nieuwersluis,The Netherlands

Sven Leininger
Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology,
Thormnhlensgate 55, N-5008 Bergen, Norway

Denis Le Paslier
CEA/Genoscope, CNRS UMR8030, Evry, France

Sebastian Lucker
Department of Microbial Ecology, University ofVienna, 1090Vienna,Austria

Willm Martens-Habbena
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University ofwashington, Seattle,WA 98195-5014

Graeme W. Nicol
Institute of Biological & Environmental Sciences,
University ofAberdeen, Aberdeen, -24 3UU, United Kmgdom

Jeanette M. Norton
Department of Plants, Soils and Climate, Utah State University, Logan, U T 84322

Satoshi Okabe
Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering,
Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-8628, Japan

James I. Prosser
Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences,University ofAberdeen,
Aberdeen -24 3UU, United Kingdom

Hisashi Satoh
Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering,
Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-8628, Japan

Luis A. Sayavedra-Soto
Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331

Christa Schleper
Department of Genetics in Ecology, University ofVienna, Althanstrasse 14,
A-1 090Vienna, Austria

Eva Spieck
Universitat Hamburg, Biozentrum Klein Flottbek, Mikrobiologie & Biotechnologie,
Ohnhorststrane 18, D-22609 Hamburg, Germany

David A. Stahl
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University ofwashington, Seattle,WA 98195-5014

Shawn R. Starkenburg
Life Technologies,29851 Willow Creek Rd., Eugene, OR 97402-9 132

LisaY. Stein
Department of Biological Sciences,University of Alberta,
Edmonton,Alberta T6G 2E9, Canada

Yuichi Suwa
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University,Tokyo 112-8551,Japan

Mark Trimmer
School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London,
London E l 4NS, United Kingdom

Hidetoshi Urakawa
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University ofWashington, Seattle,WA 98195-5014

Wouter R. L. van der Star

Department of Geo-Engineering, Deltares, Delft 2600MH-177, The Netherlands

Mark C. M. van Loosdrecht

Department of Biotechnology, Delft University ofTechnology
Delft 2628BC-67, The Netherlands

Michael Wagner
Department of Microbial Ecology, University ofVienna, 1090Vienna,Austria

Bess B.Ward
Department of Geosciences, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544

N itrification, the oxidation of reduced forms of nitrogen to nitrite and

nitrate, is an essential link in the nitrogen cycle of natural, industrial,
and agricultural systems. Nitrate, the end product of nitrification, is the major
bioavailable form of nitrogen in seawater and an important factor limiting
primary production. Nitrification in agricultural systems can lead to fertilizer
loss and to nitrogen pollution in receiving waters. In wastewater treatment,
nitrification is a key step in nitrogen removal, linking to denitrification and
fixed nitrogen loss.
Autotrophic nitrifiing bacteria were discovered near the end of the 19th
century and for about 100 years, were considered the only organisms capable of
the oxidation of ammonium to nitrite and then nitrate.Two recent discoveries
have transformed our understanding of nitrification. Although the anaerobic
oxidation of ammonia to N, using nitrite is thermodynamically favorable,
organisms capable of anaerobic ammonia oxidation, or anammox, were first
described only in the 1990s. Even more recently, strong evidence has been
presented that many, if not the vast majority of, ammonia-oxidizing microbes in
the ocean and many terrestrial environments are archaea, rather than bacteria.
This dscovery has many stdl unexplored ramificationsfor regulation of ammonia
oxidation and the magnitude of autotrophic carbon fixation in the deep sea,
as well as for control of nitrification in terrestrial and aquatic environments. In
addition, it has become clear that the overlap of lithotrophic ammonia oxidation
and methane cycling have significant ecological ramifications for methane and
nitrous oxide emissions.These mscoveries in the last 15 years radically changed
our understanding of the N cycle and nitrification, in particular, and have
dramatically increased the interest in nitrification and the N cycle.
The last monograph to review nitrification was published in 1986 (J. I.
Prosser, editor), before the dscoveries of anammox and ammonia-oxidizing
archaea and before the revolution in molecular biology and genomics was
applied to the genetics and biochemistry of nitrification. Since that time, the


level of interest in the research community and the number of publications on

nitrification have risen dramatically. Thus, it is timely again to review the state
of the field and collect the current knowledge in one comprehensive volume.
This book is focused around the microbes that perform the expanding
repertoire of nitrification reactions and pathways. Four sections cover the main
groups of microbes involved: the conventional aerobic bacterial ammonia
oxidizers, the recently discovered aerobic archaeal ammonia oxidizers, the
anaerobic ammonia-oxidizing planctomycetes, and the nitrite-oxidizing
bacteria. For each group, comprehensive information and referencing is
provided on phylogeny, distributions,biochemistry, and genomics. Nitrification
in its narrowest sense is liked tightly to several other processes in the nitrogen
cycle, and in its broadest sense, even includes parts of those processes.Thus, we
include topics such as nitrifier denitrification and anammox but do not cover
denitrification thoroughly and do not include the closely related process of
methane oxidation.The last section places nitrification in the ecological context
of major ecosystems: oceans, terrestrial (including agriculture), freshwater, and
wastewater treatment.
The idea for the book arose from discussions among the founding members
of the Nitrification Network ( It is our
intention to provide a thorough resource for all things nitrification that will
be of use to students and practitioners, researchers, and teachers.We hope that
it will provide the background and state-of-the-art knowledge for the next
generation of nitrification researchers,recognizing that the pace of advancement
in this field means that another review will most likely be necessary in much
less time than has elapsed since Prosser’s 1986 volume.
We thank all of our chapter authors for their time and expertise and
willingness to share their work with us. We also thank the many other
nitrification researchers who reviewed the chapters and provided valuable input
and feedback. We look forward to the next exciting decade of nitrification
Bess B. Ward

NITRIFICATION IN THE plants and algae are not able to live photo-
NITROGEN CYCLE synthetically. In anoxic environments, such as
Dinitrogen gas (N,) makes up most of the waterlogged soils, subsurface sediments, and
nitrogen (N) in the atmosphere and in natural wastewater, ammonium usually dominates
waters. Other gaseous forms of N occur either the N inventory. Nitrification links the most
transiently or at trace levels in the environ- reduced and most oxidized components of the
ment. Fixed N, the ionic and organic forms, N cycle: the oxidation of aninionium occurs
comprises a very small fraction of the total N in two steps, first to nitrite and then to nitrate.
inventory on earth, but these are the forms Where nitrate is supplied to oxygen-depleted
that are most important to biogeochemical environments, conventional denitrification, in
processes and to the sustenance of life on which nitrate is used as a respiratory substrate
earth. N is an essential element for life, a major instead of oxygen, catalyzes the return of fixed
component of proteins and nucleic acids. In N to the atmospheric reservoir of N,. Nitri-
addition to its role as a nutrient, N occurs in fication is generally an aerobic process, while
a range of oxidation states from +5 (nitrate) conventional denitrification mainly occurs in
to -3 (ammonium and amino-nitrogen) and the absence of oxygen, so the two processes
thus serves as an electron donor or acceptor are often linked across oxic/anoxic interfaces,
in a variety of microbially mediated transfor- such as across the sediment/water interface or
mations. These transformations ensure that the surfaces of aggregates in soil. The linkage
the fluxes of nitrogen are large, while the pool between nitrification and denitrification is of
sizes are often small compared to biological interest in agriculture because it leads to loss
demand, leadmg to rapid nitrogen cycling (see of fixed N, which is often applied at great
Fig. 1 in Chapter 13). expense as fertilizer. On the other hand, excess
In oxic environments, such as rivers, lakes, fixed nitrogen from agriculture that accumu-
and the ocean, nitrate is the stable and most lates coastal or inland waters can cause nui-
abundant form of fixed N, and it tends to sance algal or weed blooms, and denitrification
accumulate in aphotic environments where is the process by which this accumulation is
limited. Thus, linked nitrification/denitrifica-
Bess B. Ward, Department of Geosciences, Princeton Univer- tion controls the N inventory of natural and
sity, Princeton, NJ 08544. managed systems.
Nitr&ution, Edited by Hess KWard, Ilaniel J.Arp, and Martin G. Klotz
0 201 1 ASM Prcss, Washington, DC


Replenishment of the fixed N pool is which descended from a photosynthetic pro-

accomplished by biological and industrial teobacterial ancestor (Teske et al., 1994).With
nitrogen fixation. Industrial N fixation for the advent of molecular ecological tools for
fertilizer use adds about as much fixed N the investigation of dwersity and distribution
to terrestrial systems as is fixed by naturally of microbes, the nitrifiers became the poster
occurring microbes in the ocean or on land; children of the approach because their physi-
all three fluxes occur on the scale of about 100 ology was strongly coherent with their phy-
Tg year-' (Galloway et al., 2004). Nitrification logeny (Kowalchuk and Stephen, 2001). PCR
is not directly responsible for changes in the amplification techniques led to the discovery
fixed N inventory, but it is tightly linked to of much greater diversity in functional genes,
two processes that do contribute to fured N and thus by inference in physiology, of nitrifiers
loss: nitrification can reduce loss of ammonia than had been suspected from culture-based
that might be volatilized from agricultural sys- research. Most of this work was done on AOB,
tems, and it supplies the primary substrate for and even now, the NOB are much less studied
denitrification, the main biological loss term. in the environment. The focus on the genes
(amoABC) that encode the first enzyme in
NITRIFYING MICROORGANISMS the bacterial oxidation of ammonia, ammonia
Bacterial chemoautotrophy was discovered by monooxygenase, also led to the discovery of
Winogradsky (1890) in the course of his study the AOA. A homologue of the bacterial amoA
on nitrieing bacteria. While the process of was discovered in archaeal scaffolds of metage-
nitrification in soils had been known for some nomic libraries from the ocean (Venter et
time, Winogradsky isolated both ammonia- al., 2004) and soil (Treusch et al., 2005). The
oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite-oxidizing archaeal amoA gene was then rapidly reported
bacteria (NOB) and proved quantitatively that from a variety of environments (Francis et al.,
they were autotrophs. Bacterial nitrifiers were 2005), and a major shift in our understanding
assumed to be the only microbes capable of of nitrifiers began. Although AOA share
autotrophic nitrification for over a century. the first enzyme in the ammonia-oxidizing
Cultivated AOB and NOB provided the basis pathway, the rest of the pathway to nitrite is
for investigations into the physiology and still speculative in AOA. Thus, there are many
biochemistry of nitrification for decades and unanswered questions at this writing, including
supported the ecological inferences obtained the biochemical pathways involved in archaeal
horn field studies. Characteristics of the gen- nitrification, the question of whether AOA
eral physiology of nitrifiers, such as an obligate produce nitrous oxide, the extent to which
requirement for oxygen to oxidize ammonia, AOA are autotrophic, and the extent to which
but tolerance of very low oxygen and sensi- AOA contribute to nitrification in natural and
tivity to inhibition by light, were observed in managed ecosystems.
natural systems and verified in culture. Thus, While conventional nitrification is obli-
the most important development in the study gately aerobic, the thermodynamics of anaer-
of nitrification in a century came as a surprise: obic ammonia oxidation had long suggested
ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) are much that oxidation of ammonia at the expense of
more abundant than AOB in most of the envi- nitrite or nitrate was a viable way for microbes
ronments in which they have been investi- to make a living, and profiles suggestive of this
gated since their discovery in 2004 (Venter et link had been noted (Richards, 1965).The dis-
al., 2004; Konneke et al., 2005; Schleper et al., covery of anaerobic ammonia-oxidizing (an-
2005;Treusch et al., 2005). ammox) bacteria in 1995 (van de Graaf et al.,
Among the bacteria, the capacity for 1995) was thus both expected and surprising.
ammonia and nitrite oxidation is apparently The stoichiometry of anammox was soon veri-
limited to a small number of genera, most of fied as the 1:l consumption of ammonium and

nitrite leading to N, gas, and the organisms in nitrifiers and nitrification grew rapidly. The
involved were identified as unusual autotrophs current state of knowledge on the diversity,
in the Plunctomycetules (Strous et al., 1999). distribution, and biogeography ofAOB, largely
Unlike aerobic ammonia oxidation, N, as the derived from 16s rRNA and umoA sequence
end product of anammox makes this process data, are reviewed by Norton (see Chapter 3 ) .
a form of denitrification (Kartal et al., 2006), NOB are reviewed in the chapter by Dainis et
leading to the loss of fixed N rather than its al. (see Chapter 12), and AOA are reviewed by
oxidation. Over the succeeding decade after Nicol et al. (see Chapter 7).
its discovery in wastewater treatment systems, Beyond PCR for investigation of diversity
anammox was discovered in sedments and sea- and biogeography based on single genes, the
water environments,where it was shown to be sequencing and analysis of complete genomes
more prevalent and to occur at greater rates and metagenomes has contributed greatly to
than conventional denitrification (for a review, our knowledge of the biochemistry of AOB
see Dalsgaard et al., 2005). In some sites, no (Arp et al.,2007;Stein et al.,2007;Norton et al.,
denitrification at all was detected while an- 2008), NOB (Starkenburg et al., 2006, 2008),
ammox was almost ubiquitously found. While and ananmiox (Strous et al., 2006). Both inde-
it makes little difference to the overall inven- pendently and in parallel with these advances
tory of fixed N whether N, is produced by in the molecular biology of nitrification, major
conventional denitrification or anammox, advances in understanding their biochemistry
there are internal mass balance questions and regulation have also occurred in the last 25
about the supply of ammonium and nitrite for years. Genomics and metabolism of AOB are
anammox, if these compounds are not supplied reviewed in Chapters 4,2, and 5, respectively, by
by denitrification.Thus, the relative contribu- Klotz and Stein, Sayavedra-Soto and Arp, and
tion of anammox and denitrification to fixed Stein; NOB are reviewed by Starkenburg et al.
N loss remains a topic of research and debate. (see Chapter l l ) , and anamniox is reviewed
by Kartal et al. (see Chapter 8). Environmental
ADVANCES IN NITRIFICATION IN metagenomics was directly responsible for the
THE LAST 25 YEARS hscovery ofAOA, and only 5 years after the
The discovery of novel organisms and novel first cultivation of AOA, a complete genome
pathways are the most important findings to be of this first free-living AOA has now been
documented in the field of nitrification since completed (Walker et al., 2010). Major insights
the publication of the last monograph in 1986. about AOA genomics and metabolic capabili-
But just as important, and absolutely critical to ties are discussed in the chapter by Urakawa et
these discoveries, are the changes in the study al. (see Chapter 6).
and methodology of nitrification. Like all of Microbial ecology has been transformed into
microbiology, the molecular biology revolution molecular ecology, so great has been the impact
has completely changed both the questions and of molecular biological methods in the study
the answers in the field of nitrification. PCR of microbes in natural and managed systems.
was first reported by Saiki et al. (1985) only 1 Ribosomal RNA and functional gene sequence
year before the previous monograph on nitri- data are now the standard for investigation of
fication was published (Prosser, 1986). Its first microbial diversity, distribution, and activity in
environmental applications were in amplifica- the environment.These methods have made it
tion of 16s rRNA genes, which immediately possible to investigate environmental control of
opened our eyes to an immense and previously nitrification,regulation in response to changing
hidden microbial world of diversity (Pace, condtions, the discovery of great uncultured
1997). The narrow phylogeny of AOB made diversity, and an understandmg of succession
this group amenable to investigation by 16s and biogeography among functionally similar
rRNA PCR (Head et al., 1993), and interest types. In several chapters of this volume, the
ecology of major environments on earth in 2. What is the metabolism of AOA? What
terms of the role of nitrification are reviewed, is the pathway by which ammonia is oxi-
includmg terrestrial ecosystems (see Chapter dized to nitrite? Because the AOA do not
14), estuarine and freshwater (see Chapter 15), possess a hydroxylamine oxidoreductase,
oceans (see Chapters 9 and 13),and wastewater the enzyme that performs the second step
(see Chapters 10 and 16). in the ammonia oxidation pathway ofAOB,
this must be something quite novel (see
Chapter 6). Do AOA produce nitrous oxide
(as do AOB), and if so, by what pathway and
under what environmental conditions?
This volume was conceived in 2005, at a time
3. What is the relationship between an-
when it was clear that paradigms in nitrifica-
ammox and denitrification? While not
tion were shifting rapidly. Now, at the time
strictly related to conventional nitrification,
of publication, 5 years later, major unresolved
this question has major implications for N
questions remain.
cycling in both terrestrial and aquatic envi-
1. Who are the main nitrifiers in the envi- ronments and for regulation of the global
ronment? How does community composi- N inventory of fixed N. Nevertheless, an-
tion vary with environmental conditions, and ammox bacteria, although constrained to an
what are the metabolic capabilities and char- anaerobic metabolism, may compete with
acteristics of the environmentally important aerobic AOA and AOB for ammonium in
groups?The best answers to these questions microaerobic environments (Lam et al.,
now are in the form of sequence data from 20059, thus forming a pivot in the N cycle
clone libraries and metagenomes, and these between N oxidation and fixed N loss.
answers make it clear that the major players 4. How will nitrification and the N cycle
in the environment are not represented in respond to human-driven N enrichment
our culture collections. For example, the of the environment? The environmental
phylotypes of AOB most abundantly found and economic relevance of nitrification
in both clone libraries from both terrestrial has never been more appreciated than in
and aquatic systems are Nitrosospira like and the nitrogen-enriched modern world (Gal-
are not in culture. The recently cultivated loway et al., 2008). Conventional nitri-
AOA Nitrosopmilus maritimus has some fication is essential in ameliorating the
attributes of an open ocean organism (high process of eutrophication, caused by excess
substrate affinity),but it is not found at some N loading in estuarine and coastal waters.
sites in the open ocean (N. J. Bouskill and Substrate concentration is often identified
B. B. Ward, unpublished data), and its pH as a controlling variable in determining
and temperature optima make it an unlikely AOB and AOA community composition;
candidate to represent the abundant AOA increasing N loads in natural waters may
documented in deep cold ocean water.Thus, affect a change in the resident assemblages.
with only a few signature genes to work Resilience of natural systems may rely
with, our understanding of the autecology heavily on the redundancy or resistance of
of nitrifiers in the environment is limited. nitrifier assemblages for this ecosystem ser-
This is an area of current progress, however, vice.Wastewater treatment relies heavily on
and genes in addition to amoA, such as kao conventional nitrification, denitrification,
(encodmg hydroxylamine oxidoreductase and anammox to minimize the impact of
and its homologues in AOB and anammox human, agricultural, and industrial waste
organisms) and fixr (encoding nitrite oxidase on receiving waters. Europe and Japan are
in nitrite oxidizers),and others, will facilitate taking the lead on harnessing the meta-
this research. bolic potential of microbes for wastewater

treatment (see Chapters 10 and 16), and it field. 2005. Anaerobic ammonium oxidation
may be that only by following their lead (anammox) in the marine environment. Res. Micro-
biol. 156:457-464.
to reduce N inputs to the ocean will it Duce, R. A., J. LaRoche, K. Altieri, K. R. Arrigo,
be possible to avert major shifts in ocean A. R. Baker, D. G. Capone, S. Cornell, F.
chemistry (Duce et al., 2008). Conven- Dentener, J. Galloway, R. S. Ganeshram, R.
tional nitrification, by producing the sub- J. Geider, T. Jickells, M. M. Kuypers, R. Lan-
strates for conventional denitrification, and glois, P. S. Liss, S. M. Liu, J. J. Middelburg, C.
M. Moore, S. Nickovic, A. Oschlies, T. Ped-
anammox, by combining the two processes ersen, J. Prospero, R. Schlitzer, S. Seitzinger,
in one organism, both play essential roles L. L. Sorensen, M. Uematsu, 0.Ulloa,M.Voss,
in regulating the global fixed N inventory. B. Ward, and L. Zamora. 2008. Impacts of atmo-
Nitrifier denitrification (see Chapter 5) spheric anthropogenic nitrogen on the open ocean.
and conventional denitrification both con- Science 320:893-897.
Francis, C. A., K. J. Roberts, M. J. Beman, A. E.
tribute to the production of nitrous oxide, a Santoro, and B. B. Oakley. 2005. Ubiquity and
potent greenhouse gas, and this flux may be diversity of ammonia-oxidizing archaea in water
enhanced by modern agricultural practices. columns and sediments of the ocean. PYOG. Natl.
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by the increased nitrogen load in the envi- Galloway, J. N., F. J. Dentener, D. G. Capone, E.
W. Boyer, R.W. Howarth, S. P. Seitzinger, G. P.
ronment? While the world is not likely to
Asner, C. C. Cleveland, P. A. Green, E. A. Hol-
run out of fixed nitrogen any time soon, land, D. M. Karl, A. F. Michaels, J. H. Porter,
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rates of removal processes (denitrification
M. Bekunda, Z. C. Cai, J. R. Freney, L. A.
plus anammox) are usually estimated to Martinelli, S. P. Seitzinger, and M. A. Sutton.
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fixation and terrestrial inputs). Conversely, trends, questions, and potential solutions. Science
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has caused major changes in many coastal McCarthy, and J. R. Saunders. 1993.The phy-
systems. Intensely cultivated agricultural logeny of autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria
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H. J. M. Op den Camp, M. S. M. Jetten, and
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compelling practical and basic research ques- Konneke, M., A. E. Berhnard, J. R. de la Torre,
tions remain. We hope that this book will C. B. Walker, J. B. Waterbury, and D. A. Stahl.
provide the state of the art in 2010 and the 2005. Isolation of an autotrophic ainmonia-oxi-
background for future research progress on the dizing marine archaeon. Nature 437:543-546.
Kowalchuk, G. A., and J. R. Stephen. 2001.
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Luis A. Sayavedra-Soto and Daniel].Arp

INTRODUCTION known to have limited heterotrophic capa-

bility (i.e., can take up and assimilate simple
Ammonia and
organic compounds [Arp and Bottomley,
Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria
20061) although, under oxic conditions, none
Ammonia (NH,) is an important molecule in
are known to use organic compounds as a sole
the biogeochemical nitrogen (N) cycle (see
energy source. Given the thermodynamically
Chapter 1) (Mancinelli and McKay, 1988).
low energy yield (AGO’ = -271 kJ mol-’) pro-
Ammonia is produced and consumed in
duced in the oxidation of NH, w o o d , 1986),
diverse ecosystems predominantly by microor-
the obligate dependence of all AOB on NH,
ganisms.Ammonia is released into the environ-
for growth is enigmatic (see below). Nonethe-
ment mainly fiom the decay of organic matter
less,AOB are able to derive sufficient energy
or from the use of NH,-based fertilizers in
from the oxidation of NH, to perform all nec-
agriculture and serves as an N supply to plants
essary metabolic processes, including assimi-
and microorganisms.Ammonia-oxidizing bac-
lation of CO, (Hooper et al., 1997;Arp and
teria (AOB) (Arp and Stein, 2003), ammonia-
Bottomley, 2006).
oxidizing archaea (AOA) (Francis et al., 2007),
Much of what is known about the molec-
and anaerobic ammonia-oxidizing (anammox)
ular biology, physiology, and biochemistry
bacteria (Jetten et al., 2005) can derive energy
of AOB was derived from studies on Nitvo-
for growth fiom the oxidation of NH,. This
somonas europaea (Fig. 1).This bacterium has
chapter covers our current understanding of
the advantages of growing relatively rapid (7
the biochemical and genetic underpinnings
to 8 h doubling times) for an AOB and being
relevant to ammonia oxidation by aerobic
able to tolerate high concentrations of ammo-
bacteria. The AOA and anammox bacteria are
nium (up to 100 mM) and nitrite (which can
covered in Sections I11 and IV, respectively.
accumulate up to 25 mM in batch cultures).
AOB are predominantly chemolithoauto-
This AOB can be grown in batch cultures,
trophs (i.e., use NH, for energy and reductant
chemostats, and retentostats and as individual
and CO, as their carbon source). Some are
colonies on agar plates. N. europaea was also
used to construct the first AOB mutants. An
Luis A. Suyuuedru-Soto and DunielJArp, Department ofBotany
and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR AOB with similar properties, Nitrosomonas sp.
97331. strain ENI-11, has also been used in a number
Nitrification, Editcd by Bcss B.Ward,Daniel J. Arp, and Martin G , Klotn
8 201 1 ASM Press,Washington, DC


FIGURE 1 Electron microscopy picture of thin sections of cells of N. europueu, some of which are chiding.
Note the ICM in the periphery of the cells.

of studies (Yamagata et al., 2000; Hirota et continue to study AOB isolates representative
al., 2006). Studies of other AOB, including of other habitats.
Nitrosococcus oceani, Nitrosomonas eutropha, and
Nitrosospira sp. strain NpAV, have also added Bioinformatics and Ammonia-
substantially to our understanding of the Oxidizing Bacteria
AOB.Although N. europaea is the most widely When the first nitrification treatise was pub-
used model AOB, N. europaea is not widely lished in 1986 (Prosser, 1986), no genes from
distributed in all the environments in which any AOB that were associated with ammonia
AOB flourish (see Chapter 3). N.europaea is a metabolism had been sequenced. Today, we
common inhabitant of sediments and waste- have complete genomes from AOB represen-
water treatment communities where ammonia tative of several ecotypes. The genomes from
may be present in relatively high concentra- Nitrosomonadaceae in the Betaproteobacteria
tions, but it is not typical of soil or marine (e.g., N. europaea, N. eutropha, and Nitrosospira
environments. Therefore, it is important to multijormis) and Chromatiaceae in the Gam-

maproteobacteria (e.g., N. oceant) provide the 2008). In addition to the high salt concentra-
basis for a more complete understanding of the tions in marine environments, ammonium
metabolic and cellular functions performed by is consistently found in low concentrations.
AOB (Arp et al., 2007). Marine AOB in the genus Nitrosococcus have
AOB have relatively small genomes (average, genes to express multiple proton- and sodium-
3 Mb), a characteristic often associated with dependent ATPase and NDH-1 complexes
microorganisms found in specialized niches that may help the cells to derive benefit from
(i.e., petroleum-degrading bacteria, obligate their environment (Klotz et al., 2006).
methanotrophs, and microorganisms living The genomes of AOB also show that all
in extreme environments). The genomes of encode four specialized proteins to perform
AOB reveal genes for the biosynthesis of all the the oxidation of NH,: ammonia monooxy-
necessary cellular constituents from inorganic genase (AMO), hydroxylamine oxidoreduc-
nutrients (Arp et al., 2007).The genomes also tase (HAO), and cytochromes cSs4 (cyt cSJ
revealed the scant number of genes encodng and ctnss2 (cyt c,n552).The genes encodmg these
enzymes in pathways for the degradation of proteins (i.e., amo, hao, c p 4 , and cycB, respec-
organic compounds in AOB. For example, tively) are present in nearly identical multiple
genes encoding enzymes in the degradation copies, albeit in different number and chro-
pathways of most amino acids, carbohydrates, mosome location, in the sequenced Betapro-
phospholipids, and purines are not present in teobacteria AOB genomes but singly in the
the known genomes ofAOB. Similarly, systems sequenced Gammaproteobacterium (nitroso-
for the uptake of organic molecules are few in coccus) genome (Arp et al., 2007). Conserved
AOB. open reading frames (ORFs) flanking the gene
The genomes are beginning to provide clusters encodmg A M 0 are present among the
insights to niche differentiation among the dfferent AOB, but the roles of these unknown
four major AOB ecotypes proposed, namely ORFs in ammonia oxidation have not been
freshwater sediments, sewage/wastewater, soils, clearly established.
and marine (see Chapter 3 ) .In freshwater sedi- Overall, the composition of the sequenced
ments, facultative aerobes compete with AOBs AOB genomes is consistent with their
for 0, (Koops and Pommerening-Roser, 2001; highly specialized chemolithotrophic growth
Kowalchuk and Stephen, 2001). In this envi- (Arp et al., 2007). Nonetheless, some unex-
ronment 0, is often in low supply, but Nitro- pected aspects of AOB became evident &om
somonadaceae (AOB commonly found in this sequencing efforts. For example, N.europaea has
environment) have the necessary genetic com- a gene inventory consistent with the ability to
position to coexist. For example, N. eutropha completely oxidize some organic compounds
has the genes for a &,-type terminal oxidase (see below) (Chain et al., 2003; Hommes et al.,
usually implicated in microaerophilic respira- 2003).The genome sequences also showed that
tion (Stein et al., 2007; Norton et al., 2008). among the known AOB genomes, only N. mul-
In the ecosystems where Nitrosomonadaceae are t$ormis has genes to encode a NiFe hydrogenase,
found soluble,iron can be present at extremely which raises the possibility that this AOB can
low concentrations (10-l8 M at pH 7), and derive energy &om H, in addition to ammonia
the sequenced AOB genomes have genes to (Norton et al., 2008). Hydrogen might alter-
acquire iron efficiently. N. mult$ormis, an AOB nate with ammonia as the sole source of reduc-
commonly found in soils, has genes for urea tant, or it might supplement the energy budget
catabolism that may give Nitrosospira a compet- while cells are oxidzing ammonia (Norton et
itive edge (Norton et al., 2008). The capacity al., 2008).The reported growth of N. europaea
to use urea for growth may be an evolutionary and N. eutropha using H, in oxygen-limited and
niche adaptation for acid soils (Norton et al., ammonia-free conhtions (Bock, 1995) remains

enigmatic, as there are no genes with similarity the same major electron transfer complexes as
to characterized hydrogenase genes in their the electron transport chain of mitochondria.
genomes (Stein et al., 2007). However, there are some significant differ-
ences in the flow of electrons through these
complexes (Wood, 1986;Whittaker et al., 2000;
Poughon et al., 2001). Most importantly, elec-
Conversion of Ammonia to Nitrite trons released from NH,OH oxidation are not
Under oxic conditions, AOB derive all the expected to have a forward flow (i.e., toward
energy (reductant) required for their metab- more positive reduction potential) through
olism from the oxidation of NH, to nitrite Complex I (NADH oxidoreductase). Elec-
(NO,-) in a two-step process (Fig. 2). AOB trons from the oxidation of NH,OH enter
first use the membrane-bound enzyme A M 0 the electron transport chain at about +127
to catalyze the oxidation of NH, to hydroxyl- mV, much too positive for the direct reduc-
amine (NH,OH) and then, in the periplasmic tion of NAD(P)+ to NAD(P)H (E”’ = -320
space, use H A 0 to catalyze the oxidation of mV). Inhibitors of electron transfer through
NH,OH to NO,-. The oxidation of NH, cytochrome,, block ammonia utilization (Arp
to NH,OH requires 0,, two protons, and and Stein, 2003), indicating that in AOB elec-
two electrons: one 0 is inserted into NH, to trons derived from ammonia oxidation flow
form NH,OH, and the other 0 is combined through this cytochrome complex (Suzuki
with the two protons and two electrons to and Kwok, 1970). Generation of NAD(P)H
form H,O (Wood, 1986; Hooper et al., 1997; requires transfer of electrons “uphill” (i.e., to
Poughon et al., 2001). a more negative reduction potential) from the
In the oxidation of NH,OH to NO,-, potential at which they are generated and is
four electrons are released and channeled therefore referred to as reverse electron flow.
through the tetraheme cytochrome css4located The overall oxidation of NH,+ to NO,-
in the periplasm, and then likely through a with 0, as the terminal electron acceptor
second membrane-bound cytochrome, tet- results in the release of two protons (NH,+ +
raheme cytochrome cm552, to the ubiquinone 1.5 0, -+ NO,- + H,O + 2H’). Therefore,
pool (see Fig. 3 and below).The membrane- ammonia oxidation can cause the acidifica-
bound cytochrome cms52serves as a quinone tion of the growth medium or environment
reductase (Hooper, 1989). Electrons are then and thereby shift the NH,/NH4+ equilibrium
partitioned at the level of the periplasmic toward NH,+ (pKa of 9.25 at 25°C). Because
ubiquinone pool; two electrons go to sup- A M 0 uses NH,, not NH,’, lowering the
port further ammonia oxidation by AMO, pH lowers the concentration of NH, that is
and two electrons pass through the electron available for growth (Suzuki et al., 1974).To
transport chain to generate a proton gradient illustrate, for N.europaea the K3 for NH,’ is
for ATP generation and to provide reductant about 1.3 mM (Keener and Arp, 1993),corre-
for other cellular processes (i.e., the assimila- spondmg to an available NH, concentration of
tion of inorganic nutrients). This model is about 46 pM at pH 7.7. However, it is known
reinforced by the observation that tetra- and that some AOB are able to grow in environ-
trimethylhydroquinols support ammonia oxi- ments where the bulk pH is relatively acidic.
dation in vitro (Shears and Wood, 1986).The Often, the AOB take advantage of microenvi-
electron transport chain of N. europaea has ronments where the pH is higher and more

FIGURE 2 Catabolism of ammonia:

proteins involved, product and flow of
NH3t ‘2’ 2H’ T>
NH,OHZe‘t H,O NO,- t 5H+

le + electron transport
electrons. ~


QH, 4+2H+

FIGURE 3 Model for the oxidation of ammonia and the proteins involved. bc,.complex 111; QH,, quinol.
(Adapted from Arp and Stein [2003]and Hooper et al. [1997] with permission.)

of the available N is in the form of NH,, as not produce but rather consumes reductant.
when AOB aggregate or form a biofdm (De The oxidation of NH,OH to NO,- occurs at
Boer et al., 1991; Gieseke et al., 2005). There a midpoint potential of +127 mV, providing
is also evidence that some ammonia oxihzers some energy as electrons flow through the elec-
can remain highly active at low pH (Tarre and tron transport chain to 0, (E"' = +820 mV for
Green, 2004); this finding suggests an active O,/H,O couple). But the amount of energy
transport mechanism must be facilitating the is much less than in systems where NADH
uptake of NH, (Weidinger et al., 2007) (see serves as electron donor (En'= 320 mV) to the
below). electron transport chain (e.g., mitochondria).
To understand ammonia catabolism by Recall that of the electrons released in the
AOB, it is necessary to appreciate the bioen- oxidation of NH,OH to NO,-, half are used
ergetic challenge these bacteria face. First, the to sustain further ammonia oxidation, leaving
overall energy yield from the aerobic oxidation the other half to fill the remaining reductant
of NH, to NO,- is AGO' = -271 kJ mol-' needs of the cell, including biosynthesis and
(Wood, 1986),a modest energy yield given the generation of a proton motive force (Fig. 2).
change in the formal oxidation state of the N Reductant available for the initial oxidation of
from -3 to + 3 . In comparison, the aerobic NH, must pass through the NO,-/NH,OH
oxidation of a mole of carbon in glucose to couple (E"' = +120 mV). Therefore, NADH
CO,, where the formal oxidation state of the is unlikely to serve as a source of reductant
carbon changes from 0 to +4, yields 480 kJ for ammonia oxidation in AOB given the
mol-'. Second, the pathway of ammonia catab- low midpoint potential of the NAD'/NADH
olism places limits on the steps where energy couple. The more likely source of reductant is
released in redox reactions is captured in an the ubiquinone pool where midpoint poten-
electrochemical potential grahent. The oxi- tials of the ubiquinone/ubiquinol couple are
dation of NH, to NH,OH occurs at a calcu- +50 to +lo0 mV
lated midpoint potential of +SO0 to +900 mV The major product of ammonia oxidation,
(Wood, 1986; Poughon et al., 2001) and does NO,-has been shown to have a variety of effects

on AOB. For example, NO,- inactivatesA M 0 A M 0 consists of three subunits: AmoA or

activity in an unknown mechanism where NH, a (27 ma),AmoB or p (38 ma),and AmoC
protects it &om inactivation (Stein and Arp, or y (31.4 m a ) . The primary protein amino
1998b). Interestingly, after starvation periods, acid sequences of each subunit reveal several
NO,- can stimulate ammonia oxidation in membrane-spanning a-helices. Studies with
AOB (Laanbroek et al., 2002). Minor products the mechanism-based inactivator acetylene,
produced during the oxidation of NH, by AOB which binds AmoA (see below), led to the
include trace amounts of nitrous oxide, nitric suggestion that the AmoA subunit contains
oxide,and N (Arp and Stein,2003).Production the active site. By analogy with pMMO, for
of these trace gases is discussed in the chapter by which a crystal structure is available (Hake-
Stein (see Chapter 5). mian and Rosenzweig, 2007), the enzyme is
Some AOBs produce extensive intracy- likely to have an a,P,y3 subunit composition.
toplasmic membranes (ICM). For example, Inhibitor and activity studies support a role
Nitrosomoms has ICM in stacks running along for Cu in catalysis (Ensign et al., 1993), and
the periphery of the cells (Fig. 1). Nitrosococcus Cu was present in the structure of pMMO
has ICM flattened and centrally located in (Hakemian and Rosenzweig, 2007). The
the cell. In the pleomorphic lobes of Nitro- requirement of Cu for in vivo A M 0 activity
solobus, ICM are divided into cell compart- was shown through Cu-binding compounds
ments by the cytomembrane (Watson et al., (e.g., allylthiourea, xanthanes, carbon disufide,
197l).Although the exact function of ICM in a,a’-dipyridyl, or cyanide) or in vitro, by
AOBs is unknown, ICM would increase the recovering A M 0 activity temporarily in cell
surface area available for the enzymes required extracts upon the addition of Cu (Ensign et al.,
for the metabolism of NH,. Electron micros- 1993).A role for Fe has also been suggested in
copy studies also show high concentrations both A M 0 and pMMO. Although Fe was not
of A M 0 protein associated with the ICM found in the crystal structure for pMMO, the
in these bacteria (Fiencke and Bock, 2006). preparations were also inactive. Recent work
However, Nitrosospira and Nitrosovibrio have no with pMMO has identified a role for Fe in a
ICM though their cell shape has high surface &-iron center similar to that found in soluble
area that might compensate for not having methane monooxygenase (Martinho et al.,
ICM. 2007).A similar role for Fe in A M 0 is yet to
be determined but seems likely given the simi-
AM0 larities between AMO and pMM0.
Other inlrect evidence of a role for Cu in
COMPOSITION, STRUCTURE,AND A M 0 is that when N.europaea cells are exposed
METAL CONTENT to intense light they rapidly lose A M 0 activity.
A M 0 is an integral membrane enzyme cata- Shears and Wood (1985) proposed a catalytic
lyzing the oxidation NH, to NH,OH that has cycle for A M 0 in which 0, is reduced at a
not yet been purified to homogeneity with binuclear copper site on the enzyme.The pho-
activity. Therefore, many details of the struc- tosensitive state of an oxygenated A M 0 then
ture and catalytic mechanism of this enzyme would be similar to the photosensitive state of
remain to be elucidated. Much has been the copper enzyme tyrosinase. Determination
deduced to date from a variety of experi- of the exact composition of copper in AMO
mental approaches, and by comparison to par- will require purification of the enzyme to
ticulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO), homogeneity with activity.
which is structurally and catalytically similar A M 0 readily loses activity upon cell
and is evolutionarily related to AMO. Studies breakage (Suzuki et al., 1981; Ensign et al.,
of the structure of pMMO are currently more 1993).Cell extracts with activity were obtained
advanced than those of AMO. after the addition of animal serum albumins,

spermine, or Mg2+as stabilizing agents (Ensign particulate form, lost activity readily upon cell
et al., 1993; Juliette et al., 1995). However, disruption. In intact cells, the soluble form
activity was readily lost in these preparations could be labeled with radioactive acetylene,
after short periods of storage (hours).The adcl- suggesting that it was catalytically viable (Gilch
tion of fractions containing H A 0 or soluble et al., 2009a).The role of this soluble A M 0 in
cytochromes was also found to partially restore the catabolism of NH, is not yet known.
the activity ofAMO (Suzuki and Kwok, 1981; In contrast to AMO, pMMO has been iso-
Suzuki et al., 1981).The stimulation ofAMO lated with activity, although the success in the
activity in vitro by the addition of Cu sug- preparation of active cell extract of pMMO
gested that the loss of copper upon cell lysis has been mixed and reported specific activities
might be at least part of the cause of the lack of are lower than needed to support the activities
activity in cell extracts (Ensign et al., 1993).Cell observed in intact cells (Hakemian and Rosen-
breakage might dsrupt the coupling integrity zweig, 2007). Stdl, the work on pMMO has
between the enzyme and the accessory pro- helped to guide our understanding of AMO.
teins for electron transfer downstream (Ensign pMMO and A M 0 are similar in putative sub-
et al., 1993). The accumulation of free fatty unit composition, catalytic properties, metal
acids in cell extracts also caused loss ofAMO content, and the sequence of nucleotides of the
activity in the preparations during storage. encoding genes (see below). The active prepa-
The addtion of bovine serum albumin (BSA) rations suggest that pMMO is formed of three
during cell breakage had a stabilizing effect on subunits with approximate molecular masses of
A M 0 activity attributed to the inhibition of 47,27, and 25 kDa. In some instances, the isola-
lipolysis (Juliette et al., 1995). Although BSA tion of pMMO resulted in an enzyme formed
is not essential for activity, it stabilized A M 0 of only the two larger subunits; however, these
activity in cell-free preparations. Correlation preparations had no enzymatic activity. It is
of p h t o l e i c acid generation in cell extracts accepted that pMMO contains Cu, but the stoi-
and loss of activity was demonstrated (Juliette chiometry varies with the preparations &om 4
et al., 1995). It is thought that the stabilizing to 59 copper ions per 100 kDa. Electron para-
effect of BSA is more due to the inhibition magnetic resonance spectra confirm the pres-
of lypolysis than the interaction with the free ence of redox-active copper atoms in pMMO
fatty acids that are released upon cell breakage. (Zahn et al., 1996). Iron has also been found
The increase in activity in vitro upon addition in some preparations of membrane-bound and
of exogenous copper suggests that a pool of purified pMMO. The stoichiometry ranged
copper-deficient A M 0 is produced upon cell &om 0.5 to 2.5 Fe atoms per 100 kDa of puri-
lysis (Ensign et al., 1993).Divalent metals such fied Methylococcus capsulatus pMMO (Lieberman
as zinc, nickel, or iron cannot substitute for and Rosenzweig, 2005; Hakemian and Rosen-
copper in restoring activity; rather, they com- zweig, 2007). Recent results provide evidence
pete with copper in restoring activity. Inter- of a di-iron center in pMMO that seems cor-
estingly, divalent copper and divalent mercury related with activity (Martinho et al., 2007).
also might help to maintain activity because Although there is not as yet evidence of the
they are known inhibitors of lipolysis in cell binding sites for the metal cofactors in AMO,
extracts in other systems (Juliette et al., 1995). the analysis of the pMMO crystal structure
A soluble form of A M 0 was recently iso- &om M . capsulatus (Bath) has yielded some
lated as an alpha-beta-gamma trimer (molec- interesting possibilities (Hakemian and Rosen-
ular mass, 238 kDa) where the gamma subunit zweig, 2007). For example, an encoded motif
was not AmoC but rather heme cytochrome that includes four His and one Gln residues
c, (Gilch et al., 2009a).This soluble form con- in AmoB and an encoded motif that includes
tained Cu, Fe, and tentatively Zn (Gilch et al., one Glu, one Asp, and two His in AmoA
2009a). The soluble form of AMO, like the could be the binding site of the Cu atom(s).

In addition, putative metal-binding motifs 1994).AM0 can also catalyze dehydrogenation

can be inferred in AmoB (a dinuclear copper of ethylbenzene and reductive dehalogenation
center and a mononuclear copper center) and of organic compounds such as nitrapyrin (Arp
in AmoC and AmoA (a mononuclear metal and Stein, 2003).The broad substrate specificity
center; Zn during crystallization; perhaps Cu also extends to many chlorinated hydrocarbons,
or Fe in vivo), suggesting that, as for pMMO, includmg vinyl chloride, trichloroethylene,
Cu and probably Fe are necessary for catalysis chloroform, and chlorobenzene. A common
(Hakemian and Rosenzweig, 2007). Among characteristic of all AM0 substrates is that they
the many AOB for which the nucleotides of are mostly uncharged and oflow polarity,which
genes for A M 0 have been sequenced, the suggests a hydrophobic substrate-binding active
putative metal-binding amino acids are highly site (Arp and Stein, 2003).
conserved. Studes of inhibitors of ammonia oxida-
tion activity have provided many insights to
SUBSTRATES AND INHIBITORS the mechanism of ammonia oxidation and
OF A M 0 the possible pathways for electron transfer.
As with many monooxygenases, A M 0 has The inhibition ofAMO activity can be com-
broad substrate specificity (Fig. 4). A M 0 can petitive, noncompetitive, or mechanism based.
catalyze the oxidation of &verse alkanes, al- Competitive inhibitors include methane, eth-
kenes, aromatic hydrocarbons, and ethers, all ylene, and carbon monoxide (Hooper and
by inserting one 0 atom into the molecules Terry, 1973; Keener and Arp, 1993). Non-
(Hoffman and Lee, 1953; Hyman and Wood, competitive inhibitors include ethane, chlo-
1983;Vaneh and Hooper, 1995;Keener andArp, roethane, and thiourea. Among the known


Natural substrate: NH, AM0 NH,OH

Alkanes to alcohols: CH,-CH, AMo > CH3-CH2-OH

Alkenes to epoxides: CH,=CH, AM0 , CH -CH,


hydrocarbonsto alcohols:
AMo > @OH

hydrocarbonsto a Idehydes: CH,-CH,-CI CH,-CH=O + CI-


Ethylbenzene to

FIG. 4 Reactions catalyzed byAh40 are broad in substrate specificity and include oxidation and dehydrogenation
( H o h a n and Lee, 1953; Hyinan and Wood, 1983;Vanelli and Hooper, 1995;Keener and Arp, 1994).

inhibitors of A M 0 activity, the natural nitri- inactivators include longer alkynes (up to
fication byproduct, NO,-, inhibits ammonia octyne) and allylsulfide (Hynian et al., 1988;
oxidation in the presence of 0, by an as yet Juliette et al., 1993).
unknown mechanism (Stein and Arp, 1998b).
Interestingly, NH, itself and short alkanes can MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
protect A M 0 from NO,- inhibition. A M 0 is encoded from a gene cluster ( a m o C A B )
Nitrapyrin is an inhibitor of ammonia oxi- present in one to three copies in the geiiomes
dation that is marketed under the trade name of different AOB (Arp et al., 2007). Align-
of Nserve.This inhibitor is used in some crop- ment of the encoded amino acids for A M 0
lands to slow the conversion of ammonia-based against the NCBI database results in significant
fertilizers to nitrate, thereby reducing the losses matches only to A M 0 of other AOB (>85%
of these fertilizers due to leaching and deni- identities) and to pMMO of the methano-
trification. As mentioned above, nitrapyrin is a trophs [i.e.,M . capsulatus (Bath),or Methylosinus
substrate for A M 0 and undergoes the unusual trichosporium with >SO%) identities, and with
reaction of reductive elimination (Vannelli and most of the divergence occurring at the N
Hooper, 1992). terminus] (Hakemian and Rosenzweig, 2007).
Diphenyliodonium (DPI), a well-char- In N. europaea, there are two gene copies of
acterized flavoprotein inhibitor, was used to a m o C A B with their DNA sequences differing
investigate the electron transfer pathway to in a m o A by a single nucleotide that results in
pMMO and A M 0 (Shiemke et al., 2004). At only one amino acid change (Hommes et al.,
low concentrations (K,,5 pM), DPI interferes 1998). Similarly, in the genomes of other AOB
with electron flow from NADH to pMMO that have multiple A M 0 gene copies, all copies
in methanotrophs by inactivating a type-2 are almost identical within an organism. The
NADH:quinone oxidoreductase that medi- only Gamma-AOB examined, N. oceani, con-
ates electron flow from NADH to the qui- tains a single copy of the A M 0 operon (Alzer-
none pool. At higher concentrations (Ki,100 reca et al., 1999; Klotz et al., 2006).The genes
pM), DPI inhibits pMMO and AM0 activities encoding pMMO ( p m o C A B ) in methano-
directly, apparently by bloclung electron flow trophs occur in the same order as their homo-
from the ubiquinone pool to the monooxy- logues in AOB ( a m o C A B ) as part of an operon
genase. Consistent with this mechanism, genes (Hakemian and Rosenzweig, 2007).
encodmg type-2 NADH:quinone oxidore- Tandem promoter nucleotide sequences
ductase were not identified in N europaea, N. similar to sigma 70-type Escherichia coli pro-
eutropha, N. multformis, or N.oceani. Cosub- moters are associated with the A M 0 operon of
strates did not protect the enzyme from the N. europaea (Homnies et al., 2001).These pro-
inhibition by DPI (Shiemke et al., 2004). DPI moters are differentially expressed upon expo-
did not affect the electron transfer pathway sure to a new supply of NH,, suggestingspecific
from H A 0 to the terminal oxidase. copy expression for different growth concl-
Among the mechanism-based inhibitors of tions (Hommes et al., 2001). The role of the
AMO, acetylene (C,H2) has been most useful. multiple promoters associated with a m o C (the
When active preparations of A M 0 are incu- first gene in the A M 0 operon) or the reason
bated in the presence of 14C,H,, the 27-kDa for the multiple copies of the amo operon (Say-
AmoA subunit is labeled, demonstrating that avedra-Soto et al., 1998; Hommes et al., 2001;
this subunit contains the catalytic site (Hyman Berube et al., 2007) are not apparent.There is
and Arp, 1992).The residue His-191 in AmoA another possible sigma 70-type promoter in
of N.europaea was modified by acetylene, sug- front of a m o A in N. europaea, whose function
gesting that this residue is part of or in close is unknown (Hommes et al., 2001).This a m o A
association with the acetylene-binding site promoter is also present in Nitrosospira sp. strain
(Gilch et al., 2009b). Other mechanism-based NpAV and can drive the expression of a m o A in

E. coli, suggesting that it is a viable promoter, at the a m o A 2 or amoB2 copies responded more
least in these two nitrifiers (Klotz and Norton, slowly than the mutant strain lacking the
1995). Interestingly, the putative promoters of a m o A 2 or amoB2 copies (Stein et al., 2000).
arno, hao, and cycA do not share common ele- The mutants also synthesized a smaller amount
ments (Hommes et al., 2001) (see below). of A M 0 polypeptides and recovered slightly
Most of the sequenced AOB genomes more slowly after A M 0 inactivation than the
exhibit an extra copy of amoC.This version of wild type (Stein et al., 2000). The mecha-
the gene is not found in association with a m o A B nism for the differences in growth of cells
and is slightly dmimilar to the other two ver- lacking one or the other copy of a m o A B is not
sions. For example, a m o C 3 in N. europaea has apparent,as the DNA sequence of the putative
67.5% identity, 81.4% similarity to a m o C 2 or A M 0 promoters are identical in N. europaea. In
a m o C 2 (Sayavedra-Soto et al., 1998).The func- the single amo operon of N. oceani, three pro-
tion of a m o C 3 is not known but may have a moters were identified and were differentially
role in recovery &om starvation.The transcript expressed depending on the available ammonia.
level of a m o C 3 was raised during recovery This interesting observation suggests a dif-
after long periods of starvation (Berube et al., ferent regulation mechanism for A M 0 expres-
2007). However, a deletion mutant of a m o C 3 in sion in Gamma-AOB from that in Beta-AOB
N europaea &d not show a different phenotype (El Sheikh and Klotz, 2008). In N. oceani, the
from the wild-type strain either while growing gene a m o R was identified in front of a m o C A B
or during recovery fiom substrate deprivation and was expressed in cells that were exposed to
experiments (Berube et al., 2007). ammonia. In addition, an adjacent downstream
In N. europaea and Nitrosospira sp. strain ORF named a m o D was cotranscribed in the
NpAV, the genes for A M 0 are transcribed as same mRNA ( a m o C A B D ) at higher concen-
a 3.5-kb mRNA forming a polycistronic tran- trations of ammonium (5 mM) (El Sheikh et
script (Sayavedra-Soto et al., 1998).Transcript al., 2008). The transcription of the amo gene
analysis by northern hybridizations revealed cluster in N oceani showed more resemblance
three mRNAs in these two nitrifiers, one to the transcription of M. capsulatus (a metha-
derived from the whole operon a m o C A B and notroph) than to that of the amo gene cluster
two others derived from a m o A B and amoC, in N. europaea (a Beta-AOB).
perhaps as a result of processing of the full In N. europaea, the activity of A M 0 is
mRNA. Of the three fragments, a m o C is the regulated by ammonia at three levels: tran-
most stable, probably as a result of stem-loop scriptional, translational, and posttranslational
structures that can be predicted by computer (Hyman and Arp, 1992; Sayavedra-Soto et al.,
modeling (Sayavedra-Soto et al., 1998). The 1996;Stein et al., 1997; Geets et al., 2006).Dif-
stability of the mRNA of a m o C is similar in ferent regulatory mechanisms might be at play
Gamma- and Beta-AOB. The role for the depending on the environmental conditions.
a m o C mRNA stability and AmoC,,, function Among prokaryotes, the regulation of mRNA
remains to be determined. degradation can help cells to respond to starva-
In N. europaea, both copies of A M 0 are tion and to recover readily when new substrate
functional and each is sufficient for growth, becomes available. Stable mRNAs would mean
but there is evidence for differential regula- that energy would not be utilized to synthesize
tion of the two copies (Hommes et al., 1998; new RNA pools to produce key enzymes. N.
Stein et al., 2000). In mutational studies, inac- europaea has mechanisms at the transcriptional
tivation of one of the copies ( a m o A 2 ) slowed and translational level to cope with lack of 0,
growth by about 25%,while inactivation of the and ammonia (Geets et al., 2006). In the stored
other ( a m o A 2 ) did not have a negative effect cells, the potential A M 0 activity decreased by
on growth. If the mutant cells were exposed 85% within 24 h; however, the H A 0 potential
to fresh medium, the N. europaea strain lacking activity remained unaffected (Stein and Arp,

1998a). In N. europaea cells kept suspended addtional c-type hemes in each subunit par-
in ammonia-free medium at low cell density, ticipate in electron transfer from the cata-
amo mRNAs were detected for up to 4 days lytic site (Arciero et al., 1993). Heme P460 in
(Berube et al., 2007). This suggests that the H A 0 derives its name from a ferrous Soret
mRNAs levels could be maintained by a tran- peak maximum at 460 nni (Andersson et al.,
scriptional control mechanism that either pre- 1991). A second P460 chroniophore has also
vents their degradation or allows its continued been identified in the AOB and resides in a
synthesis of mRNAs at a steady level. The small soluble periplasmic protein, cytochrome
ability to respond rapidly after ammonia depri- P460, of unknown function (Pearson et al.,
vation under different physiological conditions 2007). Cytochrome P460 has a single high-
is thought to be an important survival tool for spin, five-coordinate P460 heme per 18.8-kDa
AOB in environments where there is competi- polypeptide and has no structural similarity
tion for available ammonia. For example, cells to HAO. Cytochrome P460 binds hydrox-
presented with a new supply of NH, showed ylamine, hydrazine, and cyanide in the ferric
a twofold spike ofAMO activity, which then form and C O in the ferrous form and exhibits
returned to the initial level of activity (Stein et a weak hydroxylamine oxidation/cytochrome
al., 1997).This response was accompanied by c oxidoreductase activity (Numata et al., 1990).
an increase in both mRNA synthesis and A M 0 The X-ray crystallographic structure of
peptides. Increased concentration of ammonia H A 0 of N. europaea at 2.8 (Fig. 5) revealed
in the medium resulted in higher concentra- the oligomeric nature of H A 0 composed of
tion ofAMO in the cell. Similarly, the mRNAs three identical subunits (Igarashi et al., 1997).
for A M 0 and H A 0 were also present at higher The crystal structure shows a 100 A pear-
concentrations when cells were incubated in shaped structure with a candidate cavity (30
ammonia-rich medium (Sayavedra-Soto et al., A wide and 8 A deep) where cytochronie c554
1996). When Nitrosospira briensis was starved (cyt c554) could bind (Igarashi et al., 1997).Each
10 days in a batch culture, the amoA mRNA subunit is folded into two distinct domains
concentration decreased, and a relatively small in addition to a flexible hydrophobic C ter-
change in total soluble proteins concentration minal.The first 269 amino acids form a short,
was observed (Bollmann et al., 2005). These two-stranded beta-sheet and contain 5 c-type
cells readily synthesized new a m o A mRNA hemes and the heme P460.The central domain
upon transfer to fresh ammonia medium. De between amino acids 270 and 499 contains two
novo a m o A mRNA synthesis,while preserving c-type hemes and 10 a-helices.The 24 hemes
protein levels, might be an adaptation of AOA in HAO, eight per subunit, are located in the
to tolerate fluctuations of ammonia availability thicker bottom half of the molecule (Igarashi
(Bollmann et al., 2005). et al., 1997).The c-type hemes have octahe-
dral coordination of the Fe atom completed
by two His as axial ligands; each has a different
redox potential (Igarashi et al., 1997),and they
STRUCTURE AND METAL CONTENT strongly interact with each other (Hendrich et
The second enzyme in the catabolism of NH,, al., 2001).The unique redox potential of each
HAO, catalyzes the oxidation of NH,OH to c-type heme is determined by its surrounding
NO,- and is considered the link to the respira- environment. The midpoint potentials of the
tory chain in AOB. H A 0 is a complex heme- c-type hemes determined by Mossbauer and
containing enzyme in an a,-oligomeric state. electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies
Each of the three subunits contains a modi- at pH 7 against a normal hydrogen electrode
fied, high-spin, five-coordinated c-type heme range from -412 to +288 niV, while the niid-
designated heme P460 that is the catalytic site. point potential for heme P460 is -260 mV
This heme P460 is unique to HAO. Seven (Kurnikov et al., 2005). Analysis of the crystal

FIGURE 5 Three-dimensional X-ray crystal structure of hydroxylamine oxidoreductase fiom N. euvopaea. Each
subunit is shown in ribbon form of a different shade.The heme molecules are shown as stick structures.The figure was
derived from fde PDB ID 1FGJ ( (Igarashi et al., 1997) and MacPyMOLsoftware (

structure ofHAO revealed the hemes organized 1997; Pearson et al., 2007).The Fe in the P460
in four distinct entities: a cluster consisting of heme has one of the six available coordination
P460 and two c-type clusters, two double- positions available to bind NH,OH.The prox-
heme clusters, and a single-heme cluster (Fig. imity and circular arrangement of the heme
5).The P460 heme is localized at the catalytic clusters enable H A 0 to transfer electrons effi-
pocket and is held by a typical heme-bindmg ciently over a relatively large distance (Igarashi
motif (Cys-X-X-Cys-His) that, in addition, is et al., 1997; Kurnikov et al., 2005).
uniquely covalently linked through a tyrosine To initiate the oxidation of NH,OH, H A 0
residue to an adjacent subunit. The linkage is presumably withdraws two electrons simulta-
required for the trimerization and is consid- neously from NH,OH, forming HNO as an
ered essential for stabilization of the molecule enzyme-bound intermediate. To prevent the
and for catalysis.The planes of the Tyr and the formation of N,O or N O from HNO, the
heme ring are perpendcular (Igarashi et al., oxidation must occur in a continuous way

to remove two more electrons. However, the for HAO-catalyzed reduction of N O to

exact mechanism is not yet known. Fully oxi- ammonia is cyt css4.cyt css4 has four henies (see
dized H A 0 at 1 atm of N O produced stable below) of which two have midpoint poten-
[FeNOI6 species (Kc, -10' M-' or higher) tials of +47 niV (Arciero et al., 1991a; Upad-
(Hendrich et al., 2002q.This finding has signif- hyay et al., 2003).The reduction potential for
icance in that N O may not be released easily, the NO/ammonia couple is about +339 niV
thus allowing complete oxidation of NH,OH thus, reduced cyt cs54 will yield a favorable cell
by HAO. Other possible reaction intermedi- potential (+292 mV) for the reduction of NO
ates include Fe'"-NH,OH, Fe"'-HNO, and to ammonia (Kostera et al., 2008). H A 0 can
[FeNO]' (Fernandez et al., 2008). also oxidize hydrazine to dinitrogen gas in a
The difference between the redox potential reaction similar to that performed by hydra-
of the solvent-exposed heme P460 and heme zine oxidoreductase (Klotz et al., 2008; Jetten
2 can be enough to hold two electrons pro- et al., 2009) (see Section IV).
duced fi-om the oxidation of hydroxylamine.
The electrons then could be released when MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
the attachment of cyt css4 shifts the potential of Among Beta-AOB, the genes encoding H A 0
P460 to a more positive value (Kurnikov et al., are in multiple copies.The genes for a puta-
2005).The heme that is found singly is located tive membrane protein (of2), cyt css4 (cycA),
between subunits, and it may serve to redirect and cyt cnlss2 (cycB) are adjacent to ha0 and in
excess electrons to another available oxidized similar organization among all known AOBs
heme in a neighboring subunit. The electrons (Arp et al., 2007). However, the chromosomal
from one of the other two double hemes in distances between these nearly identical copies
H A 0 are transferred in succession to the peri- differ by organism. The gene of2 follows hao
plasmic abundant cyt cSs4. The C terminal of in all the sequenced AOB genomes, as well as
H A 0 is flexible and highly hydrophobic, fea- in the genome of the Gamma-MOB M . cap-
tures that may be involved in the association sulatus and in a plasmid of the sulfur oxidizer
of the enzyme with the membrane or with Silicibacter pomeroyi (Klotz et al., 2008). One
respiratory chain enzymes that are membrane of the three gene copies of hao in N. europaea
bound.The iron atom in the P460 heme is high and N. eutropha does not have a copy of cycB
spin and probably pentacoordmate (5c) in the associated with it. This change in gene struc-
resting enzyme, though the presence of water at ture is attributed to evolutionary divergences
the sixth position cannot be ruled out (Igarashi among the nitrosomonads (Purkhold et al.,
et al., 1997; Arciero et al., 1998; Hendrich et 2000,2003).There are HAO-like genes in the
al., 2001).The sixth vacant coordination site is genomes of M. capsulatus (Bath), S. pomeroyi,
available to bind hydroxylamine.The remaining Magnetococcus sp. strain Mc-1, Desulfovibrio de-
c-type hemes are in the low-spin ferric state, sulfuricans G20, Geobacter metallinducens GS15,
hexacoordinated (6c), favoring the electron and Methanococcoides burtoni, organisms that do
transfer down the electron transport chain to not catalyze ammonia oxidation (Bergmann
provide energy for all metabolic processes. et al., 2005; Klotz et al., 2008).Whether these
H A 0 can catalyze in vitro the reduction non-AOB produce functional H A 0 proteins
of NO to NH, in the presence of reduced is not known.The HAO-like genes have -30%
methyl viologen (Kostera et al., 2008). In similarity to any of the H A 0 genes from AOB.
this reaction, N O is sequentially reduced to The low similarity is attributed to the gaps in
NH,OH rapidly and then, at a 10-fold slower nucleotide sequence in those HAO-like genes.
rate than the first step, to NH,. This reduc- In M . capsulatus (Bath), the HAO-like gene,
tion may have some physiological relevance in along with the gene (of2) located immediately
low 0, or anoxic conditions by preventing the downstream, was transcribed in response to
accumulation of NO. A likely redox partner ammonia, thereby supporting the presence of

a functional H A 0 in this methane-oxidizing (Hirota et al., 2006). In spite of the similarity

bacterium (Poret-Peterson et al., 2008). of the promoters of kao-1 and kao-2, kao-2
The H A 0 primary protein amino acid was expressed at higher levels than kao-2 in
sequences from N. europaea and N rnult$orrnis ENI-11 (Hirota et al., 2006). In N. europaea,
are 68% identical, both autotrophic Betapro- the double mutants had about half the in vitro
teobacteria, and have somewhat less similarity activity of wild-type cells and were reflected in
(-50%) to Gammaproteobacteria and to the the mRNA levels but showed no decreases in
known HAO-like proteins in non-ammonia either observed growth rates or in vivo H A 0
oxidizers (see Chapter 4). Other character- activity (Hommes et al., 2002). These results
ized multi-heme-containing proteins such as suggest that cells can lose substantial H A 0
cytochrome c nitrite reductase (Einsle et al., activity without becoming limiting for growth.
1999) and a tetraheme cytochrome c (Leys et Single-copy gene inactivation of H A 0 genes
al., 2002), although unrelated to HAO, have &d not produce a discernible phenotype (no
similar spatial heme arrangements. Fuma- effect on growth rate or ammonia- or hydrox-
rate dehydrogenase has a similarity to H A 0 ylamine-dependent 0, uptake rates). In ENI-
in arrangement of three of the heme groups, 11, it was suggested that ha03 has a role in
although there is no significant amino acid recovery from energy-depleted conditions, as
sequence conservation between the two pro- it increased in expression considerably more
teins (Taylor et al., 1999).An anammox H A 0 than the other two copies of kao after ammonia
with enzymatic properties different than H A 0 adhtion. The transcription of the three copies
fromAOB and to the anammox hydrazine oxi- of kao in Nitrosornonas sp. strain EN11 1 showed
doreductase was isolated from an anoxic sludge that the copies were transcribed differentially
where the anammox bacterium strain KSU-1 in response to the supply of energy to the cell
was dominant (Shimamura et al., 2008). This (Hirota et al., 2006).
H A 0 had a P468 chromophore reminiscent of
the P460 chromophore. Electron Transport from HA0
Only one start of transcription was detected
for each of the copies of kao in N. europaea (Say- CYTOCHROME css4
avedra-Soto et al., 1994), which suggests that Physical evidence that the electrons flow from
the multiple copies of kao might be transcribed H A 0 to cytochrome,,c, (cyt),,c, is suggested
simultaneously.Contrary to what was observed in its crystal structure.The structure shows an
in N. europaea, hao-3 in Nitrosomonas ENI-11 area where there could be interaction between
was transcribed from two promoters (Hirota H A 0 and cyt css4 for efficient transfer of elec-
et al., 2006).The expression of the multicopy trons (Iverson et al., 1998,2001). Cytochrome
hao was studied through transcriptional fusions css4 is a 25-kDa monomeric protein with
(Hirota et al., 2006) and by gene inactivation no amino acid sequence similarity to other
in Nitrosornonas sp. strain ENI-11 (Yamagata et known proteins. Cytochrome c554 contains four
al., 2000) and by gene inactivation in N. euro- c-type hemes covalently linked through typical
paea (Hommes et al., 1996,2002).None of the cheme-binding motifs: two Cys thioether link-
copies in either strain was essential for growth. ages in the sequence -Cys-X-Tyr-Cys-His-.
While the N. europaea strains with a single kao Cytochrome cSs4has one heme five-coordinate
copy disrupted grew similarly to the wild type, with an axial His ligand and three hemes with
in ENI-11 a single inactivation of any of the bis-His axial coordination. Despite the dis-
copies of hao led to -30% lower growth than similar primary sequence of amino acids, the
the wild type (Yamagata et al., 2000). In ENI- hemes have a conserved structural arrange-
11, kao-3 showed the highest expression.The ment that is also observed in other bacterial
promoters of hao-2 and kao-2 are almost the multiheme c-cytochromes such as HAO, cyto-
same, while the promoter of hao-3 is different chrome c, nitrite reductase, fumarate reductase,

NapB, and split-Soret cytochrome (Upadhyay visible spectrophotometric characterization of

et al., 2003). However, the cyt css4 motif has no purified preparations indicated features found
resemblance to other characterized tetraheme in cytochromes belonging to the NapC/NRH
cytochrome c3 proteins (Iverson et al., 2001). family and the presence of a high-spin heme.
The UV-visible spectrum of cyt c554 has a Cytochrome at pH 7.8 has a character-
broad Soret band with a maximum at 407 nm istic absorbance maximum at 408 nm for the
attributed to high- and low-spin hemes. Upon Soret y-band and a broad peak at 532 nni with
reduction, an a-band is observed at 554 nm, a weak shoulder at 550 nm in the Q-band
hence the name of the protein. The oxidized region (the a-band region of the pyridine
cyt css4 shows all of its iron in the ferric state ferrochrome spectrum [Kim et al., 20081).
by Mossbauer spectroscopy. Ligand-binding Furthermore, Mossbauer spectroscopy of the
experiments indicate that this cytochrome reduced "Fe-enriched protein suggested fea-
has no other function than electron transport. tures consistent with several low-spin or high-
However, a possible alternative role of cyt css4 spin Fe(II1) heme species in a 1:3 ratio. EPR
is in detoxification by the reduction of NO as spectra of purified cyt c,n55z also suggested an
it can both accept electrons from H A 0 and interacting high-spin/low-spin pair of hemes.
catalytically donate electrons to nitric oxide Ancestry similarities to the nitrite-reducing
(Upadhyay et al., 2006). Biochemical experi- protein suggest that cyt cl,,ss2 may directly
ments in vitro demonstrated that cyt cSs4 can accept electrons from HAO, though this also
accept electrons from H A 0 (Yamanaka and has not been shown experimentally.
Shinra, 1974).The reduction potentials of the From the encoded amino acid sequences,
four hemes in cyt c554 have been calculated in the core tetraheme of cyt cn,s52 shows common
vitro at pH 7: 47 mV for the high-spin heme ancestry to the NapC/NrfH/NirT/TorC
and 47, -147, and 276 mV for the remaining family of tetra and pentahenie quinol dehy-
three hemes, respectively (Upadhyay et al., drogenases (Bergmann et al., 2005). These
2003). The reduction of the hemes has a rate dehydrogenases are present in facultative
constant of 250 to 300 s-' for one of the elec- anaerobes and function to transfer electrons
trons transferred to cyt cs54 from HAO, while from the ubiquinone pool to alternative elec-
the second has a rate constant of 25 to 30 SC' tron acceptors (Bergmann et al., 2005). Based
(Arciero et al., 1991b). on its amino acid sequence homology, it has
Although the gene of cytochrome c554 ( c y d ) been proposed that cyt c,ns52 may have a quinol
is likely transcribed independently from hao, oxidoreductase function (Kim et al., 2008).
probably through a sigma 70-type promoter, Cytochrome cmss2 has a predicted molecular
its proximity to hao (Arp et al., 2007) suggests mass of 27.1 kDa.
that they act in concert.
CYTOCHROME cmss2 The following step in the transfer of electrons
The membrane location of cytochrome from cyt c,n55zis to the quinone pool. Ubiqui-
cmsSz (cyt cm552) makes it a good candidate as none is the predominant quinone in aerobic
the intermediate for the transfer of electrons nitrifjing bacteria. Cells contain ubiquinone-8
between cyt c554and the ubiquinone pool (Kim (Hooper et al., 1972) in 13-fold excess rela-
et al., 2008), though this remains to be verified tive to HAO. Genes to produce proteins that
experimentally.Recently, cyt c,ns5zwas purified can interact with the ubiquinone pool (Q/
from N.europaea cell membranes and tended QH2) are present in the genomes of known
to form dimers that were attributed to trans- AOB.The terminal oxidase of the cytochrome
membrane motifs (Kim et al., 2008). Based on aa3 family (Dispirit0 et al., 1986) and ubiqui-
this evidence, it was suggested that a dmeric or none-8 (Hooper et al., 1972) were purified
multimeric state is necessary for function. W- from N.europaea.

NITRO S0CYANIN from carbon dioxide/bicarbonate. The same

Nitrosocyanin is a small mononuclear copper phenomenon was observed in other, although
protein that is unique to AOB. Although its not all, lithotrophs. A theory was developed
hnction is not yet known, it is included in that obligate autotrophy was due to an incom-
this section dealing with electron transfer plete tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. In early
proteins because of its similarity to another studies in N. europaea, a-ketoglutarate dehy-
electron transfer protein, plastocyanin. One drogenase activity was not detected and was
characteristic that differentiates nitrosocyanin considered the basis of the dependence on
from other blue copper proteins is the cupric autotrophy (Hooper, 1969). Furthermore, an
absorption band at 390 nm, which gives rise to oxidativeTCA cycle is incompatible with use of
a characteristic brilliant red color, in contrast ammonia as an energy source. In the facultative
to the 450 and 600 nm bands of blue copper methylotroph Methylobacterium extorquens AM1,
proteins. A second distinguishing characteristic the inactivation of the gene for a-ketoglutarate
of nitrosocyanin is a redox potential of +85 dehydrogenase resulted in a mutant unable to
mV, lower than those of blue copper proteins, grow on substrates other than C,, adding evi-
which range from +184 to +680 mV. Nitroso- dence to the hypothesis for obligate autotrophy
cyanin is found in the same proportion as other (Van Dien et al., 2003). Based on all the afore-
components of the ammonia-oxidizing system, mentioned evidence then, AOB came to be
and its gene nucleotide sequence suggests that known as obligate autotrophs.
it is located in the periplasm (Arciero et al., With the completion of the N. europaea
2002). Although its exact role remains to be genome, obligate autotrophy was examined in
determined, its properties and abundance sug- another way.The gene profiles were consistent
gest an important physiological role. Although with the complete metabolism of some sugars
an electron transfer role for nitrosocyanin is (e.g.,fructose) and organic acids (e.g.,pyruvate)
possible, its crystal structure has features that (Chain et al., 2003).This analysis led to experi-
are not consistent with this role (Lieberman ments that demonstrated lithoheterotrophic
et al., 2001). The EPR characteristics are type growth of N. europaea with either fructose or
2 tetragonal copper centers often associated pyruvate as the carbon source (Fig. 6), though
with a catalytic role rather than with electron ammonia was still required as the energy source
transfer (Arciero et al., 2002).The presence of (Hommes et al., 2006). Complete removal of
water coordmated to the copper delineates an CO, was required to demonstrate heterotrophy
open coordination site for substrate binding, and resulted in slow growth, indicating that
and a cavity in the oxidized form of nitroso- autotrophy is the preferred growth mode. In
cyanin capable of binding a substrate reinforces the known genomes of AOB, the genes sucA,
a catalytic role (Lieberman et al., 2001). sucB, and lpd (encoding a-ketoglutarate dehy-
drogenase) are present. The expression of the
mRNA for this enzyme was corroborated in
N. europaea showing that the genes are func-
Autotrophy tional (Hommes et al., 2006). Nonetheless,
Many studies have shown that AOB could take activity could not be detected under oxic con-
up and assimilate small amounts of organic ditions. An N. europaea SUCAdeletion mutant
carbon, mostly in anoxic conditions (Clark and grew as well as the wild type with ammonia
Schmidt, 1966;Wallace et al., 1970; Krummel and fructose or pyruvate and indicated that an
and Harms, 1982; Martiny and Koops, 1982; incomplete TCA cycle still is compatible with
Schmidt, 2009). However, the amounts of heterotrophy in AOB. An incomplete TCA
carbon taken up in oxic conditions are not suf- cycle does not prohibit carbon from either
ficient to satis6 the carbon needs of the cells, CO, or organic compounds from serving as
and the majority of the cellular carbon comes the carbon source. A branched TCA cycle can


____, Glv-3--P
uptake 1,3-BPG

~ P G A

oxaloacetate b-. citrate

malate aconitate


I succinate
a-ketogluta rate

\ succinyl Co-A

FIGURE 6 Central carbon metabolism in N. europaea under oxic conditions.

provide the necessary carbon backbones for with a short supply of ammonia (Hommes et
biosynthesis. However, an incomplete TCA al., 2006). Under anaerobic growth on pyru-
cycle cannot support organotrophy. The lack vate as electron donor and nitrite as electron
of a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase activity does acceptor, a complete TCA cycle, including
not explain obligate autotrophy but is consistent a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase activity, would
with the obligate lithotrophy observed in AOB provide a likely mechanism to complete the
grown under oxic conditions. Transcriptional oxidation of pyruvate to CO,.
studies showed higher levels of the mRNA
for SUCA in the late stationary phase, suggesting C O , Assimilation
that a role for a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase In AOB, CO, assimilation takes place via
in AOB might be in assisting the cell to cope the Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) cycle,

where the carboxylation reaction is cata- N. europaea contains approximately 10 to 20

lyzed by ribulose-l,5-bisphosphate carbox- ng of glycogedmg protein (detected as glu-
ylase/oxygenase (RubisCO). All enzymes cose after a-amylase hydrolysis) when grown
for the CBB cycle are present in sequenced under standard laboratory conditions (Vajrala
AOB genomes, with the exception of sedo- et al., 2010) (Fig. 7). The disruption of the
heptulose-l,7-bisphosphatase. In AOB, fruc- genes encoding glycogen synthase (NE2264)
tose-l,6-bisphosphate dehydrogenase may in N. europaea caused the cells to be less resis-
be the enzyme performing the hydrolysis of tant to ammonia deprivation (Arp laboratory,
sedoheptulose-l,7-bisphosphate in the CBB unpublished). Thus, AOB likely use glycogen
cycle, rather than for fructose-1 ,h-bisphos- to help them through periods when ammonia
phate hydrolysis in gluconeogenesis (Yo0 and is in low supply.
Bowien, 1995). There are four recognized The pathways for transmembrane trans-
forms of RubisCO (Form I to Form IV) port and degradation of sucrose are docu-
(Ezaki et al., 1999; Maeda et al., 1999;Watson mented in prokaryotes (Monchois et al., 1999;
et al., 1999; Utaker et al., 2002;Tabita et al., Ajdic and Pham, 2007). However, reports of
2008). The available genomes indicate that microorganisms producing sucrose are limited
RubisCO in AOB is predominantly Form I. (Arp et al., 2007; Lunn, 2002). Sucrose pro-
For example, N. europaea and N. eutropha have duction has been detected in cyanobacteria
Form IA (green-like) RubisCO, while N. mul- (e.g., Lunn, 2002), but only a few proteo-
tiformis, and N. oceani have a Form IC (red- bacteria have genes for sucrose biosynthesis.
like) RubisCO (Stein et al., 2007; Norton et Sucrose probably serves more to protect the
al., 2008). Among AOB, RubisCO has >80% cell against osmotic shock than as an energy
identity in the sequence of amino acids. or carbon reserve (Lunn, 2002). Two genes for
The only AOB isolate with the capacity sucrose production are conserved in the four
to produce carboxysomes is N. eutropha. The sequenced AOB genomes (Arp et al., 2007). In
carboxysomes are similar to those observed N. europaea, sucrose was detected (0.15 to 1.0
in other unrelated autotrophs, such as Thioba- pg/mg of protein), demonstrating the func-
cillus denitrijicans (Beller et al., 2006). The car- tionality of the genes for sucrose production
boxysome genes in N. eutropha include those (Vajrala et al., 2010). In the AOB, sucrose phos-
encoding structural proteins, carbon dioxide- phatase synthase and sucrose phosphate phos-
concentrating proteins, and shell proteins, all phatase appear to be encoded in one gene.The
of which are characteristic of the carboxy- conserved residues associated with the halo-
somes of other unrelated autotrophs (Stein et acid dehalogenase phosphatase superfamily
al., 2007). are encoded in the C-terminus extension of
the sucrose phosphatase synthase. The gene
Glycogen and Sucrose for sucrose synthase is adjacent to the sucrose
Analysis of the AOB genomes showed genes phosphate synthase in the four AOB sequenced
to produce and metabolize the carbohydrates (Arp et al., 2007). An N . europaea mutant with
glycogen and sucrose (Arp et al., 2007). Genes the genes for sucrose synthesis deleted did not
for glycogen biosynthesis and degradation are produce detectable levels of sucrose (Vajrala et
present in N. europaea and are concentrated al., 2010).
in two gene clusters with additional genes
present at other loci (Chain et al., 2003). Gly-
cogen is a carbon and energy reserve com-
monly found in animals and sometimes also Ammonia Assimilation and Transport
in prokaryotes (Ball and Morell, 2003; Lodwig On the basis of gene profiles of sequenced
et al., 2005). Cellular stress can lead to accu- AOB, ammonia appears to be assimilated via
mulation of glycogen (Sherman et al., 1983). glutamate dehydrogenase. Pathways for the

FIGURE 7 Electron microscopy picture of thin sections of N.europaea treated with acid-thioseniicarbazide-
osmium tetroxide to visualize glycogen granules in the cells (dark spots).

synthesis of amino acids and other N-con- inchcating that the same transport system was
taining compounds could be identified and are involved for both. The transport of methylam-
consistent with established pathways in other monium was independent of pH, suggesting
organisms (Arp et al., 2007). that an uncharged molecule, such as NH,, is
A gene encoding an R h (Rhesus)-type transported. However, an N.eurupaea mutant
transporter similar to the Am-B ammonium with the gene encoding R h l disrupted grew
transport proteins common in other organisms as well as the wild type over a range of ammo-
was identified in the genome of N. europaea nium concentrations (Vajrala et al., 2010).
(Weidinger et al., 2007). The Amt-B proteins The X-ray crystal structure of the N. euru-
function as channels for ammonia/ammo- paea ammonium transport R h protein at 1.8 A
nium and have been identified in bacteria, (Li et al., 2007) and at 1.3 A (Lupo et al., 2007)
fungi, and plants (Winkler, 2006).The protein resolution has been determined. The protein
is capable of ammonium transport (Weidinger is an a3homotrimer generated by a crystal-
et al., 2007).The relative expression of the rhl lographic threefold axis with the first 24 to 27
decreased in N. europaea cells under denitrif/ing amino acids missing, likely cleaved by a signal
conditions and increased when the bacteria peptidase. A C-terminal extension suggests
were transferred to oxic conditions. How- an interaction with an unknown cytoplasmic
ever, the transcription of rhl I d not change partner. The structure of the N. europaea R h
with changes in ammonia concentration. An protein in comparison to other known Amt
effective inhibition of I4C-labeled methylam- proteins is consistent with the transport of
monium uptake by ammonium was observed NH, or CO, (Li et al., 2007; Lupo et al., 2007),

although there is currently no evidence for four sets of genes (Andrews et al., 2003). In
CO, transport by this protein. addtion to numerous siderophore transducer/
receptor genes, N. europaea has genes encoding
Iron one complete set of the Fe ABC transporter
In AOB, Fe is essential for the many cyto- set, although these genes are not associated
chromes, heme-containing enzymes, and other with any of the receptor genes.The N. eurupaea
iron-containing enzymes required for ammonia Fe ABC transporter was shown to be specific
oxidation and cell growth and maintenance. for hydroxamate-type siderophores and the
Indeed, the AOB genomes revealed numerous mixed chelating-type siderophore pyoverdin
genes for Fe uptake (Arp et al., 2007). Among (Vajrala et al., 2010).The genes for the sidero-
AOB, N.europaea has the most genes for Fe phore transporter specific for catecholate-type
accumulation,with nearly 100 genes dedicated siderophores or the mixed chelating-type sid-
to iron uptake, although, interestingly, none erophore aerobactin remain unknown. N. eut-
for siderophore biosynthesis. In the genome rupha has no discernible Fe ABC transporter;
of N. rnultijurrnis, 29 genes were identified for however, it does have a major facilitator super-
active transport of Fe and 4 putative genes for family (MFS) family transporter that could
the production of the siderophore pyoverdin potentially import loaded siderophores (Stein
(Norton et al., 2008). N.oceani and N.eut- et al., 2007).
ropka, on the other hand, have 22 and 28 genes, When the intracellular Fe concentration
respectively, dedicated to iron uptake and 2 becomes low, upregulation of Fe uptake genes
putative genes each for the production of sid- generally occurs through the release of gene
erophores.The many siderophore transducers/ repression imposed by ferric uptake regulator
receptors encoded by N.europaea, N.eutrupka, (Fur) (Andrews et al., 2003). A putative fur
N. rnultijorrnis, and N. oceani genomes are prob- gene (NE0616) was disrupted in N. europaea
ably involved in uptake of Fe-loaded sid- and resulted in the upregulation of Fe uptake
erophores produced by other organisms (e.g., genes (Arp laboratory, unpublished). Several
Fe-loaded siderophores ferrichrome, desferri- Fe-containing proteins in N. europaea were
oxamine, coprogen, pyoverdm, and catechol/ present at lower levels when N. europaea grew
catecholate type) (Arp et al., 2007). in Fe-limited medium (Wei et al., 2006).These
N.europaea grown in Fe-replete medium observations suggest that N. europaea maintains
(10 pM Fe) has high cellular Fe concentration a delicate balancing act between iron uptake
(i.e., 16.3 mh4, 80-fold higher than in E. coli). and Fe consumption, because the very enzymes
N.europaea can also grow moderately well at that permit N.eurupaea to derive energy from
Fe concentrations as low as 0.2 pM, even when NH, are also those that have high Fe content
exogenous siderophores are not provided (Wei (Hooper, 1989;Arp et al., 2002).
et al., 2006). Growth at this low Fe concentra- N. eurupaea has putative genes that encode
tion is extraordinary given the high require- high-affinity, siderophore-independent Fe
ment of N. europaea for Fe and its inability to uptake systems. For example, it has a puta-
produce siderophores. Other microorganisms tive siderophore-independent Fe’+ transporter
with a much lower requirement for Fe rely on (encoded by NE0294, a cytochrome c-type
siderophores to grow at concentrations below protein) that is similar to the yeast Ftrl Fe”
1 pM Fe. transporter with a characteristic Glu-X-X-Glu
Uptake of iron siderophores requires Fe Fe-binding site (Stearman et al., 1996; Sever-
ABC transporters in addition to siderophore ance et al., 2004). Though a Fe” transporter,
transducers/receptors, and, in several microor- Ftrl also supports high-affinity Fez’ transport
ganisms, these genes are often found associated because it is coupled with a multicopper oxi-
with each other. For example, E. coli has three dase that oxidizes Fez+to Fe3+,which is then
sets of genes, and Pseudurnunas aeruginosa has transported by Ftrl into the cytoplasm.There

are at least seven putative multicopper oxidase lack of specificity, of this enzyme has grown
genes in N.euvopaea. Multicopper oxidases were considerably. Other aspects of the pathway
shown to be involved in Fe acquisition in bac- also remain to be determined. For example,
teria (Herbik et al., 2002; Huston et al., 2002). the precise pathway of electron transfer is not
A gene with relatively low similarity to a Fe2+ yet known, though well-supported working
transporter is also present (NE1286,feoE),but models have been presented. One of the fas-
in an aerobic growth environment Fez+would cinating aspects of ammonia oxidizers is the
be scarce.The function of FeoB and the level need to produce reductant [NAD(P)H] for
of contribution of Fe2+to N.euvopaea Fe nutri- biosynthesis from reductants that have more
tion remain to be characterized. Other genes positive potentials (i.e., through “reverse elec-
related to Fe nutrition include the Fe-storage tron flow”).
protein bacterioferritin and bacterioferritin There have been fewer studies on the bio-
comigratory protein. chemistry, physiology, or molecular biology
dealing with carbon metabolism than ammonia
PERSPECTIVES metabolism in AOB. Several gene nucleotide
When the first treatise on nitrification was sequences for RubisCOs have been deter-
published in 1986 (Prosser, 1986), the basic mined, but only scant attention has been
pathway of ammonia catabolism had been focused on the biochemical properties of the
determined. However, the study of the protein. Most attention to carbon metabolism
enzymes and genes involved in the process has come from gene profiles deduced from
was in its infancy. In the intervening 23 years, sequenced genomes. Analysis of the gene pro-
our knowledge of the enzymes that are cen- files led to the first demonstration of chemo-
tral to ammonia catabolism has grown con- lithoheterotrophic growth of an AOB under
siderably, as has our knowledge of the genes oxic conditions. But heterotrophic growth was
encoding these proteins. Several proteins and slower than growth on carbon dioxide and was
enzymes have been purified and biochenii- limited to just a few carbon sources. So, ques-
cally characterized, and crystal structures for tions remain about how the carbon metabolism
a number of key proteins in the oxidation of of these bacteria is tuned to work best when
ammonia have been determined. Perhaps most assimilating carbon dioxide. And we still do
significant was the elucidation of the structure not fully understand the obligate lithotrophic
of HAO, the remarkably complex trimer of nature of the AOB when under oxic condi-
octaheme subunits. Structures of cytochromes tions.The genes for a complete TCA cycle are
unique to AOB were determined along with present and expressed,but the activities through
some additional proteins, including nitroso- some of the steps are below detection.The gene
cyanin and AmtB. The work described above profiles of the AOB also point to a need to fur-
has greatly enhanced our knowledge of how ther understand central carbon metabolism.
ammonia is oxidized. Nonetheless, a number In particular, the interconversion of fiuctose-
of questions remain. Most notably, the enzyme 1,6-bisphosphate and fructose-6-phosphate, a
that initiates the entire process, AMO, has critical control point between glycolysis and
not yet been purified to homogeneity with gluconeogenesis, is not well characterized. A
activity.As a consequence, we do not yet have reversible pyrophosphate-dependent enzyme
a clear picture of the metal content in N O , has been suggested, but experimental proof has
or the mechanism of ammonia oxidation. not been provided. The gene profiles revealed
Studies with inhibitors, alternative substrates, pathways for synthesis of essential biomol-
and comparisons to pMMO have provided ecules as expected for this autotroph. On the
insights, but deeper characterizations await other hand, pathways for scavenging organic
active preparations. On the other hand, our molecules have not been identified.While this
understandmg of the catalytic versatility, or absence of recycling capacity is consistent with

the predominantly autotrophic nature of the 1999. The amo operon in marine, ammonia-oxi-
AOB, it also raises the question of the fate of dizing gamma-proteobacteria. FEMS Microbiol.
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proteins, RNA, and lipids are turned over. The Hooper. 1991. P460 of hydroxylamine oxidore-
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remains to be determined. raman evidence for a novel heme-like structure.
An area that has advanced dramatically since Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 174:358-363.
Andrews, S. C., A. K. Robinson, and F. Rodri-
the last treatise (Prosser,1986) is the knowledge guez-Quinones. 2003. Bacterial iron homeostasis.
of gene nucleotide sequences and gene profiles FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 27~215-237.
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having no nucleotide sequences for the genes Spectroscopic and rapid kinetic stuhes of reduc-
involved in ammonia catabolism to complete tion of cytochrome c554 by hydroxylamine oxido-
reductase from Nitrosomonas europaea. Biochemistry
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS inorganic N compounds by ammonia-oxidzing
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biochemistry, molecular biology, and metabolism of Hommes. 2002. Molecular biology and biochem-
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advances, especially in the last 20 years, we were not Arp, D. J., P. S. Chain, and M. G. Klotz. 2007.The
able to cite all relevant publications given space limita- impact of genome analyses on our understanding
tions. We thank three anonymous reviewers and our of ammonia-oxidzing bacteria. Annu. Rev. Micro-
chapter editor, Martin Klotz, for their careful and crit- b i d . 61:503-528.
ical reading of the chapter. Ball, S. G., and M. K. Morell. 2003. From bacterial
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Jeanette M. Norton

INTRODUCTION 2007) (see Chapter 4). More recently, a group

Delineating a taxonomic group of bacteria of Archaea abundant in both terrestrial and
as responsible for an environmental pro- marine environments was identified as having
cess is often a compromise that must later be genes related to those encoding ammonia
retracted, and yet the goal remains enticing. monooxygenase (amo) in Bacteria (Treusch et
From 1890 through the 1980s, the nitrifying al., 2005), and isolates have ammonia-oxidizing
bacteria were grouped in the family Nitrobacte- metabolism (Konneke et a]., 2005) (see Sec-
raceae, with genera distinguished by their func- tion 111). Archaeal ammonia oxidation and
tion of ammonia or nitrite oxidation and their the anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox)
cell morphology (Bock et al., 1986).As early as processes have important roles in the global
1971, Stanley Watson (Watson, 1971b) recog- nitrogen cycle (Francis et al., 2007) and are dis-
nized the need for a thorough reconsideration cussed in the following chapters. This chapter
of the family, but restructuring based on phy- reviews the diversity, distribution, and bioge-
logeny began in earnest only with the avail- ography of a subset of the ammonia-oxidizing
ability of 16s ribosomal RNA oligonucleotide prokaryotes, the aerobic chemolithotrophic
catalogs (Woese et al., 1984, 1985; Head et ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB).
al., 1993).As additional ribosomal sequencing
progressed, it became apparent that the nitri- PHYLOGENY AND SYSTEMATICS OF
fiers, as a group, were not derived from any AEROBIC AOB
ancestral nitrifiing phenotype but that these
Taxonomic Outline
lines of descent arose multiple times &om
Current taxonomy of the aerobic chemo-
distinct photosynthetic ancestors (Teske et
lithotrophic AOB is based upon ribosomal
al., 1994) and the ammonia-oxidizing inven-
sequences and comparative genomics (see
tory was likely acquired by the ancestor of the
Chapter 4), while some older retained taxo-
f a d y Nitrosomonadaceae of the Betaproteobac-
nomic designations are based on cell shape
tevia through lateral transfer (Klotz and Stein,
and the arrangement of intracytoplasmic
jealeanrtte M . Norton, Department of Plants, Soils and Climate, membranes. The terrestrial AOB are gener-
Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322. ally restricted to the Betaproteobacteria, while

Nitrijcation, Editcd by Bess D.Ward, Daniel J.Arp, and Martin G. Klotz

Q 2011 ASM Press,Washington, DC

TABLE 1. Outline of the taxonomy of chemolithotrophic AOB for selected pure culture isolates and strainso g-
GenBank GenBank
Genus and species Strain Clusterb Typical habitat@) Cell shape Reference(s)
16s r R N A amo 7
Nitrosomonas europaea ATCC 19718 7 Soil, water, sewage Straight rods Genome: AL954747 Winogradsky, 1892; Chain et 0
al., 2003 Z
A? rnobilir’ Nc2 7 Brackish water Coccus A5298701 AF037108 Koops et al., 1976
A? comrnunis Nm2 8 Soil Rods AF272417 AF272399 Koops et al., 1991
A? eutropha C-9 1 7 Sewage Rods to pear Genome: CP000450 chromosome 1, Koops et al., 1991; Stein et
(Nrn57) CP000451 and CP000452 plasmids 1 al., 2007
and 2
N. halophila Nml Salt or soda lakes or Short rods AF272413 AF272398 Koops et al., 1991
“4) lagoons
N. marina Nm22 6B Marine Straight rods AF272418 AF272405 Koops et al., 1991
A! nitrosa Nm90 8 Eutrophic waters, Coccus or rods AF272425 AF272404 Koops et al., 1991
N oligotropha Nm 45 6A Freshwater, soil Straight rods AF272422 AF272406 Koops et al., 1991
N.ureae Nm 10 6B Soils, &esh water Rods AF272414 AF272403 Koops et al., 1991
A! aestuarii Nm36 6B Brackish water Rods AJ298734 AF272400 Koops et al., 1991
N.cryotolevam NW430 Marine Straight rods AJ298738 AF314753 Jones et al., 1988
Nitrosomonas sp. Nm143 Marine estuary Rods AY 123794 AY123816 Purkhold et al., 2003
Nitrosospira sp. 40KI 0 Soil Spiral tight coils X84656 AJ298687 Utaker et al., 1995;Jiang and
Bakken, 1999
Nitrosospira No cultures 1 Marine waters or ND AY46 15 19 Unknown Freitag and Prosser, 2004
sediments LD2-2 clone
Nitrosospira sp. AHB 1 2 Acid soils Spiral X90820 X90821 DeBoer et al., 1991;
Rotthauwe et al., 1995
Nitrosospira briensis soil Spirals AY123800 AY 123821 Watson, 1971a; Purkhold et
al., 2003
N briensis soil Spiral L35505 U76553 Watson, 1971a; Norton et al.,
M96396 2002
Nitrosospira rnult@rrnir‘ soil Lobate Genome NC-0076 14 (chromosome), Watson et al., 1971; Norton
NC- 007615, NC-007616, et al.. 2008
NC- 007617 (plasmids 1,2,3)
Nitrosospira tenuis‘ Nv 1 3 soil Curved rods, AY 123803 AY 123824 Harms et al., 1976; Purkhold
vibroid et al., 2003
Nitrosospira sp. AF 3 Acid soil Vibroid X84658 AJ298689 Utaker et al., 1995;Jiang and
Bakken, 1999
Nitrosospira sp. KA3 4 soil Spirals AY 123806 AY 123827 Jiang and Bakken, 1999
Nitrosospira sp. Nsp57 __ Masonry Spirals AY123791 AY123835 Purkhold et al., 2003
Nitrosospira sp. Nsp65 Masonry spirals AY 123813 AY123838 Purkhold et al., 2003

N oceani C-107 Marine coccus Genome NC-007484 (chromosome) Watson, 1965;Alzerreca et al.,
and NC-007483 (plasmid A) 1999; Klotz et al., 2006
h?oceani C-27 Marine coccus
N oceani AFC27 Marine coccus AF508988 AF509001 Ward and O’Mullan,2002
N.halophilus Nc4 Saline ponds coccus AF287298 AJ555509 Koops et al., 1990; Purkhold Y
et al., 2000
Nityosococcus “watsonii” C-113 Marine coccus AF 153343 AF153344 Alzerreca et al., 1999; M. G.
Klotz, personal j
#Forstrains with a genome sequence available, the accession for the genome is given rather than those for individual genes.
’See Purkhold et al. (2003).
‘Should be reclassified to the genus Nitrosomonns. 6
dPreviously known as Nitrosolobus muit$rmis (Head et al., 1993).
‘Formerly Nitrosotibrio tenuis (Head et al., 1993). 2

the marine organisms are found both in the are defined by 16s rRNA gene sequences,
Betaproteobacteria and the Gammaproteobacteria. a m o A sequences, and ecophysiological char-
The genus Nitrosococcus (class Gammaproteobac- acteristics (Purkhold et al., 2000; Koops and
teria, order Chromatiales, family Chromatiaceae) Pommerening-Roser, 200 1). Unfortunately,
is widely distributed in marine systems (Ward many species designations within these groups
and O’Mullan, 2002). The known pure cul- are in danger of removal from the valid lists
tures and species of the AOB were reviewed since deposit in two different collections in
(Purkhold et al., 2000), and the phylogenetic different countries has not been documented
lineages or clusters have been outlined (Pur- (Euzeby and Tindall, 2004) and several type
khold et al., 2000; Kowalchuk and Stephen, strains are not publicly accessible. Within the
2001).A guide tree for reference to cluster des- Nitrosumonas, the lineages and/or species are
ignations in the proteobacterial AOB is shown generally distributed in distinct environments
in Fig. 1, and Table 1 gives an updated version (Koops and Pommerening-Roser, 200 1). The
of selected cultured AOB with appropriate crucial environmental characteristics include
primary references and GenBank accessions. salinity, ammonia concentration, and pH (see
the chapters in SectionVI).The cluster 6A rep-
The AOB of the Betaproteobacteria resented by Nitrosomonas ol&otropha and other
(Bacteria, Proteobacteria, ammonia-sensitive strains is found primarily
Betaproteobacteria, Nitrosomonadales, in freshwaters but also in estuaries and in ter-
Nitrosomonadaceae) restrial systems (Coci et al., 2005,2008; Fierer
Nitrosomonas and Nitrosospira are the currently et al., 2009). Members of the closely related
accepted genera comprising the betaproteo- cluster 6B, including Nitrosomonas aestuarii and
bacterial AOB. Nitrosococcus mobilis is not a val- Nitrosomonas marina, have tolerance for higher
idly published name for a betaproteobacterial salt concentrations, including marine systems.
AOB but has not yet been officially reclassified Cluster 7 includes Nitrosomonas europaea, N
to the genus Nitrosumonas. Phylogeny inference mobilis strains, and Nitrosomonas eutropha, which
based on the current data set does not support are capable of tolerating high-ammonia con-
that all nitrosomonads are more closely related centrations. Representatives of this group have
to each other than to members of the Nitroso- been isolated from a wide variety of environ-
spira lineage (Purkhold et al., 2000); especially ments, including sewage and wastewaters and
problematic is the placement of Nitrosumonas also aquatic and terrestrial environments. Nitro-
cryotolerans and Nitrosumonas sp. strain Nm143 somunus communis and Nitrosomonas nitrosa and
(Fig. 1).Therefore, the classical &visions within related strains (sometimes referred to as cluster
the Nitrosomonadaceae into two or more genera 8) have diverse ecophysiological characteristics
may not be retained through revisions based on and sources.The lineages represented by Nitro-
phylogenomic approaches to taxonomy.While sumonas sp. strain NM 143 and N. cryotolerans
Nitrosolobus and Nitrosovibrio have been super- are both deep branching marine groups.
seded by Nitrosospira, this decision remains
controversial,especially for “Nitrosolobus.” Cur- N I T R O SOSPIRA
rent genome sequencing within these groups Stable clusters based on 16s rRNA phylogeny
may help to delineate the boundaries for the are problematic within Nitrosospira because of
genera or lineages. the overall high levels of identity of the 16s
rRNA ( 3 7 % ) .A finer resolution within the
N I T R O S O M 0NAS group may be achieved by using additional
There are at least six lines of descent within the markers such as the 16s-23s rRNA inter-
genus Nitrosomonas as currently defined (Pom- genic spacer region (Aakra et al., 2001) or
merening-Roser et al., 1996). The lineages full-length amoA genes (Norton et al., 2002).

Additional genome sequencing of Nitrosospira strain described earlier. N. oceani belongs in

spp. and DNA homology value determinations the family Chromatiaceae (ectothiospiraceae
will give further insights. Current clusters with branch), also known as the purple sulfur bac-
representative isolates include clusters 0, 2, 3, teria, Currently, N oceani and Nitrosococcus
and 4 (Fig. 1 and Table 1); cluster 1 still has halophilus are the only recognized species of
no pure culture representative. Soils are often gammaproteobacterial AOB, although an
dominated by Nitrosospira spp., while marine additional strain, Nitrosococcus watsoni C-113,
and freshwater systems often have mixtures has been described. N. oceani has been found
of the genera of AOB present. The hstribu- to be widespread in marine environments by
tion of Nitrosospira clusters is related to eco- immunofluorescence and detection of both
physiological traits including pH tolerance, 16s rRNA gene and amo sequences from DNA
urease activity, p H optimum for ureolysis, extracted from natural seawater (Ward and
and salt tolerance (De Boer and Kowalchuk, O’Mullan, 2002; O’Mullan and Ward, 2005).
2001; Koops and Pommerening-Roser, 2001; In addition to the truly marine environment,
Pommerening-Roser and Koops, 2005). Nitrosococcus was detected in the saline waters
Sequences grouping with cluster 0 have been of permanently ice-covered lakes in Antarc-
found in soils and freshwater environments, tica (Voytek et al., 1999).N. haloPhilus has been
while cluster 1 sequences are recovered pre- isolated only from saline ponds (Koops et al.,
dominantly from marine waters or sediments. 1990).The limited diversity of the gammapro-
Clusters 2, 3, and 4 are found in a variety of teobacterial AOB detected in environmental
environments including soils, freshwater, and samples based on 16s rRNA gene sequences
marine systems, with cluster 2 sequences often may be partially explained by primer selec-
recovered from acidic soils (Kowalchuk and tivity, but this observation has been confirmed
Stephen, 2001). Cluster 3 sequences remain by approaches using amoA (O’Mullan and
the most commonly recovered from terrestrial Ward, 2005). A listing of selected Nitrosococcus
environments, particularly from agricultural, strains is given in Table 1, and their relation-
grassland, or turfgrass systems (Kowalchuk ships are shown in Fig.lB.
and Stephen, 2001; Webster et al., 2002; Dell
et al., 2008; Le Roux et al., 2008; Norton, ENVIRONMENTAL DISTRIBUTION
2008). Further divisions of cluster 3 (i.e., into AND BIOGEOGRAPHY OF THE
3A and 3B) have been suggested to facilitate AEROBIC AOB
groups with characteristic kinetics or growth
parameters (Avrahami et al., 2003; Webster et Marine (See also Chapters 7 and 13)
al., 2005). AOB from both the Gammaproteobacteria and
the Betaproteobacteria are found in marine sys-
The AOB of the tems, although the archaeal ammonia oxidizers
Gammapro teo bacteria are found in larger numbers in most marine
(Bacteria, Proteobacteria, environments examined to date (Francis et
Gammaproteobacteria, Chromatiales, al., 2005;Wuchter et al., 2006). Strains of N.
Chromatiaceae, Nitrosococcus) oceani have been detected in seawater glob-
Currently, all AOB in the Gammaproteobacteria ally and from a permanently ice-covered Ant-
belong in the genus Nitrosococcus. The orig- arctic saline lake (Ward and O’Mullan, 2002;
inal type strain for the genus Nitrosococcus is O’Mullan and Ward, 2005). N. cryotolerans, N.
Nitrosococcus winogradskyi 1892 (Winogradsky, marina, Nitrosomonas sp. strain Nm143, and
1892), which has been lost; however, Nitroso- some salt-tolerant cluster 6 representatives
coccus oceani ATCC 19707 (C-107) (Watson, such as Nitrosomonas ureae have been isolated
1965) is deemed to be very similar to the or detected from surface waters and sediments
Cluster 7
Nitrosococcus rnobilis Nc2 Nitrosomonas sp. HPClOl


Nitrosornonas s p . AL212

Nitrosomonas ureae

Nitrosornonas sp. ls79A3

Nitrosomonas sp. Nm143

\To o utgroup non- A 0 B Nitrosomonadales
Spirillum volutans (T) (not to scale)

Nitrosospira sp. Nsp65

Nitrosospira multiformis Nitrosospira sp. 24C
0.01 Nitrosospira sp. TCH711 Nitrosospira sp. AF
Nitrosospira sp. TCH716

Nitrosococcus halophilus NC4

32 Nitrosococcus watsoni U
Nifrosococcus 2F
oceani strains c-27 g

To outgroup (not to scale)
Ectothiorhodospira shaposhnikovii (T)
FIGURE 1 Two 16s ribosomal R N A guide trees for the clusters of beta-proteobacterial (top) and gamma-proteobacterial (bottom) AOB based on high-quality
sequences (>1,200 bp) &om isolates. Sequence data retrieval and analysis was preformed with R D P version 10 database functions (Cole et al., 2009). Several
Nityosococcus 16s rRNA gene sequences were from ongoing genomic sequencing projects (M. G. Klotz, personal communication). The scale is substitution per site.
Strain selection and cluster designations are based on those of Purkhold et al. (2000,2003),Kowalchuk and Stephen (2001),andWard and O’Mullan (2002).

of marine systems (Purkhold et al., 2003; Wastewater and Other Engineered

O’Mullan and Ward, 2005; Ward et al., 2007). Nitrogen Treatment Systems
Nitrosospira cluster 1 and cluster 3 sequences (See Chapter 16)
have been detected in marine systems (Bano Wastewater treatment plants are highly man-
and Hollibaugh, 2000; Freitag and Prosser, aged environments with specific goals for the
2004; O’Mullan and Ward, 2005). Tolerance of treatment of ammonia/ammonium levels.
salinity and temperature appear to be strong Additional stages of treatment are often used
selective factors on community composition in to promote nitrification and to retain nitri-
these environments (Ward et al., 2007). fying biomass (Viessman and Hammer, 2004),
and secondary or industrial high-ammonia
Estuarine and Freshwater Systems wastes are often treated separately to remove
(See Chapters 7 and 15) excess ammonia. The AOB have been studied
The community of AOB has been examined extensively in these systems and are assumed
along estuarine gradient in systems from sev- to be a rate-limiting factor, although the focus
eral continents, with the most intensive studies is often on nitrification kinetics and pro-
being those in the Chesapeake Bay, USA cess characteristics rather than the organisms
(Ward et al., 2007); the lower Seine River, involved. Both cultivation-dependent and
France (Cebron et al., 2003, 2004); Plum non-cultivation-dependent approaches have
Island Sound, Massachusetts, USA (Bernhard found various Nitrosomonas to be common
et al., 2005, 2007); the Ythan Estuary, on the AOB in wastewater treatment systems (Wagner
east coast of Scotland, United Kingdom (Fre- et al., 1996;Juretschko et al., 1998; Kelly et al.,
itag et al., 2006); and the Schelde Estuary,The 2005; Wells et al., 2009), although Nitrosospira
Netherlands, and Belgium (de Bie et al., 2001; have also been observed (Park et al., 2002)
Bollmann and Laanbroek, 2002; Coci et al., and may be favored under cooler tempera-
2005). Most studies did not evaluate the role or tures and higher dissolved oxygen (Wells et al.,
community composition of archaeal ammonia 2009). The type strains of N. eutropha and N
oxidizers, which may have importance in these nitrosa, both tolerant of high ammonia levels,
systems, particularly toward the marine end of were isolated from sewage (Table 1) (Koops
salinity gradients (Ward et al., 2007). Observa- et al., 1991). Constructed wetlands for waste-
tions from several studies show changes in the water treatment are often colonized by both
AOR community with salinity along the gra- Nitrosospira and Nitrosomonas (Ibekwe et al.,
dient from fresh to marine waters. Commonly 2003; Gorra et al., 2007; Ruiz-Rueda et al.,
observed groups include Nitrosomonas similar 2009) with controlling factors related to plant
to strain Nm143, Nitrosomonas cluster 6A, and species and waste strength. While it is often
nitrosospiras related to others found in marine assumed that wastewater systems have high
systems (Bernhard et al., 2005; Freitag et al., ammonia/ammonium levels, well-managed,
2006;Ward et al., 2007). mature systems often maintain high nitrifica-
Freshwater lakes and streams vary from oli- tion rates (i.e., high fluxes) through a rather
gotrophic to eutrophic in character, often as a low amnionium/ammonia pool. Therefore, it
result of N inputs from wastewater treatment is not surprising that molecular surveys often
or agriculture.The AOB communities in these find Nitrosomonas cluster 6A related to N. olko-
systems reflect the altered N status (Whitby et tropha as the most numerous AOB (Park et al.,
al., 2001; Caffrey et al., 2003; Cebron et al., 2002; Siripong and Rittmann, 2007) and that
2004; Coci et al., 2008). Commonly observed related strains have been isolated from sewage
AOB include those related to N oligotropha using low-ammonia media (Suwa et al., 1994).
(cluster 6A) and nitrosospiras in sediments and Recently, archaeal ammonia-oxidizer amoA
in epiphytic niches (Coci et al., 2008). sequences have been found in sonie but not all

wastewater systems surveyed; their functional from outside the site (Chapin et al., 2002).
importance in these systems remains a topic of Ecologists have often investigated nitrogen
current research (Park et al., 2006; Wells et al., cycling during succession since nitrogen avail-
2009; Zhang et al., 2009). ability !Frequently limits plant establishment
and growth. While the activity of nitrifiers has
Terrestrial Systems and Soils been examined (Vitousek et al., 1989; Merila
(See Chapter 14) et al., 2002), few studies have specifically
Molecular surveys in terrestrial environments examined the ability of AOB to colonize new
commonly find Nitrosospira clusters 3 , 2 , and 4 primary substrates.AOB have been detected in
as the most common types of AOB, while less intercontinental airborne dust (Polymenakou
commonly, the Nitrosomonas clusters 6a and 7 et al., 2008) and in recently deglaciated gla-
have also been observed (Kowalchuk and Ste- cier forefields (Nemergut et al., 2007) through
phen, 2001; Prosser and Enibley 2002; Avra- the use of molecular methods. Colonization of
hami and Conrad, 2005; Norton, 2008; Fierer new substrates is often governed by local site
et al., 2009). Overall, cluster 3 Nitrosospira are conditions and proximity to sources of inocula
the most commonly observed AOB, but this (Sigler and Zeyer, 2002; Gomez-Alvarez et al.,
may reflect the large numbers of observa- 2007). Based on inference from pool sizes of
tions from agricultural and grassland systems inorganic nitrogen and activity measurements,
worldwide (see the “Biogeography” section). nitrification is often established several decades
There are some noted correlations with eco- to centuries after primary succession begins
physiological traits and phylogenetic clusters; (Kitayama, 1996; Merila et al., 2002; King,
for example, Nitrosospira cluster 2 is associated 2003; Gomez-Alvarez et al., 2007; Nemergut
with acid soils (De Boer and Kowalchuk, 2001; et al., 2007).
Nugroho et al., 2007), and Nitrosospira cluster During secondary succession, microbial
4 is more common in native, never-tilled soils communities develop on the soils that are
(Bruns et al., 1999; Kowalchuk et al., 2000a, often depleted in the number and diversity of
2000b). Generalizations are problematic given microorganisms. Some studies that have exam-
the difficulty of differentiating among terres- ined nitrification during secondary succession
trial Nitrosospira clusters adequately based solely include those in postfire forest systems (Smith-
on the 16s rRNA gene signatures. Differences wick et al., 2005;Turner et al., 2007) and in
in the genes encoding ammonia monooxy- shifting sand dunes (Kowalchuk et al., 1997)
genase, urease, and nitrite reductase and their and several during reversion of former agri-
respective activities may be helpful for fur- cultural sites (Bruns et al., 1999; Kowalchuk
ther delineating functional traits and ecotypes et al., 2000a). Inorganic nitrogen availability
of Nitrosospira (Koper et al., 2004; Avrahami and turnover were examined after the severe
and Conrad, 2005; Pommerening-Roser and stand-replacing wildfires of the Yellowstone
Koops, 2005; Webster et al., 2005; Avrahami ecosystem in 2000 (Turner et al., 2007). Soil
and Bohannan, 2007; Cantera and Stein, 2007; inorganic N pools (mostly ammonium) were
Garbeva et al., 2007; Le Roux et al., 2008). elevated postfire and then rapidly declined.
Nitrate and nitrification rates increased annu-
AOB COMMUNITIES ally during the 4 years postfire (Turner et al.,
D U R I N G PRIMARY AND 2007). It would be interesting to examine
SECONDARY SUCCESSION changes in the nitrifier community during
Primary succession occurs on newly exposed this progression. Across a transect of shifting
or deposited substrates such as lava flows, sand sand dunes spanning approximately 200 years,
dunes, and glacial till and requires the input of sequences belonging to the marine clusters
generally wind- or water-dispersed propagules Nitrosomonas and Nitrosospira were recovered

from the youngest dunes adjacent to the ocean, well below freezing (Miteva et al., 2007), and
while the landward sites were dominanted by AOB have been detected in moderately ther-
Nitrosospira from clusters 3, 4, and 2 (Kowal- mophilic environments (Lebedeva et al., 2005)
chuk et al., 1997). In calcareous grasslands in although ammonia-oxidizing archaea may
the Netherlands, soils in which fertilization be the dominant ammonia oxidizers in most
was recently halted in early stages of secondary high-temperature environments (Zhang et al.,
succession were dominated by Nitrosospira of 2008). AOB have been detected and isolated
cluster 3 shifting toward cluster 4 in older fields in acidic (De Boer and Kowalchuk, 2001) and
that had spent decades without fertilization extreme alkaline (Sorokin et al., 2001) habi-
(Kowalchuk et al., 2000a, 2000b). Similarly, tats.While the isolation and detection ofAOB
soils that had been tilled and fertilized for 100 has been accomplished from a wide variety of
years were dominated by Nituosospira cluster 3, environments that supply their basic metabolic
while the adjacent native soils also contained needs of ammonia and oxygen, their successful
sequences from clusters 4 and 2 (Bruns et al., cultivation in the laboratory remains a chal-
1999). In pasture soils differing in fertility and lenge and requires a careful match with the
plant species management for 10 to 20 years, condtions found in their habitat of origin.
the AOB community from the improved fer-
tilized site was less diverse, and cluster 3 and 2 PERSPECTIVES ON BIOGEOGRAPHY
Nitrosospira were common. In the unimproved OF THE AEROBIC AOB
site, diverse representatives from clusters 3, 7, Speciation, extinction, and dispersal generate
2, and a novel group were detected (Webster the observable distribution of microbes glob-
et al., 2002, 2005). Further discussion on the ally (Kamette and Tiedje, 2007a). Microbial
communities of soil nitrifiers and their eco- biogeography and distributions in the envi-
physiological niches is found in Chapter 14. ronment are the result of both environmental
determination and schochastic dispersal and
Environmental and Geographic Limits colonization processes (Martiny et al., 2006;
for AOB (see Section VI) Green et al., 2008). The ability of bacteria to
The AOB have been investigated for more survive extended periods of dormancy under
than a century with isolation techniques based conditions unfavorable for growth promotes
on their chemolithotrophic lifestyle (Wino- their dupersal across ecosystems barriers. The
gradsky, 1892;Koops and Pommerening-Roser, overall soil bacterial community lvversity has
2001) and more recently using molecular sur- been compared in terms of phylotype diver-
veys based on 16s rKNA sequences and genes sity and richness summary variables (Fierer and
encoding a key enzyme, ammonia monooxy- Jackson, 2006; Horner-Devine and Bohannan,
genase (Kowalchuk and Stephen, 2001; Prosser 2006). Soil p H was found to be the best pre-
and Embley, 2002). There have been relatively dictor of overall bacterial diversity (Fierer and
few examples of environments that exhibited Jackson, 2006), and this factor may be impor-
no detectable molecular signatures for the tant for the AOB as well (see Chapter 14).The
AOB (Bano and Hollibaugh, 2000; Hatzenpi- aerobic AOB have been used as a model for
chler et al., 2008), although many have noted a molecular ecology (Kowalchuk and Stephen,
need for nested P C R approaches for consistent 2001) and have been a group of great interest
detection of low-abundance populations (Ward to ecologists and biogeochemists. For these
et al., 1997; Hastings et al., 1998; Phillips et al., reasons, it is one of the few coherent groups
1999;Whitby et al., 2001; Fierer et al., 2009). with a known function that has sufficient depth
AOB have been detected on all continents of characterization to complete a biogeo-
(Kowalchuk and Stephen, 2001;Yergeau et al., graphic comparison on the continental scale
2007) and oceans (ward and O’Mullan, 2002). (Ramette and Tiedje, 2007a, 2007b). For this
Activity of N. cryotolerans has been detected at analysis, Nitrosospiua 16s rKNA gene sequences

(>440 bp) originating in surface grassland and

agricultural soils within the near-neutral pH Geographic Distance
range (PH 5.8 to 8) but from different con- versus Genetic
tinents were selected for comparison (493 Distance
total sequences).The selected 16s rRNA gene
sequences include those from isolates as well as
those from environmental clone libraries from
studies worldwide (Koops and Harms, 1985;
-8 0.030

Utaker et al., 1995; Stephen et al., 1996; Bruns f 0.025

et al., 1999;Mendum et al., 1999;Phillips et al.,
2000; Purkhold et al., 2000; Oved et al., 2001;
Mendum and Hirsch, 2002; Ida et al., 2005; s
%- 0.015
Nejidat, 2005; Mertens et al., 2006; Song et al.,
2007; Dell et al., 2008; Le Roux et al., 2008) 4 0.010
as available in the Ribosomal Database Project
(Cole et al., 2009). The goal of this analysis
’ 0.005

was to inquire about biogeography at a finer 0.000

scale of taxonomic resolution and to explore 1 2 3 4
the issue of whether the Nitrosospira spp. are
Distance Categories
endemic to their locations or cosmopolitan in I < 1,000 m
their distribution (Ramette and Tiedje, 2007a). 2< 1,000,000 m
The matrices of genetic distance and geo- 3< 10,000,000 m
graphic distance were significantly correlated 44 10,000,000 m
( Y = 0.22, P = 0.001) as determined by the

Mantel r test (Dray and Dufour, 2007). The FIG. 2 Pairwise comparisons of 493 16s rRNA
genetic distance between pairs of 16s rRNA gene sequences of Nitrosospiru spp. for genetic distance
gene sequences was greater when the strains (percentage of divergence) and geographic distance (m)
were from locations further apart than for between sources. Sequence data retrieval and analysis
those geographically closer (Fig.2). Our results was performed with R D P version 10 database functions
(Cole et al., 2009). Geographic distances calculated in
indicate the existence of a spatial structure in ArcGIS (version 9.1; Environmental Systems Research
the genus Nituosospira over large geographic Institute, Redlands, CA) were transformed into four
distances but at a very fine level of genetic categories, as displayed. Statistical analysis on the
resolution (less than 3% divergence total) (Fig. untransformed geographic and sequence &stance
2). Understanding the biogeography of func- matrices was performed with the Mantel r test (Ade4
version 1.4-11 (Dray and Dufour, 2007) and indicated
tional differentiation within the Nitrosospira that DNA distance increased as geographic distance
may require finer-scale tools, and still it may increased (r = 0.22, P = 0.001).
be that a large amount of the observed genetic
variability will be unexplained and related to
ecologically neutral processes rather than niche were differences in diversity among sites, the
differentiation (Ramette and Tiedje, 2007b). observed spatial patterns were not clearly
Recently, the AOB communities for 23 soils related to ecosystem type or site characteristics.
from a range of ecosystem types (exclusive of Overall, the site mean annual temperature was
agriculture) within North America have been the best predictor of AOB community relat-
compared (Fierer et al., 2009). At a 97% 16s edness (Fierer et al., 2009).The importance of
rRNA gene sequence similarity cutoff level, temperature as a selective factor is supported
there were only 24 AOB phylotypes observed by more detailed ecophysiological investiga-
(602 total sequences examined); 80% of these tions on the impact of temperature on AOB
were within the Nituosospiua. Although there communities in grassland and agricultural soils

(Avrahami et al., 2003; Avrahami and Conrad, distribution of DNA sequences with affinity to
2005;Avrahami and Bohannan, 2007). ammonia-oxidizing bacteria of the beta subdivision
of the class Proteobacteria in the Arctic Ocean.
O n a global basis, it may remain difficult Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66:1960-1969.
to disentangle the biogeography of AOB in Bernhard, A. E., T. Donn, A. E. Giblin, and D.
terrestrial habitats given the complex inter- A. Stahl. 2005. Loss of mversity of ammonia-oxi-
actions of the soil-forming factors of climate, &zing bacteria correlates with increasing salinity in
biota, and topography acting on parent mate- an estuary system. Environ. Microbiol. 7:1289-1297.
Bernhard, A. E., J. Tucker, A. E. Giblin, and D.
rials over time (Jenny, 1941). In marine habi- A. Stahl. 2007. Functionally distinct communities
tats, Nitrosococcus, Nitrosomonas, and Nitrosospira of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria along an estuarine
coexist with ammonia-oxidizing archaea; their salinity gradient. Environ. Microbiol. 9:1439-1447.
relative contributions and diversity are only Bock, E., H. P. Koops, and H. Harms. 1986.
beginning to be delineated. Current anthropo- Cell biology of nitrifying bacteria, p. 17-38. In
J. I. Prosser (ed.), Nitr$cation. IRL Press, Oxford,
genic disruptions of the nitrogen cycle further United Kingdom.
alter the ecological niche space for nitrifiers. Bollmann, A., and H. J. Laanbroek. 2002. Influ-
For investigations of local adaptation and dis- ence of oxygen partial pressure and salinity on the
tinct functional characteristics within phyloge- community composition of ammonia-oxidizing
netically narrow groups, polyphasic taxonomic bacteria in the Schelde Estuary A p a t . Microbiol.
EGO/. 28~239-247.
or genomic approaches will be essential. The Bruns, M. A., J. R. Stephen, G. A. Kowalchuk,
functional cohort ofAOB, ammonia-oxidizing J. I. Prosser, and E.A. Paul. 1999. Compara-
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Martin G. Klotx and LisaY Stein

INTRODUCTION knowledge of these organisins at the molec-

Nitrification is defined as the aerobic oxida- ular level was quite limited prior to obtaining
tion of ammonia (oxidation state of - 3 ) to whole genome sequences and did not expand
nitrite (oxidation state of +3) followed by the beyond sequences of genes encoding ribo-
aerobic oxidation of nitrite to nitrate (oxida- somal RNA and a few key enzymes involved
tion state of +5). Together with assimilatory in nitrogen transformations (Arp et al., 2007,
and dissimilatory nitrate reduction, assimi- and references therein). In addition, we learned
latory and respiratory ammonification, and in the last 5 years that our knowledge on the
denitrieing ammonia oxidation, nitrifica- taxonomic diversity of nitrifjing organisms was
tion represents one of the key transformation fairly 1imited.The dscovery of broadly distrib-
processes between different fixed nitrogen uted Archaea that aerobically oxidize ammonia
intermedates (Fig. 1) (Lin and Stewart, 1998; to nitrite (Konneke et al., 2005; Hallam et
Moreno-Vivian et al., 1999;Allen et al., 2001; al., 2006; Leininger et al., 2006; Nicol and
Potter et al., 2001; Simon, 2002; Butler and Schleper, 2006; de la Torre et al., 2008; Hat-
Richardson, 2005; Ferguson and Richardson, zenpichler et al., 2008; Prosser and Nicol, 2008;
2005; Jepson et al., 2006; Tavares et al., 2006; Martens-Habbena et al., 2009) significantly
Brandes et al., 2007; Smith et al., 2007; Klotz extended the taxonomic range of nitrifjing
and Stein, 2008). organisins (see the chapters in Section III).Yet
another discovery along with detailed studies
Microorganisms Implicated over the last 15 years led to fundamental
in Nitrification changes in our understanding of nitrification
Although considerable ecophysiological infor- at the process and molecular levels: significant
mation describing the lifestyles of nitrieing amounts of ammonia are metabolized under
bacteria has been produced over the last 100 anoxic conditions (Dalsgaard et al., 2005;Jetten
years (Winogradsky, 1892; Prosser, 1989; Bock et al., 2005; Kuenen, 2008, and references
et al., 1991; Arp and Bottomley, 2006), our therein). The obligatorily anaerobic ammonia
oxidation process (anammox) directly yields
Martin G. Klotz, Department of Biology, University of Louis-
and releases N, (Kartal et al., 2007;Jetten et al.,
ville, Louisville, KY 40292. Lisa Y Stein, Department of Bio-
logical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta 2009) in a distinctly dfferent way than classical
T6G 2E9, Canada. denitrification (Zumft, 1997; Zumfi and Kro-
Nifnfiation, Edited by lkss B.Ward, Danicl J.Arp, and Martin G. Klotz
0 2011 ASM I-’ress,Washington,DC



+5 NO,’
FIGURE 1 Processes in the microbial nitrogen cycle. Oxidation states of each intermediate are indicated
(Klotz, 2008; Klotz and Stein, 2008); the pathway for archaeal ammonia oxidation is putative (Walker et al., 2010).
1, Dinitrogen fixation; 2, aerobic dissimilatory ammonia oxidation to nitrite by bacteria; 3, aerobic dissimilatory
ammonia oxidation to nitrite by archaea; 4, aerobic dissimilatory nitrite oxidation to nitrate by bacteria; 5,
assimilatory or dissimilatory nitrate reduction to nitrite by microbes; 6, respiratory ammonification as the second
step of dissimilatory nitrate reduction of ammonia (DNRA, 5 and 6); 7, assimilatory ammonification as the second
step of assimilatory nitrate reduction of ammonia (ANRA, 5 and 7); 8, denitrifying anaerobic ammonia oxidation
(anammox, typified by ANAOB); 9, classic (anaerobic) denitrification by mixotrophs and heterotrophs; 10, aerobic
oxidation of hydroxylamine to nitrous oxide by AOB and ANB; 11, aerobic denitrification by AOB and A m .

neck, 2006). Anammox is thus best described nomically diverse methanotrophic and hetero-
with the term “denitrifying ammonia oxida- trophic bacteria have the ability to aerobically
tion.” The dxovery of nitrifying archaea and oxidize ammonia to nitrite (Poret-Peterson et
anaerobically ammonia-oxidizing (anammox) al., 2008; Nyerges and Stein, 2009).These bac-
bacteria (Jetten et al., 1998,2005,2009; Strous teria are also capable of nonclassical (aerobic)
et al., 1999; Kuenen, 2008) (see Section IV) denitrification because they respiratorily pro-
prompted the need for differentiating between duce and release NITRIC OXIDE (NO) and
processes such as ammonia oxidation or nitri- N,O in the presence of oxygen (see below
fication and terms used to describe organisms and Chapter 5). In addition, the recently
involved in these processes, such as “ammonia- described anaerobic methane-oxidizing bac-
oxidizing bacteria,” “ammonia-oxidizing ar- terium (MOB) Methylomirabilis oxyfera in the
chaea,” or “nitrifying bacteria.” phylum NClO has the potential to oxidize
Aside from chemolithotrophic bacteria and ammonia anaerobically. While the anaerobic
archaea, we learned recently at the molecular oxidation of methane by NClO is coupled
and physiological levels that cohorts of taxo- to denitrification (Ettwig et al., 2008, 2009,

TABLE 1 New nomenclature for ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms

Name Acronym Physiological description
Aerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria AOB Obligate chemolithotrophs that support growth with
energy and reductant gained solely from the oxidation
of ammonia
Aerobic ammonia-oxidizing archaea AOA Same as AOB
Aerobic nitrite-oxidizing bacteria NOB Obligate chemolithotrophs that support growth with
energy and reductant gained solely from the Oxidation
of nitrite
Aerobic anxnonia-oxihzing ANB (C1)-Organotrophs capable of co-oxidzing aimnonia to
nodithotrophic bacteria nitrite (nitrification) that cannot support growth from
this activity
Aerobic ammonia-oxidizing ANA Same as ANB
nodithotrophic archaea
Aerobic amuii-encoding archaea AEA Archaea that encode the amuA signature gene bnt whose
ability to nitrify has not been demonstrated
Anaerobic ammonia-oxidzing bacteria ANAOB Obligate anaerobic chemolithotrophs that use the
oxidation of ammonia for energy conservation and
couple it with the reduction of nitrite to make N,
Anaerobic ammonia-oxidizing ANANB Anaerobic bacteria that couple methane oxidation to the
nonlithotrophc bacteria reduction of nitrate/nitrite to make N, and oxidize
ammonia to nitrite via conietabolisin

2010), it is not yet clear whether the oxidation O’Mullan, 2002) .The family Nitrosomonadaceae
of ammonia is coupled to nitrite reduction. exclusively includes AOB that are classified
To describe the genetics and evolution of in the genera Nitrosomonas, Nitrosospira, and
ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, an extended Nitrosovibrio (Teske et al., 1994). Phylogenetic
classification scheme is proposed in this analysis revealed that the genus Nitrosomonas
chapter that captures the metabolic context is further divided into several lineages that
of ammonia oxidation (Table 1).This scheme correlate with particular growth conditions
is also extended to nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (Purkhold et al., 2000, 2003). In contrast, the
(NOB). Taxonomic and ecological informa- family Chromatiaceae contains numerous non-
tion about each of these cohorts are detailed in ammonia oxidizers, most of which are strict
other chapters of this book. anaerobes (for further details, refer to Chapter
The ammonium-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) 3). The ammonium-oxidizing archaea (AOA)
that oxidize ammonia aerobically as their that oxidize ammonia aerobically as their sole
sole source of energy and reductant (Table source of energy and reductant are presently
1) belong taxonomically to two monophy- represented by two lineages in group ofthe
letic groups in different proteobacterial classes Crenarchaeota, the mesophilic genera Nitro-
(phylogenetic tree in Chapter 3).The majority sopumilus and Cenarchaeum, as well as by the
of cultured AOB identified in soils, fresh- thermophilic genus Nitrosocaldus and the genus
water, wastewater, and marine environments Nitrososphaera. Representatives of these genera
belong to the family Nitrosomonadaceae in the have been cultured as isolates or communities
class Betaproteobacteria, whereas the AOB in of nitrifying chemolithoautotrophs (Konneke
the Nitrosococcus genus are purple sulfur bac- et al., 2005; Hallam et al., 2OOh;Wuchter et al.,
teria (family Chromatiaceae) in the class Gam- 2006; de la Torre et al., 2008; Hatzenpichler
maproteobacteria that are restricted to marine et al., 2008) (see Section 111).The ammonia-
environments (Teske et al., 1994; Utaker et oxidizing nonlithotrophic bacteria (ANB) that
al., 1995; Purkhold et al., 2000, 2003; Koops aerobically oxidize ammonia to nitrite with a
and Pommerening-Roser, 2001; Ward and modest gain of reductant but without any gain

of energy (Table 1) include obligate methano- in Section IV). According to the new clas-
trophic Methylococcaceae in the class Gamma- sification scheme, these bacteria would be
proteobacteria (Trotsenko and Murrell, 2008, analogously addressed as anaerobic animonia-
and references therein) and methanotrophic oxidizing bacteria (ANAOB) (Klotz and
Methylucidiphilaceae in the phylum Verrucomi- Stein, 2008) (Table l).Very recently, a novel
crobia (Pol et al., 2007; Islam et al., 2008; Op taxonomic and functional cohort of metha-
den Camp et al., 2009, and references therein). notrophic bacteria was discovered that directly
Interestingly, although some isolated obligate couples anaerobic oxidation of methane with
(Methylocystuceue) and facultative (Beijerincki- denitrification (NC10 [Raghoebarsing et
aceae) methanotrophic Alphaproteobacteria al., 2006; Ettwig et al., 20081). Genoriiic data
(Trotsenko and Murrell, 2008, and references mining revealed that these bacteria have the
therein) contribute to the nitrification pro- necessary inventory for ammonia oxidation.
cess, no known nitrite-producing inventory Once better understood at the niolecular level,
has been identified so far. In addition, there discoveries like the latter will likely aid fur-
are numerous reports on the abundant pres- ther efforts for clarification in our descriptions
ence of Crenarchaea, whose genomes contain of processes and organisms involved in the
one or more copies of the amoA signature nitrogen cycle. Following above introduced
gene associated with aerobic ammonia oxida- terminology (Klotz and Stein, 2008), the
tion, for which growth-physiological or bio- anaerobic methane-oxidizing NClO bacteria,
chemical data are not yet available and which capable of ammonia oxidation to nitrite, could
should thus be addressed as umoA-encoding hence be designated anaerobic ammonia-
archaea (AEA) (Francis et al., 2005; Treusch co-oxidizing nitrifying bacteria (Table 1).
et al., 2005; Leininger et al., 2006; Nicol and
Schleper, 2006; Agogue et al., 2008; Dang et Pregenomic Era Gene Inventory
al., 2008,2009,2010; Prosser and Nicol, 2008; Implicated in Nitrification
Reigstad et al., 2008; Schleper, 2008; Tourna Given that AOB are chemolithotrophs, early
et al., 2008) (see the chapters in Section 111). attention was focused on genes and proteins
Pending further functional characterization, that enabled use of ammonia as a source of
these AEA may later be classified as obligate energy and reductant (Vannelli et al., 1996;
(AOA), ammonia-co-oxidizing mixotrophs, or Hooper et al., 1997, 2005; Whittaker et al.,
chemoorganotrophs with nonfunctional am0 2000; for review, see Arp et al., 2002; Honinies
genes in their genomes. The aerobic NOB, et al., 2002; Norton et al., 2002).Attention was
which associate functionally with AOB and also focused on genes and proteins for carbon
AOA, are found in the classes ofAlphaproteo- dioxide fixation prior to the discovery that
bacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, and Deltapro- some AOB can grow on organics (Hommes et
teobacteria as well as the phylum Nitrospirae al., 2003; Utaker et al., 2002). The availability
(Bock et al., 1991; Koops and Pommerening- of gene sequences encodmg the functional
Roser, 2001) (see the chapters in SectionV). ammonia monooxygenase (AMO) (McTavish
As for the obligate anaerobic microbes et al., 1993a, 1993b; Klotz and Norton, 1995,
involved in ammonia oxidation, the anammox 1998; Norton et al., 1996; Sayavedra-Soto et
bacteria, which are capable of reducing (analog al., 1996, 1998; Klotz et al., 1997; Hommes et
to dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonia al., 1998,2001;Alzerreca et al., 1999; Hirota et
[DNRA]; reactions 5 and 6 in Fig. 1) and al., 2000) and hydroxylamine oxidoreductase
oxidizing nitrite anaerobically, are all classi- (HAO) (Bergmann et al., 1994; Sayavedra-Soto
fied as Brocudiaceae in the phylum Plancto- et al., 1994, 1996; Hommes et al., 1996,2002)
mycetes (Strous et al., 1999; Schmidt et al., protein complexes led to a surge in informa-
2002a, 2002b; Kuenen, 2008;Jetten et al., 2009; tion about the distribution and abundance of
Op den Camp et al., 2009) (see the chapters AOB using molecular probes (e.g., Holmes et

al., 1995; Rotthauwe et al., 1997; Purkhold et number of novel discoveries, which undoubt-
al., 2000, 2003; Gieseke et al., 2001; Kowal- edly will facilitate future efforts to exploit
chuk and Stephen, 2001; Ward and O’Mullan, the positive effects of nitrifying bacteria and
2002; Zehr and Ward, 2002, and references mitigate their detrimental impacts. Based on
therein) (see Chapter 3 and SectionVI). Infor- present day genome analyses, the following
mation on a few adhtional genes whose prod- parts of this chapter will address the inventory
ucts were implicated in carbon assimilation involved in nitrification, attempt metabolic
or N transformations were reported together reconstruction of N transformation processes,
with physiological or biochemical data from and provide insight into their evolution.
a few representative isolates before genome
sequences became available (i.e., cyt. c554 GENOMICS OF BACTERIA THAT
[Homnies et al., 19941, cyt. P460 [Bergmann AEROBICALLY OXIDIZE AMMONIA
and Hooper, 20031, NirK [Cantera and Stein, TO NITRITE
2007a, 2007b; Casciotti and Ward, 2001; Gar-
beva et al., 20071, nitrosocyanin [Arciero et Genome Structure
al., 20021, NorB [Ren et al., 2000; Braker and Presently, the genomes of four AOB are
Tiedje, 2003; Garbeva et al., 20071, and urease published: three belong to the family Nitro-
[Koper et al., 20041); however, very little was somonadaceae (Betaproteobacteria); they are
known about the regulation of gene expression Nitrosomonas europaea ATCC 19718, isolated
in AOB (Sayavedra-Soto et al., 1996, 1998). from wastewater (Chain et al., 2003); Nitro-
In contrast, there was a much larger body of S O ~ O ~ Z U Seutropha C-91 (equal to Nm-57),
literature on the structure and function of isolated from sewage (Stein et al., 2007); and
individual enzymes involved in nitrification Nitrosospira mult$ormis ATCC 25196 (Norton
(Hooper and Nason, 1965;Hooper,1968,1969; et al., 2008), isolated from soil.The fourth AOB
Erickson and Hooper, 1972; Hooper andTerry, genome is that of Nitrosococcus oceani ATCC
1977, 1979; Terry and Hooper, 1981; Ander- 19707 (equal to C-107), a marine Gamma-
s o n et al., 1982; Hooper et al., 1990; Rasche proteobacterium in the family Chromatiaceae
et al., 1990;Arciero et al., 1991a, 1991b, 1993, (Klotz et al., 2006). Additional AOB genome
2002; Hyman and Arp, 1992, 1995; Arciero sequences will soon enter the literature, as
and Hooper, 1993, 1997; Ensign et al., 1993; described in Table 2. Collective knowledge
Juliette et al., 1995; Stein et al., 1997; Iverson et regarding the four published AOB genomes
al., 1998,2001; Stein and Arp, 1998;Jiang and was recently summarized in context with
Bakken, 1999; Lontoh et al., 2000; Hendrich et existing ecophysiological and biochemical data
al., 2002; Arp and Stein, 2003; Bergmann and (Arp et al., 2007).Additional insights from the
Hooper, 2003) (see Chapter 2). newer AOB genome projects have confirmed
This situation changed dramatically with general trends of genome size, redundancy,
the onset of the genomic era (Fleischmann et repeats, acquisition, and degradation. Likewise,
al., 1995).The emergence of high-throughput we can conclude that all completely sequenced
sequencing and automated annotation at and draft genomes support that AOB are obli-
the turn of the century created tremendous gate cheniolithotrophs (Hommes et al., 2006)
opportunities for the genome inventory-based that have the ability to utilize selected organic
reevaluations of microbial physiology, the carbon compounds (Hommes et al., 2003) but
design of new genome-informed experimen- usually depend on autotrophic carbon assimi-
tation, and the reconstruction of the molecular lation (Wei et al., 2004;Arp et al., 2007; Stein
evolutionary history of nitrift-ing bacteria. et al., 2007; Norton et al., 2008).
Since then, the ever-increasing genome-based AOB genomes are among the smallest of
information on the molecular underpinnings free-living Betaproteobacteria at approximately
of nitrift-ing organisms (Table 2) has yielded a 3 Mb in size as a result of genome econo-

TABLE 2 Ongoing and completed whole-genome sequencing (WGS) projects involving nitrifying bacteria
Sequencing center
Nitrifying organism Genome size WGS accession number
organism (fundmg source)"
Methylacidiphilum inJeruorum V4 ANB 2,287,145 University of Hawaii CP000975
Methylacidiphilum~uma~io~icu~n ANB - 2.5 Mb Radboud University In progress (embargo)
SolV Nijniegen

N . winogradskyi Nb-255 NOB 3,402,093 JGI-DOE CPOOO115
Nitrobacter hambu~ensisX-14 NOB 4,406,969 JGI-DOE CPOOO319
Plasmid 1 294,831 JGI-DOE CP000320
Plasmid 2 188,320 JGI-DOE CP000321
Plasmid 3 121,410 JGI-DOE CP000322
Nitrobacter sp. strain Nb-311A NOB > 4.1 Mb WHOI/JCVI (GBMF) CH672416-CH672426
Methylosinus trichosporium ANB > 4.8 Mb JGI-DOE Gi021903
OB3b (type 11)
Methylocystis sp. strain ATCC ANB -4Mb JGI-DOE In progress (embargo)
49424 (11)

N . oceuni C-107 AOB 3,481,691 JGI-DOE CP000127
Plasmid 1 AOB 40,420 JGI-DOE CPOOO126
N . oceani AFC27 AOB 3,471,807 UofUJCVI (GBMF) ABSGOl
Nitrosococcus halophilus Nc4 AOB 4,079,427 UofL/DOE-JGI-NSF NC013960
Plasmid 1 AOB 65,833 UofL/DOE-JGI-NSF NC013958
Nitrosococcus wutsoni C-113 AOB 3,328,570 UofL/DOE-JGI-NSF NC014315
Plasmid 1 AOB 39,105 UofL/DOE-JGI-NSF NC014316
Plasmid 2 AOB 5,611 Uo&/DOE-JGI-NSF NC014317
Nitrococcus moOilis Nb-231 NOB -
3 Mb WHOI/JCVI (GBMF) CH672427
M . capsulutus Bath (type X) ANB 3,304,561 TIGR AE017282
M. album BG 8 (type I) ANB - 3.5 Mb JGI-DOE In progress (embargo)

N. europaea ATCC 19718 AOB 2,812,094 JGI-DOE AL954747
N . eutropha C-9 1 AOB 2,661,057 JGI-DOE CP000450
Plasmid 1 65,132 JGI-DOE CP000451
Plasmid 2 65,132 JGI-DOE CP000452
N . multifirmis ATCC 25196 AOB 3,184,243 JGI-DOE CP000103
Plasmid 1 18,871 JGI-DOE CP00045 1
Plasmid 2 17,036 JGI-DOE CP000451
Plasmid 3 14,159 JGI-DOE CP000452
Nitrosomonus sp. strain AL212 AOB -
3 Mb JGI-DOE Gi0389h
Nitrosomonas sp. strain IS-79 AOB -
3 Mb JGI-DOE In progress (embargo)
Nitrosomonas marina C-l13a AOB -
3 Mb UofL/DOE-JGI-NSF In progress (embargo)
"JGI-DOE, Joint Genome 1nstituteU.S. Department of Energy; WHOI/JCVI (GBMF), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute/J.
CraigVenter Institute (Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation); Uo&, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY; NSF, U.S. National Science
Foundation;TIGR.The Institute for Genomic Research (now the J. CraigVenter Institute).

mization and reduction (Arp et al., 2007). Ward, K. L. Casciotti, P. S. G. Chain, S.A. Mal-
Furthermore, it appears that genome reduc- fatti, M. A. Campbell, and M. G. Klotz, unpub-
tion has contributed to niche hfferentiation lished data) isolates tend to have slightly larger
as soil (Norton et al., 2008) and marine (B. B. genomes than AOB isolates that live in stable

high-nitrogen environments (Stein et al., 2007). unique duplications. For instance, N europaea
The genomes of free-living marine AOB in the has a unique 7.5-kb tandem duplication of a
genus Nitrosococcus are approximately 3.5 to 4.0 region encoding key metabolic genes (Chain
Mb in size (Klotz et al., 2006; M.A. Campbell, et al., 2003),which is missing from the genome
S. A. Malfatti, €? S. G. Chain, J. E Heidelberg, of the closely related Beta-AOB N. eutropka
€3. B.Ward, and M. G. Klotz, unpublished data), (Stein et al., 2007).The genome of N. eutropka
similar to that of many other environmental C-91 harbors two identical copies of approxi-
Gammaproteobacteria (Arp et al., 2007). The mately 12-kb DNA fragments of significantly
G+C content of genome-sequenced AOB is higher G+C content that contain a number of
48.5% (Nitrosomonas),-50% (Nitrosococcus),and plasmid- and phage-related proteins, and most
53.9% (Nitrosospira),confirming the recent pre- of the encoded open readmg frames appear
diction that betaproteobacterial AOB (Beta- unique to this isolate (Stein et al., 2007). In
AOB) have among the lowest G+C content addition, the N. eutropka C-91 genome contains
of the Betaproteobacteria, which, compared duplicated elements >6 kb with significantly
to that of other bacterial taxa, is relatively con- lower G+C content, indicating that acquisi-
strained (48.5% to 68.5%) (Arp et al., 2007; tion and loss of genome fragments in AOB are
Stein et al., 2007; Norton et al., 2008; Ward et recent and likely driving forces in niche differ-
al., unpublished; Campbell et al., unpublished). entiation (Stein et al., 2007).A direct compar-
In general, the number of ribosomal RNA ( r r ) ison of gene arrangement and G+C content
operon copies in AOB is below the average between the genome sequences of N. europaea
observed for each class of Proteobacteria. Even ATCC 19718 and N. eutropka C-91 revealed
though the Gamma-AOB appear to have much a significant extent of structural rearrange-
longer generation times than the Beta-AOB, all ment between these two species ofAOB that
studied Beta-AOB genomes harbor only one inhabit similar ecological niches (wastewater/
rrn operon copy, whereas all Gamma-AOB sewage) (Stein et al., 2007).The genome of the
encode two (Arp et al., 2007; Stein et al., 2007; marine AOB N. oceani ATCC 19707 also car-
Norton et al., 2008; Ward et al., unpublished; ries recent duplications of several functional
Campbell et al., unpublished). Thus, it appears genes (Klotz et al., 2006), which are present in
that the AOB dsprove the hypotheses that other, but not all, genomes of analyzed Nitro-
faster growth rates and improved fitness corre- sococcus strains (Campbell et al., unpublished).
lates with the number of rrn operon copies per As was observed for the two nitrosomonad
cell (Stevenson and Schmidt, 1998). genomes, the structural arrangement of genes
Before the genomic era, it was already in nitrosococcus genomes was not conserved;
known that Beta-AOB harbor multiple, nearly however, the percentage of sequence identity
identical copies of gene clusters required to and synteny between N. oceani ATCC 19707
oxidize ammonia, including AM0 (amoCAB) and N. oceani AFC27 was significant relative to
and H A 0 ( h a d ) and associated cytochromes either i V oceani genome with N. kalopkilus Nc4
c554 (cycA) and cM552(cycB) (McTavish et al., or N. watsoni C-113 genomes (Campbell et al.,
1993; Sayavedra-Soto et al., 1994; Norton unpublished).
et al., 1996; Klotz et al., 1997), and that the In addtion to duplications of codmg DNA,
Gamma-AOB contain only one copy (Alzer- AOB genomes contain a number of unique
reca et al., 1999).Aside from these duplicated duplicated insertion sequence (IS) elements
genome segments in Beta-AOB, it appears that (Arp et al., 2007; Stein et al., 2007; Norton et
a small number of gene duplications have arisen al., 2008). For instance, N. oceani ATCC 19707
recently in all AOB genomes. While some harbors five farmlies of IS elements repeated a
nearly identical gene copies are present in all total of 25 times that are not all present in other
investigated genomes (i.e., two copies of theTu Nitrosococcus genomes (Campbell et al., unpub-
elongation factor), each genome also includes lished).The genome of N. europaea carries eight

f a d i e s repeated a total of 89 times (Chain et and contains coding regions predicted to

al., 2003). Some of the A? europaea IS element confer resistance to heavy metals (Stein et al.,
families were preferentially found in proximity 2007). Remarkably, this region also contains a
to other specific f a d e s , indicating possible second complete cluster of cytochrome c mat-
cotransposition and perhaps historical acquisi- uration (ccm) genes (Stein et al., 2007).
tion of multiple different IS elements in a single An additional surprise was the finding that
event (Arp et al., 2007).The genome of N. eut- AOB vary dramatically regarding the presence
ropha C-91 harbors at least seven f a d i e s of IS of extrachromosomal DNA. While N. euro-
elements, repeated up to 22 times, two ofwhich paea ATCC 19718 does not contain plasmids,
are related, but not identical, to IS elements other Beta-AOB do: N. eutropha C-91 harbors
found in A? europaea (Stein et al., 2007). The two plasmids, and N. multijormis ATCC 25196
chromosome of N. mult$ormis ATCC 25196 has three (Arp et al., 2007; Stein et al., 2007;
contains eight families of IS elements, repeated Norton et al., 2008). The A? oceani ATCC
&om 2 to 13 times and spread randomly across 19707, N. watsoni C-113, and N.halophilus Nc4
the genome; two of these elements are also genomes contain plasmids of 40.4 kb, 39.1
found on plasmids (Norton et al., 2008). and 5.6 kb, and 65.8 kb that comprise mostly
The genomes ofAOB contain a number of hypothetical and conserved hypothetical genes
predicted pseudogenes (113 in N. europaea, 90 along with a small number of phage-related
in N. eutropha, 80 in N. oceani, and only 22 in genes and functions associated with replica-
N.multijrmis) with IS elements as well as small tion and plasmid partitioning (Arp et al., 2007;
insertions/deletions contributing to these Campbell et al., unpublished). Such cryptic
inactivations (Arp et al., 2007; Stein et al., 2007; plasmids, also present in other Nitrosococcus
Norton et al., 2008). Numerous IS elements genomes, may contribute to the dynamic pro-
within genomes may also enhance recombino- cesses of adaptation, evolution, and speciation
genic activity, given the presence of so many (Campbell et al., unpublished).
near-identical sequences. Most proteobacte- Although all AOB genes should have an
rial genomes are, as a function of bidirectional equally high demand for iron to satisfy the
semiconservative replication, partitioned into requirement for cytochrome c protein syn-
two replicores with a biased incorporation of thesis, not all genomes are rich in genes
guanine in the leachng strand. Interestingly, involved in uptake and processing of iron.
the genome of N. europaea is asymmetrically While N.europaea, N. multijwnis, and N.oceani
partitioned, which may be a result of active genomes are particularly rich in genes involved
recombination between IS elements of the in iron (siderophore) transport, this function
same family. is nearly absent from the genome of N. eut-
Other foreign material has been identified ropha (Stein et al., 2007). The genome of N.
in both N. oceuni (175 kb in 10 regions) and oceani encodes at least 22 genes involved in iron
N. europaea (also ca. 10 regions). Several phage- transport and is likely capable of synthesizing
related regions with similarity to known a hydroxamate-type siderophore. Surprisingly,
phage genes were often found associated with N. europaea has more than 100 gencs involved
transposase genes, recombinases, restriction in iron transport, including a large number
modification systems, tRNAs, and clusters of of FecIR two-component regulatory systems
small hypothetical genes. A large ca. 117-kbp (>20 systems), yet the genonie is devoid of
genomic island with a markedly higher G+C siderophore biosynthesis genes (Chain et al.,
content was found in the genome of N.eut- 2003). An understanding of this striking dis-
ropha flanked by t R N A genes and direct repeat parity in iron acquisition inventory, which
sequences as well as a phage-related integrase. cannot be reduced to a difference in oxygen
This region carries 64 genes (51%) that have no and thus Fez+availability, will likely depend on
homologues within the other AOB genomes the analysis of many additional AOB genomes

and may also yield more clues as to niche &f- which, amoRCABD, has five genes (El Sheikh
ferentiation of the AOB. and Klotz, 2008; El Sheikh et al., 2008). Involve-
While the relatively small sizes of AOB ment in A M 0 synthesis has been suggested for
genomes correlate with their limited cata- amoR (a gene unique to strains of Nitrosococcus
bolic versatility, the relatively large number of oceani [ATCC 19707,AFC271 but absent from
IS elements and inactivated pseudogenes, and N halophilus and N. watsonii [M. A. Campbell
the rare presence of genomic islands, phage- and M. G. Klotz, unpublished]) and amoD how-
and plasmid-like segments may indicate that ever, their roles stdl need to be biocheiiiically
AOB genomes are currently undergoing the explored (El Sheikh and Klotz, 2008; El Sheikh
evolutionary process of genome degradation. et al.,2008).The amoD gene is found in tandem
Since genome economization is known to with a likely duplicated orthologue ( a m o q
occur faster in A+T-rich genomes, in contrast downstream of the amoCAB genes in Beta-
to the expansion of G+C-rich genomes, it has AOB; however, first expression experiments
been proposed that the variable copy number suggest that amoED is coregulated but not part
of key catabolic genes in AOB is the result of of the same operon as amoCAB (Berube et al.,
loss of copies that were not repairable by rec- 2007). Interestingly, orthologues of amoD (but
tification. This loss must have occurred com- not amoE') are also found in the genomes of
pletely without leaving pseudogenes capable of aerobic methanotrophs where they reside either
producing nonfunctional and potentially del- downstream of the gene cluster encoding par-
eterious enzymes (Klotz and Norton, 1998). ticulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO)
Indeed, a detailed comparative analysis of the (Alphaproteobacteria) or in proximity of a gene
N. eutropha C-91 and N. europaea ATCC 19718 tandem encoding copper-blue oxidases (Gam-
genomes revealed the existence of predictable maproteobacteria). This blue copper oxidase
breakpoints in synteny between the duplicated gene tandem is also conserved in Gamma-AOB
copies of catabolic gene-encoding DNA seg- (upstream of the amo gene cluster) and in N eut-
ments (Stein et al., 2007). Nevertheless, the ropha (Fig. 2). Beta-AOB encode nonoperonal
inventory responsible for this rectification copies (singleton) of amoC (Norton et al., 2002;
mechanism remains to be discovered. Arp et al., 2007; Berube et al., 2007) and amoE
(Norton et al., 2002;Arp et al., 2007) genes, and
Catabolic Inventory all AOB encode amoD singletons (El Sheikh et
Since the last two reviews on the genomics and al., 2008).Singleton amoA and amoB genes have
evolution of AOB (Arp et al., 2007; Klotz and not yet been found in any AOB genome.
Stein,2008),new insights into the ammonia-cat- The capacity of AOB to aerobically catab-
abolic gene inventories were revealed regardmg olize ammonia as the sole source of energy
their organization,regulation of expression,and and reductant requires two specialized pro-
evolution.The amoCAB genes encodmg A M 0 tein complexes,AMO and HAO, as well as the
were believed necessary and sufficient for A M 0 cytochromes c554 and ~ ~ 5 5which 2, relay the
synthesis and function in all AOB (Klotz et electrons to the quinone pool (Whittaker et
al., 1997;Alzerreca et al., 1999; Norton et al., al., 2000;Arp et al., 2002; Hooper et al., 2005)
2002). However, amoCAB genes were recently (Fig. 3 ) .The three-subunit A M 0 protein com-
found as members of a larger cluster of corep- plex initiates ammonia catabolism by oxidizing
lated genes (Fig. 2), which differ in number and ammonia to hydroxylaminewhen supplied with
regulation between Beta-AOB (Berube et al., reductant from the quinone pool (Hooper et al.,
2007) and Gamma-AOB (El Sheikh and Klotz, 2005).AMO is homologous to pMMO (Klotz
2008; El Sheikh et al., 2008). Based on expres- and Norton, 1998;Norton et al., 2002), which
sion studies and in silico analysis of Nitrosococcus initiates the oxidation of methane to methanol
genomes,the am0 gene cluster of Gamma-AOB by methanotrophs (Hanson and Hanson, 1996;
consists of overlapping operons, the largest of Murrell et al., 2000; Trotsenko and Murrell,
Betaproteobacterial AOB

Ic>- amoC
Nmulp2325 >I
5 amoE amoD copc copD
................ ............................
............... ...........................

singleton amoC singleton amoE singleton amoD
I Nmul-A0177, A2467)
mco-3/ copA mco-2

Gammaproteobacterial AOB
singleton amoD

mco_3/copA mco-2 serB gmoef amoC amoA amoB amoD 7

Gammaproteobacterial MOB
singleton pmoC

pmoD mco-3/ copA mco-2 pmoC pmoA pmoB

AAF37892 AAF37893 AAF37894

Alphaproteobacterial MOB
FIGURE 2 Organization ofammonia and methane monooxygenase-encoding and ancillary genes in the genomes ofbetaproteobacterial and gammaproteobacterial
AOB and in gammaproteobacterial and alphaproteobacterial MOB. Representative protein accession numbers are provided. Multiple copies of coregulated genes
with near-identical sequence are indicated by indexed parentheses.The amoR gene is present only in genomes of h7itvosococcus oceani strains ATCC 19707 and AFC-
27 but absent from N.halopkiltis and N. watsonii (Campbell and Klotz, unpublished).The sevB gene is conserved in all nitrosococci but not involved in nitrification.
The quinone-reducing branch of the ETC in AOB and ANB (nitrifying MOB)

-k environmental CO,
* CH,-derived
CO, using
- PQQ-MDH and
- dye-linked FalDH

- Serine Cycle-PW
In MOB only

HNO, N-oxide-metabolism
“‘*-A e- to CIV in ANB Periplasm P
I I I+ A .z or IM lumen

2e- PM
+ IM
*Cu-Fe-pMMO/AMO =
“methanol/hydroxylamine hydrolase”
Redox Module

Marine (Nitrosococcus spec.): Na+- circuit tied to PM

Soil (Nitrosospira rnu/tiforrnis): H,-oxidation associated with PM

FIGURE 3 Flow of nitrogen, carbon, and electrons in the quinone-reducing branch of AOB and ANB. Q/QH, indicates the quinone/quinole pool in the
plasma membrane (PM) and intracellular membrane (IM).The question mark indicates that a direct quinol oxidase function of AMO/pMMO has not yet been
demonstrated.The stippled arrow indicates that the electrons extracted by HA0 in ANB are not relayed by H U R M into the Q-pool. Instead, these nitrification-
borne electrons are transferred via soluble 6552 proteins for energy conservation to pertinent terminal electron acceptors including Complex IV heme-copper
oxidases that reduce oxygen or NO.The figure is modified &om Klotz and Stein (2008).

2008). Based on this homology,AMO also likely vious studies with N . europaea suggested that
facilitates catalysis with a di-iron center as was the hao gene and the cycAB genes are expressed
recently proposed for the oxidation of methane independently, and no evidence for the tran-
by pMMO (Martinho et al., 2007).The subse- scription of of2 was found (Bergmann et al.,
quent oxidation of hydroxylamine to nitrite is 1994; Sayavedra-Soto et al., 1996). Compara-
catalyzed by HAO, which operates in the peri- tive analysis of individual hao gene expression
plasm and consists of three cross-linked HaoA in N. europaea strain ENI-11 revealed differ-
protein subunits (Igarashi et al., 1997; Hooper ential regulation and identified the one hao
et al., 2005). The four electrons extracted in gene copy not located in the vicinity of the
this dehydrogenation process were proposed to two amoCAB operons as being expressed at the
enter the ubiquinone pool via a redox cascade highest level and as the only copy transcribed
established by the two tetraheme cytochromes in cells denied an energy source (Hirota et
c554 and cM552 (Fig. 3) (Hooper et al., 2005, al., 2006). More recent experiments indicated
and references therein). The positional prox- that expression of the hao and cycAB genes is
imity of H A 0 and cytochrome c554 and cM552 not identical in all AOB. While the hao and
genes along with the proposed interaction of cycAB genes are expressed independently in
their products led to a comprehensive designa- N. europaea (Bergmann et al., 1994; Sayavedra-
tion of the Hydroxylamine Ubiquinone Redox Soto et al., 1996), studies of the transcriptional
Module (HURM) (Klotz and Stein, 2008) (Fig. response of the Gamma-AOB, N. oceani ATCC
3 ) . However, the interaction between cyto- 19707, to ammonia suggested the presence of
chromes c554 and cM552in AOB and the func- a steady-state m R N A that included all four
tionality of the redox chain in the absence of genes; nevertheless, basal expression produced
either cytochrome has never been experimen- independent hao-of2 and cycAB transcripts (M.
tally established (Klotz and Stein, 2008). A. Campbell and M. G. Klotz, unpublished
The core H U R M genes are encoded by a data). Ammonia also induced expression of an
conserved gene cluster, hao-of2-cycAB, in all hao-of2 gene tandem in the ANB, Methylococcus
AOB (Fig.4) (Bergmann et al.,2005). Complete capsulatus Bath (Poret-Peterson et al., 2008),
sequences of the genes encoding the H U R M provihng the designation of the first two genes
proteins had been published from several AOB in the H U R M gene cluster as haoAB (Camp-
prior to obtaining genome sequences (Arp et bell and Iaotz, unpublished).
al., 2002; Norton et al., 2002, and references One ofthe three haoAB-cycABgene clusters in
therein), and the protein structures of H A 0 N europaea and N eutropha lacks cycB (McTavish
and c554 have since been resolved (Igarashi et et al., 1993;Sayavedra-Soto et al., 1994;Chain et
al., 1997;Iverson et al., 1998).The crystal struc- al., 2003; Stein et al., 2007), whereas it is present
tures of functional A M 0 and cM552 protein in all three respective gene clusters in N.multi-
complexes are awaiting resolution, although a fo~mis (Norton et al., 2008). The nitrosomonad
threaded analysis of the N europaea cM552struc- haoAB-cycA gene clusters lacking the cycB gene
ture has been presented (Kim et al., 2008).The happen to cluster with a conserved hypothetical
analysis of genomes from sulfur-dependent gene, ow (NE2041, Neut-1669). The missing
deep-sea vent Epsilonproteobacteria recently cycB gene of the nitrosomonads was likely lost
revealed that H U R M , consisting only of H A 0 by deletion in the N.europaea/N. mobilis lineage
and cytochrome cM552,together with nitrate (Purkhold et al., 2000, 2003) as indcated by
reductase (napA) and hydroxylamine reductase the presence of transposase and helicase genes
(hcy), operates as the sole pathway for nitrogen flanhng their haoAB-cycA-ow gene clusters.
assimilation from nitrate within some Nautili- The ow gene is present in all AOB genomes:
ales (Campbell et al., 2009), thereby providing downstream of an haoAB-cycAB gene cluster in
evidence for a functional redox partnership N: multijormis (Nmul A2658) and as a n unclus-
between H A 0 and cytochrome cM552.Pre- tered gene in the three Nitrosococcus genomes

(Klotz et al., 2006; Campbell and Klotz, unpub- Once ammonia oxidation has led to
lished). o?.fh/l was recently reported as restricted increases in the reduced quinone pool (Fig. 3),
to AOB genomes (Arp et al., 2007); however, the oxidative branch of the respiratory electron
new information available from whole genome transport chain (ETC) can be utilized for the
sequencing projects indcates that a variant of production of ATP and NAD(P)H by ATP-
also resides in non-nitrif)-ing Proteobac- synthases and NADH-(ubi)quinone oxidore-
teria (ABM03597, ABR71384, EDN67668), ductases (NUO), respectively (Fig. 5). There
Bacteroidetes (EAQ40717, EAR12710, are three evolutionarily independent families
EAR12744), and Chloroflexi (ABX04895). of N U 0 that functionally constitute Complex
Interestingly, theow gene in Beaiotoa sp. strain I, which extracts electrons from NADH by
PS (EDN67668) is adjacent to dsrC, whose dehydrogenation while reducing (ubi)quinone
expression product, DsrC (clOllOl), may be (Kerscher et al., 2008). One of the three fami-
involved in the assembly, folding, or stabilization lies, usually referred to as alternative NAD(P)
of siroheme proteins that are integral parts of H dehydrogenase (NDH-2), is encoded in all
enzymes such as dmimilatory sulfite reductase three domains of life, usually consists of one
and assirmlatory siroheme sulfite and nitrite protein, and is unable to convert the redox
reductases. In Marinomonas sp. strain MWYL1, potential hfference between NADH and
the ow gene is adjacent to a gene encodmg ubiquinone into ion translocation. In con-
glutathione peroxidase (EC; cd00340) trast, the other two NUOs pump either pro-
and to tetrameric selenoenzymes that catalyze tons (NADH dehydrogenase NDH-I; found
the reduction of a variety of hydroperoxides, in all three domains of life) or sodium (Na'-
including reactive oxygen species and peroxini- Nqr; so far only found in bacteria (Kerscher
trite. In other genomes, the ow genes are adja- et al., 2008, and references therein). All AOB
cent to gene clusters important to iron transport. genonies encode NDH-I, a few encode Na'-
At the present time, the only recognized gene Nqr, but none encode NDH-2.
identified as unique to AOB encodes nitroso- One of the main variations of NDH-I is
cyanin ( n c y A ) , a novel soluble red copper pro- fusion of the NuoCD subunits as found in some
tein found in equimolar quantities with H A 0 Gammaproteobacteria like the AOB N oceani
in the periplasm ofAOB (Hooper et al., 2005). (Klotz et al., 2006; Schneider et al., 2008).The
A recent paper analyzing available microbial sodmm-pumping Complexes I are evolution-
genomes for copper transporters and cupropro- arily unrelated functional analogues of NDH-I
teomes reported erroneously that nitrosocyanin and are found, so far, only in bacteria (Kerscher
was one of the most widespread cupropro- et al., 2008, and references therein). Based on
teins in bacterial genomes (15%) and also was their isolation from Vibrio spp., Klebsiella pneu-
present in the Archaea (Ridge et al., 2008).This moniae, and Azotobacter vinelandii, which operate
result was concluded fiom limited sequence these sodmm-translocating NADHquinone
similarity between deduced protein sequences oxidoreductases either as sole or alternative
of the red-copper protein nitrosocyanin with Complexes I, they were called Na'-NQRs
a domain of the blue-copper protein nitrous (nqrABCDEF) (Unemoto and Hayashi, 1993;
oxide reductase, the latter of which is, indeed, Bertsova and Bogachev, 2004; Fadeeva et al.,
widely (15%) dstributed (Zumft and Kroneck, 2008;Tao et al.,2008).Full coniplements ofNa+-
2006).The nitrous oxide reductase protein is a NQR-encoding genes have been identified in
dinuclear copper protein more closely related N eurupaea (Chain et al., 2003) and Nitrosomonas
to the CuA center in HCO (type I copper marina C-113a (Ward et al., unpublished) but in
center), whereas nitrosocyanin is more closely no other AOB genome. Homologues of com-
related to the mononuclear cupredoxins such as plete nqr gene sets were identified in Rhodo-
amicyanin, azurin, pseudoazurin, plastocyanin, bacter capsulatus as essential for nitrogen fixation
and rusticyanin (type 11 copper center). activity; hence, their expression products were

Betaproteobacterial AOB

haoA ha05 cycA (cyc5)

Gammaproteobacterial AOB AOB
haoA singleton orfM

[- 1

Gammaproteobacterial MOB; cluster on plasmid in Silicibacfer pomeroyi

Verrucomicrobial MOB; anammox bacteria; bacteria with clade I, II and Ill OCC

FIGURE 4 Residence and organization of genes encoding the OCC protein H A 0 (HaoA) and electron transfer
cytochrome c proteins, for which catalytic activity also has been demonstrated CycA (~5.54) - NO reductase; CycB
(~~552) - quinone reductase. Functions for putative expression products of the conserved genes haoB and orfl have
not yet been elucidated. Bacteria with clade I, 11, and I11 OCC are listed in the study by Klotz et al. (2008).The
background arrow indicates that the direction of divergence on the phylogenetic tree of OCC proteins (Klotz et
al., 2008) correlates with increasing co-organization of genes that encode interacting nitrification proteins.

termed “Rhodobacter-specific nitrogen fixation” the plasma membrane and internal membranes
(Rnf) proteins (Schmehl et al., 1993; Kumagai that protrude into the cytoplasm. However, all
et al., 1997). The RnfABCDGE proteins are AOB genomes encode at least one proton-
also encoded in numerous gammaproteobac- translocating NDH-I complex (Arp et al., 2007;
terial genomes, including the methanotroph Stein et al., 2007; Norton et al., 2008) that is
M. capsulatus Bath p a r d et al., 2004) and all usually used in the “reverse electron flow mode”
four sequenced Nitrosococcus genomes (Klotz et as a quinol oxidase, which depletes proton
al., 2006; Campbell and Klotz, unpublished). motive force and typically facilitates synthesis
Interestingly, all four sequenced Nitrosococcus of NADH in chemolithotrophs where external
genomes have the inventory to express three reductants have more positive redox potentials
functional Complexes I: two NDH-I and one than that of the redox couple NAD’/NADH
Na+-NQR (Rnf) (Fig. 5) (Klotz et al., 2006; (-0.32 V). Only some AOB genomes encode
Campbell and Klotz, unpublished). Because the additional complexes I that can operate as
genomes of these AOB also encode numerous quinone reductases and contribute to proton-
other sodium-dependent inventory, including a motive force when supplied NADH, such as
sodium-pumping ATPase (Klotz et al., 2006), by the sodium circuit in Gamma-AOB or by
operation of a unique sodium circuit in addi- hydrogenase encoded in the genome of N mul-
tion to the proton circuit was proposed, which tijhmis (Fig. 5) (Norton et al., 2008) (see below
could allow this bacterium to use a different also).
NDH-I complex in forward or reverse mode Interestingly, the genomes of all Gamma-
(Fig. 5) and discriminate between processes in AOB indicate the presence of highly redun-
c-beta NORs



trro2H,Q f,202H20 UADH NAD- MAD' NADH

Classic cyt. c cyl c Ailernative cyt c: reverse SQR reverse NDH-t

Complex 111 Complex IV Complex IV Complex It1 Csmplek IV Complex I

Nitmsacaccos aceani. N. haiophilus.

N. watsonir
Reconstructed inventory encoded in individual
genera or strains of AOB for niche adaptation 3
FIGURE 5 Flow of nitrogen and electrons in the quinone-reducing and quinol-omdizing branches of the ETC ofAOB Basic inventory encoded in all AOB are 2
shown together with reconstructed inventory encoded in individual genera or strains ofAOB for niche adaptation.Abbreviations are explained in the text ;d

dant oxidative branches of the ETC, whereas maintain electron flow (Campbell and Klotz,
Beta-AOB genomes usually encode only unpublished).
one quinol-oxidizing branch. There is a great Nitric oxide and nitrous oxide are produced
variety of cytochrome c-mediated reductive in small amounts by the AOB and ANB both as
pathways in the quinol-oxidizing branch in side products of hydroxylamine oxidation and
all three domains of life, all of which begin h-om the reduction of nitrite.The latter process,
with (ubi)quinol-cytochrome c oxidoreductase which involves nitrite and nitric oxide reduc-
(Complex I11 [Cape et al., 2006; Hunte et al., tases, is termed “nitrifier denitrification” (see
2008, and references therein]) and usually end Chapter 5). Hypoxia stimulates nitrifier deni-
with soluble or membrane-bound terminal trification and leads to greater losses of NH,-N
oxidases (often called “Complex IV” in sensu to nitrogen oxides.All examined AOB genomes
lato). These Complexes IV can accommodate encode both copper-containing nitrite reduc-
life in habitats with varying oxygen concen- tase (nirK) and membrane-bound cytochrome
trations from anoxia (anaerobic respiration) to c nitric oxide reductase (norCBQD) genes,
oxygen-saturated environments. In contrast, although the diversity of these genes within
direct quinol-oxidizing complexes include the AOB is vast (Casciotti and Ward, 2001,
two versions of electron flow, a linear branch 2005; Cantera and Stein, 2007; Garbeva et al.,
ending with Complex IV, such as cytochrome 2007). None of the AOB genome sequences
bd-type quinol oxidase, and an electron-recy- contain homologues to nitrous oxide reductase
cling branch, exemplified by reverse operation ( n o s 9 genes, suggesting that nitrous oxide is
of, for example, NDH-I from the reductive the terminal product of N O x reduction; how-
branch (Complex I) (Fig. 5).Biochemical char- ever, Nitrosomonus spp. can produce N, as a
acterization of a “novel multiheme cytochrome main product of nitrite reduction (Schmidt
bc complex” from Rhodothermus marinus that et al., 2004). Furthermore, nitrosomonads can
lacks the classical cytochrome bc, Complex I11 grow anaerobically by using nitrite as a ter-
(Pereira et al., 1999) triggered in silico analyses minal electron acceptor with ammonia, H,,
of available genomes. This novel Alternative or organic carbon as a fuel source (Schmidt,
Complex 111 (ACIII) is encoded by numerous 2009). Chemoorganoheterotrophic growth of
bacterial genomes and assembled from a min- N. europaea was reported previously (Hommes
imum of six proteins expressed from a cluster et al., 2003); however, the denitrifying inven-
of contiguous genes (Yanyushin et al., 2005). tory enabling the nitrosomonads to have this
Most genes encoding ACIII are also clustered metabolic lifestyle remains to be characterized.
with genes that encode a dedicated functional Under fully oxic conditions, N O is created
Complex IV (Yanyushin et al., 2005). Interest- in small quantities from the incomplete oxi-
ingly, of more than 2,000 sequenced bacterial dation of hydroxylamine to nitrite by H A 0
genomes, only -50 genomes, including those (Hooper and Terry, 1979; Anderson et al.,
of Geobacter metalliredueens GS-15, Thermus 1982; Hooper et al., 1990).As the AOB cannot
thermophilus HB8, Ralstonia eutropha JMP134, prevent NO production during ammonia oxi-
and all three Nitrosococcus species, contain both dation, they have acquired multiple lines of
the classical and alternative forms of Complex defense to avoid nitrosative stress. All of the
I11 (Campbell et al., unpublished). Compar- AOB genomes were found to encode c‘-beta
ison of transcriptomes from N. oceani cultures (cytS),and all but N.multqormis encode cyto-
denied ammonia as an energy source for 24 h chrome P460 (cytL), the products of which
and cultures stimulated with ammonia after a bind to NO. Although not yet examined
24-h starvation revealed that CIII and ACIII physiologically in the AOB, both cytochromes
are differentially expressed: CIII is utilized c’-beta and P460 have been implicated in alle-
during growth in the presence of ammonia, viating NO toxicity in other bacteria (Choi
while ACIII is expressed in starving cells to et al., 2006; Elmore et al., 2007; Deeudom et
Next Page


al., 2008). Furthermore, a four-gene cluster ammonia catabolism such as AMO and H A 0
encoding a heme-copper nitric oxide reduc- during aerobic growth of N.euvopaea (Whit-
tase (sNOR; norSY-senC-ofl) Complex IV has taker et al., 2000) and was thus proposed to
been identified in all genomes of the AOB and be involved in central N-oxidation pathways
a few sulfur-cycle bacteria (Stein et al., 2007; either catalytically or as an electron carrier
Hemp and Gennis, 2008;J. Hemp, R.B. Gennis, (Hooper et al., 2005). It has been suggested
L.Y. Stein, and M. G. Klotz, unpublished data). that nitrosocyanin may participate in the recy-
The first two members of this gene cluster cling of electrons from the quinone pool to
were upregulated in a nirK mutant strain of N. A M 0 or in the relay of electrons from hydrox-
europaea, indicating involvement in the nitrosa- ylamine to 0, (Arp et al., 2007). In unraveling
tive stress response (Cho et al., 2006). the molecular underpinnings of nitrification
Methanotrophic bacteria that are also ANB by ANB such asverrucomicrobia and Gamma-
produce nitrous oxide from both incomplete MOB, both of which lack ncyA genes and use
hydroxylamine oxidation and nitrifier deni- the AMO-honiologue pMMO for the oxida-
trification. The genome of M. capsufatus Bath tion of ammonia (Ward et al., 2004; Hou et al.,
encodes functional cNOR (norCB), cyto- 2008; Op den Camp et al., 20059, it appears less
chrome c’-beta (cytS), cytochrome P460 (cytL), likely that nitrosocyanin is involved in recycling
and H A 0 (haoAB) proteins. Recent experi- electrons from the quinone pool to AMO in
ments showed that expression of haoA and cytS AOB. On the other hand, a functional link to
was induced by NH, (Poret-Peterson et al., NirK has been suggested (Arciero et al., 2002),
2008), whereas expression of norC was induced and a proteomics study revealed that nitroso-
by nitrite or sodium nitroprusside in M. cap- cyanin levels greatly increased in N.europaea
sufatus Bath (A. T. Poret-Peterson and M. G. cultures exposed to exogenous NO, high
Klotz, unpublished data). In contrast, expres- levels of NO,-, or reduced 0, concentration
sion of cytL was not affected by NH,, nitrite, or (Schmidt et al., 2004). Additional results link
sodium nitroprusside (Klotz et al., unpublished the expression of nitrosocyanin with response
data). Exposure to hydroxylamine or NH, to ammonia starvation (Campbell and Klotz,
increased h a d mRNA levels in the Gamma- unpublished).Based on its electronic structure,
MOB, Methylomicrobium album (G. Nyerges a potential role for N O binding and reduction
and L.Y. Stein, unpublished data). Interestingly, by nitrosocyanin was proposed (Basumallick
the norCB gene tandem in M . capsulatus Bath et al., 2005). As mentioned above, a region of
(MCA2400-01) is in close proximity to the cytS- the deduced nitrosocyanin protein shares sig-
c552-coxABD (MCA2394-MCA2397) genes as nificant sequence similarity with that of the
well as another c552 gene (MCA2405),which binuclear copper center (CuA)-binding region
together appear to constitute a NOx-linked of N,O reductase (NosZ); however, physical
electron flow gene supercluster (MCA2394 to properties of the enzyme suggest a role in
MCA2405) that is largely flanked by hypothet- electron transfer rather than catalysis. Future
ical genes. It is reasonable to suggest that NOx- experiments will investigate whether nitroso-
linked electron flow gene superclusters were cyanin has a role in ammonia catabolism and/
horizontally transferred in parallel with genes or is a functional part of denitrification activity
that generate poisonous NOx (i.e., the haoAB ofAOB.
gene tandem). Additional genome sequences All AOB express one or more copies of
are necessary to further delineate the evolution soluble periplasmic monoheme and di-heme
and regulation of nitrification and denitrifica- cytochrome c552 proteins that have been
tion inventories of ANB. experimentally or hypothetically implicated in
The red copper cupredoxin nitrosocyanin the transfer of electrons to functional respira-
(Arciero et al., 2002) is present at concentra- tory electron sinks includmg the soluble cyto-
tions comparable to the central enzymes of chrome c peroxidase, soluble nitrite, and nitric
Previous Page


oxide reductases and membrane-bound Com- inventory revealed an almost unprecedented

plex IV heme-copper oxidases that reduce 0, richness encoded by genomes of Gamma-AOB
or NO (Arp et al., 2007; Klotz and Stein, 2008, compared with available genomes of Beta-
and references therein). Cytochrome 6552 AOB, there is presently no plausible ecological
homologues have also been similarly implicated explanation for this situation considering that
in the sulfur-dependent catabolism of Thiomi- soil environments experience dramatic fluxes
crospira crunogena (Scott et al., 2006) and Sufjiu- regarding environmental parameters.
rimonas denitrijcans (Sievert et al., 2008). Since
increased functional protein levels of electron Autotrophy
sinks demand an increased supply of reductant, Since their initial isolation over 100 years ago,
it would be logical if expression of 65.52 and its AOB have been viewed as obligately requiring
respective electron acceptors were coregulated. ammonia as their sole source of energy (che-
It was summarized recently that the motrophy) and reductant (lithotrophy) and
genomes of all four AOB indicate a depen- carbon dioxide as their sole carbon source
dence on polyphosphate as a storage com- (autotrophy) (Arp and Bottomley, 2006).
pound and inorganic pyrophosphate (PP,) in Because ammonia oxidation yields only mar-
carbon and energy metabolism (Arp et al., ginal useable energy, namely a niaximum of
2007). According to genome inventory, energy two electrons per molecule (Hooper et al.,
could be acquired from polyphosphate as ATP 2005, and references therein), this combination
at times when ammonia is limited as an energy of obligate ammonia oxidation at the expense
source. In addition, the genomes indicate the of inorganic carbon assimilation seems to be
capacity for hydrolysis of ATP to PP, via the unfavorable for successful selection. Complete
action of one of several nucleoside diphos- pathways for the oxidation of a few organic
phate (NUDIX) hydrolases, and the PP, could compounds (e.g., pyruvate, fructose, gluta-
then be used to generate a proton gradient mate) were identified however, the genome
via the action of a proton-translocating mem- sequences of all AOB revealed the absence
brane-associated pyrophosphatase encoded in of pathways for the uptake and catabolism of
all AOB genomes (Arp et al., 2007). Hence, most amino acids, sugars, phospholipids, and
polyphosphate hydrolysis might contribute nucleic acids (Arp et al., 2007; Stein et al.,
to motility, transport, reverse electron flow, 2007; Norton et al., 2008). While analysis of
and other cellular activities requiring a proton all AOB genomes suggests a default mode of
gradient. The genomes also encode a soluble carbon assimilation via the Calvin-Benson-
cytoplasmic pyrophosphatase that must be reg- Basham cycle (Arp et al., 2007; Stein et al.,
ulated to avoid hydrolysis of the PP, required 2007; Norton et al., 2008), experimentation
for other reactions (Arp et al., 2007). revealed that fructose as well as pyruvate could
Together, apparent differences in complexity serve as sole carbon sources for the growth
and diversity of energy flow and electron of N.europaea (Hommes et al., 2003). Even
transport inventory suggest that architectural though this observed chemolithoheterotro-
structure and organization of central meta- phic growth was slower and produced lower
bolic networks were likely the outcome of dif- cell densities than when CO, was the available
ferent environmental pressures that selected carbon source (Hommes et al., 2003), these
for versatility to overcome specific environ- experiments broke the 100-year-old dogma
mental stresses. For instance, the plastic respira- that AOB are obligate autotrophs (Arp and
tory response capacity identified in genoines Bottomley, 2006). In agreement with prior
of the Gamma-AOB was likely achieved hypotheses, growth of N.europaea on fruc-
through highly regulated differential expres- tose or pyruvate still required ammonia as the
sion of interacting components to constitute energy and reductant source (Hommes et al.,
a functional ETC. While this analysis of ETC 2003), thereby upholding, for a time, the para-

digm of obligate ammonia catabolism (chemo- grouped into four major ecotypes: (i) fresh-
lithotrophy) for AOB. Only very recently was water sediments, (ii) sewage/wastewater, (iii)
it shown that N.europaea and N.eutropha could soils, and (iv) marine environment (Koops
grow chemoheterotrophically with pyruvate, and Pommerening-Roser, 2001; Kowalchuk
lactate, acetate, serine, succinate, alpha-keto- and Stephen, 2001; Zehr and Ward, 2002).
glutarate, or fructose as substrate and nitrite Nevertheless, several general ecophysiolog-
as terminal electron acceptor under anoxic ical features were deduced from the genonies
conditions (Schmidt, 2009). Here, ammonium that seemed to be characteristic to all AOB
inhibited growth, showing for the first time independent of their individual habitats. Most
that some previously classified AOB do not striking was the near-absence of transport
catabolize ammonia obligatorily. systems for organic compounds, whereas a
Analysis of all AOB genomes suggests that plethora of transporters for inorganic com-
the mechanism of fructose-1 ,6-bisphosphate pounds were present in high redundancy (Arp
and glucose-6-phosphate interconversion et al., 2007; Stein et al., 2007; Norton et al.,
in gluconeogenesis and glycolysis probably 2008).This imbalance is likely due to a bias in
occurs via a reversible, pyrophosphate-depen- genome economization in that AOB lost most
dent phosphofructokinase (Arp et al., 2007) as of their transporters for organics in the process
proposed for the methanotroph 111. capsulatus of niche differentiation.Furthermore, the clas-
Bath (Ward et al., 2004). Other examples of the sical inventory to produce acyl-honioserine
dependence on pyrophosphate in all examined lactone signal molecules is absent from all
AOB include UDP-glucose pyrophosphory- AOB genomes, whereas all have the capacity
lase, which catalyzes the formation of the glu- to sense them with the typical receptors. Since
cosy1 donor for sucrose synthesis (see below), AOB sense and respond to acyl-honioserine
and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, which lactone molecules (Batchelor et al., 1997;
catalyzes the formation of the glucosyl donor Burton et al., 2005), an alternate pathway for
for glycogen synthesis (Arp et al., 2007). Sur- their synthesis is likely present in AOB (Arp et
prisingly, the genome of N. multijormis ATCC al.,2007;Stein et a1.,2007;Norton et al.,2008).
25196 appears to lack an orthologue for a This ability could be significant for the inter-
bacterial-type, ATP-independent fructose- action and aggregation ofAOB in biofilms in
1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (Norton et al., 2008). all but marine environments (Arp and Bot-
However, since this step of gluconeogenesis is tomley, 2006).A surprising finding was that all
required for autotrophic metabolism, it was investigated AOB genomes contain two genes
suggested that this function in this strain of N. that code for the synthesis of sucrose (Arp et
multijormis likely used an archaeal-type inositol al., 2007). It was proposed that this inventory
monophosphatase (Norton et al., 2008). could have been horizontally acquired from
cyanobacteria, with which AOB might have
Ecological Implications closely shared a niche (freshwatedsediment
AOB are incapable of catabolizing natural and marine) (Arp et al., 2007). On the other
energy sources other than ammonia, with the hand, sucrose-synthesizing activities are also
exception of some nitrosomonads (Schmidt, found in some halotolerant methanotrophs
2009). As pointed out above, the majority of (Arp et al., 2007) in the family Methylococcaceae,
AOB may have evolved by losing the uptake which includes several ANB and could thus
and processing capacity for other energy also be a partner for gene transfer. Although it
sources during the process of genome reduc- has not yet been demonstrated whether AOB
tion in concert with their adaptation to specific produce sucrose and, if so, under what condi-
environmental conditions. Indeed, avail- tions this would occur, sucrose could provide
able ecophysiological, genetic and genomic an osmoticum to protect cells exposed to high
data support the hypothesis that AOB can be salt concentrations (as in marine habitats) or

desiccation (in fluctuating freshwater evapora- resources, and acidity (pH several units below
tion ponds and sediments). pKa for NH,/NH,+) usually results in variable
AOB in freshwater sehments often expe- growth rates. Urea hydrolysis not only adds an
rience NH,/NH,+ and 0, depletion due organic source for the main growth require-
to competition with facultative anaerobes. ments ofAOB (NH, and CO,) but also allows
A mode for micro-aerophilic or anaerobic p H manipulation of the environment. It was
respiration was proposed for the nitrosomo- thus an ecological fit to find that urea-cata-
nads based on their physiology (Schmidt et bolic capacity was resident in most soil AOB
al., 2002). However, inventory for the opera- of the genus Nitrosospira (Koper et al., 2004)-
tion of a cbb,-type terminal oxidase usually the genome ofN. multi$ormisATCC 25196 was
implicated in micro-aerophilic respiration was found to encode both urea hydrolase and urea
reportedly found only in the genome of the amidolyase activities (Norton et al., 2008)-
sewage isolate N. eutropha (Stein et al., 2007). but absent from wastewater nitrosomonads
The sewage environment is characterized by (Chain et al., 2003; Stein et al., 2007). O n the
high NH,/NH,+ availability, which bears the other hand, the marine AOB N. oceani, but not
potential for toxicity along with a stiff com- N.halophilus Nc4, appears to have also the full
petition for O,, CO,, and iron. Hence, AOB complement required to access and process
in wastewater should have increased detoxi- urea (Koper et al., 2004) including a coni-
fication capacity, the ability to sequester CO, plete urea cycle (Klotz et al., 2006).While this
and perform microaerophilic respiration. With ureolytic capacity of soil AOB may be a major
the recent dscovery of anaerobic chemohet- factor for their survival in acidic soils (Burton
erotrophy, the wastewater AOB do appear to and Prosser, 2001), it is difficult to imagine a
have additional metabolic capacity that can be major catabolic advantage for urea hydrolysis
advantageous in the dynamic wastewater envi- in the oceans. O n the other hand, the unique
ronment. According to its genome inventory, presence of hydrogenase-encoding inven-
N. eutropha indeed appears better able to resist tory in the genome of N.multfoformis ATCC
toxic compounds, in particular heavy metals, 25196 would constitute an additional source of
and its genome contains genes for carboxy- reductant and energy (Norton et al., 2008) and
some synthesis and uniquely encodes alterna- would constitute, if experimentally confirmed,
tive terminal oxidases, including ebb,-type and an additional case of breaking the paradigm of
quinol oxidases (Fig. 5) (Stein et al., 2007).The obligate ammonia catabolism, though not that
carboxysome genes were highly similar to the of obligate chemolithotrophy (Fig. 5).
inventory found in the genome of Nitrobacter Marine environments have a stable but low
winogradskyi Nb-255, an N O B isolated from NH,/NH,+ availability, and the dissolved CO,
similar environments. A shared evolutionary concentration is variable, which explains the
origin of the inventory was proposed based on fairly low growth rates measured for Gamma-
the known close associations between AOB AOB. Marine nitrifiers also experience a high
and N O B in nitrification aggregates (Stein et salt concentration beyond the tolerance level
al., 2007). O n the other hand, genes encoding of the three other ecotypes. The finding of
a similar complement of alternative terminal inventory suited to express multiple proton-
oxidases (cbb,-type and quinol oxidases) were and sodium-dependent ATPase and NDH-I
also detected in the marine isolate N. marina complexes was a first indication for marine-
C-l13a (Ward et al., unpublished), suggesting specific inventory as it allowed assembly of a
that the prediction of ecotypical genome sodum circuit in addition to the proton circuit
inventory is not straightforward. in N. oceani (Fig. 5) (Klotz et al., 2006;Arp et
AOB in soil environments experience fluc- al., 2007). Whereas this sodium circuit likely
tuating NH,/NH,+ availability, and stiff com- will not recruit additional energy and reduc-
petition for NH,/NH,+ with plants, changing tant sources (in contrast to the additional input

by hydrogenase in N. multijormis), the ability cation inventory evolved in toto one time
to convert a sodium motive force into proton only in the ancestor of either AOB or MOB
motive force may provide flexibility in regu- and was then distributed as a single suite of
lating availability of proton motive force across pathway genes into other taxa by lateral gene
the cytoplasmic membrane versus the intracel- transfer (process-centric model); or (iii) indi-
lular membranes. The inventory necessary for vidual inventory of extant aerobic ammonia
such a sodium circuit has been identified in all oxidation and nitrite production evolved inde-
four sequenced Nitrosococcus genomes (Camp- pendently before Earth’s oceans and atmo-
bell and Klotz, unpublished). sphere became oxygenated, was disseminated
independently by lateral gene transfer and, by
MOLECULAR EVOLUTION OF chance, functionally combined in the ancestors
NITRIFICATION INVENTORY of modern nitrifiers (modular model). While
Ecophysiological and taxonomic research in there was ambiguous support for any one of
the pregenomic era addressed bacterial auto- the three models in the pregenoniic era, recent
trophic nitrification as a functional,cooperative genome-informed attempts to reconstruct
unit of two different cohorts of Proteobacteria, the natural history of nitrification support the
the AOB and the NOB (Prosser, 1989). The modular model (Klotz, 2008; Klotz et al., 2008;
taxonomy of the NOB is complex because Klotz and Stein, 2008).
nitrite-oxidizing representatives are found in Use of the AMO/pMMO-centric and
four of the six classes of Proteobacteria and process-centric models for reconstructing the
some belong to the phylum Nitrospirae (Teske evolutionary history of nitrification was based
et al., 1994) (see SectionV for more details). on two premises that were incorrect.AM0 and
In contrast, phylogenetic inference using align- pMMO, which catalyze the first step in extant
ments of both 16s rRNA and amoA genes nitrification and methanotrophy, cooxidize
have placed the AOB in only two classes of the both substratessupporting the evolution ofboth
Proteobacteria (Teske et al., 1994) (see Chapter enzymes from a common, likely substrate-pro-
3 for more details).Reconstructing the natural miscuous ancestor (Holnies et al., 1995;Norton
history of nitrification has focused on the et al., 2002). The first premise assumed that
molecular evolution of the subunit proteins all of the extant nitrifiers and methanotrophs,
of Ah40 (which is homologous to pMMO) which are obligate aerobes and utilize aerobic
due to the congruence of 16s rRNA and amo respiration for energy conservation, became
gene phylogenies, the assumption that aerobic fit for this catabolic lifestyle once they evolved
ammonia and nitrite oxidation coevolved, and functional AMO/pMMO complexes. How-
the assertion that ammonia oxidation consti- ever, the activities ofAMO and pMMO do not
tutes a bottleneck in the nitrification process contribute directly to the harvest of energy and
(Holmes et al., 1995; Rotthauwe et al., 1997; reductant during nitrification and methanot-
Klotz and Norton, 1998;Purkhold et al., 2000; rophy, respectively; in fact, their activity drains
Norton et al., 2002; Casciotti et al., 2003; the quinol pool (Q-pool) and merely modifies
Cdvo and Garcia-Gil, 2004). Thus, the ques- external reductants (ammonia and methane)
tion was posed as to whether (i) AOB evolved into compounds (hydroxylamine and meth-
ammonia-only catabolism in parallel within anol/formaldehyde) that are more conducive
the Betaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobac- to the harvest of electrons.Therefore, the evo-
teria, and as sister groups to pMMO-expressing lution of these monooxygenases was reliant on
methane oxidizers (MOB), via genome and the presence of inventory collectively able to
functional reduction from a common, ances- provide electrons to the Q-pool by extracting
tral, physiologically versatile proteobacterial electrons from intermedate metabolites and, if
ammonia/methane oxidizer (holophyletic AMO/pMMO are not bona fide quinol oxi-
AMO/pMMO-centric model); (ii) nitrifi- dase (which has not yet been experimentally

established),recycle electrons from the Q-pool et al., 2002; Tavormina et al., 2010). Hence,
to AMO/pMMO. In addition, these oxygen- the AMO/pMMO-centric and process-cen-
dependent enzymes generate extremely toxic tric models would predict residcnce of nearly
products at high throughput, hydroxylamine identical inventory involved in ammonia/
(by AMO) and methanol/formaldehyde (by hydroxylamine and methane/methanol/form-
pMMO/methanol dehydrogenase), and there- aldehyde oxidation in only one taxonomic
fore the premise that AMO/pMMO evolved group, or at least in closely related taxa within
first makes little sense because efficient detoxi- one proteobacterial class. Based on the current
fication systems must be in place for successful state of knowledge, present data contradict this
natural selection (Klotz, 2008). Furthermore, prediction as aerobic amiiionia/methane oxi-
AMO/pMMO and many of the respiratory key dation exists in organisms outside the phylum
enzymes contain copper-active sites. Copper is Proteobacteria (Archaea andVerrucomicrobia)
thought to be largely non-bioavailable in the and the evolutionary histories of individual
absence of oxygen, and the mainly sulfidic nitrification inventories (Amo, Hao, pertinent
ocean environment of the late Archaean and electron carrier proteins) are not congruent
Early Proterozoic did not enable copper redox or even identical among the organisms (Arp
processes (Anbar and Knoll, 2002; K a u h a n et al., 2007; Klotz and Stein, 2008; O p den
et al., 2007; Klotz and Stein, 2008; Scott et al., Camp et al., 2009; Walker et al., 2010). In
2008). Assuming that delineation of the Pro- addition, the anaerobic oxidation of ammonia
teobacteria was largely completed by the time and methane involves microbes outside of the
sufficient oxygen levels arose (>2 billion years Proteobacteria that utilize some, but not all, of
ago) (Arnold et al., 2004; Kaufman et al., 2007; the inventory for aerobic ammonia/methane
Scott et al., 2008; Gamin et al., 20059, the oxidation. These recent discoveries strongly
premise prehcts that aerobic MOB and AOB support the modular model that best describes
must have evolved as unique functional cohorts the evolution of nitrification, which also
after the delineation was complete. Because means that evolution of the process, exeinpli-
an anaerobic N-cycle was in place before the fied by pathways, can be described adequately
advent of oxygen, the evolution of AMO/ only once the evolution of individual inven-
pMMO was likely a late functional modular tory is understood.
add-on to the operation of existing anaerobic
pathways (Klotz, 2008) (Fig. 6). Ammonification and the Evolution of
The second premise assumed that A M 0 HURM in an Anoxic World
and pMMO were only functional in modern Geochemists and planetary scientists agree
Proteobacteria, namely the gammaproteo- today that the primordial atmosphere (in con-
bacterial (Chromatiales: Nitrosococcus) and trast to deep-sea vent environments) was fairly
betaproteobacterial (Nitrosomonadales: Nitro- inert (N2,CO,, CO) and did not contain large
somonas, Nitrosospira) AOB and the alphapro- amounts of available geothermal energy in
teobacterial (Methylocystaceae: Methylocystis, the form of inorganic reductants (CH,, H,S,
Methylosinus) and gammaproteobacterial NH,). A small amount of NH, was possibly
(Methylococcaceae: Methylococcus, Methylomicro- just enough to fuel the primordial peptide
bium, Methylomonas) M O B (Prosser, 1989;Arp and nucleotide cycles that operated strictly at
and Bottomley, 2006). However, the Amo pro- S-, Fe-, and Ni/Co-containing mineral sur-
teins from Gamma-AOB (Nitrosococcus) and faces (the “ligand sphere”) in anoxic space
pMmo proteins from Gamma-MOB (Methy- (Wachtershauser, 1994; Huber et al., 2003).
lococctis) are more closely related to each other These surface-bound metal centers likely
than either is to respective enzymes in Beta- served as structural templates for active site
AOB and other pXmo proteins in certain complexes in enzymes that extended the pri-
Gamma-MOB (Purkhold et al., 2000; Norton mordial cycles in the emerging cellular world

MethanelAmmonia N-oxide Ubiquinone Redox Module Source

Oxidation Module
1 NOx-#’G]4
Aerobic microbe,
(likely Crenarchaeon)


It 7r ---
1 NO,- It9 .

r- ~ f r ~ f NH,
in Sulfur-dependent
anaerobic Bacteria

FIGURE 6 The modular concept of N-oxide transformation relevant to ammonia oxidation and nitrification.
Directions of chemical and evolutionary pathways are indicated by closed and open arrows, respectively. Filled
diamonds indicate the merger of modules as discussed in the text.

approximately 3.8 billion years (Gys) ago.With pounds served as terminal electron acceptors.
the evolving capacity of metal uptake, Mo, Zn, Stable isotope geochemistry provides evi-
and Mn (but not Cu) were likely recruited into dence for sulfur reduction at approximately 3
active sites of ancient enzymes because their Gys ago; thus, anaerobic respiration involving
oxidation state can change in the absence of sulfur reduction is likely an older adaptation
oxygen (Scott et al., 2008). Hydrogen sulfide of catabolism than phototrophy and nitrogen-
and ammonia were likely the precursors for based chemotrophy. Ammonification, the pro-
molecules with catalytic sulfhydryl and amino duction of ammonium from other nitrogen
groups. compounds, likely existed within early bac-
The combination of hydrogen oxidation teria and archaea as a consequence of simple
and sulfur reduction (as found in Aquijex and fermentations; however, these “internal” cycles
some modern archaea) was likely the chemo- did not likely increase net NH,+/NH, avail-
lithotrophic beginning of cellular catabolism ability. An early evolution of nitrogen fixation
in largely oxygen-free and reducing micro- (producing reduced nitrogen) and methano-
environments followed by the emergence of genesis (producing reduced carbon) under
simple fermentations (substrate-level phos- these anoxic conditions is imaginable but still
phorylation) and anoxygenic phototrophy controversially debated (Falkowski, 1997; Shen
(light-driven cyclic electron-flow) . Further et al., 2003; Raymond et al., 2004; Canfield et
evolution of cytochromes for anoxygenic al., 2006; Klotz and Stein, 2008).
phototrophy, coupled with reactions recruited Based on geophysicochemical data, it has
from fermentation pathways, likely led to the been proposed that the early global N cycle
emergence of anaerobic chemotrophic res- was predominantly an atmospheric interac-
piration, in which external inorganic com- tion of N,, CO,, and H,O facilitated by light-

ning that generated s m d amounts of NO et al., 2008; M . G. Klotz and A. B. Hooper,

and HCN with larger amounts of NO,- and unpublished results). Most of the nitrate and
NO,- dissolved in the oceans (Mancinelli nitrite reduction inventory likely served the
and McKay, 1988). Although free molecular ever-increasing need for ammonia assiniila-
oxygen was scarce, oxidized nitrogen (and tion, in which the molybdopterin-containing
sulfur) compounds accumulated predomi- (Nar, Nap) and cytochrome c (Nrf) proteins
nantly in the oceans as nitrate (and sulfate) preceded the siroheme cytochrome proteins
with only smaller quantities of nitrite (and (NasA, NirA, NirB) (Klotz and Stein, 2008).
sulfite) (Mancinelli and McKay, 1988). O n the Interestingly, some early-branching sulfur-
other hand, relatively higher ferrous iron con- dependent anaerobic Epsilonproteobacteria
centrations during the Archaean might have devoid of any known nitrite reductases uti-
been a strong interactive sink for nitrite due lize a “hydroxylamine oxidoreductase-cM552/
to the fast kinetics of their interaction. Because NapC protein” module in its pathway for the
of these more or less sizable resources, nitrate assimilation of ammonia from nitrate as the
and nitrite reduction (based on molybdop- sole nitrogen source (Campbell et al., 2009).
terin-containing and cytochrome c proteins) This very recent discovery strongly supports
likely evolved in addition, but not parallel, to the proposal that an oxygen-independent
sulfate and thiosulfate reduction in the oceans H U R M ) (Fig. 3 and 6) had evolved early on
(Shen et al., 2003;Arnold et al., 2004).There is from inventory that facilitates N O x respira-
a striking biochemical similarity between oxi- tory ammonification and NOx detoxification
doreductases active in the sulfur and nitrogen (Arp et al., 2007; Klotz and Stein, 2008) as a
cycles allowing many of these enzymes to reductive module that tied electron flow in
oxidize or reduce the other substrates. For anaerobic sulfur-dependent chemotrophs to
instance, recent molecular-evolutionary and N assimilation (Campbell et al., 2009). The
biochemical analyses indicated the evolu- concept of H U R M was initially derived from
tionary relatedness of pentaheme cytochrome comparative analysis of inventory encoded
c nitrite reductase ( N a ) and the octaheme by genomes of AOB (Arp et al., 2007) and
cytochrome c (OCC) proteins, tetrathionate ANAOB (Strous et al., 2006), which identi-
oxidoreductase and HAO, of which the former fied H U R M as the central oxidative module
two can reduce both sulfur and nitrogen com- for all N-oxide-based electron flow in bac-
pounds (Einsle et al., 1999,2000;Mowat et al., teria (Klotz and Stein, 2008).As in anoxygenic
2004; Bergmann et al., 2005; Hooper et al., phototrophy, N-oxide-based electron flow
2005; Atkinson et al., 2007; Klotz et al., 2008; in bacteria was initially cyclic and evolved
Lukat et al., 2008).These analyses also provided to conserve energy in the anamniox process
evidence for modular evolution versus the (Klotz, 2008; Klotz and Stein, 2008). In addi-
evolution of individual inventory by showing tion to providing a quinone reductase needed
coevolution of catalytic OCC proteins with for linking N-oxide chemistry with catabolic
their respective redox partners in the cM552/ function, the high-efficiency H U R M also
NrfH/NapC protein superfamily (Bergmann provided high-throughput detoxification of
et al., 2005; Rodrigues et al., 2006; Kim et al., poisonous N-oxides, thereby providing the
2008; Klotz et al., 2008). stage for recruitment of high-throughput
Recent studies on the evolutionary his- N-oxide-producing modules, such as the Amo
tory of cytochrome c proteins key to the and pMmo proteins (Klotz, 2008) (Fig. 6).
extant nitrogen cycle suggest that many of Aside from OCC proteins such as HAO
them evolved, indeed, from ancestral proteins (Klotz et al., 2008), multicopper oxidases are
key to the sulfur cycle (Hooper et al., 2005; known to process N-oxides and both are good
Scott et al., 2006; Elmore et al., 2007; Klotz candidates for sources of low-level hydrazine
et al., 2008; Klotz and Stein, 2008; Sievert (N2H,)production. Similar to the evolutionary

pressure scenario that facilitated OCC protein depends on its position in either the reductive
evolution from NrfA (Klotz and Stein, 2008), or oxidative branch of cellular electron flow
disproportionation reactions facilitated by (Fig. 6).
OCC proteins such as H A 0 that leak N-oxide
intermediates (van der Star et al., 2008) might Evolution of Bacterial Inventory
have set the evolutionary stage for hydrazine Involved in Aerobic, Iron-Copper-
hydrolase to evolve, which freely operates as a Facilitated Oxidation of Ammonia
hydrolase (and not as a synthase),and provided The major evolutionary event for the vast
additional hydrazine detoxification capacity. &versification of catabolic pathways found in
H A 0 is also capable of oxidizing hydrazine modern bacteria was undoubtedly the emer-
(Schalk et al., 2000). It is further imaginable gence of oxygenic phototrophy in the ancestors
that exposure to hydrazine constituted the of extant cyanobacteria and prochlorophytes
driving force for “anammoxosomeogenesis” approximately 2.5 Gys ago, which led to a
to protect sensitive cellular structures (Klotz, gradual increase of molecular oxygen in the
2008). Once the anammoxosome was in place atmosphere, reaching approximately 1%)about
and hydroxylamine/hydrazine oxidoreductase 1.9 Gys ago (Falkowslu, 1997; Raymond et al.,
was coupled to a respective quinone reductase 2004; Canfield et al., 2006; Kauhan et al., 2007;
(establishing HURM in ANAOB), enough Garvin et al., 2009, and references therein).The
redox gradient was provided by the system to most important consequences of this devel-
pull the hydrazine hydrolase into the synthase oping oxidizing atmosphere were the forma-
direction, in which it oxidizes ammonia using tion of an ozone layer and the coevolution of
highly reactive nitroxyl (HNO) or N O as the inventory allowing branched electron flow such
oxidant. Using H N O to oxidize ammonia as CIII and ACIII and the A-, B-, and C-type
rather than using N O to oxidize NH,+ would heme-copper oxidases that terminate electron
avoid obligate dependence on NO, a highly flow by facilitating the reduction of oxygen
reactive radical species, and make anammox (aerobic respiration) or N O (anaerobic respira-
more effective by hstributing electrons more tion) (Garcia-Horsman et al., 1994; Pereira et
evenly in the process. Hence, recycled reduc- al., 2001; Hemp and Gennis, 2008; Hemp et
tant from the quinone pool and a reversely al., unpublished), all of which benefited fi-om
operating OCC protein with nitrite reduc- a dramatic increase in metal center dversity
tase function (i.e., HAO) to produce H N O of enzymes (Anbar and Knoll, 2002). While
or NH,OH, as in the assimilative HURM ancient enzymes mostly contained Ni-, Fee,
of sulfur-dependent Epsilonproteobacteria S-redox-active sites (e.g., hydrogenase, urease,
(Campbell et al., 200’3, was the only inventory hydantoinase,etc.) and those without an oxygen
required to close the cycle of electron flow in requirement, or that operate best under anoxic
the anammox process.The genomes of several conditions, also utilized Zn, Mn, and Mo (e.g.,
species in the genera Nautilia, Caminibacter, nitrogenase, molybdopterin-containing nitrate
and Campylobacter contain genes encoding reductase), it was the rising oxygen levels that
the enzymes of the reverse-HURM pathway made copper available as an addtional redox-
(Campbell et al., 2009), while the genomes active transition metal (Anbar and Knoll, 2002;
of other Epsilonproteobacteria encode homo- Arnold et al., 2004).Thiswas particularly conse-
logues of the classical NO-forming NirS/ quential for the evolution of the nitrogen cycle
NirK, assimilatory siroheme NirA, or ammo- (Klotz and Stein, 2008). For instance, reduction
nium-forming NrfA nitrite reductases (Kern of the abiogenic and increasing biogenic nitrate
and Simon, 2009). These recent findings also pool by nitrate reductase likely increased the
suggest that HURM is bidirectional, includes nitrite pool and generated strong evolutionary
at least one OCC protein and a (ubi)quinone pressure for the emergence of numerous new
reductase, and that the direction of operation variants of nitrite, NO, and nitrous oxide reduc-

tases, many of which contain copper in extant tion prior to the rise of oxygen. Hence, early
bacteria (Nakamura et al., 2004). Elevated denitrification likely relied on N O reduction
concentrations of ammonia, nitrite, and N O by soluble periplasmic cytochrome c proteins
are poisonous to many enzyme activities. The such as c’-beta (cytS) and c554 (cycA) and not
emergence of numerous alternate oxidoreduc- by membrane proteins. Today, NO-forming
tases (i.e., the three novel N O R f a d i e s , sNOR, nitrate and nitrite reduction, singly or as part
g N O R , and e N O R [Hemp and Gennis, 2008; of the denitrification process and as induced by
Hemp et al., unpublished]) likely fachtated a anoxia or hypoxic stress, are metabolic func-
continuous reduction of the nitrate pool and tions found in numerous taxonomic groups
recycling to &nitrogen gas whde maintaining a of bacteria; however, complete and efficient
fairly small nitrite pool. This hypothesis, largely denitrification pathways (nitrate to dinitrogen)
based on bioinorganic chemistry, was recently are almost exclusively found among the Pro-
supported by the discovery of a high number of teobacteria that express nitrous oxide reduc-
diverse multicopper oxidases in the genomes of tase (Ferguson and Richardson, 2005; Tavares
organisms that are instrumental in the nitrogen et al., 2006; Zumft and Kroneck, 2006; Klotz
cycle such as the ammonia and N O B (Starken- and Stein, 2008).
burg et al., 2006, 2008; Arp et al., 2007; Klotz The availability of oxygen as both a pow-
and Stein, 2008). erful oxidant and terminal electron acceptor
Before the rise of oxygen, N-cycle pathway allowed for the emergence of branched ETCs,
evolution likely resulted in dissimilative nitrate/ a great diversity of novel copper-based elec-
nitrite reduction yielding mostly gaseous tron carriers and redox-active enzymes, and
nitrogenous oxidants and thereby establishing coupled H U M (extracts four electrons from
denitrification (Mancinelli and McKay, 1988; hydroxylamine/hydrazine by dehydrogena-
Klotz and Stein, 2008). At this point in time, tion) with the high-throughput oxidation
approximately 1 Gys after cellular life emerged of reduced nitrogen compounds. Hydrazine
and still approximately 1 Gy before the Earth’s hydrolase and the OCC nitrite reductase are
atmosphere became oxidizing in nature, the early-evolved cytochrome c proteins (Klotz et
ancestors of emerging Proteobacteria had al., 2008; Klotz and Stein, 2008). In contrast,
the metabolic opportunity to reduce oxi- the genes encoding copper-containing extant
dized nitrogen, sulfur, and carbon compounds pMMO and A M 0 homologues (Klotz and
by using them as terminal electron acceptors Norton, 1998; Norton et al., 2002) likely did
(Scott et al., 2008).While sulfur and nitrogen not evolve from genes coding for pMMO in
were more likely involved in anaerobic respira- anaerobic denitrifying methanotrophic bac-
tion, reduced (organic) carbon was the electron teria related to the NClO clade (Raghoe-
acceptor in fermentation processes. Early deni- barsing et al., 2006; Ettwig et al., 2008, 2009;
trification, which involved molybdopterin- Klotz, 2008;Tavormina et al., 2010). It is still
and heme-iron-based redox chemistry on the an open question whether the (OCC protein-
path from nitrate to NO, was likely not able hydrazine hydrolase) Ammonia Oxidation
to progress with present-day classical denitrifi- Module as part of anammox was replaced by
cation inventory because c N O R and q N O R a recruited Methane/Ammonia Oxidation
complexes are members of the heme-copper Module (pMMO/AMO) or whether H U R M
oxidase superfamily that evolved from heme- was recruited into an anaerobic bacterial
copper oxygen reductases (Hemp and Gennis, genome encoding an ancestral promiscuous
2008; Hemp et al., unpublished). Because the monooxygenase; however, it can be predicted
latter appear to have emerged following oxy- with some certainty that the combination
genic phototrophy, neither c N O R , q N O R , and functional linkage of pMMO/AMO and
nor the blue copper protein nitrous oxide H U R M (Fig. 6) occurred after the rise of
reductase was available for N-oxide reduc- oxygen (Klotz, 2008; Klotz and Stein, 2008).

The main advantage of this functional redox interactions, some of which led to the
merger was a reduced need for recycling reversal of electron flow (Bergmann et al., 2005;
reductant from the Q-pool [pMMO/AMO Klotz et al., 2008). Although different in their
requires two electrons to activate oxygen; (H) biochemical complexities, oxidation of sulfite
NO-producing OCC protein and hydrazine to sulfate, for instance, is essentially the reverse
hydrolase together require four electrons] and, of sulfate reduction, and both are performed
consequently,a net production of two electrons by different groups of extant Proteobacteria.
available for linear electron flow as well as the Likewise, aerobic nitrite oxidation is the reverse
replacement of two soluble enzyme complexes process of the reduction of nitrate to nitrite;
with one membrane-bound complex. thus, it is not surprising that nitrite oxidoreduc-
This increased energetic efficiency in aer- tase (NxrAE3) of the NOB and nitrate reductase
obic ammonia oxidizers resulted in less costly (NarGH) are evolutionarily related molyb-
synthesis (reductant in the anammox process dopterin proteins (Kirstein and Bock, 1993;
is generated by uneconomical anaerobic reoxi- Starkenburg et al., 2006, 2008) (see the chap-
dation of nitrite to nitrate [Strous et al., 2006; ters in SectionV for more details).Many of the
Jetten et al., 20091) and dramatically increased enzymes involved in nitrification and aerobic
growth rates as well as the global fixed N-oxide denitrification involve copper (NirK nitrite
pool. It appears that the functional merger of reductase)-, iron-copper (AM0)-, or heme-
the Methane/Ammonia Oxidation Module copper (cNor, sNor, the Complex IV heme-
with HURM has had several Ifferent out- copper oxidases that reduce 0, and NO)-based
comes. Extant aerobic MOB appear to have redox activity. Recent physiological work with
lost the HURM quinone reductase (nitrifying nirK and norB mutants of N. europaea revealed
MOB, the ANB) or HURM altogether, likely unexpected activities able to produce gaseous
because the energy/reductant requirement for N-compounds that were not performed by
carbon fixation are much better met by their traditional denitrification enzymes (Schmidt et
own unique carbon-1 metabolism than by oxi- al., 2004).The proteins involved have yet to be
dation of ammonia with reduction of CO,. On identified; however, preliminary analyses of all
the other hand, early HURM likely merged avadable nitrifier genomes uncovered several
with another module involved in N-oxide conserved multicopper oxidases predicted as
metabolism in predecessors of extant AOB alternative players in the oxidation/reduction
(Fig. 6): cytochrome c554 is reported to have of N-compounds. It has also become clear only
NO-reductase activity (Upadhyay et al., 2006), recently that aerobic oxidation of ammonia by
and genes encoding homologues of c554 were nitrifying archaea is solely facilitated by copper-
found clustered together with cM552/NapC based redox chemistry, with some of the inven-
protein- or other quinol oxidase-encoding tory being unique to the AOA (Walker et al.,
genes in nonnitrifying bacteria, including 2010) (see the chapters in Section 111 for more
chlorine oxide-reducing Betaproteobacteria details).
and sulfur-dependent Epsilonproteobacteria Comparison of genome inventory from all
and Deltaproteobacteria (Klotz and Hooper, cohorts of catabolic ammonia oxidizers (AOB
unpublished). The increasing complexity of [Arp et al., 20071, ANAOB [Strous et al.,
gene clusters containing h a d genes (Fig. 4) 20061, and AOA [Walker et al., 20101) suggests
was congruent with the phylogenetic tree that electron flow as found in the anammox
describing the evolution of O C C proteins, process may be the basis for all extant bacterial
including HaoA from pentaheme cytochrome and archaeal ammonia oxidation mechanisms.
c nitrite reductase (Klotz et al., 2008). While the evolution of all inventory essen-
Increased Iversity in oxidoreductases and tial to extant aerobic and anaerobic bacterial
the availability of oxygen as terminal electron ammonia oxidation likely occurred before
acceptor likely created opportunities for new the big oxygenation event, archaeal ammonia

oxidation is presently known to occur only molecular evolutionary inference into the
in oxic environments. Because of this and sequence and structure of nitrogen cycle
the fact that nitrification inventories in AOB inventory revealed that bacterial and archaeal
and AOA are not identical, a monophyletic ammonia oxidation pathways consist of two
origin of ammonia oxidation inventory that modules each: a (Methane) Ammonia Oxida-
includes the Archaea (looking at the substrate tion Module and the reductant-rich N U R M ,
of the pathway) and that of nitrite produc- both of which functionally combined within
tion (looking at the product of nitrification) different organisms in different geochemical
is nonparsimonious. Like AOB, the AOA backgrounds at different times during evolu-
also utilize a Methane/Ammonia Oxidation tionary history (Fig. 6). This is supported by
Module; however, formation of H N O instead the fact that N U R M in aerobic and ANAOB
of NH,OH by a modified archaeal A M 0 is are homologous (Klotz and Stein, 2008) but
proposed (Walker et al., 2010).This proposal is unrelated to the archaeal N U R M (multi-
based on the absence of genes encoding H A 0 copper nitroxyl hydrolase plus copper-blue
from AOA genomes (Walker et al., 2010) and quinone reductase [Walker et al., 2010]),
the fact that AOA can be purged from mixed whereas the (Methane) Ammonia Oxida-
cultures by the addition of hydroxylamine. tion Module is homologous in AOB and
In contrast to AOB, the catabolic and respi- AOA (pMMO/AMO) but unrelated to the
ratory electron flow inventory in the AOA is Ammonia Oxidation Module in ANAOB
solely copper based including CIII, CIV, elec- (equal to OCC nitrite reductase plus hydra-
tron shuttles (plastocyanins instead of cyto- zine hydrolase [Strous et al., 2006; Jetten et al.,
chrome c proteins), and, most importantly, 20091). Because of the highly toxic nature of
the ubiquinone-reducing module analogous the substrates for N U R M , it only makes sense
to H U R M P a l k e r et al., 2010). Instead of to propose that the emergence of a functional
a [HAO-(c554)-cM552/NapC protein] cyto- N U R M must have preceded the functional
chrome c protein module, AOA are proposed linkage with an efficient and high-throughput
to use a (multicopper oxidase-di-copper-blue- (Methane) Ammonia Oxidation Module.
domain membrane protein) module to relay Given that the present number of drafted and
electrons extracted from HNO to the quinone finished whole-genome projects has unraveled,
pool P a l k e r et al., 2010). Since AOA do not so far, only one gene suspected to be unique
produce and utilize hydroxylamine or hydra- to AOB (ncyA, nitrosocyanin), a few genes
zine as redox-active intermedates, the use of encoding candidate inventory with meaning
the acronym H U R M to describe the quinone- for niche adaptation (Fig. 5), and the annotated
reductive module is inappropriate. Instead and bacterial genomes by far outnumber those of
in extension of the H U R M concept proposed archaeal ammonia-oxidizers, continued isola-
previously (Klotz and Stein, 2008), use of the tion of ecophysiologically representative pure
term N-oxide-Ubiquinone Redox Module cultures and the sequencing and characteriza-
(NURM) is proposed here to describe the tion of their genomes is imperative to con-
general principle by which a reductant-rich tinued progress in nitrogen cycle research.
N-oxide (NH,OH, N,H,, HNO) can be uti- Likewise, intensified broader “omics” studies,
lized to harness energy and relay accessible including comparisons between isolate-based
reductant to the Q-pool in the membranes of genome information and that available from
obligate ammonia-oxidizing chemolithotrophs the growing number of metagenonie proj-
(Fig. 3 and 6). ects from environments relevant to ammonia
oxidation, are needed to assess the connection
SUMMARY AND PERSPECTIVE between inventory and function, from a single-
Analysis of inventory encoded in ammonia- cell scale to physiological characterization of
oxidizing bacteria and archaea as well as cohorts to a better ecological understanding.

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Lisa Y Stein

INTRODUCTION in fungi (Van Goo1 and Schmidt, 1973), and a

The vast combination of genome sequence, form of defense against competing organisms
molecular microbial ecology, and physiology in soils (Verstraete, 1975).
stules described in the proceedmg chapters Many heterotrophic nitrifiers are also
has greatly expanded the range of organ- capable of aerobic denitrification, such that
isms known to actively participate in the the nitrite or nitrate produced is immediately
biogeochemical nitrogen cycle. Aside from reduced to N-oxides or dinitrogen via denitri-
the nitrif;jing chemolithotrophic bacteria fjring enzymes. This so-named simultaneous
and Thaumarchaea, several genera of che- nitrification-denitrificatioii (SND) may have
moorganotrophic bacteria and a handful of led in the past to a systematic underestimation
eukaryotes are capable of oxidizing ammonia, of the heterotrophic contribution to nitrifica-
hydroxylamine, various organics, and/or nitrite tion, as oxidized intermediates did not accu-
in a process termed “heterotrophic nitrifica- mulate. However, it must be noted that there
tion.” Unlike the classical definition of nitri- remains considerable uncertainty of the types
fication (i.e., the oxidation of ammonia to and abundances of heterotrophic nitrifiers in
nitrate via nitrite), heterotrophic nitrification the environment, which equally confounds
embraces a broadened definition to include reliable measurements of their activity. The
the oxidation of any reduced form of nitrogen process of SND is best characterized in certain
to a more oxidized form (Focht and Ver- types of aerobic wastewater treatment systems
straete, 1977; Ralt et al., 1981; Castignetti et from which several heterotrophic nitrifiers
al., 1984; Killham, 1986; van Niel et al., 1993). have been isolated (Robertson and Kuenen,
Also, unlike nitrification by chemolithotrophs, 1990; Schmidt et al., 2003). Heterotrophic
heterotrophic nitrification is not necessarily nitrifiers are not the only organisms capable of
coupled to energy conservation, but rather has SND; chemolithotrophic ammonia oxidizers
been linked to reoxidation of NAD(P)H under reduce nitrite to nitric oxide with nitrous
hypoxic conditions in bacteria (Robertson oxide or dinitrogen as terminal products during
and Kuenen, 1990), endogenous respiration ammonia oxidation (Poth, 1986; Wrage et al.,
2001). This process termed “nitrifier denitrifi-
Limy Stein, Department of Biological Sciences,University of cation” occurs aerobically but is also required
Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E9, Canada. for anaerobic respiration in some Nitrosomonas
Nifrijhion, Edited by lless IXWard, Ilaniel J.Arp, and Martin G. Klotz
b> 2011ASM Prcs,Washington, DC


spp. in which nitrite reduction is energetically multi-heme hydroxylamine oxidoreduc-

coupled to ammonia, hydrogen, or organic tase (HAO) to oxidze ammonia to nitrite as
carbon oxidation (Bock, 1995; I. Schmidt et their sole source of energy and reductant (see
al., 2004; Schmidt, 2009). Aerobic denitrifi- Chapter 2). Most, but not all, species of metha-
cation is also not restricted to organisms that notrophic bacteria, organisms with functional
nitrifj as some heterotrophic bacteria and and structural similarities to AOB, also oxidize
fungi simultaneously use nitrate and oxygen ammonia to nitrite using similar enzymology to
as terminal electron acceptors as a strategy to the AOB, but do so via cometabolism (Conrad,
maximize respiration under hypoxic condi- 1996; Nyerges and Stein, 2009). Both soluble
tions (Robertson and Kuenen, 1990;Takaya et methane monooxygenase and particulate
al., 2003; Otani et al., 2004). methane monooxygenase oxidize ammonia
The microbial activities of nitrification and to hydroxylamine, and particulate methane
denitrification (aerobic and anaerobic; autotro- monooxygenase is evolutionarily related to
phic and heterotrophic) constitute the greatest A M 0 (Klotz and Norton, 1998; Norton et al.,
source of the potent greenhouse gas, nitrous 2002; Hakemian and Rosenzweig, 2007). As
oxide, to the atmosphere (Stein and Yung, for hydroxylamine-oxidizing activity, expres-
2003). The continuing increase in atmospheric sion of haoAB genes in Methylococcus capsu-
nitrous oxide is largely &om conversion of latus Bath (Poret-Peterson et al., 2008) and
land to agricultural uses, which stimulates both Methylomicrobium album (Nyerges, 2008) were
nitrifjing and denitrifting activities by pro- specifically induced by ammonia, and a puri-
viding saturating amounts of nitrogenous fertil- fied cytochrome P460 from M . capsulatus Bath
izers plus ample moisture (IPCC, 2006). Rates was shown to have hydroxylamine-oxidizing
of nitrogen oxide production have significantly activity similar to that of cytochrome P460
exceeded the threshold for ecological sustain- isolated from Nitrosomonas europaea (Berg-
ability (Rockstrom et al., 2009); therefore, it mann et al., 1998) (Table l).Although metha-
is critical to understand the metabolic control notrophs are not considered heterotrophic as
of nitrogen oxide production, the diversity of the majority are restricted to metabolizing
organisms and pathways that create nitrogen single-carbon compounds, their physiological
oxides, and how to predict the metabolic activi- similarity to the AOB and their abundance and
ties leading to nitrogen oxide production and dxtribution in the environment results in sub-
release within a given environment. stantial contributions to ammonia-oxidizing
This chapter describes the physiology and activity, particularly in oxic soils (Bodelier and
biochemical pathways of heterotrophic nitri- Laanbroek, 2004).
fication and nitrifier (and aerobic) denitrifica- Heterotrophic nitrifiers, most notably Para-
tion, a description of the genetic and organism coccus pantotropkus GB 17 (formerly Paracoccus
diversity involved, and a brief description of denitrijicans GB17 and Thiospkaera pantotropka),
techniques to discern one process from another. can apparently share similar enzymology
A final perspective is offered on how anthro- with the AOB; an enzyme with structural
pogenic input of nitrogen affects microbial and functional Similarities to AMO (Moir et
transformations of inorganic N with particular al., 1996b) and a non-heme hydroxylamine
emphasis on emissions of gaseous N-oxides to oxidase (Wehrfritz et al., 1993; Moir et al.,
the atmosphere. 1996a) were purified from I! pantotvopkus
GB17. However, in the absence of a com-
plete genome sequence for this organism and
further biochemical examination, the struc-
Biochemistry and Physiology tural, functional, and evolutionary details of
Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) use these enzymes remain somewhat ambiguous.
ammonia monooxygenase (AMO) and the Apparent hydroxylamine-oxidizing enzymes
TABLE 1 Characteristics of putative bacterial hydroxylamine-oxidizing enzymes
Result for enzyme classification":
Parameter Hydroxylamine Non-heme hydroxylamine oxidase, cyt c reductase,
oxidoreductase, Cytochrome P460
oxidoreductase oxidoreductase
Organism/source N euvopaea Anammox Pseudomonas N.europaea 134. capsulatus E pantotrophus A. globgoformis A. faecalic
enrichment sp. strain Bath GB17
sp. strain S2.14
Native mass ( m a ) 189 183 132 52 39 18.5 ND 20 19 c"
Subunit mass (kDa) 63 58 68 17.3-18.5 16.4 18.5 ND 20 19
Subunit composition a3 a ND a a 8
Metal content 24 hemes,
26 hemes,
Heme P460
a 2
Heme P460 Non-heme Non-heme Non-heme Non-heme 2
Heme P460 Heme P468 iron andcopper and iron iron iron

pH optimum ND 8.0 9.0 ND ND


sulfur iron
9.0 8-9 8.7

75 (PMS) 21 0.45 ND ND 0.99 (pseudo.) ND 0.031 3.6 c,

(pmol.rnin-'.mg-') z
K, (fl) ND 26 37 ND ND
0.13 (cyt ,,5,)
33 (pseudo.) ND 1500 70 (cyt c)
Physiological electron cyt r954 ND (assay: N D (assay: cyt rjjZ
10 (cyt r5il)
cyt rjSi (required Pseudoazurin N D (assay: ND (assay: cyt r i j l
acceptors PMS and ferricyanide) PMS in vifro) cyt dil horse heart ferricyanide)
cyt i550 CYt 6)
Electron acceptors ND NAD, benzyl DCPIP, PMS, ND cyt r55j,iis4, i,j7, other cyt c N D Heart cyt c Heart cyt c
that did not work viologen, PMS+MTT, and cyt c' in fractions Pseudoazurin Pseudoazurin
Wurster's NAD, F A D absence of &om E
0, requirement No No
Reference(s) Hooper et al., Schalk et al.,
1978 2000
Jetten et al.,
Erickson and
Zahn et al.,
Wehdritz et al., Kurokawa
1993; Moir
et al., 1996a
Otte et al.,
et al., 1985 1999
et al., 1997 83
Numata et 22
al., 1990 8
'ND, not determined; PMS, phenazine methosulfate; MTT, methylrhiazol tetrazolium bromide; DCPIP, dichlorophenol indophenol.

FIGURE 1 Pathways of ammonia oxidation and nitrifier denitrification in N.euvopaea. Dashed lines indicate
the direction of electron flow, with thinner lines inmcating less electron flow than thicker 1ines.The question mark
above cytochrome c,n552 indicates the uncertainty of whether electrons are delivered to this enzyme directly fioni
H A 0 or via cytochrome cSs4(Klotz and Stein, 2008). Similarly, the question mark in the middle of NcgA, NcgBC,
and NirK indicates that order of electron transfer among these proteins remains uncharacterized. NorCB, nitric
oxide reductase; Ncg, products of nirK cluster genes; Q, quinone.

have been isolated from many heterotrophic H A 0 to cytochrome c and then to the ubi-
nitrifiers, but so far only the enzyme charac- quinone pool for generation of proton motive
terized from an anaerobic ammonia oxidation force and continued oxidation of ammonia
(anammox) enrichment was found to share (Klotz et al., 2008; Klotz and Stein, 2008) (Fig.
similar features with purified H A 0 from the 1) (see Chapter 4 for details).This module is
AOR N.euvopaea (Schalk et al., 2000) (Table central to the chemolithotrophic lifestyle of
1). Two additional types of apparent hydrox- these organisms.There is no evidence that the
ylamine-oxidizing enzymes aside from H A 0 putative non-heme hydroxylainine-oxidizing
and cytochrome P460 have been isolated from enzymes from heterotrophic microorganisms
heterotrophic nitrifiers, the most common of participate in hydroxylamine/hydrazine-ubi-
which is a small (ca. 20-kDa), monomeric, quinone redox module; however, cytochrome
0,-requiring, non-heme iron enzyme (Table c was the most frequently reported native elec-
1). A completely different type of putative tron acceptor of these enzymes (Table 1).
hydroxylamine-oxidizing enzyme was isolated All of the heterotrophic nitrifjing bacteria
from Pseudomonas sp. strain PB16 (Jetten et al., from which hydroxylamine-oxidizing enzymes
1997a) but has not yet been identified in other have been isolated are also aerobic denitrifiers,
isolates. Together, hydroxylamine-oxidizing aside from Arthrobactev globifovmis. In a model
enzymes differentiate into four distinct classes, based on physiological data from I? pantotro-
but only H A 0 and cytochrome P460 have phus GB17, the diversion of electrons from
characterized biochemical, genetic, and physi- cytochrome c to the denitrification pathway
ological properties. relieved an electron flow bottleneck between
The anammox and AOB multi-heme H A 0 Complexes I11 and IV that occurred upon a
enzymes are central components of the hydrox- decrease in 0, availability (Fig. 2) (Robertson
ylamine/hydrazine-ubiquinone redox module et al., 1988; Wehrfritz et al., 1993). Further-
that allows efficient transfer of electrons from more, in the presence of both nitrate and 0,

i \


i AMO? QH,

FIGURE 2 Putative pathway for heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification in I? pantotrophus
GB17 (based on model by Stouthammer et al., 1997). Electron carriers between the putative hydroxylamine
oxidase enzyme and members of the denitrification pathway remain uncharacterized. AMO, putative ammonia
monooxygenase; HO, putative hydroxylamine oxidase; NorCB, nitric oxide reductase; NA!?, periplasmic nitrate
reductase; Q, quinone.

as electron acceptors, l? pantotrophus GB17 had an electron flow bottleneck between Com-
circa four times the growth rate than with plexes I11 and IV, thus allowing faster hydrox-
either electron acceptor alone (Robertson and ylamine oxidation and electron flow to the
Kuenen, 1990). Oxidation of ammonia by l? quinone pool for ATP and reductant genera-
puntotrophus GB17 had the additional effect tion (Cantera and Stein, 2007a). In a general
of reoxidizing NAD(P)H under low oxygen view, then, both heterotrophic and chemoli-
conditions. Together, the data indicated that thotrophic nitrifiers and aerobic denitrifiers
SND stimulated the growth rate, but lowered apparently use denitrification simultaneously
the growth yield, of l? pantotrophus GB17 at with oxygen respiration to facilitate electron
low oxygen tension (Robertson et al., 1988; flow and maximize aerobic growth. However,
Robertson and Kuenen, 1990). This strategy as with most generalizations, exceptions or
of simultaneous nitrate and oxygen reduction modifications to these pathways are likely as
to maximize respiration under hypoxic condi- they are based on published studies in a small
tions is also used in the mitochondria of the handful of model organisms.We already know
fungus Fusari~moxysporum (Takaya et al., 2003) from comparing genome sequences of closely
(Fig. 3 ) . related AOB that pathway inventories, gene
Intriguingly, nitrifier denitrification by N. environments, regulatory features, and levels
europuea is similar to SND in that a trickle of protein sequence identity can be quite
of electrons to denitrifying enzymes during diverse (see Chapter 4).
ammonia oxidation can speed hydroxylamine Unlike the organisms discussed thus far,
oxidation and thus increase the rate of cell several heterotrophic nitrifiers have distinct
growth by 10% to 20% (Fig. 1) (Beaumont enzymology from AOB and oxidize substrates
et al., 2002; I. Schmidt et al., 2004; Cantera other than ammonia to produce nitrite and/
and Stein, 2007a). O n the basis of these obser- or nitrate. Enzymes that oxidize organic N to
vations, the activity of denitrifiing enzymes nitrite have been purified from bacteria and
in N. euvopaea likely also function to relieve fungi. For example, pyruvic oxime dioxy-

a? ‘r\
,f ‘

space \I . f \

v, UQH, “3 -/,I
UQ /
Ill IV /,
% 0,



2H’ NO,- NO,- 2NO+NADH+

FIGURE 3 Pathway for hybrid respiration of oxygen and nitrate in E oxyrporum. Denitrification is linked
to formate oxidation in the mitochrondria as per the model presented by Takaya et al. (2003). FDH, formate
dehydrogenase; Nar, nitrate reductase; P450nor, nitric oxide reductase.

genase, a non-heme iron enzyme that requires endogenous respiration, perhaps as a source of
molecular oxygen, was isolated from the het- maintenance energy.
erotrophic nitrifier Alcalkenes fueculis (On0 The oxidation of nitrite to nitrate, the
et al., 1999). Although this enzyme was acti- second half of the classical nitrification process,
vated by hydroxylamine, it was not capable of is generally performed by nitrite-oxidizing
directly oxidizing hydroxylamine to nitrite. chemolithotrophs typified by the genera Nitro-
Several Pseudomouas spp. isolated from mam- bacter and Nitrospira. The central enzyme for
malian intestines were shown to oxidize both nitrite oxidation by these bacteria is nitrite
acetohydroxamate and hydroxylamine to oxidoreductase (see Chapter 11). In contrast
nitrite, although enzymes were not purified to the chemolithotrophs, the heterotrophic
from these bacteria (Ralt et al., 1981). The nitrite-oxidizers appear to predominantly use
fungus AspeTillusJavus has long been a favored catalase enzymes. A nitrite-oxidizing catalase
model organism for the study of heterotro- was purified from the fungi A..fEavus (Molina
phic nitrification and is especially relevant to and Alexander, 1972) and Candida rugossa I F 0
nitrate production in acidic coniferous forest 0591 (Sakai et al., 1988) and from the firmicute
soils (Kdlham, 1986). Studies have shown that Bacillus budius 1-73 (Sakai et al., 2000). Based
nitrate is produced readily by A.$avur from the on similar isolation methods and physiological
oxidation of organics like aspartate (Van Goo1 characteristics, it is most likely that catalase was
and Schmidt, 1973) and peptone (White and the active enzyme in other nitrite-oxidizing
Johnson, 1982), but only when the preferred fungi (Tachiki et al., 1988) and heterotrophic
carbon and energy source for the fungus has bacteria (Sakai et al., 1996) isolated at the same
been depleted. Thus, it was concluded from time as C. mpsu and B. budius, respectively. It
these stuches that nitrification by A.jluvus is an was suggested in these studies that nitrite was

detoxified by catalase and that the activity was was incapable of using nitrite as an electron
fortuitous. acceptor (I. Schmidt et al., 2004), and NirK
was implicated in reducing nitrite to nitric
Genetics oxide to maintain redox balance under low-
Aside from the biochemical and physiological oxygen tensions by the nitrite oxidizer Nitro-
approaches described above, the construc- bacter winogradskyi Nb-255 (Starkenburg et al.,
tion of gene knock-out mutants has been 2008). These results offer additional insights
another useful approach for reconstructing into the tight coupling between nitrification
pathways for heterotrophic nitrification. The and denitrification (i.e., SND) processes in
functionality and physical linkage of AMO- diverse microorganisms.
and hydroxylamine oxidase-encoding genes Beyond this small handful of genes, no
was demonstrated in l? pantotrophus GB17 by other studies have implicated additional inven-
expressing both genes from a single genomic tory involved in heterotrophic nitrification
clone in a heterologous host (Crossman et al., pathways. Thus, either the genetic inventory
1997). Also, the presence of an arnoA homo- required for this process is small or several
logue in Pseudornonas putida DSMZ-1088-260 more genes have yet to be discovered. In par-
was detected by DNA hybridization to an ticular, additional observations of bona fide
amoA probe from the AOB, A? europaea (Daum A M 0 and hydroxylamine-oxidizing enzymes
et al., 1998). Unfortunately, further analysis are required to fully understand the nature,
of genes encoding A M 0 and hydroxylamine evolutionary history, and physiological signifi-
oxidases from heterotrophic bacteria has not cance of heterotrophic nitrification.
been continued, and the ability of most model
strains to nitrify has apparently been lost. Diversity of Heterotrophic Nitrifiers
Aside from ammonia- and hydroxylamine- A number of bacteria and eukaryotes (mostly
oxidizing enzymes, products of denitrifica- fungi) capable of heterotrophic nitrification
tion genes have been characterized as essential have been isolated from a number of environ-
participants for the heterotrophic nitrification ments. General characteristics of several isolates
pathway. For instance, screening a transposon are listed in Table 2. As discussed above, the
mutant library of Pseudomonas sp. strain M19 enzymology and genes for heterotrophic nitri-
revealed the requirement of the nitrate reduc- fication are &verse and still somewhat myste-
tase genes narH, nag, and rnoaE for nitrite and rious as only a few examples of enzymes and
nitrate production from peptone and, to a lesser genes have been experimentally scrutinized.
extent, ammonium (Nemergut and Schmidt, Interestingly, long-term maintenance of the
2002). An iron-containing nitrite reductase model heterotrophic nitrifier, l? pantotrophus
(NirS)-deficient mutant of Burkholderia cepacia GB17, caused a gradual loss of its heterotro-
NH-17 was unable to oxidize nitrite to nitrate phic nitrifying activity (Stouthammer et al.,
or reduce nitrite to nitric oxide (Matsuzaka 1997).Thus, specific environmental conditions
et al., 2003). Although a similar role of the are obviously required to maintain this activity,
copper-containing nitrite reductase (NirK) especially since nitrification merely bolsters,
has not been demonstrated for heterotrophic but is not essential to, metabolic productivity
nitrification, NirK participates in aerobic of this organism. Today, I! pantotrophus GB17
denitrification in the majority of heterotro- is a model organism for the study of lithotro-
phic nitrifier model organisms (Robertson et phic sulfur oxidation (Friedrich et al., 2001)
al., 1989) and is also the nitrite reductase that rather than for heterotrophic nitrification. A
participates in aerobic denitrification by fungi similar observation was made with soil fungi
(Kim et al., 2009). Similarly, a NirK-deficient in that they lost their ability to nitrify when
mutant of the ammonia-oxidizer N. europaea inoculated into sterile soils (Schmidt, 1973). It

TABLE 2 Characteristics of select heterotrophic nitrifying microorganisms

Organism Substrates identified in Environment References
Pseudomonas chlororaphis NH,OH, Yes ND River clay Castignetti et al., 1984
ATCC 13985 pyruvic
Ppputida DSMZ-1088- Ammonia, Yes amoA Forest soil Daum et a]., 1998
260 NH,OH,
Pseudomouas sp. strain Peptone, Yes Nitrate reductase Tundra soil Nemergut and Schmidt,
M19 ammonia 2002
Pseudomonas sp. strain NH,OH Yes HA0 Soil Robertson et al., 1989;
PB16 Jetten et al., 1997a
Pseudomonas sp. strain NH,OH Yes Hydroxylaniine Soil Wehrfritz et al., 1997
S2.14 oxidase
Moraxella sp. strain S2.18 NH,OH No ND Soil Wehrfritz et al., 1997
M . capsulatus Bath Ammonia, Yes MMO, cyt P460, Roman Baths Berginann et al., 1998;
NH,OH HA0 Lieberman and
Rosenzweig, 2004

A..faecalis TUD NH,OH, Yes Pyruvic oxime Soil On0 et al., 1999; Otte et al.,
pyruvic dioxygenase 1999
A.Jaecalis No. 4 Ammonia, Yes ND Sewage sludge Joo et al., 2005
Diaphorobacter Ammonia Yes ND Activated Anshuman et al., 2007
nitroreducens biomass
B . cepacia NH-17 Nitrite Yes nirS Sod Matsuzaka et al., 2003

Ppantotrophus GB17 Ammonia, Yes AMO, H A 0 Wastewater Robertson et al., 1988;
NH,OH Wehrfritz et al., 1993;
Moir et al., 1996b, 1996a

B. badius 1-73 Nitrite No Catalase Activated Sakai et al., 2000
Bacillus sp. strain LY Ammonia Yes ND Memb. Lin et al., 2004
Bacillus strain MS30 Ammonia, Yes ND Hydrothermal Mi-vel and Prieur, 2000
acetate vent

A. Xlob$ormi.y I F 0 3062 Ammonia, No Hydroxylamine Sewage Verstraete and Alexander,
NH,OH oxidase 1972; Kurokawa et al.,
Arthrobacter sp. strain NH,OH No ND Soil Wehrfritz et 31.. 1997

A.Jlavus NH,OH, No Catalase Cotton seed Molina and Alexander,
nitrite, 1972;%n Goo1 and
organics Schmidt, 1973

TABLE 2 [Continued)
Organism Substrates identified in Environment References
A..flavus ATCC 26214 Anmionia, No ND Acidic forest Schiiiiel et as., 1984
peptone soil
C. rugosa Nitrite No CataSase Soil Sakai et al., 1988
Absidia cylindrospora Anmionia, No ND Acidic forest Stroo et al., 1986
organics soil

Ankistrodesmus braunii NH,OH, No Catalase Eutrophic lake Spiller et al., 1976
“VerificationofAMO and hydroxylamine oxidase genes and/or enzymes from heterotrophic bacteria is required to adequately c o n -
pare to those found in chemolithotrophic AOB. ND, not determined.

is unclear whether nitrifjiing activity is equally single time-point snapshots of activity and/or
fickle in other isolates, or whether cultivation diversity profiles in one to a small handful of
itself causes instability of this phenotype. The samples. Furthermore, since the heterotrophic
ability of organisms to easily lose their ability pathways are diverse and largely uncharacter-
to nitrify is an important issue to resolve to ized relative to those in chemolithotroplis, the
fully understand ecological implications for application of most methods, especially inhib-
heterotrophic nitrifjiing activity. itors, is not an exact science. Some complica-
tions of these methods are briefly summarized
Measuring Heterotrophic versus in Table 3.
Chemolithotrophic Nitrification Although we are a long way from having
Both the stability and the relative strength of a definitive understanding of how and when
heterotrophic nitrification depend on par- heterotrophic nitrification is active in complex
ticular environmental conditions. Several environments like soils, engineered environ-
methods have been used over the years to dis- ments may yield answers more quickly as pro-
criminate nitrifjiing activity between chemo- cesses like SND are consciously encouraged
lithotrophs and heterotrophs, with varying by altering environmental parameters (see
degrees of success (Table 3) (for review, see De Chapter 16).The one soil environment where
Boer and Kowalchuk, 2001). One issue with heterotrophic nitrification is consistently
in situ activity measurements is that, unlike favored over chemolithotrophic nitrification
with pure culture experiments, the condi- is acidic coniferous forest soils, and the active
tions in soils and other environments do not organisms are predominantly nitrifying fungi
normally favor readily measureable (i.e., rapid) (Schimel et al., 1984; Killham, 1986; Jordan
rates of heterotrophic nitrification. Limita- et al., 2005). The most compelling arguments
tions in the amount or accessibility of nitro- made for the success of fungal over chemoli-
genous substrate, carbon-to-nitrogen ratios, thotrophic nitrifiers in these particular soils is
or variations in physicochemical parameters that fungi are not inhibited by low pH, there is
(e.g., temperature, moisture, oxygen content, an abundance of organic N for fungi to nitrify
pH, etc.) all influence measurements of bulk and carbon to metabolize, and the fungal bio-
nitrification and greatly complicate discrinii- mass in these soils is absolutely massive rela-
nation between the pathways that contribute tive to that of chemolithotrophic bacteria (and
to it. Environments are quite variable, and archaea) (Killham, 1986). Conversely, acidic
the majority of microbial ecology studies are soils not within coniferous forests sometimes

TABLE 3 Methods to discriminate between heterotrophic and chemolithotrophic nitrifiers

Name Type of detection Target organism Problems Select references
Most probable Enumeration Determined by media Media is selective Papen and von Berg,
number 1998
Nitrapyrin Selective inhibition AOB Some soils bind to and/or Goring, 1962
remove it
Acetylene Selective inhibition AOB (at low levels) Can be degraded over Hynes and Knowles,
time, and not equally 1982;Wrage et al.,
effective on all AOB 2004
Chlorate Selective inhibition Nitrite oxidizers Negative effects on AOB Belser and Mays, 1980
and other microbes
Cycloheximide Selective inhibition Fungi (eukaryotes) Negative effects on AOB Schiniel et al., 1984
and easily degraded
Gamma irradiation Selective inhibition All organisms Over sterilization/ Ishaque and Cornfield,
recovery of population 1976
lSNpool dilution Activity AOB Cannot account for NH, Barraclough and Puri,
oxidation by 1995
heterotrophs; bias
towards 14Nuptake
Substrate amendment Activity Fungi or AOB Indirect; substrate is Killhani, 1986

show AOB (Kdlham, 1986; De Boer and Kow- pathway, (ii) a mechanism to out-compete
alchuk, 2001) or Thaumarchaea (Nicol et al., nitrite oxidizers for oxygen, or (iii) a detoxi-
2008) as the dominant A M 0 containing (ergo, fication mechanism to rid the cell of excess
ammonia-oxidizing) phylotypes. Thus, no nitrite. However, as alluded to in the above
single environmental parameter can be used description of heterotrophic nitrification,
to accurately predict whether heterotrophic recent studies have also suggested that at least
or chemolithotrophic nitrifiers dominate any in N. europaea, nitrifier denitrification func-
particular environment, or when heterotrophic tions as an electron sink from the cytochrome
nitrification will be a significant contributor to pool to speed the oxidation of hydroxylamine
bulk nitrification rates. during aerobic metabolism (Fig. 1) (Cantera
and Stein, 2007a), analogous to aerobic deni-
NITRIFIER DENITRIFICATION trification in heterotrophic bacteria (Fig. 2)
Nitrifier denitrification, the reduction of and fungi (Fig. 3).Although N. europaea and N.
nitrite to nitrous oxide via nitric oxide, was eutropka use nitrifier denitrification enzymes
originally characterized in the AOB and dif- to grow anaerobically by coupling the reduc-
fers most significantly from “classical” deni- tion of nitrite to the oxidation of ammonia,
trification in that it is not coupled to the hydrogen, and organic carbon (Bock, 1995;
oxidation of organic carbon. Furthermore, this Schmidt and Bock, 1997; Schmidt et al., 2004;
pathway operates under aerobic conditions Schmidt, 2009), anaerobic respiration has not
during ammonia oxidation but is enhanced been confirmed for any other AOB genus.
under microaerobic conditions (Goreau et al., The only other nonheterotrophic microbes
1980; Lipschultz et al., 1981) and is required known to perform both nitrification and
for growth of some nitrosomonads under nitrifier denitrification are the methanotrophs,
anaerobic conditions (Bock, 1995; Schmidt again highlighting the functional similarities
et al., 2004; Schmidt, 2009). Early on, nitri- between these two bacterial groups (Yoshi-
fier denitrification was speculated to func- nari, 1984; Mandernack et al., 2000; Sutka
tion primarily as (i) an anaerobic respiratory et al., 2003; Nyerges, 2008). Currently, there

is no evidence for nitrifier denitrification by tions of N. euuopaea in the same fractions as

ammonia-oxidizing Thaumarchaea. hydroxylaniine oxidase activity (Hooper, 1968;
Nitrifier denitrification has been the sub- Ritchie and Nicholas, 1974).Therefore, these
ject of several review articles because of its studies suggested a linkage between enzymes
significance to the global nitrous oxide budget in the ammonia-oxidation pathway to those
(Jetten et al., 1997b; Colliver and Stephenson, in the nitrifier denitrification pathway. Later
2000; Wrage et al., 2001; Arp and Stein, 2003; studies of N. europaea protein extracts linked a
Stein andYung, 2003; Klotz and Stein, 2008). weak nitrite reductase activity to cytochrome
Yet, the genetics and enzymology of the c oxidase activity (Dispirit0 et al., 1985;Miller
pathway are still poorly understood, largely and Nicholas, 1985). Further characterization
due to the dearth of physiological studies of these fractions showed the presence of blue-
beyond Nitrosomonas spp. For example, physi- copper proteins, although it was fairly evident
ological studies have verified that Nitvosospira that the nitrite reductase and cytochronie c
spp. produce nitrous oxide &om the reduction oxidase components had different physical
of nitrite (Dundee and Hopkins, 2001; Shaw properties (for review, see Arp and Stein, 2003).
et al., 2005), but differences in the structure It was not until completion of the N.europaea
and local environment of denitrification genes genome sequence that the linkage between
in Nitrosospira multijormis relative to N. euro- two copper enzymes, a Pan1 niulticopper
paea and N. eutropha suggest that the two AOB oxidase (i.e., the cytochrome c oxidase coni-
genera acquired the genes from different lateral ponent) and a NirK nitrite reductase, became
transfer events (Norton et al., 2008). In addi- clear and that the early biochemical studies had
tion, nitrous oxide is produced readily from actually identified two distinct enzymes.
hydroxylaniine oxidation in addition to nitrite The nitric oxide reductase activity of N.
reduction in both AOB (Fig. 4) and metha- euvopaea was not initially characterized bio-
notrophs (Whittaker et al., 2000; Sutka et al., chemically, but rather was observed through
2003; Cantera and Stein, 2007a), greatly com- numerous physiological and environmental
plicating genetic and enzymatic isolation of studies of nitrous oxide production by N. euvo-
the nitrite reduction pathway alone. paea and other AOB (for reviews, see Wrage
et al., 2001, and Arp and Stein, 2003). The
Biochemistry electron transfer components of the nitrifier
There are two main activities in the nitri- denitrification pathway were also not resolved
fier denitrification pathway: the reduction of biochemically and remain somewhat specu-
nitrite to nitric oxide via nitrite reductase and lative; however, genetic studies in N. europaea
the reduction of nitric oxide to nitrous oxide have started to c l a r i ~our view of the full
via nitric oxide reductase (Fig. 4). Evidence pathway, at least for this organism.
from anaerobically grown Nitrosomonas impli-
cates NirK and NorB as the sole reductases Genetics
in the nitrifier denitrification pathway, while The two best characterized genes in the nitri-
other enzymes likely play roles in nitrous oxide fier denitrification pathway are the copper-
production from hydroxylamine (I. Schmidt et containing nitrite reductase, NirK, and the
al., 2004; Beyer et al., 2008). Only Nitrosomonas membrane-bound nitric oxide reductase
spp. have been directly observed to produce NorB (encoded by norCBQD). A diversity of
dinitrogen as an end product of nitrifier deni- both nirK and norB genes has been detected
trification (Poth, 1986; Shrestha et al., 2002; in numerous AOB species by P C R and
I. Schmidt et al., 2004) even though homo- sequencing analysis (Casciotti and Ward, 2001 ;
logues to nitrous oxide reductase are absent Casciotti and Ward, 2005; Cantera and Stein,
from their genomes. Nitrite reductase activity 2007b; Garbeva et al., 2007), but direct testing
was first observed in partial protein purifica- of nirK and norB function in the AOB has

FIGURE 4 Two pathways for nitrous oxide production in N. europaea: hydroxylamine oxidation pathway and
nitrifier denitrification pathway. Lightly shaded enzymes indicate reductases, and darkly shaded enzymes indicate
oxidative processes. CytL, cytochrome P460; NorB, nitric oxide reductase implicated in denitrification pathway;
NOR, generic nitric oxide reductase (descriptive of multiple enzymes in N. europaea).

only been accomplished thus far in N. europaea the nirK operon in N. europaea occurred in a
ATCC 19718. The blue-copper cytochrome c nitrite-dependent fashion, suggesting a role in
oxidase that has been purified, crystallized, and tolerance to nitrite toxicity (Beaumont et al.,
characterized (Lawton et al., 2009) is encoded 2004a) .The phenotype of aerobically grown N.
by the first gene, ngA, in the nirK gene cluster; europaea with a disrupted nirK gene showed a
ngABC-nirK (nirK cluster genes [ncg]).The marked increase in both nitrous oxide produc-
two middle genes, ngBC, are small mono- and tion and sensitivity to nitrite (Beaumont et al.,
di-heme cytochrome c proteins, respectively. 2002). Further analysis of this NirK-deficient
Although unusual, this particular operonic mutant revealed that the increase in nitrous
combination of genes with nirK has been oxide production was from the oxidation of
found in the Nitrosomonas spp. and in members hydroxylamine (Fig. 4) that likely accumulated
of the nitrite-oxidizing genus Nitrobacter (Can- due to the slower activity of H A 0 relative to
tera and Stein, 2007b), organisms that form that of A M 0 (Cantera and Stein, 2007a).This
tight physical associations in the environment result not only validated the original observa-
(Mobarry et al., 1996). The translated nirK tion of a functional linkage between H A 0 and
genes from these organisms form a dstinct nitrite reductase (via uncharacterized electron
phylogenetic branch with few members, sug- donors), as described above, but also suggested
gesting a unique evolutionary origin relative that NirK assists in the aerobic ammonia oxi-
to the majority of other nirK genes (Cantera dation pathway by relieving an electron flow
and Stein, 2007b).The majority of known nirK bottleneck between Complexes I11 and IV as
operons are also preceded by genes encoding described above for heterotrophic nitrification
the nitrite-regulated repressor, NsrR, and a and aerobic denitrification.
conserved binding motif for this repressor is Phenotypic analysis of nqA, ngB, and ngC
in the region upstream of the operon (Can- mutants showed that the four members of
tera and Stein, 2007b). Indeed, derepression of the nirK operon work together. Disruption

of these genes caused polar effects, such that been identified in the AOB (Stein et al., 2007)
genes downstream of the disruption were also that are likely active under aerobic conditions
not expressed. Both the n q A mutant (where (Fig. 4). Incidentally, both NirK and NorB
none of the genes were expressed) and a nirK- were shown to be essential to anaerobic respi-
Complemented n q A mutant (where only nirK ration of nitrite by N euuopaea, indicating that
was expressed) had the same phenotype as the they are indeed both critical members of the
nirK mutant, verifying that the gene products nitrifier denitrification pathway (I. Schmidt et
of the operon interact (Beaumont et al., 2005). al., 2004; Beyer et al., 2009).
The phenotypes of n q B (expression of n q A
only) and nqC (expression of ngA and ngB) Discrimination of Nitrous Oxide
mutants also matched that of the nirK mutant, Produced by Nitrification versus
again suggesting that the products of the genes Denitrification
necessarily interact with NirK. However, nirK- AOB can produce nitrous oxide by two dif-
complemented n q B (expression of nqA and ferent pathways, hydroxylamine oxidation or
nirK) or nqC (expression of nqA, r q B , and nitrifier denitrification (Fig. 4). In pure culture
nirK) mutants created significant toxic effects studies, hydroxylamine oxidation to nitrous
to the cell during growth on ammonia, indi- oxide is generally favored under high oxygen,
cating that the products of the nqBC genes whereas nitrifier denitrification is favored
must operate together with NcgA and NirK to under low or no oxygen (Dundee and Hop-
prevent the accumulation of reactive nitrogen kins, 2001;Wrage et al., 2004), although both
species. Either cupredoxins (Murphy et al., occur with some oxygen present. Because
2002) or cytochromes c (Nojiri et al., 2009) nitrous oxide is formed readily by nitrification,
can donate electrons to NirK enzymes. Thus, nitrifier denitrification, aerobic denitrifica-
either NcgA or NcgB/C is the likely elec- tion, and classical anaerobic denitrification in
tron donor to NirK as an artery from the the environment, tools to quantify the relative
cytochrome c pool (Fig. 1).This hypothetical strengths of each pathway have become vital to
positioning of gene products in the nitrifier complete our understanding of how, why, and
denitrification pathway remains speculative where nitrous oxide is produced.
as direct protein-protein interactions have yet The technical breakthrough to discriminate
to be tested. Both the structure and genomic nitrous oxide production from nitrification,
context of nirK and norB genes in other AOB, nitrifier denitrification, and denitrification was
like Nitrosospira and Nitrosococcus,are quite dif- the detection of indmidual nitrous oxide isoto-
ferent from that in N. europaea and N. eutuopha pomers using isotope ratio mass spectroscopy
(Klotz et al., 2006; Norton et al., 2008), sug- (Casciotti et al., 2003; Sutka et al., 2003,2006;
gesting that nitrifier denitrification operates on Shaw et al., 2005). The formation of nitrous
different principles in these organisms. How- oxide by nitric oxide reductase requires two
ever, N. multijormis does produce nitrous oxide nitric oxide molecules. It was observed that
via a nitrifier denitrification pathway (Shaw et the site preference for "N in the alpha or beta
al., 2005) and awaits further physiological and position relative to the 0 atom in nitrous oxide
genetic analysis. (NPNaO) depends on the catalytic mechanism
Disruption of the nitric oxide reductase of nitric oxide reductase (for review, see Stein
gene norB showed that production of nitrous andYung,2003; for comment, see H. L. Schmidt
oxide in N. europaea is not reliant on this et al., 2004). Sutka et al. (2006) showed that the
enzyme alone as NorB-deficient cells pro- 6"N of nitrous oxide produced from hydroxy-
duced the same amount of nitrous oxide as the amine oxidation was significantly more positive
wild type during ammonia oxidation (Beau- than that &om nitrifier denitrification or deni-
mont et al., 2004b). Indeed, additional puta- trification. Furthermore, this study found that
tive nitric oxide reductases, such as NorS, have the site preference of I5N in nitrous oxide was

significantly different during nitrifier denitri- bination with other molecular and microbio-
fication by AOB versus denitrification by two logical techniques, have enabled more precise
species of Pseudomona. Therefore, both overall estimations of nitrous oxide sources than any
6I5N values in conjunction with variation in preceding methodology.
15N placement in nitrous oxide are extraordi-
narily powerful measurements that can separate PERSPECTIVES
and quanti$ the relative contributions of each This chapter has touched on largely under-
process to nitrous oxide flux fiom ecosystems. studied, but highly significant, processes of
The isotopic signature of oxygen has also been inorganic nitrogen metabolism (heterotrophic
used in combination with 615N values to l s - nitrification and nitrifier [and aerobic] denitri-
criminate sources of nitrous oxide, although fication) that impact the global nitrogen cycle.
caution must be used as 0 exchange between Many of the stules cited in this chapter sug-
H,O and N-oxide intermediates happens gest that these processes are strongly influenced
readily and can obscure metabolically derived by the availability of carbon, nitrogen, and
isotopic signatures (Kool et al., 2009). It should oxygen in the environment. As soil moisture
be noted, however, that since the extent of 0 largely controls oxygen availability, it too plays
exchange can be quantified in both nitrifica- a major role in governing the rates of hetero-
tion and denitrification processes, dual isotopic trophic nitrification and nitrifier (and aerobic)
signatures are currently the most useful l s - denitrification as well as other physicochen-
criminatory measurement. ical parameters like temperature and salinity.
Isotopomer discrimination techniques are Continued anthropogenic perturbation of the
being applied more frequently and have veri- N cycle accelerates these aerobic processes as
fied significant contributions of nitrification increasing N availability feeds directly into
to nitrous oxide production, particularly in both nitrification and aerobic denitrification
marine (Charpentier et al., 2007;Yamagishi et pathways. This acceleration is measured by the
al., 2007) and soil (Perez et al., 2006; Well et increasing amounts of nitrous oxide arising
al., 2006, 2008) environments. These findings from marine and terrestrial ecosystems along
were somewhat surprising as denitrification with increased nitrate pollution and eutrophi-
via carbon respiration is typically thought of as cation. Indeed, the aerobic part of the N cycle
the primary biological source of nitrous oxide. is so far out of balance that it is considered
Nevertheless, studies are now confirming that a tell-tale feature of the Anthropocene epoch,
nitrification and nitrifier denitrification can in which human activities predominantly
emit similar or greater amounts of nitrous drive environmental change (Rockstrom et al.,
oxide than anaerobic denitrification, especially 2009). O n a more positive note, the ability of
from N-impacted, well-oxygenated ecosys- many heterotrophic and autotrophic nitrifiers
tems. As a caveat, a recent study showed that to simultaneously denitrify is being harnessed
oxygen- and formate-dependent fungal deni- for more efficient N-removal strategies in
trification contributes a significant proportion N-impacted industrial systems like wastewater
of nitrous oxide emissions from N-impacted (Schmidt et al., 2003).
aerated soils (Ma et al., 2008), and the contri- Given the ability of AOB, methanotrophs,
bution of bacterial aerobic denitrifiers is as yet and some heterotrophs to generate nitrous
unquantified. Furthermore, small dfferences oxide by both nitrification and aerobic deni-
in A M 0 enzymes were shown to change the trification, it is imperative to determine the
615N value of N,O from lfferent isolates of genetic and physiological diversity behind
AOB (Casciotti et al., 2003). Thus, discreet these pathways in ecologically relevant species
quantification of individual nitrous oxide if we ever hope to control nitrous oxide sources
sources remains an arduous undertaking, yet to the atmosphere. The literature is particu-
isotopic measurements, particularly in com- larly sparse on the genetics and enzymology of

nitrifying heterotrophs, particularly the nature denitrification, and aerobic denitrification

of ammonia- and hydroxylamine-oxidizing are essential if we are to manage, and perhaps
enzymes. Furthermore, differences in genomic mitigate, detrimental effects of anthropogenic
inventories and gene environments strongly nitrogen saturation.
indicate that microorganisms, even closely
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Hidetoshi Urakawa, Willm Martens-Habbena, David A. Stahl

INTRODUCTION that it will grow under extreme ammonia lim-

The oxidation of ammonia to nitrite by auto- itation characteristic of most marine systems,
trophic microorganisms was long thought growing exponentially until total aniiiionia is
mediated by a few restricted groups of Bacteria. depleted to below 10 nM (Martens-Habbena
The recent discovery of ammonia-oxidizing et al., 2009).This exceptionally high-ammonia
Avckaea (AOA) of apparent great abundance affinity is fully consistent with the observed
in both marine and terrestrial environments high abundance of Cvenuvchaeotu in nutrient-
necessitates a reevaluation of microbial con- depleted ocean waters (Massana et al., 1997;
trol of the nitrogen cycle, which will require Karner et al., 2001; Mincer et al., 2007;Varela et
a deeper understanding of the ecophysiology al., 2008). Thus, the now recognized genomic
of the AOA and their relationship to the better and physiological features of SCMl make this
characterized ammonia-oxidizing bacteria strain an excellent model organism to study
(AOB) (Schleper et al., 2005; Leininger et al., principles of the ecology, physiology, bio-
2006; Prosser and Nicol, 2008). The recent chemistry, and genetics of these ubiquitous and
description of a first nitrifjring archaeon, Nitro- newly recognized participants in the nitrogen
s o p m i l u s maritimus strain SCMl (Konneke et cycle. Insights into the genetics and physiology
al., 2005), opened up the possibility for a much of mesophilic Crenarchaeotu by investigation
more detailed characterization of a represen- of strain SCMl and environiiiental genomic
tative of these widespread microorganisms. studies should also further facilitate the isola-
The genome sequence of SCMl shares highly tion of additional strains, as needed to illumi-
similar gene content and gene organization nate in more detail the physiological diversity
with marine planktonic Crenurckueotu identi- of these organisms.
fied through 16s ribosomal R N A (DeLong Strain SCMl is affiliated with the Group
et al., 1992,1994; Fuhrman et al., 1992,1993) I Cvelzarckaeota, one of the most abundant
and metagenomic analyses (B6ji et al., 2002; clades of marine bacterioplankton (Fig. 1)
Venter et al., 2004). Furthermore, initial physi- (Karner et al., 2001; Giovannoni and Stingl,
ological characterization of SCMl has shown 2005; Mincer et al., 2007;Varela et al., 2008).
Metagenomic surveys first hinted at the pres-
Hidetoshi Urakawa,Willm Martens-Hahbena,and David A . Stahl,
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Uni- ence of archaeal ammonia oxidizers (Schleper
versity ofwashington, Seattle,WA 98195-5014. et al., 2005;Treusch et al., 2005), and extensive
Nitrification, Edited by Rcss B.Ward, Danicl J.Arp, and Martin G. Klotz
0 201 1 ASM Press,Washington,IIC

118 U R A K A W A ETAL.

(Nitrosopumilosmaritimus. Cenarchaeurnsymbiosum)

I pSL12 group


Marine benthic group A I ALOHA group

Marine be'nthic group B

I / Group I. 3
- 7 H W C G I I

Cultured thermophiles




FIGURE 1 Phylogenetic tree of Crenarchaeota based on 16s r R N A sequences (more than 800 bp, 4 0 0
sequences). Clades containing recognized canddate species and enrichment cultures are shown in black. Clades
containing environmental clones potentially linking to ammonia oxidation are shown in gray. SAGMCG I, South
African Gold Mine Crenarchaeotic Group I; HWCG, Hot Water Crenarchaeotic Group. Crenarchaeota Group
is known as marine group I Crenarchaeota, and Group is known as soil Crenarchaeota.

environmental surveys using PCR to quantifj tats (Francis et al., 2005). It was speculated that
and compare genes coding for one subunit of Archaea may often be more significant contrib-
a putative archaeal ammonia monooxygenase utors to nitrification than the better described
(amd)suggested the capacity for ammonia bacterial ammonia oxidizers (Leininger et al.,
oxidation is widely lstributed within the 2006; Prosser and Nicol, 2008). However, indi-
Group I clade and other crenarchaeal clades cations of a role in nitrification are as yet almost
identified in both terrestrial and aquatic habi- entirely based on molecular profiling, and their

quantitative contribution to ammonia oxida- example, although the genome sequence indi-
tion still remains unclear (Prosser and Nicol, cated a capacity for ammonia oxidation, this
2008;Jia and Conrad, 2009). inference has yet to be substantiated.Thus, the
Following the isolation of strain SCMl availability of AOA pure cultures provides the
from a tropical marine aquarium (Konneke first direct associations between gene presence,
et al., 2005), additional enrichment cultures gene expression, and activity. In addition to
have been reported from geothermal environ- affording material for biochemical, genetic, and
ments (de la Torre et al., 2008; Hatzenpichler physiological characterization,it offers a frame-
et al., 2008). Cultivated ammonia-oxidizing work for developing and testing hypotheses
Crenarchaeota have now been described for about AOA ecology and that of their uncul-
three major clades, marine group (Group, tivated relatives. It would be most surprising
soil group (Group Lib), and thermophilic if all members of crenarchaeal clades having
group (Hot Water Crenarchaeotic Group I11 ammonia-oxidizing affiliates were restricted to
[HWCG 1111) (Fig. l), spanning tremendous an autotrophic lifestyle, using ammonia as the
phylogenetic breadth and extending the upper sole source of energy (Agoguk et al., 2008).For
temperature limit of nitrification to more than example, the now available genome sequence
7OoC (Konneke et al., 2005; de laTorre et al., and preliminary experiments for SCMl sug-
2008; Hatzenpichler et al., 2008; Prosser and gest some capacity for utilization of hetero-
Nicol, 2008). Enrichment cultures obtained trophic carbon sources (W Martens-Habbena,
from Garga hot spring (Buryat Republic, personal communication). Such predictions
Russia) were first tentatively identified based can now be tested and related to the ecology
on immunofluorescence microscopy as mem- and distribution of environmental populations.
bers of the genus Nitrosomonas (Lebedeva et al., This chapter is divided into two major
2005). Later, more detailed molecular analysis sections. We begin with a brief comparative
revealed that this ammonia-oxidizing enrich- description of the physiology of AOA in rela-
ment culture was dominated by the member tion to the better-characterized AOB. It is by
of the Group Crenarchaeota with a growth no means an attempt to summarize all charac-
optimum of 45OC and ammonia oxidation teristics of the tremendous diversity of puta-
activity up to 55OC (Lebedeva et al., 2005; tive AOA detected in marine and terrestrial
Hatzenpichler et al. 2008).Ammonia-oxidizing environments. Rather, it serves primarily to
enrichment cultures active at even higher tem- point out the pressing need for the isolation
peratures were simultaneously reported from and detailed investigation of other novel lin-
hot springs in Yellowstone National Park (de eages of AOA and AOB. The second section is
la Torre et al., 2008). One of the Yellowstone a discussion of features that have been gleaned
enrichment cultures belonging to the HWCG from the genome sequence and its relevance
I11 group of thermophilic Crenarchaeota, “Can- to environmental genomic studes. Although
didatus Nitrosocaldus yellowstonii” (strain most currently recognized archaeal ammonia
HL72), has a growth optimum of 65OC and oxidizers are as yet Candidatus, we will gener-
grows up to 74OC, thus extending the upper ally refer to them by their suggested species
temperature limit of ammonia oxidation names in the following sections.
by =2OoC. The first full genome sequence
of a mesophilic crenarchaeon was recon- PHYSIOLOGY AND
structed from the sponge-associated sym- ULTRASTRUCTURE
biont, Candidatus Cenarchaeum symbiosum”
“ The recent recognition that ammonia oxi-
(Hallam et al., 2006a, 2006b). However, the dation occurs within widespread lineages of
lack of culturability has greatly limited the Group I Crenarchaeota has raised questions
physiological characterization of Candidatus
“ regarding their significance to the nitrogen
C. symbiosum” (Preston et al., 1996). For cycle in natural environments. In natural envi-

ronments, microorganisms occupy varying Instead, the cytoplasmic membrane of SCMl

nutrient-related ecological niches and, accord- is surrounded by an S-layer, made up of a dense
ingly, exhibit different lifestyles. The physi- symmetrically arrayed surface protein (Fig. 2).
ology and ecological role of AOB has been The cells do not contain discernable intra-
investigated in some detail for more than a cellular membrane structures or invaginations
century. Among the hallmarks of these organ- of the cytoplasmic membrane found in AOB.
isms is their strong resistance to ammonium These differences between AOA and AOB cell
starvation, making these bacteria well adapted wall architecture is of particular interest since
to survive in nutrient-depleted natural envi- the outer periplasmic region of AOB hosts a
ronments. However, active growth requires number of key enzymes in the ammonia oxi-
high concentrations of ammonium not present dation pathway (e.g., hydroxylamine oxidore-
in most pristine natural marine and terrestrial ductase) and thus separates toxic intermediates
environments (Ward, 1986; Prosser, 1989). from the cytoplasm.
Although, to date, only a single pure culture Analysis of the cytoplasmic membrane of
of an ammonia-oxidizing archaeon, N. mari- strain SCMl unequivocally confiriiied the
timus strain SCM1, has been reported (Kon- synthesis of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetra-
neke et al., 2005), initial characterization of ether (GDGT) membrane lipids by members
this strain has revealed striking differences to of the mesophilic Crenarchaeota (Schouten et
known AOB and suggest a paradigm change al., 2008).The core membrane lipids of strain
in our understandmg of microbially catalyzed SCMl consist of glycerol-linked biphytanyl
ammonia oxidation. In particular, a now- hydrocarbon chains with zero to four cyclo-
documented capacity to grow at ammonia con- pentane rings and phosphohexose head-
centrations far below that required to sustain groups. The most abundant core GDGT
the growth of AOB suggests that Archaea play membrane lipid of strain SCMl, crenarchaeol,
a very significant role in the global nitrogen contains four cyclopentane and one cyclo-
cycle (Martens-Habbena et al., 2009). hexane ring not found previously in thermo-
philic Crenarchaeota. This lipid has often been
Cellular Architecture used as a diagnostic signature for Crenarchaea
N.maritimus is among the smallest of free- associated with temperate marine and ter-
living microorganisms. Cells are regular rods restrial environments (Schouten et al., 2000,
0.5 to 0.9 pm in length and 0.25 pm in width 2002; Ingalls et al., 2006) and has been sug-
(Fig. 2). Actively growing cells each contain gested to be of functional significance. Due to
approximately 10 fg of protein (=I6 to 20 fg asymmetric structures, crenarchaeol and other
[dry weight] cell-') and a thousand ribosomes. GDGTs with a higher degree of cyclization
A single copy of its 1.645 Mbp genome com- were initially proposed to enhance membrane
prises 8 to 10% of cellular dry mass. Electron fluidity and thereby to have contributed to the
micrographs show no evidence of intracellular adaptive radiation of an ancestral therniophilic
structures; carboxysomes, glycogen, and poly- lineage into temperate and permanently cold
phosphate particles are absent. However, a sub- environments (Schouten et al., 2000; Zhang
population of actively growing cells contains et al., 2006). However, crenarchaeol has more
a small amorphous region of greater electron recently been identified in the therniophilic
density, possibly of high phosphorous content enrichment culture Nitrosocaldus yellowstonii
and functioning in phosphorous storage (Z.Yu and in hot springs harboring abundant pop-
and G. Jensen, personal communication). Sim- ulations of Group I Crenarchaeota (Zhang et
ilar to previously characterized thermophilic al., 2006; de la Torre et al., 2008; Pitcher et
Crenarchaeota, strain SCMl does not contain al., 2009). Thus, synthesis of crenarchaeol per
a peptidoglycan-containing cell wall structure se is not diagnostic of organisms restricted to
or an outer membrane-surrounded periplasm. lower-temperature habitats.

FIGURE 2 Cryo-electron tomographic section of a N.rnaritirnur cell. CM, cytoplasmic membrane; SL, S layer;
Rib, ribosome; Nuc, nucleoid; EDM, electron-dense matter. (Picture courtesy of ZihengYu and Grant Jensen.)

The SCMl cell volume of approximately the finding of comparable cell and genome
0.023 ym3 is similar to that of the oligotro- sizes of SCMl and strains belonging to abun-
phic marine microorganism Pelagibacter ubique dant clades of heterotrophic marine bacteria,
(Rappk et al., 2002) and between 10- and like P. ubique, may suggest similar adaptive
>lOO-fold smaller than that of known AOB responses to life in nutrient-depleted marine
(Martens-Habbena et al., 2009). Even cells environments,marked by metabolic specializa-
growing in batch culture mark the low end of tion and a high ratio of surface to volume.
sizes found in natural seawater (range of 0.026
to 0.4 pm3) (Lee and Fuhrman, 1987; Simon Growth and Activity
and Azam, 1989) and may approach the lower Consistent with the hypothesis of narrow cat-
limit for free-living organisms (Button, 2000). abolic specificity of Archaea, the only identi-
Reduction of cell size and its associated cyto- fied energy metabolism of strain SCMl thus
logical features have been considered impor- far is the oxidation of ammonium to nitrite.
tant evolutionary adaptations of oligotrophic Growth of SCMl has not been observed with
microorganisms to life in nutrient-depleted methane or other organic or inorganic elec-
environments (Harder and Dijkhuizen, 1983; tron donors, suggesting that this strain relies
Roszak and Colwell, 1987;Button,2000).Thus, obligately on ammonia oxidation as the source

of metabolic energy. SCMl reaches growth well below the substrate threshold of AOB
rates comparable to AOB of 0.027 h-' (T, - with known kinetic characteristics. Thus,
26 h) at 3 O O C . However, in contrast to most characterized AOB undergo severe starvation
AOB, SCMl grows only at a narrow tempera- in nutrient-depleted natural marine and ter-
ture range between 20 and 3OoC at stable p H restrial environments (Jones and Morita, 1985;
values between 7.0 and approximately 7.8. No Prosser, 1989; Bollmann et al., 2002). In con-
growth occurs below p H 7.0, and ammonia trast, SCMl will continue to grow at ammonia
oxidation activity ceases below p H 6.7. In fur- levels prevailing in nutrient-limited open
ther contrast to many AOB strains, growth is oceans (Martens-Habbena et al., 2009). It has
inhibited by ammonium and nitrite concen- also been suggested that Arckaea have a lower
trations as low as 2 to 3 mM, thus restricting maintenance energy than Bacteria, which has
the maximum cell densities in batch cultures been attributed to catabolic specialization and
to -5 x lo7 cells r n - ' (equivalent to -0.5 mg a less ion-permeable cytoplasmic membrane
of protein liter-'). A similar low tolerance of (van devossenberg et al., 1998;Valentine,2007).
ammonium was reported for N.gaTensis, indi- Low maintenance energy would be consistent
cating that low ammonium tolerance could with the adaptation of N.maritimus and related
be common among AOA. Growth of SCMl marine Archaea to chronically nutrient-limited
is also very sensitive to perturbations. Even environments. As discussed later, adaptations to
slight temporal changes of temperature or slow low nutrient are also observed in the genome
shaking increase the doubling time. Optimal inventory in N. rnaritimus. The distinct dif-
growth has so far been achieved only in static ferences between N. maritimus-like AOA and
batch cultures. Nevertheless, during exponen- AOB, some of which are considered extremely
tial growth, SCMl attains ammonia oxidation starvation tolerant, suggest that AOA and AOB
activities of up to 52 pmol of ammonium mg have evolved distinctly different strategies to
of protein-' h-', which is comparable to AOB cope with nutrient source deprivation.
strains (range of 30 to 80 ymol of ammonium
mg of protein-' h-') (Prosser, 1989; Ward, Ammonia Oxidation in SCM1:
1987). However, due to the vastly different cell Stoichiometry and Kinetics
sizes, the maximum per cell rate of ammonia More detailed insight into the kinetic char-
oxidation of SCMl thus far observed (0.53 acteristics and stoichiometry of ammonia
fmol cell-' h-l) is more than 10-fold lower oxidation in strain SCMl was obtained from
than those of AOB. microrespirometry and ammonium uptake
In striking contrast to known AOB strains, experiments with cells from the late expo-
growth of SCMl in batch culture continues nential or early stationary growth phase (Fig.
until ammonium is depleted below 10 nM 3). Early-stationary-phase cells had an oxygen
(Martens-Habbena et al., 2009). This is more uptake rate of 0.7 ymol of 0, mg of pro-
than 100-fold lower than the minimum con- tein-' h-'. Oxygen uptake increased more
centration required for growth of cultivated than 50-fold to up to 36 pmol of 0, mg of
AOB strains (Keen and Prosser, 1987; Prosser, protein-' h-' after addition of ammonium to
1989; Bollmann et al., 2002). This substrate cells. Similar to AOB, ammonium and oxygen
threshold, that is the minimum substrate con- were consumed in a 1:1.5 ratio.The maximum
centration permitting sufficient metabolic oxygen uptake rates were observed at as low
activity to meet maintenance energy require- as 2 pM ammonium, and the apparent half-
ments, is generally far below half-saturation saturation constant (K,,) for ammonium was
constants and thus often neglected when 0.132 yM total ammonium (-3 nM NH,). In
describing kinetic characteristics. The ammo- contrast to its high-ammonium a f h i t y and the
nium concentrations in nutrient-depleted ability to grow at very low ammonium con-
open oceans and unfertilized natural soils are centrations, S C M l has a rather low affinity to

A B 30 I




O J !
55 I I I I I

0 I 2 3 0 2 4 5 8 10
Time [hi NH, f NH; [pM]

FIGURE 3 Stoichiometry and kinetics of ammonia oxidation by N.rnaritirnus. (A) Trace of oxygen uptake by
aliquots ofearly-stationary phase cells (cell density,-5.0 x lo7cells rn-', 1nlM nitrite) obtained by microrespirometry.
Ammonium added to resting cells was oxidized without significant lag time with a ratio of 1 mol of ammonium
to 1.5 mol of 0,.(B) Michaelis-Menten kinetics calculated &om oxygen uptake rates (second part) in panel A.

oxygen. Although the apparent K,,l for oxygen SCMl could be elicited by single adltions
determined by respirometry was -4 pM and of 200 nM ammoniuin to resting cells. Due
in a range typical for aerobic microorganisms, to its extremely low apparent K,I,and compa-
SCMl did not grow under low oxygen ten- rable maximum activities, the specific affinity
sion or completely anoxic conditions. Thus, of SCMl (V,,, x Km -' = 68,700 liters g [wet
either other lineages of AOA or low-oxygen- weight]-' h-') surpasses those of all character-
adapted AOB would be more competitive ized AOB by more than 200-fold and is among
under oxygen-limiting conditions (Laanbroek the highest substrate affinities reported for any
and Gerards, 1993; Laanbroek et al., 1994). microorganism (Button, 1998; Martens-Hab-
Alternatively, long periods of acclimatization bena et al., 2009).
are required to permit growth of SCMl under Remarkably, the specific affinity of strain
low-oxygen conditions. SCMl for ammonium surpasses the ammo-
Multiple lines of evidence now support nium affinity of even the most oligotrophic
the view that AOA have a significant role as ammonium-assimilating organism, more than
oligotrophic ammonia oxidizers in various 30-fold greater than oligotrophic heterotro-
natural environments. However, this has most phic bacteria and diatoms characterized to
often been inferred from diagnostic gene date. This margin is sufficient to sustain the
or transcript abundance rather than direct ammonia demand of nitri+ing Crenarchaea
comparison of nitrification activities of the in direct competition with heterotrophs and
two lineages. The kinetic characteristics of phototrophs for ammonia. In turn, this implies
strain SCMl now provide more direct evi- that AOA may be contributing much more
dence of competitive advantage ofAOA under substantially to nitrogen transformations than
low-nutrient conditions. All investigated AOB previously anticipated in both marine and ter-
have more than a 200-fold higher apparent restrial habitats. For example, Leininger et al.
K, value than does strain SCMl (Table 1).In (2006) reported that AOA predominate over
fact, more than 50% of maximum activity of AOB in natural unfertilized soils. In con-
TABLE 1 Comparison of kinetic characteristics of ammonia oxidation by N. maritimus,AOB, enrichment cultures, and in situ kinetics of nitrification in natural
samples, as well as ammonia assimilation by phytoplankton and heterotrophic microorganisms
Water K", (PM) Maximum
Strain/ specific affinity,

Species/sample type

Nitrosomonas eutvopha GH22

comments Type"




Activity ao (litersg Of
cells-' h-')

Suwa et al., 1994

oxidizing 4
strains g
FHll FW 25 7.4 3,970 Suwa et al., 1994
Nm53 FW 30 7.8 750 Stehr et al., 1995
Nitrosomonas europaea n.g FW 30 7.0 51 278 Belser and Schmidt,
1980; Keen and
Prosser, 1989
Nm 89 FW 30 7.8 420 Stehr et al., 1995
n.g. FW 25 7.5 1,200 Suzuki, 1974
Nitrosomonas communis Nm58 FW 30 7.8 3,300 Stehr et al., 1995
Nm85 FW 30 7.8 1,100 Stehr et al., 1995
Nitrosococcus oceani ATCC 19707 sw 23 7.5 245 61 Watson, 1965;Ward, 1987
Nitrosospira bviensis ATCC 25971 FW 25 7.5 159 Bollmann et al., 2005
(cluster 3) planktonic
Wall growth FW 25 7.5 98.8 Bollmann et al., 2005
Nitrosospira cluster 2 B6 FW 22 7.8 275 Jiang and Bakken, 1999
Nitrosospiva cluster 0 40Kl FW 22 7.8 80 Jiang and Bakken, 1999
Nitrosospira cluster 3 L115 FW 22 7.8 310 Jiang and Bakken, 1999
Nitrosospira cluster 3 AF FW 22 7.8 208 Jiang and Bakken, 1999
Aitrosomonas olkotropha AL211 FW 25 7.4 34 315 Suwa et al., 1994
FL28 FW 25 7.4 80 Suwa et al., 1994
Nm84 FW 30 7.8 30 Stehr et al., 1995
Nm86 FW 30 7.8 40 Stehr et al., 1995
Nm49 FW 30 7.8 75 Stehr et al., 1995
N maritimur SCMl sw 30 7.4 0.132 68,700 Martens-Habbena et al.,
Ammonia- soil Open grassland FW 23 6.2 819 Stark and Firestone, 1996
soil Canopy covered FW 23 6.2 46 Stark and Firestone, 1996
soil Muced conifer forest FW 23 6.2 27 Stark and Firestone, 1996
In situ soil Open grassland FW 23 6.2 40 Stark and Firestone, 1996
Soil Canopy covered Fw 23 6.2 1.5 Stark and Firestone, 1996
Ocean water Off California coast sw 15 8.1 <O.l Olson, 1981
Ocean water Upper Cariaco Basin sw 15 8.1 0 Hashmoto et al., 1983
Ammonia Pseudo-nitzschia ICMB-F2B2 sw 20 8.1 0.38 Loureiro et al., 2009
assidation delicatissima
Emiliana huxleyi BT-6 sw 18 8.1 0.1 Eppley et al., 1969
Thalassiosira pseudonana 13-1 sw 20 8.1 0.02 1,929 Eppley and Renger, 1974 P
Vibrio logei
Hy drogenophaga
NCIMB 1143
NCIMB 13125
20 Reay et al., 1999
Reay et al., 1999
E. coli NCIMB 09001 FW 15 7.2
Reay et al., 1999
Reay et al., 1999
E. coli NCIMB 09001 FW 35
fresh water; SW, seawater

trast, AOB are presumably the more active The identified ORFs code for 1,797 pro-
population of ammonia oxilzers in fertilized teins and a full complement of genes for
soils (Leininger et al., 2006; Jia and Conrad, essential RNAs, including one copy each of
2009). Whereas the contribution of AOA to 5S/16S/23S ribosomal RNAs, RNase P, signal
natural greenhouse gas emissions remains to recognition particle RNA, and 44 transfer
be resolved, the kinetic data of N. maritimus RNAs (Fig. 4). In addition, the genome con-
strongly suggest that nitrification might have tains six candidate genes for C / D box small
a more profound role in the global nitrogen RNAs. Most or all C / D box small RNAs
cycle than previously anticipated. guide the precise positioning of posttranscrip-
tional 2’-O-methyl group addition to rRNAs
or tRNAs, a process also occurring in eukary-
otes (but not Bacteria).As is typical for Arckaea,
Genome Trends of N. maritimus the gene coding for the 5 s rRNA is not closely
The genome of N. maritimus was approved for linked to those for the 16s and 23s rRNAs.
sequencing in 2006 by the DOE Microbial All other sequenced Crenarckaeota, including
Genomics Program, and the complete genome C. symbiosum, contain at least 45 tRNAs (Table
analysis was published in 2010 (Walker et al., 2).The apparent absence of Proc:(;(;and Arg(:c:c;
2010). N. maritimus SCMl contains a single in N. maritimus may be related to the low G + C
chromosome of 1,645,259 bp e n c o l n g 1,842 content of its genome and a preference for
predicted open reading frames (ORFs). N o codons ending in A/T. One exceptionally large
plasmid was found.As often observed for other gene (Nmar-1073; 28.8 kbp) of higher G + C
archaeal genomes, no origin of replication is content (40.8%), annotated as fibronectin type
discernable based on gene content or G C skew I11 domain protein, is conspicuous in the chro-
(Fig. 4). Its size and G C content (34.2%) are mosome map (Fig. 4). It is a meniber of a class
in the lower range of characterized archaeal of genes coding for secreted cell-surface pro-
genomes (Table 2 and Fig. 5), and very dis- teins having a characteristic signature of amino
tinct from those of the closely related sponge acid usage that has so far been identified in 47
symbiont Cenarchaeum symbiosum (ca. 97% taxa of Bacteria and Euryarchaeota (Reva and
16s rRNA sequence identity) (Hallam et al., Tummler, 2008). They are acidc and hydro-
2006a). The symbiont has a larger genome philic and lack cysteine.The N.maritimus giant
(2.045 Mbp), of average size among charac- gene shares all of these signature features (Fig.
terized Archaea, that is of significantly higher 7) and appears to be the first documented
average G + C content (57.4%), although it instance of occurrence in the Crenarchaeota.
retains a similar G C content of genes coding Our preliminary microarray gene expres-
for the 16s and 23s ribosomal RNAs with N. sion analysis showed that this gene was highly
maritimus (50 to 52%).The two genomes share expressed under the normal culture condition
little conservation of synteny, and much of the (D.J. Arp, personal communication).
divergence in gene content is associated with Approximately 60% of protein codmg genes
discrete regions (genomic islands), the latter in SCMl have predicted functions (Table 2).
accounting for most of the increased size of This is slightly lower than for AOB and ther-
the C. symbiosum genome (Fig. 6).The smaller mophilic Crenarchaeota (64 to 75%), reflecting
genome of N. maritimus is associated with a limited knowledge about a major clade of
slightly increased protein coding O R F den- Arckaea that has only recently been brought
sity (1.19 ORF/kb) relative to C. symbiosum into culture. N.rnaritimus has a lower density
(0.986 ORF/kb). These distinctive differences of most Clusters of Orthologous Groups of
in genome architecture presumably reflect proteins (COGS) when compared with AOB
changes associated with the shift from a free genomes (Table 2) but is relatively enriched
living to a symbiotic lifestyle. in genes for energy conversion (C), coenzyme

COG Funchm Dehnmon

RNA p m c a s l q a n d
Chmrnann ~trudureilnd
Energy pmductionand
Cdl chromo.ome

Amino scidtmnrpatand
Nucleotide tranrpon a'd
Carbohydrate franrpolf and
Lipid tranrpaTand
130001 metabolism
Tranilahan, ribcsmai
structureand biogeneiir
Repiicanon, momblmnon
and repair
Celi motility
1200001 Palttranilanonal
madihcahon, plMeln
turnow, chapemna
Inorganic i a n t n n ~ ~ a n d
Secondaw metabolites
biosyntheiii tranrpat and
Geneml funcoon p d i c o o n

Funchon unkmwn
Signal tranrducnm
Infmceliular Idhrklng.
secretion. and vexubr
Defense mechanirmr
hfmCeliYlar ItRlClYrel
Nuclear ~fructure
Not arrigned

FIGURE 4 Diagram of the N.maritimtrs circular chromosome. Rmgs, from outside to the center: 1,genes of forward strand (color by COG categories);2, genes on
reverse strand (color by COG categories);3, R N A genes (tRNAs orange, rRNAs red, other RNAs black);4, copper-containing protein genes (red);5, genes involved
in transcription and regulation (green); 6, genes annotated as transporters (blue); 7, putative ammonia-monooxygenase genes (silver);8, G+C content; 9, GC skew. 5
TABLE 2 Genome features of A! rnaritimns arid related Cvennvrhnen and AOW

~~~ ~~~ ~

N.mnntiinus ' Su&dobms Pyrobnculum .

I _.-
opatw N.eutropka N.mult!fimis
AlLL 19718 C7 1 ATCC 25196

DNA, total no. ofbase pairs 1,645,259 2,045,085 2,225,959 2,222,430 3,522,111 2,812,094 2,781 324 3,234,300

DNA coding no. of base 1,497,096 1,877,407 1,967,324 1,995,981 3,062,653 2,502,800 2,438,266 2,774,849
G+C content 34.2% 57.4% 36.7% 51.4% 50.3% 50.7% 48.5% 53.9%

Gene number total 1,997 2,066 2,344 2,628 3,190 2,631 2,695 2,885

No. of protein coding genes 1,797 2,017 2,285 2,575 3,132 2,572 2,639 2,827

Pseudogenes 6 0 59 91 115 111 89 22

RNA genes 49 49 59 53 58 59 56 58

rKNA genes 4 3 3 3 6 4 3 3

tRNA genes 44 45 49 50 45 41 41 43

Other RNA genes 1 1 7 0 7 14 12 12

Protein coduig genes with 1,083 1,008 1,975 1,344 2,021 1,789 1.972 2,026
funchon prediction
Protein codmg genes 714 1,009 310 1,231 1,111 783 667 80 1
without function
Protein coding genes 476 437 636 57s 919 795 833 862
connected to JSEGG
Protein Loding genes not 1,321 1.580 1,649 1,997 2,213 1,777 1,806 1,965
connected to KEGG
Protein coding genes with 1,131 1,008 1,563 1,503 2,290 1,995 1,952 2,102
No of plasrmds 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 3

"Most data are adapted from JCI release (venion 2.8, April 2009)


60 v Euryarchaeota
A Korarchaeota
v v
O oob,
0 Nanoarchaeota
50 *8
Y o v V
c ovv
E ,VV v V


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Genome size (Mb)

FIGURE 5 Archaeal genome size and G+C content. Csym, C. symbiosum; Nmar, N.mnritimus.

% .

I .

FIGURE 6 Synteny plot comparing N. maritimus and C. symbiosum genomes.The comparison was done in the
protein level with the program Promer (Kurtz et al., 2004).The DNA sequences were translated in all six reading
frames and compared.

rn Surface proteins

FIGURE 7 Ammo acid utilization of the largest gene in N. mavitimus and surface proteins.The data on surface
proteins (n = 38) are adapted from Reva andTiimmler (2008).

transport/metabolism (H),translation genes (J), homolog of hydroxylaniine oxidoreductase.

and transcription (K) (Fig. 8). Although rela- Numerous genes encoding for small blue
tive enrichment of core functions (e.g., energy copper proteins (similar to plastocyanins and
conversion, translation) is not unexpected for a sulfocyanins) indicate that N. maritimus utilizes
small genome organism, the greater density of primarily copper-dependent mechanisms of
transport/metabolism genes relative to other electron transfer instead of the iron-based bac-
Crenarchaea genomes suggests significant meta- terial system. Genes encoding complexes I, 111,
bolic versatility of N. maritimus. and IV strongly suggest a similar mechanism
for regenerating NADH by reverse electron
transfer, although these enzymes presum-
Mechanisms for Ammonia Oxidation
ably interact with the plastocyanin-like redox
and Electron Transfer
proteins. The presence of genes homologous
DO ARCHAEA AND BACTERIA SHARE with the bacterial copper-containing nitrite
A C O M M O N BIOCHEMISTRY O F reductase indicates N. maritimus also has some
AMMONIA OXIDATION? capacity to use an electron sink other than
Previously isolated and characterized betapro- oxygen.
teobacterial and gammaproteobacterial AOB
share a common energy metabolic pathway AMMONIA OXIDATION AND ENERGY
consisting of an ammonia monooxygenase, a TRANSFORMATION
hydroxylamine oxidoreductase, and a typical The first step in bacterial ammonia oxidation
bacterial electron transport system composed relies upon a membrane-bound AMO com-
of ubiquinones, menaquinones, and b- and posed of three major subunits (AmoA, AmoB,
c-type cytochromes (see Chapters 2 and 4). and AmoC) (Fig. 9). Since N. maritimus appears
Although the stoichiometry of ammonia oxi- to lack a well-defined periplasmic space typical
dation to nitrite for N. maritimus and other ofAOB (Fig. 2), if the active site of the A M 0
characterized AOB is identical, the contrib- is oriented away from the cytoplasm it may
uting biochemical pathways appear to be &f- require a mechanism to retain metabolic inter-
ferent. Other than coding for an evolutionarily medates (such as hydroxylamine) or novel
divergent ammonia monooxygenase (AMO), intermediate(s) as suggested in an alternative
it has no central cytochrome network or a model (discussed below). If the active site faces

E: Amino acid transport and metabolism

F Nucleotide transport and metabolism
G: Carbohydratetransport and metabolism
H: Coenzyme transport and metabolism
I: Lipid transport and metabolism
J: Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis
I<: Transcription
L: Replication, recombination and repair
M: Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis
N: Cell motility
0: Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones
P: Inorganic ion transport and metabolism
Q: Secondary metabolites biosynthesis, transport and catabolism
R General function prediction only
S: Function unknown
T Signal transducbon mechanisms
U: Intracellular trafficking, secretion, and vesicular transport
V Defense mechanisms
W: Extracellular structures
Y: Nuclear structure
Z: Cytoskeleton

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Relative contribution of COGs ( O h )

FIGURE 8 Relative contribution in COGs among representative Crenavchaea and AOB.

the cytoplasm, the reduced nitrogen substrate one of three alternative types of amo gene
(ammonia or ammonium) could derive either organization so far observed among different
from ammonia diffusing freely across the mem- lineages of the amoA-containing Crenarchaeota
brane or from transport by two high-affinity (Hallam et al., 2006b).The amoBCA-like gene
ammonium transporters (Nmar-0588 and organization, with amoB in an opposite ori-
1698).However, a role for these transporters in entation, found in N.maritimus is present in
ammonia assimilation versus ammonia oxida- C. symbiosum and other marine Crenarchaeota
tion has not yet been resolved. (Fig. 9) (Hallam et al., 2006b). The amoBCA
The genes for the bacterial A M 0 all share organization of N.maritimus (in contrast to
an amoCAB organization, generally present as the amoCAB order in bacteria) is common
one to three nearly identical copies of operons among related marine assemblages identified
(Chain et al., 2003; JSlotz et al., 2006; Arp et in metagenome libraries or recovered using
al., 2007). In the case of Crenarchaeota, both PCR primers that span the operon but differs
N. maritimus and C. symbiosum have a single from the crenarchaeal soil fosmid (Treusch et
copy of each gene, but in contrast to bacte- al., 2005) and two recently described ther-
rial gene organization, N.maritimus encodes mophilic AOA (N. yellowstonii and N. gar-


amaA amoC amaB

1 K bp
amoA amoC amoB
3K bp
amoA amoB
Soil fosmid 54d9
1 K bp

amoA amoB
yellowstonii 1 K bp


amaB amoA amoC

1 K bp

FIGURE 9 Organization of the amo gene clusters in archaeal and bacterial nitrifiers. Putative gene names and
the N. maritimus gene locus numbers are shown within each ORF (gray arrows).The identification and size of
proteins encoded in the N.maritimus locus are amoA (216 amino acids), hypothetical protein (120 amino acids),
awroB (189 amino acids), and amoC (190 amino acids).

gensis) (de la Torre et al., 2008, Hatzenpichler Surprisingly, the three ORFs homolo-
et al., 2008). These representatives of the soil gous to the bacterial amo genes are the only
and thermophile clades do not retain a close genomic inventory known to be relevant to
linkage of all three genes.The amoA and amoB the bacterial pathway for ammonia oxidation.
genes remain associated, but the amoC appears Although the bacterial and archaeal AMOs
to be located elsewhere on the chromosome and the bacterial particulate methane mono-
(Fig. 9). N.maritimus also encodes a hypothet- oxygenase all share common ancestry, bacterial
ical protein of unknown function between AMOs showed higher similarity to bacterial
the amoC and amoA genes. So far, this hypo- particulate methane monooxygenase than the
thetical gene is present in all amoBCA clusters archaeal AMOS, suggesting significant struc-
in the genomes of free-living AOA and shares tural differences between the archaeal and bac-
sequence similarity with a segment of a larger terial AMOs (Klotz and Stein, 2008). Structural
gene in C. symbiosum. Moreover, C. symbi- comparisons show that N.maritimus and other
osum contains four additional ORFs located AOA lack the conserved cupredoxin fold in
between the amoB and amoC genes. Thus, in the C terminus of the bacterial AmoB subunit
addition to significant differences in overall thought to be catalytically important (Walker
gene content, C. symbiosum also encodes a et al., 2010). The archaeal deviation from the
structurally distinct variant of the putative highly conserved bacterial A M 0 structure and
archaeal A M 0 gene, suggestive of a different hydroxylamine-ubiquinone redox module,
physiological function in this closely related composed of H A 0 and two c-type cyto-
psychrophilic symbiont. chromes (Klotz and Stein, 2008), is suggestive

of a novel biochemistry that may not involve esized for further oxidation of an alternative
hydroxylamine as an intermediate. hydroxylamine intermediate, one of the multi-
copper oxidase-like proteins could function as
PROPOSED ARCHAEAL AMMONIA- a nitroxyl oxidoreductase to oxidize nitroxyl to
OXIDATION PATHWAY nitrite with associated extraction of two pro-
In consideration of the now-recognized envi- tons and two electrons in the presence ofwater
ronmental significance of the AOA and a dis- (Fig. 10). The proposed NXOR would relay
tinctive biochemistry suggested by the genome the two extracted electrons into the quinone
sequence of SCM1, we feel that some specu- pool as described above.
lation about an alternative biochemistry is Both the AOA and AOB systems result in
justified (Fig. 10).There are two general niech- a net production of two electrons transferred
anistic alternatives: either a novel biochemistry into the quinone pool and useable for the gen-
exists for the oxidation of hydroxylamine or, eration of a proton-motive force (ATP) and
alternatively, hydroxylamine is not a product reductant (NADH) through either complexes
of the divergent AMO. If hydroxylamine is an 111 (Nmar-1542-4) and IV (Nniar-0182-5)
intermediate, its oxidation might be mediated structures. The production of reductant
by one of the periplasmic multicopper oxidases (NADH) would require complex I (Nuo-
(MCOs) predicted from the genome sequence. ABCDHIJKMLN, Nmar-0276-86) to run
Given the lack of cytochrome c proteins, the in reverse, driven by a proton motive force
four electrons would then be transferred to (Fig. 10). As with all other sequenced crenar-
a quinone reductase via small blue copper- chaeal genomes, genes coding for the com-
containing plastocyanin-like electron carriers. plex I enzyme lack three subunits responsible
Alternatively, hydroxylamine may not be an for NADH-binding and oxidation, suggesting
intermediate in the AOA pathway.Thus,we also interaction with alternative electron carriers
consider that possibility that nitroxyl (HNO) is such as ferredoxin. A functional complex 111
the product of the archaealAMO. Nitroxyl, also similar to that found in other Crenarchaeota was
known as nitrosyl hydride, is a highly reactive reconstructed in N. maritimus from three genes
compound recently recognized as having bio- encodmg a transmembrane cytochrome b sub-
logical significance in a number of biological unit (Nmar-l543), a Rieske-type Fe-S cluster
systems (Miranda et al. 2003a, 2003b; Fukuto subunit (Nmar-1544) as the core and a variable
et al., 2005a; 2005b; 2005~). Nitroxyl could be third plastocyanin-like subunit (Nmar-1542)
formed by a novel monooxygenase function substituting for a usual heme-containing pro-
of archaeal AMO. Alternatively, the archaeal tein such as cytochronie c or J: This alternate
A M 0 niay act as a dioxygenase and insert complex I11 from N. rnaritirntls is the first known
two oxygen atoms into ammonia (Gibson et example of a copper protein (Nmar-1542)
al., 1995), producing nitroxyl &om the spon- being utilized as the third subunit. Aerobic
taneous decay of HNOHOH. A physiological respiration conferred by genes coding for a
advantage of using nitroxyl as an interme- terminal heme-copper oxidase (Nmar-0182-
diate would be obviation of the requirement 5), also containing a plastocyanin-like subunit
for investing electrons in the initial mono- (rather than a heme containing cytochrome
oxygenase reaction. For nitrifiers inhabiting c), would provide additional mechanism for
nutrient poor environments, eliminating the proton-motive force generation.
requirement for a reductant to initiate respira-
tion would presumably offer significant eco- AMMONIA TRANSPORTERS
logical advantage as well as contribute to the The genome of N. maritimus has two genes
recently reported low K,, and high substrate coding for Aint proteins (ammonia trans-
affinity of the organism for ammonia (above, porters in the Anit/Mep/Rh family of inte-
and Martens-Habbena et al., 2009).As hypoth- gral membrane proteins), recognized to serve

4 H' ADP+ Pi 4 H' ATp

0 Cytoplasm

FIGURE 10 Proposed archaeal ammonia-oxidation pathway. NXOR, putative nitroxyl oxidoreductase; CuHAO, copper hydroxylamine oxidoreductase.The
dashed line indicates the pathway having hydroxylamine as intermediate. Octagons containing Q and QH, represent the oxidized and reduced quinone pool,
respectively. Each complex is numbered: complex I, NADHxbiquinone oxidoreductase; complex 111, cytochrome c-ubiquinone oxidoreductase; complex IV,
terminal oxidase; complexV,ATP synthase. Plastocyanin-like electron carriers are shown as hexagons containing pcy

for ammonia uptake in all three domains of tion of amnionia may be inseparable processes
life. The N O mavitimus genome also contains and mediated directly through a high affinity
four genes coding for nitrogen regulatory AMO, requiring a high density of this enzyme.
PI1 proteins (GlnK) (Nniar-0586, 0587, 1317 Both models would equally account for obser-
and 1523),two of which flank one of the amt vations that growth of N. maritimus and N. gar-
genes (Nmar-0588). At a high cellular ratio of gensis is inhibited by ammonia concentrations
ADP/ATP, this regulatory protein associates greater than 2 to 3 mM (Hatzenpichler et al.,
with Amt blocking ammonia uptake. When 2008; Martens-Habbena et al., 2009). Satu-
bound to its effectors (ATP and 2-oxoglu- ration of the next step in the pathway could
tarate), signaling cellular energy sufficiency result in the buildup of potentially reactive
and a nitrogen requirement, a conformational intermediates that inhibit growth.
change of PI1 results in its release from the
Amt (Iaademi et al., 2004). However, as ear- Evidence for a High Demand
lier discussed, it is unclear if the archaeal Amt for Copper
protein mediate uptake of ammonium solely We suggest that an understanding of copper
for biosynthetic needs or for both biosynthesis homeostasis is fundamental to an under-
and ammonia oxidation. A study conducted standing of ecological success of the AOA. Both
by Schmidt and colleagues (2004) suggested copper and iron are thought to be environ-
that bacterial ammonia oxidzers have the mentally limiting co-factors for AOB (Love-
ability to accumulate significant concentra- less and Painter, 1968; Bkdard and Knowles,
tions of ammonia, implicating their ammonia 1989; Ensign et al., 1993) and we have found
transporters in both biosynthetic and energy that provision of chelated trace elements sig-
generating pathways. Ammonium assimila- nificantly improves cultivation success of AOA
tion by SCMl almost certainly uses the Amt (Martens-Habbena, personal communication).
transporter (Andrade and Einsle, 2007; Trem- In the open ocean, both are present in low
blay et al., 2009). However, ammonia oxida- concentrations and primarily bound to organic
tion may not be transporter-dependent. The matter. However, cooper can be present at
extensive theoretical and experimental studies concentrations up to two orders of magnitude
of oligotrophic bacteria demonstrated that cel- higher than iron (Code and Bruland, 1988).
lular specific affinity for a nutrient substrate (a Preferential use of copper for redox chemistry
direct measure of an organism's nutrient col- could reduce direct competition with other
lection ability) increases with the number of marine microorganisms for iron. As a related
collection sites on the cell (e.g., transporters example, it has been shown that diatoms
[Button, 19941). Specific affinity is a function adapted to low iron in the open ocean use
of bimolecular collision frequency (encounter plastocyanin instead of the functionally equiv-
between substrate and transporter), transporter alent iron-containing homolog, cytochroine c6
size, and transporter density on the cell surface. (Peers and Price, 2006). Future transcriptional
Since collision frequency is very low in dilute analysis of SCMl response to varying copper
environments, the density of transporters is and iron availability will hopefully serve to
an important rate-limiting factor. Down- identifj systems for copper-specific transport,
stream enzymes in a metabolic pathway can be homeostasis, and stress response.
present at much lower concentrations without
being saturated by the product of the initial COPPER-BASED ELECTRON
substrate collection reaction (Button, 1994). TRANSFER SYSTEMS
The low K, and high substrate affinity of N. In addition to the multiple plastocyanin-like
maritimus SCMl could result from a high den- proteins of the respiratory complex, the N.
sity of Amt transporters (Martens-Habbena et maritimus genome codes for a variety of adcl-
al., 2009). Alternatively, collection and oxida- tional copper-containing proteins (Fig. 4). In

addition to a copper-containing AMO, it also the eukaryotic ATXl metallochaperone, sug-

codes for more than eight multicopper oxi- gested to function in the bacterial cytoplasmic
dases, two annotated as copper-containing trafficking of copper (Cavet et al., 2003).
nitrite reductase gene (nirK) (Nmar-1259 and Nitrosomonas europaea contains a CopA-type
1667) (see discussion of copper-containing ATPase, and the genomes of other sequenced
nitrite reductases below and Fig. l l ) , all of AOB code for presumptive orthologs of the
which presumably impose a very high copper copB, copC, and copD genes. In the N. maritimus
requirement. However, copper is also toxic, genome, one gene identified as copper resis-
generating superoxide, hydroxyl radicals, and tance D domain protein (Nnlar-1652) showed
other reactive oxygen species via a reaction similarity with genes coding copper-resistant
analogous to the Fenton reaction of ferrous protein (CopC and CopD) of some Archaea
iron (Huckle et al. 1993; Rensing and Grass, and Bacteria. However, no clear homologs to
2003). other described systems of copper homeostasis,
As reviewed by Rensing and Grass (2003), including CopA-type ATPases, character-
mechanisms for copper efflux include a ized metallochaperones (Solioz and Stoyanov,
copper-responsive MerR-like transcriptional 2003), or bacterial metallothioneins (Gold et
activator (CueR) that controls the Cu efflux al., ZOOS), are evident in the SCMl genome.
(cue) system. CueR has been shown to regu-
late both c o p 4 and cueO. CopA is a P-Type COPPER HOMEOSTASIS
ATPase that functions in copper efflux. C u e 0 The genome sequence points to two types of
is a multicopper oxidase, having a laccase enzyme systems that may be involved in copper
activity (p-diphenol: 0, oxidoreductase), that handling or response to oxidative stress: genes
confers protection to periplasmic proteins encoding multicopper oxidases as described
from copper-induced damage via an as yet above and DsbA-type proteins. The excep-
unresolved mechanism (Grass and Rensing, tionally high number of sequences having low
2001). In Enterococcus hirae, copper homeostasis but significant similarity to DsbA-type pro-
has been attributed to the paired activities of teins is also of possible relevance.There are 10
two P-type ATPases, CopA and CopB (Solioz copies of genes coding for members of this
and Odermatt, 1995). One (CopB) functions subfamily of the thioredoxin family in the N.
in copper extrusion, whereas the other (CopA) maritimus genome, but only a single copy in N.
was suggested to serve for copper uptake europaea and similar low copy numbers in other
during conditions of copper limitation (Solioz microbial genomes. The DsbA-type members
and Odermatt, 1995;Rensing and Grass. 2003). of this thioredoxin family of proteins catalyze
A second system (Cus) is controlled by a two- disulfide-bond formation or isomerization
component (CusRS) sensor/regulator pair that during protein folding and have been shown
activates the adjacent cusCFBA operon. The to protect E. coli from incorrect disulfide bond
CusCBA system is homologous to proton/ formation of periplasmic proteins catalyzed by
cation antiporters involved in export of metal copper (Hiniker et al., 2005). Alternatively, or
ions, xenobiotics, and drugs in a variety of bac- in addition, these proteins may serve to pro-
teria. Related CusCBA-like complexes that tect the cell from reactive nitrogen species
span the periplasm function in metal export generated as intermediates in the ammonia
in Pseudomonas, Ralstonia, Synechococcus, Salmo- oxidation pathway (as suggested in Fig. 10).
nella, and Escherichia coli. CusF is a periplasmic For example, one of the more relevant features
copper-binding metallochaperone recently of nitroxyl chemistry is its ability to react as an
shown to participate in the direct, and specific, electrophile with thiols (Fukuto et al. 2005b).
transfer of copper to CusB (Bagai et al., 2008). Thus, these genes may be of significance to
A number of bacteria (including Synecho- the suggested novel pathway for ammonia
cystis and E. hirue) contain proteins related to oxidation.
Next Page

Nmar 1667 N. maritimus
Nmar-1259 N . maritimus
GOS 2424693
Nitrosomonas europaea
Nitrobacter winoqradskyi
Nitrobacter hamburgensis
Methylacidiphilum infernorum
Sphinqomonas wittichii

Nmar-1667 N. maritimus
Nmar 1259 N. maritimus
GOS 2424693
GOS 3018064
Nitrosomonas europaea P
Nitrobacter winoqradskyi
Nitrobacter hamburgensis
Methylacidiphilum infernorum -- w
Sphinqomonas wittachii
... ...
Nmar 1667 N. maritimus
Nmar-1259 N. maritimus
GOS 1424693
605-77 9567 3
GOS-3018064 3
NltroSOmOnas europaea
Nitrobacter winoqradskyi
Nitrobacter hamburgensis
Methylacidiphilum infernorum
Sphinqomonas wittichii

FIGURE 11 Alignment of copper-containing nitrite reductase/multicopper oxidase gene sequences (Nmar-1259 and 1667, annotated as nivK) with Global
Ocean Sampling data sets and cultured microorganisms. Shading of amino acids: identical (white on black) and similar (black on gray) sequences.

Previous Page


COPPER-CONTAINING Carbon Fixation and

The first evidence of the presence of copper- N.maritimus and all known AOB grow chemo-
containing nitrite reductase gene (nirK)-like lithoautotrophically on ammonia. In contrast to
sequence in mesophilic Crenarchaeota was the AOB, which use the Calvin cycle for auto-
found in a 43 K soil fosmid clone 54d9 with trophic growth, N. maritimus appears to use the
16s-23s rRNA genes and amoAB genes recently described 3-hydroxypropionate/4-
(Table 3) (Treusch et al., 2005). N. maritimus hydroxybutyrate pathway, a variant of the
has two related genes at 91% amino acid 3-hydroxypropionate/malyl-CoA pathway
identity to these plausible copper-containing discovered in ChloroJexus species (Holo, 1989;
nitrite reductases (Nmar-1259 and 1667) Strauss and Fuchs, 1993).This novel pathway is
(Fig. 11). Although very similar sequences used by thermophilic Crenarchaeota, includmg
have been found in Sargasso Sea metagenome Surolobus and Metallosphaera sedula (Berg et al.,
data and other open ocean data sets, a protein 2007) (Fig. 12).The presence of genes in the N.
BLAST search revealed that these genes are maritimus genome coding for a biotin-depen-
more similar to bacterial genes than to those dent carboxylase (Nniar-0272-74) (Fig. 12,step
of cultured Archaea, suggesting the possibility 8) together with genes for the enzymes methyl-
of lateral gene transfer. One of the nirK-like malonyl-CoA epinierase, methylnialonyl-CoA
genes (Nmar-1259) shares 29% amino acid mutase (Nmar-0953-4 and 0958) (Fig. 12,step
identity with the multicopper oxidase of N. 12), and 4-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydratase
europaea and 27% amino acid identity to the (Nmar-0207) (Fig. 12, step 4) clearly indi-
Nitrobacter winogradskyi gene. Although a nitric cate the usage of a 3-hydroxypropionate/4-
oxide reductase (norQ) gene, catalyzing the hydroxybutyrate-type pathway for autotrophic
reduction of NO to N,O, was reported in carbon fixation. Although the formation of
the genome of C. symbiosum (Hallam et al., succinyl-CoA from acety-CoA is common to
2006b), a homolog in the N.maritimus genome both the Cklorq'lexus and archaeal pathways,
(76% amino acid identity with the C. symbi- its formation is achieved via different reaction
osum gene) appears to be an ATPase associated sequences, suggestive of convergent evolution
with other cellular activities (Nmar-1515). (Berg et al., 2007). From that point, the two
Thus, although N.maritimus and probably C. pathways diverge. Succinyl-CoA is converted
symbiosum likely do encode a bacterial-type via 4-hydroxybutyrate into acetoacetyl-CoA,
nitrite reductase, a capacity to produce N,O which is then cleaved into two molecules of
has not been resolved. acetyl-CoA (Fig. 12, steps 1 to 7).

TABLE 3 Features of N.muritimus genomes and crenarchaeal gene fragments"

Result for:
F'arameter N. muritimus C. syvnbiosum Fosmid Cosmid Fosmid Soil fosmid
45-H-12 54d9
SCMl A 4B7 DeepAnt-EC39 74A4
Size (bp) 1,645,259 2,045,085 39,297 33,347 43,902 39,411 43,377
% Coding 91.9% 91.2% 89.1% 86.1% 84.0% 70.1% 72.9%
G+C content 34.2% 57.4% 34.4% 34.1% 32.6%) 43.0% 36.4%
O R F density
1.19 0.986 0.992 1.17 1.12 0.893 0.991
Average O R F
757 924 898 737 753 785 736
length (bp)
I . -.

T h e detail and environmental background of fosmids and cosmid libraries were described by Beja et al. (2002), Lopez-Garcia et d.
(2004),Nurioura et al. (2005), andTreusch et al. (2005).
1. Succinyl-CoA reductase (Nmar-1608)
Acety I-CoA 2. Succinate semialdehyde redudase (Nmar-lllOor Nmar-0161)
.t 3.4-Hydroxybutyryl-CoA synthetase (Nmar-0206)
4. 4-Hydroxybutyryl-CoAdehydratase (Nmar-0207)
5. Crotonyl-CoAhydratase (Nmar-1308)
6. 3-Hydroxybutyryl-CoAdehydrogenase (Nmar-1028)
7. Acetoacetyl-CoAp-ketothiolase (Nmar-0841 or Nmar-1631)
8. Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (Nmar-0272-74)
9.1. Maionyl-CoAreductase (unknovm)
3-Hidroxybutyryl-CoA 9.2. Maionate semialdehyde redudase (unknown)
10.1. 3-Hydroxypropionyl-CoAsynthetase (unknown)
10.2. 3-Hydroxypropionyl-CoAdehydratase (unknown)

Crotony I-CoA
10.3. Acryloyi-CoA reductase (unknown)
11. Propionyl-CoA carboxyiase (Nmar-027-74)
12-1. Methylmalonyi-CoAepimerase (Nmar-0953,0954,0958)
12.2. Methylmalonyl-CoAmutase (Nmar-0953. 0954, 0958)
4 3-hydroxypropionate
-4 /4-hydroxybutyrate pathway
3-Hydroxypropionate ts
4-H yd roxybutyrate

FIGURE 12 Proposed autotrophic 3-hydroxypropionate/4-hydroxybutyrate pathway in N maritimus. Enzymes catalyzing each reaction are numbered.Annotated
genes are coded as a locus tag in parentheses.

Pyruvate synthesis seems to occur via the proline were reported (Hallam et al., 20062).
reductive carboxylation of acety-CoA through Either ornithine or glutamate serves as pre-
pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase. The N. cursor for proline biosynthesis. Glutamate is
maritimus genome contains two genes coding directly synthesized by aspartate-2-oxogluta-
for subunits of a single 2-oxoacid:ferredoxin rate transaminase (aminotransferase class I and
oxidoreductase (Nmar-0413-4). Although 11; E C; Nmar-0546), but there are no
the broad specificity of these enzymes makes clear orthologs for the most common pathway
definitive functional assignment difficult, the of proline synthesis from glutamate (y-glutamyl
obligate requirement for an enzyme capable kmase, y-glutamyl phosphate reductase, and
of acetyl-CoA carboxylation (forming pyru- A1-pyro1ine-5-carboxylate reductase). The
vate) strongly suggests that this gene encodes a urea cycle, from which ornithine is derived, is
pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase. Pyruvate potentially present if the gene (Nmar-0925)
is most likely routed into central metabolism annotated as putative arginase/agmatinase/
via conversion to phosphoenopyruvate (PEP) formiminoglutamase is arginase. However, a
by pyruvate:phosphate dlunase (Nmar-0951) gene codmg for ornithine cyclodeaniinase (EC
and subsequent formation of oxaloacetate, catalyzing conversion of ornithine to
by PEP carboxykinase (Nmar-0392). This proline, is not evident in the genoiiie. Thus, as
reaction sequence is also consistent with the for most Archaea, the mechanism for proline
absence of a gene coding for pyruvate kinase biosynthesis is not resolved.
(EC, widely distributed in both Bac- In a select overview, the following pathways
teria and Archaea lineages (Fig. 13). for amino acid biosynthesis are among those
Although the genome encodes numerous identified. Asparagine is drectly synthesized by
genes of enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid asparagine synthase (EC; Nmar-0935)
(TCA) cycle, reductive usage of this pathway from asparate. Serine appears to be synthesized
for autotrophic carbon fmation can be via the phosphorylated pathway, catalyzed by
excluded. A complete reductive TCA cycle D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (SerA;
generally requires a 2-oxog1utarate:ferredoxin (EC; Nmar-1258), phosphoserine
oxidoreductase and a citrate cleaving enzyme. aminotransferase (SerC; E C, and
Generally, organisms utilizing the reductive phosphoserine phosphatase (SerB; EC
TCA cycle for carbon fixation contain unique (Nmar-0666). However, the gene for the latter
genes encoding for two 0xoacid:ferredoxin (SerC) has not yet been identified. Glycine is
oxidoreductases, one specifically active for derived from serine by serine hydroxymeth-
pyruvate and one for 2-oxoglutarate. Although yltransferase (GlyA; EC; Nmar-1793).
these appear to be absent in N. maritimus, in The gene coding threonine aldolase (EC
vitro enzyme activity measurements and/or in, which catalyzes glycine production
vivo-labeling experiments are needed to veri@ from threonine, is not present. Wine, leucine,
this hypothesis. Nonetheless, it is highly likely and isoleucine are synthesized from different
that N. maritimus utilizes an incomplete (or precursors by the same enzyme, branched-
horseshoe-type) TCA cycle for strictly biosyn- chain amino acid aminotransferase (EC
thetic purposes, not for carbon fixation.; Nmar-O192).The threonine pathway
for isoleucine biosynthesis, using pyruvate and
Biosynthesis of Amino Acids threonine as precursors, was confirmed. The
Pathways for the biosynthesis of all standard a-aminoadipic acid route pathway for lysine
amino acids,with the exception ofproline, have biosynthesis is likely used by N. maritimus,
been identified in the N. rnaritimus genome. not the chaminopimelic acid pathway. All
This is comparable to inferences made earlier genes in the two pathways for phenylalanine
from the C. symbiosum genome sequence, in and tyrosine synthesis from chorisniate via
which genes supporting all pathways except prephenate are accounted for in the genome.
. . . . .. I B
Rickettsia typhi
Wolbachia sMel
Pelagibacter ubique ......
....... . ..
Wolinella succinogenes
Synechococcus sp. WH8102 .........
........ ...
Prochlorococcus marinus MT9515
Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655 .........
........ ... ... .-a
Nitrobacter winogradskyi
Nitrosospira multiformis
.......... .-2
. ....... ...
Nitrosomonas europaea
Halobacterium salinarium R 1
...... ... $
.. ... ....
.... ...... 4
Natranomonas pharaonis
Pyrococcus furiosus
Sulfolobus tokodaii
Nitrosopumilus maritimus
.... ....
.. & 4


Most of the genes required for synthesis of inorganic medium (Martens-Habbena et al.,
tryptophan from chorismate and for synthesis 2009).
of histidme from 5-phosphoribosyl diphos-
phate via L-histidmol have been identified. Biosynthesis of Novel Phosphonates
Cysteine is likely synthesized by cysteine syn- The genome sequence of SCMl indicated a
thase (EC; Nmar-0670). It appears capacity for synthesis of novel phosphonate(s),
that alanine is synthesized from cysteine via compounds structurally similar to phosphate
the alanine biosynthesis I11 pathway and that esters but containing a stable carbon-phos-
methionine is synthesized from cysteine via phorus bond. Phosphonates serve niultiple cel-
L-homocysteine by methionine synthase (EC lular roles in invertebrates and microorganisms However, the methionine synthase (Kittredge and Roberts, 1969), occurring as
(Nmar-1267) is located near a fragmented phosphonolipids, side groups in exopolysac-
near-identical gene copy (Nmar-1268), and charides and glycoproteins, functioning for
both contained frame shifts. Thus, a bifunc- phosphorus storage (Miceli et al., 1980), and
tional gene proximal to these genes may cata- as secondary metabolites of fungi and bacteria
lyze this reaction (Nmar-1266). (Kononova and Nesmeyanova, 2002). Bioac-
tive phosphonates include the antibiotics fos-
Mixotrophy and Metabolic Versatility fomycin and dehydrophos and the herbicide
Although N. maritimus grows on a completely phosphinothricin tripeptide (bialaphos). Char-
inorganic medium, the genome sequence sug- acterization of different biosynthetic pathways
gests significant flexibility in the utilization of has shown that biosynthesis generally begins
organic sources of nitrogen, carbon, and phos- with the same two steps: (i) conversion of PEP
phorus. Although it lacks homologs of the to phosphonopyruvate (PnPy) by PEP mutase
putative urea transporter and urease genes iden- and (ii) conversion of PnPy to phosphonoac-
tified in C. symbiosum (Hallam et al., 2006a), etaldehyde and CO, by PnPy decarboxylase.
numerous organic transport functions arc also Recently, Shao et al. (2008) have shown that
evident. These broadly encompass transporters an unexpected intermediate (2-hydroxyethyl-
for dfferent amino acids, dipeptides/oligopep- phosphonate) is also common to the biosyn-
tides, sulfonates/taurine, and glycerol. Thus, thesis of many of these compounds, produced
we anticipate that more detailed physiological from phosphonoacetaldehyde by a novel
characterization will show that N. maritimus family of Group I11 metal-dependent alcohol
has some capacity for mixotrophic growth, as dehydrogenases. All three enzymatic activi-
previously suggested by isotopic studes of nat- ties appear to be encoded by homologous
ural populations (Ingalls et al., 2006). Recent genes colocalized on the N. maritimus genome
culture experiments also support the capacity (Nmar-0158 and 0160-l), unique among
of SCMl to grow as a mixotroph (Martens- available archaeal genome sequences.
Habbena, personal communication). Phosphonates comprise a significant frac-
The N. maritimus genome contains genes tion of the dissolved organic phosphorus pool
coding for gluconeogenesis via the reverse of the oceans (most commonly aminoeth-
Embden-Meyerhof pathway (Fig. 13). All ylphosphonate) and may provide an important
genes required for the pentose phosphate resource for organisms inhabiting this often
pathway and for the synthesis of riboflavin, P-limited environment (Clark et al., 1999).
biotin, vitamin B,,, and nicotinate arc present. For example, the marine diazotroph Trichodes-
Biosynthesis of thiamine, pantothenate, and mium encodes genes for a C-P lyase that has
folic acid is also supported by the presence been suggested to provide this organism adap-
of most genes in the corresponding pathways tive advantage (Dyhrman et al., 2006a, 2006b;
and the more recent observation that growth Dyhman and Haley, 2006). Since Archaea rcp-
of SCMl can be maintained in a completely resented by N. maritimus arc abundant marine

bacterioplankton, a capacity to synthesize transcription factor B (TFB)-type regulatory

phosphonates would point to some inipor- elements (Nmar-1340-1). These are thought
tance in linking marine C, N, and P cycles. to serve general regulatory functions in Archaea
Two systems for phosphorus acquisition may and could play a role in the response of N.
be present. In addition to a high-affinity, high- maritimus to temperature and osmotic shock.
activity pstSCAB-transport system for phos-
phate (Nmar-479 and 481-3), an ability to use Unusual Richness in General
organic phosphates is suggested by the pres- Transcription Factors
ence of a putative phosphonate transporter The large number of transcriptional regulators
(Nmar-0873-5). However, preliminary studies is inhcative of a very adaptive physiology (Fig.
have not shown a capacity to use phosphonates 8). The genome contains at least eight TFB
(Martens-Habenna, personal communication), (Nmar-0013, 0020, 0517, 0624, 0979, 0987,
and genes for C-P lyase and known phospho- 1340, and 1341) and two TATA-box binding
nohydrolases have not been identified in the protein (TBP) genes (Nniar-0598 and 1519),
genome sequence (for review, see Quinn et al., making N. maritimus among the densest and
2007). richest archaeal genonies currently sequenced.
This suggests that this organism of apparently
Discovery of Ectoine and extremely limited metabolic hversity has a
Hydroxyectoine Biosynthesis in contrasting very high adaptive flexibility that
the Archaea may relate to its lifestyle as an extreme oligo-
Microorganisms synthesize various organic troph (Martens-Habbena et al., 2009). Both
osmolytes (compatible solutes) that accumu- TFB and TBP are required for start site-spe-
late via synthesis and/or uptake with exposure cific transcription initiation. In Archaea having
to hyperosmotic conditions and are rapidly multiple TFBs and TPBs, they are thought
expelled under hypoosmotic conditions. These to serve functions similar to the bacterial
solutes also confer protein stability and are syn- sigma factors, modulating cellular function in
thesized following temperature shock or entry response to fluctuating environmental con-
of cultures into the stationary phase (Bursy et ditions (Baliga and DasSarma, 2000), with
al., 2008). As such, they have also been called optimal TFB/TPB partners and some essential
“chemical chaperones” (Diamant et al., 2001). for viability (Facciotti et al., 2007). Although
Bacterial osmolytes include trehalose, gluta- many Archaea encode multiple copies of these
mate, proline, glycine betaine, carnitine, and transcription factors, only the haloarchaea are
ectoine (for review, see Burg and Ferraris, known to have more than five TFB genes (Fac-
2008). Among these, the capacity for ectoine ciotti et al., 2007). The N.maritimus genome
biosynthesis is widely distributed among the also encodes representatives of the two fami-
Bacteria, encoded by a highly conserved gene lies of chromatin proteins, at least five genes
cluster (ectABC), and is particularly common related to archaeal histone (Nmar-0579, 1432,
among marine Bacteria (inhcated in genome 0683, 0788, and 0503) and two homologs of
sequences of Marinobacter, Oceanicola, Oceanoba- Alba (Nmar-0255 and 0933).These are widely
cillus, Oceanobacter, Oceanospirillum, and others). distributed within Archaea and thought to
However, among characterized Archaea, an maintain chromosomal material in a state that
indication for ectoine biosynthesis is restricted permits polymerase accessibility (Sandman and
to N. maritimus, encoded by an operon-like Reeve, 2005). Differential expression in Archaea
gene cluster homologous to the bacterial encoding multiple variant transcriptional regu-
ectABC (Fig. 14). Phylogenetic analysis of ectA lators may provide another mechanism to alter
genes suggests the strain SCMl likely acquired global chromatin composition and transcrip-
this gene h-om Bacteria. O f particular note, the tion (Sandman and Reeve, 2005). The func-
gene cluster is flanked by two genes encoding tional significance of this exceptionally high

Nitrococcus mobilis
ectA ectB ectC thpD Halorhodospiro halophilo
Nitrosopumilus marjtim us Nitrosococcus oceoni
100 -, Bacillus clousii

Aurantimonas sp. S185-9A1

Mariprofundus ferrooxydans
Plonctomyces maris
Pseudomonas stutzeri Oceonospirillum sp.
Pseudomonas stutzeri
99 Vibrio choleroe
Oceanospirillum sp. MED92 Photobacterium profundum
Aurantimonos sp.
Blastopirellula m arin a
Rhadobacterales bacterium
L-proline 4-hydroxylase 0.1 Oceanibulbus indolifex
1000 bp
FIGURE 14 The first evidence of ectoine and hydroxyectoine biosynthesis in the Archaea. (A) Comparison of ectoine synthesis operon clusters with putative
gene names. Microorganisms, except for Pseudomonas stutzeri, are of marine origin. Nmar-1346, ectA, ~-2,4-diaminobutyricacid acetyltransferase; Nmar-1345,
ectB, diaminobutyrate-2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase; Nmar-1344, ectC, ectoine synthase; Nmar-1343, t h p D , ectoine hydroxylase; lysC, aspartate kinase. (B)
Phylogenetic relationship of ectA gene.The evolutionary history was inferred using the neighbor-joining method.The evolutionary distances were computed using
the JTT matrix-based method and are in the units of inferred amino acid substitutions per site.The scale bar shows 0.1 substitutions per site.The bootstrap values
greater than 70% (1,000 replicates) are shown next to each node.There were a total of 130 positions in the final data set, and all positions containing gaps and missing
data were eliminated from the data set.

number of regulatory factors in an apparently bution of planktonic Crenarchaeota in marine

metabolically specialized and small genome environments (DeLong, 1992; Fuhrman et
organism should be informed by future tran- al., 1992, 1993; B6jl et al., 2002) but did not
scriptional analyses, with the expectation that provide insight into central energy metabo-
this will provide important insights into gene lism or features relevant to their open ocean
ensembles required for growth under &fferent habitat. Early metagenoniics studies (Venter
physical/chemical conditions and also advance et al., 2004) and the genome sequence of the
understanding of gene regulation in meso- sponge symbiont C. symbiosum provided an
philic Crenarchaeota. inmcation of a capacity for ammonia oxidation
(Hallam et al., 2006a and 2006b). However, the
G+C content of Cenarchaeum genome devi-
Novel Hybrid Machinery for Cell
ated significantly from planktonic populations
Division in N. maritimus
and, in the absence of physiological data and
NOVEL CELL DIVISION MACHINERY other signature genes in the bacterial pathway
Unique cell division machinery in the Cre- for ammonia oxidation, there was no direct
narchaeota was recently reported (Lindas et support for this inference. In contrast to the
al., 2008; Samson et al., 2008). An operon symbiont, the genome of N.maritimus SCMl
(cdvABC) induced at the onset of genome shares remarkable conservation of gene con-
segregation and cell division was shown to tent and gene order with environmental cre-
code for cell &vision machinery related to the narchaeal sequences previously recovered
eukaryotic endosomal sorting complex. The in fosmid libraries and more recent oceanic
CdvA, CdvB, and CdvC proteins polymerize surveys (Table 3). The Antarctic genome hag-
between segregating nucleoids, forming suc- nients DeepAnt-EC39 (taken from 500 m
cessively smaller structures during constric- depth) and fosniid 74A4 (taken from surface
tion and cell &vision (Lindas et al., 2008). water) both share very high gene order with
With the exception of the Thermoproteales the NO maritimus genome.
and Nitrosopumilus/ Cenarchaeum, all available Recruitment of currently available metage-
archaeal genonies have either the FtsZ or Cdv nomic data sets resulted in nearly complete
cell division machinery, not both (Thermopro- coverage of the N. maritimus genome (Fig.
teaks division machinery has not been char- 16A). In contrast, coverage of available AOB
acterized). Nitrosopumilus and Cenarchaeum genomes, such as N. europaea, was poor (Fig.
are unique in encolng both systems of cell 16F). Interestingly, many high identity matches
division LftsZ, Nmar-1262; cdvA, Nmar-0700; against N. maritimus were recruited from both
cdvB, Nmar-0816; cdvC, Nmar-1088) (Lindas pelagic and coastal sampling sites, with coastal
et al., 2008). Thus, the functional and evolu- sites having greater similarity (>85%)nucleotide
tionary significance of a unique and possibly identity) (Fig. 16A and B). Notably, the Block
hybrid machinery for cell &vision in N. mari- Island, New York, coastal site (GS009) yielded
timus is of particular interest in future studies, the highest number of reads of greater than the
and possibly offers additional support for the 75% nucleotide identity and the largest frac-
hypothesis that representatives of this lineage tional abundance of total read recruited to the
are at kingdom-level depth within the Archaea SCMl genome (Fig. 17). Similarly, significant
(Fig. 15) (Brochier-Armanet et al., 2008). differences were apparent in two Galapagos
Island sites (GS031 and 032). These data sug-
High Similarity to the Marine gest that N maritimus and genetically similar
Metagenome Sequences marine nitrieing Crenarchaea may be adapted
Early molecular surveys and comparative to near coastal environments. For example,
genomic analyses revealed the global distr- SCMl cannot grow at or below 15OC, and this
A €5

FIGURE 15 Hierarchical clustering of N. maritimus and other archaeal genomes based on enzyme (A) and COG (B) clustering methods for the type ofprotein/
functional families.The figures were prepared by using the genome-clustering tool in the integrated microbial genomes system (Markowitz et al., 2006,2008).The
placement in the tree reflects the distance between genomes, whereby the computed distance is based on the similarity of the functional characterization of genomes
in terms of a specific protein/functional family. The enzyme-based clustering supports an affiliation of Nitrosopumilus and Cenarckaeum with the Crenarchaeota,
whereas the COG-based clustering indicates that these two genera are of independent origin and possibly represent a novel kingdom (Thaumarchaeota).

Q m 0
k M
0 w 0
Q p., VI

feature would restrict its habitat to coastal,trop- domains (Brochier-Armanet et al., 2008). This
ical, and near-surface pelagic waters (Fig. 17D has been used to propose a third kingdom, the
and E).This is consistent with variation in gene Thaumarchaeota, within the Archaea. However,
organization of marine Crenarchaeota genomic the tree topology is sensitive to the method of
fragments recovered from different sampling phylogeny inference. Also, hierarchical clus-
depths and is suggestive of depth-related hab- tering of available archaeal genomes based on
itat types (Lopez-Garcia, 2004; Hallam et al., enzyme or C O G distribution does not yield
2006b). Surprisingly, a metagenomic library a consistent placement. The COG-based clus-
from Lake Gatun, Panama (GS020), contained tering places N. maritimus and Cenarchaeum basal
many crenarchaeal sequences (4.9% of the total to the Euryarchaeota and Crenarchaeota, whereas
reads examined) with nucleotide identities to the enzyme-based clustering suggests that they
SCMl comparable to the pelagic data sets. are deeply diverging members of the Crenar-
Thus, although the data from freshwater sites chaeota (Fig. 15).Thus, resolution of phyloge-
are as yet very limited, in adhtion to their well- netic position wdl likely only be confirmed by
documented abundance in marine and pristine inclusion of additional genome data from more
soil environments (Prosser and Nicol, 2008, divergent members of the ammonia-oxidizing
and references therein), lakes may be another Crenarchaeota, as should soon come available
important habitat for nitrifjing Crenarchaeota. &om the recently cultivated N. yellowstonii and
N. gavensis.
Did Ammonia Oxidation Originate
A Third Kingdom of Archaea? within the Bacteria or Archaea?
A phylogenetic position of C.syrnbiosum (and N. The discovery of AOA raised a number of
maritimus) basal to the two formally described fundamental questions concerning the origin
archaeal kingdoms has been suggested by and biochemistry of ammonia oxidation. Both
analysis of ribosomal proteins and patterns AOA and AOB share a related oxygenase, the
of gene presence/absence among the three AMO, and it is possible that an early hori-

Number of reads (%)

0 10 20 30

GS009 Block Island, NY

GS032 Mangrove in lsabella Island, Galapagos
GSOOOc2 Sargasso
GSOOOcl Sargasso
GS031 O f f Fernandina Island, Galapagos
GS020. Lake Gatun, Panama
GS008 Newport Harbor, RI
GS006 Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotla
GS014 South of Charleston, SC
GSOOOdl Sargasso
GS000b3 Sargasso
GS000d2 Sargasso
GSOOOb2 Sargasso

FIGURE 17 Relative abundance of the number of reads in metagenomic libraries recruited to the N. rmnitimtrr
genome.The number of reads in each metagenomic libraries is normalized by the obtained total number of reads
(n = 5,773) in all libraries tested (reads are obtained from 58 libraries among 92 marine and freshwater libraries

zontal gene transfer accounts for its presence now shed initial light on the gene inventory
in both domains. However, apart from this of mesophilic AOA. These studies indcate not
one enzyme, their biochemistry of ammonia only that a tremendous diversity of Crenavchaeota
oxidation is likely distinct. The A M 0 is also may thrive by ammonia oxidation but also that
evolutionarily entwined with the methane a distinct biochemistry of ammonia oxidation
monooxygenase, and it is not clear which serves energy conservation in these Organisms.
aerobe (methanotroph versus ammonia oxi- AOA are now recognized to inhabit a broad
dizer) first emerged as Earth’s atmosphere spectrum of environments, from permanently
became increasingly oxidizing. A geochemical cold marine to geothermal environments and
dilemma relating to an early emergence of a thus have a significantly broader tempera-
copper-based aerobic metabolism is oxygen- ture range than known bacterial counterparts.
ation of the atmosphere in the Proterozoic Broad temperature range, as well as oligotrophy
Eon. Modeling and geochemical data sug- among AOA, shows that apparently unfavorable
gest that soluble copper was scarce during the thermodynamics of ammonia oxidation and
“ferro-sulfidic” archaean eon, became even the requirement of reverse electron transport
less available during the primarily “sulfidic” for biosynthetic needs do not pose significant
Proterozoic period, and increased significantly limitations on the competitiveness of archaeal
only during the last billion years of Earth’s his- nitrifiers for scarce energy resources such as
tory (Canfield, 1998; Anbar and Knoll, 2002; ammonia. Detailed physiological and biochem-
Dupont et al., 2006). The discovery of an ical studies will be required to decipher this
early-branching ammonia-oxidzing thermo- novel biochemistry and its significance for the
phile (N. yellowstonii) points to a possible early environmental adaptation of AOA.
thermophilic origin within the Archaea (de la Both genomic and physiological charac-
Torre et al., 2008).A thermophilic ancestry is terization of SCMl point to a greater iinpor-
also suggested by oceanic representatives of an tance of chemoautotrophy in the ocean water
archaeal lineage (pSL12 and ALOHA groups) column than previously recognized. Strain
(Fig. 1) (Mincer et al., 2007). However, an SCMl encodes all major biosynthetic path-
early evolution of a copper-based metabolism ways for autotrophic growth in its genome and
must be reconciled with scarcity of soluble has the ability to grow in completely inorganic
copper during most of Earth’s history. These media. Its genome shares significant gene con-
questions will likely only be resolved through tent and synteny with planktonic Crenavchaea.
more intensive characterization, both through Its affinity for ammonia likely renders it com-
cultivation and molecular surveys of micro- petitive with both heterotrophs and photo-
organisms that have specialized to grow on trophs for this scarce resource. Despite their
simple, and primordial, growth substrates. apparent metabolic specialization,genoinic and
biogeochemical studies indicate some capacity
CONCLUSIONS AND for assimilation of simple organic molecules by
FUTURE PERSPECTIVES Group I Crenarchaeota. Direct evidence for an
The discovery of ammonia oxidation within entirely heterotrophic lifestyle is still lacking,
the domain of the Avchaea has challenged a and it remains to be shown how signifi-
century-old paradigm of nitrification limited cant heterotrophy or even alternative energy
to a few proteobacterial genera. The exis- sources may be for these organisms.We antici-
tence of oligotrophic archaeal ammonia 0% pate that further comparative genomic studies
dizers among the Archaea, their widespread will provide more complete insight into the
occurrence in nature, and their prevalence in metabolic adaptations of mesophilic and ther-
nutrient-poor environments inhcates a sig- mophilic Crenarchaeota, facilitate isolation of
nificant role of AOA in the global nitrogen novel (possibly heterotrophic strains),and help
cycle. Genomic and metagenomic studes have to constrain their evolutionary relationships.

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Graeme W Nicol, Sven Leininger,and Christa Schleper

ARCHAEA: IMPORTANT contribute more significantly to biogeochen-

GLOBAL PLAYERS IN ical cycles than previously thought (for review,
BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES? see Delong, 1998). However, it took several
years before any aspect of their physiology or
Discovery of Archaeal Ubiquity in
ecological role could be determined.
the Environment
Initial 16s rRNA gene surveys of moderate
Before the discovery of large abundances of
archaea in marine environments inhcated the
archaea in “nonextreme” terrestrial and aquatic
presence of three previously undetected line-
environments, it was believed that archaea play
ages that were termed Group I, affiliated with
only a marginal role in most global element
the kingdom of crenarchaeota, and Groups
cycles, due to their restriction to extreme
I1 and I11 within the kingdom euryarchaeota
habitats such as salt-saturated lakes (halophiles)
(Delong, 1992).In particular, organisms within
and high-temperature terrestrial springs and
Group I (a lineage distinct from, but specifi-
deep-sea vents (thermoacidophiles, hyper-
cally associated with, cultured hyperthermo-
thermophiles). Perhaps the only recognized
philic organisms) were found to be abundant
exception was the distribution of methanogens
in many moderate habitats. These 16s rRNA
(is., archaea that are ubiquitously distributed
gene sequences from marine and soil samples
in anaerobic environments and represent the
were quickly recognized to be separated into
sole biological source of the greenhouse gas
two distinct clades, referred to as Group l . l a
methane) (Garcia et al., 2000). However, in the
and 1. l b lineages, respectively (Fig. 1).Despite
early 199Os, the use of cultivation-independent
an abundant and seemingly ubiquitous distri-
molecular techniques led to the dxovery of
bution, aspects of the physiology and energy
crenarchaeal and euryarchaeal lineages in most
metabolism of these organisms remained
moderate and aerobic environments (and often
unknown for over a decade. Initial indi-
in a vast number),indicating that archaea might
rect insights into their physiology were from
Gracme WNicol,Institute of Biological & Environmental Sci- studies of archaea in marine habitats using
ences, University ofAberdeen,Aberdeen AB24 3UU, United stable isotope, microautoradiography, or nat-
Kingdom. Sven Leininger, Sars International Centre for ural radiocarbon analyses which indicated that
Marine Molecular Biology, N-5008 Bergen, Norway. Christa
Schleper, Department of Genetics in Ecology, University of both modes of carbon assimilation occurred
Vienna, A-1090 Vienna,Austria. within marine archaea, i.e., autotrophic mode
Nitr@ation, Edited by Bcss 13. Ward, I h i c l J. Arp, and Martin G IUotz
Q 2011 ASM I’ress,Washington, TIC

Marine Benthic
Group B
Crena rcha e a
Amsterdam-1A-I 7
NANK-A, o2 CRA8..27cm Terrestrial hot springs
Cultured (hyper)therrnophiles
Group 1.3
Flooded soils,
Terrestrial hot springs &
hydrothermal vents P
sediments freshwater
& other environments

Marine Benthic Desulfurococcus


Group 1 Ic/FFS
Grassland & GFS6-95001
con iferousl
Plant roots

Marine water

in most soils
0.05 & other environments Marine water &

FIGURE 1 Phylogenetic analysis of crenarchaeal 16s rRNA gene sequences recovered from marine and terrestrial environments together with cultivated AOA
and hyperthermophiles. Sequence names in bold represent cultivated organisms or genomic fragments containing both 16s rRNA and A M 0 subunit genes.
Lineages with a bold arc represent those known to have associatedA M 0 subunit genes. Dashed lines at multifurcating nodes indicate manual adjustment reflecting
low bootstrap support for any relative branching order. The scale bar represents an estimated 0.05 changes per nucleotide position, and numbers at nodes indicate
the most conservative value of bootstrap support from three treeing methods.

(using inorganic carbon as a nutrient source) revealed many genoniic features of niesophilic
(e.g. Kuypers et al., 2001; Pearson et al., 2001; archaea, they lacked evidence indicating the
Wuchter et al., 2003) and heterotrophic mode fundamental energy metabolism.
(using organic carbon compounds as nutrients) The first insight into a specific energy
(Ouverney and Fuhrman, 2000; Herndl et al., metabolism came from a fosmid clone derived
2005; Teira et al., 2006a; Ingalls et al., 2006). from a soil-derived metagenomic library.Based
However, identification of specific energy on 16s and 23s rRNA genes, the fosmid clone
metabolisms remained elusive. “54d9” was identified as belonging to the
ubiquitous “soil group” Group 1.l b (Fig. 1).In
INSIGHTS FROM COMMUNITY addition, it contained two open reading frames
GENOMICS (METAGENOMIC S) (ORFs) that coded for putative alpha and beta
One of the major challenges in studying subunits (AmoA and AmoB, respectively) of
microorganisms from natural habitats is the an ammonia monooxygenase (AMO) as well
inability to cultivate many of them in the as a gene whose product was highly similar
laboratory. One approach that has managed to copper-dependent nitrite reductases (NirK)
to provide valuable hypotheses and insights (Treusch et al., 2005).An in silico comparison
into the physiology and ecology of uncultured to environmental sequences deposited in
microorganisms has been the direct cloning public databases showed that the soil-derived
and sequencing of large contiguous fragments archaeal amoA and amoB genes were highly
of environmental DNA (Treusch et al., 2004). similar to archaea-associated scaffolds from
These fi-agments represent discrete portions of the whole genome shotgun sequencing pro-
genomes from a complex and diverse natural ject of the Sargasso Sea (Venter et al., 2004;
microbial consortium (often referred to as Schleper et al., 2005;Treusch et al., 2005). In
the “metagenome”), rather than partial frag- that project, short sequences had been gener-
ments of individual genes such as 16s rRNA. ated from small insert nietagenoniic libraries,
These genome fragments are then cloned and single reads had, subsequently,been asseni-
into bacterial artificial chromosomes, or more bled in silico (Venter et al., 2004).Additionally,
commonly, bacterial artificial chromosome- the genomic fragments froin marine archaea
derived fosmid vectors, which are archived assembled in the whole genome shotgun pro-
in Escherichia coli clone libraries. The libraries ject contained genes coding for the C-subunit
can then be screened for genes of interest by of an AMO, apparently organized in a cluster
PCR, by hybridization methods with oligo- together with amoA and amoB in a B C A gene
nucleotide probes, or by end-sequencing of order and contrasted with the C A B arrange-
plasmid inserts (Handelsman, 2004; Treusch ment observed in ammonia-oxidizing bacteria
and Schleper, 2005). (AOB) (Nicol and Schleper, 2006). The simi-
The first fragments of a genome from an larity of the soil and marine-derived AmoA
uncultured archaeon was obtained from a sequences to the alpha subunits of the bacterial
marine metagenomic library produced by A M 0 and the particulate methane moiiooxy-
Stein et al. (1996),with clone “4B7”containing genase (pMMO) from bacterial methane oxi-
an insert size of 38.5 kb, and identified as being dizers was only about 40%)(-25%) identity) on
affiliated with Group I based on the presence the amino acid level. In contrast, the similarity
of a 16s rRNA gene. Other metagenomic between the two related proteins A M 0 and
libraries from microorganisms associated with pMMO in bacteria is much higher with up
a marine sponge, marine plankton, as well as to 74% (-50% identity). Furthermore, the
soil-contained Group I genomic fragments putative amo/pmo genes of archaea were con-
(Schleper et al., 1998; Beja et al., 2000, 2002; siderably shorter than those of their bacterial
Quaiser et al., 2002 ;Lopez-Garcia et al., 2004; homologues. Further evidence supporting
Treusch et al., 2004). Although these analyses the hypothesis that the respective archaeal

ORFs indeed coded for subunits of an AMO/ More recently, Martens-Habbena et al. (2009)
pMMO-related protein was provided through demonstrated that SCMl has the lowest half-
the comparison with structural data obtained saturation constant and highest specific affinity
of the p M M O of Methylococcus capsulatus for ammonium ever reported for an ammonia-
(Lieberman and Rosenzweig, 2005). Many oxidizing prokaryote, indicating that this
amino acid residues potentially involved in organism is adapted to thriving in environ-
copper-binding metal centers were also found ments with extremely low nutrient levels, such
to be highly conserved in the archaeal vari- as the open ocean.
ants (Treusch et al., 2005). Moreover, micro- Archaeal ammonia oxidizers of Group 1.l a
cosm experiments were conducted to study were also enriched by cultivation from coastal
transcription of the archaeal amoA genes. A water of the North Sea, again showing con-
significant increase in transcriptional activity version of ammonia to nitrite with corre-
of the putative amoA gene was observed upon lating numbers of archaea and accumulation
incubation with NH,+, suggesting that the of nitrite (Wuchter et al., 2006). The enrich-
amo-like genes indeed coded for a monooxy- ment contained a single phylotype with 99%
genase involved in the oxidation of ammonia 16s rRNA gene sequence identity to N. mar-
(Treusch et al., 2005). itimus.The single amoA gene identified in this
enrichment was also highly similar to that of
Nitrosopmilus maritimus: a Cultivated N. maritimus (91% on nucleotide and 98% on
Archaeal Ammonia Oxidizer amino acid level) and to Sargasso Sea amoA
The definitive proof for the ammonia-oxi- sequences (90% and 95%, respectively). Quan-
dizing capability of moderate archaea was titative measurements of 16s rRNA and amoA
provided through the cultivation of N. mari- genes in this enrichment suggested a 1:l ratio
timus (Konneke et al., 2005). Based on its 16s of these genes per crenarchaeal genome. This
rRNA gene sequence, the isolate SCMl could is in contrast to ratios within AOB that may
be assigned to Marine Group I (or Group have up to three amoA genes and one 16s
1.1a). It also contained genes for the A, B, and rRNA gene per cell. This enrichment had
C subunits of the archaeal AMO, which were an estimated nitrification rate of 2 to 4 fmol
highly similar to the amoA, amoB, and amoC of converted NH, cell-' day-', which was in
sequences of planktonic archaea (Venter et al., agreement with that of N. maritimus.
2004) and to amoA and amoB of soil archaea
(Treusch et al., 2005) with 93 to 98% and 80 to Genome Analysis of the AMO-
90% identity on the amino acid and nucleotide Containing Archaeon C. symbiosum
level, respectively. Cells of N. maritimus are rod The symbiotic archaeon C. symbiosum that
shaped and particularly small with a maximal resides in the tissue of the sponge Axinella mex-
diameter of 0.22 and 0.9 pi in 1ength.These icana (Preston et al., 1996) served as an early
cells also resembled marine archaea investi- model to study molecular aspects of the non-
gated by fluorescent in situ hybridization, in thermophilic marine crenarchaeota (Schleper
particular the sponge symbiont Cenarchaeum et al., 1997). It exists as two distinct but closely
symbiosum (Preston et al., 1996) and other related populations (strains A and B) with a
planktonic cells (DeLong et al., 1999). SCMl nucleotide sequence divergence of 0.7% in
grew at rates of 0.78 day-' and was shown to the 16s rRNA gene and microheterogeneity
convert ammonia into nitrite stoichiometri- within protein-coding genes and spacer regions
cally with an approximate rate of -4 to 14 (Schleper et al., 1998). Recently, the complete
fmol of NO,- cell-' day-' in the absence of genome sequence of C. symbiosum was deter-
organic compounds, thus indicating an auto- mined from a metagenomic library providing
trophic metabolism. Moreover, growth was further insights into the potential physiological
inhibited when organic substances were added. properties of uncultured ammonia-oxidizing

archaea (AOA) (Hallam et al., 2006a, 2006b). Brochier-Armanet et al. (2008) analyzed the
The genome contained ORFs for a putative genome of C. symbiosum and, based on phylo-
A M 0 (containing all three subunits) highly genetic analyses of ribosomal protein encoding
similar to that of N. mavitimus (Konneke et al., genes and genome content, proposed that C.
2005) and the soil crenarchaeote (Treusch et symbiosum and its (AOA) relatives be placed
al., 2005). Interestingly, the presence of a gene in a lineage called “thaumarchaeota” (from
encoding the enzyme hydroxylamine oxido- the Greek Thaum, meaning wonder). The
reductase, required for the subsequent step increasing amount of genomic data from other
in nitrification (oxidation of hydroxylamine studies, including the complete genomes of N.
to nitrite), has not been detected. Currently, maritimus and N. gargensis, and nietagenomic
there is no known homologue for hydroxyl- data appear to strongly support this hypothesis
amine oxidoreductase present in archaea, and (Bartossek et al., 2010; Spang et al., 2010).
it seems that archaeal ammonia oxidizers may
use another enzyme or alternative pathway DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTION
to produce nitrite. Analysis of the C. sym- OF AOA
biosum genome and additional environmental So far, the capacity for archaea to oxidize
archaeal sequences inclcate that AOA might ammonia seems to be restricted to the Group 1
use the 3-hydroxypropionate cycle for CO, organisms and maybe a few associated lineages.
fixation (Hallam et al., 2006a) with a com- The amo genes of AOB and AOA are distantly
plete 3-hydroxypropionate/4-hydroxybutyrate related, and molecular approaches to study the
pathway present in N. maritimus and C. sym- distribution and diversity of ammonia oxidzers
biostrm as well as in the data set of the Sargasso rely on specific P C R primers that amplify the
Sea metagenome (Berg et al., 2007). Interest- archaeal amoA or the bacterial amoA variant
ingly, a gene whose product is highly similar (Francis et al., 2005;Treusch et al., 2005).After
to copper-dependent nitrite reductases (NirK) the identification of amo genes on archaeal
was detected along with amo-like genes on genome fragments (Schleper et al., 2005;
fosmid 54d9 (Treusch et al., 2005). Recent Treusch et al., 2005) and the cultivation of
genomic and metagenomic studies inhcate the ammonia-oxidizing archaeon N. maritimus
that honiologues of this gene are widely dis- (Konneke et al., 2005), it became clear that
tributed in AOB (Cantera and Stein, 2007) and AOA are globally distributed like mesophilic
also archaea, the only exception being C. sym- crenarchaeaota (thaumarchaeota). This was
biosum (Bartossek et al., 2010). first observed by a molecular study amplifiing
the archaeal amoA gene from diverse marine
Thaumarchaeota and as well as terrestrial ecosystems (Francis et al.,
Not Crenarchaeota? 2005). Phylogenetic analyses revealed two pri-
Phylogenetic analysis of 16s rRNA genes mary evolutionary groups that reflected largely
from marine and terrestrial habitats indicated, the habitat from which they were retrieved: (i)
in most studies, that the lineage comprising the soil and sediment group, containing most
AOA were distinct from, but specifically asso- of the terrestrial sequences, and (ii) the marine
ciated with, the hyperthermophilic crenar- water column and sediment group, consisting
chaeota lineage. One surprising finding from mostly of sequences recovered from marine-
the recent genomic data from both cultivated associated habitats (Fig. 2). It was also quite
and uncultivated mesophilic archaea is that clear that this mirrored, to a large extent, ear-
this phylogenetic placement based on 16s lier 16s rRNA gene-based phylogenies where
r R N A genes alone may be misleading, and the two dominant lineages could be associated
that AOA may actually belong to a different largely with soil and marine habitats (Fig. 1).
phylum that is as distinct from crenarchaeota Although others exist, these two major groups
as crenarchaeota are from the euryarchaeota. still persist even when considering the many

9 (AJ627422) group

Soils & other


. gargensis (EU281317) grou

Sediment (DQ148587)

asso Sea (AACY01435967) group

C. symbiosum (DP000238)

mantimus (EU239959) group

Marine water &

other environments

Sediment (DQ148893)

Geothermal environments Marine water soil

hMixed environments Marine water & sediments Soil & Sediments

Marine corals & sediments Marine sediments Wastewater

FIGURE 2 Phylogenetic analysis showing the diversity ofAMO subunit A genes associated with archaea and
the environments from which they were obtained. The height and length of each triangle is proportional to
the number of taxa included in this analysis and maximum individual branch length, respectively. The scale bars
represent an estimated 0.05 changes per nucleotide position, and numbers at nodes indicate the most conservative
value of bootstrap support from three treeing methods. (From Prosser and Nicol, 2008, with permission.)

thousands of archaeal amoA sequences depos- number of studies have shown that archaeal
ited in the public databases. communities vary across ecological gradients
such as grassland management and levels of soil
AOA in Soils pollution (e.g., Sandaa et al., 1999; Nicol et al.,
Crenarchaeota represent a stable fraction of 2003,2005). Subsequent studies using the AOA
up to 5% of the total microbial community marker a m d itself show similar trends with
in many soils (Ochsenreiter et al., 2003) with the selection of distinct populations under dif-
the predominant lineage in both pristine and ferent conditions such as contrasting fertilizer
agricultural soils being Group The first regimens or long-term changes in soil p H (He
comprehensive study on the presence and et al., 2007; Nicol et al., 2008). In fact, a sig-
abundance of AOA in soils included 12 pris- nificant effect of long-term mineral fertilizer
tine and differently managed agricultural soil application (in contrast to manure fertilizers) is
samples of contrasting physicochemical char- the decrease in p H that, in turn, may decrease
acteristics spanning a geographical transect potential nitrification rates. This has led to the
from northern to southern Europe (Leininger hypothesis that p H rather than nutrient status
et al., 2006). Using quantitative P C R (qPCR), is a major driver for the presence and abun-
AOA amoA gene abundance ranged between 7 dance of ammonia oxihzers (He et al., 2007;
X lo6 and 7 X lo8 copies per gram of dry soil. Nicol et al., 2008; Hansel et al., 2008).Another
Ratios of AOA to AOB amoA genes ranged parameter influencing dwersity and distribu-
from 1.5 to over 230 in surface soil layers, tion of archaeal ammonia oxidizers may be
indicating a large numerical dominance of the temperature. It has been indicated that there
AOA genes. The relative dominance of AOA is a discrepancy between numbers ofAOB and
over AOB also increases with soil depth (Fig. 3) nitrification measurements in soils incubated
in a situation that is curiously analogous to that at temperatures of 30°C or above (Avrahami
seen in open ocean waters (i.e., archaeal num- and Bohannan, 2007). In addition, changes
bers remain relatively constant, whereas bacte- in transcriptionally active AOA and growth
rial numbers decrease) (Leininger et al., 2006; of specific populations has been observed at
Jia and Conrad, 2009). However, despite the 30°C (Tourna et al., 2008; Offre et al., 2009,
relatively constant numbers of AOA through a where there is no evidence of associated AOB
soil profile, distinct phylotypes are found asso- growth, thereby indicating that AOA may be
ciated with specific depths (Fig. 3), indicating the predominant ammonia oxidizers in soils
specific populations are adapted to different over particular temperature ranges.
conditions such as organic matter content or There is increasing evidence that both
oxygen availability. These observations have natural and agricultural soils are habitats for
been repeated in a number of studies, and AOA, and they are numerically dominating
the apparent numerical dominance of AOA the ammonia-oxidizing microbial commu-
appears to be a general pattern in soils glob- nity and occupy a broad range of niches with
ally (e.g., H e et al., 2007; Boyle-Yanvood et varying physicochemical parameters. Based on
al., 2008; Nicol et al., 2008).The quantities of their amoA gene phylogeny, most soil-derived
AOA do not appear to be dependant on any AOA cluster within the soil/sediment group,
physicochemical parameters in soil since they but sequences affiliated with the marine water
are constantly high in most soil types. How- column/sedmient cluster are also detected (He
ever, there is a large amount of evidence that et al., 2007; Hansel et al., 2008).This indicates
different populations of AOA are selected for a large diversity of AOA communities that
soils with contrasting physicochemical con- reflects the complexity and heterogeneity of
ditions. Assuming the mstribution of Group the soil matrix. However, a major challenge
1 16s rRNA phylotypes also indicates, to will be to determine whether they truly are
some extent, the mstribution of AOA, a large the predominantly active ammonia oxidizers
0-10 cm
= _..*
Nitrosopumilus *.**

.......*- .......
maritimus ..a-

60-70 cm .......................

Marine amoA
Both 0-1 0 & 60-70 cm
FIGURE 3 Analysis of a soil depth profile of a sandy ecosystem (Rotboll, Darmstadt, Germany). Absolute numbers of amoA genes of archaea and bacteria
quantified by qPCR and phylogenetic analysis illustrating the relatedness ofAOA amoA sequences retrieved from two depths (0 to 10 and 60 to 70 cm) are shown.
The clustering of sequences from the same depth demonstrates the presence ofpopulations adapted to specific conditions within the soil profile. (Adapted from data
obtained by Leininger et al., Nature 442:806-809,2006, with permission from Macmillan Publishers, Ltd.)

in soil and whether they arc major contribu- are frequently detected in low numbers or even
tors to fertilizer loss in agricultural systems (see undetectable (Ward, 2000;Wuchter et al., 2006;
below). Mincer et al., 2007). Furthermore, the quan-
titative co-occurrence of planktonic archaeal
AOA in the Ocean ammonia oxidizers and Nitrospina-like nitrite
Nearly all recovered AOA umoA sequences oxidizers in the lower part of the euphotic
from the water column cluster within the zone with considerable nitrification rates sug-
major water column/sediment clade (Fig. 2). gests a metabolic coupling between these two
The amoA gene sequences of planktonic AOA groups sustaining nitrification (Mincer et al.,
in surface waters have a low divergence on the 2007). The abundance of AOA is in line with
nucleotide level and almost complete identity the general perception that in the open oceans,
on the amino acid 1evel.A clear characteristic of water column nitrification activity is thought
marine AOA populations is their depth-related to be less in surface waters and highest at the
phylogenetic partitioning with distinct AOA bottom of the euphotic zone. This may be
communities at different water depths and few due to competition for the substrate ammonia
overlaps in their clustering behavior (Francis between nitrifiers with phytoplanktonic
et al., 2005; Hallam et al., 2006a; Mincer et organisms and/or to light inhibition of the
al., 2007; Nakagawa et al., 2007; Beman et al., A M 0 enzyme (Ward, 2005) and fits also the
2008). By developing specific primer sets for seasonal variation of crenarchaeal and euryar-
the shallow and deep clusters, Beman et al. chaeal abundances (Murray et al., 19981999;
(2008) showed that AOA bearing the “shallow” Wuchter et al., 2006; Herfort et al., 2007). It
amoA gene occur also in the deeper waters, but has been shown that there is an inverse corre-
AOA detected in deep regions arc not found lation between crenarchaeota and chlorophyll
in shallow waters. The phenomenon of AOA a (Murray et al., 1998), supporting the idea of
amoA community composition dependent on the negative impact of phytoplankton on nitri-
depth might be explained by a possible resist- fier communities (Ward, 2005; Herfort et al.,
ance to photoinhibition acquired by those 2007). Previous studies could not find a cor-
AOA that thrive in the photic zones (Mincer relation between bacterial ammonia-oxilzing
et al., 2007). However, this might also reflect community structures and nitrification rates
possible adaptations and phenotypes restricted in ocean waters of the Monterey Bay in Cali-
to certain environmental characteristics. AOA fornia (O’Mullan and Ward, 2005). However,
amoA abundance has been found to correlate the abundance of AOA in different oceanic
with the two nitrite maxima in shallow and provinces has been demonstrated to correlate
deeper waters (Coolen et al., 2007; Herfort et with regions where nitrification is important
al., 2007; Beman et al., 2008) and higher levels (Massana et al., 1997; DeLong et al., 1999;
of nitrate (Mincer et al., 2007), suggesting an Karner et al., 2001;Teira et al., 2006b)
involvement in nitrification. Interestingly, there is evidence that Group
Similar to soil ecosystems, AOA seem to 1. l a archaea might not be the only AOA in the
outnumber AOB in marine habitats. Abun- oceans (Mincer et al., 2007). Based on qPCR
dances of AOA amoA and crenarchaeal 16s data,AOA amoA genes at 200 m depth in the
rRNA genes show a high correlation with northern Pacific were far more abundant than
slightly more amoA than 16s rRNA gene archaeal Group l . l a 16s rRNA genes but
copies, inlcating that most crenarchaeota revealed a strong correlation to quantities of
might be AOA (Wuchter et al., 2006; Herfort 16s rRNA genes related to the deep branching
et al., 2007). The high numbers of putatively (cren)archaeal pSL12 clade, first detected in
AOA with lo4 to lo5 copies I&’in zones of hot springs (Barns et al., 1996) (Fig. 1).pSL12-
nitrification activity contrast with the abun- like crenarchaeotes were only rarely detected
dances of their bacterial counterparts, which in planktonic samples and had therefore been

considered as atypical for pelagic environ- first of this group to be sequenced and investi-
ments. An AOA umoA clone library from the gated in detail (see above) (Hallam et al., 2006a,
same depth, where pSL12 crenarchaeotes were 2006b). Some genes present in the genome of
more abundant than others, did not reveal spe- C. symbiosurn are absent in planktonic rela-
cific amoA sequence types potentially charac- tives, indicating a sponge-archaeal specificity
teristic for pSL12-like archaea, indicating that (Hallam et al., 2006b). Global studies including
their amoA genes were indistinguishable from more AOA amoA sequences from different
those of Group sponges and corals revealed a large sponge-
and coral-specific cluster (Beman et al., 2007;
AOA in Sediments Steger et al., 2008) and are congruent with
AOA amoA sequences recovered from marine 16s rRNA gene-based studies of crenarchaea
estuarine sediments are not only distributed (Taylor et al., 2007). In particular, archaea
within the marine watedsediment cluster associated with the sponge genus Axinellida
where they are found in specific groups, but seem to be host specific (Holnies and Blanch,
some are also affiliated with the major soil/sed- 2007), and generally, only a few 16s rRNA-
iment clade (Fig. 2).The trend of the numerical defined phylotypes are found associated with
dominance ofAOA over AOB is also present in an indrvidual sponge. This contrasts, however,
some sediments. AOA have been found to be with the large AOA amoA diversity that has
up to 30 to 80 times more abundant than AOB been found associated with a marine sponge
in different estuarine sediments, and a correla- (Steger et al., 2008) or perhaps indicates a large
tion with environmental parameters inhcates amount of microheterogeneity of amoA genes
that AOA in sediments may prefer low salinity within an archaeal species. AOA appear to be
and lower oxygen concentrations (Mosier and stable members of the microbial community
Francis, 2008; Santoro et al., 2008). Previous associated with many sponge species with
studies on dynamics of AOB regarding com- a permanent form of symbiosis indicated by
munity composition, abundance, and nitrifica- the transmission of AOA from adults to larvae
tion rates from drfferent estuarine sehments observed in different sponge species by P C R
revealed a strong effect of salinity grahents, and fluorescent in situ hybridization studies
ammonium, and oxygen concentrations as well (Steger et al., 2008). Nitrification has been
(de Bie et al., 2001; Cebron et al., 2003; Francis shown to occur in several sponges (Corredor
et al., 2003; Bernhard et al., 2005,2007). Nitri- et al., 1988; Diaz and Ward, 1997; Diaz et al.,
fication is an important process in sedimentary 2004;Jimenez and Ribes, 2007), and they have
biogeochemistry and particularly in estuarine a complex microbial community associated
sediments, which can be exposed to high loads with N cycling including AOA and nitrite oxi-
of nutrients from agricultural runoff (Beman dizers, but also ananimox planctoniycetes and
et al., 2006). In sediments with a low-oxygen denitrifiers (Hoffmann et al., 2009). Archaea
concentration, nitrification is directly linked to may thus be required for detoxification and
N loss of fixed nitrogen through denitrifica- sustainment of the hosts’ health by removal of
tion or anammox (Seitzinger, 1988; Galloway nitrogenous waste products (Hoffniann et al.,
et al., 2004; Seitzinger et al., 2006). Based on 2009).
their abundance, AOA may have a crucial role
in this hot spot of global nitrification. AOA in Geothermal Environments
16s rRNA gene sequences affiliated with
AOA Associated with “moderate” crenarchaeota (or thaumarchaeota)
Marine Invertebrates have been recovered &om environments of
A close relative to marine-free living, AOA is high temperature alongside known thermo-
the sponge symbiont C. symbiosum (Preston et philic crenarchaeota and euryarchaeota (Kvist
al., 1996).The genome of this organism was the et al., 2005,2007).There is now unambiguous

evidence for the occurrence ofAOA in envi- ally outnumber their bacterial counterparts
ronments of elevated temperature. AOA amoA in most aquatic and terrestrial environments.
sequences have been detected in “moderately However, the dominance of the gene copy
hot” terrestrial environments (-45 to 50”C), number is only an indication that certain pop-
including speleotherm structures sampled from ulations may be important with regard to an
a geothermal mine adit in Colorado (Spear et al., ecosystem process and does not provide any
2007), water and associated biofilms of thermal definitive proof of activity.A number of studes
springs located in caves in the Austrian Alps have therefore attempted to look at indicators
(Weidler et al., 2008), and a Siberian hot spring of actual activity in the environment using a
of 46OC (Lebedeva et al., 2005; Hatzenpichler range of assays including quantifying growth in
et al., 2008). From this spring, an enrichment response to nitrogen amendments and pertur-
of a single Group l . l b (“soil”) AOA, termed bations, abundance of nlRNA transcripts, and
“Nitrososphaera gutgensis” has been maintained incorporation of stable isotopes. In addition,
for more than 6 years (Hatzenpichler et al., there are now a number of AOA cultivated
2008). Furthermore, the suspicion that AOA from the environment (be they individual iso-
are present in the same environments as their lates or highly enriched cultures) that allow
(hyper)therniophilic relatives was confirmed some extrapolations to environmental situ-
by detection of archaeal amoA genes from ations. Only the combination of studies that
numerous hot springs of diverse temperatures involve exploration of physiological activity
and broad p H ranges located on the Russian and metabolic diversity of archaea grown in the
Kamchatka peninsula and in Iceland (Reigstad laboratory as well as those in the environments
et al., 2008) as well as inyellowstone National will lead to a comprehensive understanding of
Park (de laTorre et al., 2008), and in further ter- the ecological versatility and role of AOA in
restrial hot springs in the United States, China, natural habitats under changing environmental
and Russia (Zhang et al., 2009). Nitrification conditions.
was measured in an acidic hot muddy pool of
80°C under in situ conditions, demonstrating AOA Activity in the
that this process is indeed found at considerable Marine Environment
levels in terrestrial hot springs (Reigstad et al., Most attempts to correlate activities of AOA
2008). Additionally, a thermophilic ammonia- to nitrification have been made in the marine
oxihzing archaeon, Nitrosocaldus yellowstonii, environment. Crenarchaeota (thaumarchaeota)
was obtained in enrichment cultures from a are among the most abundant group of pro-
hot spring located in theYellowstone National karyotes in the ocean where they have been
Park (de la Torre et al., 2008) with an optimal estimated to represent up to 20%)and more of
growth temperature between 65 and 72OC, all cells (Karner et al., 2001).
growing with a stoichiometric conversion of A number of studies have shown excel-
ammonia to nitrite in the absence of an organic lent correlation between the abundance of
carbon source. umoA genes of archaea have also AOA a m o A genes and nitrification activity.
been amplified from hydrothermal vent chim- Wuchter et al. (2006) examined a time series
neys of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, indxating that in the North Sea where the abundance of
this group of organisms can also be found in archaea and both bacterial and archaeal amoA
the hot vents of the deep ocean p a n g et al., genes were quantified together with measure-
2009). ments of inorganic nitrogen concentrations. In
these waters,AOA were up to 100 times more
AOA ACTIVITY IN abundant than AOB. Ammonia concentrations
THE ENVIRONMENT were observed to be highest in autumn and
As outlined previously, based largely on the winter months and then decreased into spring.
quantification of A M 0 genes, AOA gener- Over this period, an increase in abundance

of archaeal 16s rRNA genes, archaeal cell the lower oxic and suboxic waters, indicating
numbers, and AOA amoA genes was observed that AOB were also important in nitrification.
that showed good correlation with decreases Statistical analysis indicated that AOA were
in ammonia concentrations and increases in responsible for most of the ammonia oxida-
nitrate concentrations. Further evidence of tion in oxic water and gammaproteobacteria
AOA dominating ammonia oxidzing activity were mainly responsible in the suboxic zone,
in the water column has come from direct despite the presence of relatively high numbers
measurements of ammonia oxidation rates and of archaea in this area.
the abundance of bacterial and archaeal amoA The upper 1,000 m of the open ocean rep-
genes. Beman et al. (2008) measured the oxida- resent the major source of ammonia produc-
tion of "N-labeled ammonium pools added to tion and oxidation activity (Wuchter et al.,
marine water sampled from over a depth range 2006). However, an interesting feature of the
of 0 to 100 m in the Gulf of California (Fig. 4). distribution of crenarchaeota in the marine
In these samples,AOB were present in either environment is that, compared with bacteria,
very low or undetectable amounts whereas, their abundance decreases moderately with
again, there was excellent correlation with increasing depth and therefore represents an
archaeal 16s rRNA and umoA genes. Lam et increasing proportion of the total prokaryotic
al. (2007) demonstrated that in samples taken community. Analysis ofAOA amoA genes from
through the water column in the Black Sea, the a number of studies has revealed that there are
maximum number of archaeal amoA m R N A two major clades ofAOA, described as shallow
transcripts detected occurred in the lower oxic and deep marine groups (Francis et al., 2005;
zone at approximately 75 m depth and was at Hallam et al., 2006). Analysis of the ratio of
the same position as the nitrate maximum. In crenarchaeall6S rRNA and AOA amoA genes
addtion, however, significant gammaproteo- has indicated that while all shallow crenar-
bacterial expression was also observed in both chaeal populations may be capable of ammonia

FIGURE 4 Distribution of inorganic nitrogen, ammonia oxidation rates, and archaeal amoA and 16s rRNA
genes in a 100 m vertical profile in Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California.Areas of active nitrification and correlation
with crenarchaeal/AOA numbers and lSNH4+ammonia oxidation rates are highlighted between dotted lines.
(From Beman et al., ISME_loumal2:42~-441,2008, with permission from Macmillan Publishing, Ltd.)

oxidation, ratios of greater than 100:l for 16s thus demonstrating that AOA growth only
rRNA:amoA genes at depths greater than occurred when ammonia oxidation activity
1,000 m has indicated that archaea in the occurred. The surprising result, however, was
deep ocean are not autotrophic ammonia oxi- that this growth was not associated with the
dizers but may be heterotrophs (Agogue et al., abundant soil lineage Group, but with
2008). However, it has also been revealed from populations related to the “marine” lineage
analysis of radiocarbon data in archaeal lipids Group l . l a (Fig. 1).
that autotrophy is the dominant metabolism at These results contrast with the findings of
depth (Ingalls et al., 2006), and a dscrepancy Jia and Conrad (20054, who reported that it
between 16s rRNA and amoA gene numbers was the growth ofAOB (and not AOA) popu-
may be due to a lack of specificity in the PCR lations that correlated with ammonia oxida-
primers used (Konstantinidis et al., 2009). tion in soil microcosms supplemented with an
inorganic nitrogen fertilizer (resulting in a sub-
AOA Activity in Soil stantially greater concentration of 7 mM). In
Although there is increasing evidence from this study, although the growth of Group l . l b
isolates, enrichments, and in situ measurements AOA populations was observed, this growth
of ammonia oxidizing activity correlating with occurred even when ammonia oxidation was
the abundance of AOA in marine environ- completely inhibited by acetylene. In addi-
ments, it is perhaps less clear how important tion, after establishing soil microcosms with
AOA are with respect to their relative contri- a 5% “ C 0 2 headspace, DNA stable-isotope
bution to ammonia oxidizing activity in soil. probing revealed incorporation of inorganic
Quantitative analyses of amoA genes from carbon occurred only into the genoniic DNA
several studies generally show the same trend of AOB, indicating that they were the only
with archaeal amoA copies outnumbering their major contributors to autotrophic ammonia
bacterial counterparts by up to two orders of oxidation. Together, these results indicate that
magnitude (e.g., Leininger et al., 2006; He et the Group l . l b archaea were not autotrophi-
al., 2007; Nicol et al., 2008). However, attempts cally oxidizing ammonia in that soil.
to correlate this abundance with activity have Initially, these results may seem somewhat
provided contrasting results. contradictory. However, differences in the
experimental designs perhaps indicate funda-
Relative Contribution of AOA and mental differences in AOA and AOB physi-
AOB to Ammonia Oxidation in Soil ology. In particular, ammonia concentration
In agricultural soil microcosms with ammonia may be a major driver for relative activity of
concentrations below 0.07 mM (being replen- AOA and AOB in soil. In pasture soil supple-
ished by continual ammonification of organic mented with concentrations of ammonium
N), Tourna et al. (2008) demonstrated that typical of mineral fertilization strategies or
with varying levels of activity (as a animal excretions, specific populations ofAOB
result of varying temperature), changes in tran- have been shown to grow at different concen-
script profiles were associated with archaeal trations of ammonium (ranging from 7 to 70
rather than bacterial populations. In the same mM), whereas the addition of similarly high
soil, Offre et al. (2009) also demonstrated that concentrations has no selective effect (and pre-
this observed AOA transcriptional activity sumably no stiniulation of growth) of archaea
resulted in selection and substantial growth in the same soils (Nicol et al., 2004; Mahmood
of AOA populations but no AOB-associated et al., 2006). In the study by Offre et al. (2009),
growth (Fig. 5).The archaeal populations that AOA (but not AOB) growth was observed
grew were sensitive to low concentrations of in actively nitrieing microcosms, but with
acetylene, and their growth was completely particularly low ammonia concentrations. In
inhibited at low concentrations of 0.01%, contrast, the growth of only AOB populations

Day 0 Day 30
Control 10 Pa Control
A (no CzH2) C2Hz (no C Z W

- Control
10 Pa acetylene

10 Pa acetylene

0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
Time (days) Time (days)

FIGURE 5 Growth of acetylene-sensitive AOA in nitrifying soil microcosms.' (A) Denaturing gradient gel
electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis ofAOA communities after P C R amplification of amoA genes. Each lane represents
an individual microcosm.The arrow inhcates the growth of a specific population ofAOA in control microcosms
only (no acetylene). (B)Demonstration of complete inhibition of ammonia-oxidizing activity in microcosms with
a 10 Pa acetylene headspace partial pressure. (C) qPCR assay specific for the AOA population highlighted in the
DGGE profile. Growth of the AOA occurred only in those microcosms with active nitrification. (Adapted &om
data obtained by Offre et al., FEMS MicrobioJ. Ecol. 70:99-108,2009, with permission.)

linked to ammonia oxidizing activity occurred populations only increased in size in the silty
in microcosms supplemented with higher con- loam. While this was the first demonstration of
centrations of mineral fertilizer. growth stimulation of A O A in soil upon ferti-
Further evidence of contrasting physiolo- lization, it remains unclear why no effect was
gies within archaeal populations in soil was seen in the other soil. In these experiments,
demonstrated by Schauss et al. (2009). In two a direct link between nitrification activity
different soils amended with manure, A O B and the growth of, specifically,A O A popula-
populations were shown to increase in size in tions was also demonstrated. In microcosms
both a neutral p H silty loam soil and a moder- amended with the antibiotic sulfadiazine,
ately acidic loamy sand soil. Interestingly,A O A growth of A O B was inhibited while nitrifica-

tion still occurred. Model calculations revealed example, rates of nitrification and, in particular,
that in such microcosms, a substantial contri- ammonia oxidation are significantly reduced in
bution of ammonia oxidation must be assigned acidic soils (De Boer and Kowalchuk, 2001),
to AOA (Fig. 6). and batch growth of pure cultures of AOB in
liquid medium does not occur below p H 6.5
Metabolic Diversity in (Allison and Prosser, 2001). In AOB, the AMO
Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea? substrate is the nonionized form of ammonia,
These recent studies indicate that there may and reduced growth and activity of ammonia
be some metabolic diversity within the domi- oxidizers under aci&c conditions is therefore
nating soil lineage Group, indicating capa- believed to result from ionization of NH, to
bility of mixotrophic or heterotrophic growth NH4+,reducing availability of NH, for dif-
potentially independent of ammonia oxidxing fusion and increasing the energy demand for
activity. Distinct clades within Group l . l b are NH4+ transport. Although inhibition studies
known to have contrasting genomic features, have indcated that acidophilic heterotrophs
including substantial variations in gene den- may contribute to ammonia oxidation in some
sity (Quaker et al., 2002; Treusch et al., 2004, acidic soils, autotrophic oxidation of inorganic
2005) and the length and level of conservation ammonia is significant in many acid soils.
of intertranscribed spacer regions (Nicol et al., Nicol et al. (2008) quantified the abundance
2006). The presence of genes for A M 0 sub- of AOA and AOB amoA gene, and transcript
units on the soil fosmid clone 54d9 first gave copies across a pH gradient that had been
an indication of an autotrophic metabolism, maintained over a range from 4.5 to 7.5 and
and the cultivation of the moderately thermo- represents 1,200-fold difference in available
philic N. gagensis (affiliated to the soil group) ammonia. They demonstrated that AOA and
(Fig. 1) demonstrated autotrophic growth with AOB contrasted in the relative amounts of
ammonia oxidation. However, the growth of transcript to gene copy, with AOA relatively
soil AOA populations without ammonia oxi- more transcriptionally active in acidic soil and
dation activity or the incorporation of labeled AOB more so nearer neutral pH. In addition,
carbon dioxide has suggested heterotrophic distinct phylotypes were found to be associ-
growth (Jia and Conrad, 2009). It may there- ated with specific p H ranges, revealing that
fore also be the case that the presence ofAMO certain lineages are probably adapted to acidic
genes in Group l . l b organisms is not indxa- soil conditions with their associated low levels
tive of an exclusively autotrophic lifestyle, but of un-ionized ammonia, provilng a niche that
perhaps analogous to heterotrophic nitrite oxi- preferentially excludes activities of AOB.
dizers, some Group l . l b populations might
possess a broader metabolic repertoire with Extrapolation from the Activity of
both heterotrophic and autotrophic capabhties. Laboratory Cultures: Adaptation to
Low Ammonia?
Influence of pH Variations in Soil The growth of AOA at relatively low concen-
p H is a major factor in determining the diver- trations of ammonia has been demonstrated
sity and abundance of different phylotypes, and for all three organisms brought into culture or
there is also strong evidence that soil p H is an enriched to date: N. maritimus, N. gavensis, and
important determinant of bacterial diversity N. yellowstonii. All three organisms are grown
and community structure on a global scale in media containing between 0.5 and 1.5 mM
(Fierer and Jackson, 2006). The mechanisms ammonium, whereas AOB are typically grown
by which soil p H influences the growth and in media in the range of 1.5 to 25 mM and
activity of many microbial functional groups have a maximum ammonia tolerance ranging
have been determined through a combination from 50 to 1,000 mM (Koops et al., 2003).
ofphysiological and soil microcosm studies. For Using radolabeled substrates, Hatzenpichler et

3.0 x lo7

7- 2 . 0 1u7

0.5 x "loJ


day 1 day 4 day 32 day 61

FIGURE 6 Abundances of AOB and AOA in nitrifying soil mesocosms amended with fertilizer and various
amounts of the antibiotic sulfadiazine.amoA genes were quantified by qPCR. Dark gray bars, 0 mg of sulfadiazine
(kg of soil-' added; light gray bars, 10 mg kg-' added; open bars, 100 mg kg-' added.While both AOA and AOB
communities increased in size upon fertilization, the AOA population was less sensitive to sulfadiazine and thus
was probably responsible for most of the ammonia oxidation measured after antibiotic treatment. Note the large
numbers of archaea compared with AOB (different scales in the figure). (From Schauss et al., Emiron. MicroDiol.
11:446-456,2009, with permission.)

al. (2008) not only demonstrated the uptake 2008; de la Torre et al., 2008; Hatzenpichler
of inorganic carbon (bicarbonate) at very low et al., 2008; Reigstad et al., 2008). However,
ammonium concentrations (<1 mM) but also in environments such as soils, oceans, and
inhibition of substrate uptake at the relatively sediments, AOA and AOB cooccur and prob-
low concentration of 3.08 mM, which is lower ably rely on the same substrate, ammonia, for
than any reported inhibitory concentration for energy production. It remains unclear to what
AOB. It remains to be shown whether these extent these two groups exhibit functional
few laboratory cultures allow general conclu- redundancy in these complex ecosystems and
sions, but it seems possible that AOA may not whether they manage to reduce competition
be as relevant to nitrification processes in high- for resources by residing in different ecological
ammonia environments such as fertilized soils niches. However, evidence accumulates that
(Di et al., 2009) or wastewater treatment plants AOA might be particularly adapted to low
(Wells et al., 2009). However, it might as well ammonia concentrations (Hatzenpichler et al.,
be possible that other AOA with adaptation 2008; Martens-Habbena et al., 2009). Valen-
to high-ammonia concentrations exist in the tine (2007) proposed that a unifying feature of
environment. archaeal physiology is their adaption to energy
AOA have a particularly small cell size and stress (e.g., in toleration to extremes in teni-
appear to be smaller than AOB. N. maritirnus perature, salinity, or acidity). Most “typical”
cells (curved rods) are between 0.17 to 0.20 aquatic and terrestrial habitats are not those
and 0.5 to 0.9 pm (Konneke et al., 2005), and that would be initially thought of as “extreme.”
N. gavensis (spherical) are around 0.9 p i in However, most studies that attempted to eval-
diameter (Hatzenpichler et al., 2008), whereas uate the actual activity of AOA (and bacteria)
AOB have been reported to be in the range of seem to reveal that there could, in fact, be an
1 to 2 pm in size (Koops et al., 2003). Martens- ecological niche differentiation between AOA
Habbena et al. (2009) recently reported that, and AOB. In any circumstance, the oxidation
compared with characterized AOB, N. marit- of ammonia could not be considered a rich
imus has similar levels of ammonia oxidation source of energy generation. Furthermore, it
activity per unit biomass. However, levels of appears that archaea may be more capable of
activity per cell were one order of magnitude making a living at the more extreme ends of
less than AOB. Therefore, due to their com- the ammonia-oxidizing spectrum, being most
paratively smaller size, larger numbers of AOA active in environments with particularly low
in the environment may not correlate with a levels of free ammonia such as the open ocean
proportional contribution to activity. or acidic soils and hot springs.

Over the first 4 years, great progress has been The discovery ofAOA has triggered a large number of
made in understanding the ecological role of excellent environmental studies, which could not all
be discussed in this chapter.We apologize to all authors
archaea in most ecosystems.With their involve-
whose papers have not been cited here due to space
ment in ammonia oxidation, the majority of limitations.
mesophilic crenarchaeota (or thaumarchaeota)
are most likely major players in biogeo- REFERENCES
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Boran Kartal,Jan T Keltjens, and Mike S. M .Jetten

INTRODUCTION Netherlands, a similar observation in a denitri-

By the end of the 19th century, the biogeo- fying bioreactor (Mulder et al., 1995) opened
chemical nitrogen cycle seemed to be complete, the possibility that anammox bacteria might
essentially consisting of aerobic nitrification, exist. By use of enrichment culture techniques
anaerobic denitrification, and nitrogen fixa- with long biomass retention times and batch
tion. For more than a century, one possibility tests with inhibitors, it was demonstrated that
was overlooked: oxidation of ammonium the anammox process was indeed microbio-
under anaerobic conditions (anammox). Based logical (van de Graaf et al., 1995). It was pre-
on thermodynamic calculations, the Austrian &cted that, because of the reduction of costs of
physicist Broda (1977) proposed the existence ammonium removal and the reduction of CO,
of lithotrophic organisms that could derive emission, the anammox process would pro-
their energy for growth from the oxidation of vide a very attractive alternative to the current
ammonium coupled to the reduction of nitrate wastewater treatment technology to remove
or nitrite and producing dinitrogen gas as the nitrogen (Jetten et al., 1997).Thus, the initial
end product. The common notion that the research was focused on the potential of the
inert ammonium molecule strictly required anammox process as a wastewater treatment
activation by oxygen as a first step in its oxida- technology as much as the fundamental under-
tion apparently impeded an active search for standing of the anaiiimox bacteria.
these organisms. Likewise, occasional attempts In their seminal study, Strous et al. (1999a)
to isolate this type of organism may have given were able to separate a bacterial species
negative, unpublished results, due to the lack of (>99.6% pure) from the enrichment cultures
patience, suitable culture approaches, or both. by density gradient centrifugation (Strous et
Nevertheless, in the mid-l96Os, the analysis of al., 1999a). Cells specifically produced dini-
nitrogen balance in a highly stratified anoxic trogen gas fiom ammonium and nitrite and
fjord already pointed to an unexplainable loss were capable of CO, fixation. Since the cell
of ammonium under anoxic conditions (Rich- suspensions were not pure by classical micro-
ards, 1965).Three decades later in Delft, The biological standards, the organism, Brocadia
anammoxidans, was given the status of Candi-
Boran Karta1,Jan 7:Keltjens, and Mikr S. M .Jeffen,Department
of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Radboud University of datus (Strous et al., 1999a).On the basis of 16s
Nijmegen, Nijmegen,The Netherlands. rRNA gene phylogeny,this species belonged to
Nitrijication, Edited by lkss &Ward, Uanicl J.Arp, and Martin G. I<lotz
C) 2011 ASM I’ress,Washington, IIC


the planctomycetes (Fig. 1). Electron micros- et al., 2008). In the presence of nitrate and a
copy analysis of these cells revealed a complex, suitable organic substrate, they reduce nitrate
compartmentalized cell architecture, similar to to dinitrogen gas via the combination of dis-
members of the order Planctomycetales (Lindsay s i d a t o r y nitrate reduction to ammonium
et al., 2001). The intracellular compartment (DNRA) and the anamniox reaction (Kartal et
of the anammox cells, the anammoxosome, al., 2007a). From an applied point of view, it is
constituted 50 to 70% of the cell volume interesting to note that presently (2010) more
(Lindsay et al., 2001;Van Niftrik et al., 2008b). than 20 full-scale wastewater treatment plants
Ongoing research efforts resulted in seven new are successfully running using the anammox
described species, albeit none of these in pure process, whereas several others are underway
culture, divided over five genera: Candidatus
“ (see Chapter 10).
Kuenenia,” Candidatus Brocadia,” Candidatus
“ “ Despite the scientific novelties, the work
Scalindua,” “ Candidatus Jettenia,” and “Candi- on anammox was welcomed with initial skep-
datus Anammoxoglobus” (Fig. 1) (Strous et al., ticism. The organisms were thought to be
1YYYa; Schmid et al., 2000, 2003; Kartal et al., insignificant in natural environments because
2007b, 2008; Quan et al., 2008;Van deVossen- of their extremely low growth rates, which
berg et al., 2008). Quite remarkably, three of would potentially hamper their full-scale
five genera could be enriched from the same applications (Zehr and Ward, 2002). At the
activated sludge inoculum. The genome of the moment, the worldwide presence and activity
species “Candidatus Kuenenia stuttgartiensis” of anammox bacteria have been demonstrated
has been assembled from an environmental in many anoxic or suboxic zones of marine
metagenome (Strous et al., 2006), and the and freshwater ecosystems (Ward, 2003;
genomes of three other species are underway. Arrigo, 2005; Brandes et al., 2007; and many
Several studies showed that anammox bacteria others) (see also Chapter 9). The organisms
are not lithotrophic specialists but are meta- play a dominant role in the removal of fixed
bolically versatile, capable of using a range of nitrogen both in the Black Sea, the world’s
organic electron donors and inorganic electron largest anoxic basin, and in Benguela and Peru
acceptors (see below) (Strous et al., 2006; Kartal upwelling systems, two of the world’s most
et al., 2007a, 2007b, 2008; Van de Vossenberg important primary production sites (Kuypers

Scalindua wagneri

Brocadia fulgida Scalindua sorokinii

Brocadia anammoxidans
Jettenia asiatica
Anammoxoglobus propionicus

FIGURE 1 Phylogenetic tree showing the relationships of known anammox bacteria to each other, to other
Planctomycetes, and to other reference organisms.

et al., 2003, 2005; Hamersley et al., 2007). cessfully applied in more than 50 laboratories
In the Benguela upwelling system, they may (Op den Camp et al., 2006).
even be the only sink for fixed nitrogen. In In the case of anamniox, reactors inoculated
all of the studied natural environments, close with activated sludge or an environmental
relatives of the " Candidatus Scalindua spp." sample were fed with ammonium, nitrite,
were found to be the sole anammox species bicarbonate, and nitrate (to avoid low redox
detected (Kuypers et al., 2003, 2005; Penton potentials). Anammox bacteria are obligate
et al., 2006; Schubert et al., 2006; Schmid et anaerobes, and the metabolism is (reversibly)
al., 2007) (see Chapter 9). It has been esti- inhibited above 2 pM oxygen (Strous et al.,
mated that, in the marine environment, 50% 1999b). Reactors are operated under anoxic
of the dinitrogen gas formed is derived fiom conditions by sparging with argon, helium, or
anammox activity, making the microorgan- dinitrogen gas. Growth is possible between 4
isms important players in the global nitrogen and 43OC, the optimal temperature depending
cycle (Ward, 2003;Arrigo, 2005; Brandes et al., on the species under investigation, and at pH
2007; Francis et al., 2007). 6.7 to 8.3 (with an optimum at pH 8 [Strous
In this chapter, we present an overview of et al., 1999b; Kartal et al., 2006;Van deVossen-
the progress that has been made during the berg et al., 20081). In most cases, after a period
last decade with respect to our understanding of 180 to 280 days, at least 70% of the popu-
of the anammox metabolism, focusing on lation may consist of anammox bacteria, and
the physiology, cell biology, and information the reactor has typically turned red. From the
derived from genome sequencing projects. increase in population size and mass balances, it
Thereafter, we will dscuss the current con- was inferred initially that thc organisms double
cepts on the biochemistry and bioenergetics of only every 11 to 20 days (Strous et al., 1999b).
the anammox bacteria and conclude with the Recently, however, faster growth rates have
perspectives and urgent issues in this field of been reported (Tsushima et al., 2007;Van der
research that need to be addressed. Star et al., 2008).

The Anammox Process

In laboratory-scale reactors operating under
steady-state conditions, ammonium, nitrite
Growth of Anammox Bacteria and bicarbonate were converted according to
A challenge in culturing of anammox bacteria the following overall equation (equation 1,
was their long doubling time (Van de Graaf et below) (Strous et al., 1998):
al., 1996). This required a culture technique
1 NH,+ + 1.32 NO,- + 0.066 HC0,- +
with high biomass retention capacity oper-
0.13 H+ -+ 1.02 N, + 0.26 NO,- +
ated at constant low-substrate concentrations,
reflecting the natural habitat. An approach that
0.066 CH,O,,N, ,,
+ 2.03 H,O (1)
fulfilled these demands was the sequencing Under these conditions, bicarbonate serves
batch reactor (SBR) technology (Strous et al., as the sole carbon source for the synthesis of cell
1998).The SBR technique selects on the set- biomass (CH,00~sNo,15), classifying the organ-
tling properties of the biomass in the enrich- isms as autotrophs. In the process, nitrite plays a
ment culture. The reactor is operated in dual role: it acts as the electron acceptor in the
continuous cycles of filling, settling, and with- energygenerating, ammonium-oxidizing reac-
drawing of the supernatant. By introducing tion (equation 2, below) and as electron donor
time for settling, cells are accumulated as well- for the CO, reduction to biomass (equation 3,
settling biofilm aggregates, which essentially below). In the latter case, nitrite is anaerobi-
can be kept in the bioreactor for an indefinite cally oxidized to nitrate, and, as a consequence,
amount of time. This procedure is now suc- growth is always associated with nitrate

production. From the above reaction stoichi- Considering the quite favorable energy
ometries (equations 1 to 3), it was inferred yields and substrate affinities, the metabolic
that 1 mol of carbon is bound per 15 catabolic activity of anammox seems low; the rate-
cycles; likewise, about 4 mol of nitrite was oxi- limiting step is not known at the moment.
&zed per mol fuced carbon. Ammonium is oxidized with specific activi-
ties ranging between 15 and 80 nmol/mg of
NH4++ NO,- + N, +
protein per min, which is 10-fold less than the
2 H,O (AGO’ = -357 kJ/mol) (2) activity of aerobic ammonium-oxidizing bac-
teria (Table 1).The low activity may explain,
0.26 NO,- + 0.066 HC0,- +
to some extent, the low growth rates and long
0.26 NO,- + 0.066 CH20,1,5N0,,5(3)
doubling times. In nature, ammonium and
nitrite concentrations are usually extremely
NH; + 1.5 0, + NO,- + 2 H+ +
low.Apparently, anammox bacteria have geared
H,O (AGO ’ = -275 kJ/mol) (4) their metabolism toward high affinities for their
Anammox bacteria derive a fair amount substrates (or more properly, low K, values) at
of energy from the conversion of their sub- the expense of the activity.
strates into N, (equation 2). The free energy
change exceeds even the one of the aerobic Anammox Metabolism
ammonium oxidation (equation 4, above). The intriguing and only partially answered
However, growth yields, expressed as mol fixed question is how anammox bacteria are able to
C per mole ammonium converted, are quite activate and oxidize ammonium under anaer-
comparable between the two groups (Table obic conditions. The issue has been addressed
1).Ammonium is used by anammox bacteria in batch studies with suspended cells using
with high affinity (Kx< 5 pM), whereas aer- I5N-labeled substrates (ammonium, nitrite,
obic nitrifiers are generally less efficient (Ks= nitrate) and analyzing the isotope composi-
5 to 2,600 pM). Also, nitrite can be metabo- tion of dmitrogen gas formed (l4NI4N,l4Nl5N,
lized by anammox bacteria down to very low lsN”N) by quadrupole mass spectroscopy (van
levels (Ks< 5 pM).At concentrations above 10 de Graaf et al., 1997).The studies unequivo-
mM, nitrite impairs the metabolism, whereas cally established that the organisms couple
growth is reversibly inhibited above 20 mM ammonia oxidation to nitrite reduction in
(Strous et al., 1999b). In the literature, different agreement with the above reaction (equation
concentrations are reported with respect to the 2). The labeling experiments with batch cul-
nitrite toxicity (Egli et al., 2001; Strous et al., tures gave rise to some new surprises. Inactive
1999b); possibly the sensitivity depends on the cells (i.e., due to nitrite toxicity) can be reac-
exposure time. tivated by the addition of catalytic amounts

TABLE 1 Comparison between anaerobic (anammox) and aerobic ammonia-oxidizing (nitrification) bacteria”
Parameter Anammox Nitrification Unit
Biomass yield 0.08 0.07-0.09 niol (mol of C) ’
Aerobic rate 0 200-600 ’
p o l nlin (g of protein) ’
Anaerobic rate 15-80 2 ’
pmol min (g of protein) ’
Growth rate 0.003 0.04 h ’
Doubling time 10.6 0.73 days
Ks NH,+ <5 5-2600 CLM
K, NO* <5 NA r*M
0 2
NA” 10-50 WM
“Adapted from Jetten et al. (2001).
’“A,not applicable.

of hydroxylamine (NH,OH), which is subse- cycle, which is widely used by phototrophs and
quently converted.This would suggest that the aerobic chemolithotrophs, including nitrifiers,
compound could be important in anammox or recently described 3-hydroxypropionate
metabolism. Curiously, when amended with and 3-hydroxypropionate/4-hydroxybutyrate
hydroxylamine, the intermediary formation cycles (Berg et al., 2007).The reductive citric
of another nitrogen compound was observed. acid cycle may also contribute to CO, fixation,
The compound could be identified as hydra- but the crucial ATP citrate lyase gene seems to
zine (N,H,), one of the most powerful reduc- be missing from the present genome assembly
tants known in nature. Hydrazine accumulated (Strous et al., 2006). The overall stoichionie-
approximately to the point where hydroxy- tries of the Calvin cycle and reductive acetyl-
amine was depleted, and it was metabolized CoA route, calculated for hexose-&phosphate
hereafter (Van de Graaf et al., 1997; Strous et (hexose-P) formation, are represented by
al., 199Ya; Kartal et al., 2008). Like hydrox- the equations 5 and 6, respectively. At first
ylamine, hydrazine was also able to “boost” impression, the latter appears to be less energy
inactive anammox cells (Strous et al., 199%). demanding for ATP use. However, the acety-
The synthesis of hydrazine is so far unique for CoA pathway requires the input of low-redox-
anammox bacteria. potential reducing equivalents ([HI) in certain
The observations described above enabled steps, which might cost ATP-driven reverse
the proposal of a model for the anammox electron transport.
metabolism consisting of only three subse-
6 CO, + 12 NADPH + 18ATP +
quent steps (Van de Graaf et al., 1997): (i) the
hexose-P + 12 NADP’ +
four-electron reduction of nitrite to hydroxyl-
amine; (ii) the condensation of the latter with 18ADP + 17 Pi (5)
ammonium to hydrazine; and (iii) the oxida-
6 CO, + 24 [HI + 8ATP -+
tion of hydrazine to nitrogen gas. Herewith,
hexose-P + 7 ADP + 7 Pi (6)
the four electrons are released to drive the first
step, nitrite reduction.This model has not been Genomic analysis and subsequent activity
firmly established, especially with respect to measurement of the key enzyme, acetyl-
the intermediary roles of hydroxylamine and CoA synthase/carbon monoxide dehydroge-
hydrazine. Neither hydrazine nor NH,OH nase, indicated the presence of an operational
have ever been demonstrated in anammox Wood-Ljundahl pathway in ananiinox bac-
cells under physiologically relevant conltions. teria (Strous et al., 2006). Furthermore, I4CO,
Concentrations, however, could be too low labeling experiments and carbon mass balances
to detect with current methods. In adltion, confirmed the autotrophic lifestyle (Strous et
genome analysis favored a modified scheme al., 1999a).In addition, isotope ratio mass spec-
that will be discussed later (Strous et al., 2006). troscopic analysis of anammox biomass and
lipid biomarkers showed that these were highly
Cell Carbon Fixation 13C depleted (-47% versus CO,) as expected
As outlined above, anammox bacteria are for CO, fixation according to the acety-CoA
autotrophic organisms when growing on pathway (Schouten et al., 2004).
ammonium, nitrite, and bicarbonate. Several
independent observations as outlined below Source of Nitrite
suggested that anammox bacteria might use the During growth under autotrophic condi-
reductive acetyl-CoA (Wood-Ljungdahl) route tions, anammox bacteria rely on nitrite. In
as the main pathway for CO, fixation (Strous nature, however, the compound is not abun-
et al., 1999a, 2006; Schouten et al., 2004). dantly present, which raised the question how
There are presently no indications consistent anammox bacteria obtain nitrite. Several pos-
with the use of the Calvin-Bassham-Benton sibilities may be envisaged: nitrification, deni-

trification, or DNRA. The nitrite supply by process in a 56:44 ratio. Aerobic nitrite-oxi-
(partial) denitrification or D N R A would dizing activity could not be demonstrated,
require an imbalanced induction and expres- and nitrite oxidizers, such as Nitrosospira or
sion of nitrate and nitrite reductase, which Nitrobacter, remained beyond detection. Conse-
has been reported to occur in denitrifying quently, nitrate formation should be the result
and D N R A microorganisms (Baumann et al., of the activity of anammox (equations 1 and
1996; Cole, 1996; Otte et al., 1996;Van de Pas- 3). Investigation by fluorescence in situ hybrid-
Schoonen et al., 2005). Denitrifiers mainly use ization (FISH) of the microbiota showed that
organic electron donors. In habitats that are rich approximately 45% and 40% of the popula-
with such carbon compounds, the denitrifjing tion consisted of aerobic (Nitrosomonas-related)
organisms are expected to display high activities ammonium oxihzers and anammox bacteria,
and growth rates and compete with D N R A respectively.This is remarkable since the former
bacteria for the limiting nitrate or nitrite were virtually absent (undetectable with FISH)
(Strohm et al., 2007). Hence, one may prehct at the onset of the test.The activity of the aggre-
that anammox bacteria will be out-competed gates comprising the biomass in the SBR was
in such conditions. In ecosystems with limited investigated using "N-labeled substrates as well
organic electron donors, anammox bacteria as nitrite and 0, microsensors (Nielsen et al.,
may be able to produce their own nitrite and 2005). FISH analysis of the community revealed
ammonia (Kartal et al., 2007). The alterna- that aerobic ammonium oxidation was restricted
tive possibility is nitrite formation by aerobic to the outer shell (<lo0 pm). Here, oxygen
ammonium-oxidizing microbes, although the concentrations decreased to undetectable levels.
aerobic lifestyle of these organisms seems to be Anammox activity was restricted to the central
mutually exclusive to the anaerobic lifestyle of anoxic parts. In good agreement, larger aggre-
anammox bacteria. Besides that, both guilds are gates (<500 pm) accounted for 68% of the
competitors for ammonium. Moreover, under anammox potential, whereas 65%)of the aerobic
oxic condtions, nitrite is converted to nitrate ammonium activity could be attributed to the
by nitrite-oxidizing bacteria. However, under smaller aggregates (<500 pni). As mentioned,
oxygen-limited conditions, a different scenario nitrite oxidrzers were not found during oxygen
might be possible (Third et al., 2001; Lam et limitation.They, however, started growing when
al., 2007). Oxygen respiration by the aerobic the system was operated under ammonium lim-
ammonium oxidizers may establish the anoxic itation for a prolonged (>1 month) period of
conhtions required for anammox. Anammox time (Third et al., 2001; Kindaichi et al., 2007).
bacteria, in turn, can remove the toxic nitrite The cooperation between aerobic and
and the remaining ammonium into nitrogen anaerobic ammonium oxidizers is also of rel-
gas. Such cooperation would benefit both evance both in natural habitats and from an
partners. applied point of view. Indeed, the partnership
When oxygen (-5 pM) was carefully intro- of aerobic and anaerobic ammonium oxi-
duced to an SBR that contained 80%anammox dizers was recently shown to occur both in
bacteria, a steady-state culture developed after man-made and natural ecosystems (Third et
several weeks (Sliekers et al., 2002). Substrates al., 2001; Lam et al., 2007). In the Black Sea,
were converted according to the following anammox bacteria derived the nitrite from
stoichiometry (equation 7): ammonium-oxidming bacteria and crenar-
chaea occupying different suboxic zones (Lam
1 NH,+ + 0.85 0, + 0.11 NO,- + et al., 2007). Half of the nitrite was supplied by
0.44 N, + 1.14 H+ + 1.43 H,O (7) gammaproteobacterial nitrifiers living in the
The stoichiometry is expected if aerobic zone where virtually no oxygen could be mea-
ammonium oxidzers (equation 4) and an- sured anymore, and the other half of the nitrite
ammox (equations 1 to 3) contribute to the was supplied by crenarchaea living in the zone

with somewhat higher oxygen concentrations denitrifiers consumed all the organic acids, a
(Lam et al., 2007). coculture would evolve in which anammox
Different types of applications have been cells would comprise about 30 to 40% of the
developed on the basis of the cooperation total biomass. A higher percentage was only
between aerobic ammonium oxidizers and expected if ananiniox bacteria were able to
anammox. Although different names are used utilize the organic substrates with superior
for the processes (Van der Star et al., 2007), the affinity. After 4 months, stable populations
C A N O N (completely autrotrophic nitrogen had developed in the two reactors. In both
removal over nitrite) process resembles the cases, anamniox bacteria made up approxi-
direct interaction between the two groups of mately 80% of the biomass, but with another
microorganisms as outlined above (Sliekers et unexpected result: the anamniox bacteria rep-
al., 2002) (see Chapter 10). It is very well con- resented two different species: Candidatus

ceivable that a cooperation of crenarchaea and Ananimoxoglobus propionicus” in the propio-

anaiiimox bacteria, like in the Black Sea, can nate reactor and Candidatus Brocadia fulgida”

be used to remove nitrogen from high strength in the acetate reactor (Kartal et al., 2007b,
wastewater as well (Kartal, 2008). 2008). Cells from both reactors were able to
couple the oxidation of organic substrates to
Metabolic Versatility of CO, with the reduction of nitrate and nitrite
Anammox Bacteria to nitrogen gas (Table 2). Specific rates were 4
For some time, anammox bacteria have been to 6% compared to the rate of ammonium oxi-
considered as specialists that evolved only to dation by the cell cultures (15 p i 0 1 min-’ [g
respire ammonium and nitrite with high affin- of protein-’]). Percoll gradient ultracentrifuga-
ities. However, recent research (Giiven et al., tion demonstrated that the activity was exclu-
2005; Strous et al., 2006; Kartal et al., 2007a, sively associated with the anamniox fractions.
2007b, 2008) and genome analysis of K. stutt- When cells from other anaiiimox cultures were
gartiensis (see below) revealed that the orgar- examined, they showed the immediate capa-
isms are much more versatile. bility to convert the organic substrates without
To study the effect of organic compounds induction, although with lower specific activi-
on the performance and microbial activities of ties. The specific activities of propionate and
the ananimox bacteria, two SBRs were inoc- acetate oxidation were highest in A.propionicus
ulated with the same activated sludge from and B. fukidu, respectively, in agreement with
which previously “ Candidatus Brocadia anam- the carbon source during enrichment. Apart
moxidans” and “ Candidatus K. stuttgartiensis” from the organic acids listed in Table 2, niono-
had been enriched (Kartal et al., 2007b, 2008). methylaniine and dimethylamine also served as
The two SBRs were supplied with propionate electron donors for anainniox bacteria.
(0.8 mM) and acetate (1 mM), respectively, The organic compounds could serve as
in the presence of surplus ammonium and electron donors in catabolism and/or as a cell
nitrate and limiting amounts of nitrite. Over carbon source for biosynthesis. Obviously, their
time, when anammox bacteria proliferated, role in nitrate reduction supports the first pos-
influent concentrations of nitrite and ammonia sibility. In addition, ‘T isotopic fractionation
could be increased from 2.5 mM to 45 mM. analysis performed on a series of anammox
The nitrite effluent concentration was below lipid biomarkers showed no significant dif-
detection at all times.This was also the case for ferences between C0,-grown cells and cells
propionate and acetate (both <1 pM), where grown on propionate (A.propionicus) or acetate
the inlet concentrations were increased in (B.fukida) (Rattray et al., 2008). Apparently,
parallel with ammonium and nitrite up to 15 the organisms use CO, as the main building
and 30 mM, respectively. Competition model block for lipid biosynthesis.This leaves us with
calculations predicted that if the heterotrophic the following puzzle: the oxidation of organic

TABLE 2 Oxidation of organic acids and nitrate reduction by anammox bacteria"

Sp actb for:
B. anarnrnoxidanr B. fukida A.propionicus K. stutQurtiensis Scalindua sp.
Formate 6.5 7.6 6.7(2.8) 5.8 (3.0) 7
Acetate 0.57 0.95 0.79 (0.7) 0.31 (1.5) 0.7
Propionate 0.12 0.31 0.64 (1.0) 0.12 (0.88) 0.3
"Data were taken form Kartal et al. (2007b,2008b) aridVan devossenberg et al. (2008).
Specific activities (pmol min ' [g of protein] ') of organic acid oxidation and nicrate reduction (in parentheses)

acids will, at least partially, follow the oxida- A. propionicus and B. fulgida cell suspensions.
tive route of the acetyl-CoA pathway, while The presence of the alternative route appar-
the CO, fixation must proceed via the reduc- ently supplies the organisms with a means to
tive route at the same time. In the genome derive ammonia and nitrite from the more
assembly, only one acetyl-CoA synthase/ general available substrate nitrate.
carbon monoxide dehydrogenase gene cluster Apart from nitrite and nitrate, anammox
is present, while versatile methanogens that can bacteria also can use Fe3+ and manganese
operate the route in two directions have at least oxides as electron acceptors in their metabo-
two such gene clusters, probably with different lism (Strous et al., 2006). Next to the organic
functions (Ferry, 1999). compounds mentioned, Fe2+can serve as the
The experiments described above indicate electron donor for nitrate reduction. The
that anammox bacteria can appear as denitri- metabolic versatility lends the organisms the
fiers. Common denitrifiers reduce nitrate to opportunity to thrive under conditions where
nitrogen gas via nitrite, nitric oxide (NO),and the key substrates, ammonium or nitrite, are
N,O using nitrate, nitrite, NO, and nitrous limiting. Moreover, it may provide different
oxide reductase, respectively. I5N labeling species with their specific ecological niche.
studies performed on physically purified K.
stuttgartiensis established a different mecha- CELL BIOLOGY OF ANAMMOX
nism (Fig. 2) (Kartal et al., 2007a). First, nitrate Under the microscope, anammox bacteria show
is reduced to nitrite, which is subsequently up as simple small coccoid cells with a diameter
reduced in a single step to ammonia, resem- of approximately 1 p m (Strous et al., 1999a;Van
bling the DNRA mechanism. Hereafter, nitrite de Graaf et al., 1996). Examination with trans-
and ammonia serve as the substrates for the mission electron microscopy reveals a much
anammox reaction producing dinitrogen gas more complicated Compartmentalized cell plan,
as the end product (equation 2). The pres- reminiscent of other members of the order
ence of a dissimilatory nitrite reductase (Nr€4) Planctomycetales, to which anammox is phylo-
capable of performing the six-electron reduc- genetically related (Lindsay et al., 2001) (Fig.
tion to ammonia is a widely distributed prop- 3). Cells are surrounded by a thin cell wall in
erty, most notably of enteric bacteria (Cole, direct connection with an outer (cytoplasmic)
1996; Simon, 2002). A calcium-dependent and membrane. Certain anammox species contain
oxygen-labile nitrite-reducing activity, proper- pilus-like appendages (van devossenberg et al.,
ties that are typical for N f i , could be highly 2008). It is not known whether the cell wall is
enriched from anammox extracts, and a car- composed of proteins, like in other Planctoniy-
didate gene cluster is present in the genome cetes, or peptidoglycan. In the genome of K.
(Kartal et al., 2007a). In K. stutgartiensis, the stuttgaartiensis, a near-complete peptidoglycan
apparent nrf activity is rate limiting, resulting synthesis operon is present, only lacking the
in the frequent, intermehary accumulation of trans peptides cross-linhng enzymes (Strous et
nitrite. N o such nitrite formation is found in al., 2006). Next, cells contain a second (intracy-

2e- 6e- membrane (Lindsay et al., 2001).The riboplasm

harbors the cell DNA and the ribosomes. Here,
storage materials accumulate as glycogen gran-
ules (Van Niftrik et al., 2008a).The inner com-
partment, the anammoxosome, constitutes 50
to 70% of the total cell volume.The membrane
surroundmg the compartment is often highly
curved, possibly to increase the surface-to-
volume ratio (Van Niftrik et al.,2008b). Detailed
FIGURE 2 Pathway of dinitrogen gas formation three-dmensional electron tomographic studies
from nitrate by anaimox bacteria. established that the anammoxosome represents
a true bacterial organelle. It is a closed system
(i.e., its membrane was never observed to con-
toplasmic) and a third membrane, the latter sur- nect to the intracytoplasmic membrane), and it
rounding a central vacuole tentatively termed is vertically inherited to the daughter cell upon
the anammoxosome (Lindsay et al., 2001). cell division (Van Niftrik et al., 2008b).
Herewith, three compartments are present, the As in all other living organisms, the
outermost “paryphoplasm,” the riboplasm, and anammox menibranes are composed of glyc-
the anammoxosome. The paryphoplasm is a erolipid bilayers. The lipids contain a conibi-
dstinctive feature of Planctomycetes in which nation of ester-linked (typical of the Bacteria
the cytoplasmic membrane is the actual cell and Eukarya) and ether-linked (typical of the
boundary. Its location is the same as the Gram- Archaea) fatty acids. Lipids are taxonomic
negative periplasm. The periplasm, however, is markers and deternine the membrane struc-
in direct contact with the environment by the ture. Curiously, ananmiox bacteria contain
presence of porin-like channels in the outer a variety of unconventional lipid structures,

FIGURE 3 Transinission electron

microscopy of “Candidatus A.
propionicus.” An anaiimioxosome
(A) containing tubule-like structures,
riboplasm (R)containing the nucloid
(N) opposed to the anammoxosome
membrane (M), paryphoplasm (P)
separated 6om the riboplasm by an
intracytoplasmic membrane (ICM),
and the cytoplasnlic ineinbrane
(CM) are shown. Scale bar, 200 nm.

includmg ring systems composed of five linearly ATP synthesis by the action of a membrane-
concatenated cyclobutane moieties as well as of bound proton-translocating enzyme complex,
six- and four-membered ring systems (Fig. 4) the F,F, ATP synthetase (ATPase).The current
(Sinninghe Damst6 et al., 2002, 2005; Kuypers view is that, analogous to the mitochondria
et al., 2003; Schmid et al., 2003; Boumann et al., in eukaryotes, the chemiosmotic processes of
2006; Kartal et al., 2007b; Rattray et al., 2008). anammox bacteria reside in the anammoxo-
The concatenated cyclobutane ring systems, some. Some lines of evidence support the
termed ladderanes, are unique in nature. Chem- hypothesis. Anammox bacteria are packed with
ical methods to synthesize pentacyclic anam- cytochrome c-type proteins, lending the organ-
moxic acid require complex chemistry (Mascitti isms a characteristic red color.The cytochromes
and Corey, 2004). Molecular modeling of the play a central role in electron transport associ-
ladderanes showed that these lipids appear to be ated with the anammox metabolism (see below).
tightly packed (Sinninghe Damst6 et al., 2002). The staining of the c type cytochromes with
The unusual density makes them imperme- dnminobenzidme showed that the proteins are
able for fluorophores that r e a d y pass through located in the anammoxosome at which the
common membranes. Ladderanes constitute most intense staining occurred within close
34% of the total lipids. Upon cell fractionation, proximity to the membrane (van Niftrik et al.,
53% appeared to be present in a fraction that 2008a). In addtion, one of the most abundant
was enriched with anammoxosomes, indicating cytochrome c-type proteins, a hydroxylamine/
that at least a major part of the organelle’s mem- hydrazine oxidoreductase (HAO), has been
brane is composed of the ladderane lipids (Sin- purified (Schalk et al., 2000). Immunogold
ninghe Damsti. et al., 2002). localization of the antiserum directed against
The function of the anammoxosome and the H A 0 localized the enzyme specifically to
the role of the ladderane lipids need fur- the anammoxosome compartment (Lindsay et
ther experimentation. Anammox bacteria are al., 2001).
chemolithotrophic organisms. This implies Membranes constitute a barrier for the pas-
that the only means to synthesize ATP is by sage of charged molecules, albeit not a perfect
a chemiosmotic mechanism. Hereby, protons one. Protons can passively slip through the
are translocated across a closed semipermeable membrane. The slippage occurs at a certain
membrane system in connection with electron rate, independent of the metabolic activity;
transfer processes in the central catabolism, thus thus, dissipating the pmf. It has been calcu-
establishing a proton motive force (pmf) across lated that in the highly active mitochondria,
the cell membrane.The pmfis composed of a passive diffusion accounts for a 10% energy
chemical gradient of protons (ApH) and of an loss (Haines, 2001). In the metabolically inert
electrical charge gradent (AY).The pmf drives anammox bacteria, such proton slippage would

FIGURE 4 General structure of ladderane lipids from anammox bacteria.


be detrimental. Here, the ladderane lipids been sequenced to near completion (Strous et
could come into play. By their dense nature, al., 2006).The genome could be assembled by
the membranes could limit proton leakage to a a metagenomics approach from a laboratory
minimum as, for instance, has been shown for reactor fed with synthetic wastewater. At the
the caldarchaeol lipids in thermophilic archaea time of sampling, K. stutfgartiensis made up 74%)
(Van devossenberg et al., 1999).Another pos- of the microbial population; it was the only
sibility could be to minimize the leakage of anainmox species present. Apart from Kuen-
anammox interniekates out of the cells. A enia, 28 different operational taxonomic units
hydrazine drain, for instance, implies a loss of were detected, divided over at least six bacterial
reducing equivalents (four electrons per hydra- phyla and two lineages of uncultured bacteria.
zine). Replenishment of the electrons requires The DNA sequence was derived from the
the oxidation of nitrite by (ATP-driven) reverse combination of shotgun and fosmid analyses
electron transport (see below), the oxidation as well as of bacterial artificial chromosome
of carbon storage materials (glycogen), or the libraries. The combined information allowed
presence of external electron donors. The two the genome to be assembled into five contigs;
former processes are energy demanding. (Note the mean read coverage over the contigs was
from equation 6 the energy costs associated 22-fold. It is estimated that the genome would
with carbon fixation into glycogen.) Obvi- be more than 98.5% complete, suggesting that
ously, good sealing would prevent the energy about 60 genes are missing.
loss. However, hydrazine can be detected in The almost complete K. stuttgartiensis
the head space and liquid medium of metab- genome (4.2 megabases) codes for 4,663 ORFs.
olizing cells, albeit under somewhat artificial A total of 3,279 genes (70.3%)show significant
conditions after the addition of hydroxylamine, similarity with genes in other databases, but
which implies that membranes are not com- only 1,385 genes (29.7%))have been annotated
pletely impermeable for this compound. Still, a function as yet. The size of the genome and
the ladderane lipids might be important to the number of encoded proteins is astonishing,
impede the leakage. considering the initially conceived character of
As mentioned, the proposed role of the ananmox bacteria as lithotrophic specialists.
anammoxosome in the energy metabolism Ecophysiological studies described above now
needs quite some experimental verification. define the organisms as more versatile. Infor-
Future studies should give an answer to the mation from the genome supports the view
localization and orientation with respect to the and predicts new functions with respect to the
membrane site of the catabolic key enzymes, energy metabolism and anabolism (Table 3).
including ATPase. Experiments with isolated
anammoxosomes should establish their role What Did We Learn from
in chemiosmotic processes, which requires the Genome?
the development of solid protocols to isolate Physiological studies indicated that the an-
the organelles. Such stuhes might address a ammox process, viz. ammonium oxidation
potential role of the anammoxosome that has coupled to the reduction of nitrite to produce
not been given attention, as a reservoir for the N,, would proceed through the intermediary
storage of ammonium and/or nitrite. formation of hydroxylamine and hydrazine.
During CO, fixation, part of the nitrite is
oxidized to nitrate. For the uptake of the sub-
strates, five ammonium transporters (Amt),five
Elucidation of the “Candidatus K. nitrite/formate transporters (FocA), and two
stuttgartiensis” Genome nitrite/nitrate antiporters (NarK) were found
At the moment, the genome of one anammox in the K. stuttgartiensis genome. With respect
species, Candidatus K. stuttgartiensis,” has
“ to the nitrogen metabolism, no less than eight
192 W K A R T m E T A L .

TABLE 3 Selected genes from genome of K. sttrttgartiesis coding for enzymes in the central catabolic and
anabolic pathways (Strous et al., 2006)
Enzyme/metabolic pathway Gene/operon orf/gene cluster"
Nitrogen metabolism and substrate uptake systems
Cytochrome cd, nitrite reductase + assemblage nirS kuste4136-4 140
Hydrazine dehydrogenase/oxidase hzo kustc0694; kustd1340
H H (proposed) hh kuste2854-2861, kuste2469-2483
Hydroxylamine oxidoreductase hao kuste2435, kuste2457, kustd2021,
kusta0043, kustcl061, kustc0458
Nitrate reductase + accessory proteins nay kusdl699-17 13
Dissimilatory nitrite reductase (putative) k~~t~O392-k~~t~0395
Ammonium transporter amt kustc038 1, kustc1009, kustcl012,
kustcl0 15, kuste3690
Nitrite/formate transporter focA kusta0004, kusta0009, kustd1720,
kustd1721, kuste4324
Nitrite/nitrate antiporters narK kuste2308, kuste2335
N O reduction/detoxification norVW kuste2935, kuste3160
Bacterial hemoglobin kustd 1957

Intermediary electron transport

Cytochrome bc, (complex 111) + accessory proteins bcl kuste4569-4574
NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (complex I) nuoA-N kuste2660-2672
Na'-translocatiug NADH:quinone oxidoreductase nqrA-E kuste3325-3329
Cytochromes c Multiple 61 total"
Ferredoxindiron-sulr proteins Multiple 17 total"

ATP synthesis
FlFO ATP synthase atpA-G kuste378S3796
atpA-G kuste4592-4600
atpA-I kustc0572-0579
Archaeal/vacuolar ATPase (proton pumping) vatpA-K kuste3864-3871

Alternative external electron donors/acceptors

Ni-Fe hydrogenase, hydrogenase 4 hydC - 1 k~~td1773-1779
Forn1ate:quinone oxidoreductase kustc0822-0838
Cbb3 terminal oxidase + accessory proteins chb3 kustc0425-0430

Cell carbon synthesis/intermediary anabolism

Reductive acetyl-CoA pathway Complete kustd1538-1547
Acetyl-CoA synthetase/CO dehydrogenase kustb0169, kuste4247
H,folate-dependent steps kuste2296, kustc0552
Gluconeogenesis Complete Various"
TCA cycle Not complete Various', absent: citrate synthase

Other anabolic pathways

Peptidoglycan synthesis + cell division kuste2373-2387, others'
Fatty acid synthesis kuste3335-3352
"The gene coding is as in the Pedant database (
'For a detailed listing, see Strous et al. (2006).

octaheme cytochrome c proteins are present. the degree of redundancy has been found only
This type of enzymes is known to catalyze for Geobacter suljirreducens (Methe et al., 2003)
hydroxylamine and hydrazine oxidation. Con- and Shewanella oneidensis (Heidelberg et al.,
sidering the role of hydrazine in anammox 2002), two highly versatile heterotrophs. The
metabolism, one or more of these proteins wealth of electron transport proteins suggests
could represent the physiological hydrazine an intricate network of branched respiratory
dehydrogenase (see below). Analysis of the chains that link to a variety of external electron
genome permitted Strous et al. (2006) to pro- donors and terminal electron acceptors.Physio-
pose two canhdate operons (kuste2469-2483; logical stuhes described above presumably have
kuste2854-2861) coding for an enzyme system identified only part of these. In agreement with
involved in the synthesis of hydrazine (hydra- the role of formate as a reductant for nitrate
zine hydrolase [HH]).Moreover, three enzymes reduction, several operons are at present coding
active in other nitrogen-converting processes for formate dehydrogenase genes, including
could be identified: nitritemitrate oxidoreduc- a large gene cluster (kustc0822-08838) with
tase (NarGH), a dissimilatory nitrite reductase high similarity to the formate:quinone oxi-
(NrfA) (see above), and cd, nitrite:nitric oxide doreductase complex genes. One of the puta-
oxidoreductase (NirS). The presence of NirS, tive formate hydrogenases, however, should
and the apparent lack of a nitrite:hydroxlamine act in formate synthesis during cell carbon
reductase suggested that NO, rather than fixation.The presence of a hydrogenase operon
hydroxylamine, should be an intermediate in (kustd1773-1779) is conspicuous, since no role
the formation of dinitrogen gas. for hydrogen could be experimentally verified
The K. stuttgartiensis genome supports (Methe et al., 2003).The same holds for a gene
the view that anammox synthesizes ATP by cluster that codes for a cbb3-type terminal oxi-
a chemiosmotic mechanism. Four ATPase dase (kustc0425-0430) taking into account the
operons are apparent including one (kuste3787- strict anaerobic nature of anammox bacteria.
3797) that contains all FIFOgenes and one Alternatively, this oxidase might be operative
operon (kuste3864-3871) potentially encoding in detoxift-ing NO, as are putative n o r m and
a V/A (archaea1)-type ATPase. The two other bacterial hemoglobin (Van der Oost et a1 1994).
operons are incomplete.The presence of three In the genome of K. stutQartiensis,the com-
operons encoding the components of the plete reductive acetyl-CoA pathway for CO,
respiratory complex I11 (cytochrome bc,) is fixation can be detected. All other CO, fixa-
exceptional in nature (Schneider and Schmidt, tion pathways are either missing or incom-
2005).Two gene clusters could be identified as plete. Likewise, the tricarboxylic acid cycle and
highly homologous to complex I (NuoA-N; gluconeogenesis/glycolysis route, both serving
NADHxbiquinone oxidoreductase), whereas intermediary anabolic processes, are found to
a third one codes for a Na+-translocating be complete or nearly complete, lacking only
NADHxbiquinone oxidoreductase (NqrA- citrate synthase/lyase. As was alluded to above,
E). The complexes might act in the formation a peptidoglycan gene cluster is present, which
of NADH for biosynthetic purposes.The pres- covers 17 of 19 genes known to be involved in
ence of complexes I and 111 suggests a role for its biosynthesis. Remarkably, the gene cluster
ubiquinone or menaquinone in electron trans- encodes several cell division (divisonie) pro-
port. In agreement, all ubi/menaquinone bio- teins as well. Anammox bacteria are character-
synthetic genes can be identified. ized by the presence of ladderane lipids that
Altogether, more than 200 genes involved in have to be synthesized by an as yet unknown
catabolism and respiration could be annotated, pathway (Strous et al., 2006). In the K. stutt-
many of these representing c-type cytochromes, gartiensis genome, four fatty acid biosynthesis
which are frequently linked to metabolic gene clusters are found, two of these inter-
enzymes.As pointed out by Strous et al. (20064, spersed with a number of genes coding for

radical SAM proteins.This type of enzyme is = 6.2 pmol min-' [mg of protein] -') and
known to be active in oxidative radical reac- high substrate affinity (K,,,= 5.5 pM) has been
tions that likely wlll be needed to perform purified recently from the anammox strain
cyclization steps, such as in the formation of KSU-1 (Shimamura et al., 2007).The enzyme
the concatenated cyclobutane ring systems of is abundantly present in the cells. Unfortu-
the ladderanes. nately, it has not been verified whether the
enzyme reaction proceeds according to equa-
tion 10. Quite remarkably, hydroxylamine is a
powerful inhibitor of hydrazine oxidation (K,
= 2.4 pM).This complies with the accumula-
tion of hydrazine in metabolizing cells upon
Current View on the Biochemistry hydroxylamine addition. The dimeric octa-
and Bio-energetics of the heme protein (subunit size, 62 kDa) shares
Anammox Process 88% and 89% sequence identity to kustc0694
Previously, a biochemical mechanism was and kustd1340, respectively, found on the K.
proposed for anammox by Van de Graaf et al. stutgurtiensis genome and annotated as putative
(1997) featuring hydrazine and hydroxylamine hydroxylamine oxidoreduc tases. Hydrazine
as its intermediates. The genome sequence of synthesis (equation 9) represents an unprec-
K. stuttgartiensis directed Strous et al. (2006) to edented reaction. The enzyme H H , which
postulate an alternative pathway (equations 8 would mediate the reaction, has not yet been
to 10,below) (Fig. 5A), comprising a minimum described. Genome context analysis indicated
set of three subsequent reactions: (i) the one- two possible gene clusters as the most likely
electron reduction of nitrite to NO (equation candidates to encode HH.
8); (ii) the condensation of N O and ammonia The current view on the anammox metab-
in concert with the input of three electrons olism leaves little room for hydroxylamine.
yieldmg hydrazine (equation 9); and (iii) the However, cell extracts from anammox bac-
four-electron oxidation of the latter to make teria display high hydroxylaminc (HAO)
the end product, nitrogen gas (equation 10). activity, and, as mentioned, in the genome of
K. stutgartiensis, no less than eight octaheme
NO,- + 2 H' + e + N O + cytochrome c proteins have been annotated
H,O (E"' = +0.38V) (8) as HAOs (Schalk et al., 2000; Strous et al.,
2006). One of these has been purified both
NO + NH,' + 2H' + 3e + N,H, + from B. anarnrnoxidans (Schalk et al., 2000)
H,O (Eo' = +0.34V) (9) and from strain KSU-1 (Shimamura et al.,
2008). The enzyme shows 87% identity with
N,H, + N, + 4 H' + a polypeptide encoded by kustcl061 in the
4e (E"' = -0.75V) (10) genome of K. stuttgartiensis. The B. anammoxi-
Neither hypothesis for the biochemical dans octaheme protein catalyzed the oxida-
mechanism for anammox reaction has been tion of hydroxylamine (K,,, = 33 pM) with
backed by experimental evidence. How- a high rate (V,,,, = 9.6 pmol min-' [mg of
ever, several lines of evidence support the protein] -') using a variety of artificial electron
intermediary role of NO and hydrazine in acceptors, including cytochrome c. Hydrazine
metabolizing cells. A cytochrome cdl nitrite also served as a substrate, although the spe-
reductase (NirS) is present in the K. stutt- cific activity (V,,,, = 0.54 pmol min-' [nig of
Xartiensis genome. An enzyme (hydrazine protein] -') and hydrazine affinity (K,,, = 25
dehydrogenase/oxidase) that catalyzes oxida- pM) were much lower compared to hydrox-
tion of hydrazine coupled to the reduction of ylamine and the hydrazine dehydrogenase/
cytochrome c with high specific activity ( yn,, oxidase described above. Presently, the reac-
E )
AY *
t A E,'(V)
AY +

-0.75 -0.75 -4 H'

-0.50 -0.50

I -0.25

0.00 1 0.00

+OX +0.25

+0.50 i +0.50


FIGURE 5 Proposed metabolic pathways of K.stuttgartienrir. (A) Anammox central catabolism. (B) Combination of central catabolism with nitrate reductase to
generate low-redox-potential electrons for the acety-CoA pathway. Nir, nitrite reductase; HZO, hydrazine dehydrogenase; Nar, nitrate reductase; Q, ubiquinone;
atp, FIFOATP synthase; fdh, formate dehydrogenase;nuo,NADHxbiquinone oxidoreductase;RET, reversed electron transport. Light diamonds, cytochromes; dark
diamond, ferredoxin; solid arrows, reductions; dashed arrows, oxidations.Note that the localization of the enzymic reactions and the direction ofproton translocation
is arbitrarily chosen, at which AY+ and AY- are thought to represent the anammoxosome and riboplasmic compartments, respectively.

tions catalyzed by the various HAOs from vation that cytochromes are stained at the
anammox bacteria have not been properly inner rim of the organelle.
defined. Their physiological role thus remains
to be established. Cell Carbon Fixation and Reversed
Anammox bacteria have to conserve the Electron Transport
energy derived from the ammonium oxida- During growth, part of the nitrite is oxidized
tion and nitrite reduction (equation 2) by a to nitrate to generate the electrons for CO,
chemiosmotic principle. The presence of the fixation (equation 3 ) . The Ljungdahl-Wood
quino1:cytochrome c oxidoreductase complex pathway for cell carbon synthesis requires the
(bc,, complex 111) would account for a mech- input electrons derived from NADH (-0.32
anism shown in Fig. 5A.The electrons derived V). CO, reduction in formate, acetyl-CoA,
from hydrazine oxidation are transferred via and pyruvate syntheses demands electrons with
ubiquinone to the cytochrome bc, complex. redox potentials as low as -0.42 to -0.5 V
The latter serves a dual role. First, it &strib- However, thermodynamically, the reactions are
Utes the electrons toward nitrite reduction very difficult to reconcile: nitrite delivers elec-
(equation 8) and hydrazine synthesis (equa- trons at +0.43VThis would only be possible by
tion 9). Second, electron transport occurs an extreme case of proton-translocation-driven
in concert with the translocation of pro- reverse electron transport, which might be
tons, thus creating a pmf (“proton-motive Q incompatible with the relatively high growth
cycle”). Intermediary electron transfer would yield, or by the clever use of the reducing
be accomplished by a set of cytochrome power of hydrazine as was previously postulated
c-type proteins. The proton-motive Q cycle (Strous et al., 2006) (Fig. 5B). In the latter sce-
allows the translocation of six protons per nario, hydrazine is recycled by reversed electron
hydrazine molecule oxidized, which drives transport of electrons from nitrite oxidation up
ATP synthesis by the F,F, ATPase. Hydrazine to the level of cytochrome bc, (complex 111)
is a most powerful reductant (E,,’ = -0.75 (Fig. 5B). In this respect, it is interesting to note
V). Considering a pmf of -0.18 to -0.25V, that the NarGH operon in K. sttttgartiensis
as is commonly found in respiring organisms, lacks the NarI, the ubiquinone-binding sub-
the redox potential drop (AE = 0.86V) asso- unit. Instead six genes are present encoding
ciated with the four-electron transfer from cytochrome c-type proteins, which might
hydrazine to ubiquinone would permit the facilitate the electron transport. After hydrazine
translocation of 14 to 18 protons.An effective synthesis, part of the electrons derived from its
number of only six implies that 60 to 65% oxidation is channeled toward NAIS and CO,
of the energy released in the reaction is dis- reduction to sustain carbon fixation. Again, two
sipated as heat. mechanisms may be envisaged: (i) the presence
Many details with respect to the outlined of an as yet unknown second type of hydra-
anammox biochemistry and bio-energetics zine dehydrogenase, which uses (low-redox
remain to be experimentally established, potential) ferredoxin as the electron acceptor;
including determination of the intermediates, or (ii) a novel type of cytochrome bc, complex.
the isolation and characterization of the meta- With respect to the latter possibility, one may
bolic key enzymes and respiratory complexes note that the K. stuttgartiensis genome encodes
involved in the electron transfer processes. Fur- three different cytochronie bc, operons, two
ther questions concern the site where the reac- of these linked to an NADH oxidoreductase
tions take place and the membrane orientation gene, which is commonly present in complex
of proton and electron uptake and release.The I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) and
very attractive site for the localization would formate dehydrogenase, but which has never
be the anammoxosome, in line with the obser- been observed in complex 111. If functionally

expressed, such new cytochrome bc, might REFERENCES

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Mark Trimmer and Pia Engstrom

INTRODUCTION of nitrite to produce N, gas, anammox pro-

The cycling of nitrogen (N) in aquatic eco- vides a mechanism for removing fixed N from
systems has been studied extensively, whether ecosystems, which bypasses the classic reliance
it be to understand fundamental aspects of the on aerobic nitrification and subsequent deni-
key biogeochemical cycles of N and carbon trification. Given that the balance between
(C) on Earth, or the affects of anthropogenic N fixation and its removal via N, production
activity on the balance of these cycles and, in (denitrification and anamniox) is key to the
particular, the effects of N in coastal regions assimilation of C via primary production that,
(Falkowski, 1997; Diaz and Rosenberg, 2008; in turn, modulates CO, in the atmosphere,
Conley et al., 2009).While considerable prog- there is a very pressing need for a more com-
ress had been made in both the science and our prehensive understanding of the cycling of N
understanding of key aspects of the N cycle in in aquatic ecosystems (Codispoti et al., 2001).
aquatic ecosystems, the comparatively recent As such, anammox has received considerable
(i.e., 2002) discovery of anaerobic ammonium attention itself in the past 7 years, and reviews
oxidation (anammox) as a key player in the of its role in the environment are already in the
aquatic N cycle has had a profound impact literature (Dalsgaard et al., 2005; Francis et al.,
on our knowledge base (Thamdrup and Dals- 2007). Therefore, this chapter will not spend
gaard, 2002). Not only has anarnmox been too niuch time revisiting the material covered
shown to provide a logical solution to some elsewhere but seeks more to provide a synthesis
long-standing “marine N mysteries,” but its of the broadscale patterns of anamniox across
mere presence undermines some of the key a spectrum of aquatic ecosystems and to put
tools/techniques used to study the flux of forward some hypotheses as to what regulates
N in aquatic ecosystems so far (Devol, 2003; anamniox and the total flux of N in such sys-
Risgaard-Petersen et al., 2003). By coupling tems. Research into anaminox falls largely into
the oxidation of ammonium to the reduction two distinct aquatic ecosystems (Fig. 1): (i) its
role in the anaerobic oxidation of ammonium
Mark Tuirnrner, School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, in the suboxic layers of aquatic sediments,
Queen Mary University of London, London E l 4NS, United where the respective reactions and ecophysi-
Kingdom. Pia Engstrorn, Civil and Environmental Engi-
neering, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 ologies are compressed into fractions of cen-
Goteborg, Sweden. timeters; and (ii) the same ecosystem function,
Nitnfiration, Edited by Bcss B. Ward, Ilanicl J.Arp, and Martin G, Klotz
63 201 1 ASM Press,Washington,1lC





.-+- Nitrite (jfmol L-’)

NO; and 0, (pmol L-‘)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 I I I I I I


5rJ- 200
!$ 300
$ 400


500 d
0 50 100 150 200 250
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
-0- Oxygen (jfmol L-’)
NO; and NH,‘ (jfmol L”)


0 5 10 15 20 25
Nitrate (pmol L”)

FIGURE 1 Schematic representation of the oxic and suboxic zones in sediments and OMZs to highlight the
respective difference in depth scale (a,b) and representative examples for sediment in the Cascadia Basin (c) and the
central Arabian Sea (d) (panels c and d are reproduced, respectively,from Engstrom et al. [2009] and Nicholls et al.
[2007], Copyright by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc.). Note the high NO,\- (typical
estuarine or deep sea) and low NO,- (coastal or shelf sea) depicted in panel a.

but distributed over depths of tens of meters

in the oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) of the
global ocean, and, as such, we have divided our
focus between these two areas.

In many ecosystems, there is strong regulation
of primary production by the availability of
N, and denitrification was thought to be the
only significant pathway for the removal of
N in the suboxic parts of both terrestrial and
aquatic ecosystems. The important ecological
aspect of a denitrification-only scenario is that
FIGURE 2 Simplified representation of the N
any ammonium that accumulated in either the cycle highlighting the key characteristic of the
suboxic strata of sediments or the OMZs of the anaminox reaction. Nitrate reduction refers to the
ocean would have to be oxidzed to nitrite and/ one-step reduction of NO,- to NO,- and complete
or nitrate by aerobic chemotrophic nitrifica- denitrification would ultimately generate N, gas;
assimilatory reduction of NO,- to organic N has been
tion bacteria before being "denitrified" to N,
omitted. (Reproduced and amended froiii Trimmer et
gas via largely heterotrophic bacterial respira- al. [2003]with permission from The American Society
tory pathways.The laboratory-based discovery for Microbiology.)
of anammox, however, suggested that other
metabolisms could be present in the environ-
ment, and its presence was confirmed in marine 16 NH, + 32 0, 4
sediments in 2002 and two anoxic water basins 16 HNO, + 16 H,O (2)
shortly after (Mulder et al., 1995; Thamdrup
and (iii) the summation of equations 1 and 2:
and Dalsgaard, 2002; Dalsgaard et al., 2003;
Kuypers et al., 2003).Anammox removes fuced (CH20),,,(NH3),,H3P0, +

N in the readily available form of ammonium _21ss 0, + 106 CO, + 16 HNO, +

from an aquatic ecosystem, without prior oxi- H,PO, + 122 H,O (3)
dation of all of the ammonium to either NO,-
Eventually, all of the oxygen will be con-
or NO,- via aerobic chemoautotrophic nitri-
sumed, and the oxidation of organic matter will
fication (Fig. 2). In effect, anammox changes
proceed via alternative electron acceptors, here,
the overall stoichiometry of the mineraliza-
for example, via nitrate (Richards et al., 1965):
tion of organic matter by reducing the total
requirement for oxygen and increasing the (CH,O) 1"6(NH,)16H,PO4 +
production of N, gas, for example, by (i) the 84.8 HNO, -+106 CO, + 16 NH, +
oxidation of organic matter with oxygen and 42.2 N, + 148.4 H,O + H,PO, (4)
subsequent liberation of organically bound N
Alternatively, the oxidation of organic
and P (Richards et al., 1965):
matter with partial nitrification of any liberated
(CH,0),",(NH,),,H3P04 + ammonium to nitrite combined with anammox
106 0, --+ 106 CO, + 16 NH3 + could proceed according to the following:
H,PO, + 106 H,O (1) 16 NH, + 24 0, -+8 HNO, +
(ii) the subsequent complete nitrification of 8 NH3 + 8 H,O
any liberated ammonium: partial nitrification (5)

8 NH, + 8 HNO, -+ 8 N, + 16 H,O taneous oxidation of ammonium to N, gas

anammox (van de Graaf et al., 1995) (6) coupled to the oxidation of organic matter with
nitrate. Note that such stoichiometries apply
together gives:
to the immediate location of each respective
+ u 0, =
106 CO, + 8 N, + 130 H,O
metabolism, and the oxidative power supplied
by NO,-, for example, would still require the
consumption of oxygen elsewhere to drive the
Note that with a coupled nitrification and
original oxidation of NH,’. Hence, at the scale
denitrification-only scenario (equations 3 and
of the global ocean, the net stoichiometry and
4), the reduction of nitrate generates further
mass balance would be the same.
ammonium(ia),which is still “available” to the
ecosystem. Now, if we invoke a combined pro-
cess through a combination of denitrification ANAMMOX IN AQUATIC SEDIMENTS
(strictly this first stage is only nitrate reduc- There are two very distinct methods used
tion) and anammox through the intermediates to measure anammox in sediments, and it is
ammonium and nitrite, we generate twice as important to appreciate their differences and
much N, gas per mole of nitrate reduced, and to bear these in mind when reading this sec-
any liberated ammonium is “removed” from tion. The original studies (e.g., Thamdrup
the ecosystem (Richards et al., 1965;Dalsgaard and Dalsgaard, 2002) used homogenized
et al., 2003;Thamdrup et al., 2006): slurries of anoxic sediment, and then, subse-
quently, attempts have been made to quantify
(CH,0)lo,(NH,)16H3P04 + 94.4 NO,- + anammox and denitrification simultaneously
94.4 H+ + 106 CO, + 16 NH,’ +
under conditions more representative of the
16 NO,- + 39.2 N, +
“in situ” conditions (i.e., intact sediment
145.2 H,O + H,PO, (8) cores) (Risgaard-Petersen et al., 2003, 2004;
Trimmer et al., 2006; Minjeaud et al., 2008).
16 NH,‘ + 16 NO,- + 16N, + 32 H,O Again, we focus first on the results obtained
to give 55.2 N,, of which 29 %I comes from using slurries of homogenized sediment, and
anammox. then, second, on the data derived with intact
Alternatively, nitrate could be reduced to sediment cores, and, finally, draw comparisons
nitrite through nitrate reduction: between the two at the end, without dwelling
too long on the respective complexities of
(CH,O),,),(NH,)l,H,PO, + 212 No,- + each method.
16 H’ -+ 106 CO, + 212 NO,- +
16 NH,+ + 106 H,O + H,PO, (9) Geographical Distribution and Range
or even ammonium through dissimilatory of Activity in Homogenized Sediment
nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA): To date, the majority of research into ananimox
in sediments has focused on either marine or
(CH,O),,),(NH,),,H,PO, + 53 NO,- + estuarine sediments. The anamniox metabo-
122 H’ + 106 CO, + 69 NH,+ +
lism has now been confirmed in numerous
53 H,O + H,PO, (10) deep marine sedments, including the Nonve-
Overall, with anammox, a fraction of the gian Trench, Cascadia Basin, North Atlantic,
mineralized ammonium is converted to N, gas and Sagami Bay; in shallower coastal shelf
and lost from the aquatic ecosystem without sediments (temperate and arctic); and in many
the consumption of oxygen. Indeed, it was estuaries (Table l).That is not to say that the
after observing the absence of ammonium in anammox metabolism is truly ubiquitous,
the anoxic water column of a fjord that Rich- as negative results from anammox screening
ards et al. (1965) reasoned for the presence of surveys have been reported, though these are
“anamniox” in the environment, or the simul- comparatively rare (Risgaard-Petersen et al.,
TABLE 1 Published and unpublished rates of anammox and denitrification measured in anoxic homogenized or slurrified sediment"
Water depth Denitrification Anammox Total N, Anammox
Source and reference
(4 (nmol of N cm-3 h-') (nmol of N cm-j h-') (nmol of N 6m-j h-') (%I
Skagerrat,Aarhus Bay;Thamdrup and 16-695 0.4-118.6 0.9-2.9 1.3-121 .O 2-67
Dalsgaard, 2002
Thames Estuary, United Kingdom;Trimmer et 2-4 34.0-154.2 0.2-3.1 34.2-161.3 1-8
al., 2003
Gullmarsfjorden;Engstrom, 2004 75-1 16 2.3-3.6 0.9-1.8 2.9-5.3 33-47
Randers Fjord; Risgaard-Petersen et al., 2004 I* 31-137 3.8-11.0 42.0-142.2 4-26 9
Arctic sediments; Rysgaard et al., 2004 36-100 1.O-50.5 0.2-15.1 1.2-65.6 1-34 +
Skagerrat/Kattegat, Long Island Sound; 16-700 <0.145.3 0.3-3.7 0.4-48.8 7-80 5z
Engstrom et al., 2005
Logan and Albert River system,Australia; 0.5 3.8-85.5 0.0-8.4 3.8-93.3 0-9
Meyer et al., 2005 X
Gullmarsfiorden (Alsback);P Engstrom and S.
Hulth (unpublished data)
116" 0.7-2.4 0.7-2.5 1.44.9 38-52
Hood Canal,Tofino Inlet; Engstrom et al., 38-147 2.9-8.1 0.7-5.8 3.6-13.9 17-43
2009 Z

Washington Margins; Engstrom et al., 2009 2,740-3,110 0.2-0.9 0.2-0.9 0.4-1.8 13-51
Cape Fear h v e r Estuary, United States;Dale 1 2.14.9 <O . l-0.7 2.1-5.2 1-15
et al., 2009 &
Plum Island Sound Estuary, United States; 3 4.2-15.6 0.0-0.2 4.2-15.6 0-2 $
Koop-Jakobsen and Giblin, 2009 c,
T h i s is a summary illustrating the range at each site; the full data set (n = 98) is available fiom the corresponding author (M.T.).
5easonal measurements.

2004; Rich et al., 2008; Koop-Jakobsen and 4896, with a mean for ru of 23%) (f2 SE, n =
Giblin, 2009). Discounting the upper fresh- 96) (Table 1).
water tidal limits of estuaries (Trimmer et al., It is important to appreciate that the relative
2003; Meyer et al., 2005;Tal et al., 2005), the increase in the significance of anammox with
presence of anammox bacteria has only been depth is largely due to a niarked decrease in
confirmed in one truly freshwater sediment: the specific activity of denitrification in deeper
the Xinyi River in China (Zhang et al., 2007). waters, whereas anammox decreases to a lesser
Our own attempts at screening the Sediments extent (Fig. 4) (Dalsgaard et al., 2005; Eng-
of the River Frorrie (Dorset, United Kingdom) strom et al., 2005). Indeed, the range covered
and the floodplain of the River Cole (Oxford- by the denitrification data is orders of magni-
shire, United Kingdom) suggested no potential tude greater than that for anainniox across the
for anaminox, despite very high concentrations entire data set (Table l).This drop in denitri-
of NO,- in the overlying water, the presence fication activity, with the move toward deeper
of organic matter, and appreciable rates of water, has been assigned simply to a concurrent
NO3.. reduction (Sanders and Trimmer, 2006; drop in the availability of organic carbon to
M. Trimmer, E Sgouridis, C. M. Heppell, M. fuel heterotrophic denitrification, observed as
Trimmer, and G. Wharton, unpublished). Data a decrease in total sediment metabolism, sedi-
on anammox in freshwater sediments are still ment chlorophyll content, or rate of ammoni-
very scarce, though, and it is impossible to fication (Engstrom et al., 2005;Thamdrup and
draw any conclusions about its contribution to Dalsgaard, 2002). In some deep-water sedi-
the production of N, in freshwater sediments ments, a higher contribution from anammox
at this stage. to N, production has been correlated with
In their review of anammox in the marine an increased sediment content of manganese
environment, Dalsgaard et al. (2005) presented dioxide, which, in turn, may enable suboxic
a clear trend of the potential contribution from carbon oxidation to flow via dissimilatory
anammox to the production of N, gas ( M 96) reduction of manganese dioxide, rather than
increasing with water depth, reaching a m a - denitrification (Dalsgaard and Thamdrup,
imum of 80% at 700 m in the deep Norwegian 2002; Engstrom et al., 2005).
Trench in the open Skagerrak.Adding to that
the data made available in the interim (both Fueling Anammox in
published and unpublished between 2005 and Aquatic Sediments
2009) confirms this original trend (Fig. 3a and Nitrate is abundant in the estuaries and sur-
b). Sediments from water depths of between 1 rounding coastal seas of the developed world,
and 150 m are particularly well represented in and, even away from the influence of anthro-
the total data set (67 of 96), and there is a clear pogenic sources of nitrate, coastal sediments
and simple linear relationship between both often act as sources of nitrate to the over-
increasing ru and water depth (Y = 0.89, p < lying water, suggesting that production (via
0,001). Beyond the estuarine and continental nitrification) exceeds the requirements of any
shelf sediments, the relationship is not so clear, nitrate-reducing metabolisms in the sediment
and, in part, this reflects a comparative lack of (Peirels et al., 1991;van Raaphorst et al., 1992;
data. If anything, there appears to be a plateau Lohse et al., 1993; Middelburg et al., 1996;
at an ru of-50 % (Thamdrup et al., 2006).The Nedwell et al., 2002). In contrast, nitrite is
potential for anammox to contribute to the comparatively scarce, and anammox must ulti-
majority of N, production (YU >50'%,)appears mately be coupled to a source of nitrite in the
rare and, so far, is restricted to the deep Nor- environment (Dalsgaard and Thanidrup, 2002).
wegian Trench and Alsback in the Gullmar Although the first stage of nitrification can
fjord. To date, 90% of all ru values fall below produce nitrite in the aerobic layers of sedi-

s 50

. .
?k 0
.-5 40



. r = 0.89

0 i
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Water depth (m)





1 10 100 1000 10000

Water depth (m)
FIGURE 3 Contribution from a n a m o x to the production of N, (ra %) measured in slurries of anoxic sediment.
(a) Relatively simple linear relationship for water depths up to 150 m with the correlation coefficient (r). (b)
Complete data set against water depth on a common log scale.The open circle is the mean for ra at this site (S9
the deep Skagerrak) (see Table 1).

0 Anammox
** 0



'E 0.5 4 0

0 0



1 10 100 1000 10000

Water depth (m)
FIGURE 4 Composite of all available anammox- and denitrification-specific activity slurry data (rate) as a
function of water depth. Rate data have been log transformed (log,,+l) and plotted against water depth on a
common log scale. Data are from Table 1;note the difference in both the range and variance associated with the
measures of denitrification.

nient, fine-scale micro-profiles and modeling + NO,- + NO + N,O -+ N,) and DNRA
of its distribution in pore water suggest that (NO,- + NO,- -+ NH,+). Recent studies
any nitrite in the underlying suboxic layers with pure cultures of a strain of Escherichia coli
results directly from the reduction of nitrate capable of DNRA showed that the majority of
(Meyer et al., 2005). nitrite formed from the intracellular reduction
The total NO,--reducing community of nitrate was exported from the cell, prior to
in sediments probably supports a myriad of being reimported and subsequently reduced
metabolisms, some heterotrophic, coupling the to ammonia (Wenjing et al., 2008). Hence, it
reduction of NO,- to NO,- via the oxidation would be difficult to irrefutably link anammox
of organic matter, and others chemoautotro- to a specific metabolic source of nitrite.
phic, reducing NO,- to NO,- and NH,+ via In their original investigations of the fac-
the oxidation of sulfides, for example (Sayama tors regulating anammox in the deep-water
et al., 2005; Brunet and Garcia-Gil, 1996). sediments of the Skagerrak, Dalsgaard and
Nitrate reduction (NO,- + NO,-) results Thamdrup (2002) measured an almost com-
in nitrite as an actual end product of metabo- plete (87%) transient accumulation of NO,-
lism, which is dxectly exported from the cell. from the reduction of NO,-. In the OMZ
Nitrite is also an intermediary of the well- of the central Arabian Sea, the respective l5N
described pathways of denitrification (NO,- labeling of N,O produced in the presence of

either "NO,- or "NO,- also suggested that activity and its contribution to N, produc-
all of the nitrite produced from the reduction tion were, in fact, correlated with the total
of nitrate entered the water column before any amount of nitrite in the nitrate-reducing zone
further reduction to N, or N,O (Nicholls et of intact sediment cores from the Albert/Logan
al., 2007).With pure cultures of Paracoccus denit- estuarine system. This observation helps ratio-
rificans,Blaszczyk (1993) measured up to a 70% nalize the general trend that the significance
accuniulation of NO,- from the reduction of of anammox increases toward the head of an
NO,- with growth on minimal medium (eth- estuary, where both nitrate and organic carbon
anol, acetate, or methanol) but no accumula- tend to be greatest, as both would help niain-
tion of NO,- with growth on nutrient broth. tain heterotrophic denitrificatioii that would,
Hence, it is at least feasible that in low-meta- in turn, increase the total supply of nitrite for
bolic/low-carbon systems, both denitrification anamniox within the sediment (Trimmer et al.,
and/or anammox could start downstream of an 2003; Meyer et al., 2005; Nicholls andTrimmer,
initial complete reduction of nitrate to nitrite 2009). It also suggests that seasonal changes in
(Trimmer and Nicholls, 2009). the relative abundance of nitrate, nitrite, and
It is clear that both the denitrifying and carbon may explain some of the scatter in the
anammox bacteria have high affinities for significance of anammox measured in the most
NO,-, each with a respective apparent K,, of shallow estuarine sites (Fig. 3a, <5 m).
<3 pmol of NO,- liter-' (Dalsgaard andTham- Rysgaard et al. (2004) proposed that deni-
drup, 2002;Trimmer et al., 2005). Such a high trification could supply anammox with nitrite,
affinity for nitrite is suited to its concentration and, as such, the two processes may be posi-
in the environment, where concentrations of tively correlated. Given that the assay routinely
NO,- in both the overlying water and sedi- used to screen sedments for anaminox simul-
ment are usually two orders of magnitude less taneously quantifies denitrification (Thamdrup
than NO,- and seldom exceed 5 pmol liter-', and Dalsgaard,2002), data are equally abundant
though in comparison to NO,-, data for NO,- for each process, and they are indeed positively
are still scarce (Steif et al., 2002; Meyer et al., correlated, though the scatter suggests bias
2005).With sediments from the deep Skagerrak, toward denitrification, especially among the
Dalsgaard and Thamdrup (2002) demonstrated estuarine and shallower coastal sediments (Fig.
that the specific activity of anarnmox and its 5, <20 m water depth). This may, in part, be
contribution to N, (ra) were both independent due to the assay, where anammox and denitri-
of the concentration of nitrite, reflecting its fication are routinely quantified after the single
high affinity for the substrate. addition of either just nitrate or just nitrite
Despite such a high affinity for nitrite, (NOx-), whereas it has been demonstrated,
anammox can be regulated by the availability of at least for sediments where the demand for
nitrite. For example, in one of the first experi- NOx- is intense, that the yield of N, from
ments designed to manipulate anammox in anammox is greatly increased if nitrate and
sediment, Risgaard-Petersen et al. (2005) dem- nitrite are added together (Fig.6) (seeTrimmer
onstrated that decreasing the concentration et al., 2005).This would not be an issue for the
NO,-, in the overlying water of a sediment less reactive sediments from deeper water, as
from 600 pmol liter-' to 5 to 10 pmol liter-', the vast majority of nitrate accumulates tran-
in the presence of microphytobenthos (MPB) siently as nitrite (Dalsgaard and Thamdrup,
reduced a sediments capacity for anammox by 2002) and the relationship between anainmox
85%.With an active layer of microphytoben- and denitrification is much stronger for the
thos, and scarce nitrate, there was little pen- deeper sites (Fig. 5). Even if the two processes
etration of nitrate into the suboxic layers to are not intrinsically linked through some form
fuel the production of nitrite. Subsequently, of biochemical exchange (e.g., nitrite and
Meyer et al. (2005) showed that anammox ammonium), they broadly occur together.

Coastal and shelf waters > 20 m
y 1.2 0 Estuaries and coastal waters < 20 m
T- 0
o) 0
0 1.0 0
T- 0
IC: o m 0
9 0.8 0

O 0 0 0
0 # 0 8 0 0
8 0

0.6 0
0 0
5 0.4 +80m

x iS.0

*8 o m
.o & " t m
0 om

0 0

0.0 0 0000 0

0.0 0.5 1.o 1.5 2.0 2.5

Denitrification (nmol N ~ r nh-')

- ~log,,+l

FIGUJE 5 A composite ofall available anammox-specific activity slurry data (rate) as a function ofdenitrification.
The data are split between coastal and shelf waters deeper than 20 m and estuarine and coastal waters shallower
than 20 m. Data have been normahzed by common log transformation (log,,+l) and are from Table 1.

The DNRA could equally supply anammox Fjord, an average of 84%) with sediment
with nitrite, but actual simultaneous measure- from Chesapeake Bay and between 15% and
ments of the two processes are comparatively 69% with sediment from numerous United
rare. Measurements in the less reactive deep Kingdom estuaries (Risgaard-Petersen et al.,
water sediments suggest that D N R A is not 2004; Rich et al., 2008; Nicholls andTrimmer,
important, with little of the I5NO (<2%) 2009). Hence, the potential for D N R A cannot
being recovered as either lSNHq+or, by mass be ruled out in estuarine sediment. Together,
balance, as that not being recovered as 15N-N, these observations are in agreement with the
gas (-10 %), though assimilation cannot be general notion that significant D N R A activity
ruled out of the latter (Dalsgaard and Tham- is confined to highly metabolically active and
drup, 2002; Engstrom et al., 2009; Trimmer more reduced sediment (Nishio et al., 1982;
and Nicholls, 2009). In the more reactive Christensen et al., 2000).
estuarine sediments, the pattern is more mixed, The confirmatory test routinely used to
and the available data only allow the poten- screen aquatic ecosystems for the anammox
tial for D N R A to be estimated as "NOx- not metabolism is the sole production of 29N,gas
recovered as I5N-N, gas (and caution should from anoxic samples of either sediment or
be applied here [Revsbech, 20061). Practi- water incubated in the presence of 15NH4+ and
cally all of the added 15NOx-was recovered 14N0,-. This is a discrete and sensitive "N-
as "N-N, gas with sediment from Randers tool, and its sole use, or that in combination

0.8 I T I

in NO; + 100pM NO,
$ 0.6 -

Ei l

z" 0.4 -
i NO,



FIGURE 6 The yield of "N2from
0.2 - the oxidation of "NH4+in the presence
I of either just I4NO,- or just NO,- or
0.0 I
3 I ?i I I I I
a dual labeling experiment with 100
p n o l of NO,- liter-' and increasing
NO,-. Clearly, the availability of NO,-
and NO,- affects the significance of

with molecular and/or biomarker assays, does an increase in "false" denitrification after the
indeed suggest that the anammox metabo- addition of simple organic compounds and/
lism in the environment is metabolically and or an imbalance in the estimate of anammox
physiologically similar to that characterized measured with either the "NH4+ or "NOx-
during the initial work in laboratory bioreac- assays, but this does not appear to be the case
tors (Mulder et al.. 1995; van de Graaf et al.. (Engstrom et al., 2009; Nicholls and Trimmer,
1995; Jaeschke et al., 2009) (see Chapters 8 2009; Trimmer and Nicholls, 2009). Finally, it
and 10). In addition, however, to this sole reli- is clear, at least with the slurries of highly reac-
ance on nitrite, anammox bacteria (at least in tive estuarine sedment, that anammox cannot
physically purified suspensions) are capable of compete with the total NOx--reducing com-
reducing nitrate to nitrite and ammonium in munity for either nitrite or nitrate when they
the presence of simple organic acids (Kartal et are supplied alone. Anammox is far more sig-
al., 2007).Such a mixotrophic capability would nificant when some of the demand for NOx-
enable anammox to exploit nitrate directly, is met by the addtion of nitrate, which leaves
and this potentially changes their ecological more of the nitrite available for anammox
niche from being solely reliant on a source (Trimmer et al., 2005). While there is little
of nitrite to being in direct competition for evidence to suggest that anammox accesses
nitrate with the diverse nitrate-reducing coni- nitrite to any significant extent directly via the
munity (Guven et al., 2005; Kartal et al., 2007). intracellular reduction of nitrate in sediment,
Anammox via this alternative nitrate reduction this may not always be the case in the suboxic
pathway is, however, equivalent to only 10% water column (see below).
of that measured via the direct nitrite pathway
(Kartal et al., 2007). Anammox in Intact Sediment Cores,
If, in sediments, there were an entirely intra- the Rationale and Approach
cellular metabolism of nitrate to ammonium The use of anaerobic sediment slurries was
and N, gas, then we may expect to see this as essential to the discovery of anammox in the

environment, the pioneering exploration of of "N to the measurement of anammox and

the factors that regulate its activity and the denitrification in anoxic slurries (Thamdrup
characterization of its broader biogeographical and Dalsgaard, 2002). The approach is based
distribution. Indeed, without the production on the principle that as long as the respective
of "NN,from anoxic slurries enriched with availability (ratio) of 14N0,- and "NO,- being
"NH4+ and 14NOx-,it would have been d i g - reduced in a slurry is known (r14 or F J , and
cult, if not impossible, to convince the broader there is not aerobic nitrification due to the
community that the anammox metabolism was anaerobic conditions, then the production of
active in the environment at all.Their use, how- ,'N, due to denitrification (P'N,) can be pre-
ever, obviously disrupts the natural gradients of dicted from the measured production of 30N2,
substrates and redox in sediments and thereby assuming that P'"N2 is solely due to denitrifica-
destroys the chemical microenvironment of the tion (DON,). Then, any "N, due to anammox
bacteria and processes being studied.To the lay (A2"N,) can be found by subtracting b ' N , from
reader, it might appear blatantly obvious that the measured total production of P I N , on the
to understand the role of any biogeochemical mass spectrometer, and everything else can be
process in the environment, then it is indeed derived. Determining the ratio of l4NC>,- and
essential to measure that process under condi- "NO,- is usually achieved by preincubation of
tions as representative of those in situ as pos- anoxic slurries to remove any ambient 14N0,-,
sible, but this is not a trivial task. followed by addition of high purity ("N abun-
The application of "N to trace the flux of dance 3 9 . 2 % ) "NO,-. The same approach
N through aquatic ecosystems, especially that cannot, however, be applied drectly to intact
due to denitrification, has received a consider- sediment cores. With sediment cores, the
able amount of attention. Since its introduc- "NO,- is added to the overlying water where
tion by Nielsen (1992), the I5Nisotope pairing it mixes with any 14N03-present, but the key
technique (IPT) has become one of the most parameter Y , ~lies literally beneath the surface
widely used techniques for measuring N, pro- in the suboxic sedment. Production of I4NO,-
duction in intact aquatic sediments (Steingr- through nitrification in the oxic sediment wdl
uber et al., 2001). The IPT cannot, however, increase the ratio of I4NO3- to "NO,-, and y14
distinguish between anammox and denitrifica- in the sediment will be higher than the ratio of
tion as sources of N, production, and, more the two in the overlying water (rlJw).Numerous
seriously, the presence of anammox violates the approaches have been proposed to quantify the
central assumptions on which the IPT is built parameter yI4 either directly or indirectly to
and will tend to overestimate N, production enable simultaneous measurement of anammox
(Risgaard-Petersen et al., 2003). and denitrification in intact sediment cores
The crux is that in the sole presence of under condtions more representative of the
denitrification, "N- labeled N, gas wdl be pro- in situ conditions (see Risgaard-Petersen et al.,
duced in the suboxic sediment in relation to the 2003;Trimmer et al., 2006).
respective availability of I4NO,- and "NO,-,
that is, a binomial dstribution of "N2, "N,, Sediment Metabolism and N,
and 3"N2,reflecting the respective proportions Production in Intact Sediment
of the two analogues of NO,- being reduced Glud (2008) published a comprehensive
(Hauck et al., 1958; Nielsen, 1992). With the review of oxygen dynamics in marine sedi-
co-occurrence of anammox, however, there are ments and established a robust relationship
now two sources of 29N2(P'N, from I4NO3- between decreasing rates of oxygen uptake
+ "NO,- and A2'N, from 14NH4++ "NOx-), and increasing water depth. Essentially, oxygen
and the logic underpinning the IPT breaks uptake integrates a broad spectrum of aerobic
down (Risgaard-Petersen et al. 2003). This and anaerobic respiratory pathways and pro-
problem was first overcome for the application vides a good proxy for total sediment metabolic

activity, and, in turn, the availability of organic In addition, the total production of N,
carbon, both of which broadly decrease with (denitrification plus anammox) decreases as a
increasing water depth. Here we restrict our function of water depth (Fig. 7), with a sim-
analysis to data sets where both oxygen uptake ilar decay constant of -0.41, though the fit is
and N, production, including anammox, have not as good (8 = 0.36).This is markedly lower
been measured simultaneously (Table 2). The than that recently reported from 50 m on the
data are rather clumped around the shallow shelf to 3,000 m on the continental slope in
estuarine (>4 m), coastal shelf (31 to 117 m), the Chukchi Sea of -0.94 (Chang and Devol,
and deep water (1,000 to 3,000 m) seclments. 2009).The production of N, in the Chukchi
We have plotted the data on a double common Sea correlates with local primary productivity
log scale and fitted them with a simple power and flux of carbon to the benthos, whereas as
function in accordance with other data sets in our compilation takes no account of potential
the literature. Our decay constant of -0.46 (? differences in the carbon flux across a wide
= 0.76) is lower than the average for the com- range of locations. Noticeable outliers are the
pilation by Glud of -0.66 (mean for both pro- data from the deep Sagami Bay (Glud et al.,
file- and flux-derived rates of oxygen uptake as 2009, where a combination of low oxygen
ours are a mix ofboth [Glud, 20081);regardless, saturation (15% air saturation) and up to 40
though, the overall pattern of decreasing secl- pmol NO,- liter-' in the overlying water
ment metabolism with increasing water depth could stimulate N, production (fa 37%), as
still holds (Fig. 7). long as suitable electron donors are available.

0, y = 1 5 2 4 ~ - ' . ~ ~
0 6sX-0.48
A N,y=
N, from Sagami Bay

100 - A
0 :
8 8
A A 0 8

A A A;
t" A B


1 10 100 1000 10000
Water depth (m)

FIGURE 7 Decreasing sediment metabolism as a function of water depth for both oxygen uptake and total
N, production. Note the inverted triangles for the data from Sagami Bay (Clud et al., 2009), which have been
omitted from the nonlinear regression. The data are plotted on a double common log scale, and the coefficients
were derived using a simple power function. Data are fromTable 2.
TABLE 2 Published and unpublished rates of sedimentary oxygen uptake and anammox and denitrification measured in intact sediment cores'
~ _ _ _ _

Water depth 14N0,- Oxygen uptake Denitrification Anammox Total N,

Source and reference(s)
(m) (pmol liter-') (pmol of 0, m-' h-') (pmol of N rn-' h-') (pmol of N m-' h-') (pmol of N m-' h-')
Skagerrat, Kattegat; Risgaard- 36-700 - - 1.9-8.3 1.24.4 6.3-9.5
Petersen et al., 2003
Randers Fjord; Risgaard-Petersen 1 120 3,021-7,193' 219-335 14-21 233-356
et al., 2004
Arctic sediments; Rysgaard et al., 36-100 0.3-15.3 143-345' 1.4-10.7 0.0-3.8 1.4-14.3
Washington Margin; Engstrom et 2,740-3,110 36-48 31-155d 1.3-4.7 0.7-3.4 1.9-8.1
al., 2009
Gullmarsfjorden (Alsback); 116 - - 6.1 6.6 12.7
Trimmer et al., 2006
Medway Estuary, United 3 34-69 459-1,569" 65 6 3 . 5 6.5-35.3 14.4-98.8
Kingdom; M.Trimmer et al.
(unpublished data)
Gravesend,Thames Estuary, 3 - 2,625' 192.9 48.94 241.84
United Kingdom; Trimmer et
al., 2006
Baltic Sea; Hietanen, 2007; 33-85 0.3-1 1.2 - 1.3-8.6 0.1-0.9 1.4-9.5
Hietanen and Kuparinen,
Colne Estuary, United Kingdom; 1 653 2,470' 387.2 157.3 544.5
Dong et al., 2009
S a w Bay; Glud et al., 2009 1,450 40.2 - 23.8-32.9 12.8-18.5 36.5-51.4
North At1antic;Trimmer and 50-2,000 1.1-20.8 32-131' 0.2-5.8 0.1-1.5 0.3-6.8
Nicholls, 2009
Gullmarsfjorden;Alsback, 2008; 116 10.1-17.1 99-181' 7.6-57.2 9.8-15.4 17.4-72.5
Engstrom and Hulth
North Sea; E. Neubacher, R. 30-81 0.1-9.6 47-632' 0.6-21.2 0.2-5.6 0.8-26.9
Parker, and M. Trimmer
(unpublished data)
"This is a summary illustrating the range at each site; the full data set (n = 63 for oxygen uptake and n = 78 for N, production) is available &om the corresponding author (M.T.).-, no data.
'Total oxygen uptake (i.e., change in oxygen in the overlying water over time).
'M. Trimmer unpublished, measured as part of this work.
'Diffusional oxygen uptake modeled using Profiler (Peter Berg).

Removing Sagami Bay from our compilation interesting here is that the two pathways of N,
improves the fit (Fig. 7) (12 = 0.36 and 12 = 0.49 production, anammox and denitrification, are
with and without Sagami Bay, respectively) strongly correlated with each other, and as total
and increases our decay constant to -0.48, sediment metabolism increases (be it oxygen
which is very similar to that for the decay in uptake or N, production), both anamiiiox and
oxygen uptake (-0.46). Hence, N, metabo- denitrification also increase (Fig. 8b). Once
lism and total sediment nietabolisni (oxygen we move offshore, away from the influence of
uptake) decay at similar rates to each other, all coastal nitrate, the majority of N, production
the way from shallow estuarine to deep conti- via both denitrification and anammox is going
nental margins, in agreement with the notion to be coupled to the mineralization of organi-
that water depth is a very good parameter for cally bound N to amnioniuni and its oxidation
describing benthic metabolism (Wenzhofer to nitrate (Seitzinger, 1988). It is perhaps not
and Glud, 2002; Andersson et al., 2004; Glud, surprising, therefore, that N, production and
2008). Furthermore, we can make a painvise total sediment metabolism track each other,
comparison using each pair of oxygen uptake but what is surprising from this compilation
and N, production measurements (n = 54) to is that the contribution from anammox to
estimate an average N, mineralization constant the production of N, remains far more con-
(ratio) per mole of oxygen consumed. Doing stant than perhaps would have been previously
this suggests that for each mole of oxygen con- expected.
sumed, the sediment releases 0.07 mole of N Although ananimox and denitrification are
as N, gas (k0.02 95% confidence interval [CI], positively correlated for the slurry data, the
n = 54). If the organic material being mineral- relationship is stronger for the intact sediment
ized has a Redfield ratio of 6.6C:lN and 1 mol cores (Fig. 9).The bias toward denitrification is
of 0, consumed by the sediment is equivalent pronounced more clearly in the reactive sedi-
to 1 mol of carbon mineralized to CO, (in the ments from shallower waters, where any added
simplest sense), then our N, mineralization NOx- may be artificially exposed to H,S, for
constant of 0.07:l suggests that 46% of organic example, which would increase the competi-
N is mineralized and “lost” as N, gas, while tion for NOx-. In adhtion, slurries will inte-
54% is potentially available to be returned to grate the activity of denitrifiers and anammox
the water column, probably as NO,- (1/6.6 bacteria in a volume of sediment and the fac-
= 0.15 mol of N mineralized; 0.07/0.15 = ultative denitrifiers are, therefore, likely to be
0.46; 1-0.46 = 0.54 remaining). Note that over-represented in anoxic slurries prepared
accounting for the oxygen consumed during from mixed oxic and anoxic strata. In contrast,
the nitrification of the originally ammonified this distribution will be more accurately cap-
N before it is oxidized to N, gas makes little tured using intact sediment cores (Trimmer et
difference to this approximate 50:50“split.” al., 2006). Overall, though, for the less reactive
Seitzinger and Giblin (1996) showed that sediments, either assay gives similar estimates
denitrification (as it was solely referred to for the significance of anammox to the pro-
then) was correlated (Y = 0.8) with oxygen duction of N,.
uptake in sediments across a variety of conti-
nental shelf locations. Here we show that this Anammox and Denitrification
principle holds for total N, production and The mean value for YU calculated using all of
oxygen uptake across a broader range of water the sediment core data suggests that anammox
depths, with our data bracketing that original contributes 28% (f2 SE, n = 78) of total N,
range, which is a logical consequence of their production, which agrees with the elegant
similar decay constants (Fig. 8a). (Note the log and logical argument for a potential coupling
transformation here compared to that of Seitz- between the two metabolisms put forward by
inger and Giblin [1996].) What is particularly Dalsgaard et al. (2003).For example, if, during


. . a



0 2000 4000
P =0.63

. .
. ....
. .

. .. .C.

... ..
1.o me.

0. s@ A ? '

Z" 0.5 * . r = 0.79


0.0 I I I I I

Oxygen uptake (pmol 0, m-2 h -1) log,,+l





3 0.0

r = 0.85

0.0 0.5 1.o 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5

Denitrification (pmol N m-2h-') log,,+l

FIGURE 8 Relationships between N, metabolisms and total sediment metabolism. (a) Total N,production
scattered against oxygen uptake. (b) Anammox against denitrification. Data have been normalized by common log
transformation (log,,+l), and the correlation coefficient (r) is given in each panel. In a, the open triangles inark the
approxiniate range of data reported by Seitzinger and Giblin (1996).The inset gives the relationship through the
original linear data, where the slope (b,) is equivalent to the ratio (as b, = 0) and ratio is equivalent to the pairwise
comparison given in the text.

2.5 1 I

8 Intact sediment core data r = 0.85

0 Sediment slurry data r = 0.62 (>20m)
2.0 v Sediment slurry data r = 0.79 ( ~ 2 m)





0.0 0.5 1.o 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Denitrification (log,,+l)

FIGURE 9 Scatter plot of ananunox as a function of denitrification to illustrate the bias toward denitrification
in the sediment slurries in shallower water. Units for the intact sediment core data are p i 0 1 of N ni-* h-' (as in
Fig. 8b) and for the slurries are nmol of N cm-3 h-' (as in Fig. 5). Data have been normalized by common log
transformation (log,,+l), and the correlation coefficient (r) is given in each case.

the oxidation of organic matter (with a Red- sediment cores of up to 65%)and up to 40% in
field C:N of 6.6:l)via denitrification with the Washington margin (Engstrom et al., 2009;
NO,-, both NO,- and NH,+ are liberated in Trimmer and Nicholls, 2009).There is consid-
equimolar amounts and are, in turn, used by erable scatter in the data (Fig. Sb), and some
anammox to produce N, gas, then they argued local differences could, in part, be due to dif-
that anammox would be responsible for 29% of ferences in the C:N ratio of the organic matter
the N, produced (see equation 8) and, indeed, being mineralized, the total input of organic
that was close to what they measured. Here we carbon and local stimulation, or suppres-
also report a remarkably good agreement, on sion of denitrification (Thamdrup and Dals-
average, between the predicted significance of gaard, 2002; Glud, 2008). The significance of
anammox to N,production and that measured ananimox could increase if the organic matter
if, as our positive correlation also corroborates, undergoing mineralization was more enriched
anammox is indeed coupled to denitrification. with N, relative to Redfield, and the opposite
Clearly, there are exceptions to this, and it must also hold for organic matter with a higher
would be contradictory to our own findings C:N ratio, when the significance of anammox
not to point these out. Between 2,000 and could be expected to go down (Dalsgaard et
500 m in the North Atlantic, we measured a al., 2003).As we have already discussed, signifi-
higher contribution from anammox in intact cant carbon oxidation via manganese oxides or

local zones of deoxygenation could alter the argument suggests that anammox may actually
balance between denitrification and anammox, depend on nitrite produced as an intermediate
but the potential of a link between the two is in “denitrification” and the notion of competi-
worthy of further exploration. tion may be redundant. It could be argued that
The original argument proposed for a cou- the nitrite, which supports anammox, must be
pling between denitrification and anammox excess to the requirements of the denitrifying
was based on the water column study in the bacteria and may reflect an imbalance between
Golfo Dulce where, in the anammox zone, the NO,- and organic carbon required to sus-
ammonium was particularly scarce and a cou- tain heterotrophic denitrification.The positive
pling between mineralization and anammox correlation between anammox and denitrifica-
was logical (Dalsgaard et al., 2003). In contrast, tion across a broad spectrum of activity, how-
in sediments where ammonium is known to ever, suggests that this may not be the case, as
accumulate at depth, one might not expect we would have expected a higher ratio at the
anammox to be ammonium limited. Engstrom lower rates of denitrification, if denitrification
et al. (2009),however, showed that ammonium were carbon 1imited.The actual mechanism of
was absent from the pore water (0.5 cm resolu- any coupling, if at all, between anammox and
tion) within the suboxic nitrate reduction zone denitrification remains to be resolved.
for sediment from the Cascadia Basin (2,700 to
3,100 m) and that this pattern was consistent Scaling Up and the Global
with numerous other deep-water sediments Significance of Anammox in
such as the San Clemente Basin (Bender et Benthic Sediments
al., 1989), California margin (Reimers et al., There are many caveats associated with making
1992), Panama Basin (Aller et al., 1998), and measurements of benthic metabolism, espe-
the western Mexico margin (Hartnett and cially with sechments recovered from the deep
Devol, 2003). sea (see Glud [2008] for an overview). These
Whether or not this is also true for the include leaching of cellular material as a conse-
more reactive coastal and estuarine sediments quence of depressurization, which could affect
is harder to assess at the moment, as pore water the accuracy and interpretation of pore water
profiles of a sufficient resolution are often nutrient profiles, and, obviously, cell death,
either not available or have not been pub- which would impact on the measured rates
lished as part of the research into anammox. of selment metabolism. Hence, absolute true
Estuarine sediments do, however, largely act patterns of sedimentary N metabolism may
as sources of ammonium to the overlying only be uncovered when benthic-landers are
water, and, as such, ammonium appears to be equipped with techniques to simultaneously
in excess to the sedimentary N requirements measure anammox and denitrification in situ.
(Dollar et al., 1991; Ogilvie et al., 1997).Even That said, the fact that we can see broad-scale
if ammonium were not limiting for anammox patterns in both sedimentary and N, and 0,
in muddy estuarine sediments and anammox metabolisms measured using different tech-
were only reliant on nitrate reduction for its niques, across a broad spectrum of water depth,
nitrite, this would not change the degree of primary production, and season, suggests that
coupling between the two. the data are robust.
In some of the original papers on anammox We have shown that N, metabolism decays
in estuarine selments, a paradoxical notion at the same rate as total sediment metabolism
was put forward whereby anammox was both (i.e., oxygen uptake).We can now use our N,
reliant on nitrate-reducing bacteria for its mineralization constant of 0.07:l (k0.02 95%
nitrite and in competition with these bacteria CI, n = 54) in combination with the compila-
for this nitrite (Meyer et al., 2005;Trimmer et tion by Glud (2008) for global benthic oxygen
al., 2005). Our compilation and proceeding consumption, to first propose an estimate for

global benthic N, production and then the sig- principles (pore water profile and gradient
nificance of anammox to that production. Glud models), but the occasions where it contributes
(2008) used his relationship for oxygen uptake to the majority of N, production in sediments
and water depth, in combination with global appear rare, and it appears more in unison,
topography data, to estimate a total global sedi- rather than at odds, with denitrification.
ment consumption for oxygen of 152 Tmol of
0, year-’. In combination with our own N,
mineralization constant, this 152 Tmol of 0,
year-’ equates to 9 Tmol of N year-’ (152 X
0.07) or 126 Tg of N year-’ (90 to 162 with Global Distribution of OMZs and
a 95% CI) released as N, gas from the global Suboxic Waters
benthos.This is toward the upper end of some The vast majority of water that iiiakes up the
previous estimates of global benthic denitrifi- global ocean (1.34 X 10‘ km“)is at equilibrium
cation, e.g., 95 Tg of N year-’ (120 [Gruber with the atmosphere with respect to oxygen,
and Samiento, 19971) but considerably less that is, 100% of air saturation for oxygen. If we
than the 230 to 300 Tg of N year-’ proposed assume an average salinity of 35 (psu or 0.035
by others (Middelburg et al., 1996; Codispoti kg of “salt” [kg of seawater]..’) and a represen-
et al., 2001; Codispoti, 2006). Furthermore, of tative temperature of 16OC for this water, then
the 126 Tg of N year-’, anammox would, on it would, at equilibrium with the atmosphere,
average, contribute approximately 35 Tg of N contain 249 pmol of 0, liter-’, and it would
year-’ (i.e., -28%)) and denitrification would be termed oxic. If the rate of supply of oxygen
contribute the remaining 91 Tmol of N year-’. to a se&ment cannot keep up with the sedi-
Recent revisions to the global budget for ment’s demand for oxygen (aerobic respiration
N, production have, in part, been deemed and reoxidation of reduced chemical species),
necessary to take account of “new” N,-pro- then the sediment will become suboxic and,
ducing pathways, namely anammox and redox eventually fully anoxic. The same is also true
“metal-mediated” denitrification (Codis- for a column of water, but the local physics of
poti, 2006). Despite hundreds of control water movement can add compounding com-
incubations used in the routine screening of plexity, specific to a particular location; a sill at
sediments for anammox, no significant pro- the mouth of a fjord, an isolated water body,
duction of ”N-labeled N, gas has been mea- strong upwelling, and byre structures can all
sured that could be ascribed to the oxidation govern mixing and reaeration rates. In addition,
of 15NH4+coupled to either the reduction whereas in a sediment we can cross over from
of metal oxides or sulfate (Hulth et al., 1999; oxic to suboxic strata in a few hundred niicrom-
Fernandez-Polanco et al., 2001; Schrum et al., eters to a couple of centimeters (dependlng on
2009). Only when I5NH4+and I4NOx- are reactivity and permeability of the sediment),
incubated together do we get the confirma- the structure of an oceanic OMZ is much
tory ,‘N2 signature of anammox. In addition, larger, with o.xygen decreasing over tens to
Risgaard-Petersen et al. (2006) demonstrated hundreds of meters (Fig. 1).We follow the COII-
that benthic foraminifera were capable of com- vention that between the layers of either oxic
plete denitrification, yet their contribution as sediment or oxic water and the deeper suboxic
a novel source of N, production in sediments layers, there is an oxycline of decreasing oxygen
appears limited to date (Risgaard-Petersen et and, hence, increasing hypoxia and that hypoxia
al., 2006; Glud et al., 2009). Anammox is a is physiologically stressful for higher organisms
real and almost ubiquitous component of the at 90 p i 0 1 of 0, liter-.’ (Diaz and Rosenberg,
estuarine and marine sedimentary N cycle. It 2008).
is correct to revise estimates of N, production A distinctive characteristic of OMZs is
based on previously accepted stoichiometric that once oxygen has fallen to 1 to 3 pmol

of 0, liter. ' (or between 0.4% and 1.2 % of Such regions of the ocean may be com-
saturation on the scale above), nitrite starts to paratively small, but they play a vital role in
accumulate (typically peaks of 2 to 5 pin01 of the global N cycle.The oceanic O M Z sup-
NO, liter ') in the water column (Codis- port both the anammox and denitrification
poti and Christensen, 1985; Naqvi et al., metabolisms and are suggested to account
1992; Morrison et al., 1999;Thamdrup et al., for one-third of total marine N, production,
2006). Hence, oxygen appears physiologically even though they make up less than 0.1% of
limiting for aerobic respiration, and electrons the ocean volume.This means, as Codispoti et
begin to flow via the reduction of nitrate to al. (2001) pointed out, that a small change in
nitrite, and we term these water layers, simply, volume of these suboxic zones can potentially
as suboxic. If, however, oxygen depletion in an have a large impact on global N, production.
OMZ, or parts thereof, is particularly intense, Seasonal variability in the five large OMZs is
the oxidized species exhausted, and redox suf- minor on a global scale, except for the Ara-
ficiently negative, then free sulfide can start bian Sea, which thickens by 20%) (640 to 790
to accumulate, and thc water would be truly m) during the summer season (Paulmier and
anoxic (e.g., the deeper parts of the Black Sea, Ruiz-Pino, 2009). The important point to
Baltic Sea, Golfo Ilulce, arid coastal regions of note, however, is that the OMZs associated
the western Arabian Sea) (Naqvi et al., 2000; with the tropics are known to have expanded
Hanriig et al., 2007; Jensen et al., 2008). in the last 50 years and that cases of coastal
The known OMZs in the modern ocean hypoxia are also increasing sharply (Diaz and
comprise only about 0.1% (1.34 X lo6 km') of Rosenberg, 2008; Stramma et al., 2008). How
the total oceanic volume, accordng to Codis- this will affect the global balance of N and, in
poti et al. (2001). Recently, however, Paulmier turn, C sequestration via primary production
and Ruiz-Pino (2009) reformulated this esti- is unknown.
mate to include waters where the concen-
tration of oxygen falls below 20 pmol of 0, Distribution of Anammox in
liter-'; that is, their definition includes waters Oxygen Minimum Zones and the
that are also hypoxic. With the latter formula- Effect of Sulfide
tion, the volume of the ocean's O M Z increases Direct evidence for anammox in an O M Z was
to 10.3 X lo6km3or 0.77% of the total oceanic first presented from an enclosed bay,The Golfo
volume. The large OMZs found in the global Dulce, in Costa Rica and from the Black Sea
ocean are as follows: one in the eastern trop- (Dalsgaard et al., 2003; Kuypers et al., 2003).
ical North Pacific (ETNP) off the west coast Since then, the anammox metabolisni has
of Mexico and Guatemala; one in the eastern been confirmed in other suboxic basins and
tropical South Pacific off Peru and Chile most of the ocean's other OMZs, including
(ETSP); and in the northern Arabian Sea and the Namibia shelf waters, the ETSC and the
Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean (Codispoti Arabian Sea (Table 3).Anammox has also been
et al. 2001; Paulmier and Ruiz-Pino 2009). A found in the water column of a tropical lake,
lesser known permanent deep O M Z in the east where it contributed about 10% of the total
subtropical North Pacific off the west coast of N, production (Schubert et al., 2006), but this
the United States is also accounted for by Paul- is the only freshwater site where anammox
mier and Ruiz-Pino (2009). Permanent sub- has been reported, and as with the sediments,
oxic water columns can also be found in some it remains very much understudied in fresh-
fjords and basins, such as the Black Sea, and water ecosystems. In a Swiss nieromictic lake
overproductive shelf areas as the water column and the brackish Mariager Fjord in Denmark,
off the south west coast ofAfrica. two sites characterized by narrow suboxic and
TABLE 3 Published anammox and denitrification rates measured with 'jN-stable isotopes in water column OMZs"

15NH4+ + 'jN0,- 'jN0,- 'jN0,-
Water depth anammox anammox anammox denitrification Anammox Anammox
Source and reference
(nmol of N anammox
(nmol of N
(nmol of N (nmol of N (nmol of N ("w cells ( X lo4 d-l)
liter-' day-') liter-l day-l) liter-' day-') liter-' day-') liter-' day-')

Golfo Dulce; Dalsgaard et al., 120-180 NAb NA NA 24-408 12-2,568 19-35' NA

2003 7-67
Benguela upwelling; Kuypers 40-130 10-170 NA NA 27-47d NDb 100 0.4-2'
et al., 2005 (0.89 k 0.15)
ETSF', Chile;Thamdrup et 60-150 4-1 8 NA 0-27 NA 5.8 100 NA
al., 2006 One depth (one site 76%)
Lake Tanganyika; Schubert et 90-1 10 NA NA NA 0-240 467-2,322 0-13 0.1-1.3'
al., 2006 (0.6 k 0.36)
Black Sea; Lam et al., 2007 85-110 1-7 NA 3-14' NA ND 100 0-0.2v
(0.15 k 0.057)
ETSP, Peru; Hamersley et al., 25400 1.5-105 1.2-384 4-48' 1-27d ND 100 0.09-13'
2007 (3.6 k0.97)
0.10-lY(4.2 k 1.1)
Black Sea;Jensen et al., 2008 85-110 0.7-1 1 7-10 0.1-14 0-2.8d ND 100 NA
ETSF', Chile; Galan et al., SO 2-17 NA NA NA ND 100 0.3
ETSF', Peru; Lam et al., 2009 4 2 -8 3 -s 2 -8 0.04-0.2h
(0.075 k 0.014)
Arabian Sea;Ward et al., 2009 120-200 0.12-4.3 NA NA NA 0.24-2 5 1-13 1-8f
S2 150 m 95% (3.8 k 1.0)
ETSP; Ward et al., 2009 80-250 0.63-8.8 NA NA NA 0 100 3-121
(8.6 t 1.5)
Mariager Fjord;Jensen et al., 14-21 ND NA ND ND 4.1-19 0 NA
'Only sites where either anammox or denitrification could be measured are shown.This is a summary illustrating the range at each site; the full data set ( n = 76 for N, production) is available
from the corresponding author (M.T.);mean k SE.
bNA,not analyzed; ND, not detected.
'Integrated over the whole suboxic zone.
a9N2production (no 'ON,detected).
'Anammox cell abundance quantified by FISH.
, A n a m o x cell abundance quantified by quantitative PCR.
'Same rates as Hamersley et al. (2007).
hScalindua mRNA.

anoxic interfaces affected by sulfide, there was becoming a more significant player in future
no evidence of anammox in the suboxic water N cycling scenarios (Naqvi et al., 2000; Diaz
column (Halm et al., 2009; Jensen et al., 2009). and Rosenberg, 2008; Lavik et al., 2009).
Chemolithotrophic denitrification, where the
reduction of nitrate is coupled to the oxida- Anammox: a Marine N
tion of sulfide, was proposed to be the pathway Mystery Solved?
responsible for N, production at both of these The concentration profiles of O,, NO,-,NO,-,
sites. A similar pattern of minor anammox and NH,+, representative of suboxic water col-
activity was reported in the bottom waters of umns and deep-sea sediments shown in Fig. 1,
the Golfo Dulce (180 m), where marked sul- all suggest suboxic conversion of ammonium
fide oxidation was occurring at the interface to N, gas. Following Richards’s prediction
of nitrate reduction and nitrite production of an “anammox”-like reaction (equation 8,
(Dalsgaard et al., 2003). In the Baltic Sea, a above) where anammox and denitrification act
pronounced stratification of the water column in unison, 29% of the N, produced would be
with steep gradients of NO,- and H,S in the due to anammox (Richards et al., 1965).The
redox cline was shown to support chemo- original Costa Rica study by Dalsgaard et al.
lithotrophic denitrification coupled to the (2003) measured an average anamniox con-
oxidation of sulfide, but no anammox activity tribution of 27%, with a positive correlation
was detected (Brettar and Rheinheimer, 1991; between the two processes;hence, their case for
Hannig et al., 2007). However, Hannig et al. a Richards style of anammox was strong, and a
(2007) did measure anammox activity in the long-standing marine N mystery appeared to
Baltic after a deepwater renewal resulting in have been resolved (Devol, 2003). Since then,
a disappearance of the sulfidic redoxcline and however, the accounts of anammox in a variety
the presence of anammox bacteria was further of OMZs have not been so straightforward.
confirmed in the water column using fluores- Subsequent studies in the shelf waters off
cent in situ hybridization (FISH) (Hannig et Namibia, the ETSE and the Black Sea all sug-
al. 2007). gested a total dominance of anammox, with no
Jensen et al. (2008) showed that low concen- measurable production of N, by denitrification,
trations of sulfide had a clear inhibitory effect and it has been argued that anammox is the only
on anammox activity measured in water sam- pathw,iy to form N, in the major OMZs (Table
ples from the Black Sea. In incubations with 4 3).The point to bear in mind here, then, is if
pmol of H,S liter-‘, anammox rates decreased there is no heterotrophic denitrification, then
by up to -98% compared to the controls (5 where does the ammonium and nitrite come
to 17 nmol of N, liter-’ day-’ in the controls from to fuel anammox? The OMZ of the Ara-
down to the detection limit of 0.36 nmol of N, bian Sea is commonly regarded as the world’s
liter-’ day-’ in the presence of sulfide). Nitri- largest, and it is believed to be responsible for
fying bacteria and heterotrophic denitrifica- 50% of total oceanic water column N, produc-
tion are also inhibited by sulfide (Sorensen et tion (Devol et al., 2006). Recently, and in con-
al., 1987;Joye and Hollibaugh, 1995); however, trast to that just outlined, denitrification was
it seems that it is the toxicity of sulfide itself reported to be, by far, the dominant pathway
and not an indirect effect, such as a shortage of for N, production in the Arabian Sea (Ward
substrate, that is inhibitory, since anammox is et al., 2009). Previous accounts had argued for
not active in sulfidic zones rich in both NH,+ “multiple pathways of N, production,” which
and NO,-. The increasing incidence of coastal could not be ascribed categorically to either
hypoxia, which is often driven by efflux of sul- complete anammox or denitrification; the ‘?N
fide from underlying anoxic sediments, may labeling of produced N,O could most easily
result in chemolithotrophic denitrification be explained by a simple reduction of NO,-,

and, in effect, part of the classic denitrification anammox, namely 0 to 270 nniol of N, liter-'
pathway was known to be present (Nicholls et day-' (k6 SE, n = 76) and 0 to 2,568 nmol of
al., 2007). As Ward et al. (2009) argued, there is N, liter-' day-' (k87 SE, n = 76) for anammox
plenty of molecular evidence for the apparatus and denitrification, respectively. In the Arabian
of denitrification in the Arabian Sea, and the Sea, the highest rate of ananiniox was 4.3 nmol
"N data support this. If, however, denitrifica- of N, liter-' day-' compared to 8.8 niiiol of N,
tion dominates the production of N, in the liter-' day-' in the ETSP (Ward et al., 2009),
Arabian Sea, and assuming "Redfield" for the while the dfference in denitrification was a
organic material being mineralized, then there measured maximum of 25 nmol of N, liter-'
must be an unknown sink for ammonium. day-' in the Arabian Sea compared to 0 nmol
With such a minor role for anammox in the of N, liter-' day-' in the ETSP.
Arabian Sea and a predominance of organic Together, the ETNP and the east subtrop-
matter mineralization coupled to denitrifica- ical North Pacific make up 68% of the total
tion, then there should be more ammonium area of OMZs across the globe, covering 41%
present in the water column than can actually and 2796, respectively (Paulmiere and Ruiz-
be measured (Nicholls et al., 2007). Despite this Pino, 2009). To the best of our knowledge,
apparent confusion, some explanations may lie there are no published anammox data for these
in the respective availability of organic carbon. regions. We can speculate about their poten-
tial significance using available data for rates
Organic Carbon and the Balance of nitrate reduction with and without the
between Anammox and Denitrification a d l t i o n of organic carbon, as outlined above
The difference in the significance of anammox (Ward et al., 2008). Experiments were per-
and denitrification between the ETSP and formed with water collected in the three large
the Arabian Sea may be explained by deni- OMZs of the ETSF', ETNP, and Arabian Sea.
trification being governed by the availability Samples collected in the ETNP responded in
of organic carbon. This hypothesis is based a very similar way to water collected from the
on observations from a previous study that OMZ off Peru (ETSP), with a clear stimula-
showed nitrate reduction rates in the ETSP tion of nitrate reduction by addition of organic
OMZ to be limited by the availability of carbon, whereas no significant changes in
organic carbon, while that was not the case in concentration of inorganic N species (NO,-,
the Arabian Sea (Ward et al., 2008,2009). Sev- NO,-, NH,+) could be measured in the con-
eral stules have reported a total dominance of trols. Given that the samples from the Arabian
anammox in the ETSP OMZ but, at the same Sea were not carbon limited and until more
time, documented the potential for denitrifi- data from the ETNP becomes available, we
cation through the presence and abundance assume this region to have an anammox con-
of the denitrifier nirS gene (Hamersley et al., tribution and N, production rates more similar
2007; Lam et al., 2009;Ward et al., 2009).The to the ETSP than the Arabian Sea.
split between anammox and denitrification
could follow seasonal changes in productivity Sensitivity of Anammox to Oxygen
or advected import of organic matter, where The sensitivity to oxygen among the anammox
denitrification activity can be significant in the bacteria is not fully clear, and studies from bio-
ETSP following an extensive phytoplankton reactors reported anammox to be reversibly
bloom (i.e., a pulse of organic carbon). inhibited by oxygen concentrations as low as
In parallel to the observations made with 1 pmol of 0, liter-' (Strous et al., 1999). In
the sediments (see above), the range of rates contrast, anarnmox bacteria have been shown
reported for denitrification across OMZs is to be active in low-oxygen and suboxic envi-
an order of magnitude greater than that for ronments. Hamersley et al. (2007) detected

anammox bacteria off the coast of Chile in tion had been observed in situ (i.e., 20 pmol
water with up to 20 pmol of 0, liter-' and of 0, liter-') (Smethie et al., 1987). Present-
showed that these anammox bacteria could day studies of N, production in OMZs suggest
start their metabolism immehately upon estab- that the 20 pmol of 0, liter-' may be an over-
lishment of suboxic conditions (Hamersley et estimate. For example, if we compare oxygen
al., 2007). An experiment to study anammox concentrations at the depth where the peak
activity over a range of hfferent oxygen con- in nitrate is also measured (i.e., before it starts
centrations could only show anammox activity to be reduced), they coincide at an oxygen
at oxygen concentrations below 14 pmol of concentration of 15 pmol of 0, liter-' in the
0, liter-', and between 0 and 14 pmol of 0, Black Sea, 0 pmol of 0, liter-' in numerous
liter-', anammox activity decreased linearly other studies, and between 4 and -20 pmol
with increasing oxygen concentration Uensen of 0, liter-' in the ETSP (Thamdrup et al.,
et al., 2008). It is, however, difficult to compare 2006; Hamersley et al., 2007).The average of
measured rates of anarnmox with environ- these latter values is -10 pmol of 0, liter-',
mental or ambient concentrations of oxygen, which agrees well with the concentration of
since the water used in the vast majority of 15N oxygen, in the data set below, where nitrite
incubations is degassed prior to the start of the starts to accumulate markedly (Fig. 10a). As
experiment (Table 3). indicated above, the accumulation of nitrite is
Anammox bacteria appear active in both often associated with oxygen below 4 pmol
low-oxygen and suboxic waters, and such con- of 0, liter-'. Our data probably reflect differ-
ditions are often considered as prerequisites for ences in the accuracy of determination, espe-
denitrification,since oxygen represses synthesis cially for oxygen, and the reader is referred to
and activity of denitrifying enzymes (Zumft, the more comprehensive data set of Morrison
1997), though the effect may be more subtle. et al. (1999), among others.
IL6rner and Zumft (1989) showed that each
of the denitrifying enzymes in the denitrifying Distribution and Supply of Nitrite
sequence had variable sensitivities to oxygen, and Ammonium
whereas as the NO,- and NO,- reductases A classic feature of the ocean's OMZs is the
are expressed under moderate hypoxia (-30 to suboxic peaks of the secondary nitrite maxima,
40% of air saturation), N,O reductase requires which coincide with low oxygen and a drop
lower oxygen (<15%). In addition, N,O pro- in nitrate from -35 pmol liter-' to 15 pmol
duction through denitrification has been mea- liter-' (for example, see Morrison et al. [1999]).
sured in water with up to 50 pmol of 0, liter-' The anammox data set reported here (Table
off Northern Chile (Farias et al., 2009). 3) agrees with the larger oceanographic data
The sensitivityto oxygen for both anammox set as a whole, with maximal nitrite associated
and denitrification affects the distribution of with both low oxygen and the initial reduction
their activity.When estimating the boundaries of nitrate from -35 pmol liter-' to 15 pmol
for the extent of oceanic OMZs, Paulmier and liter-' (Fig. 10a and c).After that and with fur-
Ruiz-Pino (2009) set the maximum concen- ther nitrate reduction, nitrite is subsequently
tration for oxygen at 20 pmol liter-', though consumed. Ammonium is usually present at
this is far in excess of the 2 to 3 pmol of 0, very low concentrations or close to the detec-
liter-' associated with the classic signature of tion limit in oceanic samples, but the data are
nitrite maxima and it has a massive impact not nearly as abundant as they are for oxygen,
on the global estimate of N, production in nitrite, and nitrate. The scarcity of ammonium
the ocean (see global N budget et the end of may reflect some of the inherent problems
this section). Their maximum concentration with measuring low concentrations of ammo-
was based on the highest concentration for nium with the traditional indo-phenol blue
oxygen at which water column denitrifica- assay (Holmes et al., 1999).

a C

8 0 0

T- 0 0
i 0 0 .
0 0
0 6

4 0 b

-3 0


€2 0
c 0

0 0

0 50 100 150 200 250 0 10 20 30 40

Oxygen wmol L-‘) Nitrate @mol L-’)

0 2 4 6 8 1 0
Nitrite (pmol L”)
FIGURE 10 Patterns of dissolved inorganic N species and oxygen within OMZs, made up from the available
anammox database (see Table 3). (a, b) Nitrite and ammonium each as a function of oxygen, respectively. (c)
Nitrite as a function of nitrate; the label for the nitrate axis in panel c is given as the primary axis in panel d. (d)
Ammonium as a function of nitrite, with nitrite on the secondary axis.

In the anammox data set, ammonium fol- less than 1 pmol of NO,- liter-’ are all from the
lows a similar pattern to that for nitrite and deepest samples in the Black Sea (105 to 110
oxygen, whereby maximum concentrations m), at the interface between the suboxic and
of ammonium (-4 pmol of NH,+ liter-’) are truly anoxic waters where ammonium accu-
found close to the limit of detection for oxygen mulates. Given that anammox requires ammo-
(Fig. 1Ob). Another interesting feature here is nium and nitrite in a 1:l ratio, the majority
that ammonium and nitrite are present along of sites in the suboxic waters have an excess
opposing grachents (Fig 1Od).Here concentra- of nitrite. This is, therefore, the characteristic
tions greater than 2 pmol of NH,+ liter-’ and signature for anammox activity: nitrite coming

from the reduction of nitrate, that reduction rate of ammonium consumption, which sug-
mineralizing ammonium, but that ammonium gested that if anammox is the major pathway
being absent from the water column. removing ammonium in the suboxic zone of
The majority of water column anarnmox the Black Sea with a ratio of NO,- to NH4+
studies (76% of cases) report anammox activity of 1:1, nitrite was supplied by another source
within these zones, at ambient nitrite concen- other than just through the reduction of nitrate
trations of 3 pmol of NO,- liter-’ or less (Fig. (Jensen et al., 2008). Lam et al. (2007) invoked
11).As dscussed in the previous sediment sec- another potential route of supply for nitrite
tion, anammox has a high affinity for nitrite, by verifying nitrification in the suboxic zone
with saturation kinetics occurring at or below of the Black Sea by careful measurement of
3 pmol of NO,- liter-’ (Dalsgaard and Tham- the accumulation of I5NO,- and 3‘1N2 produc-
drup, 2002;Trimmer et al., 2003, 2005). If the tion in closed incubations to which “NH4+
scatter shows anything in Fig. 11, it is that had been added. There was no “measurable”
nitrite actually accumulates where anammox oxygen in these incubations (detection limit
activity is minimal, perhaps suggesting limita- 2% saturation; ca 5 pmol of O, liter-’); nitri-
tion by ammonium. Nitrite might, therefore, fication was therefore suggested to be “micro-
not be expected to limit anammox activity in aerobic.” This novel aspect was corroborated
the OMZs, but there are a few I5N experi- by measuring the active expression of amoA
ments that indicate nitrite limitation. genes for Crenarchaea and YAOB (gamma
Nitrite limitation for the anammox reac- ammonium-oxidizing bacteria) and suggested
tion can be examined by comparing rates of that YAOBwere responsible for this “suboxic”
anammox measured with I5NHq+ and par- nitrite production in the Black Sea (Lam et
allel incubations with 15N0,- or I5NH4++ al., 2007).
‘‘N0,-.Thamdrup et al. (2006), Hamersley et Later, evidence for microaerobic ammonium
al. (2007), and Jensen et al. (2008) all presented oxidation coupled to both Crenarchaea and
such data for parallel incubations in the O M Z ammonium-oxidizing bacteria was reported for
off Chile and Peru (ETSP) and the suboxic the O M Z off Peru (Lam et al., 2009). Ammo-
zone in the Black Sea. In the Chilean O M Z , nium oxidation could be detected in incuba-
39% of experiments exhibited faster rates of tions with less than 2 pmol of 0, liter-’, and in
anammox with the addition of NO,-, com- the upper O M Z off Peru, aerobic ammonium
pared to controls with I5NH4+only, although, oxidation was estimated to produce at least 65%
overall, the two sets of measurements are not of the NO,- required for anammox, but in the
significantly different (paired t test, d.f. = 38, lower part, no microaerobic ammonium oxida-
P = 0.105). Interestingly, in the Chilean cases tion could be detected (Lam et al., 2009).Also,
that suggested NO,- limitation, the in situ Molina and Farias (2009) suggested that a large
concentration of NO,- was between 0 and 1.6 part of the ammonium removal in the ETSP
pmol liter-’ and below the apparent satura- OMZ is due to microaerobic nitrification as
tion or optimum concentration for anammox well as anammox.
(Dalsgaard and Thamdrup, 2002; Trimmer et Microaerobic ammonium oxidation is
al., 2005). a very interesting dynamic. For example,
Furthermore, in the Black Sea,Jensen et al. whereas heterotrophic nitrate-reducing bac-
(2008) concluded that anammox activity in teria are physiologically limited by oxygen at
the suboxic zone was NO,- limited, and in < 4 p i 0 1 of 0, liter-’ and start respiring nitrate
a joint study, the rate of NO,- consumption to nitrite, Crenarchaea and AOB presented by
was modeled from NO,-, NO,-, and NH4+ Lam et al. (2009) may be able to operate at
concentrations profiles with a reaction-diffu- concentrations (<2 pi1101 of 0, liter-’) that
sion model (Lam et al., 2007). In the model, would be considered at the limit for heterotro-
nitrite consumption was only about half the phic nitrate-reducing bacteria.



. .

i 100 -
g 80- 0 0

+ 0 0 .


o. o 0 .
'3 40 -

0 2 4 6 8
Nitrite (pmol L-I)
FIGURE 11 Anammox activity measured by enrichment with 15NH,+as a function of the concentration of
ambient nitrite, made up from the available anammox database (see Table 3.).To illustrate the overall trend, two
outliers have been removed that had activity of 170 and 270 nmol of N, liter-' day-'.

In the studies with direct measurements of for anammox. Considering ammonium limita-
anammox (Table 3), the mean in situ concen- tion in the ETSP, as mentioned earlier, a com-
tration for ammonium at the depths where parison between anammox measured with
anammox activity was detected was 0.52 pmol 15N0,- against that measured with "NH; in
of NH; liter-' (k0.095 SE, n = 74), and the ETSP and the Black Sea did not show any
93% of the incubations were collected from significant effect of ammonium.
water with an ammonium concentration of Galan et al. (2009) suggested that the avail-
below 2 pmol liter-' (Fig. 12). Even though ability of ammonium is the main candidate
all of the stuhes report a low concentration for controlling the abundance and activity of
of ammonium, actual ammonium limitation anammox bacteria in the OMZ off northern
is suggested only for the ETSP and in Golfo Chile.Three stuhes from the ETSP suggest a
Dulce. In the latter, incubations with 10 pmol depth distribution of anammox activity consis-
of NH,+ liter-' increased anammox activity tent with ammonium limitation, with higher
twofold to fourfold compared to incuba- activity close to the upper border of the OMZ
tions at ambient concentrations (0.3 pmol of where mineralization of organic matter is high
NHC liter-' [Dalsgaard et al., 20031). In the and a subsurface ammonium peak could be
Golfo Dulce, denitrification contributed to seen (Thamdrup et al., 2006; Hamersley et
over 60% of total N, production and was pur- al., 2007; Galan et al., 2009). The same pat-
ported to supply both ammonium and nitrite tern where high anammox rates coincide with

7 0
250 -
5 200 -
I" 0
.z 0
.- 100
.I-. 0 0
0 0
m 0 . 0
X 0
O 50 0. 0
2 0 1 roo
I 0 I 0. 0
. 0 I I 0 I

0 1 2 3 4
Ammonium (pmol L-')
FIGURE 12 Anammox activity measured by enrichment with IsNH,+ as a function of the concentration of
ambient ammonium, made up from the available anammox database (see Table 3.).

a subsurface ammonium peak in the oxycline ammonium they produce for N, formation,
has also been reported from the Benguela though this effect may have been dampened
upwelling (Kuypers et al., 2005), suggesting by the respective labeling of the ammonium
that anammox is driven, in part, by aerobically pools. Even though anammox bacteria have
regenerated ammonium hffusing into the sub- the ability to form ammonium via reduction
oxic zone. of nitrate in marine environments, all studies
Studies of the anammox metabolism using from OMZs (Table 3) where additions of
cell suspensions of Kuenenia stutgartiensis lSNH4+ were followed by a linear production
(>99%) showed that subsequent to additions of "NN,suggest that anammox bacteria gener-
of 15N0,-,a significant amount of 15NH4+ was ally use NH,' from an outside source, in con-
recovered along with I5NO,- as an interme- currence with the sediment findings.
diate (Kartal et al., 2007). Furthermore, 10% As discussed previously, the ratio of
of added '?NO3- was recovered as lSNH4+ anammox to denitrification measured in Golfo
in incubations with water from the sub- Dulce indicated a tight coupling between the
oxic zone of the Benguela upwelling, where two, yet subsequent accounts of anammox in
a high abundance of anammox bacteria was the ETSP, the Benguela upwelling and the
reported. Experiments with both cell suspen- Black Sea suggested that anammox can exist
sions and marine samples could only detect without denitrification, as the latter was absent
"NN,after addition of lSNO,-, so there is no (Dalsgaard et al., 2003; Kuypers et al., 2005;
dn-ect evidence that anammox bacteria use the Thamdrup et al., 2006; Jensen et al., 2008).

If anammox occurs without denitrifica- 1997).An OMZ where nitrate reduction is the
tion in several suboxic water columns, the dominant source of animoniuni and, in turn,
question comes up as to what other sources anammox is the pathway that consumes all of
of ammonium besides denitrification could the nitrite would accumulate far too much
drive anammox? The possibility of an “out- nitrite (equation 9), since a release of 212 mol
side” source (i.e.,ammonium from water layers of nitrite and only 16 mol of animonium could
above or below the anammox zone), as sug- not be accounted for by the 1:l stoichionietry
gested for the ETSP, may also be present in the of anammox. Natural chstributions of inorganic
Black Sea. In the Black Sea, anammox is most N in OMZs (Fig. 1) support the removal of
active at the interface between the suboxic and NO,- and NH,+ by anammox and a more even
anoxic water layers, fueled by ammonium &f- supply of NO,- and NH,+ than could be pro-
fusing up from below, where it accumulates vided by nitrate reduction. In addition, such a
through degradation of organic matter, prob- stoichiometry could not, in the long term, pro-
ably through sulfate reduction, in the under- duce sufficient N, to account for the nitrate
lying sulfihc anoxic waters (Fuchsman et al., deficit in some OMZs (Thamdrup et al., 2006).
2008; Kuypers, 2003; Lam et al., 2007). The Microaerobic organic matter mineraliza-
high “outlier” concentrations for ammonium tion, microaerobic heterotrophs regenerating
from these depths (Fig. 10b) support this here, N under low, but non-zero, oxygen conditions,
but it may not apply elsewhere. Ammonium could also provide ammonium for anammox.
flux from underlying nutrient-rich water can However, if there is microaerobic organic
also be significant in benthic regions covered matter oxidation present, there is also a poten-
with dense mats of sulfur bacteria (Fossing et tial for microaerobic ammonium oxidation,
al., 1995).These bacteria oxidize sulfide with which would also remove ammonium.
nitrate to form ammonium, and these mats are DNRA is a source of ammonium that was
found at the Peruvian and Chilean coast, where recently shown to exist in the OMZ off the
anoxic nitrate-rich water meets the sediment; coast of Peru, where it was estimated to pro-
such a situation could also apply to the coastal vide between 7%)and 134%)of the ammonium
zone of the Arabian Sea and off the coast of needed for anaminox at the shelf and 7% to
Namibia (Naqvi et al., 2000; Lavik et al., 2009). 34% at an offshore station (Lam et al., 2009). In
In the Black Sea, further experimental the same study, nitrate reduction, together with
data for the natural abundance of “N in the DNRA, was suggested to produce enough
NO,-, NO,-, NH4+,and N, pools, together ammonium for anammox in that region. The
with modeling, suggested a system that oscil- DNRA metabolism has traditionally been
lates between two states: (i) where anammox believed to be restricted to fully anoxic, sulfilc
is driven by the upward flux of ammonium environments (see sediment section), and the
from the deep water; and (ii) where particu- chscovery that it could make a significant con-
late organic nitrogen remineralized in the sub- tribution to N cycling in OMZs changes this
oxic zone is suggested as a significant source perspective of its role in aquatic ecosystems. If
of ammonium (Fuchsman et al., 2008; Kon- DNRA is significant,however, in OMZs, then
ovalov et al., 2008). Furthermore, to suc- the basic assumptions that underpin the appli-
cessfully model the concentration profiles of cation of “N to the measurement of anammox,
NO,-, NO,-, NH,+, and N, at steady state in denitrification, and DNRA in such systems
the Black Sea, it was necessary for anammox to wdl need revising. Marked DNRA should
be responsible for -90% of the N, production. lead to imbalances in the production of ,‘N,
More bacteria are known to be capable of measured in incubations with ‘”0,- relative
nitrate reduction to nitrite rather than com- to that measured with ”NH4+(outlined above,
plete denitrification (i.e., the production of “Fueling anammox in aquatic sediments”).
gaseous nitrogenous compounds) (Zumf? Nicholls et al. (2007) suggested that “N, is pro-

duced by a pairing between I5N fiom nitrite in the ETSP is 16 nmol of N, liter-’ day-’
and another source besides extracellular ammo- (k5 SE, n =26), which is much higher than the
nium, perhaps the dssolved organic N pool. Arabian Sea, and could be due to the fact that
all of the study sites in the ETSP were located
TOTAL GLOBAL BENTHIC AND relatively close to the coast (within 250 km
PELAGIC N BUDGET from land), compared to the two stations much
At the end of the sedment section, we pro- further offshore in the central Arabian Sea
posed a global budget for benthic N, produc- p a r d et al. 2009). Hence, we have taken an
tion of 126Tg of N year-’ (see “Scaling up and average value for these two areas of 9.9 nmol
the global significance of anammox in benthic of N, liter-’ day-’, which is assumed to be rep-
sediments,” above). In terms of scaling up, resentative of N, production between coastal
the major difference between sedments and and oceanic sites. Based on this assumption and
OMZs is that the latter are not as easy to define depending on which OMZ volume is used
in terms of size and there is no agreement con- (e.g., Codispoti et al. [2001; 1.35 x lo6 km’]
cerning the threshold of oxygen that defines or Paulmier and Ruiz-Pino [2009; 3.45 x lo6
an OMZ (Codspoti et al., 2001; Paulmier km,]), we estimate the global water column
and Ruiz-Pino, 2009). Paulmier and Ruiz- production of N, to be between 136 and 349
Pino (2009) defined OMZs as water with less T g of N year-’. Calculating an overall average
than 20 pmol of 0, liter-’, with a minimum contribution from anammox to global N, pro-
concentration in the core of below 3 pmol of duction in this form makes little sense, given
0, liter-’ and denitrification zones as a water the large variation between the mean ru % ! I for
body where the nitrate deficit is greater than the ETSP and the Arabian Sea, respectively.
10 pmol of NO,- liter-’. Codispoti et al. If, however, the entire OMZ of the Pacific
(2001) argued that the vast majority of nitrite behaves like the ETSP, then, with its respective
accumulation occurs at less than 4 pmol of 0, total size relative to that for the Arabian Sea, we
liter-’ (which is supported by numerous large would argue that anammox dominates global
data sets) and that this is indicative of denitri- water column N, production.
fication. According to Codispoti et al. (2001), The lower value (136Tg of N year-’) in this
therefore, the OMZs occupy 0.1% of the total estimate is in line with the earlier estimates of
ocean volume or 1.35 X lo6 km3.The denitri- 150 T g of N year-’ proposed by Codispoti et
fication zone estimated using the nitrate deficit al. (2001), while the larger volume proposed
accordmg to Paulmier and Ruiz-Pino (2009) by Paulmier and Ruiz-Pinos (2009) suggested
is 2.5 times bigger, at 3.45 X lo6 km3. that N, production in OMZs (349 T g of N
Data from direct measurements of anammox year-’) is potentially more important than that
and denitrification (I5NH,+and I5NO,- incu- in the sediments (126 T g of N year-’). The
bations, respectively) (Table 3) were used to higher value supports Codispoti’s (2006) later
estimate average rates for total N, production argument that “there is no reason to reduce the
in the Arabian Sea and the ETSP. The average oceanic denitrification rate below 400 T g of N
rate for total N, production in the Arabian Sea year-’, and that this rate may be conservative”
was 7 nmol of N, liter-’ day-’ (k3 standard but it may need to be redefined in terms of its
error [SE], n =8), with an anammox contri- metabolism, as it is not due solely to denitri-
bution of 18% (k 11 SE). Station 1, however, fication, as anammox makes a significant, but
at 150 m (Ward et al., 20059, had an unusu- as yet not fully quantified, contribution to the
ally high rate of denitrification (25 nmol of N, production of N, gas in the global ocean.
liter-’ day-’), and if removed from the data set,
then the average N, production in the Arabian REFERENCES
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Wouter R. L. van der Star, W i e b e R. A b m a , Boran Kartal,
and M a r k C. M. van Loosdrecht

INTRODUCTION is combined with the anaiiiniox process (per-
The removal of ammonium from wastewater formed by anammox bacteria) (see Chapter 6).
generally takes a long way around: first, com-
NH,+ + NO,-+ N, + 2 H,O
plete oxidation takes place to nitrate in nitri-
AG,O’ = -360 kJ/niol NH,+
fication, followed by a reduction to dinitrogen
gas in denitrification (for design guidelines, The treatment of ammonium with the
see Metcalf & Eddy et al., 2003). A direct combination of these two processes is termed
three-electron oxidation to dinitrogen gas was, the nitritation-anammox process (as well as
although thermodynamically feasible, gener- other names; see Table 1) and constitutes the
ally considered biochemically impossible: only full-scale use and most researched con-
figuration of the anammox process in waste-
2 NH,+ + 1.5 0, + N,+ 3 H,O + 2 Hi
water treatment. In comparison with classical
AG;‘ = -330 kJ/mol NH,+
nitrogen removal (via nitrification-denitrifica-
This ammonium oxidation has, indeed,never tion), 60% less aeration (energy) is needed (1.71
been observed to be the main catabolic reac- g of O,/g of N instead of 2.86 g of O,/g of N),
tion of a single microorganism, but this short- and in the absence of denitrification, organic
cut nitrogen removal reaction does constitute substrate is not necessary at all. In Fig. 1, the
the overall reaction of the nitritation-anammox differences between the three possible nitrogen
process. In this process, nitrification to nitrite removal strategies are shown:nitrification-deni-
(nitritation) performed by aerobic ammonia- trification, nitritation-anammox process, and
oxidizing bacteria (AOB) (see Section 11) nitritation-denitrification (nitrification-deni-
trification via nitrite).Treatment of ammonium
NH,+ + 1.5 0, -+ NO,- + H,O + 2 H+ nitrate waste streams, however, is also possible
AGI:’ = -300 kJ/mol NH:
by coupling partial denitrification (from nitrate
to nitrite) to the anamniox process. The status
Woufer R. L. van drr Star, Department of Geo-Engineering,
Deltares, Delft 2600MH-177, The Netherlands. Wiebe R. of this treatment will be treated below (see
Abma, Paques B.V., Balk 8560AB-52,The Netherlands. Boran “One-reactor denitrification-ananimox pro-
Kartal, Department of Microbiology, Radboud University cess,”below). However,unless specifically men-
Nijmegen, Nijmegen 6500GL-9010, The Netherlands. Mark
C. M . van Loosdrecht,DepartmentofBiotechnology,Delft Uni- tioned, the processes in this chapter relate to the
versity ofTechnology, Delft 2628BC-67,The Netherlands. nitritation-anammox process only.
Nifriicafion, Editcd by Bcss B.Ward, Ihniel J.Arp, and Martin G Klotz
Q 201 1 ASM l’rcss, Washington, D<:

238 VAN i z n STAR ET AL.


2NHl 2NHl 2NH:

FIGURE 1 The costs of nitrogen removal mainly consist of aeration (electricity) and electron donor and are
compared for classical nitrification-denitrification (A),nitritation-denitrification (B),and the nitritation-anammox
process (C).Methanol is used as the carbon source for calculatory purposes; only catabolic processes are taken into

The nitritation-anammox process was knowledge about their value ranges. For a
developed at the end of the 20th century in proper evaluation of the one-reactor nitrita-
several groups in Europe separately (for an tion-anammox process also, such parameters
overview, see Van der Star et al., 2007) and for AOB and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB)
has been implemented at full scale in several are of importance. Ammonia (AOB >10 to
locations in the past years. In this chapter, an 150 mg of N/liter, N O B 0.1 to 1 mg of N /
overview of physiological parameters relevant liter) and nitrous acid (NOB >0.2 to 2.8 mg of
for design and operation of the nitritation- N/liter) are the main causes for toxicity during
anammox is discussed, based on which I f - nitrification. As the values have been described
ferent treatment and start-up strategies as well comprehensively elsewhere (Anthonisen et al.,
as environmental impact can be evaluated.The 1976;Wiesmann, 1994), they are not explicitly
chapter concludes with an overview on the discussed here.
state of the art of full-scale implementation of
the nitritation-anammox process. Stoichiometry and Growth Rate
Although anammox bacteria are autotrophs
PHYSIOLOGY with a similar energy gain from their cata-
Fifteen years of research on the anammox pro- bolic reaction as AOB, their maximum specific
cess has resulted in a sufficient overall view of growth rate is considerably lower: instead of
physiological parameters needed for applica- 1 to 1.2 day-' (typical for AOB [Anthonisen
tion of the anammox process in wastewater et al., 1976; Sin et al., 2008]), the growth rate
treatment. Surprisingly, however, and probably of anammox bacteria is to 0.05 to 0.2 day-'
as a result of the experimental complications of (Strous et al., 1999;Tsushima et al., 2007;Van
slow growth and the absence of pure cultures, der Star et al., 2008b). Due to the increased
many of the parameters that were identified as maintenance requirement associated with
critical are not known quantitatively or their growth at this rate, the maximum biomass yield
mode of action is largely unknown. Although for both bacteria therefore varies considerably
this paragraph is not a comprehensive discus- as well: 0.12 Cmol biomass/mol NH,+ for
sion on physiology, we discuss here the impor- AOB, but 0.07 Cmol biomass/mol NH,+ for
tant parameters of anammox bacteria for use anammox bacteria, resulting in the following
in process and reactor design and the present overall reaction (Strous et al., 1998):

1 NH,++1.32 NO,- + 0.066 HCO,- + about 10-fold lower than the maximum spe-
0.13 H+ -+1.02 N,+ 0.066 CH,,80il,sNi),,+ cific growth rate, which is in line with obser-
0.26 NO,- + 2.03H20 vations for faster-growing organisms.
Anamniox bacteria have a very high affinity
When the anammox yield is compared for their substrates nitrite and ammoniuni with
to the yield of AOB at a growth rate of 0.05 half-saturation constants estimated at < 100 pg
day-’, both yields are strongly comparable.The of N/liter (Strous et al., 1999) and 3 to 50 pg
nitrate production in the anammox process of N/liter (Van der Star et al., 2008b) (evalu-
stems from nitrite oxidation, which functions ated for nitrite only), respectively. These values
as the electron-donating redox reaction for the are lower than those commonly found for
CO, fixation: AOB, NOB, or denitrification on nitrite and
HCO,- + 2.3 NO,- -+ CH,,800,sNi),2 + are thus a competitive advantage.
2.1 NO,- + 0.2 H + +0.8 H,O
Nitrate production is an inevitable part of the Knowledge of adverse affects of compounds
overall anammox reaction and can be used possibly present in anammox reactors can be
to measure the growth of anammox bac- important for feasibility studies, reactor design,
teria. The stoichiometric conversion ratio of but also for the development of the start-up
NO,-:NH,+:NO,- of (circa) (1.1 to 1.3) : strategy. Of the relevant factors that are known
(1) : (-0.1 to -0.25) is another character- (nitrite, phosphate, sulfide), their mode of
istic for the anammox process. A higher ratio action (reversibility, effect of exposure time,
between nitrite and ammonium and/or the combination with other substances, is the
reduced nitrate production generally is an in&- compound only toxic when cells are active?)
cation of the (co)occurrence of denitrification. and the concentrations at which it occurs is
Besides conversion of ammonium and often unknown.
nitrite, anammox bacteria are also capable of
reducing nitrate to nitrite and nitrite to ammo- NITRITE INHIBITION/TOXICITY
nium with fatty acids as electron donor. The The most striking inhibitor to the anainmox
nitrite or ammonium thus produced serves process is its own substrate: nitrite. Unlike
then as a substrate for the normal anammox inhibition ofAOB and NOB, there are indica-
catabolism (Kartal et al., 2007) but completely tions that it is not the nitrous acid (HNO,, the
changes the stoichiometry described above. undissociated form that most easily is trans-
The overall catabolic reaction in this case is the ported over the cell wall by passive transport),
same as in denitrification, but since anammox but the ion itself (NO,-), that is toxic to the
organisms have never been shown to use the organisms (Strous, 2000). The level at which
fatty acids directly as C-source for growth and toxicity occurs and its reversibility remains
still use the energy-expensive CO, fixation for unclear and seems strongly dependent on
growth, the biomass yield (i.e., sludge produc- exposure time. When only short-term effects
tion) is expected to be extremely low com- on nitrite removal rate are evaluated, relatively
pared to “classical” denitrification. This low high values are found (50% reduction only at
yield, in turn, leads to lower sludge production. 400 mg of N/liter [Strous et al., 19991,630 mg
The decay rate (bAN) of anammox bac- of N/liter [Dapena-Mora et al., 20071, or 37%
teria in slow-growing organisms is not easy to reduction at 430 mg of N/liter [Kimura et al.,
assess because, like growth, decay also is slow. 20101, respectively). However, an immediate
Recently,it was estimated at 0.0048 d-’ at 35°C deviation occurs at these nitrite levels in the
(Scaglione et al., 2009) under anaerobic con- nitrite:ammonium ratio, possibly indicating
ditions, which is equivalent to an “anammox ammonification. Toxicity evaluated during
biomass half-life” of 145 days.The decay is thus longer periods is observed already at much

lower concentrations: prolonged experiments of the normal conversion even at concentra-

(40 h) showed this stoichiometry change tions of 60 to 80 g/liter (well above seawater
started already above 70 mg of N/liter (Strous concentrations), whereas a nonadapted envi-
et al., 1999), probably indicating a negative ronment already experienced inhibition at 30
response of the culture. In contrast to inhibi- g/liter. Short-term manometric batch experi-
tion at these levels, operational conditions in ments with several dfferent salts (NaC1, KCI)
a full-scale anammox reactor at 10 kg of N/ indcated similar levels of inhibition (Dapena-
m3/day took place at typical concentrations of Mora et al., 2007).
40 to 80 mg of N/liter of nitrite (Van der Star
et al., 2007), indicating that growth can take TEMPERATURE
place at these values. The anammox bacterium Kuenenia had its
Much lower inhibition concentrations were maximum activity between 30 and 35°C with
reported in an intermittently aerated one- an optimum at 43°C (Strous et al., 1999;Dosta
reactor nitritation-anammox process where et al., 2008) and an activation energy of 63
irreversible toxicity occurred at 50 mg of N / to 70 kJ/mol. For marine anammox bacteria,
liter and where values as low as 5 mg of N/liter activation energies of 5 1 kJ/mol (Rysgaard et
(Wett et al., 2007) were reported to already al., 2004) and 61 kJ/mol (Dalsgaard andTham-
have a detrimental effect on the process.The drup, 2002) were determined. As anammox
finding of these lower toxicity values predomi- enrichment reactors both on full scale and on
nantly in aerated systems suggests an effect of lab scale generally consist of Kuenenia or Bro-
operation on loss of conversion capacity. cadia, these higher values are probably the most
Also, the extent to which nitrite inhibi- reliable for use in engineering.
tion is reversible is subject to much discussion. In applications, growth at 15 to 18°C
Anammox on gel-carriers recovered fully in 3 (Dosta et al., 2008;Van de Vossenberg et al.,
days from a 7-day exposure to 700 mg of N/ 2008) has been achieved several times. In view
liter (resulting in a temporary reduction of con- of the extremely low temperatures at which
version of 90%) (Kimura et al., 2010). In view anammox bacteria are found in the environ-
of the low growth rate of anammox bacteria, ment (anammox activity in arctic ice [Rysgaard
such an increase in conversion can be only due and Glud, 2004]), the possibility of enriching
to recovery rather than growth. However, high anammox bacteria at lower temperatures seems
nitrite levels are often cited as the cause for likely as well. Such an enrichment, however,
failure of a reactor (e.g., Fux et al., 2004).This is will only be feasible with extremely efficient
often, however, a “chicken and egg” discussion. biomass retention systems.
As any cause of reactor failure leads to a stop
in the conversion of nitrite, the discovery of a OXYGEN, SULFIDE, AND PHOSPHATE
nonactive reactor is generally associated with Under truly anaerobic conditions (in the absence
high nitrite, which in that case are the result of nitrate/nitrite), even an extremely low rate
rather than the cause of the failure. of sulfate reduction on endogenous substrates is
capable of producing sulfide at toxic levels.This
SALT TOLERANCE AND ADAPTATION toxicity seems not to be reversible. Fifty percent
Anammox bacteria can grow in freshwater inhibition at 0.3 mM were reported in batch
and marine conditions. By gradually increasing tests (Dapena-Mora et al., 2007). Inhibition
the salt stress in an enrichment of freshwater data on phosphate are conflicting: phosphate
bacterium Kuenenia, growth at concentrations was found (i) to be totally inhibiting at values
of up to 30 g/liter was possible (Kartal et al., of 5 mM for an anammox enrichment (Van de
2006; Liu et al., 2009). Kartal et al. (2006) also Graaf et al., 1997), but (ii) batch tests with 20
showed that enrichments adapted to growth mM phosphate &d not result in adverse effects
at 30 g/liter showed conversions of ca. 50% for a Kuenenia enrichment (Egli et al., 2001),

whereas (iii) at 21 mM a 50% activity reduction with a brief overview of the denitrification-
was recorded in Kuenenia batch tests (Dapena- ananimox process.
Mora et al., 2007).
The (reversible) inhibition by oxygen is One-Reactor Processes
only noted in enrichments where insufficient When both the nitritation aiid anaminox pro-
nitrification or endogenous respiration occurs cess take place in the same reactor, oxygen
to successfully remove it, which is generally the is both a substrate (for AOB) and a toxin
case at very high enrichment levels. If this is (for anammox bacteria). As highly enriched
the case, toxicity occurs already at the lowest anammox bacteria are (reversibly) inhibited
measureable oxygen concentrations (0.5% of even at very low oxygen levels, truly anoxic
oxygen saturation [Strous et al., 1997;Van der conditions should be present in the reactor,
Star et al., 2008bl). In systems with aerobic in addition to the aerobic conditions required
respiration present (e.g.,AOB) in the granular for the growth of NOB. In addition, the SRT
sludge or biofilni systems, inhibition levels of should be sufficiently high (several days) to
oxygen are much higher. allow growth of ananimox bacteria.


Anammox enrichments are strongly and irre- To obtain both oxic and anoxic conditions in
versibly inhibited by methanol, which is already the same reactor, three different approaches
toxic at levels up to as low as 0.5 mM (Guven can be distinguished:
et al., 2005).As the toxic action only occurs in
actively metabolizing enrichments, it has been 1. Continuous operation, in which the
suggested that another compound (possibly oxygen levels are governed by gradients in
formaldehyde) is produced from methanol and biofilm systems (Hippen et al., 1997; Kuai
thus the actual inhibitor (Isaka et al. 2008). and Verstraete, 1998; Sliekers et al., 2002).
Short chain fatty acids (formate, acetate, In such systems, oxygen is consumed in
propionate) can be metabolized by ananimox the outer layer of the biofilm and thus does
bacteria and serve as a mode to produce not penetrate the biofilm completely. The
ammonium and nitrite from nitrate (Kartal et anammox process can thus be performed
al., 2007). Anammox bacteria can successfully in the anoxic inner layers making use of
compete with denitrifying microorganisms the produced nitrite that diffuses further
on these electron donors. However, since the into the biofilm. In an experimental stage,
use of these fatty acids could not significantly systems have also been evaluated with an
increase the growth rate of anammox bacteria, inside-out configuration in which oxygen
anammox activity will occur only in reactor is supplied via hollow membranes (Gong et
systems with a sufficiently long solid retention al., 2008; Syron and Casey, 2008).
time (SRT). 2. Time-dependent aeration, in which
oxygen levels vary in time (Third et al.,
NITROGEN REMOVAL PROCESSES 2005;Wett, 2006). In such a system, nitrita-
Ammonium removal with the anammox pro- tion takes place during the aerated periods,
cess always consists of partial nitritation fol- and the anammox process during the
lowed by the anammox process. Both processes nonaerated periods. However, in view of
can take place in one reactor or in two reactors the low penetration depth of oxygen in
placed in series.This paragraph first introduces biofilm systems, also during aerated periods,
the different processes for ammonium removal the anammox process will likely play a role
and their requirements separately, based on according to approach 1.
which the suitability of different reactor con- 3. Physical transportation of the biomass
cepts is evaluated. The paragraph is concluded between the oxic and the anoxic zone, by

either (i) alternating between full inundation OPERATION AT HIGH

and presence above the water level (Kuai OXYGEN LEVEL
andverstraete, 1998) or (ii) transporting the Operation at higher bulk oxygen levels is
biomass between aerated and nonaerated possible as well (Gaul et al., 2005; Abma et
zones of a reactor (Beier et al., 2008). al., 2009). Due to the higher penetration of
oxygen in the biofilm, the selective pressure
OPERATION AT LOW OXYGEN LEVEL toward growth in flu@ structures is therefore
Besides conditions that favor growth of AOB much lower. In such systems, however, the bulk
and anammox bacteria, successful operation of liquid conditions (with significant nitrite and
nitritation-anammox reactors requires also that oxygen levels) favor growth of N O B in flocs or
N O B are outcompeted. Competition between even in suspension that destabilizes the reactor
these three groups can potentially occur on (De Clippeleir et al., 2009). Due to the f l u e
oxygen, ammonium, as well as nitrite (Fig. nature, however, the settling rates of this unde-
2). Maintaining regions (or periods) within sired sludge are low. Growth can thus be pre-
the reactor in which the oxygen and nitrite vented by only keeping weu-settling biomass
levels are low, while ammonium remains not in the reactor through an internal settler design.
limiting, would be the ideal competitive envi- In addtion to these settling-related measures,
ronment, as under those conditions the not- care should be taken to keep the hydraulic
favored N O B have to compete for both their retention time (HRT) sufficiently high (>1 day,
electron donor (nitrite) and electron acceptor depending on conditions) to prevent the pos-
(oxygen). Both experimentally (Third et al., sibility for N O B to grow fully suspended.The
2001) and by mathematical modeling (Ha0 et latter point is of special concern during start-up
al., 2005), it was shown that such a system is strategies in which flow rates are low.
indeed possible at low bulk oxygen concentra-
tions and that at lower ammonium concentra- REACTOR CHOICE
tions (which is disadvantageous for both AOB Several reactor types can be used to performing
and anammox bacteria), the system becomes the one-reactor nitritation-anammox pro-
instable. cess in several of its operating strategies.These
The oxygen level in the reactor has a strong include granular sludge systems (sequencing
effect on the morphology of the biofilm (both batch reactors [SBRs], air lifts, bubble columns)
for biofilms formed on carrier and granular/ as well as systems with biomass on carrier
floccular systems). Operation at low-oxygen (moving bed reactors or with carrier materials
concentrations in granuldfloccular systems fixed in the reactor).The main common fea-
(where no external biomass carrier is used) ture is the ability to achieve high SRTs and
can lead to the formation of flu@ biofilms or substantial mixing. The maximum attainable
flocs, as in such a configuration AOB have the conversion rate (and thus the design volume)
most efficient access to oxygen (Nielsen et al., in nitritation-anammox reactors is determined
2005). The result in reactors without a bio- by the limiting factor in the conversion of
mass carrier is poor settling, which is indeed the substrates of anammox bacteria or AOB.
a general characteristic of this type of reactors The most likely limiting factors that can be
(Vlaeminck et al., 2008). On a full scale, this encountered are as follows:
could be solved at the expense of installation
of a cyclone capable of keeping the biomass Oxygen transfer: The transfer of oxygen
in the reactor system. Furthermore, it is likely from the gas phase to the liquid phase; typi-
that operation at a sufficiently high shear stress cally dependent on aeration design, aeration
(which is also favorable for more rounded and flow rate, and reactor height.
thus better settling biomass) will lead to better Oxygen penetration: The flux of oxygen
biomass retention. into the biofilm. The penetration depth is

Nitrite oxidizing Bacteria

FIGURE 2 Competition between AOB (dashed lines), anamiiiox bacteria (thick solid lines), and NOB (solid
lines) for the substrates oxygen, ammonium/aminonia, and nitrite. For a one-reactor nitritation-anamniox process,
oxygen limitation under sufficient ammonium levels is the most favorable condition.

1 th order proportional to the oxygen level be the main limiting factor, whereas in reac-
according to the relationship below: tors with less biofilm surface, oxygen penetra-
tion becomes limiting. As the latter is strongly
dependent on bulk oxygen level (see equation
- (adapted from Arvin and Harremoes, 1990), above), operation at higher bulk oxygen levels
will, in many reactor configurations, enable
where @ox is oxygen flux, qox,AOUis specific
oxygen conversion rate of AOB, Doxis the higher volumetric conversion levels.
oxygen mffusion coefficient, and Cox,,,kis
bulk oxygen concentration. Two-Reactor Processes
- Nitrite penetration: The flux of nitrite into In two-reactor configurations, the nitritation
and the anammox process are taking place in an
the biofilm (or from the outsides of the bio-
film in which it is produced to the inside). aerated and a nonaerated reactor, respectively,
- Biomass retention: The efficiency of bio-
which have characteristics and requirements
completely mfferent from the one-reactor
mass retention is lower at higher reactor
operation. Both reactors are treated separately
loading rates due to increased shear within
the reactor and/or turbulence in settlers.
In Table 3 , these limiting factors are evalu- NITRITATION REACTOR
ated theoretically for several characteristic reac- In the nitritation reactor, about 55%) of the
tors at typical operating values (for details, see ammonium needs to be converted to nitrite to
Van der Star et al., 2007).When biofilm areas produce the desired reaction mixture for the
are large enough, oxygen transfer turns out to anammox process. The challenge in this type

TABLE 1 Process options and names for nitrogen removal involving the anammox process (Van der Star et al.,
Process name proposed No. of
Source of nitrite Alternative process names First reference
in this chaDter reactors
Two-reactor 2 NH,+ nitritation SHARON,‘-ananiniox Van Dongeii et al., 2001
nitritation-anammox Two-stage OLAND Wyffels et al., 2004
process (Fux et al., Two-stage deammonification Trela et al., 2004

One-reactor 1 Aerobic deammonification Hippen et al., 1997

nitritation-anammox OLAND Kuai andverstraete, 1998
process CANON Third et al., 2001
Aerobic/anoxic Hippen et al., 2001
Deammonification Seyfried et al., 2001
SNAP Lieu et al., 2005
DEMONd Wett, 2006
DIBd Ladiges et al., 2006
PANDA+ ‘ Beier et al., 2008
One-step ANAMMOX Abnu et al., 2009

One-reactor NO, denitrification Anammox’ Mulder et al., 1995

denitrification- DEAMOXY Kalynzhnyi et al., 2006
anamniox process Denammox” Pathak and Kazama, 2007
“SHARON,sustainablehigh rate ammonium removal Qver nitrite; OLAND,Qxygen-limited autotrophic Ilitrification-denitrificatioii;
CANON, completely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite; SNAP, single-stage nitrogen removal using the anammox pocess and
partial nitritation; DIB, deammonification in interval-aerated biofilm systems; PANDA, gartially augmented -kitation denitritation;
DEAMOX, &nitrifying ammonium Adation; Denammox, &itrification-anamlnox process.
bThe name only refers to nitritation where nitrite oxidation is avoided by choice of residence time and operation at elevated teni-
peratnre. Sometimes the nitrification-denitrification over nitrite is addressed by with this term.
‘Name only refers to the process on a biofim surface layer.
‘Name only refers to the process in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) under pH control.
‘Original name refers to nitritation-denitritation in a single sludge system with arioxic and oxic zones; “+” designates conversion to
the nitritation-anammox process.
JSystem where anammox was found originally.Whole process was originally designated as “anaminox.”
‘.This name only refers to denitrification with sulfide as electron donor.
“This name only refers to denitrication with organic matter as electron donor.

of reactor is to (i) prevent in-growth of NOB, An alternative and nitrite-level-independent

which leads to production of nitrate rather way of producing nitrite uses the difference in
than nitrite, and (ii) ensure that only 55% of maximum specific growth rate between AOB
the ammonium is converted. Many routes for and NOB (Hellinga et al., 1998).At tenipera-
production of nitrite, rather than nitrate, are tures above 25’C, this growth rate is higher for
thinkable based on oxygen limitation or ad&- AOB than for NOB. By choosing a biomass
tion of specific inhibitors. Although resulting retention time, which enables growth of AOB
in nitrite as a final product in the short run while preventing growth of NOB (typically 1
(even during several months), these processes day), only AOB are enriched in this type of
often fail to be stable during longer periods operation. In the calculation of this retention
due to adaption. However, at particularly time in intermittently aerated reactors, only
high nitrite loads (several hundreds of mg of the time in which the reactor is actually aer-
Nlliter) and sufficiently low pH, the toxicity ated should be taken into account, as this is the
of nitrous acid (HNO,, >2.8 mg of N/liter) only period that the AOB are growing.
seems to be strong enough to prevent nitrite How to ensure that only 55% of the ammo-
oxidation in such systems (Wyffels et al., 2003). nium is converted depends on the counter ion

of the ammonium in the waste stream. If this is possible concern (Dapena-Mora et al., 2004),
bicarbonate (as is the case in most waste streams), as are sudden (i.e., changing within several
nitritation is pH limited, rather than ammonium days rather than weekdmonths) changes in or
limited, as only 50% of the produced protons a too high exposure to shear stress (Arrojo et
can be balanced by stripping of CO,: al., 2008).
The requirements for anammox reactors
NH,HCO, + 1.5 0, -+ H,CO, (= H,O + (good mixing and high biomass retention) are
CO,) + NH,NO,
on an industrial scale met in granular sludge
Consequently, the reaction will stop automati- reactors where a selective pressure is used for
cally at 50 to 60% conversion, and an equi- the formation of granules and which consist of
librium pH will be reached (6.3 to 6.6) at separate mixing and settler zones. In the latter
which 50 to 60% conversion will occur (Van zone, a stable upflow velocity (>1 m/h) strongly
Dongen et al., 2001). It should be noted that selects for stable granules.The advantage of this
all available alkalinity (1 mol HC0,- per mol type of reactor is the very high volumetric
of produced NH,NO,) is necessary to obtain loading rates possible due to existence of spe-
the desired 1:l ratio. Designing based on full cific biomass areas of up to 3,000 ni2/m3and,
conversion to nitrite of 50% of the stream, and when internal circulation reactors are used, the
bypassing the other 50% of the waste stream use of the produced gas as a free/cheap mixing
directly to the anammox reactor, also bypasses agent (Van der Star et al., 2007). Other reactors
50% of the alkalinity and therefore will result that have been used for the anammox process
in a 50% lower nitrite load to the reactor. (like low-weight biofilm carrier materials with
a 1-cm diameter [Cema et al., 20061, or biofilm
ANAMMOX REACTOR sheets [Fuji et al., 20021) have a specific biofilm
Critical for the stable operation of anamiiiox surface area that is much lower, and thus much
reactors are stable and sufficiently long bio- lower volumetric conversions are reached. An
mass retention and good mixing. The latter is overview of typical maximum specific volu-
mainly important at the location where the metric conversion rates for different reactor
influent enters the reactor, as the concentra- types, and the limitation that these maxima are
tions of nitrite in the influent are generally based on, are shown in Table 3.
high enough to be toxic and thus mixing
should be sufficiently fast that no zones in One-Reactor
the reactor exist in which high-nitrite con- Denitrification-Anammox Process
centrations occur. Premixing with available In the denitrification-anammox process, nitrite
return streams (for example, with the liquid does not stem from partial oxidation of animo-
in a “biomass-free” downcomer of a gas lift nium but from partial denitrification of nitrate.
reactor) might therefore be advantageous. The electron donor for the denitrification is
Biomass retention is important in view of the either sulfide or organic matter. The nitrite
slow growth of anammox bacteria. It should produced by partial denitrification of nitrate
be noted that the required sludge age in typical is, subsequently, combined with ammonium
cases is not extreme, due to the higher tem- to form dinitrogen gas in the anammox pro-
peratures at which most reactors are operated cess. The overall catabolic reaction (here with
(coming from warm sludge digesters, or being methanol as electron donor) is shown below:
small thus enabling to be heated economically,
NH,+ + NO,- + 0.33 CH,OH +
partly also because of anammox-reaction-asso-
N, + 0.33 HC0,- + 0.33 Ht +
ciated heat production). In principle, an SRT
2.33 H,O AG,? = -560 kJ/mol NH:
of 30 days is sufficient.
Especially in discontinuously operated sys- This is the process that took place in a pilot
tems with low biomass densities, flotation is a scale wastewater treatment plant of a bal-

er’s yeast factory in Delft, The Netherlands; nium in the remaining and untreated 50%)of
and was the original process for which the the waste stream (Kalyuzhnyi et al., 2006). In
acronym anammox was used (Mulder et al., such a system, however, extra alkalinity should
1995).When sulfide is the electron donor for be added during the nitrification to achieve
denitrification of nitrate to nitrite, care should the required full conversion.
be taken to keep sulfide levels low enough not
to be toxic. Operation under simultaneous MEASUREMENTS AND CONTROL
conversion of sulfide, however, has been shown Following and controlling of anammox-based
experimentally (Kalyuzhnyi et al., 2006), and processes is, in principle, not different from
this conversion is similar to the combination monitoring normal activated sludge opera-
of sulfide oxidation and (also sulfide inhibited) tion. However, the high concentrations in the
nitrification (Heijnen et al., 1993). influent and within the reactors and (resulting)
Should both nitrate- and ammonium-con- substrate toxicity require some adjustments to
taining wastestreams need to be treated on a “standard” methods and modes of control.
single site, then the denitrification-anammox
process might be an interesting option. Measuring Physical Parameters
Depending on the carbon source that is avail- Concentrations of ammonium, nitrite, and
able, also part of the nitrate reduction to nitrite nitrate can be routinely assessed using stan-
can be performed by anammox bacteria (Kartal dardized laboratory procedures. However, in
et al., 2007). The reactor requirements for the case of (expected) problems, it is vital that also
denitrification-anammox process are likely to fast indicative tests for nitrite, ammonium, and
be very similar to the anammox reactor in the nitrate are available. It is also possible to mea-
two-reactor nitritation-anammox process (aee sure these parameters on line with ion-selec-
above) as mixing, long sludge age and anoxic tive electrodes or periodic (one to four times
conditions are critical as well. During opera- per hour) automated spectrophotometric tests.
tion, care should be taken that sulfate reduc- Although the quality of available ion-selective
tion cannot occur by keeping (low) levels of electrodes for ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate
nitrate present as the produced of sulfide is has strongly improved over the past years, they
toxic for anammox bacteria. are notorious for their high drift and short life-
Besides evaluations for treatment of ammo- time (order of month), requiring at least weekly
nium nitrate wastestreams, the process has also recalibration. However, under dedicated care,
been tested in ammonium-fed bioreactors to reasonable results have been obtained also for
remove the excess 15% nitrate produced by these sensors Ooss et al., 2009).
anammox bacteria when only the anammox Conductivity sensors have proven to be
process takes place (Pathak et al., 2007). Such a reliable indicators of conversion, as both
removal step might be desirable if the anammox nitritation and the anammox process reduce
reactor produces effluent that is not discharged the conductivity level significantly in high-
or returned to another part of the treatment strength wastewaters (Cema et al., 2006). Being
system (as is the case in reject water systems). an indirect measure for conversion, the inter-
However, the lower nitrate levels again con- pretation should be periodically adjusted to
stitute an increased risk of sulfide toxicity due the wastewater characteristics.
to the presence of anaerobic conditions. The
denitrification-anammox process can also be Microbial Population
used as an alternative ammonium-removal Manometric batch tests have proven to be
pathway consisting of fbll nitrification of 50% good and fast indicators of activity of the
of a digester effluent to nitrate, followed by a anammox process (Dapena-Mora et al., 2007).
sulfide-driven denitrification-anammox pro- When performed in the presence and absence
cess of the produced nitrate with the ammo- of oxygen, they can also be used reliably in

one-reactor processes for following the start- to nitric oxide (NO) emission (Kaiiipschreur
up, troubleshooting, or testing process changes. et al., 2008) and thus NO emission can be
However, these gas measurements should reduced by reducing the DO level.
be verified by evaluation of p H change and The outcompetition of N O B can be con-
nitrite:animonium:nitrate conversion ratios trolled by the sludge age. Note that this can be
that are determined from measurements of done by removing sludge, but also by reducing
conditions at the beginning and at the end of the period during which the reactor is aerated.
the experiment. Furthermore, structural differ- As growth can take place only during periods
ences between the batch tests and reactor per- of aeration, only the aerated period “counts”
formance can exist, and therefore the tests are as SRT. However, the use of anoxic periods
mainly suitable for determining the changes in strongly enhances the greenhouse gas emis-
performance and evaluation of adverse effects sions (Kampschreur et al., 2007,2008).
of new waste streams. A well-running anaiiiiiiox reactor is nitrite
In addition, fluorescence in situ hybrihza- limited and thus need no specific nitrite con-
tion (FISH) is a very powerful tool to visualize trol. This goes particularly for reject water
the distribution of AOB, anammox bacteria, treatment, where (unlike the main stream)
and (undesired) N O B in flocs and granules variation is limited and dampened out by the
(see Chapter 8 for an overview).This can be long residence time (typically 30 days) in the
particularly useful to evaluate whether in- sludge digester. The introduction of a stop (or
growth of N O B is taking place or whether strong reduction) of the influent flow rate to
they are proliferating in the bulk of the reactor. the anammox reactor during a sudden increase
However, during start-up of reactors without in nitrite level (20 to 100 mg of NAiter, depen-
a suitable inoculum, overall conversion mea- dent on the biomass characteristics), however,
surements, batch measurements, and FISH are is a useful security measure. Instead of nitrite
not successful (as concentrations of anammox measurement, electrical conductivity also can
bacteria are too low), and the only information be used as an effective (and more reliable) indi-
on growth can be obtained from quantitative cator of conversion.Too low ammonium levels
P C R (Q-PCR). This method was successfully in the reactor could be an indication of an
used during startup on lab scale (Tsushima et incorrect nitrite:ammonium influent ratio and
al., 2007) and on full scale (Van der Star et al., require mitigative action (e.g., slight p H adjust-
2007). ment in the nitritation reactor or bypassing
a small part of the ammonium-containing
Control in Two-Reactor Processes influent directly to the anammox reactor).
In the nitritation reactor treating ammonium
bicarbonate, a 1:l mixture of ammonium Control in One-Reactor Processes
and nitrite is automatically established, as the In one-reactor processes, oxygen transfer and
reactor is basically limited by alkalinity.As long oxygen level are key to keeping favorable
as aeration is sufficient to (i) transfer oxygen conditions for both ananimox bacteria and
from the gas phase to the liquid phase (lim- AOB. In a one-reactor system, aeration flow
iting at reactor heights smaller than 4 m) or (ii) is controlled by DO: the DO level is increased
transfer CO, from the liquid phase to the gas when nitritation is hampering and decreased
phase (limiting in higher reactors), a 1:1 ratio during problems with the anammox process.
wdl develop automatically.This does not mean Controlling aeration rate with the ammo-
that it is not desirable to control the dissolved nium concentration (and conductivity as an
oxygen (DO) concentration, as it is a useful analogue), nitrite concentration (Kampsch-
means to limit aeration costs. Furthermore, reur et al., 2009), or the ratio between nitrite
preliminary findings indicate that, above a cer- and ammonium are alternative possibilities.
tain threshold, aeration is directly proportional Although aeration control with the interme-
248 VAN I ~ STAR

diate nitrite as an actuator might seem peculiar, After considerable conversion is established,
it has a similar effect on AOB and anammox the dilution can be reduced, provided that the
bacteria. Higher aeration leads to more nitrita- influent is sufficiently mixed with the reactor
tion and less anammox activity due to inhibi- liquid. However, (i) at too long hydraulic reten-
tion (or an increased penetration of oxygen), tion times, there is a risk of sulfate reduction
and the opposite is achieved with lower aera- when all nitrite/nitrate is removed by endoge-
tion. In a system in which nitrite level limits nous respiration and (ii) the designed hydraulic
the anammox process, increased aeration will system (e.g., airlift recirculation) might work
lead to a higher AOB activity, and thus also to a less at low conversion (equal to gas produc-
higher rate of anaerobic ammonium oxidation. tion) rates leading to reduced mixing.
In systems with discontinuous aeration,
both aeration rate and aeration time can be One-Reactor Processes
used for control. Although the aeration flow Contrary to two-reactor processes, it is possible
can be controlled by all parameters discussed in for one-reactor processes to receive (but not
the continuous system, in all used systems, aer- treat) a considerable part of the full design load
ation flow was governed by DO. For the length immediately. In general, care should be taken
of the aerated phase, p H was used on full scale, to have during the startup (i) enough residual
which is possible because of the strongly acidi- ammonium and (ii) no toxic nitrite levels, and
fting action of AOB (Wett, 2006). An alterna- flotation should be prevented. Several strate-
tive option that was successfully used on full gies can be followed.
scale is conductivity (Joss et al., 2009).
During startup, first focus can be to achieve
nitrification followed by a gradual reduc-
tion in aeration to produce favorable condi-
Two-Reactor Processes tions for anammox bacteria and to develop
The startup of the nitritation process is rela- competition on nitrite as well as oxygen to
tively fast and not complicated. In SHARON washout NOB.
(sustainable high rate ammonium removal An alternative strategy is to first operate
over -trite)-type nitritation (in which the
- the reactor as nitritation-denitritation (with
residence time is controlled, and in which no methanol/acetate addition for denitrifica-
biomass retention takes place), 2 weeks after tion and use of an SRT of 1to 4 days to wash
inoculation with nitrift-ing activated sludge, out nitrite oxidizers or reducing oxygen
no significant N O B activity could be found levels), followed by a gradual reduction of
anymore (J .W. Mulder, personal communica- the added carbon source.This strategy was
tion) in a full-scale reject water treatment.The successfully used for startup in Niederglatt,
conversion from a full-scale nitritation-deni- Switzerland (Joss et al., 2009), and conver-
tritation reactor (in which denitrification took sions to nitritation-ananimox reactors in
place in anoxic periods with methanol addi- Breitenberg and Gelsenkirchen, Germany
tion) to a process suitable for nitritation onlx (Walter et al., 2007).
was achieved within 4 days by simply stopping * When considerable biomass is available from
methanol addition (Van der Star et al., 2007). previous inoculations, a start-up strategy can
For supplying a suitable feed to the anammox be chosen with reactor control that is close
reactor, the nitrite loads during startup can to the eventually chosen control system.
initially not be too high. Only a fraction of For example, by operating under p H con-
the design load can therefore be supplied to trol (Wett, 2006) or conductivity/ammo-
the reactor. It is, furthermore, advantageous nium control (Joss et al., 20059, the length
to dilute this influent with effluent or return of the aerated phase can be controlled in
streams prior to introduction into the reactor. the same way as in fully operational reactors.

However, the load to the reactor should be used for startup at a larger scale. With amounts
maintained manually during the first days to of inoculum that constitute already 3 0%)of the
avoid ammonia toxicity. required nitrogen conversion, design or opera-
tional errors are detected faster, as the activity of
Care should further be taken that NOB,
the inoculum is well measurable and will &sap-
while being outcompeted in granules, are not
pear fast (usually within 1 week) when exposed
remaining in the reactor by nitrite oxidation
to unfavorable conditions. Figure 3 shows a
within flocs (with easier access oxygen) (Gaul
typical learning curve for a reactor operator.
et al., 2005; De Clippeleir et al., 2009).
Whereas it took more than 3 years to achieve
full conversion in the first reactor, startup of
Direct Scale-Up or Stepwise Scale-Up
the third one took only a few months. Surpris-
Startup of anarmnox reactors requires patience,
ingly, whether a &rect scale-up procedure (The
or experience and sufficient amounts of inoc-
Netherlands [Van der Star et al., 20071; Ger-
ulum. When inoculum is not available in suffi-
many [Walter et al., 2007]), or step-wise scale-
cient amounts (for the first reactor of a supplier,
up (Switzerland p e t t , 2006; Joss et al., 20059,
or for the first reactor in a certain region), full
is used, the typical time for reaching full scale
enrichment from a nonenriched inoculum
is 2 to 3 years. With the proper conditions and
(e.g., nitrifting activated sludge) will take sev-
experience, startup (also without anammox seed
eral months under favorable conditions. Unfor-
sludge) should be possible within 6 months as
tunately, evaluation whether such favorable
has been shown on lab scale.
conditions are actually existing in the reactor is
complicated because in the first weekdmonths,
conversions are too low (and variability in TREATABLE WASTEWATERS
influent flow rate or concentration is too high) The application of the anammox process is
to be detected &om evaluation of ammonium, mainly associated with wastewaters with a
nitrite, and nitrate levels by nitrogen mass high nitrogen content (>200 mg of N/liter)
balancing. If teething problems occur in the and a low C / N ratio. Although this require-
reactor, they are therefore hard to detect. In the ment holds true for the influent of nitritation-
startup of a full-scale anammox reactor in Rot- anammox systems, it does not necessarily hold
terdam (part of a two-reactor process), Q-PCR true for the type of wastewater for which
was used successfully to identifj whether favor- the treatment can be used. Since no organic
able condtions were occurring and to follow material is a requirement in the nitritation-
the growth of the community even when this anammox process, wastewaters with a higher
was not detectable from changes in nitrite, C/N ratio can be treated advantageously by
nitrate, and ammonium levels (Van der Star combining the nitritation-anamniox process
et al., 2007). However, the information from with anaerobic treatment. In contrast to nitrifi-
Q-PCR is only useful if results are available cation-denitrification where an external elec-
on a regular (weekly, preferably more often) tron donor is required, the organic carbon in a
basis and thus can directly be compared with wastestream can now be completely converted
changes in reactor operation. into biogas. By maximizing biogas produc-
With the strategy outlined above, it was tion and minimizing power consumption, this
possible to drectly scale up the two-reactor combination provides maximal sustainability.
anarmnox process fiom a 10-liter scale to a
70-m’ scale.The alternative approach is classical Reject Water of Municipal Wastewater
scale-up by starting up the process in a reactor Treatment Plants (WWTP)
that is typically 10 times larger than the previous The anammox process has been success-
one. The inoculum, but also the experience fully tested and used mainly in the treatment
that is gained in the previous step, can thus be of reject water (sludge dgestor liquids). This
250 4 VAN i)iiii STAR ET AL.


rn 80


YI 40

0 __
0 200 400 600 800 1000

Time (d)

FIGURE 3 Startup of three full-scale nitritation-anammox reactors (two-reactor processes [in Rotterdam and
Lichtenvoorde], one-reactor process [in Olburgen]) started up consecutively by the same company. The start-up
time decreased in later startups, as a result of availability of biomass for inoculation and application of knowledge.

water stems &om anaerobic digestion of the Digested Food Industry Effluents
produced sludge of municipal wastewater treat- and Manures
ment plants and typical contains 500 to 1,500 Wastewaters from food industries are generally
nig of N/liter of ammonium (as ammonium protein rich (and thus nitrogen rich) and can
bicarbonate). Although reject water flows are be efficiently digested. The remaining wastes-
low (typically 0.5 to 2% of the main influent tream can be used in the nitritation-anammox
flow rate), they contain 5 to 20% of the avail- process. A digested potato wastewater is cur-
able nitrogen load. Reject water treatment can rently treated on full scale in a one-reactor
therefore significantly contribute to the overall nitritation-anammox process (Abma et al.,
performance with relatively small reactors (for 2009), as is the dgested wastewater of a tan-
an overview of available technologies, see Van nery (in a two-reactor configuration [Abma
Loosdrecht, 2008). Since no electron donor is et al., 20071). Digested wastewater from a bak-
available anymore in the wastewater, nitrita- er’s yeast factory and monosodium glutamate
tion-anammox is particularly suitable for this (MSG) was also treated.
type of wastewater. O n real wastewater, both MSG production produces a wastewater
the one-reactor (Hippen et al., 1997) and two- with high nitrogen levels. In view of the low
reactor (Van Dongen et al., 2001) process was COD/N ratio after digestion, the nitritation-
tested and is now applied on hll scale (seeTable anammox process is a promising alternative.
2). The nitritation-anammox process can be Indeed conversion of wastewater containing
integrated in the design of a completely new 500 mg of N/liter was shown experimentally
plant (focusing on optimization of sludge pro- (Chen et al., 2007) and has been implemented
duction and thus biogas production) or used at full scale (Table 2).
for the revamp of existing plants that need to Tests on wastewaters (ca. 1 g ofN/liter) from
handle a larger influent or need to meet stricter treatment of digested seafood and fish canning
effluent regulations. effluents (two-reactor processes [Dapena-Mora

et al., 2006; Lamsam et al., 20081) were possible could be reached.The feasibility of the nitrita-
without dilution (and thus at the full-salt load tion-anammox process for this type of waste-
of ca. 1 g of NaCUliter). water already had been shown much earlier,
Although several reports exist on treatment with the discovery of the nitritation-anammox
of manure with the anammox process, only for process in reactors that were actually designed
digested pig manure have full experimental for nitrification-denitrification (Table 2).
nitritation-anammox systems been operated.
In these treatments, anaerobically digested
manure (containing 1 g of N/liter of ammo-
Although the nature of a process does not
nium) was successfully treated in a one-reactor
change by the name that might be given to it,
configuration (Hwang et al., 2005) and a two-
a stable, consistent, and widely accepted termi-
reactor configuration (Qiao et al., 2009).
nology is ofimportance to focus discussions and
facilitate the understandmg of the field. How-
Source-Separated Treatment
ever, the independent finding of anammox-
Several AOB are, in contrast to a l l known
based processes in different geographical
anammox bacteria, capable of urea hydrolysis
locations, and the hypothesis that AOB are
(see Chapter 2). Although it seems unlikely
responsible for both the nitritation and the
that energy is generated fi-om this hydrolysis,
anammox process, has resulted in a multitude
it produces the ammonium that is required in
of names (often based on ananimox, deam-
nitritation. Sliekers et al. (2004) have showed
monification, and pygen-limited autotrophic
that a urea-based nitritation-anammox process
nitrification-denitrification [OLAND]) . The
(in which AOB perform urea hydrolysis as well
number of names has recently been expanded
as nitritation) was possible in a one-reactor
by use of specific names for specific reactor
configuration. A urine analogue (in which
combinations or brands.
urea was replaced by ammonium/ammonia)
This situation can be strongly improved by
was, furthermore, used in a two-reactor and
introducing a descriptive terminology based
a one-reactor nitritation-anammox system
on the processes taking place and whether this
(Wilsenach et al., 2006), thus indicating the fea-
takes place in one or two reactors (van der Star
sibility of treatment of source-separated urine.
et al., 2007), using the following:
Black water (toilet water) is another source-
separated high-N-containing waste stream. Anammox process for the anoxic combi-
After anaerobic lgestion of black water, a 1 nation of ammonium and nitrite to form
to 1.5 g of N/liter of ammonium waste stream dinitrogen gas.
remains, which was recently shown to be con- One-reactor nitritation-anammox process
verted by the one-reactor (Vlaeminck et al., as the occurrence of the nitrite production
2009) or two-reactor (De Graaff et al., 2011) and the anammox process in one reactor.
nitritation-anammox processeses. Two-reactor nitritation-anammox process
for the partial oxidation of ammonium to
Landfill Leachates nitrite in an aerated reactor, followed by an
In landfill leachates, ammonium concentra- anoxic reactor, where only the anammox
tions up to 5 g of N/liter occur (although process takes place.
typical concentrations are around 1 g of N / One-reactor denitrification-anammox pro-
liter), which are presently treated by nitrifica- cess for the anoxic processes of denitrifi-
tion-denitrification or nitrification only. Both cation from nitrate to nitrite, combined
in well-studied lab-scale systems (two-reactor with the anammox process. This was the
system [Ruscalleda et al., 20081) and in con- original process configuration in which the
verted full-scale nitrification-denitrification anammox process was discovered (Mulder
reactors (Walter et al. 2007), stable conversions et al., 1995).
TABLE 2 Overview of full-scale anammox reactors (>50 m') using the one-reactor or the two-reactor anammox process (van der Star et al., 2007)
Area- Maximum
specific Conversion volumetric First year
Reactor Volume
Process Location Wastewater conversion (kg of N/ conversion Limitation of full Organism Source
tYPe (m3) (g o f N / day) (kg o f N / operation"
m2/day) m3/ day)
Two reactors Rotterdam NLbGranular Reject water 70 ND 700 10 Feed 2006 Brocadia Van der Star et al.,
sludge (NO;) 2007
Lichtenvoorde Granular Tannery 100 ND 250 2.5 Feed 2006 Kuenenia Van der Star et al..
NL sludge (NO;) 2007
Mie prefecture Granular Semiconductor 58 ND 220 4 Feed 2006 ND Tokutomi et al.,
JP sludge (NH,') 2007
Hattingen DE Moving bed Reject water 67 5 67 1 Na' (2003)' ND Thole et al., 2005

One reactor China Yeast 500 ND 1,500 2.5 2010 ND W. R. Abma,

production unpublished data
Zurich CH SBR Reject water 2x1400 ND 1400 0.5 Feed 2007 ND Joss et al., 2009
Olburgen NL Air lift Potato 600 ND 1200 2.0 Feed 2006 Brocudiud Abma et al., 2010
Himmerflarden Moving bed Reject water 1400 1.9 420 0.3 Not 2007 ND Ling, 2009
SE reported
Heidelberg DE SBR Reject water ND 300 Not 2008 ND Scheider'
St.Gallen CH SBR Reject water 2x300 ND 240 0.4 Not 2008 ND Joss et al., 2009
Gelsenkirchen MBR Landfii 660 ND 264 0.4 Feed 2005 Bmadia/ Denecke et al.,
DE leachate Kuenenia 2007
Strass AT SBR Reject water 500 ND 350 0.7 Feed 2006 Bvocudia' Wett, 2007
Glarnerland SBR Reject water 400 ND 240 0.6 Feed 2006 ND Wett. 2007
Hattingen DE Moving bed Reject water 102 6 102 1 Not 2003 ND Thole et al., 2005
Niederglatt CH SBR Reject water 160 ND 48 0.3 Feed 2008 ND Joss et al., 2009
Breitenberg DE MBR Landfill 30 2007 ND M. Denecke,
leachate personal
Mechernich Landfill
RDC 8010 2 5126 0.64 Aeration Unknown# ND Hippen, 1997
DE leachate
Reject water/
Pitsea GB RDC 240 7 408 1.7 Feed Unknown2 Scalindua Schmid et al., 2003
Kolliken C H RDC 33 2 13 0.4 Feed Unknown2 N D Siegrist et al., 1998
MSG W. R. Abma,
Tongliao C N (6700) ND (11,000) (1.65)h (2010) ND
wastewater unpublished data
Apeldoorn NL SBR Reject water (2500) ND (1,600) (0.67) (2010)

"In parentheses if not in operation anymore, not in operation yet, or operation not yet published.
'NL,The Netherlands; JF', Japan; DE, Germany; CH, Switzerland; SE, Sweden;AT,Austria; GB, United Kingdom; C N , China; ND,not determined.
'Reactor was converted to one reactor operation.
dConfirmed by FISH; updated (conversion rates) in 2009.
'http :// 10/06~Seligenstadt10~Wett~Energie~dt~29-06-201
JFrom Innerebner et al. 2007.
2System developed automatically Present status is unknown.
"In startup; last reported conversion 1 kg of N/m3/day
' O N R I , December 1, 2009); Weekhlad;
December 1,2009).
Anammox reactor for the (nonaerated) treatments plants is presently not well known,
reactor in which only the anammox process and only few studies relate N,O emission to
takes place. nitrogen load or conversion giving rise to very
large variations (e.g., Wicht and Beier, 1995).
As an aid to interpret existing literature, an
The NO and N,O emission of well-running
overview of names used in literature and their
lab-scale anammox reactors is virtually zero
suggested generic name is shown in Table 1.
(<0.01 % of converted ammonium) (e.g.,
Strous et al., 1998;Van der Star et al., 2008b).
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT However, in full-scale anammox reactors,
The environmental impact of nitrogen removal emissions of 0.1 to 0.5% were found (Kamp-
from wastewater lies mainly in the CO, e m i - schreur et al., 2008;T. Lotti, personal coniniu-
sion associated with aeration energy, CO, nication), which were suggested to originate
production during denitrification, and N,O from inflowing AOB from the previous nitrita-
emission associated with nitrification and deni- tion reactor. In the only evaluated nitritation
trification. In the nitritation-anammox process, reactor, emissions were estimated to be 2.3%
the reduction of aeration is roughly 6096, and but could be mainly attributed to N,O pro-
the only direct CO, emission stems from the duction during nonaerated periods. Operation
bicarbonate already present as counter ion in of a continuously aerated nitritation reactor
the wastewater. is therefore expected to have much lower
Besides these direct effects, the use of the emissions. In the mentioned reactor, it was
nitritation-anammox process can be used for also noted that N O emission (above a certain
more sustainable process design: introducing D O threshold) seemed to be proportional to
nitritation-anammox on a wastewater treat- aeration rate. A too high aeration rate there-
ment plant after sludge digestion enables a fore also contributes to higher N O emissions
higher loading of the primary settler and thus (Kampschreur et al., 2008).
more energy generation from biogas produc- In one-reactor nitritation-anammox sys-
tion. This is a relatively simple revamp of an tems, emissions of 1.2%)(continuously aerated)
existing wastewater treatment plant that results (Kampschreur et al., 2009, 1.3%) (Weissen-
in a reduction of net energy consumption of bacher et al., 2010), 0.6%) (intermittent aer-
the full plant of 50% (&om 2 to 1W / p [Siegrist ated), and 0.4% (continuously aerated) Uoss
et al., 20081) and thus also &om energy-derived et al. 2009) were found for full-scale reactors.
CO, emissions (from 9 to 5 kg of CO,/p/year). The large variation in these values (which
Should the nitritation-anammox process also are slightly higher than in normal waste-
become feasible for treatment of low concen- water treatment plants) and their variation in
trations of ammonium, no C O D is necessary time and mode of operation show a lack of
anymore for nitrogen removal, and energy pro- understandmg/predictability of N,O emis-
duction can be increased to match the plants sion factors and the importance to evaluate the
demands completely, thus resulting in complete emission characteristics in lab-scale systems.
“energy autarky” (Van Loosdrecht et al., 2001; The sustainability of the anammox process
Siegrist et al., 2008; Kartal et al., 2010). is emphasized by a reduction of energy-based
Besides the impact of CO, emission, emis- CO, production of 4.2 kg/person/year in an
sion of NO and N,O also is of importance in optimized municipal WWTP. Assunling an
the overall evaluation of environmental impact. extra N,O-derived emission of 0.25% of the
Both are intermediates in denitrification and nitrogen load (not unrealistic, as also during
are released during nitrification. They con- nitrification-denitrification N,O is emitted,
tribute directly (N,O, 296 times the strength and tahng into account that the high values
of CO,) or indirectly (NO) to the greenhouse in the full-scale nitritation reactor were mainly
effect. The emission of N,O from wastewater due to the presence of nonaerated periods), the

N,O derived increase in greenhouse gas emis- Optimization of a sludge treatment can
sions is 1.3 kg of CO, equivalents/person/ never be viewed upon on its own: only a
year, and the overall system thus still holds a detailed analysis of the sludge treatment in
net reduction of greenhouse gases of 2.9 kg of combination with the main line of the waste-
CO, equivalents/person/year. water treatment plant can result in identifica-
tion of the most economic operation.To avoid
MATHEMATICAL MODELING introducing complete (and unnecessary) intro-
Modeling has constituted an important activity duction of pH and nitrite in existing models
in the evaluation and design of anammox reac- for the main line of wastewater treatment
tors directly from the beginning.The extremely plants,Volcke et al. (2006) have devised a series
slow growth rate did not only make experi- of conversion matrices, so that the reject water
ments lengthy, but in the laboratory practice, models and normal models can be combined,
stable operation for several solid retention thus finally enabling calculation of their inter-
times has turned out to be a challenge. Biofilm action and process (design) optimization.
models, however, showed, at the same time
it was actually shown in the laboratory, that STATE OF THE ART:
the one-reactor nitritation-anammox process FULL-SCALE REACTORS
was a possibility at low DO (Ha0 et al., 2002; The occurrence of the anammox process in
Picioreanu et al., 2004) and under certain con- wastewater treatment is not always the result
ditions in the presence of organic matter (Ha0 of deliberate action, but the process could
and van Loosdrecht, 2004). It should be noted, develop spontaneously in wastewater treatment
however, that until now the absence of reliable systems-with essentially underdesigned aera-
parameters of substrate affinity, decay, growth tion-in Pitsea, United Kingdom; Mechernich,
rate, and nitrite toxicity has seriously ham- Germany; and Kolliken, Switzerland.Although
pered the predictability of the earlier models. it is likely that these spontaneous one-reactor
Modeling of nitrogen conversions in the nitritation-anammox systems could be main-
waste streams that are typical for the anammox tained under dedicated care, it is well think-
process, however, cannot be performed with able that the anammox activity has changed in
the models typical for wastewater treatment time due to changes in operation or reactor
(like ASM 1,2,3). The high conversion rate loading. In Pitsea, the anammox activity had
of ammonium makes its acidifying effect sig- disappeared virtually completely 2 years after
nificant. pH effects due to acidifying nitrifica- the initial measurements (Schmid et al., 2003).
tion and CO, stripping therefore have to be Regardless of the stability of “accidental”
taken into account in both one- and two-stage nitritation-anammox processes, the amount of
nitritation-anammox reactors. Besides the spontaneous nitritation processes in the world
absence of pH/chemical speciation in present is probably significant (especially in nitrified
wastewater models, nitrite also is often not a landfill leachates).
model component. Inclusion of nitrite requires In the past years, lab-scale results with
not only splitting the two microbial processes anammox-based processes constituted a solid
of nitrification in two model steps, but also basis for the start-up dedcated reactors. Startup
splitting denitrification in (at least) two steps. of reactors in Hattingen, Germany (tested as a
The introduction of the affinity for nitrite two-reactor system, later converted and f d y
in denitrification is problematic, as it should operational as a one-reactor system),Rotterdam
(at least partially) be regarded an intracellular (two-reactor process), and Strass (one-reactor
intermedate. A detailed discussion of dfferent process with intermitted pH controlled aeration)
modeling concepts for nitrite in recent waste- were critical for further expansion in the past 2
water treatment models including nitritation years (Fig. 4). Both the avadability of inoculum
and anammox is provided by Sin et al. (2008). as the increase in experience has resulted in the




8 2


" n
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

FIGURE 4 Number of fully operational one-reactor (solid line) and two-reactor (dashed line) anammox
processes and amount of nitrogen removed (tons of N/day; black, one-reactor process; gray, two-reactor process).

construction of several installations in the past Foaming is a phenomenon that is partic-

years.With the construction of four large reac- ularly hard to assess on lab scale and should
tors in 2010, the available nitritation-anammox therefore mainly be evaluated directly on full
capacity has doubled, and reactors treating up scale. Although foaming was reported from
to 10,000 kg of N/day have been constructed. one-reactor intermittently aerated nitritation-
An overview of full-scale nitritation-anammox anammox systems (Wett et al., 2007), a signifi-
installations is shown in Table 2. cant reduction in foaming was reported when
an existing nitritation-denitrification process
Characteristics of Full-Scale and Lab- (with acetic acid addition for denitrification)
Scale Evaluations was converted to operation as a one-reactor
The stoichiometric ratio of the conversion in nitritation-anammox process (Rekers et al.,
full-scale anammox reactors is not significantly 2008).
different from lab-scale reactors as can be seen
from the conversions in a full-scale reactor Reactor and Process Choice
(Van der Star et al., 2007),which were calcu- Only three of the reactors presently in use
lated (G-om a 193 day average) as being 1.31 f are two-reactor processes. Although initially
0.032:l:-0.25 5 0.006. Also for other param- expected to be easier to operate and (thus)
eters, no principle deviations between lab scale cheaper in use for larger plants, the robustness
and full scale have occurred.The exception may of one-reactor systems and more straightfor-
be the N,O emission in anammox reactors, ward startup has led to use of mainly that type
which is much higher on full scale than on lab of reactor in the past 2 years, and it is expected
scale. The most plausible explanations for these that this trend will continue.
differences are nitrite level and the type of feed A multitude of reactor types has, mean-
synthetic for lab-scale tests, but AOB-containing while, been used on full scale. Of these, gran-
partially nitritated wastewater at full scale. ular sludge processes (whether in SBR or in

FIGURE 5 Reduction ofspace requirement by separate treatment ofindustrial wastewater and reject water (top
circle) with a capacity of 40,000 p.e. compared to the sewage treatment plant (bottom circle) with a capacity of
90,000 p.e.; picture of the separate treatment in frame.

airlift-like configurations) have constituted An evaluation of possibly limiting factors

the majority. These reactor types also seem in hfferent (nitritation-)anammox reactors
to comply best with the main requirements: showed that even the highest volumetric con-
good mixing and availability of a high biofilm versions reached now can be increased in this
surface. type of reactor (Table 3),which promises even
The highest volumetric conversion rates more efficient reactors in the future.
were (expectedly) achieved with granular
sludge reactors, both in one-reactor (Olburgen, OUTLOOK
The Netherlands; 2.0 kg of N/m’/day) and In the past years, information on physiology
two-reactor (Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 10 of anammox bacteria and lab-scale evaluations
kg/m3/day) systems. The indicated small size of possible treatment concepts have resulted
of reject water treatment is emphasized with in the successful industrial application of the
an aereal picture of Olburgen. The combina- anammox process on more than 10 locations,
tion of sludge digestion, phosphate removal, treating mainly reject water. Because of the cost
and nititation-anammox process handles more reductions that were achieved, the stability of
than 30% of the wastewater on the site, with a the installations, and the ease of their control,
much smaller footprint (Fig. 5). in combination with more stringent nitrogen
TABLE 3 Estimated volumetric conversion limitations and fluxes (shown in brackets) in different types of reactors for the anammox process and the one-reactor
nitritation-anammox process"
Maximum volumetric conversion rate (kg of N/m3/dayy
Particle diam Surface area
(conversion flux [a of N/mz/davl)
, _ 1

Process Reactor type Limiting process

(m) (m2/m3)
Oxygen Oxygen Hydrodynamics
penetrationb penetrationbad transfei
Anammox process Granular sludge 0.001 3,000 90 (30) 12
Biofilm moving bed 0.01 250 7 (30) ND'
Biofdm packed bed 250 7 (30) - ND
Biofdm sheets reactor 250 7 (30) ND

One-reactor nitritation-anammox AirlifUbubble column 0.001 3,000 89 (30) 15 (5) 8 ND

process Rotating disk contactor 250 7 (30) 2.5 (10) ND ND
Moving bed 0.01 250 7 (30) 1.2 (5) 8 ND
Sequencing batch reactor 0.001 3,000 89 (30) 15 (5) 8 ND
'The strongest limitation for each reactor is shown in boldface (adapted fromVan der Star et al. [ZOOSa]; see notes there for motivations of the chosen numbers).
*Penetration refers to penetration into the b i o f h .
'Oxygen transfer is the transfer of oxygen from the gas phase to the liquid phase.
Qulk oxygen concentration is 1 mg/liter. For the rotating disk contactor an average concentration of 4 mg/liter was assumed.
'ND, not determined.
J-, not applicable.

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Shawn R. Starkenburg, Eva Spieck, and PeterJ Bottomley

INTRODUCTION tion of the literature on the metabolism and

Nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) play a key biochemistry of NOB was published >20 years
role in nitrification by oxidizing nitrite (NO,-) ago during the “golden era” of laboratory-
to nitrate (NO,-). Despite NO,- being an based research on pure cultures of chemolitho-
energy-poor substrate that is generated ubiqui- autotrophs (Aleem and Sewell, 1984; Bock et
tously by oxidation of ammonia (NH,) under al., 1991; Hooper and DiSpirito, 1985;Wood,
aerobic conditions, it rarely accumulates in 1986;Yamanaka and Fukumori, 1988).There
natural oxic environments. This is a testimony are several examples of both novel and contro-
to the versatility of NOB to effectively couple versial findings that were made during that era
the process of nitrification and consume NO,- that remain unconfirmed or unresolved even
over a wide range of environmental conditions. in 2011. Furthermore, in contrast to many
We might anticipate, therefore, that NO,- oxi- other examples of environmentally signifi-
dation should be widely distributed among the cant, microbially mediated processes, a geneti-
prokaryotes and that several different strains cally manipulatable strain of NOB has not
would have emerged as model organisms for been developed that can be used to provide
detailed study.Yet, whereas the phenotype of unequivocal genetic evidence to discriminate
NO,-oxidation is found in several genera dis- between models formulated from physiolog-
tributed among different phylogenetic lineages ical or biochemical evidence alone.
of Bacteria (Nitrobactev, Nitvococcus, Nitrospina, In recent years, non-cultivation-depen-
Nitrospira, Nitrotoga), virtually all knowledge dent molecular techniques have clearly
of the physiology and biochemistry of NO,- shown that the genus Nitrospira is often the
oxidation has been derived from studies of a numerically dominant NOB in many habi-
limited number of strains of Nitrobucter species. tats including soils and waste water treatment
Furthermore, a disproportionately large frac- plants (Juretschko et al., 1998; Schramm et

al., 1999; Daims et al., 2001; Bartosch et al.,

Shawn R Starkenburg, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Bio-
science Division MS888, P O Box 1663, Los Alamos, N M 2002). Unfortunately, very few representatives
87545 Eva Spieck, Universitat Hamburg, Biozentrum Klein of Nitrospira have been obtained in pure cul-
Flottbek, Mikrobiologie & Biotechnologie, D-22609 Han- ture, and details of their physiology and bio-
burg, Germany PeterJ Bottomley, Departments of Microbi-
ology and Crop and Sod Science, Oregon State Umversity, chemistry are lacking. As a consequence, this
Corvahs. OR 97331 3804 chapter will remain biased toward research
Nitrification, Edited by Uess KWard, Danicl J.Arp,and Martin G. Klotz
Q 2011 ASM Prcss,Washiilgton. 1)C


findings generated from Nitrobacter. Recently, characteristics can be found in previous review
the genomes of three Nitrobacter species/strains articles (Watson et al., 1989; Bock et al., 1991;
were sequenced, and details of the annotations Spieck and Bock, 2005).
have been published (Starkenburg et al., 2006, Recently, Spieck and colleagues described
2 0 0 8 ~ )In
. this chapter, we will attempt to place successful isolation and culturing of novel iso-
the physiology and biochemistry of N O B into lates and enrichments of Nitrospira, namely
context with information derived from the “ Cundidatus Nitrospira bockiana” (Lebedeva et

annotated Nitrobacter genomes. Furthermore, al., 2008) and “Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii”
since Nitrobacter is an Alphaproteobacterium (Spieck et al., 2006). A novel Betaproteobacte-
found in the family Bradyrhizobiaceae, and is rium with NO,--oxidizing capability (“Cun-
closely related to the genera Bradyrhizobium didatus Nitrotoga arctica”) was recently highly
and Rhodopseudomonas by 16s rDNA sequence enriched from a Siberian Arctic permafrost-
similarity (>96%) (Seewaldt et al., 1982;Teske affected soil (Alawi et al., 2007). Additionally,
et al., 1994), genomic comparisons have been an NO,--oxidizing anoxygenic phototroph
made in an attempt to identifj the core gene closely related to Thiocapsa of the Gamnia-
“complement” that defines Nitrobacter and to proteobacteria was also isolated (Griffin et al.,
uncover what distinguishes the chemolitho- 2007). Because Nitrospira spp. usually require
autotrophic Nitrobucter from its metabolically low NO,- concentrations for growth and
versatile, phototrophic/organotrophic relatives grow slowly with low cell yield (Watson et
(Starkenburg et al., 2 0 0 8 ~ ) . al., 1986; Ehrich et al., 1995), it is not sur-
prising that little inroad has been made into
TAXONOMY/ SYSTEMATICS their metabolism and biochemistry. Nonethe-
The process of NO,- oxidation is found in less, Daims et al. (see Chapter 12) provide an
morphologically and phylogenetically diverse excellent review of insights gained into the
lineages of Bacteria (Koops and Pommerening- physiology and ecology of Nitrospira that were
Roser, 2001; Spieck and Bock, 2005; Alawi et obtained primarily by using genomics tools
al., 2007). Although evidence exists for some and other cultivation-independent methods.
Crenarchaea possessing and expressing the Table 1 summarizes the basic properties of the
gene that encodes for subunit A of ammonia cultured species of NOB, including the most
monooxygenase in marine (Konneke et al., recently isolated strains.
2005; Wuchter et al., 2006), hydrothermal (de
laTorre et al., 2008; Hatzenpichler et al., 2008),
and some soil (Leininger et al., 2006; Nicol
et al., 2008; Prosser and Nicol, 2008) envi- General Characteristics
ronments, NO,--oxidizing Archaea have not To date, five different genomes within three
been identified or isolated.Whereas Nitrobacter genera of N O B (Nitrobacter, Nitrococcus, and
is located in the Alphaproteobacteria lineage, Nitrospira) have been sequenced (Table 2). Com-
Nitrococcus is found in the Gammaproteobac- prehensive genomic annotations and analysis
teria, Nitrospina is provisionally placed in the have been published on three sequenced Nitro-
Deltaproteobacteria, and Nitrospira occupies bacter genomes, N. hambuyensis X14, Nitrobacter
its own deep-branching lineage (Spieck and winogradskyi Nb255, and Nitrobacter sp. strain
Bock, 2005). Strains of Nitrospina and Nitro- NB311A. An unfinished, draft sequence from
coccus have been recovered exclusively from Nitrococcus mobilis NB231 (isolated from equa-
marine environments and are characterized as torial surface waters in the Pacific Ocean) was
obligately halophilic. Excellent descriptions of recently completed, although a comprehen-
the different genera of N O B that include their sive analysis has not been published (https://
history, details of growth meda, growth con-
ditions, cell morphologies, and basic growth eciesTag=NB231 &pageAttr=pageMain) .Most

TABLE 1 Differentiating properties among the genera of NOB

Result for:
Nitvobactev Nitrococcus Nitrospina Nitvospiva Nitrotoga
Phylogeny Alphaproteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Deltaproteobacteria Nitrospirae Betaproteobacteria
G+C (%' I) 5942 61 58 50-54 ND
Morphology Pleomorphic rod Coccus Slender rod Helical Coccoid/short rod
ICMs Polar Random None None None
Typical fatty acidsb 18:lcisl 1 18:lcisll 16:1ci.79 16:lcis7' 16:Iris9
16:O 16:lcis9 14:O 16:lcisll 16:O
16:O 16:O 16:0,11nie" 10,12,&14:0 OH
Carboxysonies Yes Yes None None None
P-Subunit NXR 65 65 48 46 ND
"ND,not determined.
'Data are from Alawi et al. (2007),Lipski et al. (2001),and Spieck et al. (2006).
Composition varies with species.
Tresent in some moderately thermophilic species of Nizrospira.

recently, the genome of "Candidatus Nitro- japonicum (-8.3 Mbp) and Rhodopseudomonas
spira defluvii" was sequenced; highlights from palustris (-5.4 Mbp). Approximately 2,179
the initial annotation have been described by genes were found to be conserved among
Daims et al. (see Chapter 12). the three Nitrobacter genomes (Fig. l),which
The Nitrobacter genomes range in size from represents the majority (86%)) of the genes
3.4 to 5 Mbp and encode approximately 3,117 found in the smallest genome of N.winogad-
to 4,716 total genes, respectively. O n average, skyi. Nevertheless, each genome was found to
the Nitrobacter genomes (-4.1 Mbp) are much contain unique genetic material (13 to 29%
smaller than their phototrophic/organotrophic of the sequence space) that niay be relevant to
alphaproteobacterial relatives, Bradyrhixobium the ecological niche of each bacterium (Table

TABLE 2 General genomic characteristics of N O B

Result for:
Parameter N. kambuvgensis N. winogradskyi Nitrobactev sp. strain
X14 NE3255 NB3llA draP
N.rnobilis NB231
Origin soil soil Marine Marine
Chromosome bases 4,406,967 3,402,093 -4,105,362 -3,617,638
G+C (%) 61.6 62 62 60
Total genes 4,716 3,118 4,256 3,503
Genes without predicted 1,848 993 1,461 1,185
Pseudogenes 347 21 ND" ND"
Paralogs 634 283 478 ND
Paralog groups 251 74 143 ND
Plasmids 3 0 ND ND
pPB13 294,829 bp
pPB12 188,318 bp
pPBl1 121,408 bp
"16s rRNA is 100% identical to N. winogradskyi Nb-255.
'ND, not determined (an accurate count of the psendogenes or the presence of plasnlids was not possible froin the unfinished draft
sequence of NB311A).

sp. NB3 I I A
FIGURE 1 Global gene conserva-
tion in Nitrobactev. Each circle
represents the total number of gene
types in each genome. Overlapping
regions depict the number of
gene types shared between the
respective genomes. The numbers
outside the circles indicate the total
number of genes identified in each
genome, including paralogdgene
Nitrobacter duplications. (Reproduced from
hamburgensis Applied and Environmental Microbiology
4716 [Starkenburg et al., 2008~1 with

3).With regard to N. winogradskyi, of the 411 of genes involved in key metabolic functions
genes not found in either of the other two (nitrite oxidoreductase [NXR] , terminal oxi-
Nitrobacter species, 124 were assigned a putative dases, and ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase
function, including an alkane-sulfonate mono- [RuBisCO]) also infer an increase in meta-
oxygenase, two nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate bolic capacity and/or the abilicy to differ-
ABC transporters, and synthesis genes for the entially express these gene clusters based on
pyrroloquinoline quinone cofactor. All three different environmental conditions. Despite its
genomes were found to encode a putative seemingly broader base of metabolic potential,
Naf/H+ antiporter (nhaA),which supports and the N. humburgensis genome is less organized
extends observations of halotolerance in Nitro- and more fragmented than the other NOB.
bacter,yet several genes unique to the NB311A Approximately 8% of the genome encodes
genome (a chloride channel, a Na+/Ca2+anti- pseudogenes ( n = 347), and it contains a
porter, many cation-dependent ATPases, and higher number of mobile genetic elements
ectoine-like osmoprotectants) may indicate and phage remnants. In contrast, the N.wino-
that this strain has addtional mechanisms to gradskyi genome contains only 21 pseudogenes
manage osmotic stress and to survive in marine and half the number of paralogs.
The genome of N. hamburgensis is the N. hamburgensis Plasmids
largest of the Nitrobacter genomes and appears Before sequencing of its genome, little was
to have maintained a greater level of meta- known about the metabolic role of the plas-
bolic flexibility and adaptability than the other mids in N. hambutgensis. Approximately 494
sequenced representatives. Among its unique genes are encoded on the plasmids, although
genetic material, N. humbutgensis contains only half of these could be assigned a func-
putative genes that code for unique terminal tion (Starkenburg et al., 2008c).The genes on
oxidases and cytochromes, nitric oxide reduc- the largest plasmid, pPB13, appear to be biased
tase ( N O R ) , formate dehydrogenase, sulfur toward carbodenergy metabolism. The small
oxidation, unique copies of carbon monoxide plasmid, pPB11, is dominated by conjuga-
dehydrogenase-like genes, lactate dehydroge- tion/pilus formation genes. pPB12 appears to
nase, and other anapleurotic enzymes. Many be a functional hybrid of the other two plas-
paralogous and nonparalogous duplications mids, containing gene clusters for conjugation,

energy, and carbon metabolism, plus a suite of genes that encode for carboxysome formation.
genes for heavy metal resistance. Notably, the Most of the plasmid-born genes are unique to
only copy in the genome of an ATP-depen- N. hambuvensis, yet -21 kb of the -28 kb auto-
dent glucokinase is located on pPB12. An trophic island are conserved in the chromo-
interesting feature of pPB13 is the presence somes of N.winogradskyi and NB311A. Several
of a large “autotrophic island” (-28 kb gene other Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle enzymes
cluster) that encodes the large and small sub- are also located on pPB13, including a second,
units of a Type I RuBisCO, and the only set of nonparalogous copy of a Type I RuBisCO and

TABLE 3 Unique genes and putative functional biases in the genus Nitvobacter
Unique genes in:
Putative category
N. winogvadskyi N. hambuyensir Nitrobactev strain Nb311A
Transport NO, /sulfonate/C0,2 Ammonia permease To& systems
Iron uptake systems K+ transport Ca2+/Na2+antiporter
Fe/Ni/Co Uncharacterized ABC C1 channel
transport coniponents
PO: porin Chromate
Uncharacterized ABC Unchdrdcterized ABC
transporter components transporter coniponents
Mg/cobalt sulfate permeases
Co/Zn/Cd emux

Carbon metabolism Forinate dehydrogenase

Carbon monoxide DW-like
D- or L-lactate DH-like
Malate DH, pyruvate-formate
Energetics Cyt c oxidase
Cyt bd ubiquinol oxidase
Cytochome b,,,
Cytochrome P,,,
Flavoredoxin reductase
Nitric oxide reductase (.<NOR)
Replication DNA replicatiodrepair
DNA polymerase IV, I11
minCDE septum formation
Miscellaneous Histidine biosynthesis Type I1 secretion Polysaccharide synthesis,
Multiple FecIR genes Serine proteases UspA stress genes
Pyrroloquinoline quinone Conjugal transfer Ectoine synthase
Heavy metal resistance Cation ATPases
Arsenite oxidase Pyoverdine synthesis
Hydroxyiiiate siderophore syn.
(IucC family)

single copies of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase, of considerable interest to compare the core

phosphoribulokinase, and ketose-bisphosphate genes of Nitrobacter with those of other N O B
aldolase. This second RuBisCO gene cluster from phylogenetically distinct lineages if and
is duplicated on the chromosome (99% simi- when they become available.
larity) although a neighboring LysR-type reg-
ulator has diverged significantly,suggesting that ULTRASTRUCTURAL FEATURES
each RuBisCO may be differentially regulated. OF NOB
Transmission electron microscopic images
Core Nitvobacter Genome Analysis (TEMs) of N O B provide evidence for intra-
To further assess the genomic basis of NO,- cellular morphological variations that still await
oxidation, Starkenburg et al. (2008~) con- detailed investigation of their physiological sig-
structed a composite or “core” genome, which nificance. TEMs of Nitrobacter and Nitrococcus
was composed of genes conserved in all three reveal a complex network of intracytoplasmic
Nitrobacter genomes. Using the core genome membranes (ICMs) that penetrates into the
as a query database, all core genes with high cytoplasm (Fig. 2). In the case of Nitrobacter,
sequence identity to a gene(s) in any strain of R. ICMs are often located at one pole of the cell,
palustris or B.japonicum were removed. Approx- and electron-dense particles extensively cover
imately 116 gene types were found to be the cytoplasmic side of the membrane (Spieck
uniquely conserved in each Nitrobacter genome. et al., 1996a, 1996b). Immunolabeling with
Within this 116 gene “subcore,” 46 genes had antibodes targeted at the subunits of NXR
no match in the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes indicates that these membrane-associated par-
and Genomes (KEGG) genome database, and it ticles are the subcellular location of NXR
is not clear what role they play in these NOB. (Spieck et al., 1996a, 1998). Examination of
Among the functionally annotated subcore ultrathin sections of Nitrobacter led researchers
gene set (41 genes), two gene clusters appear to to suggest that the cell wall structure might be
encode polysaccharide synthesis proteins, some atypical of a gram-negative Proteobacterium
of which have little sequence similarity to any because the peptidoglycan layer seems to be
Alphaproteobacterial proteins. Many of the absent (Watson et al., 1989; Bock et al., 1991).
subcore genes with functional annotations were TEMs of Nitrospina, Nitrospira, and Nitrotoga
found to be associated with NO,- metabolism, are notable for the absence of ICMs (Fig. 3 and
transport, and regulation, includmg the gene 4) and, in the case of Nitrospira and Nitrotoga
cluster encoding the subunits of NXR and the species, for the presence of an unusually large
c-type cytochromes, and a putative NsrR-like periplasmic space (Watson et al., 1989; Ehrich
regulatory protein adjacent to nirK. Of note, et al., 1995; Spieck and Bock, 2005; Alawi et
the R. palustris and B. japonicum genomes con- al., 2007). Nitrobacter and Nitrospira cells located
tain homologs of several genes in the Nitrobacter in mixed-culture-nitrifing bioreactors are
subcore inventory, yet the latter were found to often embedded in a capsule and exist in
be more orthologous to genes outside the al- aggregates in close proximity to ammonia-oxi-
phaproteobacterial lineage. dizing bacteria (AOB). The relative contribu-
In summary, this analysis suggested that the tions of AOB- and NOB-encoded exocellular
collection ofgenes that is responsible for the key products to the capsular matrix of these aggre-
metabolic machinery required for NO,-oxida- gates remain unknown. In that context, it is
tion in Nitrobacter may reflect the ecological interesting to reiterate that one of the sets of
niche of these bacteria (rather than its phy- genes unique to the subcore of Nitrobacter is
logeny) possibly achieved through assimilation, implicated in capsule biosynthesis. TEMs of
modification, and expression of genes acquired N O B often show that a substantial portion of
from more distant bacterial lineages. It will be the cytoplasm is occupied by cell inclusions

such as carboxysonies and poly p hydroxybu- (0.7 to 1.4 mM) in the growth medium. In
tyrate, glycogen, and polyphosphate granules fact, it was noted that optimum growth of N.
(Watson et al., 1989; Spieck and Bock, 2005). moscoviensis occurred at 0.35 niM NO,-- and
Whereas carboxysonies are routinely detected growth was inhibited at 15 mM NO,- (Ehrich
in cells of Nitrobacter and Nitrococcus, they have et al., 1995). However, it has been shown, sub-
not been observed in Nitrospira, Nitrospina, or sequently, that there is considerable variation
Nitrotoga. A discussion of the current status of in NO,- tolerance among isolates and enrich-
knowledge about carboxysomes is presented ment cultures of Nitrospira (N.dcfiuvii, 20 to 25
later in this chapter, and genomic evidence for mM; N. bockiana, 18 mM; N. marina, 6 mM).
a potentially different mechanism of CO, fixa- Perhaps this is a reflection of the wide range
tion by Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii” is pre-
“ of environments in which Nitrospira spp. have
sented by Daims et al. (see Chapter 12). been found to be highly successful. In another
study, Nitrospira was enriched from natural
environments if NaNO, was kept 20.2 g liter-’
(2.8 mM), whereas Nitrobacter was enriched if
NO,- Level, pH, and Temperature NaNO, was used at 2 g liter-’ (28 mM) (Bar-
The well-studied model strains of N. winograd- tosch et d., 2002). Subsequently, evidence
skyi, N. hambuyensis, and N. vukaris grow opti- was obtained for differential NO,- sensitivity
mally at 25 to 3OoC,pH 7.5 to 8.0, and tolerate among Nitrospira lineages in natural popula-
relatively high concentrations of NO,- (10 to tions. In activated sludge samples, it was shown
45 mM) in the growth medium. Evidence has that Nitrospira sublineages 1 and 2 could be
also surfaced that NOB can grow under more distinguished because sublineage 1 was more
diverse conhtions. For example, an acidophilic tolerant of higher NO,- concentrations than
Nitrobactev (IOacid) recovered from an acidic sublineage 2 (Maixner et al., 2006). Given the
deciduous forest soil grew optimally at pH 5.5 need for metabolic versatility among NOB
(Hankinson and Schmidt, 1988), while alka- to ensure that nitrification remains a tightly
liphilic Nitrobacter strains were described that coupled process in different environments, we
grew well at pH 9.5 and were subsequently predict that NOB from diverse phylogenetic
named N. alkalicus (Sorokin et al., 1998).Some backgrounds and with diverse physiological
NOB appear to be cold adapted, as “Candi- properties will continue to be discovered.
datus Nitrotoga arctica” was observed to grow
between 4°C and 17°C (Alawi et al., 2007). Heterotrophic Growth
Nitrospira moscoviensis was enriched from a cor- There is still no concrete evidence about what
roded steam pipe located in a Moscow heating discriminates obligately chemolithoautotro-
system and grows optimally at 39°C (Ehrich et phic strains of NOB from those with chenioor-
al., 1995), while “Candidatus Nitrospira bock- ganotrophic or mixotrophic growth potential.
iana,” obtained from a similar source, expressed Nitrobacter strains show varying degrees of
optimum NO,- oxidation at 42OC (Lebedeva chemoorganotrophic growth that is mostly
et al., 2008). Enrichments of NOB from a hot restricted to C, to C, substrates (acetate,pyru-
spring source in the Buryat Republic, Russia, vate, lactate, and glycerol). In contrast, Nitro-
were obtained that expressed optimum NO,- spina and Nitrococcus were reported initially
oxidation at 5OoC,and stable enrichments were to be obligate chemolithoautotrophs (Watson
obtained that grew reproducibly at 42,48, and and Waterbury, 1971).Whereas growth of the
55”C, respectively (Lebedeva et al., 2005). One marine isolate Nitrospira marina occurred better
of the issues found to be critical for successful under mixotrophic than chemolithoautotro-
enrichment and isolation of N. moscoviensis phic conditions (Watson et al., 1986),N. mosco-
was the need to maintain a low NO,- level viensis was reported initially to be an obligate

FIGURE 2 Electron micrographs of Nitrobacter and Nitrococcus. (A) N. winogradskyi Nb255 (image by William
Hickey). (B) Nitrobacter spp. enriched from activated sludge. (C) N. rnobilis 231 (images in panels B and C by Eva

chemolithoautotroph. Reports in the older and its associated hemes and electron carriers
literature showed that chemoorganotrophic (Yamanaka et al., 1981;Yamanaka and Fuku-
growth of Nitrobacter species was improved if mori, 1988; Bock et al., 1991). Unfortunately,
they were cultured in a combination of either the subject has been neglected in recent years,
pyruvate or acetate, a complex organic N despite the fact that much uncertainty remains
source such as peptone, yeast extract, or casa- about the details of the enzyme structure and
mino acids and in the absence of supplemental its mechanism. NXR is thought to be a meni-
NO,- and NH,+ (Smith and Hoare, 1968; brane-associated heterodimeric protein con-
Bock, 1976).Although these data provide cir- sisting of one large a subunit, NxrA (130 ma),
cumstantial evidence of Nitrobacter's ability to and one smaller p subunit, NxrB (65 kDa)
use organic N sources, it remains to be experi- (Meincke et al., 1992). It is putatively associ-
mentally proven that organic N sources can be ated with a molybdopterin cofactor (Kruger
directly assimilated. et al., 1987;Meincke et al., 1992).The method
chosen for NXR purification has influenced
both estimates of the number and size of puta-
tive polypeptides thought to be associated with
Genetic and Biochemical Structure of it and the specific types of hemes (Bock et al.,
the NO,--Oxidizing System 1991). The presence or absence of specific
Clearly, the defining property of NOB is their hemes is thought to influence whether or not
unique ability to oxidize NO,- to NO,- the NXR preparation possesses NO,--depen-
and recover the energy and reductant for dent ferricytochrome c reduction, or is only
growth. During the 1980s, several publications capable of reducing artificial electron accep-
described the purification and characteriza- tors such as ferricyanide and chlorate (Bock et
tion of the nitrite-oxidizing enzyme (NXR) al., 1991). It is equivocal which of the NXR

FIGURE 3 Electron micrographs of Nitrospina and Nitrotoga. (A) Nitrospina 347. (B) N. arctica 6678 (images by
Eva Spieck).

FIGURE 4 Electron micrographs of “Candidatus Nitrospira bockiana.” (a) Planktonic cells. (b) Planktonic cell
surrounded by EPS. (c) Microcolony surrounded in EPS. (d) Pleoniorphic niicrocolony. Bars, 0.25 pni (panels a
to c) or 0.5 pm (panel d). (Reproduced from the IntevnationalJouvnal of Systematic and Evolutionary Micvobiology
[Lebedeva et al., 20081 with permission from the Society of General Microbiology.)

subunits definitively possesses the catalytic site with &fferent bioinformatic tools.Therefore, if
of the enzyme, yet indrect evidence favors such features are actually missing from NxrA, it
NxrA since it is more similar to the catalytic a raises the possibility that another protein sub-
subunit of dissimilatory NO,- reductase than unit might be required to anchor NXR to the
is NmB. Although signal peptides were not membrane.
detected in the nxrA and nxrB genes, NmA Multiple copies of nxrA and nxrB are car-
is predicted to have transmembrane-spanning ried by the genomes of Nitrobacter, but only
domains, implying that it might anchor the one central gene cluster encodes both the
NXR complex to the cytoplasmic membrane structural proteins of NXR and putative
(Starkenburg et al., 2006). Spieck et al. (1996a, accessory proteins (Fig. 5) that include NxrC
1996b, 1998) had suggested previously that (a homolog of NarJ, which is thought to
N X R from Nitrobacter is membrane associated insert the Mo cofactor into related dissimila-
and localized on the cytoplasmic face of the tory nitrate reductases and might do the same
cell membrane. H. Daims (personal commu- for NxrA) and NxrD (NarI homolog), which
nication) noted that contradictory results were encodes a b-type cytochronie that might serve
obtained when he and his coworkers searched as an electron acceptor (or donor) to the Mo
for transmembrane-spanning domains in nxrA cofactor.

Upstream of NxrA lies a gene encoding a the a subunit of NXR of the Nitrobacter strains
cytochrome c, which might be a key electron (130 kDa) was genus specific, indicating some
carrier associated with the N X R complex variation among alpha subunits of the different
and directly involved in the oxidation and NOB genera.
reduction of NO,-. Indeed, Sundermeyer-
Klinger et al. (1984) described a membrane- Nitrite Oxidation Mechanism and
bound cytochrome c (32 kDa), which they Associated Electron Flow
speculated might be a third subunit of the NXR from N. winugradskyi was reported to
NXR. A NarK-type gene is also encoded in be an iron-sulfur molybdoenzyme containing
this gene cluster, which likely functions as a about 1 to 2 Mo atoms per molecule of NXR
nitrite and/or nitrate transporter. Effective (Yamanaka and Fukumori, 1988). A prepara-
transport of NO,- is critically important in tion of NXR originating from N. winugrad-
any model of NO,- oxidation that predicts skyi, and derived fiom a purification procedure
the following: (i) N X R is located on the that involved a detergent extraction step, con-
cytoplasmic side of the membrane; (ii) NO,- tained both heme a, and heme c and was able
accumulation might interfere with NO,- to catalyze the reduction of cytochrome cssO.
oxidation; and (iii) NO,- interferes with When isolated from heat-treated membranes,
NO,- reduction under anaerobic conditions NXR consisted of two subunits (115 kDa and
(see below a discussion of dissimilatory nitrate 65 kDa) and the enzyme fraction contained
reduction by NOB). molybdenum, iron, zinc, and copper (Meincke
Variation in the molecular organization of et al., 1992).Based upon findings from electron
the NXR operon exists among the different paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, Meincke
NOB lineages (Fig. 5).AU sequenced genomes et al. (1992) proposed that both molybdenum
contain at least one copy of nxrA and nxrB.The and iron-sulhr centers are involved in the oxi-
Nitrubacter nxr gene clusters contain a s m d open dation of nitrite to nitrate resulting in reduc-
reading frame, nxrX, located between nxrA and tion of Mo(V1) to Mo(IV), which is followed
nxrB.This gene appears to be a unique feature by reoxidation of Mo centers via Mow) as
of the Nitrubacter-encoded NXR and is not the electrons are transferred to other carriers.
found in the N.mubilis (Vanparys et al., 2006) Electrons originating from NO,- oxidation by
or “Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii” genomes NXR are postulated to be released from the
(see Chapter 12).Although nothing is known heme a, component of NXR, transferred to
about the product of nxrX, the gene shares cyt css0, and subsequently passed to cytochrome
high sequence homology with peptidyl prolyl oxidase (Fig. 6) (Yamanaka and Fukumori,
cis-trans isomerases, which suggests that nxrX 1988).Both soluble and membrane c-type cyto-
may be required for correct folhng/matura- chrome have been purified from N. winugradskyi
tion of NXR. Further sequence analysis by and shown to serve as electron donors to cyto-
Vanparys et al. (2006) inhcated that the gene chrome c oxidase (Tanaka et al., 1983;Nomoto
sequences of nxrA and nxrB of N. mubilis are et al., 1993). Cytochrome c oxidase has been
only 69% similar to those of N. winugradskyi, purified and shown to be a 67-kDa protein that
and the n w genes of Nitruspira are presumed to contains two molecules of heme a and two Cu
be even more distantly related. The outcome atoms, and it is characterized as a cytochrome
of the comparative genomic analysis of nxr aa, type (Chaudhry et al., 1980;Yamanaka et
agrees with earlier western blot immunoanal- al., 1981).Two electrons are released during the
ysis, which showed that the molecular weight oxidation of NO,- to NO,-, and the third 0
of NxrB is smaller in Nitruspira and Nitruspinu atom in NO,- is derived fiom H,O (Aleem,
(46 to 48 kDa) than in Nitrubacter and Nitru- 1965;Aleem et al., 1965).
cuccus (65 kDa) (Aamand et al., 1996; Bartosch Genome analysis of N.winugradskyi has con-
et al., 1999) and that an antibody raised against firmed the existence of the genes that encode

A. NitrobacterwinogradskyiNb-255

TDT faamly
cyt cI nvrA 1 nxrX nxrB1 nxrC nxrD narK iransporter

> F g x >p>T> BB


B. Nitrobacter hamburgensisX14

cyt c nxrAl nxrX nxBl nxrC nxrD narK

ClalE I

cyoDBC-like oxidase hypo

C. Nitrococcus rnobilis Nb-23 1

GTPase nxrAl nxBl nxrC nxrD


FIGURE 5 Organization of NXR operons of Nitrobacter and Nitrococcus species. Each arrow represents one gene.
Locus numbers are indcated within the arrows, and putative gene names are indicated above each arrow.

for both the soluble and membrane-bound membrane vesicles, it was suggested that NXR
forms of cytochrome csso (Starkenburg et al., might be located on the cytoplasmic face of
2006). Other genes putatively encoding for the cell membrane (Cobley, 1976a, 197613).
addtional c-type cytochromes were identi- Because uncouplers slowed the reduction of
fied,but further work is needed to assign func- cyt c from NO,- oxidation, the membrane
tions to them. Interestingly, a gene encoding potential was implicated in the cytochrome
for a cytochrome al was not found in the nxr reduction mechanism. In contrast, using
operon of N. winogradskyi, and heme a could reconstituted liposomes and purified NXR
not be found in an active preparation of N X R constituents, Nomoto et al. (1993) obtained
purified from i V hambutgensis (Sundermeyer- no evidence for the membrane potential being
Klinger et al., 1984).The latter enzyme prepa- required for NO,- oxidation.
ration was incapable of using ferricytochrome If the following equations accurately
c as an electron acceptor for NO,- oxidation. describe the empirical mechanism of NO,-
Clearly, consensus about the composition and oxidation,
properties of NXR from these two Nitrobacter
2 NO,- + 2 H,O + 2 NO,- + 4 H+ +
species has not been achieved!
4e- 4 H+ + 4e- + 0, + 2 H,O
NO,- Oxidation and then the oxidation of two molecules of NO,-
Energy Generation produces 4H' on the cytoplasmic side of the
Many of the details of energy generation from membrane, and concomitant conversion of
NO,- oxidation also remain uncertain, pri- one molecule 0, to 2 H,O consumes 4H'.
marily because of limited research and few If this combination of redox activities occurs
publications on the topic over the past 20 years on the same side of the cytoplasmic mem-
or so. Because NO,- was oxidized by inverted brane, it would prevent the formation of a H+

1 ' Periplasm

. e- -

cyt. c TDT family

class I
nxrA I nxrX nxrB1 nxrC nxrD narK transporter


FIGURE 6 Putative organization of NXR and associative electron transport in the cytoplasmic membrane of
a Nitrobucter sp. Many details remain unknown or uncertain. Although the quinone pool plays a key role in most
prokaryotic electron transport and transmembrane H+ translocation schemes, a complete biosynthetic pathway for
menaquionone or ubiquinone biosynthesis could not be annotated in Nitrobacter. The details of the NO,-/NO,-
transport mechanism are unknown.The stoichiometry ofproton translocation by cytochronie oxidase is unknown.
The interrelationships between the members of the electron transport scheme involved with N X R for carrying
out NO,- oxidation versus dissimilatory NO,- reduction are unknown.The specific iiiechaiiisni of association of
N X R with the cytoplasmic membrane is unknown.

gradient, However, since it is now generally in measuring H+ translocation by whole cells

accepted that 4H+ are transferred per turnover of N. winogradskyi (Wetzstein and Ferguson,
of conventional terminal cytochrome oxidase 1985). Interestingly, there is immunocyto-
(Mathews et al., 2000), this should result in chemical evidence that NXR of N. moscovi-
a net transfer of 2H+per mole of NO,- oxi- ensis is located either on the outside of the cell
dized, a H + / O of 2, and generation of 1 ATP membrane or in the periplasniic space (Spieck
per 1.5 NO,- oxidized (assuming that 3H+ et al., 1996a, 1998).This orientation of NXR
are translocated per ATP formed and that the would permit development of a conventional
H+ gradient is not dissipated during reverse proton gradient, assuming that H+ are gener-
electron flow).Attempts to show H' pumping ated on the periplasmic side of the membrane
by cytochrome c oxidase from N. w'nogradskyi and that cytochrome c oxidase consunies H'
reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles were on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane (see
unsuccessful (Sone et al., 1983; Sone, 1986), Chapter 12).
as were attempts to show H' pumping by Because the rate of NO,--dependent 0,
spheroplasts of N.winogradskyi (Hollocher et uptake is quite rapid in Nitrobacter, cytochrome
al., 1982). In contrast, others were successful c oxidase must be a major sink for cytochrome

c,,,,-derived reductant, thereby facilitating for genes representing other kinds of dwimila-
the flow of electrons from NO,- oxidation tory nitrate reductases in the genorncs of Nitro-
by keeping cytochrome cS5(, mostly oxidized, bactev (Starkenburg et al., 2006,2008c),and since
and by consuming the H' generated during N.winogradslzyi grows anaerobically on pyruvate
NO,- oxidation by NXR. Nonetheless, some with NO,- as electron acceptor (Freitag et al.,
NO,--derived reductant must flow against the 1987;Bock et al., 1988),it is assumed that NXR
thermodynamic gradent to produce NAD(P) functions as the dssimdatory nitrate reductase
H and FAD(H) to meet the needs of CO,, during anaerobic growth.
NO,-, and SO:- reduction, and for other Evidence for further reduction of NO,-
biosynthetic reactions. Reverse electron flow under anaerobic conditions is sparse.A copper-
requires energy input and should result either containing protein with NO,- reductase
in consumption of ATP and/or dssipation of activity was shown to copurify with NXR
the proton gradient, or both. Just how NOB from N.vulxaris strain Abl, and some pre-
control the disproportionation of NO,-- liminary data suggest that N O is formed as
derived reductant still remains an unsolved an end product of NO,- reduction (Ahlers et
mystery. Furthermore, it has been pointed out al., 1990).A gene cluster that encodes a puta-
that reverse electron flow from NO,- oxida- tive NirK-type nitrite reductase was found
tion accompanied by formation of NAD(P)H to be conserved in all three sequenced Nitro-
has not been experimentally demonstrated in bacter genomes (Fig. 4), and nirK gene products
NOB (Spieck and Bock, 2005).A recent model reduce NO,- to N O during denitrification
of the anaerobic NH,+-oxidzing mechanism (Berks et al., 1995; Zumft, 1997;Tavares et al.,
(anammox) of " Candidatus Kuenenia stutt- 2006). Interestingly this nirK gene cluster is
gartensis" also invokes a disproportionation of most simdar in sequence and organization to
NO,- to both NO,- and nitric oxide (NO) as homologs in the AOB, N i t m o m o n a s europaea
follows. Electrons obtained from NO,- oxida- and N eutropha (Cantera and Stein, 2007b),
tion to NO,- are speculated to fuel the reduc- which suggests a broader function in nitrifica-
tion of more NO,- to NO, which then reacts tion reactions. Assuming that NirK is actively
in a reductant-consuming manner with NH, or involved in NO,- reduction in Nitrobacter, a
NH,+ to form hydrazine (N2H4)(Strous et al., question arises about the fate of the product
2006). Perhaps this recent work on the mecha- NO.
nism of anammox wdl stimulate new efforts Although there is a report that N,O is a
to better understand disproportionate electron significant terminal product of NO,- respira-
flow from NO,- in Nitrobacter and other NOB. tion in N. vulgaris strain Abl, quantitative data
were not presented (Freitag et al., 1987).Inter-
DISSIMILATORY NO,- REDUCTION estingly, the genomes of N. winogradskyi and
It has been shown that NXR can behave as Nitvobacter NB311A lack homologs of N O R
a dissimdatory NO,- reductase, optimally (Starkenburg et al., 2008c), yet the genome of
reducing NO,- to NO,- with NADH as the N. h a m b u p x s i s possesses a N O R indcating a
electron donor under anaerobic condtions at genomic potential to reduce N O to N,O. NO-
pH 6 to 7 (Tanaka et al., 1983; Sundermeyer- dependent production of NADH in NO,--
Klinger et al., 1984; Freitag et al., 1987).This starved cells of N. winogradskyi strain Engel
property fits with the fact that nxrA and n x r B was determined by following the increase in
are homologs of n a r G H that comprise the absorbance of NADH at 340 nni in a whole-
large and small subunits of dmimdatory nitrate cell assay (Freitag and Bock, 1990). Confir-
reductase found in some denitrifying bacteria matory data were not obtained using a more
(Kirstein and Bock, 1993; Moreno-Vivian and conventional biochemical/enzymatic deter-
Ferguson, 1998). Because there is no evidence mination of NADH. NO-dependent NADH

production occurred 200 times more rapidly amounts of PHB in the nongrowing symbi-
than did NO,--dependent N O formation, otic (bacteroid) state that exists in the 0,-lim-
presumably because of lower thermodynamic ited environment of the legume root nodule.
constraints.Unfortunately,the NO-consuming The following issues remain to be resolved as
mechanism was not identified. Starkenburg et a legacy of Freitag and Bock’s work: (i) the
a1 (2008b) showed that the putative n i r K in identity and physical location of the N O pro-
N. winogradskyi was upregulated significantly duction and consumption mechanisms, (ii) the
in response to incubation under subambient details of the mechanism of NO-dependent
0, levels (110%),and upregulation was abso- NADH formation, and (iii) the impact of N O
lutely dependent upon the presence of NO,- formation and reverse electron transport on
(Cantera and Stein, 2007b). However, no evi- the H+ gradient.
dence was obtained for NO,--dependent
NO formation/accumulation. Interestingly, NITROGEN ASSIMILATION
only micromolar concentrations of N O were FOR BIOSYNTHESIS
required to completely inhibit NO,--depen- Under chemolithoautotrophic growth condi-
dent 0, uptake, which recovered completely tions, Nitrobacter is routinely grown with NO,-
and immediately after NO was consumed. as the sole source of N, which means that a
Both NO- and NO,--dependent 0, con- fraction of NO,- is reductively assimilated into
sumption were inhibited by 1 mM CN-, NH4+and then into biomass. NO,- assimila-
implying that NO consumption might occur tion is likely mediated by an NADPH-depen-
via cytochrome oxidase activity. dent nitrite reductase encoded by nirB and
Although the role of NirK and N O in n i r D and identified on the Nitrobacter genomes.
Nitrobacter is unclear, Starkenburg et al. (2008b) This raises questions about how effectively the
speculated that N O might be involved in assimilatory NO,- reductase competes with
regulating forward versus reverse electron NXR for NO,- and how the reductant that
flux under conditions of low 0, (Fig. 7). If moves by reverse electron flow against the
NirK-dependent NO formation from NO,- redox gradient is regulated and partitioned
occurred on the periplasmic side of the cyto- among the competing biosynthetic processes.
plasmic membrane, it would consume H+ and After surveying a large number of papers on
reductant. It has been calculated that if 25% NOB, we concluded that NH,+ is not added
of the electrons normally transferred to cyto- routinely to growth medium as an N source for
chrome oxidase were directed in a reverse growth, despite the fact that in actively nitrifying
direction to generate biosynthetic reductant, environments,NH,’ will be available for assirn-
the H + / O ratio would drop to 1.0, less ATP lation by NOB. Although Nitrobacter genomes
would be formed, and cell yield would decline do not contain genes encoding for assimilatory
(Poughon et al., 2001). It is possible that, under NO,- reductase, they do contain genes that
low 0,,N O inhibition of cytochrome oxidase encode for NH,+ assimilatory enzymes such as
activity facilitates electron flow from NO,- glutarnine synthetase, glutaniate synthase, and
via N O to NADH and thereby promotes the glutamate dehydrogenase. Several genes associ-
synthesis of poly-P-hydroxybutyrate (PHB), ated with the regulation of NH,+ assidation
which is known to occur in other bacteria are present in the Nitrobacter genome, includmg
under 0,-limited, nongrowth conditions. ntrB (NRII) and n t r C (NRl), the uridylyl
TEMs of Nitrobacter grown under 0,-limited transferase and removing enzyme (GlnD), PI1
conditions clearly show that the cells accumu- protein (GlnB), and the GS adenylylation (and
late PHB to high levels (Freitag et al., 1987). deadenylylation) enzyme (GlnE). Interestingly,
Indeed, Nitrobacter‘s close relative, Bradyrhizo- there is a copy of a gene encoding for a PII-type
bium, is also well known for accumulating large of regulatory protein adjacent to RuBisCO



A. HighO, B. LowO,

FIGURE 7 Model of NirK function and NO metabolism in N. winugrudskyi. (A) In the presence of O,, most
electrons are thought to be directed toward respiration. (B) Under low-oxygen conditions, NirK expression
increases,promoting the potential for NO,--dependent N O production and favoring electron flux toward reductant
generation. Excess reductant would be consumed via nitrite reduction and PHB synthesis to maintain a balanced
redox state. Cyt, cytochrome oxidase; NirK, nitrite reductase; I, NADH dehydrogenase (Coniplex I). (Reproduced
from Environmental MicroDiolo~y[Starkenburg et al., 2008bl and the Society for Applied Microbiology/Blackwell
Publishing with permission.)

(Fig. 7B). To our knowledge, the only other the complex N sources were contaminated
known example of this is found in the chemo- with sufficient NH,+ to support growth. Fur-
lithotrophic bacterium Thiobacillus denitrEficans thermore, in the instances where chemoor-
ATCC 25259. Although the role of the PII- ganotrophic growth was reported to be faster
like gene is unknown in Nitrobacter, its pres- than lithoautotrophic growth, we must assume
ence adjacent to both of the RuBisCO operons that organic N assimilation is energy efficient
could indcate coordmated regulation of N and (Bock et al., 1983, 1990). Studies are needed
C metabolism. Indeed, there is precedent for to determine whether the expression of genes
extended roles of PII-like proteins in regulation associated with organic N transport facilitates
of ammonia transport in Azospirillurn brasiliense, transport of organic N sources into the cell.
high-affinity CO, transport in Synechococcus, and
in a RuBisCO mutant of Rhodobacter sphaeroides,
where glnB expression is no longer repressed by
NH,'(Arcondeguy et al., 2001).
Genes encoding for the transport of Autotrophy and Carboxysomes
branched and polar amino acids and peptides All cultured NOB have autotrophic growth
were identified in the genome of N. wino- potential, with many being obligate autotrophs
gradskyi (Starkenburg et al., 2006). As men- using CO, as their only source of carbon.
tioned previously, it has been common to use Although CO, fixation is mehated by a Type
complex organic N sources such as casamino 1 ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-
acids, peptone, and yeast extract for chemo- oxygenase in many NOB (Bock et al., 1986;
organotrophic growth of Nitrobacter (Smith Harris et al., 1988), recent genomic evidence
and Hoare, 1968;Bock, 1976; Steinmuller and has suggested the possibility of a different
Bock, 1976). Since mineral sources of N were mechanism of CO, fixation by " Candidatus
not added to the medium, we must conclude Nitrospira defluvii" and is described by Daims
that Nitrobacter assimilates organic N, unless et al. (see Chapter 12).

Two copies of cbbL and cbbS, encoding the RuBisCO activity (Long et al., 2007; Cot et
large and small subunits of RuBisCO, respec- al., 2008;Yeates et al., 2008). Long et al. (2007)
tively, were identified in the genome of N. showed that cyanobacteria form a complex of
winogradskyi Nb255 as well as a complement RuBisCo with a specific carboxysome shell
of enzymes capable of carrying out the reac- protein (Ccmh4) and with carbonic anhydrase
tions of the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle. It (CCaA) (Fig. 8A).
is of interest that the two RuBisCO copies Worthy of mention, all three Nitrobacter
are not paralogs; one copy is similar to the genomes contained homologs of molybdop-
genes found in the Alphaproteobacteria rela- terin-containing carbon monoxide dehy-
tives B. japonicum and R. palustris, whereas drogenase (Mo-CODH) (Starkenburg et al.,
the other RuBisCO genes are most similar 2008c).These genes are most similar and syn-
to those found in Thiobacillus and the AOB, tenous to Mo-CODH genes in B. japonicum
Nitrosomonas and Nitrosospira. In the latter cases, USDA 110 and R. palustris CGA009 genomes.
the RuBisCO genes are associated with car- B. japonicum USDA 110 is capable of aerobic
boxysome genes (Fig. 8B) and organized in a growth on C O as a sole carbon and energy
manner almost identical to that found in the source (Lorite et al., 2000) and can oxidize
Gammaproteobacteria, Acidithiobacillus ferrooxi- CO at the expense of nitrate reduction, but
d a m , and 7:denitrfficans. without growth, under anaerobic conditions
An important question to ask is whether (King, 2006).
or not there is differential control of the two Although consumption and growth on C O
forms of RuBisCO and carboxysome struc- by commonly studied species of Nitrobacter
tural genes in NOB. In this context, it is well have not been reported, the fact that the N
documented that the ratio of soluble-to-par- hambuTensis genome contains more complete
ticulate RuBisCO activities varies with both copies of Mo-CODH-like genes than it does
CO, availability and culture age. As noted in of NXR suggests that these proteins are (or
a previous section, Nitrobacter and Nitrococcus were) physiologically important in the lifestyle
strains produce carboxysomes and contain both of Nitrobacter.
soluble and particulate (i.e., carboxysome-asso-
ciated) forms of RuBisCO activity (Shively et Organic Carbon Metabolism
al., 1977; Watson et al., 1989), whereas TEMs It has been recognized for many years that
of Nitrospira, Nitrospina, and Nitrotoga strains Nitrobacter species show potential for chemo-
do not reveal carboxysomes, and, in a few organotrophic growth and that the substrate
test cases, they have been shown to only pos- range is restricted to acetate and a few C, mol-
sess soluble CO,-fixing activity (Watson and ecules (pyruvate, glycerol, ])-lactate). Neither
Waterbury, 1971;Watson et al., 1986;Alawi et phosphofructokinase nor phosphogluconate
al., 2007). dehydratase was identified in the genome of N.
Although some of the earliest pioneering winogradskyi, thereby preventing sugar catabo-
work on carboxysomes was performed on lism by either the Embden-Myerhof or the
Nitrobacter (Peters, 1974; Shively et al., 1977; Entner-Doudoroff pathway, respectively. Fur-
Biedermann and Westphal, 1979), most thermore, the N. winogradskyi genome lacks
research on these structures over the past 25 genes that encode for sugar transporters. The
years has involved cyanobacteria or Thiobacillus reason for the inability of N. hambu%ensis to
spp. (Codd, 1988;Yeates et al., 2008). Recent grow on hexoses remains unclear, however,
data indicate that both RuBisCO and carbonic given that a complete Enibden-Meyerhof
anhydrase (CA) are located in carboxysomes, pathway was annotated and that a gene cluster
with the outer shell impedmg diffusion of with homology to an ABC-type general sugar
CO, out of the carboxysome and CA-concen- transporter was also identified (Starkenburg et
trating CO, in the carboxysome to maximize al., 2 0 0 8 ~ )Growth
. on C, and C, compounds

A.Carboxysome Shell Protein Structure and Function Pore through CsoSl hexamers

", $.
I '


CsoSl pos tively


2 PGA [PGA + phosphoglycolat@]

B. RuBisCO and Carboxysonie Gene Arrangement in N. winogradskyi

"PII" chbLS csa2 c.so3

~ ~ , " , , ~ l >I 1985 1984


FIGURE 8 (A) Carboxysome shell protein structure and function. (B) RuBisCO and carboxysome gene
arrangement in N. winogradskyi. CsoSl forms hexamers that pack into a two-dimensional molecular layer. CsoS4
forms the vertices of the shell. Electrostatic pores (positively charged) through CsoSl may function to transport
bicarbonate (negatively charged) into and out of the carboxysome.Within the CsoSl/CsoS4 protein shell, the
carboxysome encapsulates the C0,-fixing enzymes, ribulose-l,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO;
CbbLS) and carbonic anhydrase ( C A CsoSS),to enhance the efficiency of CO, fixation and the formation of two
molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate (PGA). The function of CsoS2 is unknown. (Assembled from images provided
by ToddYeates.)

by Nitrobacter implies possession of glyoxylate autotrophically and mixotrophically grown

bypass and other anapleurotic carboxylating cells, whereas no CN--binding effect was
enzymes. The glyoxylate pathway genes were detected in the spectrum of chemoorgano-
annotated, and several genes encoding for trophically cells. In contrast, a CO difference
enzymes that facilitate metabolism of pyruvate, spectrum revealed additional peaks in che-
acetate, and glycerol were identified. moorganotrophic cells, which was interpreted
There is evidence for adaptation of Nitro- to mean that an additional cytochrome 6 was
bacter to chemoorganotrophic growth condi- produced during chemoorganotrophic growth
tions. Using difference spectrophotometric in a defined medium containing acetate and
techniques, Kirstein et al. (1986) concluded NH,+ as sole C and N sources, respectively.
that two different b-type cytochromes were Because a-type cytochromes were undetected
produced during lithoautotrophic and che- in chenioorganotrophically grown cells, the
moorganotrophic growth conditions, respec- authors speculated that the CO-binding b-type
tively. Difference spectra of CN- treated cells cytochrome might function as a cytochrome o
detected one version of cytochrome 6 in litho- oxidase.

Presumably, the absence of any a-type than chemolithoautotrophically (Bock et al.,

cytochromes would also fit with the fact 1983, 1990). Nevertheless, compared to bona
that NXR is repressed under chemoorgano- fide organotrophs, the growth rates of Nitro-
trophic growth conditions (Steinmuller and bacter on organic carbon are very slow, and the
Bock, 1977). The relative abundance of heme growth yields of mixotrophic cultures of Nitro-
b:heme c was determined to vary with com- bacter are only modestly higher than lithoau-
position of the chemoorganotrophic growth totrophically grown cells (Starkenburg et al.,
medium (Kirstein et al., 1986). For example, 2008a).
during growth on pyruvate and yeast extract, The genomes of Nitrobacter contain all of
the ratio of heme b:heme c was 0.5:1, whereas the genes required for complexes I to IV of a
during growth on acetate and NH,+ the b:c respiratory electron transport chain, suggesting
ratio was much higher with the cytochrome they have the theoretical potential to oxidize
c550 absorption peak being virtually absent. NAD(P)H through a complete electron trans-
Starkenburg et al. (2008~)found four copies port chain to 0 , . In this context, Starkenburg et
of genes e n c o l n g b-type cytochromes on the al. (2008b) showed that wlactate-grown cells of
chromosome of N hambuqensis and one copy N. harnbuqensis metabolized 1)-lactate at a faster
of a cytochrome bd ubiquinol oxidase located rate than lithoautotrophically grown cells and
on a plasmid. Conventional models of bacte- that the rate of lactate-dependent 0, uptake in
rial respiration place b-type cytochromes in 11-lactate-grown cells was higher than the rate
respiratory complex 111, which functions at a measured in lithoautotrophically grown cells.
redox potential similar to that of NO,- oxi- Although these data prove that processing of
dation. Furthermore, in a conventional deni- 11-lactate is enhanced during chernoorgano-
trification pathway, low- and high-potential trophic growth, the overall rate of 1,-lactate
b-type hemes are located on opposite sides of consumption was still barely sufficient to sup-
the cytoplasmic membrane to facilitate trans- port the sum of the rate of lactate-dependent
membrane electron transfer (Moreno-Vivian 0, uptake and the rate of lactate-C assimila-
et al., 1999).The possible multiplicity of roles tion. In the former study, the generation time
of b-type cytochromes in gating electrons pro- of N. hambuyensis X14 grown chenioorgano-
duced via NO,- or organic C oxidation, and trophically was 48 h after a 4-day lag period
used for either 0, or NO,- reduction and for (Starkenburg et al., 2008a). This slow growth
reverse electron flow to NAD(P)H, is worthy rate on wlactate could be due to (i) rate-lim-
of further biochemical and molecular studies. iting transport of lactate into thc cell, (ii) low
specific activity of i)-lactate dehydrogenase for
Effects of Mixed Carbon and wlactate and/or that wlactate is a secondary
Energy Sources less favored substrate for another enzyme (e.g.,
Despite the ability to utilize and adapt to some p hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase, glycolate
organic carbon sources, several questions still oxidase), or (iii) a rate-limiting step in the
remain regarding what controls the rate of upper electron transport system slows the oxi-
chemoorganotrophic versus lithoautotrophic dation of NADH or FADH relative to the oxi-
growth in N O B and how Nitrobacter utilizes, dation of NO,-. A lactate transporter was not
regulates, and responds to different carbon and identified in any Nitrobacter genome (Starken-
energy sources. Some reports have indicated burg et al., 2006,2008c), and no evidence was
that chemoorganotrophic growth of Nitrobacter found of a regulatory gene upstream of the
was much slower than chemolithoautotrophic putative 1,-lactate dehydrogenase.
growth (Smith and Hoare, 1968; Bock, 1976; Despite the physiological adaptations to
Starkenburg et al., 2008a), whereas others have organic carbon observed by several investiga-
shown that N.hambuqensis X14 and N vukaris tors, in general, the results collectively point to
strain Z grow faster chemoorganotrophically a preference of Nitrobacter toward a lithoauto-

trophic 1ifestyle.A~indicated above, organotro- tant in the NOB.As an aside, there is a putative
phic growth rates in N. winogradskyi are slower link between PHB catabolism and the work of
than lithoautotrophic growth rates, and when Starkenburg et al. (2008a),who showed that N.
CO, was stripped from cultures of either N. hambuyensis would grow on 11-lactate but not
winogradskyi or N. hamburgensis containing both L-lactate (Starkenburg et al., 2008a).Although
organic carbon and NO,- , growth was not this work was prompted by the presence of
observed or was suppressed until the NO,- genes in the N hambuvensis chromosome that
was consumed. It has been reported on several were annotated to encode for enzymes with
occasions that atmospheric levels of CO, are the ability to oxidize ])-lactate, a protein was
minimally required for optimal organotrophic purified from R. palustris that was 50% as active
growth of Nitrobacter (Delwiche and Feinstein, in oxidizing i)-P-hydroxybutyrate as 11-lactate
1965; Ida and Alexander, 1965; Starkenburg et (Horiluri et al., 2004). Further work is needed
al., 2008a).Additionally,in N. hamburgensis,lac- to determine whether r)-P-hydroxybutyrate
tate consumption was shown to be suppressed, CoA dehydrogenase and the PHB-degrading
and CO, fixation continued to occur when- pathway are inadvertently involved in catabo-
ever NO,- was present (Starkenburg et al., lism and growth of N. hamburgensis on 11-lactate.
2008a).At best, organic C metabolism appears
to be a supplemental system for growth under NOB BEHAVIOR IN
lithoautotrophic conditions. In one report, COCULTURE WITH AOB
NO,- stiniulated acetate assimilation by both It has often been observed that the properties
lithoautotrophically and chemoorganotrophi- of nitrification measured in the soil environ-
cally grown cells of N. winogradskyi (Smith and ment, in particular, are often quite different
Hoare, 1968) and in another, NO,-, reduced from those measured in pure cultures ofAOB
the rate of lactate consumption in mixotrophic and NOB (Prosser, 1989; Stark and Firestone,
and organotrophically grown cells (Starken- 1996; De Boer and Kowalchuk, 2001; Booth
burg et al., 2008a). et al., 2005). While this might be due to dif-
To summarize, the data suggest that at least ferent physiologies of archaeal and heterotro-
some strains of Nitrobacter can utilize organic C phic ammonia oxidizers relative to AOB, it
for growth when it is the sole source of energy, remains a possibility that AOB-NOB associa-
yet if NO,- is present, Nitrobacter's heterotro- tions might express different nitrifying proper-
phic potential is hampered by an inefficient ties than they do when grown independently
mechanism to suppress NO,- consumption in pure culture. In this context, the following
and CO, fixation. examples are worthy of discussion.

Carbon Storage Compounds Nitrite Metabolism

As mentioned previously, TEMs indicate that Recent studies indicate that the nitrite reduc-
Nitrobacter accumulates large amounts of PHB tase (nirK) of AOB is upregulated in response
when grown chemoorganotrophically with to increasing NO,- concentration and
NO,- under low 0, condtions (Freitag et decreasing pH (Beaumont et al., 2004; Beau-
al., 1987). PHB synthesis and storage has been mont et al., 2005).The growth yields of nirK
studied extensively in Nitrobacter's close relative and norB mutants of N. europaea were lower
Bradyrhizobiurn, where it has been suggested than wild type, suggesting that NO,- accumu-
that the availability of NH,+ is critical for pro- lation might interfere with efficient oxidation
moting C assimilation into amino acids and N of hydroxylamine, which subsequently under-
limitation directs reduced C into PHB syn- goes chemical autooxidation (Schmidt et al.,
thesis (Trainer and Charles, 2006).The relative 2004).At low 0,,up to 17% of NH, oxidized
availabilities of reduced and oxidized inorganic by N. europaea ended up in products other than
N might play a role in the allocation of reduc- NO,- and N,O (Cantera and Stein, 2007a). In

most natural oxic environments, NOB effec- Kirstein et al. (1986) postulated that N. hambur-
tively remove NO,-, and AOB do not nor- gensis expressed a different cytochrome oxidase
mally need to deal with the consequences of under chemoorganotrophic growth condi-
NO,- accumulation. On the other hand, some tions. However, NOB also possess nirK, and N
Nitrospira are very sensitive to NO,- levels, hambuyensis possesses norB, indicating that it
which might be due to the lack of effective might adapt to coculture under low 0, by car-
NO,- protection. Perhaps Nitrospira spp. rely rying out a more complete denitrification of
on being some critical distance away from any NO,- to N,O and prevent N O accumulation.
NO,- source, or only thrive in close contact To what extent the physiological activities of
with AOB under NH,'-limited conditions AOB and NOB change in response to cocul-
when NO,- production is limited and Nitro- ture in biofilms or aggregates, and particularly
spira can handle the flux. under low-0, and low-pH conditions, awaits
further detailed study.
pH Tolerance
As mentioned elsewhere, it is common for
nitrification to occur in low-pH environ-
In contrast to AOB, the metabolism and
ments where cultivated nitrifiers cannot func-
biochemistry of NOB have been seriously
tion. Gieseke et al. (2006) obtained evidence
neglected for almost 20 years and studied by
for nitrification occurring in biofilms at pH 4
a mere handful of dedicated research groups.
and concluded that the nitrifiers had adapted
Our knowledge about some of the most fun-
to low pH rather than avoiding it. This work
damental biochemical properties of the NOB
complimented the older studies where aggre-
remains incomplete and is often still controver-
gated cells were able to nitrify at low pH and
sial (mechanism of reverse electron transport,
single dispersed cells were not (De Boer et al.,
mechanism of NADH generation, mechanism
1991). Furthermore, it has been shown that
ofATP generation, control of NO,--oxidizing
NXR is optimally active as a NO,- oxidore-
versus NO,--reducing properties of NXR,
ductase at pH 8, whereas its activity as a NO,-
and the role of N O in reductant generation,
reductase increases as pH is lowered to pH
to name but a few).The reasons for the limited
6 to 7 (Tanaka et al., 1983). Given the com-
substrate range that supports chemoorganotro-
bined sensitivity of NO,- and NO,- trans-
phic growth, as well as for the growth varia-
formations to pH, it does raise the possibility
tions of NOB under chemoorganotrophic
that AOB/NOB aggregations might modify
conditions remain unknown.
their functions to better tolerate acidic con-
The genome analysis of Nitrobacter has pro-
ditions known to deleteriously affect them as
vided some new and confirmatory insights into
the biology of this genus.The picture that has
emerged over the past 10 years regarding the
0, Concentration
wide phylogenetic distribution of the NOB
It has been documented that N. europaea has
across many different environments leads us to
a lower K, for 0, than N. winogradskyi, which
predct that other NOB (and possibly NO,--
was shown by the accumulation of NO,- in
oxidizing archaea) with different growth prop-
cocultures at low 0, (Laanbroek and Gerards,
erties and niches await discovery. The insights
1993).There is evidence that N. hambuyensis
gained from the genomic analyses of Nitrobacter
can adapt to low 0, in a coculture with N.
and Nitrospira suggest that the mechanistic
europaea by lowering its K, for 0, (Laanbroek
details of NO,- oxidation and CO, fixation
et al., 1994). Indeed, as mentioned previously,
might dffer among the NOB.
genes encoding respiratory terminal oxidases
Through a comparative analysis of Nitro-
are more abundant in N. hambutgensis than in
bacter genomes with the close non-NO,--
N. winogrudskyi (Starkenburg et al., 2008c), and

oxidizing alphaproteobacterial relatives B. teria with monoclonal antibodies recognizing the

japonicum and R. palustris, the genetic basis of nitrite oxidoreductase. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.
65 ~4126-4133.
NO,- oxidation is beginning to take shape. Bartosch, S., C. Hartwig, E. Spieck, and E. Bock.
Further cross-lineage comparisons of all NOB 2002. Immunological detection of Nitrospira-like
genomes will expand our understanding of the bacteria in various soils. Micro6. Ecol. 43:26-33.
metabolic commonalities and variations that Beaumont, H. J-, S. I. Lens, W. N. Reijnders, H.
support life via oxidation of NO,-. V. Westerhoff, and R. J. van Spanning. 2004.
Expression of nitrite reductase in Nitrosomonas euro-
paea involves NsrR, a novel nitrite-sensitive tran-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS scription repressor. Mol. Microbiol. 54:148-158.
We are indebted to colleaguesToddYeates andWilliam Beaumont, H. J., S. I. Lens, H.V. Westerhoff, and
Hickey for providing illustrations and figures for the R. J. van Spanning. 2005. Novel nirK cluster
chapter.We express our sincere appreciation to Holger genes in Nitrosomonas europaea are required for
Daims for a constructive appraisal of our chapter and NirK-dependent tolerance to nitrite. J. Bacterial.
for drawing our attention to insights gained from his 187~6849-6851.
extensive experiences with NOB, and to the com- Berks, B. C., S. J. Ferguson, J. W. Moir, and D. J.
ments ofan anonymous reviewer.We thank the editors Richardson. 1995. Enzymes and associated elec-
for accurate editing of our chapter. tron transport systems that catalyse the respiratory
For our own research contributions to this subject reduction of nitrogen oxides and oxyanions. Bio-
(S.R.S. and PJ.B.), we acknowledge financial support chim. Biophys. Acta. 1232:97-173.
from the U.S. National Science Foundation, the U.S. Biedermann, M., and K.Westphal.1979.Chenlical
Department of Energy, and the Oregon Agricultural composition and stability of N b l -particles from
Experiment Station. E.S. acknowledges financial sup- Nitrobacter agilis. Arch. Microbiol. 121:187-191.
port from the German Research Foundation and the Bock, E. 1976. Growth of Nitrobactcr in the presence
Federal Ministry of Education and Research. of organic matter. 11. Cliemoorgaiiotrophic growth
of Nitrobacter agilis. Arch. Microbiol. 108:305-312.
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Holger Dairns, Sebastian Lucker, Denis Le Pasliev,
and Michael Wugner

INTRODUCTION NOB is paralleled by a considerable phyloge-
Nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) catalyze netic diversity within this functional group,
the oxidation of nitrite to nitrate, which is whose known representatives belong to five
the second step of nitrification and a key pro- genera from two different phyla of the bacte-
cess of the biogeochemical nitrogen cycle. rial domain.That said, it appears surprising that
As nitrite is usually scarce in natural habitats, their ubiquity and the extent of their diversity
the activity of NOB is tightly linked to that were unknown until recently. After the dis-
of ammonia oxilzers that convert ammonia covery of the first described nitrite oxidizer
to nitrite, thus supplying the NOB with their by Sergej Winogradsky more than a century
substrate. In absence of NOB, nitrite would ago (Winogradsky, 1892),the methods used to
accumulate and finally reach concentrations enrich, isolate, and characterize NOB did not
toxic for other microbes and eukaryotes in the significantly change for many decades. These
environment.The product of nitrite oxidation, techniques, which were based on the cultiva-
nitrate, not only is a main nitrogen source for tion of NOB in the laboratory, led to the dis-
other microorganisms and for plants but also covery of the type strains of all presently known
serves as electron acceptor in microbial nitrate NOB genera. Without any doubt, this was a
respiration under oxygen-limited conditions. great achievement in view of the difficulties
The ecological key role of NOB implies that to enrich and purify the slowly growing NOB
these bacteria are widely distributed in nature and to maintain their cultures in the labora-
and have adapted to a great variety of envi- tory. However, the success of these approaches
ronmental conditions. They inhabit not only was limited to those representatives that grew
all lunds of moderate aquatic and terrestrial in the artificial media and under the applied
ecosystems but also live in extreme settings incubation conditions. Soon after cultivation-
like permafrost soils (Alawi et al., 2007) and independent molecular methods to identi@
geothermal springs (Lebedeva et al., 2005). and characterize bacteria had become available,
This impressive ecophysiological versatility of the dwersity and environmental distribution
of yet uncultured members of the respective
Holger Daims, Sehastian Liicker, and Michael Wagner, Depart- NOB genera were discovered. In particular,
ment of Microbial Ecology, University of Vienna, 1090
Vienna, Austria. Denis L.e Pas'aslier, CEA/Genoscope, CNRS within the genera Nitrobacter and Nitrospira, the
UMR8030, Evry, France. molecular tools revealed a great diversity of
Nitr{ficotion,Editcd by Ikss U.Ward, Dmiel J. Arp, and Martin G. Klotz
0 2011 ASM Prcsn,Washington,1)C


previously overlooked environmental strains. The first part of this chapter provides an
Today, the respective advantages of cultivation- overview of the phylogenetic diversity and dis-
based and molecular methods are combined to tribution of NOB in the environment and in
study novel NOB, for example,by adapting the engineered systems. Special emphasis is put on
cultivation strategies to conditions prevalent in yet uncultured NOB, which have turned out
habitats where yet uncultured NOB have been to be the most widely distributed and abundant
detected. This integrative approach has already nitrite oxidizers known to date. Subsequently,
led to the description of new candidate NOB we focus on the ecophysiology and ecological
species (Spieck et al., 2006;Alawi et al., 2007), niche differentiation of the genera Nitrobucter
and it has paved the way to a detailed char- and Nitrospira. These lineages not only repre-
acterization of such NOB by genome recon- sent the most versatile groups of NOB but also
struction from nitrite-oxidizing enrichments. are of major importance as model organisms
In addition to the roles NOB play in natural for nitrification research (Nitrobucter) and as key
ecosystems, these bacteria are of high impor- nitrifiers in biological wastewater treatment
tance in biotechnology. Nitrification is a key (Nitrospiru).Due to difficulties to culture Nitro-
process for nitrogen removal from sewage in spiru in the laboratory, still very little is known
biological wastewater treatment. Without about these NOB, although they seem to be
functional nitrification in wastewater treatment essential for nitrogen cycling in most ecosys-
plants, natural ecosystems would be flooded tems. The third part of this chapter addresses
with ammonia from household sewage and most recent insights into the biology of Nitro-
industrial waste. Soon this would lead to exces- spira, which are based on the first sequenced
sive eutrophication of lakes and rivers, and this genome from this genus.
effect, together with the toxicity of ammonia
and nitrite, would cause a dramatic decline of DIVERSITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL
aquatic organisms. Thus, it is safe to say that DISTRIBUTION OF NOB
the activity of nitrifiers (including NOB) in NOB are phylogenetically a relatively het-
wastewater treatment plants is critical for erogeneous functional group. To date, five
maintaining environmental health, especially genera of aerobic chemolithoautotrophic
in times of an increasing human population NOB have been described: Nitvobacter, Nitro-
and growing urban areas in many regions of coccus, Nitrospina, Nitvospira, and the candi-
the world. Unfortunately, nitrite oxidation in date genus “Nitrotoga.” Recently, Griffin et
sewage treatment plants is prone to failure due al. (2007) enriched photoautotrophic NOB
to the slow growth of NOB and their sensi- from freshwater sediments and from sewage.
tivity to disturbances such as a changing waste- These enrichments were able to use nitrite
water composition. This applies especially to as electron donor for anoxygenic photosyn-
industrial systems but also to small municipal thesis and stoichiometrically oxidized nitrite
wastewater treatment plants like those built in to nitrate during this light-dependent process.
rural areas and developing countries. However, One phototrophic NOB, a gammaproteo-
NOB are not always beneficial. Nitrification bacterium designated as “strain KS,” was then
causes nitrogen losses from agricultural soils, purified from activated sludge. The source of
because nitrate is leached out of the upper soil this strain is somewhat intriguing, because
layers more quickly than ammonia. A com- microbes are hardly exposed to light in the
prehensive biological understandmg of NOB usually very turbid activated sludge suspen-
will be important to improve the functional sions in wastewater treatment plants.To which
stability of wastewater treatment systems and extent this newly discovered metabolism con-
to reduce detrimental effects of nitrification in tributes to nitrite turnover in sewage and in
agriculture. other ecosystems awaits clarification in future

research. Here we focus mainly on the “clas- nitrite oxidizers is based on work done with
sical” groups of nitrite oxidizers, because, at Nitrobacter pure cultures.
present, much more is known about the dis- At present, the genus Nifrobacter contains
tribution and ecological impact of these NOB. four validly described species. N. winopadskyi
Most known genera of NOB belong to one (Winslow et al., 1917; Watson, 1971) and N.
of the major lineages in the phylum Proteobac- h a m b u p z s i s (Bock et al., 1983) were originally
teria. The genus Nitrobactev is a member of the isolated from soils, N. alkalicus (Sorokin et al.,
Alphaproteobacteria (Woese et al., 1984; Stack- 1998) from highly alkaline Siberian soda lake
ebrandt et al., 1988), Nitrococcus is a member of sediments and soda soil, and N. vulgaris (Bock
the Garnrnaproteobuctevia (Teske et al., 1994),and et al., 1990) from various habitats including
candidate genus “Nitrotoga” is a member of the soil, freshwater and brackish water, and sewage.
Betaproteobacteria (Alawi et al., 2007).The anoxy- An addtional species designation,“Nitrobacter
genic phototrophic strain KS is closely related to agilis” (Nelson, 1931), is now considered
the gammaproteobacterial purple sulfUr bacte- invalid due to insufficient phenotypic differ-
rium Thiocapsa roseopersicina (Griffin et al., 2007). ence between the type strains of N. agilis and
The genus Nitroqina was provisionally assigned N. winogvadskyi (e.g., Pan, 1971;Watson, 1971).
to the Deltaproteobacteria (Teske et al., 1994), The variety of sources for Nitrobacter isolates
but analyses using larger 16s rRNA sequence points out that this genus is widely distributed
databases suggested that Nitrospina more likely and that the different representatives must be
belongs to a separate bacterial phylum (e.g., adapted to a broad range of environmental
Schloss and Handelsman, 2004). Finally, the conhtions. Nitvobacter were isolated from sam-
genus Nitrospira is a major lineage of the distinct ples as unusual as the weathering crust of ultra-
bacterial phylum Nitvospirae (Ehrich et al., 1995) basic rocks (Lebedeva et al., 1978),and they are
and thus not closely related to the proteobacte- thought to be involved in the biodeterioration
rial NOB.This phylum also includes the two of natural building stone that can be deeply
genera Leptospirillum (aerobic chemolithoauto- colonized by nitrift-ing bacteria (Mansch and
trophic iron oxihzers) and Themodesulfovibrio Bock, 1998). Although acidic environments
(anaerobic sulfate reducers) (Ehrich et al., 1995) are generally regarded as being unfavorable to
and, in addtion, the magnetotactic organism nitrifiers, two Nitrobacter isolates were obtained
“Candidatus Magnetobacterium bavaricum” from a forest soil with a pH between 4.3 and
(Spring et al., 1993).Figure 1 shows the phylo- 5.2 (Hankinson and Schmidt, 1988). Further-
genetic positions of the main lineages of NOB more, the known Nitrobacter species show dif-
and their affiations to related ammonia-oxi- ferent growth characteristics in presence of
dizing or non-nitrifjing organisms. organic matter (e.g., Steinmiiller and Bock,
1976). This high ecological flexibility is in
The Genus Nitrobacter sharp contrast to the apparently low phylo-
Traditionally, members of the genus Nitrobacter genetic diversity within the genus Nitrobacter,
have served as model organisms for studying which is observed when small-subunit ribo-
the physiology of nitrite oxidizers. Nitrobactev somal RNA sequences are used as phylogenetic
are easier to culture than the other known markers, In trees based on 16s rRNA gene
NOB, and growing sufficient biomass is no sequences, the isolated Nitrobacter strains cluster
major obstacle in physiological and biochem- very closely together, because they share high
ical studies. Recently, the genomes of three 16s rRNA sequence similarities above 99%
cultured Nitrobacter species have been fully (Orso et al., 1994) (Fig. 1).Nitrobacter also show
sequenced, and detailed comparative genome high 16s rRNA similarities to their closest
analyses have been performed (Starkenburg non-nitrifjing relatives, Rhodopseudomonas
et al., 2006,2008) (see also Chapter 11).Thus, palustris and Bradyrhizobium japonicum (See-
most current knowledge on the biology of waldt et al., 1982; Orso et al., 1994),suggesting

Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii, 04059545

, 6 -Proteobacferia
Nitrospira moscoviensis, X82558

Condidatus Nitrospira bockiana, EU084879

Nitrospira marina Nb-295, X82559

Leptospiriilumferriphilum, AF356829
1, '.;
Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, AF 192153

Candidatus Magnetobacterium bavaricum, X71838 __ '\ \

Chromatium okenii, AJ223234

Nitrosococcus ocean;, AF363287

Escherichia coli, X80725

Rhodopseudomonas palustris, D25312-7

Bradyrhizobiumjaponicum, X87272 Burkhoideria cepada, U96927

a -Proteobacteria

Nitrobacter winogradskyi Nb-255,CPOOOll5

Nitrobacter alkalicus, AF069956

Nitrobacter hamburgensis X14,CP000319

FIGURE 1 Phylogenetic tree, based on 16s rRNA gene sequences, showing the phylogenetic affiliations of the currently known NOB to selected ammonia-
oxidizing and nonnitrifying bacteria. Names of nitrite oxidizers are printed bold. Database accession numbers are indicated for all 16s r R N A gene sequences. Arcs
delimit bacterial phyla.The inset shows the phylogeny within the genus Nitrobacter, which is condensed to a single branch in the large tree.The stippled line at the
Nitrospina branch indicates the uncertain phylogenetic affiliation of this genus.The tree topology was determined by maximum likelihood analysis of the sequences
and by using a 50% sequence conservation filter for the Bacteria.The scale bars indicate 0.1 (large tree) or 0.01 (inset) estimated change per nucleotide.

that the genus Nitrobacter and its capability to netic studies of the PCR-amplified, sequenced,
oxidize nitrite evolved only recently (Orso and concatenated IGS and partial rRNA genes
et al., 1994).Therefore, it is often difficult to yielded high-resolution trees that clearly dis-
decide whether environmentally retrieved 16s tinguished the analyzed Nitrobacter reference
rRNA sequences with sequence similarity to strains from each other and from B. japonicum
Nitrobacter represent novel members of this and R. palustris. When this method was applied
genus or non-nitrite-oxidizing relatives (Orso to soil samples,the diversity (in terms of restric-
et al., 1994; Freitag et al., 2005). Furthermore, tion patterns) of Nitrobacter isolated from small
the 16s rRNA is too conserved to unambigu- soil clumps was found to be as large as the
ously resolve evolutionary lineages within the lvversity of the reference strains, which had
genus Nitrobacter. been isolated in different geographical areas
Several strategies have been followed to (Grundmann and Normand, 2000). Further-
overcome this limitation. Navarro et al. (1992a) more, identical restriction patterns were found
used a combined approach, which included only among Nitrobacter isolated from the same
DNA-DNA hybridization, quantification soil clump, but not on a larger scale. A high
of the genomic GC content, and analysis of microdiversity of soil Nitrobacter was also sup-
rRNA gene restriction patterns, to examine ported by serotyping with fluorescently labeled
the genetic diversity of 22 cultured Nitro- antibodies raised against Nitrobacter reference
bacter strains. Based on the obtained data, they strains.Several different serotypes were detected
grouped the analyzed strains in three “genomic in the same small pieces of soil (Grundmann
species”: N. uinogradskyi, N: hambuyensis, and and Normand, 2000), but one should consider
one unnamed group.The N. winopadskyi group that serotyping, which has long been used to
was further split into three distinct “subspecies,” differentiate Nitrobacter isolates (Fliermans et al.,
one of them representing the reference strain 1974;Stanley and Schmidt, 1981),discriminates
of N. agilis. N. vulgaris was not analyzed in this phenotypic rather than genetic features. Alto-
study. These results, which have gained addi- gether, these results suggest that a significant
tional support from a more recent study using genetic (and phenotypic) diversity of Nitrobacter
nitrite oxidoreductase as phylogenetic marker exists in the environment,which is not resolved
(Vanparys et al., 2007; see also below), start to when only the highly conserved 16s rRNA
reveal the microdiversity in the genus Nitro- genes are used as markers.
bacter. In another study, Navarro et al. (1992b) A different molecular approach to identi@
dfferentiated Nitrobacter strains by restriction Nitrobacter in environmental samples uses genes
fragment length polymorphism analysis of the encoding subunits of the key enzyme of nitrite
intergenic spacer region (IGS) between the 16s oxidation, nitrite oxidoreductase (Nxr), as
and 23s rRNA genes. Because the IGS shows functional and phylogenetic markers. By using
a higher mutation rate than the ribosomal PCR primers targeting the gene of the Nxr
RNA genes, it offers a better resolution than alpha subunit of Nitrobacter, nxrA, Poly et al.
rRNA to distinguish very closely related bac- (2008) obtained partial sequences of this gene
teria. Several Nitrobacter isolates from soil and from all four Nitrobacter species and performed
lake samples were analyzed. Interestingly, this phylogenetic analyses. Consistent with the
molecular approach revealed diverse Nitrobacter taxonomic classification,these n x r A sequences
populations in the samples and led to the con- formed four distinct branches in phylogenetic
clusion that not large-scale biogeography, but trees. Paralogous nxrA genes, which exist in
local ecological niches, may shape the com- Nitrobacter genomes (Starkenburg et al., 2006,
position of Nitrobacter communities (Navarro 2008), grouped consistently in these clusters.
et al., 1992b). Grundmann et al. (2000) used Additional phylogenetic lineages were formed
a modified IGS-based approach that included by n x r A sequences retrieved from soil samples,
also a 5‘ part of the 23s rRNA gene. Phyloge- strongly suggesting that yet unknown Nitrobacter

strains, or other N O B carrying nxrA genes sim- The Genera Nitrococcus

ilar to those of Nitrobacter, existed in these soils and Nitrospina
(Poly et al., 2008). Interestingly, the diversity Only one species has been described in either
and phylogenetic dxtribution of nxrA in the of the two genera Nitrococcus and Nitrospina:
soil samples differed with the mode of land use. Nitrococcus mobilis and Nitrospina xracilis, respec-
Only one sequence type was found in a for- tively (Fig. l).These N O B are ofmarine origin
merly intensively cultivated fallow soil,but five and were originally isolated from South Pacific
distinct nxrA types were detected in a pasture (N. mobilis) and South Atlantic (N. xracilis)
soil. This nxrA-based approach was extended ocean water samples (Watson and Waterbury,
to a denaturing grahent gel electrophoresis 1971).An addtional Pacific isolate of N. xracilis
protocol, which was then applied to study the (Teske et al., 1994) and molecular data (Mincer
N O B communities in different grassland soils et al., 2007) indicate a presumably global dis-
exposed to either light or intensive grazing tribution of this organism.
(wertz et al., 2008). Although no grazing reg- Recently, Mincer et al. (2007) used quan-
imen-specific nxrA phylotypes were obtained, titative P C R of 16s rRNA genes to record
statistical analyses of the nxrA denaturing gra- depth abundance profiles of ammonia-oxi-
dient gel electrophoresisprofiles showed that the dizing Archaea and Nitrospina-like bacteria
N O B community composition was influenced in coastal (Monterey Bay) and open ocean
by the grazing regime. Phylogeny revealed that (North Pacific Subtropical Gyre) water sam-
the nxrA sequences, which had been retrieved ples. In all cases, the abundances of these nitri-
from these soils, differed from the nxrA genes of fiers markedly increased below the euphotic
cultured N O B (Wertz et al., 2008).Two other zone at a depth of approximately 100 to
genes from the Nxr cluster, nxrB and nxrX,also 200 m.The higher cell densities of nitrifiers in
are useful molecular markers for the differentia- the subeuphotic zone can be explained by the
tion of Nitrobacter isolates (Vanparys et al., 2007) light sensitivity of these organisms (Mincer et
but have not yet been applied as tools to char- al., 2007, and references cited therein). These
acterize uncultured Nitrobacter populations in results suggest that communities consisting of
environmental samples. ammonia-oxidizing Archaea and Nitrospina are
In summary, the aforementioned molec- important for nitrification in marine ecosys-
ular analyses have revealed that soil and fresh- tems. In the same study, fosmid and bacterial
water environments harbor a greater diversity artificial chromosome (BAC) clone libraries
of different Nitrobacter strains than previously were established from the coastal and open
anticipated. Genetic heterogeneity within ocean samples and were screened for 16s
communities of closely related microorgan- rRNS genes related to N. xracilis. Among the
isms seems not to be uncommon in bacteria several positive clones, one 64-kb-long BAC
and has been demonstrated, by environmental clone insert was selected for full sequencing
genomics, for example, in cyanobacteria and analysis.This genomic fragment contained,
(Coleman et al., 2006) and in chemolitho- in addition to a 16s rRNA gene similar to
trophic iron oxidizers (Simmons et al., 2008). Nitrospina, 88 protein-encoding open reading
It is tempting to speculate that distinct Nitro- frames (ORFs).Sequence comparisons of these
bacter strains, which coexist on very small spa- ORFs to the environmental whole genome
tial scales (Grundmann and Normand, 2000), shotgun database retrieved similar sequences
are ecotypes adapted to (slightly) different eco- from the Sargasso Sea dataset, the whale fall
logical niches in structurally complex environ- microbial mat/bone datasets, and the farm sur-
ments such as soil or sediment. Future research face soil dataset (Mincer et al., 2007).The pres-
should clarify whether these strains indeed ence of sequences similar to Nitrospina ORFs
are ecophysiologically dfferent and how their in the marine metagenomic datasets supports
diversity influences ecosystem functioning. the view that Nitrospina are widely distributed

in the oceans. The search hits obtained from as a novel nitrite-oxidizing betaproteobac-
the farm soil dataset might indcate the exist- terium (Alawi et al., 2007) (Fig. 1). Electron
ence of yet unidentified terrestrial Nitrospina- microscopy revealed an interesting ultrastruc-
like NOB. Alternatively, these sequences could ture of this bacterium with a particularly large
originate from organisms other than Nitrospina. periplasniic space. The newly lscovered
As the genome of N mobilis has been organism was named Candidatus Nitrotoga

sequenced and is publicly available, the genes arctica” (Alawi et al., 2007).The environmental
encodmg the nitrite oxidoreductase (Nxr) distribution of this novel lineage of NOB has
of this bacterium have been phylogenetically not been investigated in great detail yet. The
analyzed together with the respective genes of original report mentions that some previously
Nitrobacter. The nxrA, nxrB, and nxrX forms of published environmental 16s rRNA sequences
these different NOB were found to be similar, grouped together with “ Candidatus Nitro-
but clearly distinguishable, in phylogenetic toga arctica” in phylogenetic trees (16s rRNA
trees (Vanparys et al., 2007; Poly et al., 2008). sequence similarities in this group ranged from
Screenings for nxrA in various soils retrieved 96.3 to 99%). These rRNA sequences were
several different a m 4 genes of the Nitrobacter retrieved from sewage, polluted river biofiliii,
type, but none related to Nitrococcus (Poly et subglacial environments, and lake sediments.
al., 2008; Wertz et al., 2008). To date, neither Moreover, Alawi et al. (2007) mentioned that
Nitrospina nor Nitrococcus has been identified Nitrotoga-like NOB were selectively enriched
unequivocally, by cultivation or by molecular from municipal activated sludge by using the
methods, in a nonmarine habitat. same cultivation conhtions as for Candidatus

Nitrotoga arctica.” High 16s rRNA similarities

The Candidate Genus “Nitrotoga” are not necessarily inlcative of similar physi-
The majority of known nitrifting microbes ological traits. However, the aforementioned
are mesophilic organisms with growth optima molecular data and the enrichment from acti-
between 28OC and 39OC (e.g., Ehrich et al., vated sludge strongly suggest that NOB related
1995; Konneke et al., 2005), although ther- to “Nitrotoga” are not restricted to pernia-
niophilic ammonia-oxidizing archaea have host soil and may be more widely distributed,
recently been described (de laTorre et al., 2008; but hitherto overlooked, nitrifiers in cold and
Hatzenpichler et al., 2008). Still, very little is moderate environments.
known about the diversity and distribution
of NOB in extreme habitats. In geothermal The Genus Nitrospiuu
springs, Nitrospira-like bacteria have been found The first described Nitrospira species, Nitros-
(see below), but whether specialized NOB pira marina, was isolated from seawater sani-
are active at very low temperatures remained pled in the Gulf of Maine (Watson et al.,
unclear until recently. Major habitats, which 1986). Nine years later, Ehrich et al. (1995)
would be expected to harbor cold-adapted purified the second species, Nitrospira mos-
nitrifiers, are the permafrost-affected soils that coviensis, from a completely different habitat:
cover wide regions of the northern hemisphere. the urban heating system of Moscow. It took
Indeed, Alawi et al. (2007) recently established, almost another decade until the third pure
from Siberian permafrost-affected soil, an culture was obtained, again from a corroded
enrichment culture that oxidized nitrite at a steel pipe of the Moscow heating system, and
temperature as low as 4OC, whereas no nitrite described as Candidatus Nitrospira bockiana”

oxidation was observed at 25OC. Subsequent (Lebedeva et al., 2008). A fourth culture was
use of Nxr-targeted fluorescent antibodies, 16s highly enriched from nitrifjring activated
rRNA-based phylogeny, and fluorescence in sludge but has not been purified yet (Spieck et
situ hybridization (FISH) with 16s rRNA-tar- al., 2006).According to its origin from sewage,
geted probes identified the enriched organism this nitrite oxidizer has been named “Candi-

dutus Nitrospira defluvii.”The longtime inter- had to form a nionophyletic branch, which
vals between the descriptions of new Nitrospiru was supported by all applied treeing methods
species or high enrichments are caused by the and bootstrap values of at least 90%).All 16s
slow growth of these bacteria and by the tedi- rRNA sequences, which were grouped in
ousness and difficulties to separate Nitrospira the same sublineage, also had to share a siini-
from other N O B and from heterotrophic larity of at least 94.9N.The sequence similari-
contaminants. For example, the isolation of ties among members of different sublineages
“ Cundidutus Nitrospira bockiana” took as were found to be always below 94% (Daims
long as 12 years (Lebedeva et al., 2008), and et al., 2001). Meanwhile, more 16s rRNA
the enrichment of “Cundidutus Nitrospira sequences related to Nitrospira have become
defluvii” was a labor-intensive process with available, and application of these grouping
several iterations of dilution series, incubation criteria to current Nitrospira phylogenies has
steps in mineral nitrite medium for several now revealed six sublineages within this genus
months, and purifications by density gradient (Fig. 2). Interestingly, these sublineages seem
centrifugation (Spieck et al., 2006).The com- not to be equally distributed in nature but
plicated cultivation was mainly responsible show pronounced habitat specificity.
for a long-lasting lack of knowledge on the Sublineage I, which contains the enriched
diversity and environmental distribution of “ Candidutus Nitrospira defluvii” (Fig. 2), con-
Nitrospira. This situation changed only when sists of Nitrospiru sequences obtained from
cultivation-independent molecular methods many kinds of nitrifting sewage treatment
became available.A breakthrough was the dis- systems. These organisms have been found in
covery that uncultured Nitrospira were abun- small lab-scale reactors as well as in pilot-scale
dant in technical systems such as nitrifying systems and full-scale wastewater treatment
aquarium filters (Hovanec et al., 1998), lab- plants. They occur in chemostats, sequencing
scale reactors (Burrell et al., 1998), and, most batch (biofilm) reactors, trickling filters, and
importantly from the applied perspective, full- activated sludge tanks. In numerous studies,
scale wastewater treatment plants (Juretschko FISH with rRNA-targeted probes or quantita-
et al., 1998).As these results were obtained by tive P C R techniques showed that sublineage I
using the “rRNA approach” (Amann et al., Nitrospiru are a major component of the nitri-
1995) and FISH with rRNA-targeted probes, fting communities in engineered systems with
possible biases of cultivation-based approaches abundances of usually 1 to 20% of all bacteria
could be excluded.With an increasing number (e.g.,Juretschko et al., 1998;Okabe et al., 1999;
of 16s rRNA gene libraries established from Daims et al., 2001). Until now, no members of
different kinds of environmental samples, it sublineage I have been detected in pristine nat-
soon became clear that Nitrospira are not lim- ural habitats, but Nitrospira similar to those in
ited to the oceans and man-made habitats such sewage were found in the effluent of a waste-
as heating systems and sewage treatment facili- water treatment plant and also in the receiving
ties. Ribosomal R N A sequences related to this river downstream of the plant (Cebron and
genus were retrieved from various soils, fresh- Garnier, 2005). Thus, Nitrospira sublineage I
water and sediment samples, the Nullarbor must be particularly well adapted to the con&-
caves in Australia, marine sponge tissue, and tions in nitrifting bioreactors, and their niche
additional activated sludge and biofilm sam- in natural ecosystems has not been identified
ples (Daims et al., 2001, and references cited yet. In contrast, sublineage I1 has the broadest
therein). Analyses based on these sequence dstribution of all known Nitrospira lineages.
data showed that the genus Nitrospira could be These organisms have been found, by the
subdivided into four groups (“sublineages”) if rRNA approach and by FISH, in wastewater
the following criteria were applied. In phylo- treatment plants and a laboratory-scale reactor
genetic trees, the members of each sublineage (Schramm et al., 1998; Maixner et al., 2006),

FIGURE 2 Phylogenetic tree, based on 16s rRNA gene sequences, showing the phylum Nitvospirae.
Shaded regions delimit the nitrite-oxidning Nitrospira sublineages I to VI and the non-nitrifying Leptospirillurn
and Therrnodesujfovibrio-Magnetobacterium groups. Unshaded sequences between Nitrospira sublineage IV and
Leptospirillurn cannot yet be assigned to any genus, and the physiology of the respective organisms is unknown.
Unshaded sequences within the genus Nitvospiva cannot be assigned to one of the sublineages by using the criteria
proposed by Daims et al. (2001).Database accession numbers are indicated for all 16s rRNA gene sequences.The
tree topology was determined by maximum likelihood analysis of the sequences and by using a 50% sequence
conservation filter for the genus Nitvospiva.The scale bar indicates 0.1 estimated change per nucleotide.

but also in different soils, rhizosphere samples, Sublineage I11 consists of only a few
freshwater habitats, drinking water distribution 16s rRNA clones from the Nullarbor cave
systems, and groundwater.The cultured Nitro- system in Australia (Holmes et al., 2001).
spira moscoviensis from the Moscow heating These sequences were obtained from micro-
system belongs to sublineage 11, too (Fig. 2). bial mantles growing on the roofs and walls

of submerged parts of the Nullarbor caves. thermophilic ammonia-oxidizing Archaea (de

Interestingly, relatively high levels of nitrite la Torre et al., 2008; Zhang et al., 2008) and
were found in the water column of these caves, the hypothesis that archaeal ammonia oxida-
which lacked macroorganisms and organic tion evolved under thermophilic conditions
material except of the microbial biomass. (Hatzenpichler et al., 2008). If nitrification
Therefore, a key role as primary producers in indeed evolved in extreme environments of
a nitrite-dependent microbial cave ecosystem the ancient earth, it is tempting to speculate
was proposed for the nitrite-oxidizing, auto- that thermophilic Nitrospira were among the
trophic Nitrospira (Holmes et al., 2001). first bacteria to exploit nitrite as the main sub-
Sublineage IV, which contains the species strate of their energy metabolism. However,
N.marina, comprises the halophilic and marine sublineage VI is not a deep-branching lin-
Nitrospira. It harbors planktonic marine Nitro- eage within the genus Nitrospira (Fig. 2), and
spira and 16s rRNA sequences retrieved from its members possibly represent a secondary
marine sediments including deep sea sampling adaptation to life at high temperatures of
sites. Remarkably, it also contains Nitrospira organisms with niesophilic ancestors. Future
found to be microbial symbionts of marine research may clarif/ whether additional, and
sponges (Hentschel et al., 2002). Nitrification deep-branching, thermophilic or even hyper-
seems to play an important role in sponge tis- thermophilic Nitrospira lineages occur in hot
sues, because ammonia, which is a metabolic environments. Microbially catalyzed ammonia
waste product of sponges, must be removed oxidation, and subsequent accumulation of
to avoid its accumulation and toxic effects nitrate, were recently demonstrated at tem-
(Taylor et al., 2007). The first step of nitrifi- peratures above 8OoC and at pH 3 in hot
cation in sponges is performed by ammonia- springs on Iceland (Reigstad et al., 2008). It
oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and archaea (Taylor remains to be determined whether biological
et al., 2007; Steger et al., 2008). Nitrospira of or chemical nitrite oxidation, or both, takes
cluster IV seem to be the major nitrite oxl- place under such extreme conditions.
dxzers in this symbiosis of multiple partners. The most recently obtained Nitrospira iso-
Our perception of the environmental late, “ Candidatus Nitrospira bockiana” (Leb-
distribution of nitrite oxidizers was signifi- edeva et al., 2008), belongs to sublineage V
cantly expanded when Lebedeva et al. (2005) (Fig. 2). Like N. moscoviensis, this organism was
obtained nitrite-oxidizing enrichments from enriched and finally isolated from the urban
the Garga hot spring, which is located in the heating system of Moscow where it inhabits
northeastern part of Baikal rift zone. These internal corrosion deposits of steel pipelines.
enrichments showed activity at temperatures Despite the similar habitat, Candidatus Nitro-

up to 6OoC with an optimum of 50°C. Molec- spira bockiana” and N.moscoviensis differ with
ular analyses of 16s rRNA genes identified respect to their cell morphology, temperature
the enriched thermophilic NOB as members optima for growth, tolerance against nitrite,
of the genus Nitrospira (Lebedeva et al., 2005). and dominant lipids (Table 1) (Lebedeva et
Subsequent phylogenetic analyses confirmed al., 2008). Interesting observations were made
this finding and added a novel Nitrospira sub- with enrichments of “ Candidatus Nitrospira
lineage, number VI (Fig. 2), which contains bockiana” that still contained contaminants.
the Garga strains and Nitrospira from a few These enrichments, which mainly contained
other hot springs. The discovery of Nitrospira a Nocardioides-like bacterium in addition to
in hot springs is noteworthy as it adds to our Nitrospira, showed a broader temperature range
picture of biogeochemical nitrogen cycling and were more tolerant against higher nitrite
in extreme environments. Furthermore, the concentrations than the finally obtained pure
existence of thermophilic nitrite oxidizers is culture (Lebedeva et al., 2008).Whether these
consistent with the recent identification of differences resulted from the isolation pro-
TABLE 1 Selected characteristics of known Nitrospiva subhneages
Result for sublineage‘:
I I1 I11 IV V VI
Cell morphology Short, slightly curved Irregularly shaped cells Putatively spirals “Comma-shaped” Spirals, curved and straight Spirals
cells or spiral- or spiral-shaped cells or spiral- rods, or coccoid cells
shaped rods rods shaped rods
Size (pm) 0.2-0.4 X 0.7-1.7 0.2-0.4 X 0.9-2.2 ND 0.3-0.4 X 0.8-1.0 0.3-0.6 X 1.0-2.5 or 0.2-0.4 X 1.0-1.7
0.9 X 0.9
Turns 1-4 1-3 ND 1-12 1-4 ND
Tendency to aggregate Strong Present ND, growth in Weak Present Present
Growth temp (“C) 28-32 39 18.9b 28 42 40-60
Isolate or enrichment “Ca. Nitrospira AT moscoviensisd 16s rRNA gene N. marind “Ca. Nitrospira bockiana”2 GaIIh
defluvii”‘ clones onlye
Dominant membrane 16:1cisll, 16:O 16:lcisll, 16:0, ND 16:1cis7, 16:lcisl 1, 16:lcis7, 16:0, ND
lipids 16:O 11 methyl 16:O 16:O 11 methyl
Nitrite concn (mM)’ 3 (20-25) 0.35 (15) 0.28 1 (6) 0.3-3 (18) 1
Anaerobic metabolism ND Respiration with ND Strictly aerobic ND ND
(as determined nitrate
in expts)
Use of organic Pyruvate N o organotrophic ND Glycerole and N o organotrophc growth ND
substrates (as growth observed pyruvate observed
determined in expts)
Intracellular storage Glycogen and Poly-p- ND Glycogen and Glycogen and polyphosphate ND
compounds polyphosphate hydroxybutyrate polyphosphate
and ~polyphosphate
. .

‘ND, not determined; Ca., Candidatus.

bMeasuredin cave water surrounding the biofilm.
‘Spieck et al. (2006).
dEhrich et al. (1995).
‘Holmes et al. (2001).
Watson et al. (1986).
’Lebedeva et al. (2008).
hLebedeva et al. (2005).
‘Nitrite concentrations used in growth media or measured in natural habitat; values in parentheses indicate maximal tolerated concentrations.

cess or from interactions between “Candidatus high nitrogen loads (e.g., Mobarry et al., 1996;
Nitrospira bockiana” and the accompanying Daims et al., 2001; Gieseke et al., 2003).
microorganisms has not been clarified. Occasional reports of high Nitrobacter den-
Table 1 summarizes key properties of the sities in full-scale systems recciving normal
six known Nitrospira sublineages. Based on the domestic wastewater (Coskuner and Curtis,
currently available molecular and cultivation- 2002) await verification by experiments using
based data, it appears that the genus Nitrospira is the well-established, standardized FISH pro-
the most diverse and widely distributed group tocols. In this context, however, it should be
of NOB. mentioned that FISH, in general, is not without
biases (Wagner et al., 2003). Thus, in theory,
Nitrite Oxidizers and larger amounts of Nitrobacter in wastewater
Wastewater Treatment treatment plants might have escaped detec-
For decades, mainly Nitrobacter were regarded tion by FISH and related techniques so far.This
to be responsible for nitrite oxidation in appears unlikely considering the large number
wastewater treatment plants. This “textbook of different studies that have used FISH to
opinion” emerged because traditional culti- screen activated sludge for Nitrobacter. Nev-
vation techniques retrieved Nitrobacter isolates ertheless, a new approach that is independent
from almost every nitrifying activated sludge of FISH, PCR, and cultivation biases would
sample tested. As nitrification is a key process be desirable to check whether the density of
of biological wastewater treatment, the growth Nitrobacter in full-scale wastewater treatment
characteristics of Nitrobacter cultures were used plants really is minor compared to the abun-
for the design of sewage treatment plants and dance of Nitrospira. Recently, we have addressed
for the modeling of nitrification in engi- this question in the course of a comprehensive
neered systems (Bever et al., 1995). However, metagenomics-based analysis. First, the metage-
this view changed rapidly when cultivation- nome of a nitrifying wastewater treatment plant
independent techniques, in particular FISH was cloned in Escherichia coli in BAC vectors.
with rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes, The resulting BAC library consisted of more
exposed the apparent importance of Nitrobacter than 500,000 clones. Subsequently, more than
in wastewater treatment as an artefact of the 320,000 BAC paired ends were sequenced, and
cultivation-based approach. In the majority the obtained sequence reads were compared to
of the examined activated sludge samples, no all hitherto sequenced bacterial and archaeal
Nitrobacter cells were detectable by FISH, indi- genomes using stringent matching criteria (at
cating that their abundance was well below the least 90%)nucleotide sequence similarity over
detection limit of this method (10’ to lo4 cells at least 80%)of the read length). Figure 3 shows
per ml) (Wagner et al., 1996).Due to these low the results of this analysis for the nitrifiers. A
cell densities, relevance of Nitrobacter for nitrite large number of BAC end sequences (>7,000)
oxidation in these wastewater treatment plants were highly similar to corresponding regions in
could be excluded. FISH also revealed that yet the genome of“Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii,”
uncultured Nitrospira are much more abundant a recently sequenced representative of Nitrospira
N O B in sewage treatment systems (Juretschko sublineage I (see below for more information
et al., 1998). Low numbers of Nitrobacter on this genome). In contrast, not more than
cells, which occur in most wastewater treat- 49 sequence reads matched to the genomes of
ment plants, explain why these bacteria have any sequenced Nitrobacter strain (Fig. 3 ) , sug-
been detected by cultivation- or PCR-based gesting that sublineage I Nitrospira are much
methods in activated sludge. Higher amounts more frequent in the metagenome and in the
of Nitrobacter have been found, by using FISH, wastewater treatment plant than Nitrobacter.
in only a few full-scale or pilot sewage treat- To confirm that the large number of Nitros-
ment systems that received wastewater with pira hits was not due to sequence similarities
Next Page



6 100

FIGURE 3 Numbers of sequence reads that were obtained fkom the metagenome of a nitrifying activated
sludge and had a high sequence similarity to genomes of nitrifying bacteria. The number of reads indicated for
the Bvadyvhizobiaceae includes all reads obtained for Nitrobactev plus the reads obtained for other members of the
Bvadyrkizobiaceae (refer to the main text for details).Note that the scaling of the y axis is logarithmic.

between ‘‘Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii” and that ammonia oxidizers not closely related to
bacteria other than Nitrospira represented in the those that have been sequenced on the genome
metagenome, the complete genome of “Can- level are dominant in the analyzed wastewater
didatus Nitrospira defluvii” was compared to treatment plant. To exclude that Nitrobacter
all other sequenced prokaryotic genomes by strains not represented by the available genome
using the same matching criteria. This sepa- sequences are important in this plant, all hits
rate test yielded only one hit between Nitro- obtained for members of the Bradyrhizobi-
spiru and another organism (data not shown). aceae, including Nitrobacter, were determined.
Thus, based on currently available genome data As Nitrobacter are very closely related to other
and on the applied matching criteria, the likeli- members of this fady-for example, B.
hood of numerous false-positive Nitrospira hits japonicum (Fig. 1)-any sequence reads related
in the metagenome analysis is very low, and the to the Bradyrhizobiaceae might actually belong
number of Nitrospira hits indeed reflects a high to Nitrobucter strains whose gene content differs
abundance of Nitrospira in the activated sludge. from the fully sequenced Nitrobacter representa-
However, not only the number of Nitrobacter tives. Nevertheless, even the total number of all
hits but also the metagenome hits obtained for Bradyrhizobiaceae hits was far below the number
AOB are surprisingly low (Fig. 3), suggesting of hits for Nitrospira (Fig. 3).This outcome of a
Previous Page


comprehensive, PCR-independent community fying biofilm. Interestingly, their results sug-

analysis by environmental genomics strongly gested that Nitrospira spp. have a much higher
corroborates the results of previous work based affinity for nitrite than do Nitrobacter spp. The
on FISH (Wagner et al., 1996; Juretschko et estimated K, (NO,-) of Nitrospira was as low as
al., 1998). Furthermore, FISH-microautora- 10 pM, whereas the measured values of Nitro-
diography experiments with nitrifying acti- bacter pure cultures are in the range of 60 to
vated sludges usually show that only Nitrospira 600 pM (Prosser, 1989; Hunik et al., 1993).
are strongly labeled with radioactive bicar- On the basis of these data, Schramm et al.
bonate in the presence of nitrite, excluding (1999) proposed that Nitrospira spp. may be
another abundant nitrite-oxidizing popula- K-strategists, which can reach high population
tion in the analyzed samples (our unpublished densities even when nitrite concentrations
data). In conclusion, a battery of cultivation- are very low. In contrast, Nitrobacter spp. were
independent molecular approaches has dem- suggested to be r-strategists that need higher
onstrated that Nitrobacter cannot be relevant nitrite concentrations but can grow faster than
for nitrite oxidation in most wastewater treat- Nitrospira spp. if nitrite is not a limiting factor.
ment plants. Notable exceptions are systems This would indicate a selective advantage for
treating high strength sewage, which contains Nitrospira spp. under the nitrite-limited condi-
higher nitrogen levels than are usually found in tions prevalent in domestic wastewater treat-
municipal and industrial wastewaters. ment plants and in most natural habitats, where
usually nitrite does not accumulate but is oxi-
ECOPHYSIOLOGY AND NICHE dized to nitrate or denitrified. Nitrobacter spp.
PARTITIONING OF NITROBACTER would then depend on microenvironments
AND NITROSPIRA with locally higher nitrite concentrations,
Since the discovery of a high diversity of which may be found, for example, in the rhi-
yet uncultured NOB, especially in the genus zosphere (Freitag et al., 2005). If this hypoth-
Nitrospira, the ecophysiology of these bacteria esis indeed reflects the ecological strategies of
has received some attention in nitrification these NOB, intermediate nitrite concentra-
research.This applies, in particular, to the N O B tions should enable a (temporary) coexistence
living in wastewater treatment plants, because of Nitrobacter and Nitrospira spp. Indeed, Bar-
their metabolic activity and growth charac- tosch et al. (2002) enriched both Nitrospira and
teristics are directly linked to the operational Nitrobacter spp. from soil samples if media con-
performance and stability of nitrifying biore- taining 0.2 g of nitrite per liter was used but
actors. One major question is why members obtained only Nitrobacter enrichments in media
of the Nitrospira and not of Nitrobacter are the containing 2 g of nitrite per liter. Interestingly,
predominant N O B in most sewage treatment a pilot-scale sequencing batch biofilm reactor
plants. Experience with the available isolates that contained large numbers of Nitrobacter
and enrichments has shown that members of also contained Nitrospira (Daims et al., 2001;
Nitrobacter are generally easier to culture and Gieseke et al., 2003). The operational mode
can grow faster than those of Nitrospira under of this reactor was a cyclic sequence of filling
laboratory conditions. Nevertheless, the mostly with new wastewater, an aeration period for
uncultured Nitrospira spp. are more competitive nitrification, and removal of the supernatant.
in situ in activated sludge systems.To explain The reactor received reject water from acti-
this phenomenon, Schramm et al. (1999) per- vated sludge dewatering, which contained very
formed experiments to estimate the K, value high ammonia concentrations. During each
of uncultured Nitrospira spp. for nitrite. This operational cycle, a transient but pronounced
was achieved by combining quantitative FISH increase of the nitrite concentration occurred.
with microelectrode measurements in a nitri- These temporal nitrite gradients probably cre-

ated ecological niches for both groups of NOB experiment. Consistent with the observations
and were the basis of their stable coexistence. made in the biofilm, this experiment showed
Because the biomass grew in a sessile biofilm that higher nitrite concentrations favored the
on carrier material, both populations were held growth of sublineage I and selected against
back in the reactor. A selective loss of biomass sublineage I1 Nitrospiru (Maixner et al., 2006).
of the weaker competitor, which takes place in Hence, nitrite concentrations affect the com-
continuously operated activated sludge tanks, position of Nitrospiru communities and most
was not observed. likely also their local distribution in spatially
The “K/r-hypothesis” for Nitrospiru and complex habitats. On an imaginary scale with
Nitrobacter has been tested and supported in pure K- and pure r-strategists on either end,
several follow-up studies using laboratory- the Nitrospira sublineages may take different
scale nitrifying bioreactors (e.g., Nogueira positions close to the K-end, whereas Nitro-
and Melo, 2006).This leads to the speculation bacter species may take positions closer to the
that selective effects of nitrite may also extend r-end.
to members of the same genus. For example, Present data indicate that the IUr-hypoth-
the aforementioned habitat specificity of the esis might explain the predominance of Nitro-
six Nitrospira sublineages might be influenced spiru spp. in wastewater treatment plants and
by different nitrite optima of these organisms, in many kinds of pristine ecosystems, where
Maixner et al. (2006) analyzed a nitrifying bio- ambient nitrite concentrations are very low.
film from a wastewater treatment plant, which However, this hypothesis may apply not only
contained both sublineage I and I1 Nitrospira in to nitrite. Past research showed that Nitrospira
addition to AOB. FISH with probes targeting can outcompete Nitrobucter in biofilm regions
AOB or one of the two Nitrospiru types showed with a low dissolved oxygen (DO) concen-
that all three populations were abundant in the tration (e.g., Schranim et al., 2000; Downing
biofilm. However, sublineage I Nitrospiru seem- and Nerenberg, 2008), suggesting that Nitro-
ingly were located closer to the cell clusters of spira spp. also have a lower K, for 0, than do
AOB than were sublineage I1 Nitrospira. This Nitrobucter spp. A high-oxygen affinity would
difference in spatial arrangement was con- also help Nitrospiru spp. to compete for 0, with
firmed by applying digital image analysis and ammonia oxiAzers and heterotrophic micro-
spatial statistics on the biofilm. Based on these organisms. Moreover, oxygen availability may
data, the hypothesis was raised that smal-scale have selective effects even within the genus
local nitrite concentration gradients may exist Nitrospiru. Park and Noguera (2008) operated
in the biofilm, with highest nitrite concen- two laboratory-scale chemostats in parallel,
trations close to the AOB microcolonies that which contained the same nitrifying activated
convert ammonia to nitrite. Such gradients sludge as inoculum but differed in the DO
could determine the differential Astribution of concentrations.The low DO reactor was dom-
the two Nitrospira populations if sublineage I inated by sublineage I Nitrospiru for the whole
Nitrospira prefer higher nitrite concentrations duration of the experiment (271 days),whereas
than sublineage I1 Nitrospiru. Indeed, a math- a population shift occurred in the high DO
ematical model of nitrite production, diffusion, reactor that led to coexistence of sublineage I
and consumption in the biofilm suggested the and I1 Nitrospiru. Whether these results inAcate
existence of local nitrite gradients. In a sepa- a higher 0, affinity or a lower 0, tolerance of
rate experiment, activated sludge containing sublineage I Nitrospira was not determined in
both sublineage I and I1 Nitrospiru was incu- the study. Both the nitrite and DO concen-
bated with different nitrite concentrations, and trations seem to be important environmental
the two Nitrospira populations were quanti- factors influencing the competition and envi-
fied by FISH with specific probes during this ronmental distribution of different NOB, but

they probably are not the only key parameters. Nitrospira, “Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii,”
Past research showed that cultured Nitrobacter living in activated sludge possess a gene coding
spp. are not obligately autotrophic nitrifiers for a highly active form of chlorite dismutase
but can use simple organic compounds such (CLD) (Maixner et al., 2008).This remarkable
as pyruvate, acetate, and formate for mixo- enzyme converts chlorite to chloride (CI-)
trophic and even for chemoorganotrophic and oxygen (0,)by a not yet fully elucidated
growth (Bock, 1976). Higher growth yields in mechanism (van Ginkel et al., 1996).The CLD
the presence of pyruvate than without organic of Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii” is expressed

carbon were also reported for nitrite-oxidizing when the organism is incubated in nitrite-
N. marina (Watson et al., 1986),whereas no use containing medium, suggesting a protective
of organic substrates was observed for N. mos- role of the enzyme in case that chlorate and/or
coviensis pure cultures (Ehrich et al., 1995). A chlorite are also present (Maixner et al., 2008).
non-cultivation-dependent tool, FISH com- Previously, CLD was known to exist only in
bined with microautoradiography, revealed chlorite-resistant heterotrophic Proteobacteria
that uncultured Nitrospira in activated sludge that use (per)chlorate as an alternative electron
were able to assimilate carbon from bicarbo- acceptor for anaerobic respiration. The pres-
nate or pyruvate, whereas use of acetate was ence of CLD in sublineage I Nitrospira indi-
not observed by this method (Daims et al., cates that these N O B might also be resistant
2001).Thus, the quality and concentrations of to chlorite and may link the bioremedia-
available organic compounds may select for tion of (per)chlorate with the nitrogen cycle.
different N O B if these bacteria differ in their Moreover, chlorite can occur in wastewater
substrate usage spectra and their capabilities as a byproduct of the chlorination of acti-
for mixotrophic or even chemoorganotrophic vated sludge. Chlorination has been common
growth. practice to fight excess growth of filamentous
Especially in wastewater and at industrially bacteria in wastewater treatment plants. Thus,
contaminated sites, inhibitory substances ham- resistance to chlorite might be an additional
pering the activity and growth of N O B could reason for the high abundance of Nitrospira spp.
have strong selective effects, too. For example, in activated sludge. However, alternative func-
nitrite oxidation by Nitrobacter pure cultures is tions of CLD in Nitrospira must be considered
inhibited in presence of chlorate (ClO,-) or (Maixner et al., 2008), and the main biological
chlorite (C10,J (Lees and Simpson, 1957; role of this enzyme in “Candidatus Nitrospira
Hynes and Knowles, 1983).This effect is caused defluvii” may not have been determined yet.
by chlorite, which destroys essential cyto- Nitrospira spp. occur also in municipal drinking
chromes of Nitrobacter spp. (Lees and Simpson, water distribution systems whcre microbial
1957).The toxic chlorite is formed from chlo- growth is controlled by adding chloramines
rate when Nitrobacter spp. use chlorate instead (Regan et al., 2003). Although chloranlines
of oxygen as a terminal electron acceptor for are effective as disinfectants, these compounds
nitrite oxidation. (Per)chlorate and chlorite are can support nitrification in drinking water
contaminants that originate, for example, from utilities by introducing ammonia as substrate
the rocket fuel and paper-bleaching indus- for ammonia-oxidizing microbes. The nitri-
tries. Based on the observations made with fiers, which are primary producers, can fuel
Nitrobacter pure cultures, one would expect the heterotrophic growth of other organisms,
high concentrations of these compounds to leading to biological instability of drinking
inhibit nitrite oxidation in polluted soil or water and to violations of hygienic standards.
water. However, an environmental genomics Interestingly, the uncultured AOB and N O B
approach in combination with heterologous in drinkmg water systems seem to be more
gene expression has revealed that sublineage I resistant to chloramines than pure cultures of

nitrifiers (Regan et al., 2003).The mechanisms Nitrite Oxidation and

underlying this resistance are not known. Nitrite Oxidoreductase
The key enzyme of cheniolithotrophic nitrite
ENVIRONMENTAL GENOMICS oxidation is nitrite oxidoreductase (Nxr). It has
AND FULL-GENOME ANALYSIS been studied most intensively in Nitrobacter,
OF “CANDIDATUS NITROSPIRA where Nxr is a membrane-bound enzyme con-
DEFLWII” taining one large (alpha) and one small (beta)
Nitrospira spp. are difficult to culture, and larger subunit that are encoded by the genes nxvA
amounts of biomass are hard to obtain from and nxrB, respectively (Spieck et al., 1996b;
the few available isolates.Therefore, this genus Starkenburg et al., 2006). Depending on the
is dramatically undersanipled with respect to method used to isolate the Nxr holoenzynie
genomics despite its high ecological impor- from Nitrobactev cell membranes, a putative third
tance as the most &verse and widely &strib- subunit was detected in some studies (Tanaka
uted group of NOB and as the key NOB in et al., 1983; Sundermeyer-Klinger et al., 1984).
wastewater treatment. Only recently, the first Consistently, candidate genes for putative sub-
complete Nitrospira genome sequence has been units other than NxrA and NxrB have been
determined fiom an enrichment of“Candidatus identified in sequenced Nitrobacter genonies
Nitrospira defluvii.”This sublineage I Nitrospira (Starkenburg et al., 2006). Nxr belongs to the
strain was enriched from nitrifying activated &methyl sulfoxide (DMSO) reductase family
sludge (Spieck et al., 2006) and has not yet of molybdopterin-containing enzymes. Other
been purified from accompanying microbes. prominent members of this structurally and
Nevertheless, its genome could be sequenced functionally diverse enzyme family are, for
by using an environmental genomics approach example, dissimilatory nitrate reductases as
that had been developed for sequencing an well as chlorate, selenate, and arsenate reduc-
uncultured anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing tases (McDevitt et al., 2002; Thorell et al.,
bacterium (Strous et al., 2006). Briefly, this 2003). Most representatives of this group con-
approach relied on BAC and plasmid shotgun sist of at least two subunits.The alpha subunit
cloning and paired-end sequencing to con- contains the active center with the substrate-
struct contigs and scaffolds from the extracted binding site and the molybdopterin cofactor.
community genomic DNA.A key step was the The beta subunit, which contains multiple
identification of an anchor point for assembly, iron-sulfur clusters, functions in the transport
which in the case of “Candidatus Nitrospira of electrons between the alpha subunit and
defluvii” was one contig containing the com- additional subunits or the membrane-bound
plete ribosomal RNA gene operon of this electron transport chain, respectively (Kisker et
organism. Using this long contig (Maixner al., 1998).This functional modularity is con-
et al., 2008) as a starting point, the remaining served within this enzyme family (Rothery et
parts of the Nitvospira genome were obtained al., 2008), but direct experimental evidence for
in iterative sequencing, binning, and assembly the location of the substrate-binding site in the
steps. Following final gap closure, the complete alpha subunit of Nxr is still lacking. The Nxr
genome of “Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii” of Nitrobacter oxidizes nitrite to nitrate, but the
with a size of approximately 4.3 million base reaction is reversible so that Nxr plays an addi-
pairs was available for automated and manual tional role in denitrification by this organism
downstream analyses. Table 2 summarizes key (Sundermeyer-Klinger et al., 1984).
features of the genome. Spieck et al. (1998) purified, by heat treat-
The following sections provide an overview ment of cytoplasmic membrane preparations,
of selected metabolic characteristics of “Candi- the nitrite-oxidizing system of iV moscoviensis.
datus Nitrospira defluvii” as derived fiom the Antibodies, which primarily targeted the Nxr
genomic data. beta (NxrB) subunit of Nitvobacter, were used to

TABLE 2 Selected features of the “Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii” genome

Feature Result
Genome size 4,317,083 bp
G C content 59.03%
No. of genes 4,321
No. of rRNA genes 3
No. of tRNA genes 46
No. of ORFs with premcted functions 2,147
Coding density 89.45%
Repeated regions 2.29%
No. of transposon-related genes (including fragments) 46

identify a putative NxrB protein in the extracted sion based upon a two-component signaling
mixture ofprominent Nitrospira membrane pro- system. A different sigma-54 dependent tran-
teins. The same protein fraction also contained scriptional regulator is located upstream of the
a putative Nxr alpha (NxrA) subunit, whose nxrA 1B 1 cluster, indicating that the two gene
apparent molecular mass (130 kDa) was similar clusters may be regulated differently.The next
to the mass of NxrA of Nitrobacter, plus two gene downstream of nxrB2 is remotely similar
proteins of unknown function. The presence to a small [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin (Bfd) of E. coli.
of the two unknown proteins in the extract Bfd is thought to be involved in the release
suggested that the nitrite-oxidxing system of of iron from the iron storage protein bacter-
Nitrospira differs from that of Nitrobacter in its ioferritin or from siderophores, in the insertion
composition and possibly in functional proper- of iron into heme, or in iron-dependent gene
ties (Spieck et al., 1998). regulation (Quail et al., 1996). Indeed, a gene
O n the basis of comparisons of the sequence encoding bacterioferritin is present at another
to that of the nxr genes of Nitrobacter and Nit- location in the Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii”

rococcus and the known molecular masses of genome, suggesting that this compound is used
the NxrA and NxrB subunits of N. moscoviensis for iron storage in Nitrospira.Thus,it is tempting
(Spieck et al., 1998), putative nxr genes have to speculate that the product of the bfd-like
been identified in the sequenced genome of gene may supply iron for the Nxr holoenzyme.
“ Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii.” The genome Alternative roles of Bfd as an iron-dependent
contains two copies each of nxrA and nxrB, expression regulator for nxrAB or as part of
which are colocalized in two clusters (nxrA1B1 the Nxr protein complex cannot be ruled out
and nxrA2B2) that are separated by approxi- either. The genome also encodes three pro-
mately 24 kb from each other.The two NxrA teins similar to the gamma subunits of DMSO
copies share an amino acid identity of 86.696, reductase family members such as nitrate,
whereas the two NxrB copies are identical. chlorate, and selenate reductases.The predicted
Whether the differences in the primary struc- molecular masses of these proteins resemble
tures of the two NxrA versions have hnctional one of the two unknown proteins in the mem-
effects, for example, on the affinity for nitrite brane extract from N. moscoviensis (Spieck et al.,
or on substrate range and specificity, must be 1998), indicating that these are candidates for
verified in future analyses. The gene upstream a gamma subunit (NxrC) of the Nitrospira Nxr.
of nxrA2 encodes a sigma-54-dependent tran- The gamma subunits of the related reductases
scriptional regulator with a CheY-like response are heme-containing proteins and shuttle elec-
regulator receiver region, which might be trons from the electron transport chain to the
involved in the regulation of nxrA2B2 expres- beta subunits of these enzymes (e.g., Berks et

al., 1995; Thorell et al., 2003). During nitrite the n w genes. Like other, structurally similar,
oxidation, electrons must be shuttled in the periplasniic enzymes of the DMSO reduc-
opposite direction (i.e., froin the Nxr alpha tase family (McDevitt et al., 2002; Thorell
subunit to the beta and gamma subunits and et al., 2003), both nxrA and n x r C encode
further to the electron transport chain). Each N-terminal signal peptides for the export of
of the three NxrC candidates contains one the gene products into the periplasmic space
predicted transmembrane helix, suggesting an via the twin-arginine protein translocation
additional function as membrane anchor of the (Tat) pathway (NxrA) or the Sec-pathway (all
Nxr protein complex. However, none of the NxrC candidates). NxrB has no signal peptide
three putative n x r C genes is located very close but is assumed to fold together with NxrA
to the nxrAZBZ and nxrA2B2 gene clusters. in the cytoplasm and to be translocated with
Moreover, the pairwise amino acid identities of the alpha subunit via the Tat pathway, which
the three NxrC candidates are as low as 27 to transports proteins in their folded state. Such
33%, indxating that they do not share the same a “hitchhiker” mechanism (Rodrigue et al.,
functions and might be parts of different, yet 1999) is most likely used also by the beta subu-
uncharacterized, protein complexes involved nits of chlorate reductase and diniethyl sulfide
in oxidation/reduction processes and electron dehydrogenase (McDevitt et al., 2002; Thorell
transport. Consistent with a putative role in et al., 2003) lacking a signal peptide, too.The
nitrite oxidation and energy conservation,one location of Nxr in the periplasiii bears some
of the candidate n x r C genes is located in close advantages for Nitvospira. For nitrite oxida-
neighborhood to several genes encoding coni- tion, no transport of nitrite into the cell and
ponents of electron transport chains such as no excretion of nitrate are needed if this reac-
c-type cytochromes and a putative ubiquinol- tion takes place in the periplasm. In contrast,
cytochrome c oxidoreductase.The genome of Nitrobacter with a cytoplasmic Nxr depends on
“ Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii” also encodes nitrate/nitrite transport across the cytoplasmic
a protein whose molecular mass is similar to membrane (Starkenburg et al., 2006). Nitrite
the fourth major protein, which was detected oxidation (with H , 0 as the source of the addi-
in the membrane extract from N. moscoviensis tional 0-atom in nitrate) on the periplasmic
but was not further analyzed (Spieck et al., side is coupled to electron translocation
1998).This protein is similar to cytochrome c through the cytoplasmic membrane and to
and to the gamma subunits of selenate and the consumption of protons in the cytoplasm
chlorate .reductase, contains two binding sites during the reduction of 0,. Most likely, this
for c-type hemes, and has predicted trans- leads to a proton gradient for ATP production
membrane helices. Based on these properties, by a membrane-bound ATP synthase (com-
it is another candidate for a n NxrC subunit plexV) in Nitrospira.The mechanism of energy
in Nitrospira. Future experimental work may conservation in Nitrobacter, where both nitrite
resolve whether at least one of the four NxrC oxidation and 0, reduction take place on the
candidates is part of the N m holoenzyme in cytoplasmic side of the inner membrane, is not
“ Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii.” understood (Bock and Wagner, 2001).
Interestingly, immunogold labeling revealed Comparative sequence analyses showed that
that the membrane-associated Nxr of Nitros- the two NxrA copies of “Candidatus Nitro-
piru is arranged in hexagonal patterns on the spira defluvii” are substantially different from
outer side of the cell membrane and thus faces the NxrA of Nitrobucter and Nitrococcus. The
the periplasmic space. In contrast, the Nxr NxrA proteins of the latter two NOB are
of Nitrobacter is located on the cytoplasmic closely affiliated with each other and with the
side of the membrane (Spieck et al., 1996a). alpha subunit of respiratory membrane-bound
A periplasmic localization of the Nitrospira nitrate reductase (NarG) (Fig. 4). In contrast,
Nxr is also supported by sequence analysis of both Nitrospira NxrA copies group together

with a putative nitrite-oxidizing/nitrate- All previously genome-sequenced bacterial

reducing enzyme of the anaerobic ammonium nitrifiers use the Calvin cycle for autotrophic
oxidizer (anammox organism) Candidatus
“ carbon fixation (Chain et al., 2003; Klotz et
Kuenenia stuttgartiensis” (Strous et al., 2006) al., 2006; Starkenburg et al., 2006,2008; Stein,
(Fig. 4). This distinct phylogenetic affiliation 2007). The genome of “Candidatus Nitrospira
may reflect ecologically significant hffer- defluvii” contains a gene similar to the large
ences in structural and catalytic properties. For subunit of ribulose-l,5-bisphosphate carboxy-
example, a different substrate affinity of NxrA lase (RubisCO), which at first glance suggests
could be the molecular basis of the aforemen- that Nitrospira rely on the same pathway as the
tioned K/r-hypothesis for Nitrospira and Nitro- other nitri+ing bacteria. However, a closer
bacter. Furthermore, the phylogeny of NmA look revealed that this Nitrospira protein is phy-
raises questions about the evolution of NOB. logenetically affiliated to Form IV RubisCO-
The tree (Fig. 4) suggests a common ancestor like proteins (Fig. 5). In other bacteria, Form
for the NxrA of Nitrospira and the protein of IV RubisCO-like proteins lack a robust car-
“ Candidatus Kuenenia stuttgartiensis.” Which boxylase activity (Hanson andTabita, 2001) but
organism possessed this ancestral enzyme function as 2,3-diketo-5-methylthiopentyl-
and where &d it live, under oxic conditions 1-phosphate enolase in the methionine salvage
like Nitrospira or in anoxic habitats like the pathway (Ashida et al., 2003). At the substrate
anammox bacterium Kuenenia? Although the binding and catalytic sites, the primary struc-
phylogeny shown in Fig. 4 might be blurred by ture of the Nitrospira RubisCO-like protein dif-
past lateral gene transfer events, it is tempting fers from highly conserved amino acid residue
to speculate that the aerobic nitrite-oxidizing patterns found in the carboxylating RubisCO
system of Nitrospira was derived from an anaer- Forms I to I11 of plants, autotrophic bacteria,
obic protein complex and that the ancestor of and archaea (Hanson and Tabita, 2001) (data
Nitrospira was adapted to life under hypoxic not shown).Therefore, a role of this Form IV
conditions. This hypothesis will also be RubisCO-like protein in autotrophic carbon
addressed in the context of autotrophic carbon fixation seems to be unlikely in Nitrospira.This
fixation (see below). Finally, the distant rela- conclusion is further supported by the absence
tionship between the NxrA forms of Nitrospira of carboxysomes in Nitrospira cells (Watson et
and those of Nitrobacter and Nitrococcus suggests al., 1986; Ehrich et al., 1995; Lebedeva et al.,
that the use of nitrite as an energy source was 2008). The genome of “Candidatus Nitrospira
invented more than once in the course of bac- defluvii” also lacks any homolog of another
terial evolution. key enzyme of the Calvin cycle, phospho-
ribulokinase (or ribulose-5-phosphate kinase),
Autotrophic Carbon Fixation strongly suggesting that Nitrospira uses a dif-
Like the other NOB, Nitrospira spp. are able ferent pathway for carbon fixation. Indeed, the
to use CO, or bicarbonate as the sole carbon genome encodes all proteins needed for carbon
source for autotrophic growth.The genome of fixation via the reverse tricarboxylic acid
“Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii” encodes three (rTCA) cycle, in particular fumarate reduc-
carbonic anhydrases, one of the eukaryotic tase, 2-oxog1utarate:ferredoxinoxidoreductase
(alpha) type and two of the prokaryotic type (OGOR), and ATP-citrate lyase. These are
(gamma). The alpha-type carbonic anhydrase considered to be the key enzymes of the rTCA
most likely is located in the periplasm and cycle. The other necessary enzymes are shared
might play a crucial role for bicarbonate uptake between the rTCA and the oxidative TCA
by converting bicarbonate to CO,, which can cycles (Hugler et al., 2005).The CO, fixation
freely diffuse through the cytoplasmic mem- product acetyl-CoA is carboxylated to pyru-
brane. Consistent with this assumption, the vate by pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase
genome lacks a known bicarbonate transporter. (POR), which also is encoded in the Nitrospira
5echlorornonas, AA049008 (PcrA) Jhauera selenatis, Q9Sl HO (SerA)
Halorubrum lacusprofund!, 2P_02016389 (put NarG)
Haloarcula mansmortuf. YP-135852 (put. NarG) rC Sulfurihydrogen!bium sp Y03A0, YP-001937341 (n.d )
Halofero~mediterraneJ,CAF21906 (put NarG)

Geobacfer, YP-383297 (put. NarG)

Aromatoleurn aromaticum. AAK76387 (EdbH)
YP-465377 (put. NarG)

Thermusthermophilus, CAA71210, (put NarG) __ ---

Candidatus Nitrorpira defluvii (NxrAl)
Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii (NxrA2)
___- --
x CL
Nitrococcus mobilis Nb-231 ,-./--
ZP-01125872 (NxrA) \ ---------r-_
==-- -_
Candrdatus Kuenenia stuttgartiensis,CAJ72445 (NxrA)
- - Beggratoa sp PS, ZP-02000390 (n d )
Nitrobacter, YP-578638 INxrA) -1 Hydrogenobaculurn sp YO4AAS1, YP~002121006(n d )

Archaeoglobus fulgrdus DSM 430, NP_069015 (n.d.) E3


NarG-like, cd02750 Moorello thermoacetica ATCC 39, YP-430751 (n d )

\II Carboxydothermushydrogenoformans, YP-360901 (n d.)


MopB-4, cd02765 3
FIGURE 4 Phylogenetic tree, based on protein sequences, showing selected alpha subunits from the DMSO reductase famly of molybdopterin-containing
enzymes. Sequences of nitrite oxldoreductase alpha subunits (NxrA) of NOB are printed in boldface. Database accession numbers are indicated for all protein
sequences.The tree topology was determned by maximum hkelihood analysis of the sequences ofthe molybdopterin- and [Fe-S]-binding domains and by excluding
N-termnal signal peptides. Protein subunit names indicate the functions of the respective enzymes: NarG, dissimilatory membrane-bound nitrate reductase; NxrA,
nitrite oxidoreductase;PcrA, perchlorate reductase; SerA, selenate reductase; ClrA, chlorate reductase; DdhA, dimethyl sulfide dehydrogenase;EdbH, ethylbenzene
dehydrogenase;put., putative; n.d , function not determned. (Figure courtesy of Frank Maixner.)


Synechococcus elongatus
Nitrococcus rnobilis Ambidopsis thaliana
Form II
Methylococcus capsulatus Rhodospirillum rubrum

Rhodobacter sphaeroides
Nitrobacter sp.

Pyrococcus horikoshii ----- * , , Archaeoglobus fulgidus

Archaeoglobus fulgidus

Bacillus subtilis

Chlorobium tepidum Leptospirillum sp.


FIGURE 5 Phylogenetic tree, based on protein sequences, showing ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase

(RubisCO) of selected organisms. Arcs delimit RubisCO forms I to IV Black dots indicate a high parsimony
bootstrap support (>900/0,100iterations) for the respective tree branches. Names of nitrifying bacteria are printed
in boldface. The tree topology was determined by Fitch-Margoliash analysis of the sequences (with global
rearrangement and randomized input order [seven jumbles]). The scale bar indicates 0.1 estimated changes per

genome. In contrast to the membrane-bound In contrast, NOB using the Calvin cycle must
dehydrogenases of the oxidative TCA cycle, overcome the slightly smaller reduction poten-
the ferredoxin-containing oxidoreductases of tial difference between nitrite arid NAD'
the reverse pathway are soluble proteins (Evans by reverse electron transport (from +0.43 to
et al., 1966).Other known CO, fixation path- -0.32 V). Thus, reverse electron transport
ways were not identified, and the finding that costs more energy in Nitrospira than in other
" Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii" most likely NOB. On the other hand, the synthesis of one
uses the rTCA cycle was a surprise. The triose phosphate via the Calvin cycle requires
dependence of this pathway on reduced ferre- nine ATP and reductants from six NAD(P)
doxin poses a requirement for reverse electron H, whereas the rTCA cycle requires only
transport from the electron donor nitrite over five ATP and reductants from three NAD(P)
a relatively large difference in reduction poten- H, two ferredoxins, and one unknown donor
tial (E"') from +0.43 V for the NO,p/NO,p (Lengeler et al., 1999). Because of the lower
redox pair to about -0.39 V for ferredoxin. ATP demand, the rTCA cycle is not neces-

sarily a competitive disadvantage for Nitrospira to enable nitrite oxidation under oxygen-lim-
compared to NOB using the Calvin cycle. ited conditions.
Nitrospira spp. might also use reductants that The rTCA cycle is widely distributed
have a lower potential than nitrite (eg., H,) among the Bacteria and Archaea and has been
to reduce ferredoxin if such reductants are proposed to be the most ancient pathway for
available in their environmental microenviron- autotrophic carbon fixation (e.g., Wachter-
ments.The ability of N. rnoscoviensis to use H, shauser, 1990). All known NOB that use the
as electron donor was documented by Ehrich Calvin cycle are Proteobacteria, and, in partic-
et al. (1995), who observed this organism to ular, Nitrobacter is considered to be a relatively
reduce nitrate with H, under anoxic incuba- recently evolved genus (Orso et al., 1994).
tion conditions. Also puzzling is the paradox In contrast, the genus Nitrospira is a deep-
that Nitrospira oxidize nitrite under aerobic branching lineage within the phylum Nitros-
conditions, whereas the rTCA cycle is most pirae that constitutes a separate, main line of
common in anaerobic and microaerophilic descent among the Bacteria. Their distinct
microbes, because the ferredoxin-containing phylogenetic position and impressive diversity,
key enzymes P O R and OGOR are sensitive and the use of an early evolved CO, fixation
to oxygen (Campbell et al., 2006). However, pathway, indicate that Nitrospira occupied its
the POR and OGOR of “Candidatus Nitro- niche early in evolution. This process likely
spira defluvii” are highly similar to homolo- occurred by a transition from an anaerobic
gous enzymes in Hydrogenobacter thermophilus, to an aerobic or microaerophilic lifestyle as
an organism known to use the rTCA cycle for reflected by the similarity of the carbon fixa-
autotrophy under oxic conditions (Yaniamoto tion pathway and the nitrite oxidoreductase to
et al., 2006). The similar Nitrospira versions of the respective enzymes in anaerobic bacteria.
POR and OGOR might be relatively oxygen Aided by the now available genomic data,
resistant, too. The presence of the rTCA cycle specific physiological experiments should be
in Nitrospira might also explain why high den- performed to determine whether modern
sities of these NOB were observed in deeper Nitrospira have retained other metabolic fea-
and rather oxygen-depleted regions of biofilms tures of anaerobic or microaerophilic microbes
(Okabe et al., 1999;Gieseke et al.,2003),where and to which extent such features may enable
oxygen-sensitive enzymes would benefit from Nitrospira to survive without their apparent key
low DO concentrations. Consistent with this substrates nitrite and oxygen.
assumption, Okabe et al. (1999) observed a low
abundance of Nitrospira close to the surface of a Use of Organic Carbon Compounds
nitrifying biofilm and therefore suggested that As mentioned earlier in this chapter, culti-
Nitrospira may be inhibited by high oxygen vation-independent methods showed that
levels. This is contrasted by other reports of Nitrospira in a nitrifying biofilin were able to
high Nitrospira densities close to the surface of assimilate pyruvate (Daims et al., 2001). The
nitrifying aggregates, where DO concentra- capacity to assimilate organic carbon from
tions were higher than in the inner parts of the pyruvate and some other simple compounds is
aggregates (e.g., Schramm et al., 1999). How- reflected by the genome of “Candidatus Nitro-
ever, even in the presence of high bulk DO spira defluvii.” Interestingly, this includes ace-
concentrations,the oxygen levels may be lower tate although no acetate uptake was observed
in local microniches, for example, because 0, in situ previously (Daims et al., 2001). More-
is consumed by adjacent ammonia oxidizers over, based on the genomic data, “Candidatus
or heterotrophs. If Nitrospira spp. indeed are Nitrospira defluvii” may be able to gain energy
confined to niches with a low-oxygen tension, from the oxidation of organic compounds.The
their affinity to oxygen must be high enough Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas glycolytic pathway

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Campbell, B. J.,A. S. Engel, M. L. Porter, and K.
We gratefully acknowledge the constructive com- Takai. 2006. The versatile epsilon-proteobacteria:
ments and suggestions on various parts of this chapter key players in sulphidic habitats. Nut. Rev. Microbial.
provided by colleague Peter Bottomley. The ideas 4:458-468.
expressed in this chapter also benefited fiom d~scus- Cebron, A., and J. Garnier. 2005. Nitrubacter and
sions with colleagues Jim Prosser, Andreas Schramm, Nitruspiru genera as representatives of nitrite-
Eva Spieck, and Frank Maixner. We are indebted to oxidizing bacteria: detection, quantification and
Thomas Rattei for performing various computational growth along the lower Seine River (France). Water
analyses on genomic data from Nitrospira. Res 39:4979-4992.
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Ben B. Ward

INTRODUCTION oxidants are not available. Thus, nitrification
Nitrogen is one of the essential nutrients for links other critical processes in the nitrogen
life, and the one most often limiting for bio- cycle, performing essential transformations in
logical production in vast regions of the world’s all ocean environments except those that are
oceans. Thus, the marine nitrogen cycle tends extremely reducing.
to function efficiently in the ocean, and the Nitrification in the ocean has been compre-
net nitrogen inventory is governed by the bal- hensively reviewed in the context of the overall
ance between losses due to denitrification and marine nitrogen cycle in a recent book (Capone
inputs from nitrogen fixation.Within the cycle et al., 2008). Therefore, following a brief over-
of fixed nitrogen transformations, ammonium view and introduction, the present chapter will
is produced from the breakdown of organic focus only on very recent developments and
matter during remineralization by heterotrophs their implications for nitrogen cycling in the
such as zooplankton and microbes in the water marine environment. (i) For oceanographers,
column and by benthic invertebrates, worms, in general, the extensive verification that nitri-
and microbes in the sediments. In oxygenated fication occurs in the euphotic zone, the sunlit
environments, ammonium rarely accumulates, surface layer of the ocean, has important rami-
however, as it is rapidly oxidzed to nitrite fications for estimating primary production
and nitrate by the process of nitrification. In and modeling the biological carbon cycle. (ii)
surface waters, nitrate is rapidly consumed by The most important new insights for marine
photosynthetic phytoplankton, while it tends nitrification are related to the recent discovery
to accumulate in the deep ocean where this that Archaea are abundant ammonia oxidizers
assimilatory process cannot occur. Nitrate that in the ocean.Their abundance far exceeds that
makes its way to oxygen-depleted environ- of the bacterial nitrifiers, which raises major
ments in the water column and sediments is questions about the mass balance of nitrogen
usually lost as &nitrogen gas by denitrification and carbon fluxes in the mesopelagic zone.The
or anammox. In very low oxygen environ- dominance of archaeal nitrifiers also has inipli-
ments, ammonium can accumulate if suitable cations for their ecology and physiology with
respect to environmental regulation of nitri-
Brss B. Ward, Department of Geosciences, Princeton Univer- fication and the production of nitrous oxide.
sity, Princeton, NJ 08544. (iii) Anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox)
Nitrijication, Edited by B a s B.Ward, I h i i e l J.Arp, and Martin (;. I<lotz
0201 1 ASM Prcss,Washington, I)(:

326 WARD

is now recognized as a major fixed nitrogen the new production paradigm (Dugdale and
loss term in oxygen-depleted zones (ODZs) of Goering, 1967; Eppley and Peterson, 1979)
the ocean, where denitrification had formerly (Fig. 2). New production, or export produc-
been assumed to be the primary process. tion, is the term necessary to estimate deep
carbon burial, the rate at which the biological
DISTRIBUTION AND RATES OF pump removes carbon, nitrogen, and associ-
NITRIFICATION IN OCEAN ated materials from the surface ocean and
The role of nitrification in marine systems is to sequesters them in sediments for long-term
link the oxidizing (nutrient regeneration) and burial. The new production paradigm has
reducing (assimilation,respiration) processes of been a very useful construct for understanding
the nitrogen cycle by converting ammonium and modeling biogeochemical processes in the
(NH,+)to nitrate (NO,-) (Fig. 1).Nitrification ocean.
does not influence the net N inventory of the Nitrogen is often the limiting nutrient
ocean directly except by small losses to the gas- for primary production, and it can be sup-
eous pool of nitrous oxide (N,O; see later), but plied either by recycled ammonium within
it does determine the distribution of N among the euphotic zone (regenerated nutrients:
important dissolved inorganic nitrogen pools. supporting regenerated production) or by
Organic matter, initially produced by primary supply of nitrogen from outside the euphotic
production and cycled through the marine zone (new nitrogen: from nitrogen fixation
food web, is degraded by microbes, and organic or vertical transport via upwelling or mixing
nitrogen is eventually mineralized to ammo- of NO,- from the deep ocean reservoir, sup-
nium. Most microbes and phytoplankton can porting new production). The new produc-
easily assimilate ammonium, and it rarely accu- tion paradigm explicitly states that nitrification
mulates to significant concentrations in oxy- does not occur in the euphotic zone (Fig.
genated ocean waters. Ammonia-oxidizing 2, Left), so that all nitrate must be supplied
bacteria (AOB) and ammonia-oxidizing firom external sources and is equated to new
archaea (AOA) oxidize ammonium to nitrite, nitrogen. If the system is in steady state, then
and nitrite oxidizers (assumed to be bacteria, loss of material from the euphotic zone by
nitrite-oxidizing bacteria [NOB]), convert the grazing or sinking (export) is balanced by the
nitrite to nitrate, which can be a very important input of new nitrogen. If nitrogen fixation is
N source for many lunds of phytoplankton. minimal, then the supply of nitrate from below
Nitrate concentrations in the surf-ace ocean is approximately equal to the export loss term.
are usually very low due to utilization by phy- If nitrogen is limiting and nitrate therefore
toplankton, except in “high-nutrient low- does not accuniulate when supplied to the
chlorophyll” regions and when supplied by euphotic zone, then the rate of nitrate assinii-
episodic events such as regional upwelling. lation is equivalent to the rate of export pro-
The deep nitrate reservoir can be made avail- duction. The simplicity of this model has great
able to phytoplankton by mixing, upwelling, practical attractions because it implies that a
and seasonal overturn.These physical processes simple measurement of the rates of nitrate and
bring cold deep nitrate-rich water up to the ammonium uptake using stable isotope tracer
surface where, in the presence of light, phy- experiments can quantify the rates of new
toplankton can assimilate the nitrate. Thus, and regenerated production, without the need
although nitrate is not usually abundant in for ecosystem-wide experiments or sediment
surface waters, it is a very important nitrogen traps, etc. Nitrification is implicitly important
source for phytoplankton. in the conception and measurement of new
The significance of ammonium and nitrate production because nitrification is the ultimate
as sources of N for primary production in the source of the nitrate that supports new pro-
ocean is usually understood in the context of duction, but it is assumed that this nitrification


[ nitrate
I1 nitrite oxidation

nitrogen fixation \ NH,+
Organic N

FIGURE 1 The biological nitrogen cycle, showing the role of nitrification in linking the oxidized and reduced
components of the dissolved inorganic nitrogen pools.

does not occur in the same layer where that Karl, 1996; Clark et al., 2008; Fernandez and
production occurs. Rainibault, 2007). For example, in Monterey
Most measurements of nitrification in the Bay, California (-1,000 m total depth), the
ocean and estuarine environments have been photic zone usually extends to 30 to 50 m, and
made in the upper layers. Where depth pro- a primary nitrite maximum typically occurs
files are available, however, it is found that the between 20 and 50 ni (Ward, 2005b).Ammo-
highest nitrification rates, both ammonium nium oxidation rates range between 0 and 80
oxidation and nitrite oxidation, occur in a nM day-', often with a rate maximum at 30
region near the bottom of the euphotic zone. to 50 m. Using a model to evaluate the distri-
A maximum is often observed in the nitrifica- bution of 15N and l 8 0 in nitrate throughout
tion rate at a depth in the water column where the upper 200 m in Monterey Bay, Wankel et
the light intensity is 5 to 10% of surface light al. (2007) concluded that 15 to 27% of nitrate
intensity, which also often includes the depth assimilation was supported by nitrification.
zone of the primary nitrite maximum and the Isotope tracer experiments in the same region
deep chlorophyll maximum (Ward et al., 1984; detected nitrification in the photic zone and
Ward, 1987b; Lipschultz et al., 1990; Sutka et showed that a large fraction of ammonium
al., 2004). utilization (21 to 33%) supported nitrifica-
Although nitrification rates are usually low tion rather than phytoplankton assimilation
in the surface layer (approximately 0 to 50 m), (Ward, 2005b). In the Southern California
the rate of nitrate production via nitrification Bight, a more oligotrophic region to the south
that occurs within the photic zone is often on of Monterey Bay, nitrification could supply
the same order as the rate of nitrate utilization the entire nitrate assimilation demand in the
by phytoplankton (Ward et al., 1989;Dore and lower depths of the euphotic zone (Ward et al.,
328 W WARD

- - - - c O )

deep ocear

FIGURE 2 Schematic of the role of nitrification in the surface ocean. Plankton, phytoplankton and zooplankton,
the grazing food web; PN, particulate nitrogen, living or dead; DON, dwolved organic nitrogen. (Left) Nitrification
occurs in the deep ocean, and nitrate is supplied to the euphotic zone by mixing.This physical separation between
the processes of nitrate assimilation and regeneration, as described in the New Production Paradigm (Eppley
and Peterson, 1979), means that at steady state, the rate of nitrate assimilation is equivalent to the rate of export
production (sinking or otherwise removal of P N from the euphotic zone). (Right) Nitrification occurs in the
euphotic zone as well as at depth, implying that nitrate assimilation cannot be equated to export production. Other
processes that complicate the simple application of the New Production Paradigm are also shown: D O N is a much
greater flux than previously imagined, and nitrogen furation can be a significant source of new production is some
regions of the ocean.

1989).Thus,it appears that some of the nitrate tion rates. Far fewer reports of nitrite oxida-
assimilated by phytoplankton cannot be called tion rates have been published, and many of
new nitrogen, and the uptake rate of nitrate the high rates reported may be 0verestimates.A
cannot be equated with new production. At compilation of published rates of nitrification
least part of the primary production supported in various aquatic environments was presented
by nitrate must be considered regenerated pro- by Ward (2008).
duction, and nitrate is a rapidly cycled regen- The rate of nitrification in the deep ocean
erated nutrient (Fig. 2 , Right). The degree to is minimal, because the flux of ammonium
which nitrate assimilation and nitrate regener- from organic matter decomposition decreases
ation are separated in time and space no doubt with increasing depth. The accuniulation of
varies regionally and seasonally and is a topic nitrate as the main form of nitrogen in the
sorely in need of additional investigation. deep sea results from very low production and
Rates of nitrification reported for the open the lack of any significant consumption. An
ocean are in the range of a few to a few hun- exception to this deep sea condition is found
dred nanomolar per day (Ward, 2006, 2008; in the vicinity of hydrothermal vent plumes,
Yo01 et al., 2007) and have been detected as where ammonium concentrations are elevated
deep as 3,000 m (Ward and Zafiriou, 1988). to hundreds of nanomolar (Lilley et al., 1993)
Most of the reports are of ammonium oxida- and oxidation rates (up to 91 nM day-') of the

same magnitude as those detected in surface most important development in the study of
water have been reported (Lam et al., 2004). nitrification in the ocean in the last decade is
the discovery of AOA (Konneke et al., 2005)
AOB AND AOA (see Chapters 6 and 7). The iniplications of
The NH,-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), includmg this discovery may not result in big changes
the marine AOB, fall into two major phyla in our understanding of the rates and distri-
in the Proteobacteria (Purkhold et al., 2003; bution of nitrification in the ocean. Some of
Koops et al., 2003) (see Chapter 2).The p sub- the new findings, however, do compel us to
division contains the genera Nitrosospira and reconsider our current picture of carbon and
Nitrosomonas, while Nitrosococcus is in the y sub- nitrogen fluxes in the mesopelagic ocean (see
division. O n the basis of 16s rRNA sequence next section).
analysis,several main clusters and a large amount After their initial identification as a domain
of microdiversity within clusters of the p AOB separate from Bacteria (Woese et al., 1978),
have been detected in marine environments Archaea, including the kingdom Crenarchaeota,
(Stephen et al., 1996, Bano and Hollibaugh, were assumed to be mostly extremophiles,
2000; O’Mullan and Ward, 2005). Nitrosomonas typical of extremely hot, hypersaline, acidic,
sequences were more often associated with or anoxic environments. The first report of
enrichment cultures and Nitrosospira with clone ubiquitous archaeal genes in 16s rRNA clone
libraries (Stephen et al., 1996;Smith et a1.,2001), libraries from the ocean (Fuhrman et al., 1992)
implying that even in the well-known AOB, was met with skepticism.This report was sub-
the most important strains in the environment sequently substantiated (Delong, 1992), and
are not represented in the culture collections. the great numerical abundance of Crenar-
Nitrosospira-like sequences related only to other chaeota (Karner et al., 2001) proved them to be
environmental sequences are often dominant in ubiquitous in the ocean, by definition due to
AOB sequence clone libraries retrieved fiom its vastness, a nonextreme environment. First
oceanic (Bano and Hollibaugh, 2000; Hol- attempts to determine the metabolic repertoire
libaugh et d., 2002; O’Mullan andward, 2005; of this vast but previously unknown compo-
Molina et al., 2007), estuarine (Francis et al., nent of the microbial ecosystem showed that
2003; Bernhard et al., 2005), and coastal (Ando the ubiquitous Crenarchaeota assimilated ra&o-
et al., 2009) environments. labeled amino acids (Ouverney and Fuhrman,
Marine Nitrosococcus, although ubiquitous 2000), suggesting that the dominant metabo-
(Ward and O’Mullan, 2002), are apparently less lism of the group was heterotrophy. This was
abundant and have received much less study. consistent with the assumption that most
Compared to the large amount of data avail- microbes in the deep sea are heterotrophic,
able for the p AOB, there are few reports of subsisting on the rain of organic matter that
Nitrosococcus-like sequences obtained from the reaches the deep sea from primary production
marine environment and no reports of finding by phytoplankton in the surface waters.
Nitrosococcus halophilus-like sequences.This lack This view began to change when
of information on Nitrosococcus may be a matter ammonia-oxidizing genes of apparent archaeal
of P C R primer specificity and limited research origin were discovered in environmental
effort at present, but it just as likely implies that metagenomic libraries from soils (Schleper et
Nitrosococcus is a minor component of the AOB al., 2005) and the ocean (Venter et al., 2004).
assemblage. Homologues of the ammonia iiionooxygenase
Until recently, the only cultivated ammonia gene from AOB were definitively linked with
oxidizers were bacteria. These cultures have 16s rRNA genes from the most common
provided the basis of physiological inferences group of Crenarchaeota in soils (Treusch et al.,
about ecological niches and environmental 2005) .The physiological link was clearly estab-
regulation of nitrification in the ocean. The lished by cultivation from a seawater aquarium
330 W WARD

of a strain of Archaea that oxidizes NH4+to Bay water column (Bouskill et al., unpublished
NO,-, apparently using a pathway with stoi- data), the ratio of AOA:AOB increased with
chiometry similar to that of the AOB (Kon- increasing salinity, such that AOB were most
neke et al., 2005). Nitrosopumilus maritimus abundant in the oligohaline regions of the
was inhibited by high levels of organic matter, estuary and AOA greatly outnumbered AOA
but preliminary information horn its genome in the more oceanic conditions of the lower
shows that it possesses the capability to acquire estuary. Even within the AOB, community
and assimilate a range of organic compounds. composition varies with salinity in estuarine
If N.maritimus is representative of marine cre- waters, with Nitrosomonas types being more
narchaeal AOA, the metabolic type appears to prevalent in oligohaline regions and Nitroso-
be mixotrophy. spiru dominated in the higher-salinity regions
The 16s rRNA sequence of only one cul- (Caffrey et al., 2003; Berhnard et al., 2005;
tivated marine AOA is currently available, and Ward et al., 2007). A recent review (Erguder
that sequence places N maritimus within the et al., 2009) documented the occurrence of
low-temperature marine Crenarchaeota, a AOA under a wide range of environmental
group that is abundant in seawater and distinct conditions, including very low p H and mea-
from low-temperature Crenarchaeota in soils sureable sulfide, where AOB have not been
(Konneke et al., 2005). Phylogenetic analysis of detected. Clearly the AOA are a very &verse
several hundred AOA partial a m o A sequences group, although the few clades found in the
identified major groups that clustered by envi- open ocean are probably very restricted in
ronment (Francis et al., 2005). Marine AOA are their physicochemical tolerances.
found in two of the major clades of the meso-
philic Crenarchaeota, as defined by 16s rRNA NOB IN THE OCEAN
phylogeny (Prosser and Nicol, 2008). Based on The phylogeny of NO,--oxidizing bacteria
clone libraries of a m o A gene sequences, AOA- (Bock and Wagner, 2003) (see Chapter 12),
type a m o A genes are ubiquitous in aquatic based on 16s rRNA sequences, shows that
environments, and dfferent clades charac- the best-known autotrophic NO,- oxidizer,
terize different environments (Prosser and Nitrobacter, comprises a coherent genus in the
Nicol, 2008), incluhng &fferent depth hori- subdivision of the Proteobacteria (Teske et
zons (Beman et al., 2008; De Corte et al., 2009; al., 1994). Like Nitrosococcus oceani, Nitrococcus
Yakimov et al., 2009).Although both rRNA and mobilis (Watson and Waterbury, 1971) belongs
a m o A genes for both AOA and AOB are easily to the y subdivision of the Proteobacteria, the
retrieved fi-om marine environments for clone only example of both NH,- and NO,--oxi-
library analysis, it now appears that the AOA are &zing phenotypes occurring in the same sub-
much more abundant than AOB in marine sys- &vision. Nitrospina gracilis, the only species in
tems (Wuchter et al., 2006; Mincer et al., 2007; this genus, represented by two isolates (Watson
De Corte et al., 2009). Prosser and Nicol (2008) andwaterbury, 1971), is assigned to the 6 subdi-
concluded that all available evidence now in&- vision of the Proteobacteria. Possibly the most
cates that AOA are not only more abundant unusual nitrifier is the genus Nitrospira, which
than AOB in the marine environment and else- is represented by only two isolates and does
where, but that they are likely responsible for not share a common lineage with the other
most of the ammonium oxidation. nitrifiers. A novel Nitrospira strain, Nitrospiva
In estuaries, the dominance of AOA over moscoviensis, isolated from a heating system in
AOB is not ubiquitous. Some estuarine se&- Moscow, Russia, was assigned to a new genus
ments are clearly dominated by AOA (C&ey outside of the Proteobacteria (Ehrich et al.,
et al., 2007) and other by AOB (Magalhiies 1995).These authors reanalyzed the Nitrospira
et al., 2009). In San Francisco Bay sehments marina sequence, which Teske et al. (1994) had
(Mosier and Francis, 2008) and the Chesapeake placed in the 6-Proteobacteria, and concluded

that Nitrospiru belonged outside the Proteobac- physiological capabilities of the AOB. Thus,
teria, in a deeply branching cluster related to characteristics such as light inhibition and high
Lqtospiuilla. The marine isolate (Watson et al., substrate affinity, formerly attributed to AOB,
1986) was obtained from the Gulf of Maine, must now be reconsidered in ternis of AOA.
and the authors reported that similar cells were The sensitivity ofAOB and NOB to light in
present in many enrichments, suggesting it is a both pure culture and enrichments is well doc-
common member of the marine nitrifier assem- umented (Muller-Neugluck and Engel, 1961;
blage. Although much less is known about the Horrigan et al., 1981; Guerrero and Jones,
coniposition of nitrite oxidzers than ammonia 1996).The physiologicalbasis of light sensitivity
oxidizers in the ocean, recent evidence suggests is assumed to be the abundant cytochronies in
that most of the nitrite oxidizers are bacteria of AOB and NOB, which are reported to confer
the Nitrospinu lineage (Mincer et al., 2007). wavelength-specific inhibition (Guerrero and
Jones, 1996). Light inhibition has been inter-
PHYSIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY OF preted to explain the primary nitrite maximum
MARINE NITRIFIERS (Olson, 1981b) and to support the absence of
Despite their somewhat restricted phyloge- nitrification in the photic zone, in accord with
netic range, the bacterial nitrifiers are polyphy- the new production paradigm. The degree
letic, and the phenotype has apparently arisen to which this physiological characteristic is
independently numerous times.The homology expressed in the real world is debatable,because
of the functional genes (amo, hao) involved in other factors such as substrate limitation and
the ammonium-oxidizing physiology implies bacterivory might easily determine nitrifier
gene transfer events, however, rather than inde- distribution and activity, and phytoplankton
pendent evolution of these enzymes.The fact alone could be responsible for the primary
that the amoA genes from AOB and AOA are nitrite maximum (Lonias and Lipschultz,2006).
homologous raises the question of the ulti- It is not yet known whether cultivated AOA
mate origin of the NH,-oxidizing phenotype are inhibited by natural light. If the AOA in the
(see Chapter 4). If the ancestral Crenarchaeota marine environment are subject to light inhi-
were thermophiles, it is possible that NH, oxi- bition, it must be via a different mechanism,
dation originally arose in thermophiles and because the archaea are sorely lacking in heme
spread from the archaea to the bacteria. proteins, having instead a preponderance of
An understanding of the phylogeny of Cu-containing proteins (see Chapter 6).
nitrifying bacteria is relevant to the study of Cultivated marine AOB demonstrate a
nitrification in aquatic habitats because it has classic response of increased ammonium oxi-
implications for detection and quantification dation rate related to increasing ammonium
methods. Although the bacterial nitrifiers are concentration (Carlucci and Strickland, 1968;
polyphyletic, they are not so diverse as to be Ward, 1987),but attempts to demonstrate such
unmanageable; their affiliation within a small a response with natural assemblages from the
group of lineages makes them amenable to ocean have generally failed (Olson, 1981a;
identification and detection using a relatively Ward and Kilpatrick, 1990). One explanation
small suite of molecular probes. This approach for this lack of a kinetic response is that the
forms the basis of much current knowledge affinity of the natural assemblage for ammonia
on the diversity and distribution of autotro- was so high (their half-saturation constants so
phic nitrifying bacteria and has already made low), that the rates of oxidation were saturated
important contributions to the study of nitri- at measurable levels of substrate enrichment.
fjing archaea as well. This implies that the most important compo-
Before the discovery of the AOA, the eco- nents of the natural assemblage of AOBs have
physiology of ammonium oxidation was not been cultivated and is consistent with the
interpreted in terms of the biochemical and very high affinity for ammonium demonstrated
332 WARD

by the cultivated AOA, N. maritimus (Martens- porate modern carbon into their cell mem-
Habbena et al., 2009). Ergruber et al. (2009) branes-this does not differentiate between
documented the retrieval ofAOA amoA genes autotrophy and heterotrophy, as most dissolved
from habitats with a very high ammonia con- organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved inor-
centration, but the AOA of the true oceanic ganic carbon in the surface ocean is of modern
environment rarely encounter ammonium origin. However, at 670 m, archaeal lipids were
concentrations higher than 1 pM. Substrate isotopically enriched relative to the ambient
affinity might well be an important determi- DOC pool, indicating that incorporation of
nant of the biogeography ofAOA clades. ambient DOC could not be the main source
Microaerophily has been attributed to cul- of carbon for these cells. Ingalls et al. (2006)
tivated AOB (Gundersen, 1966; Carlucci and concluded that incorporation of dmolved
McNally, 1969) and N O B (Laanbroek et al., inorganic carbon, through some autotrophic
1994) in culture and in the environment.The CO, assimilation pathway, was the source of
apparent link between nitrification and deni- 83% of the archaeal membrane lipids and, by
trification in facilitating fixed N loss in strati- extension, archaeal biomass, at 670 m. What
fied environments (e.g., sediments, biofilms) cannot be distinguished is whether this contri-
(Jensen et al., 1996; Laursen and Seitzinger, bution of autotrophy implies that 83%) of the
2002; Revsbech et al., 2006; Krishnan et al., cells are completely autotrophic, or the whole
2008) is consistent with the ability of bacte- archaeal assemblage is mixotrophic, obtaining
rial nitrifiers to tolerate and grow at very low 83% of its carbon from CO, and 17% from
oxygen tension. AOA have been detected DOC. It is also possible that more of the bio-
in low 0, waters (Beman et al., 2008), sug- mass is heterotrophic than this calculation
gesting that they too may have microaerophilic implies: if heterotrophic biomass is mostly sup-
capabilities. Nitrification at low oxygen con- ported by the rain of fresh organic matter, then
centrations is often linked to N,O produc- even organisms that utilize D O C would incor-
tion (Jorgensen et al., 1984; Usui et al., 2001; porate modern carbon (Aristegui et al., 2002),
Meyer et al., 2008) (see below).The anaerobic rather than the older DOC that makes up most
metabolism ofAOB is reported to include pro- of the standing stock of D O C at depth. Thus,
duction of N,gas (Bock et al., 1995; Zart and even heterotrophs at depth could have a rela-
Bock, 1998),but the pathways and significance tively modern isotopic signature.
of anaerobic metabolism by nitrifiers in the If a large fraction of the microbial biomass
ocean is not well understood. It seems likely, below the euphotic zone of the ocean (100 to
however, that much of the nitrification-related 1,000 m) is autotrophic, depending directly on
activities in low-oxygen environments that the assimilation of CO, rather than D O C or
were previously attributed to AOB must now particulate organic carbon, the current con-
be investigated in relation to AOA metabolism. ception of oceanic carbon and nitrogen cycling
requires major revision. In the currently
CARBON AND NITROGEN FLUXES IN accepted scenario, the only significant input
THE OCEAN of organic carbon (i.e., primary production)
The degree to which AOA represent hetero- occurs via photosynthesis in the surface ocean.
trophic or autotrophic biomass is one of the Other sources of primary production, such as
most intriguing and important unresolved anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria in micro-
issues. Ingalls et al. (2006) addressed this ques- bial mats or stratified basins, are interesting
tion by analyzing the radiocarbon content of and geologically important but quantitatively
archaeal lipids in surface waters and waters unimportant to total primary production. The
from 670 m in the subtropical North Pacific same conclusion applies to the chemosynthetic
Ocean. The isotopic signatures of the lipids communities of hot vents and cold seeps: they
showed that Archaea in surface waters incor- are locally important but contribute only a

small fraction of the total ocean carbon budget. Vertical flux measurements and relation-
Thus, primary production in the surface ocean ships derived to describe oxygen consumption
supports virtually all metabolism in the ocean, and nutrient regeneration imply that half of
either directly through grazing or indirectly the organic material removed from the surface
by contributing to the vertical flux of material layer by sinking is consumed within the upper
leaving the photic zone as intact cells or waste 300 m of the northeast Pacific, 75% by 500
material. This dependence on surface produc- m and 90% by 1,500 ni (Martin et al., 1987).
tion is consistent with the typical pattern of The increase in C:N and C:P ratios of organic
exponential decay with increasing depth of material with depth implies that nitrogen and
many oceanographically interesting quanti- phosphorus are regenerated even more rap-
ties: vertical flux of total particulate material, idly and at shallower depths than the carbon
as measured with sediment traps (Suess, 1980; component. Thus, most of the nitrification
Martin et al., 1987; Berelson, 2001) and ver- supported by the ammonium flux from rnin-
tical distribution and flux of hssolved organic eralization of sinking material should occur
matter (Santinelli et al., 2006) and of various within the upper 1,000 to 1,500 m of the
organic constituents (Wakeham et al., 1997; open ocean. Simulated in situ measurements
Sheridan et al., 2002); total microbial abun- of nitrification rates support this conclu-
dance and abundance of various phylogeneti- sion (Ward 1987b; Ward and Zafiriou, 1988).
cally defined subsets of cells (Karner et al., Measurement of nitrification rates using ‘’N
2001; Morris et al., 2002).The decrease in con- tracers yields rate estimates independent of the
centration and flux of particulate and dissolved kind of nitrifjring organism responsible for the
material with increasing depth implies loss of process. Thus, these arguments based on stoi-
this material via consumption and respiration chiometry and vertical distributions provide
by heterotrophic organisms, including bacteria constraints on the metabolic characteristics of
and zooplankton (Steinberg et al., 2002). the microbes in the ocean, and on the overall
If a large fraction of the microbial biomass nature and distribution of biogeochemical
below the euphotic zone is supported by autot- fluxes in the mesopelagic ocean.
rophy, then it is not the organic carbon por- By considering independent estimates of
tion of the vertical flux that controls microbial the abundance of Crenarchaeota, their contribu-
metabolism at depth, but rather the flux of tion to autotrophic hiomass, and the implica-
ammonium resulting from the minerahation of tions for nitrite oxidation, we can estimate the
the nitrogen component of the organic material. total contribution of nitrifiers to microbial bio-
Suess (1980) and Martin et al. (1987) used the mass in the ocean.Then, using measures of the
vertical flux of organic carbon to compute the fluxes of C and N into the mesopelagic realm
rate and lstribution of respiration in the water from sediment trap and other data, we can
column as a function of overlying primary pro- estimate the rate of biomass turnover (growth
duction or loss just below the euphotic zone. rate) of the autotrophic biomass that such flux
Just as oxygen utilization can be computed on could sustain. The supply and demand terms
the assumption that organic material is respired that result suggest that if autotrophic biomass
with a standard stoichiometry, the rate of N constitutes a very large portion of the total
regeneration is also predictable (Martin et al., biomass, it grows very slowly.
1987). N is remineralized initially as ammo- Karner et al. (2001) reported that Crenar-
nium, but the deep nitrogen reservoir is nitrate, chaeotd constituted on the order of 15 to 40%
not ammonium, implying that nitrification is of total 4’,6-diaiiiidmo-2-phenylindole-stained
also coupled directly to organic matter miner- cells (varying with season) in the same depth
alization.The few deep profdes of nitrification interval (600 to 1,000 ni) at a station very close
rates support such a quantitative relationship to the station from which the autotrophy esti-
(Ward and Zafiriou, 1988). mate (Ingalls et al., 2006) was obtained.These
334 W WARD

are the kind of cells whose lipids carry the distribution of total microbial and crenarchaeal
I4C signatures of autotrophy, implying that up cells can be used to estimate the amount of
to 40% of the microbial biomass at 670 m is C and N required to support the mesopelagic
supported mostly by autotrophy. If ammonia ecosystem.
oxidation is the basis of this autotrophy, there
are additional major implications for C and N Cell Numbers and N Demand
fluxes and the abundance of N O B in the deep We take the total number of crenarchaeal cells
ocean. Nitrite, the assumed product of archaeal estimated from the 150- to 1,000-ni interval
ammonia oxidation (Konneke et al., 2005), (Karner et al., 2001) and assume as an extreme
does not accumulate in this depth zone. The to set the boundaries of the argument that all of
subtropical North Pacific contains a typical these cells are AOA.To support this biomass by
oceanic oxygen minimum zone (OMZ), but an ammonia-oxidizing metabolism, we assume
oxygen is not depleted to the extent that deni- that AOA have an average cell C content of
trification occurs and nitrite concentrations 10 fg and a cellular C:N of 5.This means that
never exceed a few nanomolar (http://hahana. the microbial biomass represented in crenar- Thus, chaeal cells between 150 and 1,000 m is 2.38
any nitrite produced by ammonia oxidation X 1013 cells m-’. Among bacterial nitrifiers,
is likely rapidly oxidized fbrther to nitrate, the nitrification is an inefficient process, requiring
most abundant form of nitrogen in the deep -25 mol of N oxidized for each mole of CO,
ocean. This requires the involvement of a sub- fixed via the Calvin cycle. Archaeal nitrifiers
stantial biomass of nitrite-oxidzing microbes. If are suspected to use the 3-hydroxypropionate
we assume that ammonia and nitrite oxidation pathway to fix CO, (Hallam et al., 2006),a less
are equally energetically efficient (i.e., the ratio efficient mechanism. The cell and nitrite pro-
of inorganic N turnover to biomass is the same duction data of Konneke et al. (2005) suggest a
for ammonium and nitrite oxidation), then to very similar ratio of N oxidized to CO, fixed,
convert the nitrite to nitrate requires a biomass however.Therefore, we wdl assume a C:N ratio
of N O B equivalent to the biomass of AOB of 25 for the Archaeal and bacterial processes
plus AOA. If all the Crenarchaeota enumerated and for the combined oxidation of ammonium
by Karner et al. (2001) are AOA, this implies to nitrite and then to nitrate. Thus, for every
that a biomass equal to 15 to 40% of the micro- mole of C converted to nitrifier biomass, 25
bial cells must be nitrite oxidzers. All known mol of ammonium must be oxidized.Thus, the
NOB are autotrophic. Although the capability amount of N required to support autotrophic
for limited mixotrophy has been observed in C fixation at the level of 83% of the biomass
culture (Smith and Hoare, 1968) and is con- in crenarchaeal cells is 0.41 mol of N m-’.
sistent with published genomes of Nitrobacter Next, we compare the rate of supply to esti-
(Starkenburg et al., 2006, 2008), autotrophy is mate the growth rate of this biomass that could
still assumed to be the dominant metabolism of be sustained by the measured vertical flux. For
known nitrite oxidzers. This reasoning implies example, if AOA have a generation time of 1
that 30 to 80% of the total microbial biomass day, then this amount must be supplied daily.
of the deep ocean is supported by a predomi- An equal number or amount of N O B biomass
nantly autotrophic metabolism. involved in nitrite oxidation does not, how-
Using sedment trap data from the HOT sta- ever, double the N demand because the nitrite
tion off Hawaii, close to the site of the studies is derived stoichiometrically from ammonium.
by Karner et al. (2001) and Ingalls et al. (2006),
we can estimate a flux of organic matter into Vertical Flux of Organic Material
the mesopelagic zone. This is the material that The source of the ammonium that is oxi-
must provide the autotrophic substrates needed dized to support nitrification is regeneration
for AOA. Existing data on the abundance and of organic material by heterotrophic microbes.

The organic carbon is supplied from the &s- the total crenarchaeal abundance in the 850-ni
solution or degradation of particulate organic interval by the integrated nitrification rate. An
matter flux through the water column. The integrated nitrification rate of 252 pmol m-'
magnitude of the vertical supply term was esti- day-' implies a per cell rate of mol cell-'
mated from the flux at 150 m (2,300 pmol of day-' per cell, a rate -lo3 to l o 4 slower than
C ni-' day-' and 280 pmol of N m-' day-') that documented for cultivated AOB (Ward,
(Christian et al., 1997). If we assume that the 1987a) and cultivated AOA (Konneke, 2005).
flux at 1,000 m is only 10% of that at 150 m If cells in culture are actively growing at a
(i.e., 90% is remineralized within that interval) generation time of -1 day-' and nitrification
(Martin et al., 1987), then the total supply rate scales linearly to growth rate, then these
of organic C and N to the 150- to 1,000-ni nitrification rates are consistent with the very
interval is 2,070 and 252 pmol m-' day-', long generation times of the nitrifier biomass
respectively. calculated above.
The turnover of this mineralized nitrogen Agogue et al. (2008) measured dark ''C0,
represents nitrification at an integrated nitri- uptake directly and found that AOA amoA gene
fication rate of 252 pmol of N m-' day-', numbers explained half of the variability in
assuming nitrification is dn-ectly coupled to CO, uptake rates. From their regression, a cell
mineralization. The integrated mineralization/ number turnover time can be computed. For
nitrification rate estimated by Martin et al. cell numbers of 6 X lo4 r n - ' (the abundance
(1987) for a central equatorial Pacific station a reported by Karner et al. [2001] at 100 ni) and
few degrees northwest of the ALOHA station 5X n C ' (abundance at 1,000 iii), this rela-
(Karner et al., 2001) was 458 pmol of N ni-' tionship yields a turnover time of -1,000 to
day-', twice the rate estimated by Christian et 3,000 days, respectively. Because this relation-
al. (1997). There are few direct measurements ship was derived from amoA copy numbers, it
of integrated nitrification rates with which to relates directly to the number of AOA, rather
compare these flux-derived estimates or the than the total number of Crenarchaeota, and
nitrification rate needed to support the cre- provides a more direct argument for the slow
narchaeal biomass. Ward and Zafiriou (1988) growth rates ofAOA in the deep ocean.
reported integrated nitrification rates based One of the major assumptions in these cal-
on "N tracer incubation experiments on the culations is that all the crenarchaeal cells enu-
order of 1,000 pmol m-' day-' for a series of merated by Karner et al. (2001) were AOA, and
stations (>2,000 m deep) in the Eastern Trop- recent data suggest that this may not be so. By
ical North Pacific close to Baja California. Esti- comparing total crenarchaeal abundance and
mates of the vertical fluxes of N in this region the abundance of amoA genes, it appears that
based on sediment trap measurements range not all of the crenarchaeal cells detected in the
from < l o 0 to 500 pmol N m-' day-' (Martin deep ocean are capable of ammonia oxidation
et al., 1987;Voss et al.,2001).Thus, the range of (Wuchter et al., 2006; DeCorte et al., 2009).
estimated integrated nitrification rates or ver- In the Mediterranean Sea, the copy number
tical flux supply terms are all on the order of of amoA genes decreased from -4 X 10' ml-'
100 to 1,000 pmol m-' day-'.This leads to an between 200 and 500 m to less than 10 copies
estimated turnover time for autotrophic bio- r n - ' below 950 m (DeCorte et al., 2009).The
mass (AOA plus NOB) of 410 to 4,100 days. ratio of amoA gene copy number to crenar-
To evaluate the contribution of crenar- chaeal 16s rRNA genes was always less than 1
chaea to nitrification in another way, we can and less than 0.05 at depths greater than 750 m.
compute the per cell ammonia oxidation rate An extensive data set of crenarchaeal and umoA
implied by these data. If all the crenarchaeal AOA abundances in the North Atlantic docu-
cells are ammonia oxidizers, then the per cell mented AOA/Crenarchaea ratios of nearly 1 in
ammonia oxidation rate is obtained by dividing the upper 150 m, decreasing to 0.1 to less than
336 W WARD

0.01 in the bathypelagic (Agogue et al., 2008). ciated with that autotrophic signature and to
In the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans, Kalanetra reconcile the estimates of archaeal abundance
et al. (2009) reported distinctly different clades with lipid distributions.
of crenarchaeal 16s rRNA genes in different The lipid data of Ingalls et al. (2006)
water masses.The ratio ofAOA amoA genes to strongly support the predominance of autot-
crenarchaeal 16s rRNA genes was 2.0 for one rophy in the upper 1,000 m of the central
water mass and 0.15 for another, suggesting Pacific. Similar data from a subsequent study
that the latter crenarchaeal group was not pre- found that the contribution of autotrophy
dominantly ammonia oxidizing (Kalanetra et in archaeal lipids was greater at 670 m than
al., 2009). at 915 in (Hansman et al., 2009).This is the
These stuhes suggest that most of the deep- same depth range within which independent
ocean Crenarchaea may not be ammonia oxi- measurements of organic flux and nitrification
dizers and that the abundance of autotrophic rates imply that most nitrification occurs, as
AOA decreases with depth in a manner con- both flux and nitrification rates decrease with
sistent with the ammonium supply term from increasing depth. Thus, the contribution of
mineralization. If true for the central Pacific, autotrophy based on nitrification and the rate
then not all the cells enumerated by Karner et of nitrification are expected to approach zero
al. (2001) and identified as Crenarchaeota may below 1,000 to 1,500 m. This suggests that
contribute to the autotrophic biomass. Mincer most of the crenarchaeal cells documented by
et al. (2008) reported the opposite trend at sta- Karner et al. (2001) as a significant portion of
tion ALOHA, however,finding similar numbers the biomass below 1,000 m are probably not
of crenarchaeal 16s rRNA genes and archaeal nitrifiers.
amoA genes at depths between 300 and 1,000 The ratio of im-aspartic acid uptake has
m. This report also included estimates of the been used as an indicator of the relative abun-
N O B Nitrospina abundance, based on quantita- dance of Crenarchaeota to Eubacteria (Teira et
tive PCR of 16s r R N A genes; Nitrospina was al., 2006); this ratio and the relative contribu-
much less abundant than the AOA, fewer than tion of crenarchaea to the total prokaryotic
1,000 cells r n - ' (Mincer et al., 2007). If, how- abundance were positively correlated. Their
ever, AOA clades show significant depth dif- dstributions were not directly correlated with
ferentiation, such that not all clades are equally depth but appeared to be associated with par-
efficiently quantified by the reported methods, ticular water masses in the North Atlantic.The
the actual depth distributions and abundances main depth trend that was apparent in the data
ofAOA may still be poorly known. was generally lower I X L ratios in surface waters
This effort to reconcile the measured inte- and increased relative crenarchaeal abundance
grated N mineralization/nitrification rates, with depth, in a manner similar to that shown
the per-cell ammonia oxidation rates, and the by Karner et al. (2001). Crenarchaeal contribu-
nitrogen demand for ammonia oxidizer-based tion to total microbial biomass was even higher
autotrophy points out the obvious distinction than documented in the previous study. These
between biomass and flux. Either the abun- findings are consistent with a heterotrophic
dance ofAOA must be much lower than the metabolism for deep sea Archaea.
total crenarchaeal abundance, or the entire These patterns suggest that AOA are most
autotrophic assemblage must be growing very abundant in the near-surface layers, like most
slowly. The estimate of autotrophic biomass biological processes and biomass, and are likely
(Ingalls et al., 2006) does not depend on cell responsible for much of the nitrification, which
counts and constitutes a compelling argument occurs primarily in this layer. Even above 1,000
in favor of predominantly autotrophic metab- m, however, not all crenarchaea are AOA, and
olism among marine archaea. It now seems even ifAOA plus AOB and NOB are equally
important to identify the archaeal cells asso- represented in the biomass, most of the total

biomass is not autotrophic. Below 1,000 m, matter reaching the deep sea because it is
the AOA are not only much less abundant but produced in small particles that do not sink
comprise a decreasing proportion of the total directly and do not support a grazing food
archaeal assemblage. This pattern is consistent chain that might produce sinking particles as
with the distribution of overall nitrification waste.
rates measured directly using tracer methods 4. Due to its dependence on organic matter
and suggested from the mineralization rates mineralization as the supply of ammonium,
computed from the pattern of vertical fluxes the distribution of nitrification is linked
of organic matter. to the vertical flux of organic matter, and
Together, these data point out areas in is maximal in the vicinity of the primary
which future research must reconcile con- nitrite maximum at the base of the euphotic
flicting inferences from the presently available zone, and decreases exponentially with
information. The following description of our depth.
view of the deep ocean N cycle incorporates
the recent information on nitrifier dxtribu-
tions and abundance.
1. In the surface layer (photic zone), most OXYGEN MINIMUM ZONES
prokaryotes other than cyanobacteria are The scenario described above applies to most
heterotrophs and are engaged in recycling of the open ocean. An interesting and impor-
pathways drectly supported by photosyn- tant exception occurs in the small areas of the
thesis and the grazing food web. ocean that contain oxygen-depleted water.
2. A significant fraction of the nzicrobial Nitrogen cycling in low-oxygen waters is
metabolism in the depth interval between poorly understood, although the chemistry of
the euphotic zone and 1,000 m (the base these regions has been studied for a long time,
of the main thermocline) is autotrophic and may involve complex interactions among
(including AOA, AOB, and NOB), based nitrification, denitrification, and anamniox
on nitrification supported by the mineral- (Fig. 3 ) . In most of the ocean, a broad oxygen
ization flux of ammonium. The remaining minimum depth interval (OMZ) occurs where
bacterial component of the microbial oxygen consumption during mineralization of
assemblage in this interval is heterotrophic, organic matter proceeds at a rate slightly faster
supported by decomposition of sinking than oxygen can be supplied by the ocean cir-
organic matter or consumption of microbial culation. This interval generally extends from
products produced by autotrophs in situ. It a depth of a few hundred meters to -1,000
is important to note that both heterotrophy m, where oxygen reaches minimum levels
and autotrophy in the mesopelagic zone are between 50 and 100 pM. In only three regions
supported ultimately by reducing power of the ocean does oxygen depletion become
harvested from the sun by photosynthesis severe enough to induce denitrification: the
in the overlying waters. Nitrifier autot- Eastern Tropical North and South Pacific and
rophy does not constitute “new” primary the Arabian Sea. In these regions, oxygen con-
production. centrations fall below 10 yM and are often as
3. Below 1,000 m, most prokaryotes are het- low as 1 yM or undetectable (ODZ). Nitrate
erotrophic, persisting on ever more recalci- deficits in these depth zones imply that bac-
trant organic matter derived from the surface terial respiration at the expense of nitrate has
layer and the small input of fresh material. replaced oxygen respiration. How much of
The autotrophic signal from nitrification in the fixed N loss that occurs in these regions is
the mesopelagic zone does not contribute attributable to denitrification and how much is
significantly to the vertical flux of organic attributable to anammox (anaerobic ammonia
338 W WARD

oxidation) are the subjects of another current be shown that denitrification is a net source
controversy in the nitrogen cycle. (Bange et al., 2005).
ODZs are important in the oceanic N cycle The relationship between AOU and N,O is
because, although they comprise only 0.1 to consistent with the known metabolism ofAOB.
0.2% of the total ocean volume, they account It is not known, however, whether AOA con-
for about 30% of the oceanic fixed nitrogen tribute to the production of N,O in the ocean,
loss (Codispoti et al., 2001) and perhaps 10% because it is not known whether AOA pro-
of the total global N,O flux to the atmosphere duce N,O. The metabolic pathways involved
(Bange et al., 2000). Most of this N,O is pro- in ammonia oxidation by AOA are currently
duced in the upper 600 m of the ocean (Sun- under investigation, but there appear to be
tharalingam and Sarmiento, 2000), and ODZs important differences in the pathways of AOB
are hotspots of N,O emissions. and AOA, at least as represented in the single
Nitrification has long been linked to ODZ AOA genome currently available (see Chapter
regions because of the microaerophilic nature 6).In the N rnuritimus genome, there are no clear
of nitrifjing bacteria and the strong correlation genes encoding hydroxylamine oxidoreductase,
between oxygen utilization (apparent oxygen so the pathway to nitrite remains unknown.
utilization [AOU]) and N,O concentration One pathway for nitrous oxide production in
on an ocean-wide basis (Cohen and Gordon, AOB involves the reduction of nitrite, via a
1978; Nevison et al., 2003). AOU represents copper-containing nitrite reductase, to nitric
the amount of oxygen consumed during oxide and then to nitrous oxide. Known culti-
organic carbon mineralization via oxygen vated AOB possess both genes, nitrite reductase
respiration, and the resulting oxidation of the and nitric oxide reductase, which encode the
mineralized ammonium to nitrate. The AOU/ enzymes required for this reductive pathway
N,O relationship implies that about 0.1 n M (Casciotti and Ward, 2001, 2005; Shaw et al.,
N,O accumulates for every micromolar of 0, 2006).The nirK genes ofAOB are apparently of
consumed and holds for seawater containing multiple ancestry and have different regulatory
saturating oxygen concentrations down to -6 motifs (Cantera and Stein, 2007) (see Chapter
pM (Nevison et al., 2003).The fact that nitrous 4). Archaeal genome fragments from both the
oxide concentration is positively correlated Sargasso Sea and soil contained nirK homologs
with AOU implies that N,O is a byproduct of that more closely resembled those of known
complete mineralization through nitrification, nitrifiers than those of known denitrifiers
and only at very low oxygen concentrations (Treusch et al., 2005), suggesting that archaeal
where the relationship fails is denitrification an ammonia oxidizers, likc their AOB analogs, are
important source or sink. also capable of nitrite reduction to nitric oxide.
Both marine and terrestrial AOB produce The nitric oxide reductase step is less obvious
N,O in culture, and the fraction of NH4+ in AOA, but a related gene has been detected
oxidized to N,O, rather than to NO,-, has in the genome of the archaeal sponge symbiont
been reported to increase with decreasing that also possesses arnoA and nirK (Hallam et
oxygen concentration (Goreau et al., 1980; al., 2006).
Lipschultz et al., 1981).Thus,it has long been The correlation between AOU and N,O
debated whether the N,O maxima that occur mentioned above suggests that if AOA are
in ODZs are derived from nitrification at low the major nitrifiers in the ocean, then they
oxygen concentrations or from denitrification probably also produce N,O as a side product
at oxygen concentrations too low to support of ammonia oxidation in the same stoichio-
aerobic respiration. The A O U relationship metric relationship attributed to AOB. An
described above argues strongly that most of alternative explanation is that N,O is not pro-
the N,O in the ocean is derived from nitrifica- duced by nitrification, but simply as a trace
tion, although in restricted ODZ regions it can side product of respiration and mineralization

in general heterotrophic bacteria. A diverse ponents (Sliekers et al., 2003). The substrates
range of nitric oxide reductase genes has for anammox are ammonium and nitrite,
been described recently (Hemp et al., 2008), which combine to form dinitrogen gas (Fig.
and they occur in many organisms other than 1).The wastewater supplied the ammonium to
nitrifiers. In their assumed role as detoxifying both the anammox organism and to the AOB.
enzymes, they might be ubiquitous in hetero- The AOB then produced the nitrite that was
trophs.Thus, the link between AOU and N,O used by the planctomycetes, while scrubbing
would be a result of the heterotrophic compo- the last traces of oxygen to provide the anoxic
nent of organic matter remineralization, not a environment required by the planctoniycetes.
specific product of nitrification.This would be A similar coupling between nitrification and
an important change in our understanding of anammox was suggested (Lam et al., 2007) in
the regulation of N,O production in the ocean the oxic/anoxic interface region of the Black
and other environments as well. Sea. Both bacterial and archaeal ammonia oxi-
dizers appeared to be involved in providing
LINKS BETWEEN CONVENTIONAL nitrite for anammox in these very low oxygen
The AOB, nitrite-oxidizing bacteria, and Loss of fixed N in ODZ regions had long
Archaea discussed so far are known or assumed been assumed to be due to conventional deni-
to be obligate aerobes, and in the case of trification, carried out by facultatively anaer-
ammonia oxidation, molecular oxygen is obic heterotrophic bacteria that switch to
involved in the initial ammonium oxidation respiration of nitrogen oxides when oxygen
step as well as in respiration. The anaerobic disappears. Direct measurement of N, produc-
oxidation of ammonium to dinitrogen is ther- tion rates using stable isotope tracer methods
modynamically favorable and had long been have now shown that ananiniox is the domi-
suspected on the basis of chemical profiles in nant process in some ODZs. The nutritional
sediments and stratified water columns (Rich- demands of anammox are quite different from
ards, 1965; Richards and Broenkow, 1971; those of denitrification; denitrification pro-
Bender et al., 1977).Anaerobic ammonia oxi- duces nitrite, but anammox requires a supply
dation (anammox) and the organisms respon- of nitrite from elsewhere. Part of the answer
sible for it were finally identified, first in might be linkage to aerobic nitrification, anal-
wastewater (Mulder et al., 1995; van de Graaf ogous to the wastewater situation of the orig-
et al., 1995) and then in the marine environ- inal anammox enrichments or in the narrow
ment (Dalsgaard et al., 2003; Kuypers et al., OMZ of the Black Sea (Lam et al., 2007). It
2003, 2005). The role of anammox in the does not seem possible,however, to support the
marine environment is quite different from the oxygen flux necessary to sustain the obligately
role of conventional nitrification; anammox aerobic AOA or AOB in an OMZ of several
results in the loss of fixed nitrogen from the hundred meters thickness with an almost zero
system and thus is actually a form of denitri- oxygen concentration gradient (Revsbech et
fication (Devol, 2008). Anammox is reviewed al., 2009); the diffusion of oxygen would be
elsewhere in this volume (see Chapters 9 and extremely slow and unable to support aerobic
10); only the interactions between aerobic ammonia-oxidzing metabolism. Coupling
nitrifiers and anammox in the marine environ- between denitrifying bacteria and anammox
ment will be dscussed here. might be expected to occur in ODZ waters.
Characterized enrichment cultures of In the absence of aerobic ammonia oxida-
anammox derived from wastewater proved tion, the ammonium and nitrite required by
to be an obligate consortium containing the anammox could be supplied by organic matter
anammox organism, a planctomycete, and an breakdown and nitrate respiration by denitri-
aerobic ammonia oxidizer as the primary com- fiers. The solution to this quandary remains to
340 WARD

+ 0, nitrification regenera
.." tion


FIGURE 3 Possible linkages between nitrification and denitrification, including anammox, across an oxic/
anoxic interface.The interface could be at the sediment/water interface or in the gradient at the upper boundary of
an open ocean OMZ. P/DON, particulate/dissolved organic nitrogen, which is supplied to the system by primary
production in overlying waters. The dashed lines imply diffusion, while the solid arrows represent microbial
transformations of dissolved nitrogen compounds.

be found, but part of the answer may lie in the At the microbiological level, both cultures
temporal variability of conditions in the ODZ, and genomic studies will provide insights into
or an undiscovered anaerobic metabolism of the metabolic capabilities and responses of the
AOA. newly recognized archaeal component. The
most important questions to be resolved con-
FUTURE DIRECTIONS cern the AOA: the pathway of ammonia oxida-
Recent discoveries in the marine nitrogen tion in AOA, their nutritional flexibility, their
cycle and in nitrification, in particular, point sensitivity to light, oxygen and ammonium
out the important gaps in our understanding, concentrations, and the capability of AOA to
both at the level of microorganisms and at the produce N,O.This kind of information is avail-
ecosystem level. This range of scales intersects able for cultivated AOB, but the most impor-
with the question of what regulates the rates tant AOBs in the ocean, at least of the basis of
and distributions of nitrification in the ocean. clone libraries, have not been cultured. There-
This can be addressed at the system level using fore, the same questions remain important sub-
manipulation experiments to measure nitri- jects of investigation for AOB. Nitrifiers of all
fication rates using various methods (Ward, kinds are notoriously difficult to cultivate and
2005a) and investigating the effect of specific maintain, so barring some breakthrough in cul-
environmental parameters such as light, ammo- turing approaches, it seems unlikely that new
nium, organic carbon, etc. Regardless of which cultures will provide the necessary material for
organisms are responsible for the rates, this direct study of physiology of the environmen-
kind of experiment can elucidate the oceano- tally important strains. Genomic/transcrip-
graphic patterns and controls on the process. tomic information and incubation and isotope

approaches hold much promise for dissecting carbon into the ocean interior: a comparison of
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James I. Prosser

INTRODUCTION gaseous nitric and nitrous oxides and nitrogen,
Ammonia is produced naturally in soil through which are lost to the atmosphere. Nitrification
the microbial degradation of organic matter leads to acidification of soil, increasing mobi-
and hydrolysis of urea. Anthropogenic input is lization of toxic metals, particularly in poorly
of similar,if not greater, magnitude, comprising buffered soils. Ammonia oxidizers can also
nitrogen fertilizers (100 Tg year-') and deposi- oxidize methane and can co-oxidize organic
tion of atmospheric nitrogen (25 Tg year -') pollutants, providmg a potential role in biore-
(Gruber and Galloway, 2008), and outweighs mediation in oligotrophic soil ecosystems.
input from nitrogen fixation (110 Tg year -'). Pasteur, in 1862, predicted a role for
Conversion of soil ammonia to nitrite, nitrate, microorganisms in production of nitrate
and nitrous oxide by nitrifiers is a central pro- from ammonia, which was demonstrated by
cess within the soil nitrogen cycle. Nitrifica- Schloesing and Muntz (1877a, 1877b, 1879) in
tion determines the relative amounts of the a column containing sand and chalk perfused
two major inorganic nitrogen sources of plants, with sewage. Decreasing ammonia concentra-
ammonium and nitrate, and controls total inor- tion in the effluent was matched by increasing
ganic nitrogen availability in soil. Ammonium, nitrate concentration, and the process was
as a positively charged ion, is retained within reversed by addition of chloroform and rein-
soil, which is dominated by negatively charged stated when chloroform was removed. The
particles. Nitrate, in contrast, is readdy leached organisms responsible for this process were
from soil, polluting groundwaters.Nitrification cultured from soil by three independent groups
of ammonia therefore significantly reduces (Frankland and Frankland, 1890;Winogradsky,
the efficiency of ammonia-based fertilization, 1890-1891; Warington, 1891), providing the
such that 70% of applied fertilizer can be lost foundation for biochemical and physiological
from agricultural systems, and nitrate limits for studies of these Organisms.
drinking water are often exceeded in regions of The 20th century saw major advances in
intensive agriculture. Leaching losses are com- our understanding of the process of soil nitri-
pounded by denitrification of soil nitrate to fication and the physiology of nitrifying bac-
teria. Physiological studies demonstrated their
James I. Prosscr, Institute of Biological and Environmental Sci-
ences, University ofAberdeen, Aberdeen AB24 3UU, United metabolic diversity, but nitrifier community
Kingdom. ecology was severely limited by difficulties in
Nitr&ufiration, Edited by Ikss B.Ward, Daniel J.Arp, and Martin G.IUotz
02011 ASM l'rrss,Washington, I X


isolating and identifying ammonia and nitrite a wide range of soils using 16s rRNA gene
oxidizers that persist today. The advent of culti- clone libraries and fingerprinting techniques,
vation-independent, molecular techniques for such as denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis
characterization of microbial communities in (DGGE), showed that soil bacterial ammonia
the 1990s focused attention on nitrifier diver- oxidizer Communities are dominated by Nitro-
sity and community structure and led to the sospira strains. Although nitrosomonads are
discovery of archaeal ammonia oxidizers (see sometimes detected in soil, their relative abun-
Section 111).These techniques have revolution- dance is generally low. Community analysis
ized our view of soil nitrifier communities, and based on 16s rRNA genes was followed by
attempts have been made to link soil nitrifier analysis of amoA genes, with similar findings.
diversity with process studies, to determine the Bacterial ammonia oxidizer phylogeny based
nature of diversity-ecosystem function rela- on these two genes shows some congruence
tionships and to assess the impact of environ- (Purkhold et al., 2000;Aakra et al., 2001), and
mental change and soil management strategies amoA gene analysis slightly increases taxo-
on processes and communities. nomic resolution, particularly of nitrosospiras.
This chapter provides an overview of soil The distribution of soil ammonia oxidizers is
nitrification, paying particular attention to discussed in greater detail in chapter 3.
these recent advances.The focus is on the spe- The links between phylogenetic diversity
cific factors associated with soil that influence and physiological or functional diversity are
the nitrification process and nitrifier com- discussed below in relation to soil character-
munities (i.e., which characteristics of soil are istics and environmental factors. However,
important to nitrifiers). Thus, it wdl consider phylogenetic analysis based on a single gene
how soil nitrification differs from nitrification is only likely to distinguish broad levels of
in pure cultures growing in liquid medium or physiological diversity. Certainly, in bacterial
in oceans, estuaries, and wastewater treatment groups with many cultivated representatives,
plants. Information will be presented on the much of the diversity relevant to ecosystem
soil characteristics that drive nitrification rates function and ecology is only detectable using
and nitrifier growth and communities, relating techniques such as multilocus sequence-
findngs, where possible, to physiological type analysis. Consequently, although some
and genetic information described in earlier broad generalizations may be made about
chapters. physiological characteristics of different 16s
rRNA- or amoA-defined groups, important
properties (e.g., urease activity, sensitivity to
high ammonium concentration) are found in
phylogenetically distant groups, and the dis-
Ammonia Oxidizers tribution of others (e.g., saturation constants,
Prior to 1996, knowledge of soil ammonia oxi- maximum specific growth rates, survival capa-
dizer communities was based on characteriza- bility) is unknown. This applies particularly
tion of a limited number of laboratory cultures when viewing ammonia oxidizer phylogeny
of ammonia oxidzers, in particular Nitro- over broad geographical range and over many
somonas europaea. Indeed, N. europaea, originally sites, limiting the ability to detect patterns in
isolated from soil, was considered to be a t y p or mechanisms leading to distribution and
ical soil ammonia oxidizer, although nitroso- community structure. Local studies are better
spiras had also been isolated.The development able to demonstrate patterns and links to
of 16s rRNA gene primers targeting betapro- environmental factors. This assumes that such
teobacterial ammonia oxidizers (Stephen et patterns exist, although application of neu-
al., 1996) led to reassessment of soil ammonia tral theory to other microbial systems indi-
oxidizer community composition. Analysis of cates that much of the variability in bacterial

communities is not due to environmental or culture, but archaeal umoA genes are ubiquitous
physiological characteristics (Woodcock et al., in soil, and the influence of temperature and
2007). Koops and Pommerening-Roser (2001) pH on abundance, community structure, and
demonstrated some relationships between transcriptional activity of archaeal and bacte-
phylogeny of a number of ammonia oxidizer rial ammonia oxidizers is discussed in later sec-
cultures, including several soil isolates, and a tions.The relative roles of bacteria and archaeal
limited range of characteristics:urease activity, ammonia oxidation are currently a subject of
halophily, and ammonium inhibition. Because debate (see Section 111) (Prosser and Nicol,
community composition is determined by 2008).The evidence is necessarily indirect and
diverse environmental factors, however, more based on molecular techniques, as there is no
detailed physiological studies are required with known selective inhibitor that discriminates
representatives of phylogenetic groups present ammonia oxidation by the two groups.
in the soil (Smith et al., 2001). It is therefore
likely that future advances will depend on cul- Nitrite Oxidizers
tivation-independent techniques. Substantial Nitrite generally does not accumulate to high
technical development is needed, however, to levels in soil. Nitrifier community studies
distinguish active organisms with high taxo- have therefore focused on ammonia oxidizers,
nomic resolution techniques and to determine as the perceived “rate-limiting” organisms in
physiological responses to changing conditions nitrification. Cultivated nitrite oxidizers fall
with greater quantitation. into five genera, Nitrobacter, Nitrospira, Nitro-
Methodological caveats are required for all coccus, Nitrospina, and “Candidatus Nitrotoga
community studies. Primers may be biased arctica” (see SectionV), of which only Nitro-
toward different groups, although the domi- bacter and N i t r o t o p have been isolated from
nance of soil nitrosospiras in both 16s rRNA soil. Molecular analysis is less straightforward
and a m o A gene libraries reduces concerns over than for ammonia oxidizers, because different
primer or gene bias. Other biases, through dif- 16s rRNA gene primer sets are required for
ferences in cell lysis efficiency and variability each genus, but shows that both Nitrobucter
in gene copy number, may influence analyses, and Nitrospira are present in soil. Nitrospira
and studies performed in hfferent laboratories, sequences from soil and wastewater treat-
even with similar primers, may utilize different ment plants are highly diverse, with some
protocols that may influence results. This is links between clusters, environmental origin,
particularly important for previous studies and physiological diversity (Daims et al., 2000;
where techniques were being developed. Maixner et al., 2006), but there is less evi-
The dxovery of colocation of an a m o A gene dence of diversity within Nitrobacter. Analysis
homologue and a Group 1 crenarchaeal 16s of nitrite oxidizers in grassland soils con-
rRNA gene on a soil metagenome fragment firmed this view (Freitag et al., 2005), where
(Treusch et al., 2005) suggested the potential DGGE analysis detected only one Nitrobacter
for ammonia oxidation by archaea, which was band but several Nitrospira bands. Clone
confirmed by isolation of a marine, autotrophic, library analysis also suggested the existence
crenarchaeal ammonia oxidzer (Konneke et al., of further diversity, with a new evolutionary
2005; Leininger et al., 2006) (see Section 111). group and novel subclusters within established
These findmgs, and subsequent stuhes, have groups. Nitrobacter grassland soil communities
seriously challenged the established view that have also been investigated using the nxrA
betaproteobacteria perform the vast majority gene, encoding subunit A of nitrite oxidore-
of ammonia oxidation in soil, with the pos- ductase (Poly et al., 2008; Wertz et al., 2008),
sible exception of small contributions from with evidence for diversity within Nitrobacter
heterotrophic nitrifiers (see Chapter 5).No soil and the influence of grazing on community
crenarchaeon has yet been obtained in pure composition. This situation parallels that for

ammonia oxidizers. Isolates indicate domi- and management history. Surface attachment
nance by Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter (the has a number of consequences for soil nitri-
textbook nitrifiers), while molecular analysis fier ecology, in comparison with that in other
suggests that these organisms are selected by natural environments. Attachment reduces the
laboratory cultivation conditions and that likelihood of removal of cells by bulk flow of
Nitrosospiru, archaeal ammonia oxidizers, and water through interstitial pathways and soil fis-
Nitrospira may be more abundant and diverse sures. It therefore increases the stability of nitri-
in the soil. fier communities, once established, and reduces
transport when conditions become unfavorable.
Functional Redundancy and Resilience Soil nitrifiers must respond to changing con&-
of Nitrifiers tions, and evolution and community structure
The lack of cultivated representatives of natural may be driven by the ability to survive unfa-
communities restricts assessment of functional vorable conditions and respond rapidly when
redundancy.However,experiments in which the conditions improve. Surface attachment pro-
diversity of natural soil communities has been vides an additional mechanism for community
manipulated provide evidence of high redun- stability,potentially increasing diversity.
dancy.Wertz et al. (2006) inoculated sterile soil Attachment to surfaces and establishment
microcosms with serial dilutions (over several of biofilnis modifies the physiological char-
orders of magnitude) of a suspension from the acteristics of nitrifiers, as for other microor-
same, nonsterile soil, incubated microcosms to ganisms, with significant consequences for
establish the original cell abundance, and deter- their ecology. This applies both to attachment
mined diversity and function of all denitrifiers to relatively inert particulate material and to
and ammonia oxidners. Despite considerable charged mineral particles, which concentrate
reduction in diversity, ecosystem function of ions and nutrients. Soil particulate material has
the three groups, includmg ammonia oxidrzers, a net negative charge, increasing adsorption of
was not affected;the nitrification rate was unaf- ammonium and potentially favoring growth
fected despite a 1,000-fold reduction in dmer- of attached ammonia oxidizers, but disadvaii-
sity. A similar approach was used to determine taging that of nitrite oxidmers. Concentration
the effect of diversity of denitrifier and nitrite of substrate at surfaces increases colonization
oxidizer communities on resilience and resis- but not necessarily specific growth rate. Thus,
tance following heating to 42OC for 24 h (Wertz ammonia and nitrite oxidizers colonize cation
et al., 2007). Nitrite oxidizers were less resistant and anion exchange resin beads, respectively,to
and resilient than denitrifiers, but the effects of greater extents due to higher local concentra-
heating and recovery h-om heating were not tions of ammonia and nitrite (Prosser, 1989).
influenced by the diversity of the communi- There is evidence that ammonia oxidizers
ties. Roux-Michollet et al. (2008) also showed are more strongly attached to soil particles than
an ability to recover following steaming of soil. heterotrophs. Aakra et al. (2000) found that
Ammonia and nitrite oxidizer most probable only 0.5% of indigenous ammonia oxidizers
number (MPN) counts were reduced by -95%, could be extracted from a clay loam soil using
but numbers recovered within 62 days, with a dispersion-density-gradient centrifugation
effects greatest in the upper 0 to 2 cm layers technique, but extraction efficiency increased
of soil. to 8% after incubation with urea. They sug-
gest that newly growing cells are less strongly
SURFACE ATTACHMENT attached and/or urea stimulated growth of
Many soil nitrifiers will be attached to particu- strains that were less strongly attached.
late matter.This consists mainly of soil minerals The consequences of attachment have been
and organic matter, the proportions and nature observed in soil but are best studied using par-
of which will vary with soil type, texture, ticulate material of defined composition, to

eliminate the physicochemical complexity and medium. In the presence ofATV, the specific
heterogeneity of soil. Three important aspects growth rate was slightly reduced, but the lag
of surface growth will be discussed here: phase was abolished and pH did not decrease,
effects on growth and inhibition, survival and leading to more prolonged growth and greater
recovery from starvation, and protection from nitrite yield.This can be explained by localized
effects of low pH. buffering at the clay surface, in which amnio-
nium is released and utilized by attached cells.
Growth and Inhibition H+ ions produced during ammonia oxidation
The presence of glass slides during growth of are then exchanged for ammonium ions, pre-
suspended cells in batch cultures of N. euro- venting reduction in the pH of the medium.
paea does not influence specific growth rate, Both glass slides and clay minerals provide
determined through exponential increases protection from inhibition of nitrifiers by
in nitrite concentration (Powell and Prosser, nitrapyrin. Powell and Prosser (1992) found
1992), but attached cell numbers increase at that inhibition of suspended cells by nitrapyrin
a faster exponential rate through attachment (at 0.5 mg liter-'), added prior to inoculation,
of free cells, surface growth, and detachment. was unaffected by glass slides, but inhibition of
To investigate the effects of clay minerals, attached cells was reduced to 25%. During the
which have much greater cation exchange early stages of colonization, surfaces provided
capacity (CEC) than glass, Powell and Prosser some protection from inhibition, but con-
(1991) determined growth of N. europaea in tinued supplementation of growth medium
weakly buffered inorganic growth medium in with ammonia led to establishment of mature
the presence and absence of three clay min- biofilms, with clusters of cells often surrounded
erals with increasing CEC:illite, vermiculite, by extracellular material. The specific growth
and montmorillonite. Complete oxidation rate of these biofilms was only 65% that of cell
of ammonia was prevented by reduction in suspensions,but they were not inhibited by 0.5
pH that occurred in the absence of clays and mg of nitrapyrin liter-'. In addition, detached
the presence of illite. In the presence of ver- cells grew at the same specific rate as attached
miculite and montmorillonite, initial growth cells and were also not inhibited. The results
was similar to that of suspended cells but was suggest physiological changes during biofilm
followed by a second, slower growth phase, formation, possibly due to formation of extra-
reflecting growth of attached cells, and nitrite cellular material, which lead to protection of
yield was greater. Surface attachment may also both biofilm and detached cells.
increase ammonia uptake through changes in When grown in the presence of nitra-
cell physiology. Bollman et al. (2005) measured pyrin, illite did not protect cells from inhibi-
Kntvalues of 2.9 and 3.2 pM NH,, respectively, tion (Powell and Prosser, 1991). In contrast,
for batch and continuous cultures of suspended vermiculite and ATV completely protected
cells of a community containing two nitroso- cells from 0.5 pg of nitrapyrin nil-', while
spiras, N. briensis and N. winogradskyi, but values montmorillonite stimulated the early stages
were significantly lower (1.8pM NH,) for cells of growth and only slightly inhibited later
attached to the vessel wall. growth. Growth in the presence of montmo-
A mechanism for the apparent buffering rillonite homoionic to aluminum was mono-
effect of some clay minerals is suggested phasic and gave no protection, suggesting that
by growth of N. europaea in the presence of adsorption of ammonia was necessary for
ammonia-treated vermiculite (ATV),in which colonization. Biofilm formation on both glass
ammonia is fixed to vermiculite at high temper- slides and clays therefore protects cells from
ature (Armstrong and Prosser, 1988). Growth inhibition and is one explanation for reduced
in liquid culture was preceded by a lag phase inhibition in soil (Rodgers and Ashworth,
and was incomplete, due to acidification of the 1982; Powell and Prosser, 1986).

Recovery from Starvation batch culture. To determine whether similar

Extracellular polymeric material produced by mechanisms exist for ammonia oxidizers,
nitrifiers may increase attachment, and pro- Allison and Prosser (1993) investigated the
duction may increase during starvation (Stehr effect of p H on activity of A?europaea, which
et al., 1995), leading to greater survival of could not grow in liquid batch culture at a p H
attached ammonia oxidizers in soil (Allison and lower than 7. N. europaea was inoculated into
Prosser, 199la).Abolition of the lag phase prior packed columns of either sand or vermiculite,
to growth on ATV, and other clay minerals, which were then supplied continuously with
also reflects a potentially important additional medium containing ammonium. For sand
advantage of surface growth, because ammonia columns, medium was supplied at pH 8 until
supply will be intermittent, and competition establishment of a steady-state effluent nitrite
for ammonia with other soil biota and plants concentration, after which further steady states
will be strong (Verhagen and Laanbroek, 1991). were established despite reductions in the pH
Lag phases prior to recovery from starvation of the medium to 7,6.5, and 6. In vermiculite
are common among bacteria, and the lag phase columns, steady states were established with
of suspended N. europaea cells increases with medium down to pH 5.4, although the greater
the starvation period (Batchelor et al., 1997). buffering capacity of vermiculite increased
After starvation for 42 days, recovery did effluent p H to 6.3 and prevented detailed
not occur for 153 h, which would obviously assessment of the effects of low p H on activity.
present serious problems in the competitive soil Nevertheless, in both columns, ammonia oxi-
environment. In contrast, N. europaea biofilms dation occurred approximately 1 pH unit
colonizing sand or soil particles in continuous- lower than in liquid culture. In addition, an
flow, fixed column reactors exhibited no lag enriched ammonia oxidizer culture, colonizing
phase, even after starvation for 43 days. Surface the wall of an ammonia-limited chemostat, was
growth and biofilm formation therefore give active at a p H of 5, and grew at 5.5.
these organisms a significant ecological advan- Protection from the effects of low p H
tage in the soil. In many Gram-negative bac- through high cell densities also occurs in soil
teria, cell density-dependent phenomena are through formation of cell aggregates. De Boer
mediated by N-acyl honioserine lactones, one et al. (1991) observed aggregates in enrichment
of which [N-(3-oxohexanoyl)-~-homoserine cultures containing cells niorphologically sim-
lactone], significantly reduced the lag phase ilar to Nitrosospiru strain AHB 1, isolated from
of suspended cells starved for 28 days. N-Acyl an acid soil. Aggregates were separated by
homoserine lactones may also be involved filtration and could oxidize ammonia at pH
in interactions between nitrifiers, other soil 4, while free cells were inhibited. Growth at
microorganisms, and plants, particularly in the low p H in continuous culture was facilitated
rhizosphere where they may accumulate due by coculture with an acidophilic nitrite oxi-
to high cell concentrations. dizer and by previous growth at p H 6, which
enabled activity of freely suspended cells at p H
Protection from Effects of Low pH 4. Maintenance of activity required high cell
Keen and Prosser (1987) investigated growth densities and may have resulted from removal
and activity of Nitrobacter colonizing anion- of toxic nitrous acid and protection by extra-
exchange resin beads in a nitrite-limited, air- cellular polymeric material.
lift column fermentor. Prolonged growth at a Low p H nitrification also occurs in mixed
range of dilution rates led to establishment of culture bioreactor systems (Green et al., 2006).
a mature biofilm, and steady states were then High levels of nitrification activity and nitri-
established as the p H of the inflowing medmm fier growth were observed in biofilrn and sus-
was gradually reduced to 4.5, 1.5 p H units pended-biomass reactors at pH values as low
below the p H minimum for growth in liquid as 4.3 and 3.8, respectively.Ammonia oxidizer

Communities were dominated by the Nitro- of >1 mg of NH,+-N lid-', but most grow at
somonas olkotropha group, rather than nitroso- concentrations of up to 50 pg of NH4+-Nlid-'.
spiras, which dominate acid soils. In a second Although bulk soil concentrations rarely reach
study, mixed culture biofilms on chalk particles the upper end of this concentration range,
and sintered glass could nitrift- at pH 4, and local concentrations will be high following,
ammonia oxidizer communities were domi- for example, animal urination, addition of solid
nated by Nitrosospira spp. and N. olkotropha and fertilizer, or release from degrading organic
nitrite oxidizers by Nitrospira. Microelectrode material.Within soil aggregates, ammonia may
measurements provided no evidence for high- be exhausted or at growth-limiting concen-
pH microenvironments, even on chalk particles, trations, even when bulk concentrations are
and dominant ammonia oxidizer communities relatively high. Tolerance to high ammonia
in both studies were characterized by sequence concentration varies between strains and has
types whose cultured representatives have low been used as a taxonomic character (Koops and
saturation constants for ammonia. Bioreactors Pommerening-Roser, 2001), and K and K,H
were supplied with oxygen, rather than air, values also vary. Thus, long-term differences in
potentially reducing CO, levels, which could ammonia supply and consequent differences in
limit nitrification. Coculture with nitrite oxi- ammonia concentration are potentially inipor-
dizers could also have reduced nitrous acid tant in determining nitrification rates, nitrifier
toxicity. Another feature of ammonia oxi- abundance, and ammonia oxidizer community
dizers in the reactor systems, in biofilms and structure.
when attached to soil particles, is that they are
retained within the system during reduction in Effects of Soil on
pH. Cells were therefore able to adapt to low Ammonia Availability
ammonia availability, possibly inducing ammo- The influence of ammonia availability on soil
nium transport systems, which may have been nitrification and nitrifiers is dependent on
repressed at higher pH. pH, which controls the NH,:NH,+ equilib-
rium, reducing availability of the substrate for
SUBSTRATE SUPPLY ammonia oxidizers, NH,, as soil pH decreases.
Ammonia supply is of obvious importance Many studies, of both laboratory cultures and
for soil nitrification, the major sources being soil, do not consider this distinction; satura-
degradation of organic matter and urea-con- tion constants are quoted in terms of either
taining animal waste, fertilizer nitrogen, and soil NH, or NH,+, and comparison of values
atmospheric deposition. Ammonia concentra- is not possible without additional informa-
tions therefore vary temporally and spatially, tion on pH. In addition, most soil particles
and concentrations experienced by dfferent have net negative charge, and NH,+ therefore
components of the ammonia oxidizer comniu- exchanges with cations on mineral and organic
nity differ from total concentrations measured material, reducing aninioniunl concentration
in bulk soil. The influence of ammonia on in solution. The impact of this is significant,
activity and growth rate of ammonia oxidizers and information on extractable ammonium
is typical for substrates that are inhibitory at concentration may not be relevant if concen-
high concentration. Specific activity and spe- trations in solution determine cellular oxida-
cific growth rate increase with ammonia con- tion rates. This has consequences for choice
centration at low concentrations following of method for determination of nitrification
Michaelis-Menten or Monod kinetics, respec- rates. In soil slurries, ammonium concentration
tively. K,,,and K, values for ammonia are in the will be uniform and not significantly affected
range 0.4 to 14 mM NH,+-N and 0.051 to 0.07 by adsorption. In intact soil, solution concen-
mM NH,+-N (Prosser, 1989). Few cultured tration will be significantly reduced through
ammonia oxidizers can grow at concentrations adsorption of NH,+.

The significance of these factors is exem- trations of < 1 mM NH,', while Nitrosomonas
plified by an investigation of the effect of soil would have greater activity at concentrations
on oxidation of ammonia and co-oxidation of of > 2 to 2.5 mM NH,+. A calculated growth
ethylene, chloroethane, and l,l,l-trichloro- yield of 3.5 X lo6 to 6 X lo6 cells (mmol of
ethane by N. europaea (Hommes et al., 1998). NH,+)-' for N. europaea in soil was similar to
Nitrite production was determined in N. euro- values reported for growth in liquid culture.
paea cell suspensions in soil slurries containing Growth constants have also been deter-
a silt loam (CEC; 15 cmol kg of soil-') at up mined for natural soil comnmnities, effectively
to 1 g of soil r n - ' and 10 mM ammonium. averaging characteristics of all members of the
Soil significantly inhibited nitrite production, community. For example, ammonia oxidizer
through reduction in p H and adsorption of communities in soil slurries containing soil
ammonium. Adsorption reduced ammonia from under an oak woodland canopy and from
availability from 80 m M to 8 mM, within the adjacent open grassy spaces (Stark and Fires-
range of K, values reported for N. europaea. tone, 1996) had a K,of 15 pM NH,' (equiva-
Activity was restored by increasing ammonia lent to 0.012 pM NH,) and were inhibited at
concentration to 50 mM. Similar effects were 1.6 mM NH,' (1.3 pM NH,). Both values are
observed for oxidation of ethylene and chlo- significantly lower than previously reported,
roethane, but not l,l,l-trichloroethane, which and K,nvalues were higher in enrichment cul-
oxidizes much more slowly and therefore tures from these soils. It is not known whether
requires less reductant. these contained phylotypes dominant in nat-
ural communities, and the complexity of the
Measurement of Growth Parameters soil system makes it difficult to explain these
in Soil low values. However, they may be more rel-
If the effects of surface attachment on growth evant when predicting nitrification in these
and effects of soil on ammonia availability and soils. Temperature optima were 31.8 and
transport are taken into consideration, there 35.9"C under trees and in open spaces, respec-
is no a priori reason why ammonia oxilzers tively, possibly due to temporal differences in
should grow differently in soil and liquid cul- temperature rather than mean temperatures,
ture. This has been investigated by comparing which were similar. Highest nitrification rates
growth kinetics of pure cultures in liquid were found in March, and rates decreased with
medium and after inoculation into gamma- decreasing osmotic potential in both systems.
irradiated soil. For example, Taylor and Bot- Cell activities, and other kinetic parameters,
tomley (2006) determined growth parameters are being reassessed using cultivation-indepen-
of N. europaea and Nitrosospira NPAV after dent quantitative PCR (qPCR) techniques
inoculation into three gamma-irradiated soils to assess cell abundance. Okano et al. (2004)
with different texture and lfferent extract- used this approach to determine the influence
able NH,' concentrations (2 to 11 mg of of ammonia concentration on growth char-
NH,+-N g of soil-'). Nitrite was produced at acteristics of soil communities in microcosms
a constant rate, suggesting that growth was not and in the field. In microcosms amended with
limited by reduction in p H or slow release of 1.5 or 7.5 mM ammonium sulfate, bacterial
adsorbed ammonia. In soil, Nitrosospira NPAV ammonia oxidizer cell abundance increased
had greater activity than N.europaea, and cell from 4 X lo6 to 35 and 66 X lo6 cells g of
activities were 21% and 60% of those in liquid dried soil-', respectively, with possible pH
culture at 10 mM, respectively. Nitrosospira had limitation at the higher concentration. Fertil-
the lower K, value (0.14 mM NH,' versus 1.9 ization of a tomato field plot increased abun-
mM) and the lower V,, (0.002 versus 0.007 dance from 8.9 X lo6 to 38 X lo6 cells g of
pmol h-' ceu-'). This was calculated to give dried soil-' after 39 days. Doubling times cal-
Nitrosospira a competitive advantage at concen- culated using these data were 28 and 52 h in

low- and high-ammonia microcosms, respec- tive abundance will require 100-fold greater
tively, and 373 h in the field. Cell activities changes in absolute abundance of archaeal
decreased &om initial values of 0.5 to 25 fmol genes. This makes community changes much
of NH,' h-', and growth yields were 5.6,17.5, more difficult to detect. In addition, these cal-
and 1.7 X lo6 cells (mol of NH,+)-' in low- culations are limited by lack of knowledge of
and high-ammonia microcosms and field soil, the proportions of ammonia oxidizers that are
respectively.Va1uesobtained in microcosms are active in soil and ignorance of cell activity and
often within the ranges of values for laboratory yield of soil archaeal ammonia oxidizers, as
cultures, but the reasons for the longer genera- data must be extrapolated from a single marine
tion time in field soil were not identified. Also, isolate, N. maritimus.
ammonia conversion was not complete, sug-
gesting that other factors limited growth (e.g., Influence of Ammonium
acidification). Concentration on Abundance and
Cell activities and abundances have been Community Structure
used to assess the relative importance of bac- Soil ammonia concentration will directly
terial and archaeal ammonia oxidizers in soil. influence activity and specific growth rates of
Boyle-Yanvard et al. (2008) investigated nitri- ammonia oxidizers and strain-specific differ-
fication in two soils supporting Douglas fir and ences in growth kinetics, and ammonia inhi-
red alder.They estimated bacterial and archaeal bition can lead to differences in community
ammonia oxidizer abundances required for structure. However, ammonia oxidizer abun-
observed nitrification potential using pub- dance will not depend on ammonia concen-
lished activities of bacterial ammonia oxidizers tration per se, but on ammonia flux and rates
(1 X lo-" to 10 X lO-"niol cell-' h-I) and of removal through death and predation. Sinii-
a value for N.maritimus of 0.25 X lo-'' to larly, changes in community structure through
0.35 X lo-'' mol cell-' h-' calculated from selection for strains that are tolerant of high
Konneke et al. (2005).Bacterial activity could ammonia concentration will only be evident
account for nitrification potential except in red if ammonia supply enables sufficient growth
alder soils at one of the sites. At one site, this in selected strains for measurable differences
required assumption of the maximum reported in relative abundance. Although many studies
bacterial cell activity but archaeal amoA gene have looked for positive correlations betwe,en
abundance was also sufficient to support nitri- ammonia concentration and abundance, there
fication, despite lower cell activity. Shauss et are frequent examples where the opposite
al. (2009) adopted a similar approach for two might be expected.The most obvious of these
soils amended with pig manure containing the is in N-saturated forest soils (see below) where
antibiotic sulfadiazine.Archaea1:bacterial amoA ammonium concentrations are high, nitrifica-
gene ratios were 7:l and 73:1, and incorpo- tion rates low, and ammonia oxidizers often
ration of gene abundances and estimated cell are undetectable. Similarly, rates of ammo-
activities into a simple nitrification model pre- nium supply and consequent integrated mean
dcted a requirement for archaeal ammonia ammonium concentrations, rather than snap-
oxidizer activity in one of the soils. Archaea shot ammonium concentrations, wdl deter-
also appeared to have greater tolerance to sul- mine "bulk" community structure.
fadiazine. Changes in relative abundance of Plants vary in their preferences for ammo-
bacterial but not archaeal phylotypes, based nium and nitrate as inorganic nitrogen sources,
on DGGE or restriction fragment length influencing competition with ammonia oxi-
polymorphism profiles, are sometimes used dzers and availability of ammonium. Hawkes
to suggest greater bacterial activity. However, et al. (2005) found evidence of this in studying
where archaeakbacterial amoA gene ratios are invasion of Californian grassland by exotic
2100, equivalent proportional changes in rela- grasses. Invasion doubled nitrification rates:

mainly through increased ammonia oxidizer munity. Soils were dominated by two sub-
abundance due to preference of the invachng groups of Nitrosospira cluster 3, clusters 3a and
grasses for nitrate, rather than ammonium. 3b. In microcosms with high relative abun-
Heterogeneity of ammonium concentra- dance of cluster 3b, lag phases were short. In
tion will also lead to heterogeneity in com- those dominated by cluster 3a, nitrate produc-
munity structure and, although prolonged tion was not apparent for several weeks and
fertilization is likely to change ammonia oxi- required increases in relative abundance of
dizer communities, other management factors, Nitrosospiru cluster 3b strains, lealng to their
such as tlllage and liming, will complicate anal- eventual dominance (Fig. l).This link between
ysis and interpretation. There is evidence that ecosystem function and community structure
plowing reduces spatial heterogeneity in AOB appears to be due to differences in ammonia
communities and reduces diversity (Webster tolerance. Pure culture representatives of Nitro-
et al., 2002), but this may be less important sospira clusters 3a and 3b, and enrichment
than changes in total biomass. Low cell con- cultures obtained from the same site, were
centrations and slow growth of soil ammonia sensitive and tolerant, respectively, to high
oxidizers often mean that large changes in ammonia concentration, typical of that found
community structure are required for detec- in sheep urine patches, explaining differences
tion. The next sections describe the influence in lag phases in soils dominated by the different
of general or localized input of ammonia-N, groups. In microcosms containing fertilized
arising from soil management strategies, on soil, long lag phases were not observed, and
nitrifier abundance and community structure. there was no clear trend in community struc-
ture changes during incubation. This is likely
Livestock Grazing due to greater abundance of all ammonia oxi-
Excretion and urination by grazing ani- dizer groups, through long-term fertilization,
mals effectively interconvert and relstribute such that initial nitrification was not limited
nitrogen throughout a field, creating regions by low abundance of ammonia-tolerant strains.
of high ammonia concentration, and grazing Field studies have shown that grazing
can influence competition between plants and increases the nitrification rate (e.g., Groffman
ammonia oxidizers for nitrogen. Heterogeneity et al., 1993; Le Roux et al., 2003; Patra et al.,
in ammonia concentration is a likely cause of 2005) and affects activity, abundance, and com-
the high variability in nitrification rates fre- munity structure of ammonia oxidizers (Web-
quently observed within grasslands (White ster et al., 2002; Patra et al., 2006). There is
et al., 1987) through increased abundance of some evidence for links between community
ammonia oxidizers and changes in community structure and plant species and for reduced
structure.The importance of such changes for complexity (increased dominance) of bacterial
grassland ecosystems was illustrated in a micro- (rather than archaeal) ammonia oxidizer com-
cosm study (Webster et al., 2005) that demon- munities in grazed soils (Webster et al., 2002;
strated strong links between ammonia oxidizer Patra et al., 2006). To investigate temporal
community structure and dynamics, physio- changes associated with grazing, Le Roux et
logical diversity, and dynamics of soil nitrifica- al. (2008) determined nitrifier activity and
tion. Soil microcosms containing unfertilized ammonia oxidizer abundance in niesocosms 2
soil were amended with synthetic sheep urine years after switches between grassland manage-
(1 mg of urea-N g of soil-'). Nitrate produc- ment to and from grazing. Different ammonia
tion varied significantly between microcosms, oxidizer communities were found in continu-
mainly through differences in the length of the ously grazed and ungrazed soils, and nitrifier
lag phase prior to NO,- production.This vari- activity and bacterial and archaeal ammonia
ability was associated with differences in the oxidizer abundances were always greater in
composition of the ammonia oxidizer com- the former. Within 5 months of a switch to
Sequence type Sequence type
cnntrolr. t=O t=7 t = 1 4 t = 2 1 t=2X t = 4 2 t = 8 4 controls t=O t = 7 t=14 t=21 t=28 t=42 t=84


.r* 1600
$j 1400

FIGURE 1 Ammonia oxidizer community structure influences nitrification kinetics following addition of synthetic sheep urine. Microcosm containing grassland
soil were amended with synthetic sheep urine containing 1 mg of urea-N kg of soil-'.Ammonium (filled and open triangles) and nitrite + nitrate (filled and open
squares) concentrations and ammonia oxidizer sequence types were determined in control (open square and triangle) and in amended (filled square and triangle)
microcosms.Ammonia oxidizer sequences were analyzed by DGGE. Soil was initially dominated by Nitvosospivu cluster 3a (a) or cluster 3b (b). (FromWebster et al.
[2005], with permission.)

grazing, bacterial ammonia oxidizer commu- following irrigation of orchard soil with waste-
nity structure changed and nitrifier activity water effluent, but not fertilizer-amended
and abundance then increased. Increased nitri- water, suggesting that factors specific to waste-
fication activity therefore appeared to require water, including salinity, influence ammonia
a change in community structure, possibly oxidizer communities.
through selection of strains tolerant to high
localized ammonia concentration. Putative Nitrogen Fertilization
tolerant phylotypes were, however, not always Microcosm stu&es demonstrate clear impacts
the same as those found by others. Conversely, of ammonia-N or urea-N on ammonia oxi-
nitrifier activity and abundance decreased fol- dizers. Mahmood et al. (2006) showed distinct
lowing cessation of grazing, and AOB com- changes in communities of ammonia oxidizers
munity structure subsequently changed.This is at three different levels of nitrogen adltion
presumably due to decreased abundance, with (100, 500, and 1,000 pg of urea-N g of soil-')
some groups decreasing faster than others. to soil microcosms. Soils were dominated by
Nitrification activities in mesocosms that had Nitrosospira clusters 2 to 4. Nitrosospira cluster
been switched to grazed or ungrazed condi- 2 increased in relative abundance at all applied
tions were similar to those of equivalent unal- N levels, while clusters 3 and 4 increased in
tered soil within 12 months of switching. relative abundance at low and high nitrogen,
respectively. These effects of ammonia concen-
Turf Grass tration were not seen in microcosms incubated
In highly managed turf grass systems, repeated at 4OC (Avrahami et al., 2002), where growth
application of high levels of nitrogen fertilizer will be slow and measurable changes in relative
increases nitrification potential (Shi et al.,2006) abundance unlikely.
but may not reduce diversity.A turfgrass chro- In general, there is evidence for greater
nosequence (1 to 95 years) contained a wide abundance of ammonia oxidizers in fertilized
range of ammonia oxidizer phylotypes, with soils, although this is not always apparent &om
four Nitrosospira and two Nitrosomonas clusters, MI" counts (Bruns et al., 1999; Phillips, et
but their relative abundance &d not change al., 2000). qPCR of 16s rRNA genes (Phillips
significantly with turf age, despite apparently et al., 2000a, 2000b) shows abundances 1 to 2
strong selective pressure (Dell et al., 2008). orders of magnitude greater in a range of con-
This was explained by lack of disturbance tinuously fertilized soils (Fig. 2). There is also
and mixing in these nontilled soils, increased evidence that disturbance of soil, through fer-
organic matter, and consequent improvements tilizer application and tillage, leads to increased
in soil structure, leading to greater spatial sepa- abundance, regardless of ammonia addi-
ration of potentially competing populations. tion (Bruns et al., 1999; Phillips et al., 2000;
Cantera et al. (2006) also found a relationship Mendum and Hirsch, 2002). The influence
between ammonia concentration, nitrification of fertilization, liming, tillage, and herbicides
activity, and ammonia oxidizer abundance in on bacterial ammonia oxidizer community
turf-covered soil irrigated with groundwater, structure was reviewed by Kowalchuk and Ste-
highly saline river water, or wastewater and phen (2001). Generally, Nitrosospira cluster 3
in sand traps. However, this positive effect was dominates fertilized and managed systems, and
counterbalanced by a negative influence of salt cluster 4 dominates unmanaged or unimproved
concentration. Ammonia oxidizer communi- systems. Nitrosomonas-like sequences have also
ties were less diverse in turf-covered soils and been reported in grassland soils following
were dominated by Nitrosomonas sequences, treatment with inorganic N (Webster et al.,
as often found in wastewater and other high- 2002) and compost (Kowalchuk et al., 1999;
ammonia environments.Oved et al. (2001) also Avrahami et al., 2002).Although this has been
reported increases in Nitrosomonas sequences suggested to indicate inhibition of Nitrosospira

Y 10'1 oSigNm1-' m50igNml" ~ 1 0 0 0 i g N m l - ' mcPCR

Tr 1 Tr 1F Tr2 Tr2F Tr 5 Tr7 Tr 7F Tr7T Tr7TF NDF

FIGURE 2 Bacterial ammonia oxidizer abundances in long-term ecological research plots subjected to different
management regimes.Viable cell abundance was determined using the M I " method with mineral salts iiiedium
containing 5, SO, or 1,000 mg of NH,+-N d-'. Total bacterial ammonia oxidizer abundance was determined
by competitive PCR amplification of 16s rRNA genes using primers targeting betaproteobacterial ammonia
oxidizers.Treatments were as follows:Trl, conventional tilling; Tr2, no tilling; TrS, Populu~perennial cover crop;
Tr7, historically tilled. Suffixes T and F indicate tillage and fertilization, respectively,and NDF represents native
deciduous forest. Error bars represent standard errors. (From PhiUips et al. [2000], with permission.)

cluster 4 by high ammonium, cluster 4 isolates It is not clear how fertilization might influ-
have been obtained on standard ammonia oxi- ence nitrite oxidizer communities, unless it
dizer growth medmm (Mintie et al., 2003). leads to accumulation of nitrite. Nevertheless,
Mendum et al. (1999) found an increase in long-term ammonia fertilization and plowing
the nitrification rate within 3 days of ammo- influenced nitrite, but not ammonia oxidizers,
nium nitrate fertilization of an arable soil and in a grassland study (Freitag et al., 2005).
a decline after 6 weeks. Competitive PCR, tar- Nitrobacter diversity was the same in all plots,
geting bacterial amoA and 16s rRNA genes, Nitrospira communities varied with manage-
indicated growth from lo4 to 106cells g-' and ment regime, and novel Nitrospira groups were
lo5 to lo* cells g-', respectively. Although this found. These changes are particularly difficult
suggests a lack of direct correlation between to explain given the paucity of knowledge of
abundance and activity, the lack of intermediate Nitrospira physiology and diversity.
sampling points makes interpretation difficult.
In a subsequent study (Mendum and Hirsch, SOIL pH
2002), in which soil was fertilized with ammo- The pH of most soils ranges from 3.5 to 9 and
nium nitrate with or without manure, the nitri- appears to be a major factor influencing bacte-
fication rate again increased more rapidly than rial community structure (Fierer and Jackson,
associated population changes. The effect of 2006). Soil with pH values >8 are relatively
plowing on both nitrification rate and commu- rare, but acid soils (pH <5) are common. Soil
nity structure differed with different fertilizer pH decreases to these values largely through
regimens. Plowing alone led to domination by the effects of microbial activity, associated with
Nitrosospira cluster 4 sequences, while cluster 3 decomposition of organic matter, but anthro-
sequences dominated plots that were plowed pogenic activity can also decrease soil pH,
and fertilized with ammonium nitrate. through atmospheric deposition, including

deposition of nitrogen. In contrast to marine cell extracts, respectively, but changed little
and freshwater environments, where p H is close when calculated as a function of NH, concen-
to neutral, the p H of many soils is unfavor- tration. This suggests that ammonia is the sub-
able for nitrifier growth and activity. In many strate for ammonia monooxygenase and that it
managed soils, p H is increased to neutrality by enters the cell by facilitated diffusion, or at least
liming, but the existence and importance of by a process that is pH independent. Ammo-
nitrification in acid soils has led to laboratory nium transport (if it occurs) demands sufficient
and field studes aimed at determining mecha- energy to influence activity and growth rate
nisms for acidophilic nitrification (see De Boer significantly. Alternatively, uptake of ammonia
and Kowalchuk, 2001). may not be necessary, and the p H responses
may be entirely due to ammonia concentration.
Growth and Activity of Laboratory Allison and Prosser (1991b) found no growth
Cultures at Low pH of several ammonia oxidizers below pH 6.5
p H is a major factor influencing the growth inliquid batch culture, and Jiang and Bakken
and activity of all microorganisms, and a (1999a) found similar inhibition of growth and
number of mechanisms ensure p H homeo- activity of four Nitrosospira strains isolated from
stasis in response to alkaline or acid conditions. soil. N o strain grew below pH 6.5, but one
These mechanisms are designed to maintain was active at p H 5. Double reciprocal plots
intracellular p H close to neutral, even in many of activity versus NH, at different p H values
acidophiles (Baker-Austin and Dopson, 2007), were linear, and estimated half-saturation con-
but stress induced by acid or alkaline con& stants were similar to those of other strains.The
tions increases energy demands and reduces influence of p H on growth did, however, differ
activity and growth. For ammonia oxidizers, between strains and reflected environmental
p H extremes have additional effects on sub- origin, with greater acid tolerance by isolates
strate availability. The pKa for the NH,:NH,+ from acid soils. Effects of p H on growth are
equilibrium is 9.25, and NH, concentration therefore more complex than those on activity,
therefore changes approximately 10-fold for possibly due to greater tolerance to p H per se,
each unit change in pH. In alkaline soils, most or to nitrite toxicity.
will be present as NH,, leading to significant A number of factors, of relevance to soil
losses through volatilization. At low pH, most nitrification, determine the influence of p H on
will be in the form of NH,+, reducing the con- ammonia oxidation. Many ammonia oxidizers
centration of ammonia (NH,),the substrate for can hydrolyze urea to ammonia, and ureolysis
ammonia monooxygenase. appears to be p H independent. For example,
The requirement for and energetics of one ureolytic strain, Nitrosospira NPAV, which
NH, and NH,+ uptake by ammonia oxi- does not grow on ammonia below p H 7 in
dizers are poorly characterized, and it is not liquid batch culture, grows on urea at p H
clear whether reduced activity of pure cultures values as low as 4. When growing on urea, the
is due to increased energy demand, associ- maximum specific growth rate is independent
ated with transport into the cell, or reduced of p H in the range 4 to 8 (Burton and Prosser,
ammonia concentration. Suzuki et al. (1974) 2001), and nitrite production ceases as soon
determined the combined effect of ammonia as urea hydrolysis is complete, even though
concentration and p H on oxygen consump- ammonia is present in the medium (Fig. 3).
tion during ammonia oxidation by N. europaea The results suggest that urea uptake is inde-
cells, and cell extracts in the p H ranges 7 to 9.1 pendent of pH, that intracellular pH is favor-
and 6.5 to 8.5, respectively. Maximum velocity able for both urea hydrolysis and ammonia
(V,,) was independent of pH. K,, calculated oxidation, and that nitrite, and some ammonia,
for NH, + NH,+ decreased by factors of 26 diffuse out of the cell. Once released, ammonia
and 83 with increasing pH, for whole cells and is ionized and, at low pH, is effectively unavail-

35 35
30 8 30 8

25 25
7 7
5 20 % 20
5 15 6 % 5 15
6 E
rL 10 10
5 5
5 5
0 4 0 4
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time (h) Time (h)

Initial pH = 7.0 -a- ~~~~~i~~
1 35
25 25
20 @ 20
15 6 % 15 %
10 10
5 5
0 4 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time (h) Time (h)

FIGURE 3 Growth of Nitvosospira NpAV, a ureolytic ammonia oxidizer, on urea in liquid batch culture at initial
pH values of 4 (a), 5 (b), 7 (c), and 7.5 (d). Growth on ammonia was inhibited at pH <7. Growth was followed
by measuring changes in urea, ammonium, and nitrite concentrations and pH. (From Burton and Prosser [2001],
with permission.)

able. Urea hydrolysis may therefore be an (for review, see De Boer and Kowalchuk,
important factor enabling nitrification in low 2001), even in soil with pH values as low as
pH soils, but requires that ammonia oxidizers 3.The laboratory studies described above sug-
gain access to urea prior to its conversion by gest that growth and activity of neutrophilic
other organisms, as ureolysis is a common ammonia and nitrite oxidizers in acid soils
characteristic of soil microbes.The influence of can be explained by urease activity, supply of
pH on growth and activity also depends on the luw concentrations of substrate,gradual reduc-
physiological state of cells. Keen and Prosser tions in pH, surface growth, and attachment
(1987) showed that populations of Nitrobacter and aggregate formation. Nitrification in acid
could not grow below pH 6 in liquid batch soils may also result from heterotrophic nitri-
culture containing 50 yg of NO,--N IS'but fiers that can grow and maintain activity at low
grew at lower initial nitrite concentrations, or pH (see Chapter 5). However, the cellular rates
in nitrite-limited continuous culture in which of nitrification by such organisms are low, and
the pH was reduced, gradually, from 6 to 5.5. it remains difficult to determine their impor-
tance and activity in soil. In addition, soil is
Nitrification in Acid Soils heterogeneous, and bulk pH measurements
Despite lack of acidophilic growth in batch may not reveal neutral microenvironments (see
culture, nitrification is common in acid soil below).
Next Page


Although low pH inhibits ammonia oxi- nitrification inhibitors are therefore added to
dizers in laboratory culture, a metastudy of reduce fertilizer loss. Nitrification increased
nitrification in almost 300 soils (Booth et with pH in the relatively narrow range 6
al., 2005) provided no evidence for a signifi- to 8, but with significant variability, and the
cant effect of soil pH on nitrification (Fig. 4). effectiveness of inhibition by nitrapyrin was
Importantly, the study focused on gross rather reduced at higher pH. In general, inhibition
than net nitrification, considering the com- is less effective under optimal conditions for
bined effect of related soil processes, including nitrification, and knowledge of pH effects is
mineralization and denitrification. Gross nitr- necessary for efficient fertilizer management,
fication was controlled most by nitrogen min- suggesting that fertilizer application should be
eralization, particularly at low mineralization delayed until spring in soils with higher pH.
rates: the proportion of mineralized nitrogen
that was nitrified decreased from 63% at a Ammonia Oxidizer Abundance in
mineralization rate of 1 mg of N kg of soil-' Acid Soils
day-' to 28% and 19% at mineralization rates MPN counts indicate that abundance of cul-
of 5 and 10 mg of N kg of soil-' day-', respec- turable ammonia oxidizers in low pH soils is 2
tively. Some of the highest nitrification rates to 3 orders ofmagnitude less than that in typical
were in low pH organic soils. These observa- agricultural soil. Often they are not detectable;
tions are not inconsistent with some of the for example, Klemedtsson et al. (1999) could
proposed mechanisms for growth at low pH. not detect ammonia oxidizers in acid forest soils
Ammonia oxidizers growing on the surface of with a MPN detection limit of 500 g of soil-'.
particulate organic matter, gradually releasing MPN counts are likely to underestimate abun-
ammonia, will benefit from the advantages of dance. Media and cultivation conditions are
surface growth, low ammonia concentration, selective, growth may not be detectable within
and continuous growth, all of which enable the incubation period used (Matulewich et al.,
growth at acid pH values in laboratory culture. 1975), cells may be difficult to separate from
Interestingly, for the grassland and agricultural soil particles, and some will be inhibited by
soils, there was no detectable overall effect of other organisms present. Molecular detection
N fertilization on nitrification rate, again sug- of ammonia oxidizers eliminates these limita-
gesting that ammonium generated by miner- tions, but abundances determined by qPCR of
alization may be a more important source of ammonia oxidizer 16s rRNA or amoA genes
ammonia for nitrification. Ross et al. (2009) in acid soils are also low, although sometimes 1
also found no correlation between nitrification to 2 orders greater than MI" counts. Jordan
rate and soil pH in ten forested watershed soils, et al. (2005) reported abundances close to the
but nitrification rate did correlate negatively detection limit of lo4gene copies g ofsoil-' in
with C / N ratio. soils with pH 3.7 to 4.9, and Nicol et al. (2008)
Nitrification in acid forest soils is particu- measured 7.2 X lo4 bacterial a r m 4 gene
larly important, given the impact of atmo- copies g ofsoil-' at pH 4.9. However, detec-
spheric N deposition on these ecosystems, tion is often not possible, even when using
but can also be of importance in agricultural nested PCR and fingerprinting approaches to
systems. For example, Kyveryga et al. (2004) determine community structure (Laverman et
investigated the influence of soil pH on nitri- al., 2001; Backnian et al., 2003; Jordan et al.,
fication following addition of fertilizer N to 2005).Although detection limits are not always
Corn Belt soils. Anhydrous ammonia is com- defined, this suggests abundances below lo3 to
monly used in such systems, and its application lo4 cells g ofsoil-'. For example, Schmidt et al.
to some fields in fall and to others in spring (2007) could not amp119 bacterial amoA genes
is beneficial for management reasons. Rapid from an acid heathland soil, even with a nested
growth of corn does not occur until June, and PCR approach. Nitrification in these soils was
Previous Page


somonas sequences. In contrast, enrichment

cultures were dominated by Nitrosospira cluster
3, with only one nitrosomonad, suggesting
selection by cultivation conchtions. Interest-
ingly, fewer enrichments were obtained from
neutral soil than acid soil, none was obtained
on low pH medium, and several clone
sequences were identical to those of enrich-
ments. This demonstrates the extent of selec-
tion by laboratory conditions but also indicates
that strains that are abundant in soil can domi-
nate enrichments.
.t I
Molecular analysis of communities pro-
vides quantitative data on the influence of pH.
Although it remains dangerous to generalize,
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
most studm indicate dominance of low pH
w soils by nitrosospiras, particularly Nitrosospiva
FIGURE 4 Relationships between soil pH and cluster 2 (Stephen et al., 1996, 1998; Kow-
gross nitrification rate in mineral and organic soil alchuk et al., 2000; Lavernian et al., 2001),
layers from agricultural and woodland ecosystems. although other Nitrosospira clusters are fre-
(Data kindly provided by J. M. Stark. Adapted from
Booth et al. [2005].) quently obtained and Nitrosomonas sequences
dominated DGGE profiles of ammonia oxi-
&zers in an acid forest soil (Carnol et al.,
low and was assumed to be derived from het- 2002). Unfortunately, with rare exceptions
erotrophic nitrification, although this study &d (Jiang and Bakken, 1999a;Burton and Prosser,
not target archaeal ammonia oxidizers, which 2001), physiological studies have focused on
may have been active at low pH. Nitvosomonas rather than Nitrosospira, and the
physiological characteristics leadmg to greater
Influence of pH on Soil Ammonia abundance of nitrosospiras in soils and selec-
Oxidizer Communities tion for Nitrosospira cluster 2 in acid soils are
Enrichment of bacterial ammonia oxihzers not known.
from acid soils is relatively common, and sev-
eral workers have successfully obtained pure Selection for Ammonia Oxidizers in
cultures. Most isolates are nitrosospiras (see De Long-Term pH Gradients
Boer and Kowalchuk, 2001), although nitro- Long-term selection by soil pH and stability of
somonads are also found (Allison and Prosser, communities has been investigated in a Scottish
1991b). Many, but not all, are urease positive, agricultural soil maintained for 36 years at pH
and some are tolerant of high-ammonia con- values in the range 3.9 to 6 (Stephen et al., 1998).
centration.Attempts have been made to design Low pH soils were dominated by Nitrosospira
media that select acidophilic strains, but there cluster 2 sequences, which decreased in relative
is only limited evidence that such strains exist. abundance as pH increased, while Nitrosospira
Smith et al. (2001) compared betaproteo- cluster 3 sequences increased in relative abun-
bacterial ammonia oxidizer 16s rRNA gene dance. Nitrosospira cluster 4 and Nitrosomonas
sequences in environmental clones and enrich- cluster 6a sequences were also detected, at lower
ment cultures from acid and neutral soil plots. relative abundance, and with less obvious pH
Environmental clones from pH 4.2 soil were trends.The stability of these long-term changes
relatively evenly distributed between Nitroso- was confirmed by Nicol et al. (2008), who
spiva clusters 2 to 4, with a minority of Nitro- found similar distributions of bacterial ammonia

oxidizers in the same plots after an additional microbial biomass. Forest ecosystems can act as
9 years. They also characterized both bacterial a significant reservoir of reactive nitrogen, in
and archaeal amoA gene sequences, by DGGE, part because nitrification rates are low, and con-
and quantified umoA gene and amoA gene tran- ditions in such climax ecosystems are optimal
script abundances. Relative abundance of bac- for maintenance of nitrogen within the plant-
terial and archaeal amoA gene sequence types soil system through minimal loss of nitrate. N
changed with pH, suggesting that both groups deposition can lead to increased leaching, but
contained lineages with &fferent p H prefer- liming is often used to reverse soil acidification.
ences. Bacterial and archaeal gene abundances The subsequent effects on nitrification depend
showed contrasting behavior (Fig. 5). Archaeal on the extent of N deposition and whether the
amoA genes decreased with increasing p H but soil is N saturated.At low levels, N is assimilated
were always more abundant than bacterial amoA by plants, but nitrification can occur when
genes, which varied less with pH. Both archaeal demand is satisfied and soils become N satu-
and bacterial amoA gene transcripts were always rated.Thus, although ammonia oxidizers could
less abundant than genes, suggesting that the not be detected in a Swedish acidic coniferous
majority of the community is inactive, although forest soil (Klemedtsson et al., 1999; Blckman
this could reflect methodological difficulties in et al., 2003), liming increased p H in the upper,
quantifjring transcripts.Archaeal amoA transcript organic horizons and led to detection of
abundance decreased with increasing pH, while Nitrosospira cluster 2 and 4 sequences and to
that of bacteria increased. Gene:transcript ratio increased nitrification potential. Similar effects
is a better measure of functional activity (Freitag can result from clear-cutting, which increases
and Prosser, 2009, and archaeal ratio decreased nitrogen mineralization, nitrification potential,
significantly with pH, but increased for bacteria ammonia oxidizer abundance, and changes in
(Fig. 5). Links between transcriptional activity community structure (Backman et al., 2004).
and process rates are poorly understood, due to Even in acid soils with low levels of nitrifi-
lack of physiological studies, but the data in&- cation and low ammonia oxidizer abundance,
cate significantly &fferent p H preferences for there can be significant potential for nitrifica-
archaeal and bacterial ammonia oxi&zer com- tion if ammonia concentrations are high and
munities in these soils, with archaea and bac- p H is increased.Jordan et al. (2005) performed
teria apparently preferring acid conditions and similar studies on a Californian forest soil
neutral conhtions, respectively. Archaeal umoA subjected to atmospheric N addition. Poten-
phylotypes that were dominant at low- and tial nitrification activity was detected and was
high-pH soils were also more transcriptionally greater in N-saturated soils, but nitrification
active in short-term microcosm experiments was inhibited by acetylene, indicating hetero-
with mixed pH 4.5 and 7 soils readjusted to trophic activity. Nitrogen and soil p H did not
either of these pH values (Nicol et al., 2008). influence community structure, and growth of
This provides evidence that the long-term p H N. multijvformiswas inhibited by soil from these
selection for bfferent phylotypes is due to pH- sites, suggesting the presence of inhibitory
related activities. compounds.
Another consideration is the way in which
N Deposition and N-Saturated Soils nitrification is measured. Stark and Hart (1997)
Atmospheric deposition of N has increased sig- found relatively high rates of gross nitrification
nificantly since the industrial revolution and in in several forest soils. Nitrate uptake by het-
terrestrial ecosystems leads to increased nitri- erotrophic microorganisms was also high, so
fication, leaching of nitrate, further produc- that little nitrate was lost from the system and
tion of nitrous oxide, and acidification of soil. there was no significant relationship between
Nitrogen saturation occurs when deposition gross and net nitrification rates. This empha-
rates exceed N demand from plants and soil sizes the need to consider nitrification within

1 .EM8

(a) 1.EM7
a l.E+06
4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5

FIGURE 5 Abundance and trans-

criptional actlvity of crenarchaeal
and bacterial aiiuiionia oxdzers in
0.16 long-term pH plots, maintained at
p H values in the range 4.5 to 7.5,
determned by quantificahon of

:::: amoA gene and gene transcripts (a)

and by ratios of gene transcript:gene
abundance (b).Error bars represent
‘a 0.00
4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 8o
standard errors of replicate field
saniples at each sod pH. (From Prosser
PH and Nicol [2008],with perinission.)

the context of the soil carbon cycle and other moisture content, but again is limited by tor-
nitrogen cycling processes, the need to measure tuosity, even in saturated soils.Transport of sol-
gross nitrification rates, and the possibility of uble nutrients and microorganisms increases
high ammonia oxidizer activity in forest soils. with bulk flow of soil water, and “mixing”
Internal cycling in these systems also has the of all soil components is increased by root
potential to increase nitrous oxide production. growth, burrowing by soil animals and preda-
tors, and large-scale events, such as plowing.
SOIL STRUCTURE, HETEROGENEITY, These complex factors create a myriad of
AND MICROENVIRONMENTS microenvironments with distinct physico-
The physical, chemical, and biological char- chemical characteristics and different benefits
acteristics of soil are heterogeneous and vary and disadvantages for resident microbial com-
between and within soils, giving different soils munities. Complexity is further increased by
their distinctive properties. This in itself pro- the temporal changes in these characteristics
vides a wide range of local conditions and through soil processes and seasonal influences.
environments that influence soil microorgan- In addition to effects on ammonia transport
isms. Heterogeneity in particulate material and diffusion, water potential will influence
also leads to heterogeneity in soluble and gas- nitrifier physiology, as dehydration will con-
eous components. Diffusion of gaseous mate- centrate soil solutes, increasing osmotic pres-
rial will be low in water-saturated soils and, sure. Stark and Firestone (1995) found that
although greater at low-moisture content, will substrate limitation by diffusion reduced
be restricted by soil tortuosity. Conversely, nitrification at soil water potentials less than
movement of soluble substrates and products -20.6 MPa, while dehydration was more
by diffusion, and of motile cells, increases with important at lower water potentials. Dehydra-

tion also increases ammonia concentration, of growth, when substrate is fully utilized or
which may influence nitrification rates more conditions become unfavorable. Its application
than increases in osmotic pressure (Low et al., to soil nitrification kinetics therefore assumes
1997). a well-mixed, homogeneously distributed
Attempts to understand the mechanisms population of nitrifying bacteria, with each
driving soil microbial processes, community individual experiencing the same substrate
dynamics, and diversity must take this com- concentration and growth conditions.
plexity into account. A major difficulty is the Molina (1985) challenged this view and
absence of techniques that reliably measure proposed an alternative hypothesis: nitrifiers
ecosystem process rates, community dynamics, are distributed heterogeneously, growing as
and diversity at the scale required. Most mea- spatially separated clusters on discrete sources
surements of soil nitrification are made at of ammonium within microenvironments. To
scales >1 g, which may have little relevance for test this, nitrification was investigated in micro-
organisms existing within a soil pore with a cosms, each of which contained a single soil
maximum width <50 pm. Some of the impacts aggregate.The time taken for cessation of nitri-
of soil heterogeneity have already been con- fication in each aggregate, through acid pro-
sidered within the section on surface growth, duction, was determined, and the cumulative
which significantly changes the activity of distribution of these times followed observed
nitrifiers and their sensitivity to unfavorable increases in nitrate concentration. Nitrification
conditions.This section deals with more gen- kinetics therefore reflected the distribution
eral aspects of the impact of heterogeneity. of times required for activation and comple-
tion of nitrification in individual aggregates,
Consequences of Heterogeneity for and not the average kinetic constants (Y and
Nitrification Kinetics K ) of the total community. This profoundly
Potential nitrification is typically measured as influences the way in which we consider soil
the increase in product (nitrite + nitrate) con- nitrification kinetics.Activation following star-
centration with time in soil or soil slurries. vation may be more important than maximum
In the absence of ammonia or pH limitation, specific growth rate, and cessation of nitrifica-
which are manipulated to maximize nitrifi- tion will be due to aci&fication in individual
cation rates, short-term incubation leads to a aggregates,or microenvironments, and not due
linear increase in product concentration. Pro- to low concentrations of ammonia.
longed incubation leads to increases in product
formation that are often described using the Consequences of Heterogeneity for
logistic equation.The logistic equation is com- Nitrifier Communities
monly used to describe growth of animal Spatial separation of soil communities in
populations and assumes that the specific microenvironments is a potential mechanism
growth rate is inversely proportional to popu- maintaining high levels of diversity within soil
lation size, with a maximum value v, decreasing nitrifier communities. Analysis of samples of
to zero at a population size, K, the carrying 21 g prevents detection of small-scale diversity
capacity of the environment. In applying this patterns but explains reduced diversity in man-
equation to microbial growth in liquid culture, aged soils, where plowing and regular addition
it describes, in approximate terms, the acceler- of inorganic nitrogen fertilizer increase mixing
ation, exponential, deceleration, and stationary and reduce heterogeneity in ammonia con-
phases. These growth phases, in turn, relate to centration. For example,Webster et al. (2002)
initial substrate excess; reduced growth rate found greater evenness in bacterial ammonia
through reduction in substrate concentration oxidizer communities in unfertilized grass-
and accumulation of metabolic byproducts land soils than in those subjected to high levels
or end products of metabolism; and cessation of inorganic fertilization. In addition, repli-

cate 0.5-g soil samples from unfertilized soil distributed randomly, and 50-pni microhabitats
showed greater heterogeneity than fertilized colonized by nitrite oxidizers were relatively
soils in terms of ammonia oxidzer comniu- distant (375 p i ) , potentially limiting nitrifica-
nity structure, ammonia concentration, and tion rates through diffusion of nitrite produced
pH. Other studies have reported reduction in by ammonia oxidizers. However, distribution
heterogeneity in community structure with of ammonia and nitrite oxidizers was not inde-
soil management (Bruns et al., 1999) but, as pendent, suggesting a degree of colocalization
discussed above, fertilization may not reduce facilitating interactions between these groups.
heterogeneity if not accompanied by physical Serotyping also showed colonization of 50-pni
mixing of soil (Dell et al., 2008). Heterogeneity diameter microsamples by several nitrite oxi-
in ammonia oxidizer communities can also be dizer serotypes, implying high environmental
seen at the cm-scale. For example, ammonia heterogeneity at this microscale, with diversity
oxihzers in biological surface crust soils, found similar to that found between reference strains
in arid regions, are restricted to a depth of 2 from different geographical regions (Grund-
to 3 cm, where they are shielded from sun- mann and Normand, 2000). These studies
light and oxygen concentration is sufficient highlight the technical and conceptual diffi-
(Johnson et al., 2005). Nitrogen is supplied to culties in understanding and quantifying the
these soils by nitrogen fixation, but conimuni- forces and mechanisms driving nitrifier diver-
ties are limited by oxygen and not ammonium sity and interactions in soil. Analysis of coni-
concentration. munities, rates, and environmental conditions
Grundmann and Debouzie (2000) used a is necessary at submdlimeter scales, and analysis
geostatistical approach to determine the struc- also depends on the phylogenetic resolution of
ture and relationships between soil ammonia methods used to determine diversity and the
and nitrite oxidizer communities at the mm- sampling effort (Grundmann, 2004).
scale. Analysis of samples taken at 1-mm inter-
vals along a 10-cm transect exhibited spatial Oxygen Diffusion and Limitation
structure of ammonia and nitrite oxidmers at Soils are heterogeneous with respect to oxygen
4-mm and 2-mm scales, respectively,the shorter concentration, rapidly become anaerobic when
range for nitrite oxihzers reflecting their waterlogged, due to high microbial activity
dependence on ammonia oxidizers for nitrite. and availability of carbon substrates. At the
Spatial distributions of the two groups were other extreme, well-drained soils contain many
not independent, and only one of the six nitrite regions with oxygen at atmospheric concentra-
oxidizer serotypes detected exhibited spatial tions. Even in these soils, spatial heterogeneity
structure. Investigation of mechanisms driving will result in microsites in which nitrification
nitrifier distribution and diversity in soil must will be oxygen limited. As soils dry, water is
therefore consider scales I1 mm, and structure removed from increasingly small pores but will
is likely to be determined by soil pores, aggre- remain in some, providing the potential for
gates, and small roots. Grundmann et al. (2001) anaerobic conditions where oxygen utilization
used an alternative approach, combining com- exceeds supply, due to diffusional limitations.
puter simulations with experimental data. The Conditions are most anaerobic where organic
proportion of soil microsamples, ranging from substrates and microbial activity are greatest,
20 to 2,000 pm hameter, containing ammonia which is usually in the rhizosphere. However,
or nitrite oxidizers was determined experi- roots of some plants, notably rice plants, release
mentally, and comparison with computer sim- oxygen, making conditions favorable for nitri-
ulations predicted that microhabitats (50-pm fication and reversing typical oxygen gradients.
diameter) contained seven nitrite oxidizer cells These processes are important for interac-
(i.e., microcolonies were small). Patches colo- tions between nitrifiers and denitrifiers, which
nized by ammonia and nitrite oxidizers were rely on nitrifiers for nitrate and also require

available organic carbon. Nitrifiers and denitri- production rates in a number of strains (Gar-
fiers will be active in different microsites within beva et al., 2007)
the soil, linked by nitrate diffusion, with the The process is r e d l y demonstrated in pure
balance of the two processes dependent on the culture, where N,O constitutes 0.05 to 1% of
proportion of water-filled pore spaces and dif- nitrite produced by Nitrosospira (Garbeva et
fusion of oxygen and nitrate. Denitrifiers and al., 2007; Jiang and Bakken, 1999b) with sig-
nitrifiers are also linked through their ability nificantly higher yields for N. europaea (up to
to produce nitrogen oxides. Nitrous oxide is 1.95% [Remde and Conrad, 19901). Produc-
of particular concern because of its activity as tion increases with decreased oxygen concen-
a greenhouse gas. It has 310 times the global tration (Goreau et al., 1980; Kester et al., 1997;
warming potential of carbon dioxide, atmo- Dundee and Hopkins, 2001) and is influenced
spheric N,O concentrations are increasing by low p H and ammonia concentration Uiang
by 0.26% per year, and 10 to 50% of global and Bakken, 1999b).U p to 54% of N,O gener-
anthropogenic N,O emissions are produced by ated from added nitrite was converted by nitri-
agricultural soils (Chen et al., 2008). fier denitrification in Nitrosospira 40KI (Shaw
Ammonia oxidizers produce nitrogen oxides et al., 2006).Jiang and Bakken (1999b) found
by two processes. In the first, N,O is produced similar N,O/NO,- ratios with ammonium or
as a byproduct of hydroxylamine conversion urea as substrate and an increased ratio at lower
to nitrite through chemical decomposition of p H and under effective starvation conditions,
intermediates. In the second process, nitrifier suggesting greater production under starvation
denitrification, nitrite is reduced to nitrous or acid-limiting conditions.
oxide, via nitric oxide, and then to nitrogen The significance of nitrifier-denitrification
gas (Wrage et al., 2001; Stein andYung, 2003). in soil is difficult to determine because ofmeth-
Nitrifiers also contribute indirectly to nitrous odological difficulties. Traditional approaches
oxide production through provision of nitrate involve analysis of correlation between N,O
to denitrifiers. Nitrous oxide production is production and nitrification rates (Sitaula et
catalyzed by two mutually exclusive forms of al., 2001) and incubation of samples after addi-
nitrite reductase, encoded by nirK and nirS, tion of ''NH,'sN0, or '5NH,'5N0, and in the
both of which are present in Nitrosomonas and presence or absence of inhibitors of nitrifica-
Nitrosospira and lead to production of nitric tion or denitrification (Robertson and Tiedje,
oxide. Nitric oxide reductase, which reduces 1987; Webster and Hopkins, 1996a). Specific
nitric oxide to nitrous oxide, is encoded by inhibitors of nitrification, but not denitrifi-
norB, which has been found in Nitrosomonas, cation, are available but denitrification can
Nitrosococcus (Casciotti and Ward, 2005), and be suppressed by incubation under aerobic
Nitrosospira (Garbeva et al., 2007). Production conditions. Such methods suffer from several
of both oxides therefore seems to be universal limitations, including changes in substrate con-
within bacterial ammonia oxidizers, and there centrations, disturbance, and turnover of label,
is evidence from genomic studies that archaeal such that nitrification will lead to production
ammonia oxidmrs have homologous genes of 15N-N0,, which can then be denitrified.
(see Section 111). Both nirK and norB are less The efficiency of inhibition will be reduced
well conserved in bacterial ammonia oxidizers by diffusion limitations in soil, heterogeneous
than amoA and 16s rRNA genes, and lack of distribution and lack of specificity.There is also
congruency in phylogenies suggests that they evidence that the sensitivity of nitrous oxide
were acquired through lateral gene transfer production to acetylene inhibition varies sig-
(Garbeva et al., 2007; Cantera and Stein, 2007). nificantly between different ammonia oxi-
Phylogeny is also not related to nitrous oxide dizers (Wrage et al., 2004b).

Better discrimination of sources of N,O can high concentrations of artificial urine (Wrage
be achieved using variations in both lsN/14N et al., 2004a) and ammonium (Avrahami et al.,
and 180/160 isotope ratios at natural abundance 2002).
levels (Webster and Hopkins, 1996b) and after
incubation with artificially enriched com- EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE
pounds, includmg single or double I5N-labeled AND CARBON DIOXIDE
ammonium nitrate and 'XO-labeled water ON NITRIFICATION
(Wrage et al., 2005). 6"N values in N,O pro- Jiang and Bakken (199%) described the effect
duced by nitrifiers or denitrifiers will depend of temperature on activity of four Nitrosospira
on isotope ratios in ammonium and nitrate, strains in terms of both the Arrhenius equa-
respectively. 6"0 values will depend on those tion and the square root model, although the
in oxygen and water. Ammonia oxidation to former gave good fit only in the range 3 to
hydroxylamine utilizes O,, while oxidation of 21°C. Optima for three of the strains were in
hydroxylamine and nitrite utilize 0 in water. the range 26 to 29OC, while one strain, Nitro-
N,O from nitrification, nitrifier-denitrifica- sospiva strain AF, isolated from a Zambian soil
tion, and denitrification of nitrate produced (Utzker et al., 1996), had an optimum of 31
by nitrification will therefore contain 100, 50, to 33OC and greatest activity over most of the
and 33% of 6"O of that in oxygen. Complica- range. Activation energies, calculated froin
tions arising from 0-exchange between water the Arrhenius plots, were higher for the two
and intermediates of the different pathways vibrioid strains, which fell into a distinct 16s
are discussed by Kool et al. (2007).An alter- rRNA-gene phylogenetic group and had a
native approach is to quantify the distribution lower pH minimum for activity. Activation
of isotopes between the central and terminal energies were also higher than those found for
N atom (isotopomers) within the N,O mol- Nitrosomonas.
ecule, expressed as site preference. Sutka et al. Temperature kinetics in pure culture are
(2006) found that site preferences in nitrous reflected in soil, where accurate prediction of
oxide produced during ammonia and hydrox- temperature responses is important in deter-
ylamine oxidation by nitrifiers were around mining the timing of fertilizer application,
33%, while that from nitrate and nitrite reduc- potential losses, and nitrate leaching. For
tion by denitrifiers was approximately 0%. example, application of fertilizer in the autumn
This overcomes inaccuracies of other stable is possible in regions where nitrification rates
isotope methods associated with variability in over winter are small. The Arrhenius equa-
ammonia and nitrate isotope ratios. Ostrom et tion can be used to describe the effect of tem-
al. (2007), however, found that correction in perature on soil nitrification, but, as for pure
site preference values may be required to allow cultures, is less reliable at higher temperatures
for changes due to consumption of nitrous (Stark, 1996).This equation is used in models
oxide before release from soil. of soil nitrification. Optimum temperature is
Despite these methodological difficulties, greater in tropical regions, lower in northern
there is evidence that nitrifiers play an impor- regions, and varies with soil conditions. For
tant role in terrestrial N,O production, par- example, temperature and pH will interact, as
ticularly in dry soils, where it can contribute faster nitrification rates will increase the rate
up to 80% of total soil N,O (Robertson and of acidification, and inhibition of nitrification
Tiedje, 1987; Webster and Hopkins, 1996a, and differential effects on ammonia and nitrite
1996b; Godde and Conrad, 1999; Wrage et oxidizers can lead to accumulation of nitrite
al., 2005).There is no evidence for an effect of at temperatures <12OC (Russell et al., 2002).
pH on N,O production (Wrage et al., 2004a), The relationships between nitrification rate
but production increases following addition of and temperature are also influenced by water

content, which can be described in terms of nificant changes in archaeal, but not bacterial,
three parameters: maximum nitrification rate, 16s rRNA and umoA gene DGGE patterns and
optimal relative water content, and tempera- umoA gene transcripts with increasing temper-
ture (Grundmann et al., 1995). Interactions ature in soil microcosms (Fig. 6). Relationships
between these factors are related to their with bacterial ammonia oxidizers are, however,
impact on respiration rate, oxygen diffusion, not always simple and experimental studies
and aggregate structure. with soil are often complicated by variation in
Transect and transplant experiments have other factors. Nitrosospiru strains belonging to
been used to study the influence of micro- amoA-defined clusters 1, 2 and 4 are gener-
climatic conditions and soil management on ally associated with low temperature environ-
ammonia oxilzers and nitrification. Mintie et ments (Avrahami and Conrad, 2005), while
al. (2003) found that ammonia oxidizer com- Nitrosospira strain AF and related sequences
munity structure was dominated by Nitrosospira are found in warmer climates, although tem-
cluster 4 sequences across two meadow-to- perature responses interact with fertilizer and
forest transects, despite differences in vegeta- moisture in a complex manner (Avrahami and
tion composition, plant nitrogen input and Bohannan, 2007). In long-term incubations o f
soil temperature, moisture, and pH. There was two low-temperature soils, Nitrosospira amoA
some evidence of increased relative abundance clusters 3a, 3b, and 9 were most common at
of Nitrosospira clusters 2 and 3 in meadow and 30°C; cluster 4 was most common at 25OC; and
transitional soils. Ammonia oxidizer isolates cluster 1 was most common at <3OoC (Avra-
from these soils were dominated by Nitroso- hami and Conrad, 2003). The high-tempera-
spira cluster 4 strains. Despite small differences ture soil was dominated by Nitrosospiru cluster
in community structure, nitrification potential 3a at all temperatures, but with changes within
was significantly greater in meadow soils, pos- this group. In an agricultural soil, nitrous oxide
sibly through increased abundance with no production increased with increasing tem-
change in community structure. Alternative perature (4 to 37OC), while potential nitrifica-
explanations are finer-scale discrimination of tion was greatest at intermediate temperatures
communities, functional redundancy, or hffer- (Avrahami et al., 2003). Ammonia oxidizer
ences in active, rather than “total” communities. communities changed in response to both
The influence of environmental conditions on ammonium concentration and temperature in
ammonia oxidizer community structure, abun- long-term experiments (16 weeks), with Nitro-
dance (MPN counts), and activity were then sospira cluster 1 dominant at low-temperature
investigated by reciprocal transfer of soil cores and temperature-related changes within Nitro-
between meadow and forest soils from each sospira cluster 3 throughout the temperature
site (Bottomley et al., 2004).Within 2 years, net range.
nitrification rates of forest soil cores increased This complexity was also seen in experi-
to those of the meadow sites to which they had ments designed to investigate the impact of
been transferred, and in some, but not all, cases, climate change (increased CO,, temperature,
these increases were associated with increased and precipitation) on nitrification. Elevated
nitrification potential and ammonia oxidizer atmospheric CO, concentration may not
abundance. Changes were explained in terms directly influence nitrification, as soil atmo-
of climatic conditions, particularly increased spheric CO, concentrations are severalfold
temperature, rather than changes in commu- greater than atmospheric concentrations.
nity structure, which showed no consistent However, indirect effects, arising from pre-
pattern. dicted increases in soil water content, and
Microcosm studies provide evidence for a readily available soil carbon and nitrogen could
relationship between phylogeny and tempera- reduce nitrification. Carnol et al. (2002) found
ture preferences.Tourna et al. (2008) found sig- increased nitrification and N,O production at

elevated CO,, explained through direct effects has been used as a specific inhibitor of nitrite
of high CO, concentration and/or indirect oxidation.
effects on ammonia availability. Barnard et al. The enormous increases in application
(2004) found no effect of elevated CO, on of N fertilizers, particularly ammonia-based
nitrification activity, but Barnard et al. (2006) fertilizers, and other modern farming prac-
reported a negative effect when other fac- tices have increased the risk of pollution from
tors (N addition, increased temperature) were nitrification. For example, it is estimated that
considered. Similar complexity was found in 67% of applied fertilizer is not taken up by
responses of bacterial ammonia oxidizers to plants, equivalent to a worldwide annual loss
increased CO,, temperature, nitrogen, and of $US15.9 billion (Raun and Johnson, 1999).
precipitation (Horz et al., 2004). In addition to the economic cost, this can
increase levels of nitrate in groundwaters above
NITRIFICATION INHIBITORS regulatory standards, increase greenhouse gas
Inhibition of nitrification is of interest for production, through both nitrification and
several reasons. First, the chemical nature of denitrification, and lead to eutrophication of
inhibitors and the characteristics and kinetics rivers, through run-off of nitrate.
of inhibition can give clues to biochemical A number of strategies have been proposed
mechanisms of ammonia and nitrite oxida- and developed to increase fertilizer use effi-
tion and have been used extensively in studies ciency, including use of slow-release fertilizers,
of nitrifier physiology (Arp and Stein, 2003). more intelligent fertilizer application strategies,
Second, specific inhibitors of nitrification are and precision farming. An alternative is the
invaluable in discriminating between different application of nitrification inhibitors with fer-
processes contributing to changes in substrates tilizer, which is attracting increasing attention
and products (e.g., nitrous oxide) of nitrifiers for mitigation of nitrous oxide production (De
and other groups. Third, natural and com- Klein and Ledgard, 2005; Subbarao et al., 2006;
mercial inhibitors of nitrification may lead to Singh andVerma, 2007).Where possible, inhib-
retention of ammonia within soil, with eco- itors are added with ammonia- or urea-based
nomic and environmental benefits. fertilizers, although this may be restricted by
the characteristicsof the fertilizer and inhibitor,
Chemically Synthesized Inhibitors while some compounds act as both fertilizer
More than 50 chemicals have been charac- and inhibitor (e.g., ammonium thiosulfate).
terized and investigated as inhibitors of soil Choice of inhibitor depends on effectiveness,
nitrification with a view to their commer- specificity, volatility, ease of use, solubility, and
cial use. These compounds and their mecha- degradation rate. Effectiveness will depend on
nisms of action are described in detail in two a range of factors, including rates of inhibitor
recent reviews (Subbarao et al., 2006; Singh degradation, soil type, environmental condi-
and Verma, 2007). The most commonly used tions, and crop type. For example, inhibition
are nitrapyrin (2-chloro-6-trichloromethyl will be most effective when nitrification rates
pyridine; N-Serve), dicyandiamide, allylthi- are low (e.g., due to low temperature) and for
ourea, carbon-disulfide-based inhibitors, crops with relatively high-ammonium require-
3,4-dimethylpyrazol-phosphate, 2-amino-4- ments. It is also possible that different members
chloro-6-methylpyrimidine, and acetylene. of the nitrifier community may show differ-
Inhibitors can be bactericidal or bacteriostatic, ences in susceptibility to inhibition (Wrage et
and mechanisms of inhibition include chela- al., 2004b), although this has been little studied.
tion with copper components of the ammonia Wolt (2004) assessed long-term effectiveness
monooxygenase, ligand binding, and suicide of inhibitors using, as an example, nitrapyrin
inhibition, notably by acetylene. Most inhibi- application to corn across the midwestern
tors target ammonia oxidation, but chlorate United States, fertilized with inorganic N or

manure. Efficiency was assessed in terms of This marker strain has been exploited in the
grain yield, maintenance of inorganic N in the search for inhibitors produced by 18 crops and
root zone, nitrate leaching, and nitrous oxide grasses (Subbarao et al., 2007a). Many inhibi-
production. Data from 158 locations indcated tory compounds and root exudates from dif-
that nitrapyrin application led to a 7% increase ferent genotypes of the tropical grass Brackiaria
in crop yield, a 28%)increase in soil N reten- kumidicola exhibited a range of inhibitory
tion, a 16% decrease in N leaching, and a 51% effects on the lux-marked sensor strain, while
decrease in N,O emissions. Nitrapyrin had a inhibition levels correlated with nitrification
significant effect in 75% of studies analyzed. rates in the soils from which genotypes were
obtained. Inhibition was also greater in root
“Natural” Inhibitors of Nitrification exudates of a wild relative of wheat (Leymus
In general, nitrification rates in managed racernosus) than in cultivated wheat (Tritium
agricultural systems are high, leadmg to low aestivum) (Subbarao et al., 2007b). In both sys-
ammonium concentrations and nitrate con- tems, production of inhibitors was stimulated
centrations. In grasslands and forest ecosys- by growth on ammonium, but not nitrate,
tems, ammonium concentrations are high, and genetic improvement of genotypes to
and nitrate concentrations are low. Low rates increase inhibition was proposed as a manage-
may be due to increased demand for ammo- ment strategy to increase nitrogen utilization
nium, following release of carbon from plant efficiency.
roots and consequent strong competition for
ammonium from vegetation and heterotrophic CURRENT QUESTIONS AND
microorganisms, or to high nitrate assimilation FUTURE RESEARCH
by plants (Stark and Hart, 1997). However, an The soil environment presents a number of
alternative explanation is the production by challenges and benefits for ammonia oxidizers.
plants of nitrification inhibitors in these climax The former include intermittent substrate and
systems. Subbarao et al. (2006) reviewed the water supply, spatially and temporally het-
extensive literature on potential allelopathic erogeneous physicochemical conditions, low
inhibitors of nitrification, particularly phe- pH, and strong Competition for ammonia
nolics, terpenes, and flavonoids, produced by from plants and heterotrophic microorgan-
plants as root exudates or released during deg- isms. Benefits include considerable increases in
radation of plant material and 1itter.These soils anthropogenic supply of ammonia, and there-
also have low pH, which itself inhibits nitri- fore nitrite, favorable temperature and oxygen
fication, but there is evidence that plant spe- supply, and attachment surfaces that reduce
cies effects are independent of pH.The review removal. Laboratory studies have increased
highlights the many technical problems associ- understanding of the physiological mechanisms
ated with chemical analysis of these complex that enable nitrifiers to meet the challenges
compounds in soil and consequent difficulties of life in the soil. The major recent advances
in demonstrating inhibition in the laboratory have been in characterizing the diversity and
and their conversion in soil. community structure of ainmonia and nitrite
Ammonia oxidation is considered to be oxidizers and, to some extent, uncovering rela-
a good measure of soil health and fertility tionships between diversity and environmental
(Ritz et al., 2009), and ammonia oxicbzers are distribution, ecosystem function, and physi-
thought to be more sensitive than the majority ological diversity. Such studies are, however, in
of other organisms to toxic compounds. This their infancy. Patterns are developing, but we
sensitivity has been exploited in the develop- are far from being able to describe soil charac-
ment of a solid phase, ecotoxicity test involving teristics or land use management practices on
a bioluminescent reporter strain of N. europaea, the basis of nitrifier community structure, or to
marked with luxAB genes (Brandt et al., 2002). prehct the influence of environmental change

on nitrifier communities and their ecosystem processes about which little is known (e.g.,
function. Such understanding will hopefully control of nitrifier populations by predation
come from improvements in enrichment and phage). Understanding of nitrifier ecology
and isolation techniques and study of labora- and activity in microenvironments must be
tory cultures that are better representatives of scaled up to the microcosm, mesocosni, and
natural soil communities. These wdl enable field scales for input into quantitative predic-
better ecophysiological studies informed by tive models. This represents a major challenge
genomics and other “omics” approaches and in determining the importance of nitrification
by better quantitative data on cellular growth for atmospheric and groundwater pollution
and activity parameters. This will hopefully be and fertilizer loss and our ability to control and
paralleled by the development of improved reduce them.
techniques for measuring in situ activity. An
obvious requirement is the need to assess the METHODS
relative importance of bacteria and archaeal The “special” features of soil that influence
ammonia oxidizers and their environmental nitrifier ecology and activity also influence
niches, but it is equally important to assess methods used to investigate soil nitrification.
within-group physiological diversity and, The particulate nature of soil and its physico-
indeed, whether this diversity is truly impor- chemical properties make it more difficult to
tant for understanding and predicting soil remove cells for isolation and analysis. They
nitrification rates. also introduce spatial heterogeneity that com-
Of possibly greater importance is the plicates measurement of activity and the fac-
requirement for conceptual and theoretical tors that influence activity.Soil also reduces the
approaches that increase our understanding ease with which modern molecular techniques
of the links between nitrifier ecology, the soil can be applied, particularly those involving
nitrification process and the soil environment. microscopy.
For the organisms, this requires consideration
of the scale at which they interact with their Enrichment and Isolation
environment and with other organisms.Several Autotrophic ammonia and nitrite oxidizers
of the most important studes described above are enriched by inoculation of mineral salts
have advanced understanding by considering medium, supplemented with ammonia or
how the local microenvironment influences nitrite, with soil.A pH indicator is often added
nitrifiers, rather than treating nitrifier popu- to detect acid production by ammonia oxi-
lations as suspended cells growing in liquid dzers, but growth should be confirmed by
medium. The extent of interactions among determination of ammonia, nitrite, and/or
nitrifiers will influence their diversity, and nitrate concentration. Growth usually occurs
better information is required on functional within several weeks. Isolation of pure cul-
redundancy if we are to assess the importance tures is achieved by ddution to extinction and
of the high levels of soil nitrifier diversity for further subculture in inorganic medium or
ecosystem function in changing environments. subculturing of isolated colonies growing on
Interactions with other functional groups solid medium. Isolation is difficult. Heterotro-
and with other processes are also of enor- phic contaminants grow much more quickly
mous significance. This volume focuses on a than autotrophs, utilizing organic byproducts
single process within the nitrogen cycle, but of autotroph growth and volatile organics.
soil nitrification is intimately linked to min- Growth is slow in liquid and on solid media,
eralization, soil organic matter decomposition, yields are low, attempts to increase yield by
and denitrification. More indirectly, it is linked increasing ammonia or nitrite concentra-
with other important biogeochemical cycles, tions lead to substrate inhibition, and colonies
soil physicochemical processes, and biological produced after incubation on solid media are

microscopic. Isolation can take several months, (Phillips et al., 2000; Hermansson et al., 2004)
and cultures can be unstable, surviving only a and real-time PCR of 16s rRNA and a m o A
limited number of subcultures. More impor- genes (Okano et al., 2004; Leininger et al.,
tantly, enrichment and isolation processes are 2006; Nicol et al., 2008). This removes major
selective, and the majority of isolates are not &sadvantages of cultivation-based techniques:
representative of the dominant members of selective growth and inability to grow under
natural nitrifier communities. The extent of laboratory conditions. Direct comparisons
this problem has been highlighted by molecular of ME" and qPCR counts indicate under-
analysis of enrichments, isolates, and soil DNA. estimation by the former by 1 to 2 orders
In one study, 31 soil enrichments were domi- of magnitude and selection for Nitrosontonas
nated by the Nitrosospira cluster 3 strains, while over Nitrosospira in medium containing higher
sequences of 50 environmental clones from ammonia concentrations. Combining MPN
the same soil were dstributed among Nitroso- and qPCR can be used to quantify less abun-
spira clusters 2 to 4 (Smith et al., 2001). Only dant phylotypes, but this is best achieved using
16% of soil enrichment culture sequences were primers specific for different groups.There are
identical to those in the sequenced clones. no published reports of archaeal ammonia oxi-
More importantly, no crenarchaeal ammonia dizers in MPN enumeration media, but coin-
oxidizer has yet been isolated from soil, despite parison of bacterial and archaeal a m o A gene
significantly higher abundance of crenarchaeal abundance has provided one of the major lines
a m o A genes, and nitrite oxidizer isolates are of evidence for the importance of archaeal
dominated by Nitrobacter, despite inhcations of ammonia oxidation in soil.
the importance of Nitrospira in soil (Freitag et Although qPCR methods are gaining wide-
al., 2005). spread acceptance for estimating gene abun-
dance, they also have biases and limitations.
Abundance Cells may contain several copies of the target
Cultivation-based enumeration of nitrifiers gene; cell lysis and DNA extraction efficiencies
uses the MPN method, as slow growth and will vary between different groups, and primer
formation of only microscopic colonies on efficiencies will vary (Smith et al., 2006). It
solid memum prevent routine use of plate- is also difficult to verify abundance data by
counting methods. Dilutions of a soil suspen- direct microscopy. Although immunological
sion are used for multiple inoculation of liquid and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH)
medum, and growth is determined qualita- techniques are available for nitrifiing bacteria,
tively after incubation, typically for several the disadvantages of fluorescence-based tech-
weeks. This provides estimation of abundance niques in soil and their low abundance per-
of either, or both, ammonia or nitrite oxidizers, unit surface area prevent routine quantification
depending on the composition of the medium, by microscopic methods in soil. This is unfor-
but it suffers from a number of disadvantages. tunate, given the important information that
Calculation of MPN counts is based on prob- this approach has provided in activated sludge
abilities of transferring cells during inoculation and marine studies of nitrification.
and has intrinsic statistical variation, in addi-
tion to experimental variability,although it can Community Composition
be reduced by reducing hlution factors and Diversity of nitrifiers is now determined rou-
increasing replication of inocula. Other &sad- tinely by molecular analysis of 16s rRNA
vantages have been discussed in earlier sections. or functional genes amplified from DNA or
Increasingly, quantitative molecular RNA extracted from soil. Primers are avail-
methods are being used to enumerate nitrifiers. able for 16s rRNA genes of major groups of
Soil ammonia oxidizers have been quantified soil bacterial ammonia and nitrite oxidizers,
by competitive PCR of 16s rRNA genes and archaeal primers can often be used to

assess crenarchaeal ammonia soil communi- for amoA gene sequences is also now large and
ties, because of low relative abundance of expanding rapidly, following extensive envi-
non-ammonia-oxidizing crenarchaea. Nitri- ronmental sequencing surveys after discovery
fiers have also been characterized by analysis of crenarchaeal ammonia oxidizers. Analysis
of the functional genes amoA, amoB, hydroxy- of community structure will benefit from the
amine oxidoreductase (hao),cytochrome c-554 new generation of molecular techniques. 16s
(hcy) (Bruns et al., 1998) and ureC (Koper et rRNA gene and functional gene microarray
al., 2004) (for ammonia oxidizers), and nxrA systems include many nitrifier sequences, and
(nitrite oxidizers) (Wertz et al., 2008). Unfor- high-throughput sequencing approaches will
tunately, there are no 16s rRNA gene primers allow more in-depth characterization of com-
or functional gene primers that encompass all munity composition, potentially replacing fin-
ammonia oxidzers (e.g., bacterial and archaeal) gerprinting approaches as costs decrease.
or all nitrite oxidizers (e.g., Nitrobacter, Nitro-
spira, and Nitrotop).This complicates analysis Nitrifier Activity
of total functional group communities, unless Growth parameters of soil ammonia oxidizers
reliable data are available on abundance of dif- have been determined in laboratory culture,
ferent functional subpopulations. during batch or chemostat (substrate-limited)
Detailed information on community com- growth or in cell suspensions. Increasingly,
position is obtained by sequencing representa- molecular techniques are being used for “in
tives of clone libraries of amplified genes and situ physiological” studies. For example, com-
provides the basis for phylogenetic analysis of bined measurement of nitrification rates and
natural communities. Relative abundances of qPCR analysis of cell abundance can be used
clones within different phylogenetic groups to determine in situ cellular activity. Use of
give some information on the influence of rRNA- rather than DNA-targeted analysis of
environmental factors on communities, but 16s rRNA genes indicates which ammonia
the requirement for sequencing large num- oxidizers are active and responsive to changing
bers of clones to achieve reasonable coverage environmental conditions. Quantification of
and for analysis of replicate clone libraries amoA gene transcripts by qPCR and molecular
have encouraged use of fingerprinting tech- analysis of amoA gene transcripts have been
niques. DGGE has been used most frequently, used to determine levels of transcriptional
but terminal restriction fragment length poly- activity and to determine which ammonia oxi-
morphism, temperature gradient gel electro- dizers are active in soil. Stable isotope probing,
phoresis, and SSCP methods have also been involving incubation with ”C-labeled CO,
applied. These allow analysis of a greater pro- and subsequent molecular analysis of labeled
portion of sequence information, enable qum- and unlabeled nucleic acids, has been applied to
tification of relative abundances of different estuarine nitrification (Freitag et al., 2006) and,
sequence types, and are sufficiently cheap and more recently, to soil Uia and Conrad, 2009).
rapid to enable necessary replication. Sequence Other approaches are more difficult to transfer
data for DGGE bands may be obtained from to the soil. For example, microautoradiography
excised bands, and fingerprinting can be used combined with FISH (MAR-FISH) and other
to analyze clone libraries and identify clones FISH-based techniques suffer from difficulties
associated with specific phylotypes to infer associated with fluorescence microscopy of soil
sequence identity. Sequence data can be used microorganisms.
to id en ti^ nitrifiers by comparison with data-
base sequences. Databases contain consider- Process Measurements
able numbers of 16s rRNA gene sequences Potential nitrification rates can be determined
of betaproteobacterial ammonia oxilzers, but relatively easily by measuring changes in con-
much less for nitrite oxidizers. The database centrations of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate at

constant temperature and amending, if neces- measurement of lsN/l4N and "O/"O iso-
sary, with ammonia. Denitrification is mini- tope ratios, and isotopomer analysis have also
mized by maintaining aerobic conditions (e.g., been used to investigate other nitrogen cycle
by using shaken soil slurries).In general, short- processes, particularly nitrous oxide produc-
term incubations with nonlimiting substrate tion (Sutka et al., 2006; Ostrom et al., 2007).
concentration and no significant growth lead Stable isotope techniques are therefore used
to zero-order kinetics. Potential nitrification for accurate measurement of nitrification rates.
activity is the maximum nitrification rate pos- They do not involve addition o f significant
sible for a particular soil and has traditionally amounts of substrate, enabling measurement of
been used as a measure of nitrifier biomass, in situ rates.They can also distinguish between
although this represents a composite of bio- autotrophic heterotrophic nitrification and
mass and activity. Kinetics are more complex if enable measurement of associated processes,
substrate concentrations are low or if extended such as nitrous oxide production and nitrifier
incubation leads to nitrifier growth, generating denitrification.
Michaelis-Menten kinetics or exponential
increases in product concentration, respectively. Model Systems and Microcosms
Use of logistic kinetics is described above. Soil nitrification has been studied in a range
Complexity is increased by links to other of experimental systems, which attempt to
nitrogen cycle processes. Ammonia concen- mimic the soil system, but with greater control
tration will be increased by decomposition and monitoring, or to isolate particular envi-
of organic matter, nitrate concentration will ronmental factors of interest. Chemostats and
be reduced through denitrification, and both continuous flow systems containing suspended
will be reduced through uptake by plants and particles have been used to determine growth
assimilation by heterotrophic microorganisms. parameters and to study biofilm growth and
Assimilation will, in turn, depend on avail- activity ofammonia and nitrite oxidzers. Packed
able organic carbon. Denitrification will be column reactors containing defined particulate
reduced under aerobic conditions used to mea- material or soil have been used to investigate
sure nitrification, but all of these processes will nitrification kinetics, effects of inhibitors, and
interfere with rate measurements.Their effects the influence of specific environmental factors.
are determined in measurements of net nitri- These systems have also provided important
fication rate (nitrate production minus nitrate information required for mathematical mod-
consumption) and gross nitrification rate eling and model parameterization.
(nitrate production plus nitrate consumption).
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Hendrikus]. Laanbroek and Annette Bollmann

INTRODUCTION This chapter aims at presenting the latest

According to the United Nations Millennium information on nitrification in inland waters.
Ecosystem Assessment (Anonymous, 2007),the Most emphasis has been given to the ecology
impact of nitrogen pollution on inland waters of the dfferent lineages of ammonia-oxidizing
is very rapidly increasing.The nitrifying bac- bacteria (AOB) belonging to the betaproteo-
teria in lakes and rivers take advantage of the bacteria, as these chemolithotrophic micro-
increasing amounts of ammonium to generate organisms seem to be the only performers
energy for growth and maintenance and to of ammonia oxidation in freshwater environ-
produce simultaneously more oxidized forms ments. Until now, representatives of the AOB
of inorganic nitrogen (i.e., nitrous and nitric belonging to the gamniaproteobacteria have
oxides, nitrite, and nitrate), which all con- never been encountered in freshwater eco-
tribute to environmental and health problems. systems. The presence of crenarchaea with
In addition, as nitrifying bacteria are aerobic a possible role in ammonium oxidation has
organisms, they will add to the oxygen deple- been shown in different habitats (Konneke
tion of their surroundings. In his review in et al., 2005; Schleper et al., 2005; Leininger
1986 on nitrification in lakes, Hall (1986) col- et al., 2006) including lakes (Ye et al., 2009;
lected all the information available at that time E.W. Vissers and H. J. Laanbroek, unpublished
on the production of nitrate in lakes. He also results) and estuaries (Caffrey et al., 2003, but
described the microbiology involved. Since their role in the nitrogen cycle of inland waters
1986, methods for detection of nitrifying bac- is not clear.The same is true for the anaerobic,
teria have considerably improved, especially ammonia-oxidizing anammox bacteria that
those methods based on genes. In addition, have been detected in sediment samples from
new metabolic pathways have been discovered geographically and biogeochemically distinct
with respect to the oxidation of ammonium environments, includmg a hypereutrophic lake
under oxic as well as anoxic conditions. (Penton et al., 2006).Their role is well recog-
nized under anoxic conditions in wastewater
treatment plants and in marine ecosystems,
Hrndrilzus J Laanhroek, Department of Microbial Ecology, (e.g.,Van de Graaf et al., 1995; Strous et al.,
Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW), Nieu-
wersluis, The Netherlands. Annette Bollmann, Department of 2006).
Microbiology, Miami University, Oxford, OH.

Nitr&ation, Edited by Bess B.Ward, Danicl J.Arp, and Martin G, Klotz

0201 1 ASM Press,Washington, I)(:


Aerobic nitrification is performed by AOB and Dillon, 1993; Kaste and Lyche-Solheim,
in combination with nitrite-oxidizing bac- 2005; Lepisto et al., 2006), changes in nitrate
teria. Nevertheless, this chapter deals mostly concentrations were ascribed to alterations in
with AOB as they are primarily important atmospheric nitrogen deposition, but none of
for the onset of the process of nitrification, them referred to the biological process o f nitri-
although their activity might be influenced by fication, except in the study by Sterner et al.
the presence o f active nitrite-oxidizing bac- (2007). Based on measurements of the nitrogen
teria, especially after starvation for ammonium and oxygen isotopes of nitrate in Lake Supe-
(Laanbroek and Bar-Gilissen, 2002) .Also under rior, Finlay et al. (2007) came to the conclu-
conditions of oxygen limitation, when AOB sion that microorganisms are responsible for
and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria have to com- 93 to 100% of the nitrate accumulation in the
pete for this electron acceptor, the oxidation water column o f this lake; atmospheric deposi-
of ammonium and especially the accumula- tion and runoff by rivers were apparently less
tion o f nitrite will be dependent on the spe- important with respect to nitrate. The annual
cific combination of both types o f nitrifying increase in Lake Superior is due to the oligo-
bacteria (Laanbroek and Gerards, 1993; Laan- trophic, phosphorus-limited character of this
broek et al., 1994).The presence or absence lake, which prevents the assimilation o f larger
of active nitrite-oxidizing bacteria might also amounts of organic matter and, consequently,
influence the emission of nitric and nitrous the burial o f organic nitrogen and denitrifi-
oxides during the oxidation of ammonium cation of a surplus of nitrate in the sediment
(Kester et al., 1997).The study of the ecology (Finlay et al., 2007; Sterner et al., 2007).
of AOB got an impetus by the introduction The relative contribution of internal nitri-
of gene-based analyses, which was facilitated fication to the total nitrate load of a lake will
by the monophyletic nature of this functional be dependent on the characteristics of the lake
group of bacteria (Purkhold et al., 2000,2003; as well as on the season. Stewart et al. (1982)
Kowalchuk and Stephen, 2001; Koops et al., compared the internal and external nitrate
2003). In contrast, nitrite-oxidizing bacteria loads of different eutrophic freshwater lakes
belong to different classes o f bacteria, and this in the United Kingdom and observed a large
fact hampers the study of their ecology. Nev- difference between the stratified Blelham Tarn
ertheless, nitrite-oxidizing bacteria have been in the English Lake District and the shallow
studied, especially in rivers (e.g., Cebron et al., Balgavies Loch in county Angus, in the east
2003; Freitag et al., 2006). of Scotland. The latter lake forms part o f a
drainage system surrounded by intensively
NITRIFICATION IN LAKES farmed agricultural 1and.Whereas in-lake nitri-
Measurements in Lake Superior, one of the fication amounted to 77% of the total nitrate
world’s largest freshwater reservoirs, demon- load in Blelham Tarn, it was only 18%)in Bal-
strated, on average, a 1% increase in nitrate gavies Loch. Hall (1986) observed a seasonal
every year since 1960 (Sterner et al., 2007). In effect on the importance of internal nitrifica-
the 198Os, many other lakes in North America tion o f Lake Grasmere, also in the English Lake
as well as in Europe also showed an increase District. Whereas the annual average in-lake
in their nitrate concentrations (Stoddard nitrification amounted to 31%)of the total,
et al., 1999). In the next decade, however, a contributions of more than 50%)were noticed
small reversal in nitrate accumulation rates was in spring and early summer. Notwithstanding
observed in these lakes, except for the more the important role o f nitrifying microorgan-
oligotrophic alpine lakes as well as for Lake isms in converting the reduced forms of inor-
Superior (Stoddard et al., 1999; Skjelkvale ganic nitrogen to nitrate in many freshwater
et al., 2005; Sterner et al., 2007). In most of systems, measurements o f actual nitrification
these studies as well as in others (e.g., Molot rates are rather limited. In adhtion, Hall (1986)

concluded in his review that interpretation of column exceeded the production of nitrate in
the available data on nitrification in lakes is the sediment by almost a factor of 4, but the
difficult due to the different methods used to total amount of in-lake nitrate production was
estimate rates of nitrification and to the variety much lower in that season.
of the habitats involved. The interaction between water column
Active nitrification in river sediments was and the sediment is determined by morpho-
demonstrated by Schwert andWhite (1974) and metric and climatic conditions. The same is
Curtis et al. (1975).It was suggested by Garland true for the mixing of the lake. Due to seasonal
(1978) that planktonic nitrification in river warming of surface waters, deep lakes in the
water is related to scouring and resuspension temperate zone usually exhibit thermal stratifi-
of sedments. As concluded by Belser (1979) cation, leadmg to an isolation of relatively cool
in his review on nitrification,biological nitrate bottom waters, the so-called hypolimnion,
production in aquatic ecosystems appears to be from the well-mixed, warmer surface waters,
associated with the sediment rather than with the epilimnion. The isolation of the hypolim-
the overlaying water. This behavior was dem- nion from the oxygenated epilimnion may
onstrated by Pauer and Auer (2000) in a study lead to the establishment of an oxygen gra-
of microcosms filled with water and sediments dient toward the sediment and sometimes to
from the hypereutrophic Lake Onondaga and total anaerobiosis (Horne and Goldman, 1994).
its adjoining Seneca River located in metropol- At the end of the warm season, the total water
itan Syracuse, N y . In contrast to the sehment, column gets mixed again, and the oxygen
initial nitrate production rates in the water supply to deeper layers becomes restored. As
compartment were zero.This hfference in pro- stratification and mixing have an effect on the
duction rates could be explained by extremely supply of oxygen, it can be imagined that the
low numbers of bacteria in the water nature of the lake has an effect on the rate of
column compared to the sediment (i.e.,a hffer- aerobic nitrification.The release of ammonium
ence of four to five magnitudes). Spikmg water from oxygen-limited sediments into the water
with sediment particles gave rise to increased column increases with the trophic status of the
nitrate production rates in the water column lake (Beutel, 2006). However, oxygen liniita-
after 4 days of incubation. tion in the hypolimnion will restrain the pro-
In lakes, the contribution of the sediment duction of nitrate (Beutel,2001). Nevertheless,
to the total in-lake nitrification will depend the contributions of the oxygen-limited
on the characteristics of the lake and on the hypolimnion can be equally important or even
season. In their comparison between the more significant to the total nitrate production
internal and external nitrate loads of Blelham in the water column during stratification than
Tarn and Balgavies Loch, Stewart et al. (1982) the oxygenated epilimnion (Table 1).
observed a large difference between the lakes Accumulation of nitrate beneath the ther-
with respect to the relative contribution of the mocline is a general feature of aerobic lake
water column to total in-lake nitrification: 56 water columns at all latitudes (Vincent and
and 5% for Blelham Tarn and Balgavies Loch, Downes, 1981). Rysgaard et al. (1994) found
respectively. Hall (1986) also observed a sea- that rates of nitrification and coupled nitrifica-
sonal effect on the contribution of the water tion-denitrification increased with increasing
column to the total nitrate load of Lake Gras- dmolved oxygen in the water overlaying the
mere. During the occasions of relatively high sedment from a eutrophic lake. Ahlgren et al.
contributions of in-lake nitrification to the (1994) observed the highest rates of coupled
total nitrate load, which happened in spring nitrification-denitrification in profundal sedi-
and early summer, the water column con- ments of a eutrophic Swedish lake just prior to
tributed more than 70% to the total nitrifica- and after thermal stratification,when the water
tion. Also in autumn, nitrification in the water column was oxygenated and contained some

TABLE 1 Observed rates of nitrification in epilimnion and hypolimnion of a selected number of lakes"
Activity (pg of N liter-' day -') in:
Method applied Lake
Epilimnion Hypolimnion Hypolimnion (%I of total)
Nitrate produced Buttermere (United Kingdom) 0-24 0-53 68.8
in slurries
Grasmere (United Kingdom) 0-25 0-22 46.8
Esthwaite Water (United Kingdom) 0-92 0-159 63.3
Balgavies Loch (United Kingdom) 3.65 1,100 99.7
"N-NH,' Mendota (United States) 1.7-5.0 4-26 81.5
Hald (Denmark) 7 7 50.0
~~c-co, Taupo (New Zealand) 0.5-4.0 0.5-4 50.0
"Modified from Hall (1986).

nitrate. O n aeration of anoxic bottom water, way, the hypolimnion of many lakes might be
nitrifying bacteria will become active again. important as a sink of oxygen.
In a microcosm experiment with sediment Although shallow lakes do not become
and water from two different Wisconsin hard- stratified in summer, they often have sub-
water lakes, nitrate production reappeared after merged macrophytes that shape an additional
a lag period of several days upon the release habitat forAOB.These macrophytes offer addi-
of anoxic conditions (Graetz et al., 1973). tional structures and space for epiphytic bac-
Chemolithotrophic nitrifying bacteria are able teria to attach. Microcosm experiments with
to survive periods of anaerobiosis, and bacteria shoots of the macrophyte Potemogetonpectinatus
from lake sediments resuscitated even earlier have shown that these submerged plants can
after exposure to oxic conditions than bacteria be important for the conversion of nitrogen
from terrestrial soils (Bodelier et al., 1996). in ammonium-rich freshwaters by stimu-
Isolation of bottom waters from the over- lating nitrification through providing surfaces
laying surface waters often also affected sedi- for attached nitrifying bacteria (Eriksson and
ments in the deeper lakes. These so-called Weisner, 1999; Eriksson, 2001). Also litter and
profundal sediments also experience more dead stems from emergent macrophytes can
oxygen stress than the more shallow or littoral offer surface area in freshwater wetlands and in
sediments. During a seasonal study ofEsthwaite the littoral zones of lakes, in that way providing
Water, a productive lake in the English Lake a habitat for nitrifiers (Eriksson and Anderson,
District, profundal sedments revealed smaller 1999). A study by these latter authors have
numbers of ammonia oxidzers and lower demonstrated that the activity of attached
nitrification potentials than littoral sediment nitrifying bacteria differs greatly between litter
sites, especially when the lake was stratified in of different emergent macrophytes, suggesting
summer months (Hastings et al., 1998). This that the spatial distribution of nitrification
also suggests the importance of oxygen avail- activity within wetland ecosystems is related to
ability for the size of the ammonia-oxidizing the species composition of the emergent vege-
community and the nitrification potential.The tation. In addition, it indicates that compounds
process of nitrification itself may be respon- released from the emergent macrophytes
sible for the oxygen deficit of the hypolimnion during their decomposition may have positive
as shown by calculations (Hall, 1986) on the or negative effects on the nitrification within
basis of published information. The median macrophyte beds in wetlands and littoral zones.
values given by Hall (1986) amounted to In summary, nitrification in lakes takes place
30%, but contributions up to 100% have also in the sedment as well as in the water column.
been observed (Christofi et al., 1981). In this Three factors have a strong influence on the

nitrification: stratification of the water column, ammonium availability and p H being the most
time of the year, and the presence of plants in important. Organic carbon was likely impor-
shallow parts of lakes. All these factors control tant at regulating nitrification only under high
the oxygen and ammonium availability in the environmental C:N conditions and if most of
lakes and thereby also nitrification. the available carbon is relatively labile.
In a microcosm experiment aimed at
NITRIFICATION I N STREAMS studying the effect of variable ammonium,
AND RIVERS nitrate, and dissolved oxygen concentrations
As in lakes, nitrification in streams and rivers on a number of inorganic nitrogen-converting
occurs primarily in the oxic surface layers of processes in a prairie stream, Kemp and Dodds
the sediment (Cooper, 1984; Delaune et al., (2002) demonstrated that the effect of addition
1991; Kemp and Dodds, 2001). By addition of ammonium and oxygen was highly depen-
of a '5N-amnionium tracer to a first-order dent on the substrata in the microcosms. All
deciduous forest stream in Tennessee, Mulhol- substrata showed a slight increase in nitrifica-
land et al. (2000) demonstrated that nitrifica- tion rates after addition of nitrate, but a signifi-
tion was an important sink for ammonium in cant decrease was observed in a N, atmosphere,
stream water. Despite the low concentrations whereas the rates declined 100% after addition
of ammonium and high demand for this anion of nitrate under anoxic conditions. From their
by benthic organisms, nitrification rates were results, Kemp and Dodds (2002) concluded
substantial and accounted for 19% of the total that the substrate concentration, the type of
ammonium uptake rate. Applying the same substrata present, and the relative abundance of
"N-ammonium tracer technique, Peterson et those substrata types within the stream channel
al. (2001) found that, on average, 20 to 30% are important steering factors for nitrification
of ammonium removal &om twelve different and for nitrogen cycling, in general.
headwater streams across the United States was From estimating nitrification and nitrate
due to nitrification. The remainder was taken uptake rates by short-term injections of ammo-
up by photosynthetic organisms, heterotrophic nium into streams in a forested area, Bernhardt
microorganisms, and sorption to sediments. et al. (2002) concluded that in-stream nitrifica-
In a survey comprising 36 streams in tion was insufficient to explain the variation
northern Wisconsin and the upper penin- in nitrate concentrations among streams under
sula of Michigan, nitrification rates appeared the prevailing conditions of low ammonium
to be highly variable spanning over 2 orders concentrations in the stream water.At the same
of magnitude (Strauss et al., 2002). O f twelve time, they suggested that nitrate may indirectly
environmental parameters measured, only the influence nitrification rates by mediating the
stream water p H was significantly correlated competitive demand for ammonium between
with nitrification rates. A multiple regression heterotrophic microorganisms and AOB. This
model containing stream temperature and pH, implies that the heterotrophic organisms switch
conductivity, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to nitrate assimilation before ammonium starts
concentrations, and total extractable ammo- to become limiting for both heterotrophic
nium explained 60% of the variation in nitri- and ammonia-oxidzing bacteria. This seems
fication rates. No single variable explained not very likely as ammonium assiniilation is
more than 20% of the total variation in nitri- energetically preferable to nitrate assimilation
fication rates measured in these 36 streams. and heterotrophic bacteria are the better com-
O n the basis of these correlations and addi- petitors for limiting amounts of aiiiiiionium
tional experiments with nitrogen and carbon compared to AOB (Verhagen and Laanbroek,
additions to stream niicrocosms, Strauss et al. 1991;Verhagen et al., 1992).The experiments
(2002) concluded that nitrification in their with pure cultures of ammonia-oxidizing and
streams is regulated by several variables, with heterotrophic bacteria performed by Verhagen

and coworkers (Verhagen and Laanbroek, 1991; turbulence and turbidity due to ship move-
Verhagen et al., 1992) was repeated by Straus ments. In their own study of nitrification in the
and Lamberti (2000) with natural material River Seine and its estuary, Brion et al. (2000)
from a third-order stream in northern Indiana observed a slow nitrification in the freshwater
flowing through an area of mixed land use. part of this river but rapid nitrifying activities in
They also observed a repression of nitrification the estuarine part. They assigned the difference
by the addition of carbon; however, the size of in activity to the absence or presence of sus-
repression was dependent on the quality of the pended particles. Due to strong tidal dynamics,
carbon source. Higher amounts of carbon in particles in the water column are continuously
the form of more refractory leaf leachates were resuspended, whereas they settle more in the
required to reach the same level of repression river with its unidirectional discharge of water.
in comparison to glucose. Hence, nitrifying activity seems to be associated
In larger rivers, because of the smaller with particles.This was also shown by Helder
surface:volume ratio compared to streams and deVries (1983) in the Ems-Dollard estuary
and small rivers, benthic nitrification might on the border between Germany and The
be insignificant, and most of the oxidation Netherlands and by Owens (1986),who showed
of ammonium may take place in the water the same phenomenon for the River Tamar
column (Billen, 1975; Lipschultz et al., 1986). estuary in the United Kingdom.To be attached
As presented by Admiraal and Botermans to particles with a longer residence time than
(1989), polluted rivers are characterized by the water masses represents apparently a ben-
large ammonium:nitrate ratios when com- efit for the functioning of these slowly growing
pared to uncontaminated rivers. Such a high microorganisms.Also in the Scheldt estuary, 57
ratio may indicate repressed nitrification. Using to 86% of the nitrifying activity is associated
multiyear data on the concentrations of dis- with particles (De Bie et al., 2002b). During a
solved inorganic nitrogen compounds in three 13-month survey on nitrification rates in the
branches of the lower River Rhine, Adniiraal fi-eshwater-brackish part of the estuary, a peak
and Botermans (1989) reconstructed the nitri- in nitrification rates was usually observed in the
fication rates, which yielded these dssolved freshwater part of the estuary. Downstream of
inorganic nitrogen data. Irrespective of the this peak, nitrification rates declined, presum-
river branch considered, ammonium concen- ably due to ammonium 1imitation.Year round,
trations declined strongly between 1972 and dissolved N,O in the water column peaked at
1985, while simultaneously the nitrate and the the same location as nitrification, which sug-
oxygen saturation values increased. The sedi- gests that nitrification in the water column was
ment accounted for 90% of the total nitrifi- the main source of N,O (DeWilde and De Bie,
cation, and the authors argued that oxygen 2000).A controlled laboratory experiment with
limitation in the sedment repressed nitrifica- natural bacterial communities from the Scheldt
tion. Relatively large dfferences were observed estuary showed that low oxygen concentrations
between the tributaries, which differ in physical trigger nitrous oxide production if ammonium
characteristics. Highest rates were observed in is present in sufficient amounts (De Bie et al.,
the tributary with the highest values for water 20024.
discharge, average flow rate, and intensity of In summary, nitrification in streams and
shipping but the lowest value for water reten- rivers appears to be associated with particles,
tion time. Such a combination of factors will and the nature of the particles may determine
determine the oxygen availability in the sedi- the size of the nitrification rate. In streams, most
ment and hence the overall nitrification rate. activity is found in the benthic compartment,
In contrast, Brion et al. (2000) explained the whereas as in larger rivers, the highest nitrifting
higher nitrification rates in the river branch activity is observed in the water column due to
with the most intensive shipping by increased their smaller surface-to-volume ratios. But, also

in the larger rivers, most activity is associated Isolation of ammonia-oxidization bac-

with particles. Since particles are not evenly teria has always been hampered by their slow
distributed along the rivers, but tend to increase growth rates. The introduction of molecular
especially in the high turbidly zone in estu- techniques has considerably improved our
aries, nitrification often peaks at these zones. insight in the composition of amnionia-oxi-
Also resuspension of sediment particles by, for dizing communities in inland waters (Table 2).
example, intensive shipping may enhance nitri- The first analyses were based on the 16s rRNA
fication. However, as in every ecosystem, nitri- gene. By using this gene in a first round of a
fication activity is entirely dependent on the nested PCR approach with a general primer
presence of ammonium, and where heterotro- set followed by a secondary amplification with
phic processes dominate due to the availability primers specific for the
of labile carbon, nitrification will be repressed. monas entropha lineage or for the Nitrosospira
lineage, Hiorns et al. (1995) detected the pres-
LINEAGES OF FRESHWATER ence of Nitrosospira DNA, but not of Nitroso-
AMMQNIUM-OXIDIZING BACTERIA monas DNA, in water and sediment samples
Although less frequently than &om other envi- from Esthwaite Water. DNA from Nitrosomonas
ronments,aerobicAOB have been isolated from was only observed by this method after 2 weeks
a number of inland waters (Koops et al., 2003). of incubation in the presence of ammonium.
Most of these isolates appear to be related to Hence, Nitrosomonas species were apparently
the Nitrosomonas europaea lineage. This lineage present but required addition of ammonium to
is commonly known as a “sewage” ammonium become more abundant. By applying the same
oxidizer (Koops and Pommerening-Roser, technique during a seasonal study of Esthwaite
2001; Koops et al., 2003). Its members seem Water, Hastings et al. (1998) obtained the same
to be better adapted to most of the isolation results: only Nitrosospira DNA was detected in
procedures applied in the laboratory. Mem- water and sedment samples. However, a spe-
bers of the Nitrosomonas olkotropha and the cific PCR amplification based on the ammonia
Nitrosomonas communis lineages have also been monooxygenase (amoA) gene of N. europaea
isolated from freshwater habitats, but in low yielded positive results when applied directly
numbers. According to Koops and Pomme- to sediment and lake water samples. Further-
rening-Roser (2001) and Koops et al. (2003), more, the presence of 16s rRNA genes related
most of the isolates of the N. olkotropha lineage to the N.europaea lineage could be detected
have been isolated from oligotrophic freshwater by specific oligonucleotide probing of enrich-
environments, whereas most of the isolates of ment cultures. Sediment and lake water sam-
the N. communis lineage, and more precisely of ples collected periodically throughout the
the species Nitrosomonas nitrosa, originate from year from Buttermere, an oligotrophic fresh-
eutrophic freshwater ecosystems.However, this water lake in the English Lake District, showed
partitioning is probably not that strict as mem- also the predominance of Nitrosospira DNA
bers of the N. oligotropha lineage have also been when applying the same nested approach as
isolated &om sediments of the eutrophic Lake Hiorns et al. in 1995 (Whitby et al., 1999).
Drontermeer,The Netherlands (Bollmann and Only during the summer months did 16s
Laanbroek, 2001). The isolation of a member rRNA genes related to the N. europaea lin-
of the N. olkotropha lineage from the root zone eage come to the fore. Surprisingly, partial 16s
of the macrophyte Glyceria maxima in that lake rRNA sequences related to N. europaea or N.
was apparently facilitated by enrichment at low eutropha segregated between littoral and pro-
ammonium concentrations in continuous cul- fundal sediment samples, respectively. These
tures. A member of the Nitrosospira lineage has data of Whitby et al. (1999) suggest that the
once been isolated from an oligotrophic cave different condtions at each site of the lake had
lake (Koops and Harms, 1985). selected for the different genotypes of N. euro-

TABLE 2 Distribution of ammonia-oxidizing betaproteobacteria in inland waters as detected by molecular

analyses based o n either the 16s r R N A or the umoA gene"
Nitrosospiru lineages N i t r o s o m o m lineages
Habitat Gene Reference
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 a 6 b 7 8 9
Constructed alpine 16s rRNA Gorra et al., 2007
Estuarine sediment + 16s rRNA Gorra et al., 2007
Estuarine sediment + + 16s rRNA Coci et al., 2005
Estuarine sediment t + + + 16s rRNA Freitag et al., 2006
Estuarine sediment + 16s rRNA Satoh et al., 2007
Estuarine sediment + + 16s rRNA Urakawa et al., 2006
Estuarine wateP + + 16s rRNA Cebron et al., 2005
Estuarine water + + + 16s rRNA De Bie et al., 2001
Freshwater lake + 16s rRNA Whitby et al., 1999
Freshwater lake t + + + 16s rRNA Kim et al., 2006
Freshwater lake + 16s rRNA Coci et al., 2008
Soda lake + 16s rRNA Cariiii and Joye, 2008
Tidal freshwater + t + 16s rRNA Laanbroek and Speksnijder,
inarsh 2008
Estuarine sedimenth + amoA Beman and Francis, 2006
Estuarine sediment t amoA Francis et al., 2003
Estuarine sedment amoA Caffrey et al., 2003
Estuarine sedment + + umoA Bernhard et al., 2005
Estuarine sediment + + amoA Mosier and Francis, 2008
Freshwater lake + t + amoA Kim et al., 2008
Soda lake amoA Hornek et al., 2006
Soda lake amoA Carini and "Toye,
"Classification according to Koops et al. (2003): clusters 0 to 4, all Nitrosospira lineage; cluster 5, Nirr~isomonaslineage 5; cluster 6a,
N. oligotropha lineage; cluster 6b, N. marina lineage; cluster 7, N. europaea lineage; cluster 8, N. communis lineage; cluster 9, Nitrosomonas
Nm143 lineage.
Contained also an undefined Nitrosospira sp

p e a and of N. eutropka.With stratification in The predominance of 16s rRNA genes

summer, oxygen tension is assumed to be the related to the Nitrosomonas olkotrophic lineage
most likely significant difference between the was observed in water and sediment samples
littoral and profundal sediment sites studied. In from a variety of freshwater habitats in The
a study of eutrophic and oligotrophic basins of Netherlands (Speksnijder et al., 1998). In con-
Lake Windemere, a large lake in the English trast to the studies in the British lakes men-
Lake District, 16s rRNA gene fragments of tioned above, Speksnijder et al. (1998) applied
the Nitrosospira lineage were readily detected a more versatile 16s rRNA-based primer set
in all samples, whereas DNA from the N.euro- in combination with denaturing gradient gel
paea lineage could only be detected in the electrophoresis (DGGE) (Muyzer et al., 1993;
oligotrophic basin, and more often in the sedi- Kowalchuk et al., 1997). Similar populations
ment than in the water column of that basin were observed in the water column and the
(Whitby et al., 2001). These data suggested sediment of the freshwater part of the Scheldt
that ammonia-oxidizing communities might estuary (De Bie et al., 2001; Bollmann and
be physiologically &stinpished between lake Laanbroek, 2002; Coci et al., 2005). If pre-
water and sediment and that species distribu- sent, 16s rRNA genes related to the N. olko-
tion in a single lake is not uniform. tuopha lineage have remained undetected in the

above-mentioned studies on the British lakes yield much difference with the application of
when applying the N. europaea lineage-specific the 16s rRNA gene. In both cases, members of
primer set of Hiorns et al. (1995).As inferred the N. olkotropha and the Nitrosomonas Nm143
from 16s rRNA analysis, members of the N. lineages appeared most frequent in the analyses.
olkotropha lineage were also the dominant AOB Members of cluster 1 of the Nitrosospira lin-
in the water column and the top sediment of eage and of the Nitrosomonas lineage 5 were not
Lake Drontermeer, The Netherlands (Spek- detected by the use of the amoA gene. However,
snijder et al., 1998).Using the same primer set, these comparisons should be handled with care
16s rRNA gene fragments belonging to the as the total number of molecular analyses based
Nitrosospira lineage (clusters 3 and 4 [Gillan et on both the 16s and the amoA gene is still small.
al., 19981) turned out to be the dominant rep- Finally, soda lakes appeared to be rather limited
resentatives of the AOB inside and outside the in species richness as only sequences belonging
root zone of the emergent and aerenchyma- to Nitrosomonas halophila were found in the
tous macrophyte G. maxima (Kowalchuk et al., analyses, irrespective of the gene used (Hornek
1998).Although month-to-month differences et al., 2006; Carini and Joye, 2008).
were seen in the distribution of Nitrosospira In summary,whereas members of the N. oli-
clusters 3 and 4, such differences appeared gotvopha linage seems to dominate freshwater
random. Also, no consistent differences were ecosystems according to molecular analyses
detected between root zone and bare sedi- based on both the 16s rRNA gene and the
ment samples. In contrast to the situation in amoA gene, members of the N. europaea lineage
the lake, 16s rRNA gene fragments related to appear more numerous in isolations, which
the N. olkotropha lineage, and more precisely to may indicate that they are better adapted to the
the species Nitrosomonas ureae, were observed conltions applied in the isolation procedures.
in dilution series inoculated with selment. Hence, methods mimicking better the natural
Whereas PCR-based techniques make no conditions, such as nutrient-limited chemo-
distinction between active and dormant cells, stats, should be applied for isolating ecologi-
dilution series select for easily activated cells, cally important strains.
which may account for the differences in
dominant species observed with both methods. LINEAGE SEGREGATION IN LAKES
On average, the communities from river Although all lineages of aerobic AOB have
and estuarine environments are not so different been detected in freshwater habitats, members
from those encountered in lakes (Table 2).The of the N. oligotropha lineage appear mostly as
cluster comprising of the N. ol@otropha and the dominant fraction of bacterial communi-
the Nitrosomonas marina lineages were, by far, ties involved in the oxidation of ammonium
the most numerous. Sequences belonging to in inland waters. All the other lineages appear
cluster 2 of the Nitrosospiva lineage were only often as a minority in such communities. As
observed in freshwater lakes and rivers, while detection on the level of DNA only sug-
sequences belonging to clusters 0 and 1 of the gests the presence of certain lineages, it does
same lineage and to Nitrosomonas lineage 5 not specifj the active part of the community.
were only found in the estuarine environments. Hence, certain lineages might just be nonactive
The introduction of the 16s rRNA gene invaders from other habitats. Nevertheless, as
for the detection of AOB in freshwater habi- different conditions will prevail in distinct parts
tats was rapidly followed by the application of of lakes such as sehment, water column, hypo-
the functional amoA gene in these habitats (e.g., limnion, and epilimnion, it is to be expected
Horz et al., 2000) (Table 2).This gene codes that different species or lineages of AOB will
for the subunit A of the ammonium monooxy- dominate. In a study on the distribution of
genase, the key enzyme in aerobic ammonium AOB of the P-subclass of the Proteobacteria in
oxidation. The use of the amoA gene &d not stratified lakes in northern Germany, which

differ mutually in their trophic status, Kim et both 16s rRNA gene fragments of the Nitros-
al. (2006) observed a difference in community ospira and the N. oliyotropka lineages, whereas
composition based on the 16s rRNA gene the pelagic compartment had only members of
between the oxic epilimnion and the anoxic the N. oliyotropka lineage (Coci, 2007).A statis-
hypolimnion of the eutrophic Lake PluBsee. tical test including all Communities of AOB in
In mesotrophic Lake Schohsee with an oxic the three lakes showed significant differences
hypolimnion, the communities were similar at between the benthic and epiphytic conimuni-
all depths. The ammonia-oxidizing communi- ties on one side and the pelagic communities
ties in the secbments were always hfferent from at the other side. The benthic and epiphytic
those in the water column. Clone libraries of communities were not significantly different
P C R products of 16s rRNA gene fragments from each other.To estimate numbers ofAOB
from Lake PluBsee showed the presence of in different lake compartments, copy numbers
specific sequences in each habitat. Whereas of the 16s rRNA gene specific for AOB have
members of the N. oligotropha lineage domi- been determined by quantitative P C R (Coci,
nated in the first 1 m of the water column, 2007) following the method described by
members of the Nitrosospira lineage dominated Hermansson and Lindgren (2001). Gene copy
in the sediment. numbers per ml were usually 2 to 4 orders of
Since shallow lakes inhabit submerged magnitude larger in the upper 5 cm of the sed-
macrophytes, which can promote nitrification iment compared to the other compartments,
activity as discussed above, it is interesting to with the exception of the epiphyton on the
know whether these plants present a niche for macrophytes of Lake Gooimeer Fig. 1. The
specific lineages or species of AOB. To study median value for the sediments were signifi-
this, Coci et al. (2008) sampled the water cantly ( P < 0.05) larger than the medians of
column, the sedment and the epiphyton in the pelagic and the epiphyton compartments.
a series of seven interconnected lakes in The Between the latter two was no significant dif-
Netherlands. Numbers in the water column and ference. The 16s rRNA-based analyses in the
epiphyton were too low to yield P C R prod- second year of study were accompanied by
ucts after applying specific 16s rRNA-based as construction and analyses of clone libraries
well as amoA-based primer sets in a direct way. based on the amoA gene.The use of the latter
Only a nested approach of a combination of a gene led to quite different results: no amoA
broad-range primer set for AOB (McCaig et gene fragments related to the Nitrosospira lin-
al., 1994) and an AOB-specific amplification eage were found in any of the compartments;
with the CTO primer set (Kowalchuk et al., whereas the pelagic and the epiphytic com-
1997) generated products in all three compart- partments had only amoA gene fragments of
ments. The benthic communities were com- the N. oliptropka lineage, the benthic compart-
posed of members of both the Nitrosospira and ments contained a mixture of fragments of the
the N. oligotropha lineages, whereas the pelagic N. olQotropka, N. europaea, and Nitrosomonas
communities contained only members of the sp. Nm143 lineages. Hence, both approaches
N.oligotropha 1ineage.The epiphytic communi- gave rather different results with respect to the
ties were mostly composed of members of the presence of members of the Nitrosospira lin-
Nitrosospira lineage, but some communities also eage. Fluorescent in situ hybridization with
contained members of the N. olkotropha lin- Nitrosospira- and Nitrosomonas-specific probes
eage. Epiphytic samples from Lake Gooimeer did, however, confirm the presence of Nitros-
contained only members of the N. oliyotropha ospira-related bacterial cells on the leaves of the
lineage. The community analysis was repeated macrophyte I? pectinatus in Lakes Gooimeer
in three of the seven lakes in the following year, andvossemeer as well as in water samples of
and the results were almost similar: the benthic Lake Vossenieer (Coci, 2007). In contrast, in
and the epiphytic compartments contained water samples of Lake Gooinieer, only cells

1 I I concentrations and repressed significantly the

growth of the niacrophyte (Table 3 ) . After 5
Vosserneer weeks of incubation, no 16s RNA gene frag-
1 ments related to aerobic AOB of the betapro-
teobacteria could be detected in the epiphyton
in the microcosms that lacked lake water but
Nuldernauw I contained mineral medium suited for the
growth of AOB. Of the three different types
of gene fragments that originate from the lake
sediment, two were also retrieved on the leaves
of the macrophyte, but only in the presence of
lake water.A second 16s rRNA gene fragment
belonging to the N. oliptropha lineage was
observed exclusively in the epiphytic commu-
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
nity in the presence of lake water. This type
Log number / rnl
could only stem from the water as it had never
FIGURE 1 Numbers of amoA gene copy numbers been found in the sediment. Hence, it seems
obtained by quantitative PCR from the epiphyton on that AOB in the epiphyton in the microcosms
macrophytes (gray bars),the water column (white bars), originate from the pelagic community and not
and the sediment (black bars) from three eutrophic
lakes in The Netherlands.
from the sediment.This is in contrast to the
observations in the lakes themselves, where
epiphytic and benthic communities of AOB
belonging to Nitrosomonas were observed. No were more similar to each other and different
ammonia-oxidizing cells were found in the from the pelagic community of AOB. In the
water column of Lake Nuldernauw and on the lake itself, apparently, other factors are involved
leaves of the macroalga Chara sp. that specially in the attachment of nitrifying bacteria on
inhabit this lake. This observation agreed with submerged macrophytes, such as, for example,
the low numbers of gene copies ofAOB found the presence of suspended sediment particles
in the epiphyton in Lake Nuldernauw (Fig. 1). in the water column.
Chara species are known to contain high con- In summary, a lfferentiation in niches is
centrations of sulfur compounds (Anthoni et apparent for the ammonia-oxidizing betapro-
al., 1980) that may repress the activity of nitri- teobacteria in 1akes.The environmental condi-
ft-ingbacteria (Joy. and Hollibaugh, 1995) and tions of each compartment such as littoral or
prevent in this way the establishment of epi- profundal sediment, submerged plants and the
phytic communities ofAOB. hypolimnion or hyperlimnion seen1 to select
As sehment and water column harbor often for specific species of bacteria.As with activity,
different lineages or species ofAOB, it is inter- the most important steering factors are likely
esting to know whether the epiphytic popu- the prevailing concentrations of ammonium
lation originates either from the sediment or and oxygen.The pH value seems less impor-
from the lake water. In a microcosm setup with tant with the exception of soda lakes that select
sediment and lake water from Lake Vossemeer for specific salt-tolerant species. If existing, a
and with &?pectinatusas a model of a submerged relationship between activity and community
macrophyte, Coci (2007) studied the coloniza- composition has still to be established.
tion of plant leaves at low and high ammo-
nium concentrations, which varied between LINEAGE SEGREGATION IN RIVERS
0.0 to 0.2 and 0.1 to 2.0, respectively. Due to Not only in lakes, but also in rivers, partic-
the excess of ammonium, dense algal blooms ular species or lineages ofAOB seem to find
developed at the highest level of ammonium their specific habitats. One of the first studies
TABLE 3 Biomass of the submerged macrophyte Potatnogeton pectinatus, seston weight, and community composition of aerobic AOB in microcosms incubated
for 35 days at 20 to 23OC and a 12-h dark-light cycle (light intensity, 225 pmol s-' m-')'
16s rRNA genes in the:
Epiphytic compartment Benthic compartment
Plant Absence or
Nitrosospira Nitrosospira N A! Nitrosospira Nitrosospira N. N, Seston wt (g biomass ( g NH,' concn
presence of lake
DGGE DGGE oligatropha oligotvopha DGGE DGGE oligotropha oligotropha dry wt liter-') dry wt m-') (d) water
band 1 band2 DGGE DGGE band 1 band2 DGGE DGGE
band 1 band 2 band 1 band 2
+ + + + + - 1.5 72 0.0-0.2 Present
+ + + + + + 2.8 35 0.1-2.0 Present
-b 1.6 0.2 0.0-0.2 Absent
- 3.2 2 0.1-2.0 Absent
"Community composition was determined by 16s rRNA-based PCR-DGGE.The sediment originally contained 16s rRNA gene fragments related to the Xitrosospira lineage (DGGE hands
1 and 2) and to the .V oligotropha lineage (DGGE band 1).No 16s rRNA gene fragments could be detected in the lake water. Modified from Coci (2007).
*-,not detectable.

related to this topic was the survey by Stehr of the estuary, but also in batch cultures with
et al. (1995a) in the lower River Elbe, Ger- excess ammonium. Irrespective of the origin
many. Of two Nitrosomonas strains isolated from of the inoculum, highest growth rates were
this river, one freshwater strain belonging to observed in the medium composed of filter-
the N. olkotvopha lineage (Stehr et al., 1995b) sterilized freshwater from the river (Fig. 2).
had the capacity of flocculation by excretion Addition of salt to the level of the brackish
of exopolymeric substances; the other strain water sample decreased the growth rate; the
that belonged to the N. europaea lineage did same happened when the freshwater medium
not have this ability. Consequently, cells of N. was replaced by mineral medium or by filter-
olkotropha in the River Elbe were found to sterilized brackish river water. DGGE analysis
occur predominantly attached to particles as based on 16s rRNA gene fragments showed
demonstrated by immunofluorescence micros- the predominance of the N. marina lineage
copy. This was less the case with cells of the in all enrichments, except in the enrichment
N. europaea lineage. The amounts of exopoly- of the freshwater inoculum in filter-sterilized
mers excreted by the cells were not signifi- river water from the same freshwater origin.
cantly affected by changes in temperature, pH, In this latter enrichment, a representative of
or NaCl concentration, which are variable the N oligotropha came to the fore. From these
characteristics in the Elbe estuary. However, results, it could be concluded that members
the ammonium concentration had an effect of the N. marina lineage are already present
on the production of the exopolymers. More in the freshwater part of the Scheldt estuary,
extracellular compounds were produced at but some conmtions inherent to the quality
low ammonium concentration, which led to of the freshwater itself prevented them from
less densely inhabited aggregates.The facilita- becoming dominant in the river itself. How-
tion of attachment to particles will have sur- ever, in contrast to the enrichment experi-
vival value for slowly growing microorganisms ments, they remain a minority in the brackish
such as the ammonia-oxidizing members of part of the estuary itself,just as representatives
the betaproteobacteria in a river system with of the Nitrosospira 1ineage.The majority of 16s
high current velocities and, consequently, low rRNA gene fragments in the brackish part of
water retention times. the estuary were related to the Nitvosomonas
Members of the N. olkotropha lineage were strain Nm143. The prevalence of this lineage
the dominant AOB in the water column of under brackish conditions in estuaries has been
the freshwater part of the Scheldt estuary as confirmed in studies by Bernhard et al. (2005)
apparent from DGGE analyses based on 16s in the Parker River estuary, on the east coast
rRNA gene fragments (De Bie et al., 2001; of Massachusetts, and by Freitag et al. (2006)
Bollmann and Laanbroek, 2002). A shift in in sediments of theythan estuary, on the east
community composition was observed along coast of Scotland.
the estuary within the region where gradients The majority of genes from clone libraries
with respect to salinity, dissolved oxygen, and based on the amoA gene and collected from the
ammonia were sharpest and where ammonia freshwater part of the River Seine, belonged
oxidation was highest (De Wilde and De also to the N. oligotropha lineage, while mem-
Bie, 2000). From these environmental fac- bers of the Nitrosospira and the N. europaea
tors, the salt concentration turned out to be lineages were present in smaller numbers
most important with respect to selection of (Cebron et al., 2003). Further downstream in
species of AOB in the Scheldt estuary (Boll- the estuary, members of the Nitrosospira lineage
mann and Laanbroek, 2002). This was not became more important at the expense of the
only demonstrated in ammonium-limited N. oligotvopha lineage. A more detailed commu-
continuous cultures inoculated with samples nity analysis along the continuum of the River
from either the freshwater or the brackish part Seine estuary based on amplification of 16s

Mineral medium + salt



Fiestir:ater t salt

Brackish water

0 0.5 1 1.5 2

growth rate (d-1)

FIGURE 2 Growth rates (day-’) of freshwater (white bars) and brackish (gray bars) inoculums containing AOB
from the Scheldt estuary in medium of different compositions.

rRNA gene fragments in combination with in the microcosms inundated with brackish
DGGE demonstrated that a wastewater treat- water, in both cases, only at the top 1 cm of
ment plant just downstream of Paris inocu- the sediment. The new AOB belonged to the
lated the river with species ofAOB belonging, N.marina lineage. However, not only in the
again, in majority to the N. oligotropha lineage. brackish and marine microcosms but also in
They persisted in the river for a long stretch the microcosms flooded with freshwater, a
until they were replaced by other species change in community composition occurred.
under more estuarine conditions where lower Already within 7 days, a second 16s rRNA
concentrations of ammonium and increased gene fragment belonging to the N. oligotropha
amounts of suspended matter prevail (Cebron lineage appeared at the first cm of the sedi-
et al., 2004). Among these replacing species ment and after 14 days also in the layers below
was again another member of the N. oligotropha to a depth of 10 cm. Many indigenous worms
lineage. This might well have been a strain of the class Oligochaetes kept the sediment well
with the ability to produce exopolymers as was oxidized over the first 10 cm and facilitated in
shown by Stehr et al. (1995a) in the River Elbe. this way the growth of aerobic AOB. In the
As discussed above, members of the N.oli- brackish and marine microcosms, the worms
ptropha lineage are sensitive to increased salt were killed, and only the top 1 cm was oxic
concentrations leading to their replacement by and hence suitable for growth of salt-tolerant
more salt-tolerant lineages of AOB. This was AOB. Replacement of the native strain of N.
also shown to happen when intertidal fi-esh- oltjptropha by another strain of this lineage in
water sediments from the Scheldt estuary were the freshwater microcosms clearly shows that
flooded with brackish and marine waters in the laboratory conditions did not mimic the
microcosms (Coci et al., 2005). As demon- natural conditions in the intertidal sediments.
strated by DGGE, a new 16s rRNA gene frag- In the intertidal freshwater marsh just
ment appeared after 24 days in the microcosms above the intertidal sediments described in the
flooded with marine water and after 35 days last paragraph, plants grow in distinct zones

according to their position in relation to the The importance of anaerobic anammox bac-
low water line. Between these plants, nonveg- teria for the oxidation of ammonium under
etated zones occur.To determine whether spe- limited oxygen availability still has to be dein-
cific plants species select for distinct lineages onstrated. Nitrification has been shown to
of aerobic AOB, samples were taken from the occur in a large variety of inland water ranging
different vegetated and nonvegetated zones from small first-order streams to large rivers
(Laanbroek and Speksnijder, 2008). According and from shallow, vegetated ponds to deep
to DGGE analyses based on 16s rRNA gene lakes. In all these environments, the presence
fragments, the distribution of lineages of AOB of surfaces appears to be a preferential place
was determined by the altitude on the marsh for AOB to be active. Hence, sediments, sus-
and not by the plant species. Hence, elevation pended particles, as well as submerged struc-
determined both the distribution of plant spe- tures such as macrophytes are usually places of
cies and of lineages of AOB. Gene fragments increased activity.
belonging to the N. oligotropha lineage were The total dwersity of ammonia-oxidizing
mostly found in the upper, most actively nitri- betaproteobacteria in inland waters is rela- layers of the sediment across the whole tively large. Most lineages of AOB have been
marsh, whereas members of the Nitrosospira encountered by molecular analyses without
lineage were encountered in the deeper layers large mutual dfferences between and among
of the sedment, where oxygen was likely lim- ecosystems. An exception is formed by soda
iting nitrification activity. 16s rRNA frag- lakes, which contain only sequences from the
ments of the environmental Nitrosomonas N. euvopaeu lineage and more specifically from
lineage 5 were only found in the deeper layers the A? hulophila species. The differences in
of the sediment closest to the low water line. It diversity between lakes and rivers are surpris-
seems that members of Nitrosomonas lineage 5 ingly rather small, although the latter may con-
and the Nitrosospira lineages are better adapted tain more salt-tolerant species in the brackish
to conditions of starvation than members of and marine parts. Overall, members of the N.
the N. oligotropha lineage. oligotropha lineage are most numerous among
In summary, like in freshwater lakes, mem- the ammonia-oxidizing betaproteobacteria,
bers of the N. oligotropha lineage appear to be both in rivers and lakes. After being detected
the dominant ammonia-oxidizing betapro- in large numbers in soils and marine environ-
teobacteria in rivers and streams. Due to the ments, the first observations of crenarchaea
effluent of sewage treatment plants or agri- containing the amoA gene are published, but
cultural activities on the river forelands, the their role in nitrification in inland waters still
river-borne community might be exchanged has to be demonstrated. The same holds for
or enriched by other AOB. Due to increased anammox bacteria and their role in anaerobic
salt concentrations, the freshwater community ammonium oxidation.
is replaced by more salt-tolerant AOB down-
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Satoshi Okabe, YoshiteruAoi, Hisashi Satoh, and Yuichi Suwa

INTRODUCTION tion).Typically, the nitrite concentration found
in the influent wastewater is low because the
Importance of Nitrification in
oxidation of ammonia to nitrite is limited.
Wastewater Treatment Plants
Microbial nitrification is, therefore, a necessary
Because of its oxygen demand and toxicity
step in removing nitrogen froiii wastewaters
to aquatic life in receiving waters, ammonia
via biological denitrification and is becoming
nitrogen (NH,+-N) must be sufficiently
more important due to strict regulations on
removed from various wastewaters. Biological
nitrogen discharge. However, microbial nitrifi-
and physico-chemical treatments have been
cation is recognized as being difficult to main-
conventionally used for nitrogen removal. A
tain in practical wastewater treatment plants
variety of physico-chemical processes have
W T P s ) owing to the lower kinetics, yields,
been developed to treat especially high con-
and sensitivity of nitrifying bacteria to phys-
centrations of NH,+-N, such as volatilization
ical, chemical, and environmental disturbances
of nitrous acid (HNO,), dinitrogen (NJ, and
as mentioned below, even though nitrification
nitrous oxide (N,O) (Udert et al., 2005), air
has been studied more than any other specific
stripping, ion exchange, membrane separation,
biochemical reactions occurring in wastewater
and chemical precipitation to form magnesium
treatment to date (Gujer, 2010).
ammonium phosphate hexahydrate (Zhang
et al., 2009a). However, biological nitrogen
Biological Nitrogen
removal processes are generally selected from
Removal Processes
an economic viewpoint. Engineered biolog-
Nitrifying bacteria, both ammonia-oxidizing
ical removal of ammonia and organic nitrogen
bacteria (AOB) and nitrite-oxidzing bacteria
is achieved by first oxidizing ammonia to
(NOB), are autotrophs, chemolithotrophs, and
nitrite/nitrate (via nitrification) that, in turn,
obligate aerobes. Thus, they have much lower
is reduced to nitrogen gas (N,) (via denitrifica-
growth yields than do the aerobic hetero-
Satoshi Okabe and Hisashi Satoh, Department of Urban and trophs that always coexist in activated sludge
Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engi- and biofilm systems. They are also known to
neering, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-8628, Japan. be slow-growing bacteria and sensitive drectly
Eshiteru Aoi, Waseda Institute for Advanced Study, Tokyo
169-8050, Japan. Yuirhi Suwa, Faculty of Science and Engi- to various environmental factors (e.g., teni-
neering, Chuo University,Tokyo 112-8551,Japan. perature, pH, dssolved oxygen [DO] concen-
Nitr$cotion, Edited by Bess B.Ward, Danicl J.Arp, and Martin G. Klotz
(3 2011 ASM Press,Washington, I > C


tration, alkalinity, chemical oxygen demand/ of heterotrophs; the maximum specific growth
total Kjeldahl nitrogen [COD:TKN] ratio, and rate for heterotrophs is typically in the range
presence of toxic chemicals). Effects of these of 4 to 13.2 day-’, in contrast, that of nitrifiers
factors on nitrification are hscussed below in is 0.62 to 0.92 day-’ (Rittmann and McCarty,
detail. (See “Factors affecting nitrifying activity 2001). In general, SRT of a nitrification tank is
in WWTP:’ below.) increased at the expense of that of a denitrifi-
In addition, the nitrifying bacteria have cation tank, especially at low temperatures.
relatively high half-saturation constants for For biofilm processes, a mass balance on
oxygen (K,,,,,) than do the heterotrophs.These active biomass is expressed as follows (Ritt-
features of nitrifying bacteria are the reason mann and McCarty, 2001):
why they are usually outcompeted by the het-
- b‘X,dz
[d(Xfdz)]/dt= Y(-RUI)dz (1)
erotrophs in the presence of organic carbon
due to interspecies competition for oxygen where Xr is a uniform biomass density, dz is
and space, leading to deterioration or failure of the thickness of a differential section of bio-
process performance (Okabe et al., 1995,1996; film, Y is the true yield for cell synthesis, Rlttis
Satoh et al., 2000). the substrate utilization rate, and b’ is an overall
The nitrification process is undertaken in biofilm specific loss rate.
WWTPs predominantly as an activated sludge At steady state, equation 1 is:
or as a biofilm-based process. Over the past
few decades, a variety of process flow sheets 0= YJ- b’XAf (2)
for nitrogen removal have been proposed and where] is the substrate flux into the biofilm
studied.The flow sheets of the treatment plant and Lr is a uniform biofilm thickness.
depend on the characteristics of wastewater Biomass density per unit area (X;) is
compositions. A successful nitrification pro- obtained by divihng YJ by b’:
cess in both suspended growth or attached
biofilm growth reactors is primarily depen- X,Lr = Y]/b’ (3)
dent on solids (biomass) retention time (SRT), Therefore, it is obvious that the substrate
feeding pattern to the reactor (e.g., completely flux u) and biofilm detachment rate (b’)
mixed reactor, plug-flow reactor, sequencing directly control biomass retention in the bio-
batch reactor, step feed, internal recycle, and film reactor (i.e., SRT) at steady state.
so forth), aeration pattern in the reactor, and Nitrification is typically most efficient
recycle ratio. under aerobic conditions. O n the other hand,
The SRT controls the concentrations of chemo-organo-heterotrophic denitrification is
microorganisms in the system. A higher SRT typically most efficient under anoxic conditions
contributes to a higher concentration ofmicro- and requires organic electron donors. Typical
organisms. Biomass retention is achieved by municipal wastewater is rich in both organic
separating the microbial flocs from the liquid material and ammonia nitrogen (biochemical
by gravity sedimentation and recycling them oxygen demand [BOD]/TKN ratio, 5 to 10)
in suspended growth reactors or by passing (Rittmann and McCarty, 2001). For removal
the liquid flow past the biofilm attached to of both ammonia and organic material, aerobic
the solid surfaces.When the suspended growth nitrification reactions must precede the anoxic
reactor is at steady state, SRT is defined as the denitrification reactions to generate nitrate,
inverse of the specific growth rate (p) (Ritt- which is reduced to N, in the denitrifying
mann and McCarty, 2001). Hence, washout tank. However, organic carbon concentra-
of nitrifiers occurs when the SRT is shorter tions must be low for nitrification to proceed
than p-’.The maximum specific growth rate of due to the competition with heterotrophs for
nitrifiers is known to be much lower than that DO and space. Furthermore, denitrification is

usually limited by the organic carbon source. EFFECT OF NH, - NH,+

Therefore, a portion of untreated waste- CONCENTRATION AND pH
water is bypassed to anoxic denitrifying tank In a properly operated nitrification process,
to supply organic carbon for denitrification nitrification consumes significant alkalinity,
reaction (Fig. 1A). Otherwise, addition of an and, in the absence of adequate control of pH,
exogenous carbon sources such as methanol, overall process failure can occur. In general,pH
which is actually the least expensive among is controlled between 7.2 and 8.9 (Tchobano-
all commercially purchased external electron glous et al., 2003). It has been recognized that
donors, is sometimes needed. In such a system, NH, (free ammonia) rather than NH,+ (ion-
ammonia nitrogen present in the bypassed ized forin of the ammonium) is the energy
wastewater cannot be removed sufficiently, substrate for Nitrosornonas and other chenioli-
leading to a low maximum nitrogen removal thotrophic aerobic AOB. pH is the key param-
rate (up to approximately 60%).An alterna- eter governing NH, - NH,+ and NO,- -
tive process is the Bardenpho process (Barnard, HNO, equilibria; NH, and HNO, concen-
1975), in which denitrification is performed trations are higher at higher and lower pH,
efficiently using untreated wastewater as the respectively. Anthonisen et al. (1976) hypothe-
organic source (Fig. 1B).This system generally sized that the nonionized forms of ammonium
consists of oxic and anoxic tanks and requires and of nitrite, NH,, and HNO, inhibit nitri-
a high recycle flow of nitrate produced in the fying organisms. Based on this hypothesis, he
oxic nitrifying tank to the anoxic denitrifying created a diagram to specify which combina-
tank. The complication of the system some- tion of pH and either total ammonium or total
times makes it difficult to control the process nitrite concentrations allow stable nitrification.
performance. In addition, the operational cost Many researchers had supported this hypoth-
(i.e., pumping cost) increases with the recycle esis (summarized by Sharnia and Ahlert, 1977).
ratio in this system. This idea and his diagram still possess practical
importance on operating and designing nitri-
Factors Meeting Nitrifying Activity fication processes. Availability of CO, neces-
in WWTP sary for the growth of chemolithotrophic AOB
Various investigations had been conducted to and NOB is affected by pH as it dissolves more
understand factors affecting nitrifying activity readdy into water at higher pH. Considering
in VAVTPs in the second half of the previous availability of CO, and NH, and the poten-
century; these contributed to fundamental tial adverse effect of NH, and HNO,, weak
information necessary for establishing stable alkaline pH around 7.5 would be the most
biological nitrogen removal processes. An favorable, especially for chemolithotrophic
immense body of literature published up to AOB. Sensitivity of ammonia also depends on
the mid-1970s was thoroughly reviewed by the physiological nature of chemolithotrophic
such authors as Painter (1970, 1986), Focht AOB. Suwa et al. (1994) found that predoini-
and Chang (1975), and Sharma and Ahlert nant AOB in typical sewage sludges are often
(1977).These most widely recognized review sensitive to a higher concentration of NH,+,
articles may not necessarily be outdated and while those in a reactor highly enriched with
are still quite informative as far as a lot of higher concentrations or loadings of NH,+
physicochemical and kinetic parameter values were more NH,+ tolerant. Both NH,+-sensi-
are systematically reviewed. Here, the authors tive and NH,+-tolerant strains were isolated.
refer to articles demonstrating recent prog- Each strain was grouped lstinctively in distant
ress in understanding physicochemical factors lineages (Suwa et al., 1997). It was shown that
affecting nitrification activities, which may values of half-saturation constant for NH4+,
help in applying a nitrification process to a KA,NI14, for sensitive strains were lower than
various types of wastewater. those of tolerant strains (Suwa et al., 1994).
408 4 O W E ET AL.

A Untreated wastewater

: Aerobic
tank :: jj Anoxic
- - I

Sludge recycle Waste


FIGURE 1 Typical process flow sheets

Anaerobic tank
for biological nitrogen removal. (A) A
portion of the wastewater can be bypassed
Sludge recycle Waste to the anoxic tank (denitrifying tank). (B)
Bardenpho process.

Free ammonia inhibits not only ammonia controlled with combination of total NH, +
oxidation but also nitrite oxidation NH,+ concentration and pH, has been demon-
(Anthonisen et al., 1976),and nitrite oxidation strated to be a realistic choice in developing a
behaves often more sensitively than ammonia nitrification process with nitrite accumulation
oxidation, which results in accumulation of (Abeling and Seyfried, 1992; Isaka et al., 2007).
nitrite. Concentrations in the range of 0.1 to
1.O mg of NH, liter-' is apparently inhibitory EFFECT OF DISSOLVED
to nitrite oxidation, while appreciable inhibi- OXYGEN CONCENTRATION
tion of ammonia oxidation were observed on As an oxidation process, nitrification signifi-
and higher than 7 to 10 mg of NH, liter-' cantly consumes oxygen, and dissolved oxygen
(Abeling and Seyfried, 1992). Nitrification (DO) concentration is a key factor for main-
processes of which the major product is nitrite taining nitrification stably as well as pH. Nitri-
have been developed as a key component in an ft-ingrates could readily be lowered at low DO
energy'saving, short-circuit biological nitrogen concentrations, which could be explained by
removal system. Nitrification processes with a relatively high half-saturation constant for
nitrite accumulation were originally com- oxygen (KA,{)) (Tchobanoglous et al., 2003).
bined with the denitrification process and Thus, continuous operation with such a low
later incorporated with an anammox (anaer- DO level as below K,,,, of nitrification may
obic ammonia oxidation) process. In principle, lead to washout of nitrifiers from the process
nitrite accumulates when AOB is more active and replacement of non-nitrifying organisms
or grows faster than NOB. Such an unbal- with lower KA,<), which may result in failure
anced activity between AOB and NOB can be of the process. In prolonged exposure to low
obtained in the presence of free ammonia at DO conditions, physiological adaptation and/
higher pH (Abeling and Seyfried, 1992; Isaka or population shift of nitrifying population to
et al., 2007) as well as at higher temperature the given condition could not be ignored.
(Hellinga et al., 1998;van Dongen et al., 2001a, It is notable that differences in affinities to
2001b;Volcke et al., 2006) and at lower DO DO by AOB and NOB in a nitrification pro-
concentrations (Garrido et al., 1997;Bernat et cess have been observed. According to results
al., 2001;Tokutomi, 2004). Inhibition of nitrite obtained by Garrido et al. (1997), who have
oxidation by free ammonia, of which level is demonstrated appreciable nitrite accuinula-

tion in the process at low DO, K,,,, for AOB tures (van Dongen et al., 2001a, 2001b).Thus,
population (nitritification) in a nitrifjing bio- by properly maintaining a higher tenipera-
film process was about 0.5 mg of D O liter-', ture (30 to 35OC) and a shorter SRT (about 1
while that for NOB population (nitratifi- day), NOB can be eliminated exclusively from
cation) was at least three times higher. This microbial consortia, while AOB is retained.
observation could be explained by the fact that This is the principle for maintaining AOB
AOB activity was not readily suppressed,while population in the single reactor system for high
NOB activity was considerably lowered at low ammonium removal over nitrite (SHARON)
DO concentrations.Thus, DO may be another process, in which nitrite is accumulated
realistic controlling factor for establishing a (Hellinga et al., 1998). By properly
nitrification process with nitrite accumulation operational conditions of the SHARON pro-
(Garrido et al., 1997;Bernat et al., 2001;Toku- cess, partial conversion of influent ammonium
tomi, 2004). can be accomplished, and the most appropriate
composition for the subsequent anaiiiniox pro-
EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE cess, 50% NH,+ + 50% NO,-, can be obtained
The growth rates of both AOB and NOB are (van Dongen et al., 2001a, 2001b;Volcke et al.,
greatly affected by temperature. The sludge 2006). Based on an observation that NOB in
retention time at which complete nitrification activated sludge is much niore susceptible to
occurs progressively decreases with increasing heat shock than AOB, a feasibility study for
temperature (Prosser, 1989). Applying and developing a nitrification process with nitrite
adapting a nitrification process to a lower tem- accumulation has also been attempted (Isaka et
perature has been a major issue in northern al., 2008).
climates, and a lot of fundamental studies
have been undertaken mainly for upgrading SUBSTANCES INHIBITORY TO
a conventional biological BOD removal pro- NITRIFYING ACTIVITY
cess to a nitrification process. Basically, these Many conipounds conimonly found in waste-
efforts could be made for extendmg SRT to water, even volatile fatty acids, glucose, and
retain nitrifiers by applying a membrane bio- soluble microbial products (SMPs) produced
reactor that uses membrane separation instead through microbial activities in activated sludge,
of gravity sedimentation for obtaining treated have an adverse effect, more or less, on nitri-
water (Kishino et al., 1996),by applying granu- fication, directly and indirectly (Hanaki et al.,
lated activated sludge biomass after acclimating 1990; Eilersen et al., 1994; Ichihashi et al.,
it to low temperature (de Kreuk et al., 2005) 2006).Thus, as nitrifiers are susceptible to var-
and by adding support material (Hoilijoki et ious organic compounds, it would be better to
al., 2000). In other cases, the aeration period eliminate BOD for stable nitrification.
was extended to compensate for the low Madoni et al. (1999) demonstrated that
nitrification rate (Oleszkiewicz and Berquist, heavy metals Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cr were
1988). Frequent supplemental adhtion (i.e., less toxic to nitrification, in this order. Among
bioaugmentation) of nitrifjing biomass grown these heavy metals, the levels of inhibition by
in a separate side-stream aeration tank for cul- Cr6+and Zn2+were similar in both nitrification
tivating backup biomass of nitrifiers was also and heterotrophic oxygen uptake rate, while
attempted to balance washout of nitrifiers from nitrifiers exhibited a lower sensitivity to Cd2+,
the process (Kos, 1998).These techniques were Cu2+,and Pb2+than did heterotrophs. Dahl et
basically successful in maintaining nitrifjing al. (1997) suggested that nitrification was more
activity as low as 14OC, or at an even lower sensitive to heavy metals than denitrification.
temperature, such as at 7OC. Toxicity of Cu2+to Nitrosomonas europaea cell
Maximum specific growth rate (p,,,=) ofAOB increased with increases in ammonia concen-
often exceeds that of NOB at higher tempera- tration (Sato et al., 1988),which was explained

by the formation of copper-ammine complexes. cation using phenol can be maintained in the
Although Cd2+has a strong inhibitory effect on same reactor (Yamagishi et al., 2001). Cyanide
nitrification, inhibition was almost completely and thiocyanate can also be degraded microbi-
recovered by the addition of EDTA, a good ologically and produce ammonium, carbonate,
chelating agent to Cd2+ (Semerci and Cecen, and sulfate. A nitrifying microbial consortium
2007). EDTA prevented biosorption of Cd2+ capable of degrading thiocyanate can be estab-
onto a nitrifying bacterial cell, suggesting that lished (Lay-Son and Drakides, 2008). Kim et al.
the Cd-sensitive site may not exist inside of the (2008) demonstrated that thiocyanate at over
cell but is possibly localized instead on the sur- 200 mg liter-’ apparently inhibited nitrification
face of the cell (Semerci and Cecen, 2007). It in activated sludge obtained from a full-scale
is reported that the presence of zeolite in the process treating wastewater from a coke manu-
activated sludge process helped to recover from facturing plant; however, it is not due to tox-
suppressed nitrifying activity caused by Zn, icity of thiocyanate itself but due to increased
because zeolite adsorbs Zn (Park et al., 2003). loading of free ammonia, NH,, produced via
In an activated sludge process, 3% salt inhib- degradation. As thiocyanate degradation was
ited both the maximum utilization rate and the inhibited by NH,, pH, which controls NH,-
saturation constant, suggesting uncompetitive NH,+ equilibrium, would be a key factor to
inhibition (DinCer and Kargi, 2001). Actually, maintain nitrification and thiocyanate degra-
wastewater with high salinity at 1% or higher dation concurrently. It is also notable that free
considerably alters the community structure of cyanide is very toxic and inhibits nitrification
activated sludge (Chen et al., 2003) and also at concentrations of 0.2 mg liter-’ or higher.
has a significant inhibitory effect (Furukawa et O n the other hand, its salt, ferric cyanide, is
al., 1993; Chen et al., 2003). Wastewater con- not so toxic, as it does not inhibit nitrification
taining high salinity (or substances at high con- at concentrations of IOO mg liter-’ or lower
centrations) possesses high osmotic pressure. (Kim et al., 2008).
Addition of sodium sulfate to increase osmotic
pressure up to 19.2 x lo5 Pa, while the NH,+ Niche Separation
concentration in influent and NH4+loadmgs With the development ofmolecular techniques,
to nitrifying airlift reactor was unchanged, the inherent biases in isolation and cultivation
resulted in abrupt inhibition of nitrification of microorganisms have been circumvented,
@inet al., 2007) .The inhibition to nitrification and phylogenetic compositions of AOB and
gradually recovered by lowering the osmotic N O B have been determined. The phylogeny
pressure. This inhibitory effect of osmotic of aerobic AOB is simple with two monophy-
pressure on nitrification was partially relieved letic groups in the beta and gamma subclasses
by the addition of potassium. The authors of the Proteobacteria, respectively. A continu-
explained that potassium might help to prop- ally expanding database of AOB 16s rRNA
erly control cytoplasmic water activity. gene sequences has led to the description of
Phenol, cyanide, and thiocyanate in waste- distinct clusters within the betaproteobacterial
water as a result of coke and steel processing AOB from the family “Nitrosomonadaceae,” five
and mining are typically powerful inhibitory within the genus Nitrosomonas and five within
substances for nitrification. However, phenol the genus Nitrosospira. All betaproteobacterial
can be readily degraded in activated sludge, if AOB form a phylogenetically coherent group
it is properly acclimated to phenol, and does within which all organisms exhibit the same
not inhibit nitrification as far as it is degraded primary physiology. Niche differentiation
to a low level (Amor et al., 2005). Contrary occurs based on the physiological characteris-
to the adverse effect to nitrification, phenol tics of the groups.
may work as an electron donor for subsequent In industrial and domestic wastewater treat-
denitrification, and nitrification and denitrifi- ment systems, there appears to be selection for

either predominance of a single AOB popu- the aquarium seawater purification system (S.
lation or several different AOB populations Okabe, unpublished data).Thus,salinity is defi-
occur together (Mobarry et al., 1996; Dionisi nitely one of the selective factors. However, a
et al., 2002;Adamczyk et al., 2003; Wittebolle notably high diversity ofAOB (N. europueu, N.
et al., 2008; Wells et al., 2009). For example, eutrophu, and N. mobilis) and NOB (Nitrospira-
Nitrosococcus mobilis (this species phylogeneti- like and Nitrobacter) populations was found in
cally belongs to the genus Nitrosomonas and a sequencing biofilni batch reactor receiving
thus should be reclassified as Nitrosomonas high ammonia and salt concentrations (Daims
mobilis [Head et al., 19931) and Nitrospira et al.,2001a). It is unusual that such an extreme
sp. dominated in an industrial WWTP that condition generally selects a monoculture of
receives extraordinarily high ammonia con- AOB or NOB (Juretschko et al., 2002).This
centrations (up to 5,000 mg liter-‘) (Juretschko high diversity could be explained on the basis
et al., 2002). A swine WWTP receiving more of a complex biofilm ecosystem where a dif-
than 1,000 mg of NH,+-N liter-’ exhibited a ferent microenvironment was created within
predominance ofAOB closely related to Nitro- the biofilm due to various nutrient gradients
somonas sp. clone 74 (S. Okabe, unpublished (Okabe et al., 1999b).
data), which was detected from the SHARON Generally, the distribution patterns of the
reactor treating an anaerobic digestion effluent distinct species in engineering systems reflect
with high concentrations of NH,+-N (Loge- the physiological properties such as affinity to
mann et al., 1998). NH,+ and D O so that the NH,+-N concen-
In contrast, the coexistence of the different tration influences the extent of AOB diver-
AOB populations related to the N europaea, sity. In high and low NH,I-N concentration
Nitrosomonas oligotropha, and Nitrosospira sp. environments, the level of AOB diversity was,
clusters was found in a domestic WWTP and in general, low. In contrast, a greater diversity
night soil treatment plant (the fourth aeration was found in the middle NH,’--N concentra-
tank) with the middle NH4+-Nconcentration tion environments (e.g., domestic WWTP)
range (NH,+-N = 6.7 to 22 mg of N liter-’) Ouretschko et al., 1998; Okabe et al., 1999b;
(S. Okabe, data unpublished data). Sidarly, Daims et al., 2001a; Juretschko et al., 2002;
Gieseke et al. (2001) also reported the coex- Lydmark et al., 2006).
istence of three hfferent AOB populations For NOB, Nitrobucter was traditionally con-
(N. europaea/eutropha, N. mobilis, and N. oligo- sidered to be the most important NOB in
tropha) in a phosphate-removing biofilm from WWTPs. Using the full-cycle rRNA approach,
a sequencing batch biofilm reactor fed with the occurrence of yet uncultured Nitrospira-like
artificial wastewater. Furthermore, fluores- NOB in nitrifting WWTPs often has been
cence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis demonstrated Uuretschko et al., 1998; Okabe
revealed that N. europuea and N. oligotropha were et al., 199915, 2002; Daims et al., 2001a, 2001b;
detected at the surface biofilm, whereas only Gieseke et al., 2001; Kindaichi et al., 2004).
N. oligotropha dominated in the deeper biofilm Daims et al. (2001a) investigated the ecophysi-
1ayers.This separation in space is suggested as ology of the uncultured Nitrospira-like NOB
a mechanism that allows coexistence of three in activated sludge by using microautoradio-
different AOB populations in the biofilm. graphy combined with FISH (MAR-FISH). It
Furthermore, four different AOB populations has been suggested that Nitrospiru-like NOB are
were found in a full-scale nitrifying trick- probably K-strategists for oxygen and nitrite
ling filter, with two N. oligotropha populations with high substrate affinities and low maximum
dominating at all depths of the filter and N. activity or growth rates compared to the r strat-
europaeu only at 0.5 m (Lydmark et al., 2006). egists, such as Nitrobucter spp. (Blackburne et
In the same NH,+-N concentration environ- al., 2007;Ahn et al., 2008).Thus, Nitrospira-like
ments, Nitrosospira dominated 90% of AOB in NOB outcompete Nitrobacter under substrate-

limiting conditions like WWTPs (Schramm domestic and industrial wastewaters (Blackall
et al., 1999a; Kim and Kim, 2006) or within and Burrell, 1999).Wastewater treatment in the
the deeper part of the biofilm where the 0, activated sludge process is based on attachment
concentration is low (Okabe et al., 1999b). and subsequent biological degradation of both
This hypothesis would also explain why Nitro- organic and inorganic compounds by micro-
bacter and Nitrospira coexist in sequencing batch organisms retained in microbial aggregates,
biofilm reactors with temporarily high nitrite termed activated sludge flocs. Effective immo-
concentrations (Daims et al., 2001a). For a bilization of nitrifying bacteria in the activated
long time, the NOB isolated fiom activated sludge flocs is one of the most important fac-
sludge samples were the genus Nitrobacter. This tors for efficient nitrogen removal in the acti-
is because Nitrobacter spp, grow better in pure vated sludge process. Activated sludge floc is a
cultures with high NO,- concentrations than highly dense microbial aggregate that results in
do Nitrospira spp. and outcompete Nitrospira spp. the development of heterogeneous microenvi-
during standard enrichment and isolation pro- ronments (e.g., stratification of electron donors
cedures.This is probably a reason why Nitrospira and acceptors and steep grahents of pH and
spp. have previously been overlooked in waste- the oxidation-reduction potential) in a single
water treatment processes. floc (Lens et al., 1995; Schramm et al., 1999b;
Of course we must be cautious about the Satoh et al., 2003a; Li and Bishop, 2004) and
interpretation ofthese studies because the com- makes chemical properties inside the floc quite
munity structures of AOB and NOB would different from that prevailing in the bulk liquid.
be greatly influenced by other environmental In addition, planktonic bacteria growing at a
factors such as salinity, pH, and concentrations low rate like nitrifying bacteria are likely to be
of DO and NO,-. In addition, environments washed out from a reactor (Larsen et al., 2008).
like wastewater biofilms and microbial flocs Furthermore, the grazing impact exerted by
are very heterogeneous, and thus it is difficult predators is different from bacterial species
to define the numerical dominance of distinct ourgens and Matz, 2002).Therefore, microbial
species or groups of species in distinct envi- diversity in the floc becomes greater than that
ronments. Hence, distribution patterns may of planktonic cells in the bulk liquid (Pogue
overlap, even if clear differences in ecophysi- and Gilbride, 2007). Several excellent reviews
ological characteristics are recognizable among offer detailed description of ecophysiology
the species. In addition, the varying compo- of nitrifjing bacteria in activated sludge flocs
sition of the wastewater between different (Blackall and Burrell, 1999; Schramm, 2003).
WWTPs, in combination with the different Here, we will describe a few of the major fea-
types of reactors used, makes it very hfficult tures of community structures, spatial dstri-
to draw general conclusions about the coni- bution, and population dynamics of nitrifying
munity structure of nitrifying bacteria. bacteria and their in situ activities within single
The high level of AOR and NOB hver- activated sludge flocs.
sity found in the reactor might relate to the
stability of the reactor performance. Hence, Phylogeny and Spatial Distribution
engineering a system with a greater diversity of Nitrifying Bacteria in Activated
may improve the performance and stability by, Sludge Systems
for example, more efficient bioaugmentation The 16s rRNA gene and/or anmionia niono-
(Rittmann and Whiteman, 1994; Satoh et al., oxygenase subunit A ( a m o A ) gene-based
2003b). molecular approaches have revealed the genus
Nitrosomonas is the most abundant AOB in
ACTIVATED SLUDGE SYSTEMS activated sludges obtained from a full-scale
The activated sludge process is the most widely municipal WWTP (Wittebolle et al., 2008), a
used system for nitrogen removal from both continuously stirred tank reactor, a sequencing

batch reactor (Mobarry et al., 1996), an aerated of the total bacterial counts) in an intermit-
activated sludge bioreactor (Wells et al., 2009), tently aerated nitrification-denitrification
nitrification tanks of industrial (N. europueu basin of an industrialWWTP uuretschko et al.,
and N. eutropha) and municipal ( N . oligotvopha) 1998). These results can be explained by the
WWTPs (Adamczyk et al., 2003), and aeration concept of r- and K-strategists (Kim and Kim,
basins of municipal (N.oligotvophu) and indus- 2006; Blackburne et al., 2007;Ahn et al., 2008).
trial (N. nitrosu) WWTPs (Dionisi et al., 2002). Microscope observations revealed that a floc
Predominance of the genus Nitrosomonas is consists of microorganisms, extracellular poly-
due to their relatively higher growth rate than meric substances (EPSs),inert materials, and void
other AOB (Prosser, 1989). space ranging from 30 to 80% (Schrainm et al.,
Numerous reports have demonstrated that 1999b) (Fig. 2). Figures 2B and C show images
NH4+'oxidation is not restricted to autotro- representing typical examples of an activated
phic AOB. Heterotrophic nitrification was ini- sludge floc structure and localization of the bac-
tially described as early as 1894 (Stutzer and teria and AOB in a floc. AOB formed densely
Hartleb, 1894). Today, it is recognized to be packed microcolonies. Filamentous microor-
a widespread phenomenon among different ganisms were found in the flocs, implying that
genera of fungi and heterotrophic bacteria, could contribute to the stability of flocs (Bossier
such as Diaphorobactev spp. (Kliardenavis et al., and Verstraete, 1996). Several studies provided
2007), Alcaligenesfdecalis (Joo et al., 2006), and evidence that NOB cells formed smaller clus-
Shinella zoogloeoides (Bai et al., 2009). It was ters and associated with AOB microcolonies in
also recently discovered that NH,+ oxidation the activated sludge flocs (Mobarry et al., 1996;
is not restricted to the domain Bucteria (Kon- Juretschko et al., 1998; Dainis et al., 2006j.This
neke et al., 2005). An ammonia-oxidizing spatial organization may reflect the syntrophic
archaeon, Nitrosopumilus maritimus, was isolated association between AOB and NOB. AOB and
from the rocky substratum of a tropical marine NOB are partners in a niutualistic symbiosis.
aquarium tank, representing the first culti- The AOB produce NO,- as the substrate of
vated isolate of the ubiquitous marine group the NOB, whereas NO,' is toxic to the AOB.
1 of the phylum Cvenavchaeota (Konneke et al., The NOB consume the NO,- that would
2005). Ammonia-oxidning archaea have been otherwise inhibit the growth of AOB. These
defected in activated sludge bioreactors (Park symbiotic interactions among microorganisms
et al., 2006;You et al., 2009), a highly aerated were successfully visuahzed and analyzed with
activated sludge process (Wells et al., 2009), a novel three-dimensional image analysis software
laboratory-scale nitrogen removal bioreactor, (Daims et al., 2006).
and Hong Kong VPJJTPs treating saline or A number of studies have examined the
freshwater wastewater (Zhang et al., 2009b). influence of various environmental factors
Concerning the NOB, recent findings on AOB community structure in WWTPs
obtained by 16s rRNA gene-based analysis (Tanaka et al., 2003; Park and Noguera, 2004).
demonstrated that the Nitvospiva group domi- For example, Wells et al. (2009) comprehen-
nated the Nitrobactev group in activated sludges. sively investigated correlations between AOB
For example, in activated sludges obtained from population dynamics and water quality rep-
a full-scale municipal WWTP, a sequential resented by 20 operational parameters in an
batch reactor, and a membrane bioreactor, the activated .sludge bioreactor in a municipal
Nitrobucter group was not detected, whereas the WWTP by using nonmetric multidimensional
Nitrospira group was present in high amounts scaling and redundancy analyses. Temperature
(lo8 to 10" cells/mg ofVSS) (Wittebolle et al., was the most important variable affecting the
2008). Nitvobuctev were n0.t detectable by FISH AOB population dynamics; the Nitrosospiva lin-
with probe NITS, whereas Nituospira-like bac- eage showed strong negative correlations ( P <
teria were present in significant numbers (9% 0.001) to temperature in the range of 18 to

FIGURE 2 (A) Photomicrograph of an activated sludge floc. (B and C) Confbcal laser-scanning microscope
images ofan activated sludge floc showing the in situ spatial organization ofbacteria andAOB. FISH was performed
using a fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled EUB338-mixed probe and a tetrainethylrhodamine 5-isothiocyanate-
labeled Nsol90 probe.The probe Nsol9O-stained AOB appear to be yellow because of binding of both probes,
and bacterial cells are green.

25°C. DO was also linked to the A O B popula- reactor performance due to their impacts on
tion dynamics and strongly negatively corre- process efficiency and stability (Briones and
lated ( P < 0.01) especially with the Nitrosospiru. Raskin, 2003).At present, although the relative
Influent NO,-, chromium, and nickel influ- importance of specific deterministic environ-
enced the A O B community structure, while riiental factors to nitrif/ing bacteria in full-
correlations between other metals analyzed scale systenis is uncertain, these studies might
in this study and the A O B community struc- provide insight into paranieters controlling
ture were insignificant. These studies revealed nitrif/ing bacterial community structures for
how operational and environmental factors stable nitrification in activated sludge reactors.
affect coniniunity dynamics within bioreac- Adhesion characteristics of nitrifying bac-
tors. In addition, since such factors might elicit teria and their microcolonies should directly
different responses from different nitrifying play an important role in the dynamics of
bacteria, their activities directly influence bio- nitrifying bacterial communities, because the

ability of nitrif;jing bacteria to adhere to acti-

vated sludge flocs is a fundamental basis for
stable nitrification of activated sludge, and poor
floc formers are likely to be washed out with
the effluent and are much more accessible to
predators. Larsen et al. (2008) demonstrated
AOB (N.oligotrophu) and NOB (Nitvospiva spp.)
formed strong microcolonies that were very
resistant to high shear force and different phys-
icochemical treatments (pH, O,, sulfide, and
addition of EDTA and Triton X-100) com-
pared with other bacteria. Only very little ero-
sion of single cells took place. Microcolonies of
Nitrospivu spp. were generally slightly stronger
than N. oligotvopha.These results clearly showed
that the nitrif;jing bacteria remained almost FIGURE 3 Typical concentration profiles of 02,
intact even under extreme physical and chem- NH4', and NO9- in an activated sludge floc at 45 pM
ical conditions, such as in aeration tanks, set- 02.The shaded area indicates the floc.The center ofthe
floc is at a depth of 0 p i . (From Satoh et al. [2003a],
tling tanks, and pumping. with permission from Biotechnoloxy and Bioengineering.)

In Situ Activity Measurement

A variety of molecular techniques described 1,000 pm at less than 1 nig liter of (I,-' (Li and
above have indeed provided valuable informa- Bishop, 2004). Schramm et al. (199913) detected
tion on the community structure and diversity anoxic zones in single flocs, where denitrifica-
of nitrifjing bacterial populations in the acti- tion occurred but sulfate reduction could not
vated sludge process. In contrast, microsensor be detected.
measurements have revealed spatial dstribution Batch experiments were performed to
of nitrifjring activity in single flocs (Satoh et al., investigate the effect of bulk 0, concentra-
2003a). 0, penetrated the entire floc with a tion on the rates of nitrification and denitri-
diameter of approximately 3,000 pm at an 0, fication of the activated sludges (Satoh et al.,
concentration of 195 pM. The NH,+, NO,-, 2003a). Production of NH,+ at near 0 pM 0,
and pH microprofiles showed that nitrification could be explained by biomass degradation
occurred throughout the floc.The 0, penetra- and liberation of NH,+ adsorbed on biomass
tion depth in the flocs decreased with decrease (Fig. 4). Nitrification occurred at >10 pM 0,.
in the 0, concentration in the bulk liquid. The nitrification rate of the activated sludges
The 0, penetration depths were 1,200 pm and increased with increasing 0, concentration
only 200 pm at 0, concentrations of 45 pM in the bulk liquid up to 40 pM, inlcating
(Fig. 3) and 15 pM, respectively, and thus an that 0, was a limiting factor. Nitrification
anoxic zone was created in the flocs. Nitrifica- rates remained constant at more than 40 pM
tion was restricted to an outer oxic zone of the 0,. SND was observed at 0, concentrations
floc, and denitrification occurred in an inner ranging between 10 and 35 pM with a max-
anoxic zone. Therefore, simultaneous nitrifica- imum rate of 4 pmol g ofMLSS-' h-' at 35 pM
tion and denitrification (SND) occurred at 45 of 0,, although nitrification was incomplete.
pM 0, in the bulk liquid, whereas only deni- The absence of denitrification at 0, concen-
trification occurred at 15 pM of 0,.Sirmlarly, trations near 0 or >35 pM could be explained
the 0, penetration in a floc was limited to the by the absence of NO,- produced by nitrifi-
surface layer of the flocs, and SND occurred cation and the inhibition of denitrification by
in the flocs with a diameter of approximately 0,,respectively. The average 0, concentration

m-2 day-' controls the interspecies competi-

tion with heterotrophs. When the BOD:TKN
ratio of wastewater is high (typical municipal
wastewater has 5 to 10 g of BOD/g of N),
the nitrifying bacteria are forced deeper into
the biofilms, which incurs greater niass-trans-
port resistance to the nitrifying bacteria in the
long-term operation.
A better understanding of the microbiology,
ecology, and population dynamics of nitrifying
biofilms is essential for improving process per-
formance and control. However, the investiga-
tion has been hampered by their slow growth
0, concentration (pM) ~
rates and by the biases inherent in all culture-
based techniques. Therefore, the in situ detec-
FIGURE 4 The consumption rates of NH4+ tion of nitrifying bacteria and their activity
and inorganic nitrogen (Ni) defined as the sum of in biofilms is of great practical and scientific
NH4+,NO2-, and NO3- as determined by the batch relevance. Especially, wastewater biofilms are
experiments at various O2concentrations in the bulk
liquid. Rates shown are mean values, and error bars
complex multispecies biofilnis, displaying con-
indicate standard deviations. (From Satoh et al. [2003a], siderable heterogeneity with respect to both
with permission from Biutechnulugy and Bioengineering.) the microorganisms present and their physi-
cochemical microenvironments. Moreover,
successive vertical zonations of predominant
in the aeration basin from which the activated
respiratory processes occurring simultane-
sludge samples were obtained was in this range
ously in close proximity have been found in
(15 pM), which could explain the occurrence
wastewater biofilms with a typical thickness of
of SND in the basin.
only a few millimeters (Santegoeds et al., 1998;
Okabe et al., 1999a).Therefore, several studies
have been conducted on wastewater treatment
General Description of biofilms by combining FISH and microsensor
Biofilm Systems technology to link the spatial organization of
Aerobic biofilm systems such as a biological microbial communities to physicochemical
aerated filter, trickling filter, and rotating bio- parameters in the biofilms (Schramm et al.,
logical contactor (Rowan, et al., 2003) allow 1996; Okabe et al., 1999b).
slowly growing nitrifying bacteria to remain
in the reactors by their attached growth and Interspecies Competition
have been used for reliable nitrogen removal. with Heterotrophs
The main drawbacks common to nitrifying In aerobic biofilm systems, competitive inter-
biofilm processes are substrate transport limi- actions of heterotrophic bacteria and nitrifying
tation and interspecies competition for oxygen bacteria for DO, ammonia, and even space
and space between nitrifying bacteria and het- are well known. This problem is attributed
erotrophic bacteria in the biofilms (Okabe et to the presence of organic matter in waste-
al., 1996). In practice, various nitrifying bio- water and production of SMPs by nitrifying
film reactors were operated at low surface bacteria that further support heterotrophic
organic loadings (in the range of 2 to 6 g growth (Rittmann et al., 1994;Kindaichi et al.,
B O D m-2 day-') to attain successful nitrifica- 2004; Okabe et al., 2005). Nitrifying bacteria
tion (Rittmann and McCarty, 2001). Keeping are usually outcompeted by the heterotrophic
the organic loading rate below 2 to 6 g B O D bacteria, because the K,,,,, values are gener-

Ammonia oxidation rate (~mol/cm3/h)

0 25 50 0 25 50 0 25 50


=4 0
iz 100

0 200 4 10 200 4 30 200 1 10
FIGURE 5 Steady-state concentration profiles of O2and NH4+in the autotrophic nitrifying biofilm incubated
in the media at C/N = 0 (A), C/N = 1 (B), and C/N = 3.4 (C), respectively.The modeled profdes are indicated
by solid lines.The spatial distributions of NH4+oxidation rates are indicated by stippled area. Surface is at a depth
of 0 pm. (From Okabe et al. [2001b],with permission from Biotechnology and Bioengineering.)

ally higher than those of heterotrophs (0.1 h-') at the bottom of the biofilm.The
mg liter-' for heterotrophs but 0.5 mg liter-' volumetric oxygen utilization rates were rela-
for nitrifying bacteria). Inhibition or elimina- tively constant in all C / N ratios tested (C/N
tion of nitrifying bacteria by the interspecies = 0, 1, and 3).This experimental result clearly
competition leads to a decrease in nitrification demonstrated that the addition of organic
efficiency or even to a failure of the process. carbon immediately induced the interspecies
Therefore, a quantitative understanding of the competition for 0, and space in the outer part
effect of the substrate C / N ratio on the spa- of the biofilm, and AOB were outcompeted by
tial distribution of nitrifying bacteria and their heterotrophic bacteria due to high K,,(,, (van
activities in biofilms is essential for improving Niel et al., 1993).As a result of the interspe-
process performance. cies competition, the specific NH,+ oxidation
The effect of the substrate C / N ratio on rates decreased in the outer part of the biofilm,
the spatial distributions of AOB and their in eliminating nitrifying bacteria in the outer part
situ activity was investigated by using micro- of biofilm and forcing the nitrifying bacteria
electrodes with high spatial resolution and the deeper into the biofilms (Fig. 6), which fur-
FISH technique (Satoh et al., 2000).The volu- ther incurred greater mass-transport resistance
metric NH,+ uptake rates in the surface of the to the nitrifying bacteria in the long-term
biofilms markedly decreased with the addition operation. Furthermore, the average diameter
of acetate from 22.6 pmol of NH,+ h-' of A O B microcolonies was relatively constant
at C / N = 0 to 2.6 pmol of NH,+ cm-3 h-' at throughout the biofilm at C / N = 0 (Fig. 7).
C / N = 3 (Fig. 5). In contrast, the rates were In contrast, the AOB microcolonies in the sur-
relatively unchanged (20 to 25 pmol of NH,+ face of the biofilm grown at C/N = 1 were
Next Page


reduced the size of AOB microcolonies in the

' O 0 i surface of the biofilm.
In addition, when the substrate C/N ratio
increased, the vertical separation of active
NH,+- and NO,--oxidzing zones became
evident, resulting in the reduction on nitri-
f+ng performance. This experimental result
clearly shows the stratified spatial dstributions
of AOB within the biofilms at higher sub-
strate C / N ratios (Fig. 8). These findings are
also significantly important to further improve
mathematical models used to describe how
the slow-growing AOB develop their niches
in biofilms and how that configuration affects
nitrification performance in the biofilm. It is
also important to note that physiologically inac-
FIGURE 6 Spatial distributions of surface fractions tive AOB are detected by FISH as these AOB
ofAOB in biofilms cultured in the media at C/N = 0, maintain high cellular ribosome contents under
1, and 2, respectively.The biofdm surfaces are indicated unfavorable conditions (Wagner et al., 1995).
by the dotted lines. This is one of the difficult parts of the interpre-
tation of FISH data. However, the physiologi-
significantly smaller than those found in the cally active AOB can be detected when FISH
C / N = 0 and increased toward the bottom of analysis was combined with microautoradiog-
the biofilm. These results clearly indicated that raphy using I4C-labeled bicarbonate as substrate
the presence of organic carbon significantly (Lee et al., 1999; Okabe et al., 2004).

FIGURE 7 (A) Spatial distribution of average microbial cluster sizes ofAOB hybridized with probe Nsol9O in
different biofilms cultured at C/N = 0 and 1. (B) Cross-section of biofilm cultured at C/N = 0.
Previous Page


-20 -10 0 I0 20
Concentration (pM) Rate (pmol/cm3/h)

FIGURE 8 (A) Steady-state concentration profiles of 02, NH4+,NO2-,and NO3: in a biofiliii cultured at C/N
= 2. @) Spatial distribution of the estimated volumetric consumption and production rates of NH4', NO2-, and
N03-.The biofilm surface is at a depth of 0 pm.

Ecophysiological Interaction with (both AOB and NOB). After only nitrifiing
Heterotrophic Bacteria bacteria were labeled with [14C]bicarbonate,
As described above, in the presence of organic the transfer of I4C originally incorporated in
carbon, nitrifylng bacteria are usually outcom- nitrifying bacterial cells to heterotrophic bac-
peted by heterotrophs due to the low growth teria was monitored with time by using MAR-
rate and growth yield. However, coexistence of FISH (Kindaichi et al., 2004; Okabe et al.,
a high level of heterotrophs with nitrifying bac- 2005). MAR-FISH is a powerful technique to
teria has been found often in autotrophic nitr- simultaneously examine the phylogenetic iden-
fying biofdms cultured without the external tity and the relative or actual specific activity
organic carbon supply (Okabe et al., 1999b, of microorganisms within a complex microbial
2004). It is, therefore, speculated that they also community at a single-cell level.
interact through the exchange of organic matter, This autotrophic nitrifying biofilm com-
because autotrophic nitrifymg bacteria reduce prised 50% of nitrifying bacteria (AOB and
inorganic carbon to form organic carbon in NOB) and 50% of heterotrophic bacteria.
cell mass and release SMPs from substrate This result indicated that a pair of nitrifiers
metabolism (usually with biomass growth) and (AOB+NOB) supported a heterotrophic bac-
decay biomass. Ecophysiological interactions terium via production of SMPs. MAR-FISH
between nitrifiers and heterotrophic bacteria analysis revealed that most phylogenetic groups
in a carbon-limited autotrophic nitrifying bio- of heterotrophic bacteria except P-Proteobacteria
film fed with only NH,+ as the energy source showed significant uptake of ',C-labeled
was investigated by a full cycle of 16s rRNA microbial products. Particularly, the members
approach followed by MAR-FISH (I(mdaichi of the chloroflexi preferentially utilized micro-
et al., 2004; Okabe et al., 2005). The biofilm bial products derived from mainly biomass
samples were first incubated with [14C]bicar- decay (Fig.9). On the other hand, the members
bonate to raholabel only nitrifying bacteria of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium cluster gradu-

FIGURE 9 Proposed ecophysiological interactions between nitrifiers and heterotrophic bacteria in a carbon-
limited autotrophic nitrifymg b i o f h fed with only NH4+as energy source.

ally utilized 14C-labeled products in the culture edge of the underlying microbiology improves.
with NH4+addition where nitrifjmg bacteria Mathematical modeling in the science and
grew. These results suggested that they prefer- engineering fields is used for generally fol-
entially utilized substrate utilization-associated lowing two purposes: “understanding” and
products (UAPs) of nitrifying bacteria and/or “prediction” of phenomena in natural or engi-
secondary metabolites of 14C-labeledstructural neered systems.The main engineering objec-
cell components. The heterotrophic bacterial tive of modeling is prediction of processes to
community was composed of phylogenetically be investigated and control.The final goal is to
and metabolically diverse and, to some extent, optimize process performance and to improve
metabolically redundant members, which system design.The scientific objective of mod-
ensures the stability of the biofilm ecosystem. eling is better understanding of the system to
These results clearly demonstrated that an effi- be investigated through a verifying hypothesis
cient food web (carbon metabolism) existed in because modeling provides an explanation of
the autotrophic nitrifying biofilm community the system from a more theoretical point of
to assure the maximum utilization of SMP view. Mathematical modeling is a powerful
produced by nitrifiers and to prevent build-up tool for better and general understandmg of
of metabolites or waste materials of nitrifiers at a complex system as well as for prediction
significant levels. and control of an engineering process, such as
microbial activity and community in waste-
water treatment processes.
General Overview of Modeling Study Nitrification in Activated
for Nitrification Sludge Model
In the improvement of operation strategies and Since nitrification is one key reaction in the
designs of\XrVlrTPs, mathematical models have biological wastewater treatment process, espe-
become increasingly important. At the same cially in a nitrogen removal process, it is an
time, the models of the involved processes are important target for modeling froni the prac-
getting more and more complex as the knowl- tical point of view, and thus nitrification is

included in multiple types of mathematical In the above equation, pA,KA,02, K,,,, 14, K,,
models for wastewater treatment processes. and Y, are parameters, while X,, SNIl4,
A,I(, So,,
The Activated Sludge Model (ASM) is and S,, are state variables.
known as the most common and standard The decay (cell death) process is also
model for the wastewater treatment process; included in the model as a result of endog-
it was developed by a task group on Math- enous respiration.
ematical Modeling for Design and Opera- The ASMs have been well received and
tion of Activated Sludge Processes established widely used as a basis for further model devel-
by the International Water Association (IWA, opment. To date, simulation of the activated
formerly IAWQ and IAWPRC). They pro- sludge system is mature technology. Many
posed basic models for design and operation types of software products are on the market
of a biological wastewater treatment process with parameter sets for different purposes
with the aim of creating a world standard and can be applied to design, operation, and
for the mathematical model. The model has research ofWrWrTPs (Gujer, 2006).
been extended as proposed as ASMl, ASM2,
ASM2d, and ASM3. ASM3, which is the most Biofilm Model
advanced model in ASMs, simulates removal In the wastewater treatment process, microor-
of organic and nitrogen compound and sludge ganisms usually exist as biofilins on supporting
production through the calculation of biolog- materials or granules and the self-aggregated
ical reactions (nitrification,denitrification, and matrix called "flocs" in the activated sludge
oxidation of organic compound; growth and process. It helps to retain large numbers of
decay of microorganisms, etc.) of an activated valuable but slow-growing microorganisms
sludge process. The nitrification is a key pro- such as ammonia and NOB in a reactor.
cess in all series of ASMs and is described as Therefore, the model representing the bio-
follows: ammonia is oxidized to nitrate via a film systein is necessary apart from the acti-
single-step process resulting in production of vated sludge model to address more complex
biomass (nitrite oxidation step is not consid- spatial and microbial ecological structures
ered in the basic model, but it can be added and biological, physical, and chemical phe-
by users if necessary).The nitrifjring activity is nomena from both practical engineering and
modeled in ASM3 using Monod kinetics, as scientific viewpoints. Biofilni is a complex
shown in the following equation (Gujer et al., system, and the development includes many
1999;Henze et al., 2000): physical, chemical, and biological phenomena
with a large number of micro- or macro-scale
=_ SNiM s 0, S"U
d, Yn K A , N R +
< SNIT, K n , w + So, Kn,nrx + Snix
Modeling of biofilm systems is to math-
where pAis the maximum specific growth rate ematically describe structure and activity
(day-'), K,,,, is the oxygen half-saturation of biofilm and to be able to predict biofilin
coefficient (mg of 0, liter-'), KA,NH4is the structure from the initial environmental condi-
ammonium half-saturation coefficient (mg of tions. Perfect modeling of biofilm is to repre-
N liter - I ) , K,, ALK is the alkalinity half-satura- sent the development process of the following
tion coefficient (mmol of HCO,- liter - I ) , Y, phenomena dynamically: (i) multidimensional
are nitrifying bacterial yields (g of COD g of heterogeneous morphology of biofilm; (ii)
N-I), X , is nitrifylng bacterial biomass (mg of multidmensional spatial distribution of mul-
COD liter - I ) , S,,, is . ammonium concentra- tiple species of microbial cells and their activi-
tion (mg of N liter -I), So,is DO concentra- ties resulting from cell growth and decay; (iii)
tion (mg of 0, liter -'), and SALK is alkalinity production of EPSs and their distributions;(iv)
(mmol of HCO,- liter -'). multi&mensional spatial distribution of mul-

tiple soluble substrate compounds resulting cies and substrates in the biofilm and in the
from consumption and production by meta- bulk (Wanner and Gujer, 1986; Wanner and
bolic activity of microbes, and transportation Reichert, 1996). Since the simple model
by molecular diffusion and convection; (v) often is sufficient for the practical purpose,
hydrodynamics that affect mass transport effi- this one-dimensional dynamic multispecies
ciency and the physical structure of the biofilm; model implemented in AQUASM software is
and (vi) reactor performance (i.e., concentra- widely used for modeling of aquatic systems
tion of substrate in outlet or bulk liquid phase) (Reichert, 1998).
resulting from the above phenomena. More complex, bottom-up-type, two-
The simplest model (earliest model) or three-dimensional models describe the
describes mass balances of biofilm as a result dynamics of multiple microbial populations by
of transformation (biochemical reaction) and various approaches, such as grid-based biomass
transportation (diffusion) and is shown as an (e.g., cellular automata proposed or devel-
equation described below. oped by Noguera et al. [1999], Picioreanu et
al. [1999], and Bell et al. [2005]; continuum
[Alpkvist and mapper, 20071). Furthermore,
for the more realistic representation of bio-
Transformation of a particular substrate mass division and spreading, individual-based
(reaction rate r) can be represented by Monod modeling (IbM) (Kreft et al., 2001; Picioreanu
kinetics as described above and diffusion by et al., 2004) and hybrid individual/continuum
Fick‘s law with an effective diffusion coef- (Alpkvist et al., 2006) describe biomass (a bac-
ficient D and substrate concentration C. In terial cell or bacterial biomass) as spherical
the advanced-type multidimensional biofilm particles with positions in space defined by
model described below, diffusion direction in continuous coordinates. Each biomass particle
the model is simply increased to two or three (minimum units of bacterial biomass) contains
dimensions as shown in equation 6. active biomass of a single microbial type and
inert material biomass and is surrounded by an
EPS capsule produced by the biomass within
the particle (Xavier et al., 2005). Each biomass
The spatial distribution of microbial activity particle grows and produces EPS according to
affects the substrate or product concentration. a rate defined by concentrations of solutes and
At the same time, the growth rate of a partic- particulates.The biomass particles are divided
ular microorganism is influenced by the spatial into two daughter particles when their size
distribution of particular substrates.Therefore, exceeds a critical size. Each “type (species)”
microbial growth rate varies through the bio- has its own set of variable parameters. Biofilm
film because microorganisms are exposed to spreading as a result of biomass growth occurs
different substrate concentrations. by shoving the spheres when they get too close
The early model described biofilm as uni- to each other. In this model, the pressure that
form steady-state films consisting of a single builds up due to biomass growth is relaxed
species, in which one-dimensional mass by minimizing the overlap of spheres (Fig.
transport and biochemical reactions occur to 1OA). Since IbM, which treated bacterial cell
present the important phenomena that the as a minimum unit, requires more computer
substrate concentration decreased inside the resources, biomass-based IbM using larger bio-
biofilm. Then, the model extended to repre- mass particles (particles that are 2 to 20 pm
sent multisubstrate and nonuniform (layered) in diameter) is more realistic for the general
distribution of multispecies microorganisms. use, while still keeping the shoving or pushing
The core of the model is formed by a set of principle for biomass redistribution. A more
differential equations for the microbial spe- detailed two-dimensional model description is

(A) Biomass particle behavior


Shovingneighbors Pushingsold surface

(t3)Representation of a granuk
(bf ~~~~

(Bacteria A)

FIGURE 10 (A) Two-dimensional (2-d) IbM model description of actions occurring at the individual scale.
(l3) Spatial scales in the 2-d model of nitrifting granules. (a) Representative biomass granule comprised in a
square computational domain; (b) the square grid elements discretizing the space, each containing several biomass
particles; (c) individual biomass particles, of different possible biomass types. All biomass particles within a single
grid element experience the same substrate concentrations. The biomass concentrations within a grid element
are calculated fiom the mass of all individual biomass particles within the element volume (Xavier et al., 2005,
Matsumoto et al., 2010).

shown by Picioreanu et al. (2004),Xavier et al. microscope and micro-sensor enabled investi-
(2005), and Xavier et al. (2007). gating in situ microbial conmiunity structure
and their activities. O n the other hand, recent
Comparison of Modeling and development of the multidmlensional rnulti-
Experimental Approach species biofilrn model features micro-scale dis-
Molecular techniques (in situ hybridzation, tribution ofvarious microbial cells and activities
etc.) combined with a confocal laser-scanning in the biofilrn.

TABLE 1 Stoichiometric parameters for microbial reactions

Description Symbol Value Unit References
Yield of biomass on substrate gCOl),X gN ’ Heme et al., 2000
UAP-formation coefficient gCOl),l~ gN ’ Rittniann et al., 2002

Yield of biomass on substrate yNO13 0.123 gCOUX g N ’ Adapted from Heme et al., 2000
UAP-formation coefficient k::: 0.04 gC011P g N ’ Rittniann et al., 2002

UAP-utilizing heterotrophic
bacteria (HetU)
Yield of biomass on substrate YLJ 0.25 g ),x g,,,,,,,, Adapted from Rittniann et al., 2002
Yield of EPS on substrate P IPl CSt U 0.35 g ,,li gc:ol~,l,’ Adapted from Rittniaiin et al., 2002

BAP-utilizing heterotrophic
bacteria (HetB)
Yield of biomass on substrate gc:ol),xg[.,),), Adapted from Rittniann et al., 2002
Yield of EPS on substrate g,~,,,,,,
gc~ol~,li Adapted from Rittniann et al., 2002

Org-utilizing heterotrophic
bacteria (HetO)
Yield of biomass on substrate g,:[)
I),x g,,,,,,, Adapted from Rittniann et al., 2002
Yield of EPS on substrate gco1),,g[:c)l),l,I Adapted from Rittniann et al., 2002

Biodegradable fraction of -6 0.6 Alpkvist et al., 2000
active biomass
Nitrogen content in active “XB 0.087 gN gCO1.X
Rittniann et d., 2002
and inert biomass

Here, the comparison of model simulation 1994; Kindaichi et al., 2004; Okabe ct al., 2005)
and experimental results targeting the nitri- grown without an external organic carbon
fying bacterial aggregate formation is shown as source. Nitrifying bacteria are known to release
an example (Matsumoto et al., 2009). Granula- soluble products (SMP) from substrate metab-
tion of nitrifying bacteria without using any olism and biomass decay; these can provide a
carriers has been proposed for immobilizing supplementary organic substrate for heterotro-
nitrifying bacteria in an inorganic wastewater phic bacteria (Rittmann et al., 1994;Barker and
treatment processes fed with ammonia as the Stuckey, 1999;Rittmann et al., 2002).There are
sole energy source (de Beer et al., 1997;Tay a limited number of studies reporting about the
et al., 2002; Tsuneda et al., 2003). However, organic substrate uptake pattern of heterotro-
detailed information on granule formation and phic bacteria detected in nitrifying granules.
nitrogen conversion in primarily autotrophic Okabe et al. (2005) reported that the mem-
systems is still lacking. bers of the chloroflexi utilize the decaying
Recently, there were reports indicating nitrifying bacteria cell materials (i.e., biomass-
ecophysiological interaction between nitri- associated products [BAP]),the members of the
@ing bacteria and heterotrophic bacteria in an phylum Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides
autotrophic nitrifying reactor (Rittmann et al., utilize substrate UAPs, and the members of the

a-Proteobacteuia and y-Proteobacteria utilize low- granule is shown in Fig. 11. HetU mainly
molecular-weight organic matter (Org) pro- locates at the surface of nitrifying granule
duced by hydrolysis of EPSs. where sufficient UAP is produced by active
In this section, the two-dimensional IbM bacteria (Fig. l l a ) . HetB is mainly
simulation of nitrifying and heterotrophic bac- present in the inner parts of granule where
terial interactions and microbial community BAP is produced from inactivated nitrifying
structure during the development of nitrifying bacteria because of depletion of oxygen (Fig.
granules and its comparison with the experi- l l b ) . HetO are present throughout the granule
mental results are shown. A schematic diagram because EPS produced by heterotrophic bac-
of the two-dimensional IbM spatial scales for teria spread broadly in granule (Fig. l l c ) .
representation of granule is shown in Figure The spatial distributions of populations in
1OB. A detailed model description is described the nitrifling granule were determined by
elsewhere (Matsumoto et al., 2010). Kinetic results from fluorescent in situ hybridization
parameters for microbial reaction are listed in with group-specific probes following quanti-
Table 1. tative two-dimensional image analysis of con-
IbM simulation results show that, as the focal image series (Fig. 12). Most bacteria at
granule size increases, an anoxic zone is created the outer edge of the granule were nitrifying
at the inner part of the granule.That condition bacteria; AOB dominated within first 200 pm
is preferable for heterotrophic bacteria to deiii- below the granule surface, whereas NOB were
trify, consuming the excreted organic material most abundant in the layer between 200 and
(SMP) by nitrifjing bacteria as an electron 300 pm below the granule surface. Bacteria
donor. Therefore, in the later stage of granule related to CFB division and chloroflexi were
formation, heterotrophic bacteria exist at the detected mainly in the zone where nitrifying
inner part of the granule, while nitrifying bac- bacteria exist and in the inner part of the gran-
teria dominate at the outer edge. In the present ules, respectively. Proteobacteria were present
model, based on above studies, we integrated throughout the granules. It should be noted
three types of heterotrophic bacteria as HetU, that absolute abundance of bacteria (Fig. 12,
HetB, and HetO, which utilize UAP, BAP, and open circle) at the inner part of granules is
Org, respectively. Detailed two-&mensional much lower than at the surface of granules.
simulated distribution of heterotrophs in the Thus, even though chloroflexi occupy the

Q 2 0 2

FIGURE 11 Detailed insight into the spatial localization of HetU (a), HetB (b), and HetO (c) provided by a
two-dimensional IbM simulation, at day 100.White dotted line shows the granule surface (Matsumoto et al., 2010).

*I 00


200 0

FIGURE 12 Spatial distributions of bacteria along the radius of a nitrifying granule as detected by FISH.The
abundance ratio of each bacterium was quantified in 50-pm-thick shells starting at the granule surface (left).
Abundance data presented are averages of six replicate measurements. The total bacterial volumetric occupancy
in the granule is derived from fluorescence of EUB33X mix-tagged cells (open circles along the R-axis). The
a-Proteobacteria constitute the bacterial group that hybridized with probe ALFlb, excluding the genus Nitrobacter
that hybridized with probe NITS. (The figure was reconstructed from the data ofMatsumoto et al. [2010].)

inner part of the granules, the absolute amount 13).Although it is impossible to experimen-
of chloroflexi is much lower than that ofAOB. tally measure each organic compound type,
Although the model simulations performed in such as UAP and BAP, models simulated the
this study were not intended to provide quan- microprofiles of these compounds inside the
titative matches to the experimental data, the granule. Interestingly, microprofiles of these
simulation results indicated that distributions compounds dynamically changed along the
of HetU, HetB, and HetO are consistent with granule radius and seemed to be related to the
those of CFB, chloroflexi, and Proteobacteria, spatial distribution of microorganism types
respectively, obtained by FISH analysis (Fig. that consume or produce these compounds
12).Thus, it can be concluded that the imple- (Fig. 11 to 13).
mented organic substrate uptake patterns of Since community structure in the granule is
heterotrophic bacteria were plausible. determined by a complex interplay of various
Next, the quantitative comparison factors, including the concentration of chem-
between solute concentrations (ammo- ical species, the presence of various types of
nium, nitrite, nitrate, DO, and UAP, BAP, and bacteria, and their physiology, mathematical
Org) in the biofilm calculated by the two- modeling provides a logical framework for the
dimensional model and those measured by exploration of processes within granules.
microelectrodes is shown. The steady-state
concentrations of main solute concentrations CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVES
in the granule (ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, Simple models such as the one-dimensional
and oxygen) along the granule radius calcu- model for the biofilm process generally seem
lated with the model describe well the exper- to be sufficient for the prediction of the mac-
imentally obtained microelectrode data (Fig. roscopic phenomena such as overall nutrient

surface --+
- 0, model
-_---_. UAP model
- BAPmodel
............... Org model
o 0,exp-

0 200 400 600 800
Radius [pm]

- NO,- model
o NH4+exp
A NO,- exp
0 NO,- exp

0 200 400 600 800

Radius [pm]
FIGURE 13 Comparison of the steady-state solute concentrations in the biofilni calculated in two-dimensional
(2-d) IbM model simulations,with the experimental microelectrode data (open circles,triangles and squares for 02,
NH4+,NO,-, N02-).The model results are at day 1OO.To obtain the comparable profiles along the radius, the 2-d
concentration dstributions were averaged in concentric shells with different radii. (The figure was reconstructed
from the data ofMatsuinoto et al. [2010].)

flux, and thus it is preferable for an engi- “cellular automata” or IbM is very appealing
neering purpose rather than a complex mul- to represent nonlinear natural systems. These
tidimensional model because of its simplicity. model simulations have the potential to reveal
However, bottom-up type modeling such as interactions leading to the properties of a

microbial ecological system that are generally bution of each member to address fundamental
not tractable by experimental approaches. questions about microbial identities, functions,
It is well acknowledged that a combina- and spatial organization. This approach also
tion of laboratory experimental and math- revealed a remarkably vast microbial diversity
ematical modeling will be a strong tool for including many yet uncultured species involved
better understanding of complex systems such in nitrogen removal processes. The differences
as a biological phenomenon (Eberal, 2003). in nitrifying bacterial dwersity may be related
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of experimental verification of the two- or challenge now is to elucidate the mechanism
three-dimensional multispecies biofilm model underlying the community differences, which
predictions (Xavier et al., 2005; Matsumoto should be incorporated into WWTP design
et al., 2007), and there has been a single study and operation.
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Index Terms Links

Acetylene, as inhibitor of ammonia monooxygenase 19

Activated Sludge Model, wastewater treatment
process and 419
Akcaligenes faecalix 99 100 411
Alternative Complex III 72
Ammonia, and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria 11
as source of energy 14
assimilation and transport of 28
availability of, effects of soil on 353
catabolism of 14
by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria 15
concentration of, and pH, effect on wastewater
treatment 405
decomposition and 377
conversion to nitrite 14
free, inhibition of ammonia oxidation and nitrite
oxidation by 406
oxidation of 11 14 15
aerobic, to nitrite, genoinics of bacteria in 60
anaerobic. See Anammox
and electron transfer 130
and energy transformation, in ammonia-
oximzing Archaea 130
anaerobic, iron-copper-facilitated, evolution of
bacterial inventory in 80
as measure of soil health 373

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Ammonia, and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (Cont.)

biochemistry of, Arckaea and Bacteria in 130
in Nitrosopumilus maritimus SCMl, stoichiometry
and kinetics of 122
increases in reduced quinone pool in 68 69
NO2 as major product of 15
origination of 147
prevention of 351
Ammonia monooxygenase (AMO) 13 130
cell breakage and 16
composition, structure, and metal content of 16
copper in 16
importance to movement of nitrogen 32
inhibition of 18
metal cofactors in, binding sites for 17
metal structure of 31
molecular biology of 19
soluble form of, isolation of 17
stabilization of, bovine serum albumin and 17
substrates and inhibitors of 18
subunits of 16
Ammonia oxidizers 352
abundance in acid soils 362
archaeal, in soil, cell activities and abundances to
assess 355
bacterial, abundances of 359
catabolic, cohorts of, genome inventory from 83
communities in soil, influence of pH on 363
community structure of 356 357
impact of ammonia-nitrogen and urea-nitrogen on 358

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Ammonia oxidizers (Cont.)

long-term pH gradients and 363 365
nitrogen oxides and 368
soil 348
soil particles and 350
Ammonia-oxidizing Archaea (AOA) xiii
abundance in marine systems 330
abundance in ocean 336
abundance of 4
activity of, in environment 166
in laboratory cultures 171
in marine environment 167
in soil 169
ammonia transporters in 133
amoA gene, carbon dioxide uptake rates and 335
and ammonia oxidation 122
and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, contribution to
ammonia oxidation, in soil 169 172
and hyperthermophiles, crenarchaeal 16s rRNA
gene sequences from 157
and nitrification in ocean 329
associated with marine invertebrates 166
cells of, size of 173
cellular architecture of 120
discovery of 4 5
distribution of, and activity in natural
environments 157
and diversity of 161
ectoine and hydroxyectoine biosynthesis in 143 144
evolution of 147
genome analysis of 126
growth and activity of 121

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Ammonia-oxidizing Archaea (AOA) (Cont.)

growth rates of, in ocean, Crenarchaeota and 335 336
in geothermal environments 166
in near-surface waters 336
in nitrification in marine systems 300
in the ocean 162 165
in sediments 162 166
in soils 162 163
light inhibition and substrate affinity of 331
metabolic diversity of 171
metagenomics of 159
nitrous oxide production by, as side product of
ammonia oxidation 338
origination of ammonia oxidation and 147
physiology and genomics of 117
physiology and ultrastructure of 119
proposed pathway of 133 134
Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) 5 77 78
aerobic, biogeography of, perspectives on 48
environmental and geographic limits for 48
environmental distribution and biogeography
of 43
in estuarine and freshwater systems 46
in marine environments 43
in nitrification 383
in terrestrial systems and soils 47
in wastewater and engineered nitrogen
treatment systems 46
phylogeny of 408
and systematics of 39
taxonomic outline of 39
aerobic catabolism of ammonia by 65

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Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) (Cont.)

ammonia and 11
amoCAB genes encoding 65
anaerobic. See Anammox bacteria
and ammonia-oxidizing Archaea, contribution to
ammonia oxidation, in soil 169 172
and nitrification in the ocean 329
as slow-growing bacteria 403
autotrophy and 74
beta-proteobacterial and gamma-proteobacterial
ribosomal RNA guide trees for 42 44
betaproteobacterial 63 66
biochemistry and molecular biology of 11
bioinformatics and 12
biosynthesis and transport of 28
carbon dioxide assimilation in 27
carbon metabolism and 26
catabolic inventory of 65
cells of, size of 173
dependence on pyrophosphate 74
diversity and environmental distribution of 39
during primary and secondary succession 47
ecological implications of 75
electron transport chain of 69 71
expression of soluble periplasmic monoheme and
di-heme cytochrome c552 proteins by 73
freshwater, lineages of 389
Gammaproteobacteria of 43
genes to produce and metabolize glycogen and
sucrose in 27
genomes of 13
encoding by 71

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Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) (Cont.)

insertion sequence elements of 63
pseudogenes of 64
size of 61
structure of 61
genomics of, and evolution of 57
growth of 11
growth rates of inocula containing 395 396
in freshwater sediments 75
in lake compartments, estimation of 392
in soil environments 75
iron in 30
isolation of 4
marine, cultivated 331
microaerophily and 332
nitrite metabolism and 287
nitrite-oxidizing bacteria, and anammox bacteria
competition between 242 243
nitrite-oxidizing bacteria, behavior in coculture 287
nitrous oxide production by 107 338
of Betaproteobacteria 42
of Nitrosomonas 42
of Nitrosospira 42
origination of ammonia oxidation and 147
structure in wastewater treatment plants
environmental factors influencing 411
Ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms, nomenclature for 59
Ammonia-oxidizing nonlithotrophic bacteria 59
quinone-reducing branch of, nitrogen, carbon, and
electrons in 68
Ammonia-oxidizing Archaea (AOA), ammonia
oxidation and electron transfer in 130

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Ammonium, anaerobic, oxidation in oceanic oxygen

minimum zones 218
anaerobic oxidation of, to dinitrogen 339
and nitrite, as sources of nitrogen in ocean 326 328
distribution and supply in oxygen minimum
zones 224
assimilation by microbes and phytoplankton 326
concentration of, influence of, on community
structure 355
DNRA as source of, in oxygen minimum zone 229
flux of, microbial biomass below euphotic zone
and 333
oxidation of, microaerobic 226
oxidized to nitrite and nitrate 325
removal from wastewater 237
to support nitrification, as regenerated organic
material 335
Ammonium oxidation, anaerobic, in aquatic
ecosystems, ecological significance of 203
amoA gene 4
amoABC genes 4
Anammox, and conventional nitrification, links
between 339
and denitrification 6
contribution to fixed nitrogen loss 5
derived from wastewater 339
description of 57
dmitrogen gas as end product of 5
discovery of 4
in inland waters 383
in nitrogen cycle 39
in oxygen-depleted zones 325

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Anammox bacteria, ammonium and nitrite to fuel

sources of 222
and denitrification, balance between, organic
carbon and 222
benthic sediments in, global significance of 217
cell biology of 188
cell carbon fixation and 185
reversed electron transport in 196
classification of 60
denitrification and 214
dinitrogen gas forination from nitrate by 188 189
distribution in oxygen minimum zones, and effect
of sulfide 220
heling of, in aquatic sediments 206
genome of 191
genomics of 191
growth of 183
in aquatic environments, distribution, activity, and
ecology of 201
in aquatic sediments 204
distribution and activity of 204 206 207 208
in intact sediment cores 211
known, relationships of 181
ladderane lipids from 190
metabolic versatility of 187
metabolism and genonlics of 181
metabolism of 184
nitrite-oxidizing bacteria, and ammonia-oxidizing
bacteria, competition between 242 243
oxidation of organic acids and nitrate reduction by 187 188
physiology of 183
research into, in two aquatic ecosystems 201

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Anammox bacteria, ammonium and nitrite to fuel (Cont.)

sensitivity to oxygen 223
source of nitrite for 185
stoichioinetry and growth rate of 238
worldwide presence of 182
Anammox process 181 183
application of 237
application to treatable wastewaters 249
biochemistry and bioenergetics of 194
descriptive terminology of 251
environmental impact of 254
for digested food industry effluents and manures in
wastewater 250
for municipal wastewater treatment plant, reject
water 249
landfill leachates and 251
measurements and control of 246
microbial population evaluations in 246
nitritation reactor in 243
nitrite toxicity/inhibition in 238
nitrogen removal involving 243
nitrogen removal processes and 241
one-reactor denitrification-anainmox process 245
one-reactor processes for 241 250
control in 247
start-up times and strategies for 248
operation at high oxygen level 242
operation at low oxygen level 242 243
organic compounds and 241
outlook for 257
oxygen, sulfite, and phosphate for 240
physical parameters in, measurements of 246

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Anammox process (Cont.)

physiology of 238
reactor choice for 242
reactor configurations for 241
reactors for, volumetric conversion limitations of 257
salt tolerance and adaptation of 240
source separated treatment and 251
temperature for 240
toxicity/inhibition in 238
two-reactor processes for 242 243 250
control in 247
start-up times and strategies for 248
Anammox reactors 244 245
and process choice 256
direct scale-up or stepwise scale-up of 249
for anammox process, volumetric conversion
limitations of 257
for one-reactor nitritation-anammox process
volumetric conversion limitations of 257
full-scale 255
characteristics of, and lab-scale evaluations 256
overview of 252
industrial wastewater and reject water treatment
space requirement for 257
mathematical modeling in evaluation and design of 255
AQUASM software 420
Aquatic ecosystems, anaerobic ammonium oxidation
in, ecological significance of 201
Archaea, as ammonia oxidizers in ocean 325
global players in biogeochemical cycles 157
Arrhenius equation, temperature effect on Nitrospira
and 369

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Aspergillus flavns 99 100

Autotrophy 26
in central Pacific Ocean 336

Bacillus badius I-73 100

Bacteria, nitrifying, and soil nitrification 347
phylogeny of 331
whole-genome sequencing projects involving 61 62
Bardenpho process 405 406
Betaproteobacteria, ammonia-oxidizing, in inland
waters 390 391
in lakes 394
ammonia-oxidizing bacteria of 42 59
Biofilm processes, mass balance on active biomass and 404
steady-state solute concentrations in 425
Biofilin systems, aerobic, general description of 414
interspecies competition with heterotrophs 414
modeling of 419
substrate C/N ratio in, nitrifying bacteria and 414 417
Bioinforniatics, and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria 12
Brachiaria humidicola 373
Bradyrhizobium 282 287
Bradyrhizobium japonicum 297
Bradyrhizobiaceae 307
Burkholdevia cepacia NH-17 101

Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle 27 271

Candida rugosa IFO 0591 100
“Candidatus Kuenenia stuttgartiensis” 281 314

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“Candidatus Nitrospira bockiana” 301 304

electron micrographs of 273 277
“Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii” 268 301 303 306
and rTCA cycle 316
autotrophic carbon fixation by 314
encoding of protein 313
environmental genonlics and full-genome analysis of 311
genome of, selected features of 312
in activated sludge 310
nitrite oxidation and nitrite oxidoreductase of 311
Nxr holoenzyme in 313
2-oxog1utarate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase of 317
pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase of 317
use of organic carbon compounds by 317
“Candidatus Nitrotoga arctica” 298 301 349
Carbon, and energy sources, mixed, effects on nitrite-
oxidizing bacteria 286
dissolved organic 332
fluxes in ocean 332
organic, and anammox bacteria and denitrification
balance 222
Carbon compounds, organic, use by “Candidatus
Nitrospira defluvii” 317
Carbon dioxide, assimilation of, in ammonia-
oxidizing bacteria 27
concentration of, and nitrification 370
effects on nitrification 369
fured, nitrogen oxidized to 334
uptake rates of, ammonia-oxidizing Archaea amoA
gene and 335

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Carbon fixation, autotrophic, by “Candidatus

Nitrospira defluvii” 314
rTCA cycle as pathway for 337
Carbon metabolism, central 26
organic, in nitrite-oxidizing bacteria 284
Carbon/nitrogen ratio, substrate, and nitrifying
bacteria in biofilms 414 417
Carbon storage compounds 287
Carboxysome shell protein, structure and function of 284 285
Carboxysomes, of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria 283 285
Cenarchaeum symbiosum 126 160
and Nitrosopumilus maritimus SCM1 , genomes of
synteny plot comparing 126 128
genome analysis of 160
Chemolithotrophic nitrification, versus heterotrophic
nitrification 103
Chlorination, in wastewater treatment plants 310
Chlorite dismutase 310
Chromatiaceae 59
Coke and steel processing, products of, inhibition of
nitrification by 408
Copper, electron transfer systems based on 135
high demand for 135
Copper-containing nitrate reductase 101
Crenarchaea 39
deep-ocean 336
Crenarchaeal cells, numbers of, and nitrogen demand 334
Crenarchaeota 147 148 161 329
ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and 59

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Crenarchaeota (Cont.)
cultivated ammonia-oxidizing 119
in nutrient-depleted ocean water 117
phylogenetic tree of 117 118
Crenarchaeota symbiosum, open reading frames of 132
Cultivation-independent quantitative PCR 354
Cytochrome C554, hydroxylamine oxidoreductase
electron transport and 24
Cytochrome Cm552 hydroxylamine oxidoreductase
electron transport and 25

Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, to assess

community composition of soil nitrifiers 348 376
Denitrification, anammox and 6
contribution to fixed nitrogen loss 5
ananlmox bacteria and 214
and nitrification, linkages between, across oxic-
anoxic interface 339 340
microbial activities of 96
nitrifier 7 95 104
and heterotrophic nitrification 95
biochemistry of 105
genetics of 105
in soil 368
nitrifier denitrification enzymes and 104
pathways of 98 99 100 104
Diaphorobacter 411

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Dinitrogen gas 3
anaerobic oxidation of ammonium to 339
as end product of anammox 5
production of, and sediment metabolism in intact
sediment 211
Diphenyliodonium 19
DNRA, as source of ammonium in oxygen minimum
zone 229

Ectoine, and hydroxyectoine, biosynthesis of, in

ammonia-oxidizing Archaea 143 144
Electron transport chain, of ammonia-oxidizing
bacteria 69 71
Embden-Meyerhof pathway 284
Environment, ammonia-oxidizing Archaea activity in 167
Epsilonproteobacteria 80
Estuarine systems, aerobic ammonia-oxidizing
bacteria in 46
Eutrophication, nitrification and 6

Fertilizers, inhibitors and 372

Fluorescence in situ hybridzation 375
of wastewater 409
to detect Nitrobacter in wastewater treatment plants 306
Freshwater systems, aerobic ammonia-oxidizing
bacteria in 46
Fusarium oxysporum, hybrid respiration of oxygen and
nitrate in 99 100

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Garnmaproteobacteria,ammonia-oxidizing bacteria of 43
Geothermal environments, ammonia-oxidizing
Archaea activity in 166
Glyceria maxima 390 391
Glycogen, ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and 27

Heterotrophic bacteria, ecophysiological interaction

with 417
Heterotrophic nitrification. See Nitrification
Heterotrophic nitrifiers. See Nitrifiers, heterotrophic
Hydroxylamine-oxidizing enzymes, bacterial 97
Hydroxylamine oxidoreductase (HAO) 13
as complex heme-containing enzyme 21
catalyzation of reduction of nitric oxide to
ammonia 23
electron transport from 24
genes encoding 23
molecular biology of 23
primary protein amino acid sequences and 24
structure and metal content of 21
structure of 31
X-ray crystallographic structure of 21
Hydroxylamine Ubiquinone Redox Module 67 80 82
ammonification and evolution of, in anoxic world 78

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Inhibitors, chemically synthesized 372

Intracytoplasnzic membranes, ammonia-oxidizing
bacteria and 16
Iron, in ammonia-oxidizing bacteria 30
Isotopomer discrimination techniques 108

K/r-hypothesis, for Nitrospira and Nitrobacter 309

Kuenenia 240
Kuenenia stuttgartiensis 188 191 192 193
genome of 191
in studies of anaminox metabolism 226
metabolic pathways of 195 196

Lakes, lineage segregation in 391

nitrification in 383
Landfill leachates, anammox process and 251
Leptospirilla 331
Livestock grazing, and nitrogen distribution in field 356

Macrophytes, compounds from, effects on

nitrification 386
Marine environments, aerobic ammonia-oxidizing
bacteria in 43
ammonia-oxidizing Archaea activity in 167
Marine invertebrates, ammonia-oxidizing Archaea
association with 166

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Marine nitrifiers, physiology and ecology of 331

Methane monooxygenase, particulate (pMMO) 16 17 65 75
Methanol, anammox process and 241
Methylococcus capsulatus 160
and ammonia monooxygenase 17
hydroxylamine oxidoreductase-like genes in 23
Microbial reactions, stoichiometric parameters for 422
Microcosm studies, of soil nitrification 377
relating phylogeny and temperature 370 371
Microorganisms, heterotrophic nitrifying 102
nitrifying 4
Most probable number counts, of ammonia oxidizers
in low pH soils 362
to enumerate nitrifiers 375

Nitrapyrin, as inhibitor of ammonia oxidation 19

inhibition of nitrifiers by 351 362 372
Nitrate xiii
as deep nitrogen reservoir 333
assimilated by phytoplankton 328
concentration in surface ocean 326
leaching from soil 347
loss as dinitrogen gas 325
oxidation of 267
oxidation of ammonium to 325
photosynthetic phytoplankton and 325
reduction of, dissimilatory 281

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Nitric oxide, and nitrous oxide reductases 81

production by ammonia-oxidzing bacteria 72
production by ammonia-oxidzing nonlithotrophic
bacteria 72
Nitrification, advances in 5
and denitrification, linkages between, across
oxicanoxic interface 339 340
and eutrophication 6
and nitrogen cycle 325
as aerobic process 3
changes in study of 5
chemolithotrophic, versus heterotrophic 103
conventional, and anammox, links between 339
definition of 57
effects of temperature and carbon doxide 369
heterotrophic, and nitrifier denitrification 95
biochemistry and physiology of 96
definition of 95
genetics of 101
versus chemolithotrophic nitrification 103
importance of xiii 296
in activated sludge model 418
in the deep ocean, rates of 328
in inland waters 383
in lakes 383
in marine ecosystems, ammonia-oxidizing Archaea
Nitrospina in 300
in nitrogen cycle 3 325
in the ocean 325
distribution and rates of 326
in the open ocean, rates of 328

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Nitrospina in (Cont.)
in streams and rivers 387
in the surface ocean 328
in the upper open ocean 333
in wastewater treatment 403
in wastewater treatment plants 403
as activated sludge process 404
modeling study for 418
inhibitors of, in soils 372
linking components of nitrogen cycle 3
low pH 352
measurements of, in ocean and estuarine
environments 327
microbial activities of 96
“natural” inhibitors of 362
pregenomic era gene inventory in 60
rate of, livestock grazing and 356
research in, future of 6
risk of pollution from 372
soil. See Soils, nitrification of
turf grass systems and 358
Nitrification-anamniox process 237
development of 238
Nitrification/denitrification 3
Nitrification inventory, molecular evolution of 77
Nitrification research, model organisms of 296
Nitrifier denitrification. See Denitrification, nitrifier
Nitrifiers, archaeal, and bacterial, amo gene clusters in 132
cultivation-based enumeration of 375
functional redundancy and resilience of 350
heterotrophic 95 96
diversity of 101

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Nitrifiers, archaeal, and bacterial

amo gene clusters in (Cont.)
inhibition by nitrapyrin 351
marine, physiology and ecology of 331
soil. See Soil nitrifiers
Nitrifying activity in wastewater treatment plants
factors affecting 405
substances inhibitory to 407
Nitrifying bacteria, adhesion characteristics of 412
and heterotrophic bacteria, interaction of 417
in activated sludge systems, phylogeny and spatial
distribution of 410
Nitrifying granule, spatial distribution of bacteria
along 423
Nitrifying microorganisms 4
Nitritation-anammox systems, one-reactor 254
volumetric conversion limitations of 257
Nitritation reactor, in anammox process 243
Nitrite, accumulation in lakes, microorganisms and 384
and ammonium, distribution and supply in oxygen
minimum zones 224
conversion of ammonia to 14
inhibition/toxicity in anammox process 238
metabolism of, ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and 287
oxidation of 267
and energy generation 279
mechanism of, and electron flow, in nitrite-
oxidizing bacteria 278 280
taxonomy/systematics of 268
oxidation of ammonium to 325

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Nitrite oxidizers, and wastewater treatment 306

cultivated 349
environmental distribution of 304
Nitrite-oxidizing bacteria, ammonia-oxidzing
bacteria, and anainmox bacteria, competition
between 242 243
as autotrophic 334
as slow-growing bacteria 403
autotrophy and carboxysomes of 283 285
behavior of, in coculture with ammonia-oxidizing
bacteria 287
carbon storage and metabolism of 283
catalysis of oxidation of nitrite to nitrate 295
cultured species of, properties of 269
diversity, and environmental distribution of 296
environmental genomics, and ecophysiology of 295
effects of mixed carbon and energy sources on 286
growth characteristics of 273
heterotrophic growth of 273
in biotechnology 296
at low oxygen concentration 288
in the ocean 330
isolation of 4
metabolism and genomics of 267
microaerophily and 332
nitrite level, pH, and temperature influencing 273
nitrite oxidation mechanism and electron flow in 278 280
nitrite oxidoreductase operons of 277 278 279
Nitrospina abundance and 336
NxrA proteins of 313 315
organic carbon metabolism in 284
pH tolerance and 288

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Nitrite-oxidizing bacteria, ammonia-oxidzing (Cont.)

phylogenetic affiliations of, phylogenetic tree
showing 297 298
physiology and metabolism of 275
transmission electron microscopic images of 272 274
ultrastructural features of 272
Nitrite-oxidizing system, genetic and biochemical
structure of 275
Nitrite oxidoreductase 100 299 349
0f”Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii” 311
Nitrite oxidoreductase operons, in cytoplasmic
membrane of Nitrobacter 278 280
of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria 277
of Nitrobacter winogradskyi 278
Nitrobacter 267 295 297 330
349 359
ecophysiology and niche partitioning of 308
enriched from active sludge 274
genomes of 268 334
core analysis of 272
general characteristics of 268
size of 269
global gene conservation in 269 270
in environmental samples, identification of 299
in soil 375
isolates, sources for 297
K/r-hypothesis for 309
NirK and nitric acid in 282
nitrite-oxidizing 268
unique genes and putative functional biases in 271
Nitrobacter alkalicus 297

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Nitrobacter hamburgensis 268 270 281 284

286 287 297 299
plasmids in 270
Nitrobacter vulgaris 297 299
Nitrobacter winogradskyi 268 270 280 281
283 287 297 299
electron micrographs of 274
NirK function and nitric oxide metabolism in 283
nitrite oxidoreductase operons of 278
RuBisCO and carboxysome genes in 284 285
Nitrobacteraceae 39
Nitrococcus 296 297 300 349
Nitrococcus mobilis 268 300 330
electron micrographs of 274
Nitrogen, as essential element 3 325
as limiting nutrient for primary production 326 328
assimilation of, for biosynthesis 282
biological, removal processes, in wastewater
treatment plants 403
budget of, total global benthic and pelagic 230
demand for, crenarchaeal cell numbers and 334
deposition of, and N-saturated soils 364
distribution in field, livestock grazing and 356
fixed 3
loss from oxygen-depleted zones 339
replenishment of pool of 4
fluxes in ocean 332
mineralized to ammonium 326
pollution of inland waters by 383
processes for removal of, anammox process and 241
range of oxidation states of 3
removal from wastewater 254

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Nitrogen balance, oceanic 7

Nitrogen cycle, biological 326 327
in deep ocean 337
marine 325
microbial, processes of 58
nitrification and 3 325
soil 347
Nitrogen cycling 3 327
and nitrous oxide, in oxygen minimum zones 337
in marine environment 325
Nitrogen fertilization 358
Nitrogen oxides, ammonia oxidizers and 368
Nitrogen pollution, as environmental threat 109
Nitrogen treatment systems, engineered, aerobic
ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in 46
Nitrosocaldus yellowstonii 120 131
Nitrosococcus 13 329
Nitrosococcus oceani 12 64 65 330
in somum circuit and proton circuit 76
Nitrosocyanin 26
Nitrosomonadaceae 13 59
Nitrosomonas 329 358 408
ammonia-oxidzing bacteria of 42
Nitrosomonas communis 389 390
Nitrosomonas europaea 11 12 13 64
74 97 98 348
351 354 389 409
activity of ammonia in 20
ammonia oxidation and nitrifier denitrification
in 98
ammonia-treated vermiculite and 351

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Nitrosomonas europaea (Cont.)

ammonium transport Rh-type protein, X-ray
crystal structure of 29
as ammonia monooxygenase operon 19
central carbon metabolism in 27 28
genes for iron accumulation in 30
glycogen granules in cells of 27 28
intracytoplasmic membranes in 12 16
lithoheterotrophic growth of 26
nitrate reduction and 281
nitrous oxide production in 106 107
Rh-type transporter in 29
transcription of 20
Nitrosomonas eutropha 12 13 23
nitrate reduction and 281
Nitrosomonas halophila 391
Nitrosomonas nitrosa 389
Nitrosomonas oligotropha 353 389 391 392
395 396 409 413
in rivers and streams 397
in water column 392
Nitrosomonas ureae 391
Nitrosopumilus maritimus 6 329 332 355
amino acid utilization of gene in 130
ammonia oxidation in, stoichiometry and kinetics
of 122
as cultivated archaeal ammonia oxidizer 160
carbon fixation and autotrophic growth in 138
cell division in, hybrid machinery for 145 146
cells of 160
copper-based electron transfer systems and 135

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Nitrosopumilus maritimus (Cont.)

copper-containing nitrite reductases and 137 138
copper homeostasis and 136
genome of 338
biosynthesis of amino acids in 140
biosynthesis of novel phosphonates by 141
genes of 133
mixotrophy and metabolic versatility of 141 142
richness in general transcription factors 131 143
glycolysis and gluconeogenesis pathway of 140 141
hierarchical clustering of 147 148
inhibition ofgrowth of 135
similarity to marine metagenome sequences in 145
Nitrosopumilus maritimus SCM1 117
and Cenarchaeum symbiosum, genoines of, synteny
plot comparing 126 128
circular chromosome of 126 127
cytoplasmic membrane of 120 121
genome features of 128
genome trends of 126
Nitrososphaera gargensis 131 135 147 167
171 196 197
Nitrosospira 12 13 16 329
349 350 354 356
364 408 409
ammonia-oxidizing bacteria of 42
in sediment 392
rRNA gene sequences of, comparisons of 49
Nitrosovibrio 16

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Nitrospina 296 297 300 341

electron micrographs of 272 274
in nitrification in marine ecosystems 300
Nitrospina gracilis 300 330
Nitrospina moscoviensis 330
Nitrospira 267 295 297 301
341 349 350 359
369 370
ecophysiology and niche partitioning of 308
growth of 360 361
K/r-hypothesis for 309
phylogenies, phylogenetic tree of 303
RubisCO-like protein of 314 316
sublineages of 306
characteristics of 305
Nitrospira briensis 351
Nitrospira marina 301 304 331
marine sponges 304
Nitrospira moscoviensis 301 303 304 312
Nitrospira winogradskyi 351
Nitrotoxa, electron micrographs of 272 274
“Nitrotoga” 296 297 298 301
Nitrous oxide, and nitrogen cycling, in oxygen
minimum zones 337
apparent oxygen utilization and 338
denitrification and 7
denitrifiers and nitrifiers and 368
in water column, and nitrification 388
produced by nitrification versus denitrification
discrimination of 107
production by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria 72 107 338

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Nitrous oxide, and nitrogen cycling, in oxygen (Cont.)

production by ammonia-oxidizing nonlithotrophic
bacteria 72
production of, in Nitrosomonas europaea 106 107
transformation of, ammonia oxidation and
nitrification and 84

Ocean, ammonia-oxidizing Archaea in 165

carbon and nitrogen fluxes in 332
deep, nitrogen cycle in 337
rates of nitrification in 328
nitrification in 325
distribution and rates of 326
nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in 330
open, rates of nitrification in 328
surface, nitrification in 328
Oceanic oxygen minimum zone, in North Pacific 334
Octaheme cytochrome c proteins 79 80
Oligochaetes, in sediment 396
Open reading frames, in ammonia oxidation 13 20
in Nitrospina 300
Organic material, vertical flux of 335
Oxic/anoxic interface, linkages between nitrification
and denitrification across 339 340
2–Oxidoreductases, increased diversity of, and redox
interactions 82
2xoglutarate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase, of
“Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii” 317

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Oxygen, anammox process and 241 242

apparent utilization of, relationship to nitrous
oxide 338
diffusion of, and limitation of, in soils 367
sensitivity of anammox bacteria to 223
Oxygen concentration, dissolved, effect on wastewater
treatment 406
low, nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in 288
Oxygen-depleted zones, anammox in 325
importance in oceanic nitrogen cycle 338
loss of flxed nitrogen in 339
Oxygen minimum zones, anainniox bacteria in 201
and suboxic waters, global distribution of 218
distribution and supply of nitrite and ammonium
in 224
dstribution of anaminox bacteria in, and effect of
sulfide 220
DNRA as source of aininonium in 229
nitrous oxide and nitrogen cycling in 337
oceanic, anaerobic ammonium oxidation in 218

Paracoccus pantotrophus GB17 99 100 101

heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic
denitrification in 99
Paryphoplasm 189
PCR, cultivation-independent quantitative 354 376
pH, and ammonia concentration, effect on wastewater
treatment 405
as influence on nitrite-oxidizing bacterial growth 273
influence on soil ammonia oxidizer communities 363
low, effects of, protection of soil nitrifiers fkoni 352

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pH, and ammonia concentration, effect on wastewater (Cont.)

growth and activity of laboratory cultures at 360
nitrification in 352
of soil 359
as predictor of bacterial diversity 48
tolerance of, and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria 288
variations in, influence on phylotypes 171
Phosphonates, novel, biosynthesis by Nitrosopumilus
maritimus 141
Planctomyetales 188 189
Plants, preferences for ammonium and nitrate 355
Potamogeton pectinatus 393 394
Proteobacteria 391 408
Pseudomonas putida DSMZ–1088–260 101
Pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase, of “Candidatus
Nitrospira defluvii” 317

Quinone pool, hydroxylamine oxidoreductase

electron transport and 25

Rhizosphere 367
River sediments, nitrification in 385
Rivers, lineage segregation in 393
nitrification in 387
rTCA cycle 317
as pathway for autotrophic carbon fixation 317
“Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii” and 316
RuBisCO, and carboxysome structural genes, in
nitrite-oxidizing bacteria 284 285

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RubisCO-like protein, of Nitruspira 314 316

Sediments, aquatic, ammonia-oxidizing Archaea in 166

anammox bacteria in 204
benthic, global significance of anammox
bacteria in 217
fueling of anammox bacteria in 206
homogenized, distribution and activity of
anammox bacteria in 204 207 208
intact, production of dinitrogen gas in 211
intact cores of, anammox bacteria in 211
Shinella zoogloeoides 413
Sludge process, activated, nitrification in 418
zeolite in 408
Sludge system(s), activated, floc of 411 412 413
for nitrogen removal 410
in situ activity measurement in 413
nitrifying bacteria in, phylogeny and spatial
distribution of 410
Sludge(s), activated, bulk oxygen concentration and 413
nitrifying activated, sequence reads from 307
Soil nitrifiers, activity of 376
and nitrification 347
conmlunity composition of 347 375
current questions and future research in 373
growth and inhibition of 351
protection from effects of low pH 352
recovery from starvation 352
surface attachment of 350
Soil nitrogen cycle 347

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Soils, acid, ammonia oxidizer abundance in 362

nitrification in 361
aerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in 47
ammonia and nitrite oxidizer communities
relationships of 367
ammonia oxidizers and 348
ammonia-oxidizing Archaea in 163 169
ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, and ammonia-
oxidizing Archaea, contribution to
ammonia oxidation in 169 172
archaeal ammonia oxidizers in, cell activities and
abundances to assess 355
effects of, on ammonia availability 353
heterogeneity of, consequences for nitrifier
communities 366
influence of pH variations in 171
meadows, nitrification in 370
N-saturated, nitrogen deposition and 364
nitrification of, and nitrifying bacteria 347
current questions and future research in 373
enrichment and isolation in 374
methods of 374
process measurements of 376
soil nitrifiers and 347
substrate supply and 353
nitrifier-denitrification in 368
oxygen diffusion and limitation in 367
particles of, ammonia oxidizers and 350
pH of 359
as predictor of bacterial diversity 48

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Soils, acid, ammonia oxidizer abundance in (Cont.)

structure of, heterogeneity of, and
microenvironments 365
temperature kinetics reflected in 369
Solids (biomass) retention time, for control of
microorganisms in nitrification 404
Streams, nitrification in 387
Sucrose, ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and 27
Sulfide, effect of, distribution of ananmiox in oxygen
miminum zones and 220
Sulfur oxidation, lithotrophic 101

Temperature, effect on wastewater treatment 407

effects on nitrification 369
Terrestrial systems, aerobic ammonia-oxidizing
bacteria in 47
Thaumarchaeota 161
Thermocline, nitrate beneath 385 386
Transmission electron microscopic images, of nitrite-
oxidizing bacteria 272 274
Turf grass systems, and nitrification 358

Vermiculite, ammonia-treated, Nitrosomonas europaea

and 351

Wastewater, anammox derived from 339

digested food industry effluents and manures in
anammox process and 250

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Wastewater, anammox derived from (Cont.)

municipal, organic material and ammonia nitrogen
management of 404 406
nitrogen removal from 254
removal of ammonium from 237
treatable, application of anammox process to 249
treatment of, nitrite oxidizers and 306
Wastewater systems, aerobic ammonia-oxidizing
bacteria in 46
Wastewater treatment 6
effect of ammonia concentration and pH on 405
fluorescence in situ hybridization in 306 409
niche separation in 408
nitrification in 403
Wastewater treatment plants, structure of ammonia-
oxidizing bacteria in, environmental factors
influencing 411
chlorination in 310
factors affecting nitrifying activity in 405
municipal, reject water from, anammox process for 249
nitrification in 403
modeling study for 418
Water column, and sediment, in lakes, interaction of 385 386
Waters, inland, nitrification in 383
Winogradsky, Sergej 4 295

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