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Sabbat: Le Cirque des Reves (Part 2) - End of Chronicle Phase

Point of Contact: aaNST Sabbat CoS – or ANST Sabbat

UPDATE 2/2017
After being moved by the Vidusaka to the Carpathian Mountains a number of PC’s created their
own realities with the help of Ravnos. These realities were put on display for Tzimisce who’s adherence
to metamorphosis tempted him into the Dream. He know exists split across an ever growing number of
realities as he continues to attempt to evolve. This is having a minor effect on Ravnos ability to control
the Dream. VSS’s running the circus plotline should simply have minor glitches effect whatever illusions
are happening. In an effort to “water down” the realities that Tzimisce is creating (as we assume a 3rd
gen on metamorphosis has a larger imagination than say a PC). Ravnos is no longer hiding the fact that
he himself is the circus. His body was destroyed as it was in canon with a combination of
mages/hunters/spirit nukes. He exists now as a chimerical illusion and a gateway to the Dream which is
essentially any reality you want, the nexus of those realities would be Arcadia (for the purposes of this
chronicle vampires are not going to Arcadia unless they are Kiasyd). This plotkit can be used as an
endgame storyline. If players have lost interest in the venue and want a way to wrap up their story this
will be one of them. Please see below:

Phase 2
Life is full of choices, what if every time you had a choice, the possible choices you had
all evolved in another reality. What if you had decided to do something else the day you walked
down that alleyway and ended up embraced. What if you decided not to join the anarch revolt.
Players who are struggling to stay interested in the venue or new arrivals to the circus (and old
ones who have a new interest) get the following “vision”:

Imagine a life where dreams unfold

Your imagination’s alive.
And stories are lived, not told.
Where the unbelievable thrives,
Inspiration patins you.
You are the canvas,
Completely blank.
Your ideas are the infinite colors of pain.
Dreams are awaken when you are.
Your hopes and aspirations all around.
Your inspiration for this world lies beneath the skin.
By the sweet smell of a flower or any feeling within.
This dream world can be very much real.
Players that choose to enter the circus are now overwhelmed with the following
● Ravnos is not dead. The concept of destroying the embodiment of unrealized
possibility “doesn’t compute”.
● Ravnos continues to exist as a gateway to those other possibilities. He is the Le
Cirque des Reves
● When last the Red Star rose in the heavens, many expected great and terrible
things, but it was not the nightmare the vampires expected. However, that is not to
say that every dream was pleasant.
● What is not known to most is that the founder of the Ravnos has indeed stirred
from his slumber, and through his dreams he has begun to stir all those who
follow the Path of Paradox. He senses the world is in crisis and he has begun to
construct a new world for those who have the sense and the will to live in it.
Those who have glimpsed this world have taken many forms – some deny it,
some find it maddening, but there are those who have chosen to herald this dream.
They are Le Cirque des Rêves…
● In cities across the world this traveling circus arrives, setting up in the dead of
night and staying for as long as they like (or until someone is foolish enough to
try and run them out of town). Those who enter inside of the big black tents are
treated to sensations that defy the imagination…they are pushed to the limits of
their bodies and minds and those who survive this crucible are left changed.
● Anyone, mortal or supernatural, can join the circus. That is why they come – to
share the dream with this world and to show those who are ready a path to the
Motivations: The player has entertained the notion that if he had chosen differently the
world would be drastically different for him and possibly for others. No longer content to follow
the Sabbat into what appears to be an endless army of antediluvians and heretical alliances the
PC now wishes to create his own reality, to become his own God (or something else). The
Vidusaka that sacrificed themselves to remove Tzimisce now exist in the Dream as heralds of
Ravnos, they are now “employees” of the circus, when not existing in their created
universe/reality. If you do not have a PC Vidusaka than an NPC vampire who has become part of
Ravnos can be created to introduce this phase of the plot. They will gladly welcome any Cainites
who will listen and learn, and especially their fellow Clanmates. The Vidusaka (PC OR NPC)
*must* preach about the choices made in life and how they could have gone differently. This can
largely be explored with usage of Chimeristry and the player or ST’s imagination. Example the
chimerical incarnation PC rejoins his pack: Remember when we blew up that tanker truck the
other day and you thought I died. What if we hadn’t done that, and instead we decided to do a
pack ritae as part of the pack. That tanker truck never exploded, and this homeless guy never
died, instead we ended up embracing him, and he became a powerful Cainite… etc etc. The goal
is simply for the newly interested PC to be allowed to explore the other choices he could have
made with his PC brethren. Once the PC finds and discusses a past fork in the road, and a
different choice to make that would have led to a different life path for him the PC can choose to
“live” in this reality. Example, what if I never went to get a condom that night in the middle of a
date, maybe I wouldn’t have been embraced at 7-11 and instead fell in love with that girl and
married her forever.

*NOTE* Vidusaka DO NOT have to retire to the dream. For the purposes of this plotkit
though there can be one so that players can interact with it and decide for themselves. PC’s who
have not retired to the dream continue to hold the Vidusaka status with no pressure to retire to the
dream as they are still working towards Ravnos’ goals.

Mechanical Notes:
● Appearance: The player appears as a more extreme version of himself. In dreams certain
aspects of a person are usually accentuated. The player should remain familiar but clearly
be different in some way.
● You have no aura, yet you possess all the colors of all auras.
● Your creature type registers as “everything”

The player has the following sheet options:

Your character as it concerns a PC slot is now retired. Apps are removed as if the
character died. The VST can allow the player to portray their character to help run the plotkit for
others with the following NPC stats:

A chimerical incarnation is a 6-point Stock NPC with 12 points of Blood. It possesses the
powers Passion (you can only heighten your target's emotions) and Heightened Senses, but does
not have access to other Auspex or Dementation powers. It has specializations in your choice of
one of the physical disciplines (Potence, Celerity, and Fortitude), one of the following disciplines
(Chimerstry, Presence) and Obfuscate. Additionally, you may select three other skill focuses to
possess. Unlike a stock NPC you have three willpower. You also have the flaws Dark Fate and
Gehenna Prophet, meaning if you use all three willpower you are dead with no chance of
returning. The player survives until it discovers a choice in its head it would have done
differently and how that would have changed its life. The PC then lives out this other reality and
is considered removed from chronicle.
*A special note for players attending NCRE there will be an area where the Vidusaka and
Ravnos gather*

Read the entire plotkit thoroughly. VSTs have a lot more freedom with this kit at this time. After
the plot kit has been run, if you created a notable item or NPC please email a short report to the
point of contact so it may be included in the overall kit. If you come across questions,
comments, or problems related to this plot kit, alert the point of contact as soon as possible.  

Plot Overview
When last the Red Star rose in the heavens, many expected great and terrible things, but it was
not the nightmare the vampires expected. However, that is not to say that every dream was
What is not known to most is that the founder of the Ravnos has indeed stirred from his
slumber, and through his dreams he has begun to stir all those who follow the Path of Paradox.
He senses the world is in crisis and he has begun to construct a new world for those who have
the sense and the will to live in it. Those who have glimpsed this world have taken many forms –
some deny it, some find it maddening, but there are those who have chosen to herald this
dream. They are Le Cirque des Rêves…
In cities across the world this traveling circus arrives, setting up in the dead of night and staying
for as long as they like (or until someone is foolish enough to try and run them out of town).
Those who enter inside of the big black tents are treated to sensations that defy the
imagination…they are pushed to the limits of their bodies and minds and those who survive
this crucible are left changed.
Anyone, mortal or supernatural, can join the circus. That is why they come – to share the dream
with this world and to show those who are ready a path to the next.
The Ravnos who have joined Le Cirque des Rêves are testing the Path of Paradox on the mortal
world in order to recruit those who are worthy of the dream to follow. They practice a syncretic
version of the Path that may seem chaotic and bizarre to those PCs who are on the Path.
However, they will gladly welcome any Cainites who will listen and learn, and especially their
fellow Clanmates.
The circus will stay in town a few months on average (maybe much longer though); it does not
matter how many towns that they are in at a single time (note: 1 circus per VSS), and all of the
circuses are the same…they are all manifestations of the dreams of the Ravnos Antediluvian.
Those who join the circus become part of it and when the circus leaves their dream selves travel
with it (see mechanics below).
While in town any number of tricks and tests will be made to the general mortal populace
(potentially causing the attention of mortal agencies and/or Caiphus Smith to turn towards the
city and threatening the Silence); VSTs are encouraged to utilize Chimerstry in creative ways to
alter the landscape of the city, to create ‘events’ that come and go, and even imaginary
creatures roaming the city (see mechanics below). If left alone they will stay longer – if some of
the PCs approach in a non-hostile way the circus will seek to convert them – but if the PCs try to
harm them or stop their efforts the city risks the Treatment, and the dreams they are sharing
will become a nightmare for all.
Mortals (NPCs) who join the circus appear to die from various causes (accidents, murders, etc.)
– and roughly 10-15% of the population of the city will convert before the circus leaves town
(possibly causing issues for PCs with Allies, Contacts, Herd, Influences, or Retainers). They
become members of the audience at each show, made entirely from dreams of themselves
awaiting full entry into whatever awaits after the circus has finished its rounds.
PCs who join the circus become its ambassadors, knowing that when they come to fully
understand the illusion they will transcend it.

Requirements to Participate
This plotkit is intended to encourage players to consider the true otherness of Paths and to
encourage them to question the assumptions they have made about what is real. This plotkit
can and should be used as a justification for PCs to alter their existing Morality to the Path of
Paradox, as well as to question whether the rules of the Sabbat or its goals are meaningful at all.
A Top Approval Application should be entered into the database for tracking purposes. Please
use the other category and the title: Path Change: Ravnos Plotkit.
All Ravnos PCs or those who are on the Path of Paradox are approached when the circus first
arrives in town and invited to the opening night performance – offer them the chance to join
the circus immediately (see Embracing the Illusion below) but they are not required to take the
offer just yet.
The basic crux of the offer is to join the circus and accept that this reality is only a test, and that
if the can fully embrace the dream it will replace this reality. Weave this tale however you wish
but in a way that will seem compelling…the choice should be difficult but should feel

Plot Limitations
The most difficult part of selling this plot is to give the players a sense of otherness in a venue
that revels in its monstrous nature. VSTs may need to try multiple approaches to cause the
players to question their assumptions about the world. One primary way to do this may be to
allow the players to buy off their Flaws after appropriate roleplay, or to alter their Merits or gain
new ones (all appropriate XP expenditures apply – this plot simply provides justification).
Converting any PCs to Paradox and to membership in the circus may cause questions of loyalty
for those PCs as well. In addition, the Inquisition may take great offense to the Path’s view of
the Cosmos. You should not hesitate to let them run with whatever views they come to – after
all – if reality is uncertain, it is possible that they could be right. The big top tent can always get

Possible Complications
If the circus is ignored completely then ultimately they will just fade away; however, the larger
complications may be in the players over-reacting with the typical ‘get a bigger hammer’
problem-solving techniques as this should invoke a heavy cost (see The Treatment below).
Please note that there is no requirement for Ravnos PCs or any PC on the Path of Paradox to
participate in the circus or to join them in any way; however, if they DO join the circus, please
contact the Plotkit PoCs and let them know the relevant PC information (Player name and email,
Character name, etc)

Mechanic Notes
The Path of Paradox is complex. The sins listed in the book only touch the surface:
(from page 258) You do not gain Beast traits when revealing a
truth to someone unaware of that information, or when erasing a
karmic debt. If you voluntarily ignore an opportunity to pursue a
hidden truth, you gain Beast traits as though you committed a
level 1 sin. If you hinder change or fail to promote chaos, or allow
others to ignore their dharma and stagnate, you gain Beast traits
as though you committed a level 4 sin.
This means that those on this path must try to uncover the truth about the world at all times
and must share what they believe to be the truth when the opportunity arises. They know that
this stagnant world is meaningless and that only by letting it go entirely can the truth be seen.
To show this they must change what others accept as reality – and especially regarding stagnant
concepts such as ownership or possessions, mastery and slavery, and any other social norms
(including the norms of the Sabbat).
1. While the circus is in town, all Ravnos or any PC on the Path of Paradox may participate
in any ritae regardless of faction. In addition, no matter what behavior they display, they
are always considered True Sabbat and their participation does not disrupt ritae in any
2. While the circus is in town, all Ravnos or any PC on the Path of Paradox may ignore the
censure and punishments of any 1 Negative Status that they hold each night. They still
possess the status; it simply does not apply for that night
3. While the circus is in town, all Ravnos or any PC on the Path of Paradox may possess 1
fewer Fleeting Status maximum – this is cumulative to any Status Bans they may be
The Path of Paradox teaches that all existence is fluid and malleable. Nothing is
permanent or real. The universe is an ever-shifting vortex, and all in it is composed of
variable amounts of ethereal matter. According to the Path of Paradox, Kindred are
locked perpetually outside the illusory cycle of the universe (maya). Whereas most
beings are reincarnated through samsara, a continual "entanglement" in the cycle of
rebirth, Kindred have eluded that cycle. Every individual has his own purpose, or
svadharma, although vampires, excluded from the cycle, have lost theirs. In place of
their original svadharma, each Kindred must now try to advance maya, hopefully
understanding it in the process and finally penetrating the great illusions that shroud
the ultimate Truth from their eyes, in order to find and understand the new
svadharma of their current form. A usual mean for this end is accepting two
contradicting things as true and finding meaning in Paradox. The Path of Paradox is
arduous and demanding, since, to truly uphold the code, one must glean important
grains of information from those with whom one conspires, in order to understand
their svadharma better. Many of the Ravnos' deceptions are, in reality, complicated
tests purveyed to cause the subject to reveal hidden aspects of himself, helping the
Rakshasa to show the wayward vampire his true purpose.
The circus can use Chimerstry all across the city and any creations it makes last the entire night
(as if Permanency was used); consider the base Pool of 12 for purposes of Auspex tests. Create
buildings, bridges, crowds and parades…make them colorful or colorless, frightening or
fantastic, and feel free to switch it up nightly. Remember than normal sunlight dispels
everything each day, although indoor and underground illusions last. As a consequence, the
landscape of the city should change or alter, especially to the advantage of the circus.
Remember that Chimerstry cannot make anything invisible but it can change the appearance; in
addition, objects can be created that seem real. Add buildings, or cars, or persons as needed.
Material goods should be misplaced or stolen with reckless abandon. Some or even most item
cards should be lost between games (target any that get used on a particular night because that
makes it ‘shiny’). Give these items to the circus to use and do not hesitate to show members of
the circus in possession of them if appropriate (customized weapons or equipment especially
because that is most noticeable).
Alternately or additionally, utilize the mechanics of certain Flaws and apply them as needed.
The following Flaws can be used to represent the effects that the circus can inflict: some kinds
of Eerie Presence (creating illusions attached to a specific PC), Haunted (although Necromancy
is useless to mitigate it), Obvious Predator, Pied Piper, and Trouble Magnet. These do not have
mechanical penalties but should be roleplayed.
VSTs are encouraged to place PCs into situations that force them to directly confront their
weaknesses. Utilizing the effects of Chimerstry, cause their encounters with NPCs to be replaced
by dream versions, so that behaviors of NPCs will be different than expected, or the results of
their efforts may be different as well. They may encounter the same opponents over and over
again, perhaps…inhumane vampires should encounter and deal with ‘normal’ mortals so they
have to confront their own sense of other-ness, and so on. Be creative!
Some uses of Backgrounds and especially Influences will succeed but with unexpected effects.
For example, the use of Influences to provide Free Travel may result in a limousine ride from a
clown, or a Lockdown action that is the sudden appearance of a street performance by the
circus. Chimerical NPCs may recognize that the PCs are vampires but they may act as if that is
perfectly normal, or they may suddenly be hostile to the PCs. Allies and Contacts may provide
information in the form of riddles or the items they provide or tasks they perform are done so
with a twist…the intent is to encourage the PCs to interact with the circus rather than ignore it
– be equal opportunity to all PCs rather than just effecting a few and this will be received better.

Each month that the circus is in town inflicts increasing levels of Indirect Influence attacks
against EVERY PC in the venue (except those who have made peaceful contact with the circus –
see Understanding the Illusion and Embracing the Illusion below) – the number of attacks are:
2 levels during the 1st month, 4 levels during the 2nd month, to a maximum of 6 levels during the
3rd and later months)
PC Responses:
I think I have the major bases covered below…
1) The ignore it and hope it goes away approach – the effects and frequency of the above
effects should increase each month as shown above – exactly 90 days after the circus arrives
in town, and if they have not been directly attacked (see [4] below) during that time the
circus will leave. All of the above effects are inflicted on ALL PCs except those who have
fulfilled the requirements of Understanding the Illusion or Embracing the Illusion (see

2) The indirect approach – in general, any attempt to use Allies or Retainers against the circus
fail. Use of Influences to attack the circus reduce the number of circus performers by 1 for
every 2 attack actions spent by PCs (for example, if various PC’s expend 10 Attack actions
then 5 of the stock NPCs shown below are deleted for 1 month) and should result in an
additional number of Indirect Influence attack reflected back on the PC that equals the
actions used. For example, if a PC uses one action to try and attack the circus, respond with
+1 Indirect Attack actions over and above the current monthly effects (to a maximum of 12
total Indirect attack actions). These kinds of non-direct attacks do not compel the circus to
stay in town longer…
a) During the 1st month of this plotkit, ALL PCs are hit with 2 Indirect Attacks which will
likely cause the loss of 1 DT action. In the 2nd month they are all hit with 4, but if any PCs
attempt to spend actions to attack the circus, those PCs will be hit with additional
Indirect attacks individually up to a maximum combined total of 12 Indirect Actions (loss
of 6 DTs/Backgrounds) per PC…the circus has no limit to the number of actions they can
take so having many PCs attacking them will just result in many sad PCs.

3) The direct approach – sometimes the squeaky wheel does need the grease. If ALL of the PCs
fulfill the requirements of Understanding or Embracing the Illusion below, the circus will
leave town the following night and all circus related effects end (since there are now no
targets left)
a) Understanding the illusion: If the PCs contact the circus, attend shows, and discuss
Paradox and the reality of the world, the circus will treat them as a friend and any PC
who does so will no longer be subject to the thefts and pranks listed above. These
discussions require the expenditure of 2 Willpower which returns at a rate of 1 WP per
month. Obviously, this means that some PCs may initially decline the discussions, so
some members of a Pack might be seen as friendly while others are not. However, the
PCs may instead choose to Embrace the Illusion...
b) Embracing the illusion: If the PCs choose to believe in the tenets of Paradox and join the
circus then they will absolutely be accepted and all pranks and problems will cease for
them – this grants justification to adopt the Path of Paradox (merits may be renegotiated
as needed to make room for the Path – old Paths may be shed and replaced by Path of
Paradox at VST discretion) and may even potentially provide justification to learn
Chimerstry from an NPC teacher (Top Approval still applies). Buying the Path of Paradox
is not required. Those who join gain the Abiding Status: Vidusaka…
i) Vidusaka: Literally meaning ‘clown’, this status signifies those who will act to spread
the word of Paradox to the world and welcome others to join the dream. All PCs who
accept this status must please submit a LOW NOTIFICATION and send an email to the
plotkit PoCs for tracking and future plot effects!
(1) Passive - This status is visible to any other member of the circus and is
immediately recognized even through the use of Obfuscate or other means of
disguise. Those who possess this status my utilize the Assist Attacker or Assist
Defender maneuver for free once per scene/combat so long as the target of this
maneuver is someone else who also possesses this status. Those who possess
this status may expend 1 Willpower in Downtimes to grant this status to another;
Willpower expended this way recovers at a rate of 1 per month. This status is
immediately lost (and all effects expended without benefit) if the PC attacks
another character who possesses this status – it can only be regained through
retraining by another Vidusaka or by approaching the circus directly.
(2) Spent – This status can be expended when someone awards you negative status,
and that negative status is negated before it is applied. The same character
cannot attempt to award you negative status for the rest of the evening.
Alternately, this status may be spent to reduce the Beast traits currently held by
another Vidusaka to zero. Finally, this status can be spent to award or remove the
status of Chandala to a target…
ii) Chandala: Literally meaning ‘one who touches corpses’, this Negative status has the
following effects while possessed
(1) Censure: As an exception to the rule that status cannot cross sects, all characters
can be subjected to this status. The Chandala status lasts until removed by a
Vidusaka or until 1 full game or 1 month has passed, whichever is longer.
(2) Punishment: While you carry the Chandala status, you are a target for the circus.
Your car may be stolen, your mortal acquaintances attacked, and your resources
purloined. While under this Censure you do not have access to your backgrounds
or influences while in the same Domain as any Vidusaka. If you haven in a
territory that a Vidusaka dwells in, that haven will be discovered by the circus
within two nights. If you bring Retainers into this territory, they will be destroyed
the minute they leave your side. All Vidusaka immediately recognize this status
and know by whom and why it was inflicted (as per Leadership at no cost).

4) The really direct approach – a punch in the face makes you feel better, right?
a) Fighting the illusion: If the PCs choose to attack the circus, consider the following
information to provide adversaries for the PCs to fight. If ALL of the adversaries are
defeated the circus will leave the following day. However, if even one survives the night
then the circus will regenerate at the beginning of the next month at full strength. If
attacked they will not leave the city until one of the above conditions (options 1, 2, or 3)
are met.
i) Sutradhara (puppetmasters) - Create approximately one full sheet NPC Ravnos for
every 4 PCs in the venue if you wish (rounded up – so if you have 10 PCs then use 3
Full Sheet NPCs) --- as an alternate, duplicate the sheets of several of the PCs but
give them different faces (usually behind a Chimerical mask)
ii) Most of the NPC members of the circus are called Nayaka (hero) and Nayika
(heroine) and they are living dreams utilizing the following templates – they should
number 3x the total number of PCs in the venue (so in a 10 person venue there are
30 of these). Example types of these NPCs include (but are not limited to):
(1) Acrobats NPC Rating: 5; Specialties Athletics, Melee, Subterfuge, Fortitude,
Chimerstry; Blood: 10/1 per round; Health: 5; May use the Waking Dream merit
1x per scene
(2) Beastmasters NPC Rating: 5; Specialties Animal Ken, Melee, Subterfuge,
Animalism, Chimerstry; Blood: 10/1 per round; Health: 5; May use Fenrir’s Boon
at will
(a) Each Beastmaster will have animals pre-summoned (use Beckoning as a
(3) Mentalists NPC Rating: 5; Specialties Investigation, Melee, Subterfuge, Auspex,
Chimerstry; Blood: 10/1 per round; Health: 5; May use the Waking Dream merit
1x per scene
(4) Rakes NPC Rating: 5; Specialties Dodge, Melee, Subterfuge, Potence, Fortitude;
Blood: 10/1 per round; Health: 5; May use combat Maneuvers based on Strength
b) The Treatment: The circus will defend itself, but it will not generally wage a direct
offensive. Instead, it will inflict The Treatment on the city. These effects are in addition to
the Indirect Attack actions listed above. The effects of the Treatment are inflicted until 1
full game or 1 full month has passed, whichever is longer. After the Treatment, the clock
on how long the circus will remain in the city resets.
i) ALL PCs (except Vidusaka) are subject to the Gehenna Prophet flaw
ii) ALL PCs (except Vidusaka) are subject to the Hunted flaw
iii) ALL PCs (except Vidusaka) are subject to the Nightmares flaw
iv) ALL Retainers and all Haven Staff or Guards are killed and must be replaced per the
rules for lost Backgrounds found in the BNS book

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