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NAFTA, which was established by President Clinton and permits commerce between nations,

has assisted the United States in growing its economy and creating more jobs. Clinton has also
reconciled the hostile relations with South Africa and Vietnam. South Africa's apartheid policy
was repealed, and Clinton then eased the sanctions on them. In 1991, the nation of Yugoslavia
was the target of a diplomatic effort by President Clinton to end the conflict and prevent war.
Clinton launched NATO armed forces against the Serbs when they started fighting and splitting.
The Clinton administration contributed to a stronger economy and a decline in international

Bush also supported Kuwait during the Iraqi war and was worried about the Iraqi leader's
eventual objective of occupying Kuwait's oil wealth. Bush convinced the UN to put together a
coalition to defeat Iraq. 32 countries from around the world made up the coalition. When Iraq
failed to comply with sanctions imposed by the United Nations, the organisation launched
Operation Desert Storm, which ultimately led to Iraq being free to depart Kuwait. Bush signed
the Clean Air Amendment, which was aimed at eliminating acid rains and enhancing ozone
layers, and also added rules that enable physically disabled individuals enjoy the same rights as
persons without disabilities.

I prefer President Bush because he worked to improve international peace by bringing all nations
together to address a single issue, helped people with disabilities by granting them all of their
rights, and implemented the Climate Act, which has helped the entire world reduce acid rain and
improve the ozone layer.

Previous presidents were unable to succeed because of a lack of technology and because they
prioritised winning wars over people's well-being, the economy, and climate change.

Works Cited

Applebome, Peter, and Bill Clinton. “Bill Clinton.” Wikipedia, Accessed 6 August 2022.

Duignan, Brian. “George W. Bush | Biography, Presidency, & Facts.” Encyclopedia Britannica, 2

July 2022, Accessed 6 August


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