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1) How we add the SP in .net core project.

(Read Migration)

2) Commands for GitHub.

3) CI/CD Pipeline.

4) What is static class and its use.

5) Diffrence between confuguration and configuration services.

6) Azure basic.

7) Authentication and authorization in .net core.

8) How to use JWT tocken.

9) Linq Queries how to write right join and types of join in linq.

10) Dependancy injection.

11) How to create virtual machines in Azure.

12) What is single tone and give scinario base example.

13) Autorization and Authentication in web api.

14) Entity framwork core concepts.

15) SOLID Principalse.

16) What is DI , Types of DI.

17) Diffrence between and Entity framwork.

18) What is reflection in c#.

19) What is tuples in C#.

20) How we can create the secured web api.

21) How can we upload multiple excel sheet in DB (Read :- SSIS)

22) How we can avoid dead locks in DB while multiple user accessing the same table.

23) What code we are write using to submit the data in DB.

24) Diffrence between Abstract and interface , and give schinrio where to use abstrac and interface.

25) Why Arrays are faster that collections.

26) Diffrence between IEnumerable and IQuerable and which is the best approach we can use from both
of them.

27) diffrence between .net and net core.

28) Static class and static methods.

29) Execution life cycle in MVC and net core.

30) query to find nth highest salary (Check using CTE).

31) how to delete duplicate records , keep one record only and delet rest records from the count.

32) how many ways we can implement the Exception handling , how you are implemented in your

33) Steps to do before start the development or do actuall coding.

34) explain the flow of Agile methodalogy in details.

35) MVC filters how to implment give scinario base examples here.

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