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Cognitive Stimulation and
Assessment Software


Easy to install, use and interpret.
Flexible design allowing user modifications and

What is cognitive stimulation?........................................... ..............................3
Extracting data ……………………………………………………………………………………….…… 5
Antisaccade ……………………………………………………………………………………… ..…. ... 12
Attentional Vigilance (the Executive Bird)……………………………………… .. ……. ... 14
Card Classification ……………………………………………………………………………….…….. 16
Flanker perceptual conflict ……………………………………………………………… .... …… 18
Memiconic ………………………………………………………………………………………… .. …… 20
Continuous Performance Task ……………………………………………… …………..… ..... 23
Working Memory ………………………………………………………………………………… ..… .25
Semantic-Episodic Memory …………..………………………………………………… ..… ..… 27
Perception ………………………………………………….…………………………………. ……….… 29
Trail Making System……………………………………………..………………………….….… .... 30
Central Executive System ……………………………………………………………… .. ……… .31
Tables-Arythmetic …………………………………………………………………………………… ..35
Decision Making …………………………………………………………………………….………… .38
Concepts and Letters ………………………………………………………………………………… 41
Culture Club……. ………………………………………………………………………………………...43

What is Cognitive Stimulation?
Cognitive Stimulation is based on the principles of neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity.
It basically means that neural communication is dynamically organized, neurons can
grow (especially in memory-hippocampus areas) and can be reorganized. Based on
these principles, cognitive abilities are stimulated to achieve a better functioning that is
expressed both in clinical cases and in self-improvement. Cognitive processes are the
result of the combination of cognitive abilities. The art of combining them involves
adjusting intensities and time. For example, within the Executive Functions there is
inhibitory control. Optimize inhibitory control (stop responding to an overbearing
stimulus, for example, a person says a phrase with a vehement and aggressive tone, stop
a new aggression, focus only on the content and at the same time warn the other person
that he/she is not using the right tone involves inhibitory control with social cognition).
Cognitive stimulation in its clinical face seeks the development of basic abilities. In the
self-improvement face it looks for optimal combinations. Cognitive stimulation methods
are based on effortful control: The person must have the initiative to "make war on
himself", activate "the agonal spirit", or have a professional person to monitor (Cognitive

Motivation is divided into a) intrinsic b) extrinsic. The professional must consider

whether the task of cognitive stimulation will need a great motivational contribution
from he/she, or if is possible to get the intrinsic motivation of the person. The principles
for performing adequate stimulation are as follows:

a) Have a professionally designed set of Structured Behavioral Samples (SBSs)

b) SBSs must provide performance scores

c) The performance scores must c1) serve as feedback for the stimulated person c2)
provide a performance matrix for the professional

d) Each SBS must have subdivisions with levels, and criteria for upgrading

e) The Cognitive Coach must creatively generate stimulating conditions before starting
the activities

f) The professional must know the SBS in all its details to guide the stimulated person,
providing strategies to perform more effectively

It is important to remember that SBSs are flexible, that new ones can be created, existing
ones modified.

The professional may detect that it is necessary to increase the requirement and should
only request it. It is ideal for the professional to learn to change the parameters himself,
but it is not essential. Also, SBSs should be observed as possible to create, since one can
be combined with another. The sensory modalities used by ECM can be multisensory. It
is important that evaluation scales can be added, for example, of the anxiety of the
person when carrying out the task, before and after. All these data are relevant
according to who is the person who is being stimulated.

Extracting data

Each activity (Structured Behavior Sample-SBS) consists of a set of events. Variables are
activated in each event. The person, through her activity, fills with data the crossing fields of
events and variables. The data matrices record everything that happened during an SBS. To read
the data matrices, go to the "data" folder. Each execution has the following identifiers: a)
participant number b) day b) hour c) minute (they always correspond to the start of the activity).

Once the "data" folder is accessed the data arrays are encoded in .csv files. To read the .csv files
they can be exported to Excel. In its latest versions, Excel made data file extraction significantly
easier. Simply go to the "extract data" tab, then indicate that it is "csv", place import. Excel shows
a sort order, the user must indicate if it is satisfactory. In Cisne Coscoroba, the extraction carried
out by Excel corresponds to the necessary ordering. Therefore, "load data" is placed and the
"csv" file is configured as an "xls" file. To process the values of variables and events it is necessary
to use pivot tables. Pivot tables, as you will see in the examples, sort the fields into rows,
columns, and data. As each SBS has different conditions, it is likely that more than one pivot
table will be performed, as the information is heavily detailed and voluminous. Next we are
going to show examples extracted from the anti-saccade SBS:

Of initial interest is to know the proportional number of correct answers:

In this case there is not much variation, because 100% of the answers were correct. There were
four conditions (each of the directions where an arrow points). It is key to standardize a data
extraction and presentation system because repeated measures are shown in cognitive
stimulation. The repeated measures must be easily comparable. There are variables that are of
interest to the professional because they help to provide strategies to the person. Other
variables are used to show the evolution of performance.


This SBS trains the functioning of the corpus callosum and executive control of the voluntary
ocular motor system. It is also related to perception. It is considered part of executive function
training. It is recommended to move to the next level after obtaining this correct performance

SBSs (in order of difficulty):


2 TOLTECA (95%)

3 GUARANI (95%)

4 AZTECA (90%)

5 INCA (85%)


7 YAMANA (75%)

The expected results depend on the age and amount of training. The probability of hitting by
chance is 25%, therefore the scores range from 25 to 100%. The performance is reported on the
screen according to the four possible arrow positions. The number of hits is placed and the
number of events in that position is placed in parentheses. Detailed performance of each essay
appears in data--> csv. Observing the participant number, date and time, each activity is
encoded in a data matrix.

* Corpus callosum: corner of cerebral white matter that communicates the two cerebral

Performance is categorized based on the four arrow points of orientation. Each person is likely
to have a “weak” performance point. For this, the final configuration must address how the
results were obtained. If there is an orientation that has worse than good performances, it is a
good idea to retest.

Antisaccade events

User command board. Depending on the version, the speed,

and contrasts change. You must choose one of the four
options. The green square indicates where the arrow will NOT


Attentional vigilance training. There are seven levels of demand. As you can commit impulsive
behaviors, omissions (do not press when you must press), and act at a certain speed, a final
score is established, which is the satisfaction index. Before each test, instructions are given on
which style is preferred (a) more conservative, b) prioritize speed over safety, c) prioritize
effectiveness, even if it involves impulsive behaviors d) level excellence.

The final scores (satisfaction index) correspond to a coefficient: It is advisable to advance a level
when the satisfaction index exceeds 7.


Bird 1- Raven

Bird 2- Sparrow

Bird 3- Benteveo

Bird 4- Swallow

Bird 5- Calandria

Bird 6- Seagull

Bird 7- Penguin

Training of perceptual resources with stimulation of inhibitory control (cingulate fascicle,

anterior portion). At the end of the performance, all data is reported, including number of
impulsive behaviors, correct actions, average speed, and satisfaction index.

Executive Care of Birds

Salto: el pajarillo
no comió

a) When the jump occurs, press the space bar

b) Quality parameters change on the speed, jump ratio and contrast presentation

c) In each of the seven task spaces there are different demands, therefore, satisfaction greater
than 7 is obtained according to different performance styles (in seagulls you must respond with
great speed, without being too careful to feed them despite not needing, with the calandrias
you have to follow the opposite pattern, the penguins go at a significantly slower pace)


Executive functions and categorization SBS. The ability to abstract a stimulus space and to emit
behaviors under categorization rules is put to the test. It has three levels:


It is recommended to go to the next level when the number of correct answers exceeds three
times the number of incorrect ones, for example 48 to 16. This paradigm is one of the most used
in evaluation and training of executive functions. We must focus on these key aspects: a)
maintenance of the set: when a person begins to respond correctly, it is a sign that they abruptly
abandon the rule they are following without obeying any strategy b) perseverance: when the
person commits a type of error and continues to classify under the same system, despite the
fact that it continues to indicate error c) random abandonment: the person shows signs that he
is choosing cards without any criteria, impulsively.

Sorting cards SBS

a) Feedback informs if the letter was classified correctly

b) In version c it reports that the classification rule changed, but does not say which one

c) You must classify 64 cards

d) Each classification is being computed in the amount of time it consumes. Access to this data
is found in 'data' (see section on Data Extraction)

CCST includes ‘Learning to Learn’ or learning to learn, which is a version of card classification
that follows a more complex algorithm in the combination of rules. To solve it, it is necessary to
have active metacognition, or knowledge of how it is proceeding, since only by controlling the
procedure (counting the hits, also what kind of behavior was the hit) can it be found which
criteria the task follows.


Executive Attention Test. Associated with the dorsal neural network pathway of executive
functions. It connects the prefrontal regions with the parieto-occipital junction via the three
superior longitudinal fascicles. It has four levels:


2-Flanker Antártida

3-Flanker Patagonia

4-Flanker Ushuaia

On a sequential screen, a central arrow appears pointing left or right. However, this arrow may
appear flanked by arrows going in the same direction or in the opposite direction. It is necessary
to maintain the concentration and the responses with respect to the central arrow, it happens
that the arrows in the same direction favor its detection while those that go in the opposite
direction cause a delay in the response time. It should be possible to respond in less than 500
milliseconds, with a hit rate above 90%. When this is achieved, it is recommended to advance
to the next level. Subsequent levels will change the pressure on response time and the intervals
between stimuli.

Flanker Conflict

Is possible to see the central arrow pointing to the right and the flanks pointing in the opposite
direction. When the data is consulted, it is noticed that this has a cost for the perception, since

it delays the answers. Likewise, there is an effect called sequential, which indicates that, if the
same conflict occurs two or more times in a row, it ceases to have an effect. This is produced by
the strategic habitations that executive functions generate to resolve incongruous perceptual
stimuli. This activity is one of the most widespread in the world to evaluate and stimulate
controlled attentional processes.


Iconic memory is an intermediate system between working memory and implicit memories. It
serves to form traces that are on the edge of the threshold of consciousness. Traces of memory
are preserved for a time that frees the person from the immediate present. It is a reverberant
circuit; it is measured by tests that require the person to emit responses on stimuli of which he
had a meridian consciousness. It is halfway between implicit and explicit memories. This task
works like a clock. The person has four options, which are indicated by a needle that appears
and disappears. Then the person must decide which of the four stimuli was indicated, for
example: D F J K. It is appreciated that F will compete with K and D with J, for the number of
right angles or globality. It should be remembered that at the speed that they appear, in eight
possible positions, those features are probably what are distinguished.

Memiconic Positions

In the infographic are the 8 positions. Each is given a number: the two positions on the right are
5 and 4, the positions on the left are 8 and 1, the positions above are 7 and 6, and the positions
below are 2 and 3.

In the chain of stimuli appears a fixation point, then a distribution of the stimuli, for example:

After the previous event, a short-time arrow indicates the target:

The correct stimulus was F, position 4 is being indicated. The coordination of the temporal
sequence is called SOA (Stimulus Onset Assynchrony), there are 7 different times that separate
the initial presentation from the stimulus distribution (DFJK). The arrow pointing to a position
appears, and the person must choose what the letter was. Memiconic levels are three:

1- Memiconic
2- Memiconic Luna

3- Memiconic Sol

Each Memiconic is divided by blocks. We highlight the relevance to check the partial results after
each block. Person can be conscious about the better performance points and the ‘blind’ points:

In this test, four events appeared in position 5 (on the right), and in all cases they were done
well. Often there are easier positions for each person and others that are more difficult. With
the diversity of tests, each person will realize which are the most sensitive areas of her gaze and
which are the least. At least 30 succesful hits are expected to pass to the following level.


This is a speed of processing task in conjunction with inhibitory control. The activity calls for
speed in the detection of letters, to which it is necessary to respond with great speed, except
when a letter X appears. As the speed required is high, people go at a rate of less than 250
milliseconds, which makes that work automatically. The problem is that the vision of the X must
stop the automatic button pressing, and that already requires controlled processes. This
switching, or change, between controlled to automatic processes, with such a simple task,
makes it a method used all over the world. Neuroscience literature showed evidence that this
exercise develops the functioning of the anterior cingulate area.

This SBS has four versions of PCPT and one of Go no Go. In the PCPT versions, two of them only
change in duration time, the next one has a higher proportion of Stop events and the remaining
one has a conditional inversion: X must be pressed when it comes after the letter A, otherwise,
you must let the letters pass. In the latter case (PCPT_AX), it is about detecting the stimulus
rather than inhibiting.

5- Go-noGo

Stimuli must be detected within 200 milliseconds, with a percentage greater than 90% of correct
responses. The omissions (not answering) can be correct (it was an X) or incorrect (a letter that

must be answered was not answered). Impulsivity is measured by the amount of X that is
responded to. There should be no more than 3 impulsive responses to move on to another task.

The use of PCPT requires a high processing speed. A person has to be prepared to face a large
number of stimuli that happen in succession. The reaction times are shown on the screen, as it
is necessary to perform at a speed lower than 200 milliseconds (average), it can be regulated.
Again, it must be remembered that once the person goes to automatic processing and presses
the bar with great speed, it is more difficult to inhibit the response to the appearance of the
letter X. It is a good exercise to strengthen the regulatory action of the cingulate system.

The version of Go-No Go asks that you respond with the right shift to the presentation of the
letters P, but that any response is omitted when the letter R appears. Then the opposite
happens, you must respond with the right shift before the appearance of a letter R and do not
press any button when using letters P. To see the results of this SBS, you must enter the data
matrix that was formed.


Working Memory is a system within short-term memories. Working memory involves the
retention of information that is being used, so a task that stimulates it has to send new
information and ask something to be done with it in a short time. Digit-span paradigms are
widely used. They present digits sequentially and the person has to remember them, either
forward or backward. There is also visual and auditory stimulation. Here we present several
versions, one of them with auditory stimulation . There is also a version of rhythmic sensitivity.

About the rhythmic-sensitive version: As the digits are presented in a continuous rhythm, when
a digit is repeated (for example 3 3) a single 3 is presented but for a double time, then the person
must place 3 3. The versions that are presented and their function are:

1- Adjust the Level: Seeks to know how many digits a person can retain as they are presented. It
increases or decreases until it finds stability in performance.

2- Digit Span EN: Presents the digits visually and audibly (in English). It does it both forwards and

3- Dspan: Presents the digits visually starting from 3 digits. As the person successfully retains
them, the amount they present increases.

4- DigitspanHD: The digits must be evoked in an inverse way to how they are presented. This
task is in high demand, as it begins with nine digits.

5- Dspantaras: In this task, the digits are also presented and must be evoked inversely, but it
starts with only three digits.

6- Treorcky Dspan: It is the time sensitive version. The person must consider the presentation
rhythms, when a digit remains on the screen for twice or three times as long, immobile, then
they will have to type it two or three times.

Treorcky Digits

In this case the presentation was 1 (1 second), 3 (1 second), 4 (1 second), 0 (1 second), 5 (two
seconds). As seen above, digit 5 need to be entered two times, but was presented only one.

Working memory is part of executive functions. Stimulation of working memory activities is

crucial for strengthening the structures of the hippocampus and parahippocampus. The
neuronal thickness and volume of these are biomarkers before the appearance of dementias.
Impairments in working memory are one of the first signs of neurological conditions. It is related
to the loss of the "thread" of a conversation, misplacing the goal of what is being said, confusion
at what was being done, difficulty in retaining proper names just presented. This activity is highly
recommended. A digit retention level between 6 and 8 in the forward direction and 5 and 7 in
the reverse direction is to be expected. In the time sensitive digits performance may decrease.


Declarative-explicit memory systems are semantic memory and episodic memory. The
difference between the two is that semantics stores concepts, while episodic stores facts. The
relationship between the systems is traced because the episodes are organized between chains
of concepts. In cognitive stimulation, word list presentations, which take place over time, are
associated with episodic memory, while meaning recognition or executive use is related to
semantic memory. The distinction is subtle and even clearer if it is stated: "stimulation of
semantic-episodic memory".

We present the following activities:

- Ebbinghaus EN

- Ebbinghaus

- Coscostory

- Gramamemory

- Gramamemonic

These five activities are divided into two: 1) Lists of words (8 or 16) that are presented in an
order. Then there is a matrix with all the words presented and the person must choose them in
the order in which they were presented. 2) Presentation of a short conceptual text.
Subsequently, the person receives a list of words from that conceptual network (they are
rational texts, with a well-postulated conceptual system) and must type them.

It is appreciated that the difference between the two activities is that you must recognize words
or recall them. However, in the word recognition task they must be ordered in the same way
they were presented, while in the written evocation the order is not important. Another
difference is the semantic matrix from which each stimulus starts. In the Ebbinghaus and
Coscostory activities there are pseudowords and short words (there is an English version). In the
activities of Gramamemory and Gramamemonic, the base texts are rational and ordered, so that
the words respond to the structure of a conceptual system.

The requirement varies by task. But it is common for the person to have to generate strategies
to relate the words and be able to remember them. In the pseudowords, which have three
letters, you have to give them a meaning to be able to order them, as requested. The skills to
organize concepts and endow them with meaning bring into play previously stored semantic
templates and the ability to form narratives.


In Coscostory there is a large proportion of verbs and nouns related to the life of a Coscoroba.
This may seem to facilitate the sequential organization of words; however, the lexical
neighborhood of concepts tends to complicate performance. It is expected that in the
recognition tasks the ranking will be achieved in three presentations. This takes practice, as up
to ten presentations may be needed initially. In pseudowords or three-letter words, you must
have speed to give each word a meaning. It is convenient to sequence the presentation in groups
of four words and create micro-stories that will make the sense that can be given. Inventiveness
will be essential in this performance.

In Gramamemory and Gramamemonic you must access the data stored by Cisne Coscoroba to
know the performance: There are the words that were presented and those that were typed.
With the recency and salience effect, the presentation that was made and the specific evocation
can be compared. These effects indicate that the words that were presented first and those that
were presented last are more easily remembered. Interestingly, this comes from strong texts
with key concepts that can appear anywhere on the list.


There are 11 SBSs that train active perception. There are tests of estimating the trajectory of a
falling stone, another SBS estimating the throwing of a pool ball, then there are short videos
with questions about details. All these SBSs require the use of visuospatial intelligence. The
cognitive trainer must realize the flexibility they have to be combined and create new tests.
These 11 SBSs in turn have divisions, for example, in windows two windows are simulated from
which the starry sky is seen. The person must decide which of the two windows has more stars.

Windows at Night

This task considers the choice (correct or not) and the time that the decision takes. Within the
Windows at Night SBSs there are four included SBSs. So, it is with each one. In each case it is
indicated how many are expected to be carried out correctly. Perceptual tests are primarily
generative, ideal to create new designs. There are those that are presented by default, but as
can be seen with the maps, new ones can be generated following the same logic.


It is a set of tasks that simulate the well-known Trail Making Test. This task was used with pencil
and paper to assess cognitive flexibility, visuospatial tracking, and executive functions in general.
The versions found here follow the numeral series, then alternation between number and
letters, only letter version, and more complex versions (with more stimuli).

Shifting Traces

Is important to correlate these tasks with the pencil and paper versions. Just as this version
presents the difficulties of handling the pencil on the paper, and the obstacles of the movement
of the pencil, because the arm itself could be placed in a position that is uncomfortable, in this
version the skill with the use of the mouse is an analog intervening variable. It could have similar
properties to those evaluated by the Trail Making Test, then it is also a possibility to carry out
research that correlates between the traditional test form and those presented here.

This test was created by the US Air Force in the recruitment of personnel and is among the ten
most used in the history of neuropsychology.


In classifying the systems that make up Working Memory, Alan Baddeley postulates that there
is a phonological loop, a central executive system, a visuospatial scratchpad, and an episodic
buffer. Schematically, Working Memory is organized in this way:

To stimulate the Central Executive System, a complex task is needed that requires processing
different stimuli at the same time. This system, which is the matrix of controlled processes,
carries out strategies to work with multiple information. Here we present the:

1- Ospan

2- Ospan Reloaded

These tasks have the complexity of asking that series of letters be remembered while solving
simple arithmetic processes. When the letter load reaches seven, and the arithmetic problem
involves at least three operations, it is the task of the central executive to automate some
'chunks' of information. In general, the tasks that burden the central executive system can
saturate it, and cognitive stimulation consists of generating strategies to prevent resources from
being consumed. This task must be solved correctly and can be dosed with the presentation of
others that mainly activate the Visuospatial Scratchpad. There we have:



This task presents illumination of spatial positions, the person has to remember the "path" of
progressive illuminations. In the Corsiworld version there is a help: The positions respect the
location of different countries on the world map. In this way, this can be used as a key to
remember the succession of positions that are activated. It is important that Corsiworld asks
that the sequence be remembered in reverse of how it is presented.

There are two tasks that are highly demanding in the central executive system, and they are:



These are well known activities; they are used in multiple investigations. One of the major
difficulties is that it compromises the episodic buffer since the person must consider the last
piece of information and retrospectively the previous ones. The tests must be solved correctly,
and their level is progressively increased. It takes several trials to master these activities, and
they can be dosed with planning activities that allow thinking, such as the Tower. These activities
demand that the central executive system imagine future situations. A disk accommodation

model is placed, and they must be imitated by movements that imply a rule: Never a larger disk
can rest on a smaller one:

The Tower

This is the simplest model, with which the test begins. Since all the disks are the same size, it is
only necessary to move the red disk to the right, and the green one is enabled to reach the
middle stack. It is achieved with only two movements to imitate the model that is in the upper

As the task progresses, the models are more complex and require more imagination of future
movements. An important aspect is that there is an ideal number of movements, so the
calculation is done with that restriction.

Madryn Switching Task

Madryn Switching Task combine letters, shapes, and colors. In the image we can see that the
circle with the letter Y has the circumference highlighted in blue. Since the rule is the shape (the
rules are explicitly stated), the person goes to the circle with the letter T. The rule will change at
the top and the following of the shapes must respect the rules.

It is noted that in the tasks of the Central Executive System there is an exercise of control of the
processing of variable information according to the tasks. Important: This type of exercise must
always be included in a stimulation program.


In this activity there is an introduction to the essence of multiplication, and then the
multiplication tables from 0 to 9. It is important to automate the learning of the multiplication
tables since it is the basis of more complex mathematical operations.

Tables are presented with simple operations, which usually include sums. In the case of making
a mistake, it is noted what the mistake was made. This tool is essential for the repetitive practice
of multiplication tables. The cognitive coach can regulate the speed both for each exercise and
between exercises. To this task are added other arithmetic tests that ask to solve addition and
subtraction with different speeds. Also, the Plus-Minus asks that number three be added to
another number, and then it will ask that they be subtracted, combining in a third part. Akira
Miyake considered that this activity corresponds to the Executive Functions - Cognitive

Plus- Minus

In the Mathproc task there are several operands, the person must decide if the result is greater
than 5, or less than 5, in a variable time, including high speed. All these activities lead to
automating basic arithmetic, one of the most effective dynamic method to increase the person's
statistical intelligence. The development of arithmetic and statistical intelligence is key to
accessing the worlds of logic and computing. This must be considered from a cultural
perspective, since there are some cultures that understand basic arithmetic as an essential entry
into cultural activities, while there are other cultures that have little tradition in the numerical
domain. This then has consequences in technical developments, orientation in university careers
and even population prevalence of mathematics phobia.

An associated task is Signal to Noise, which tries to make the person detect repetitive patterns
in the movement of three dials in the respective screen, which imitate that there is (or not) a
coded signal there. Monitoring the different screens at the same time is likely to lead too late
pattern detections. The person is performing Fourier transformations by perceiving him:

Signal to Noise

These three screens with their dials are in motion, the person must press the corresponding
number when they detect that in one of the quadrants there is such a regularity in the
movements that it is no longer noise, but signal.


Decision-making tasks use those that apply the somatic marker hypothesis. This concept defines
that body information enters the central nervous system, specifically the frontal orbital cortex,
allowing the person to have intuition, also called emotional intelligence. The body, through the
connection of the autonomic nervous system, takes fast, conditioned information from the
environment, as stimuli and relationships between people. Then, gains and losses, trust, and
mistrust, are incoming information sending to the executive domains via the uncinate fascicles.
Hence, these SBSs imply deciding without logical rules, but rather intuitive ones, in the sense
described above. For example, in the Madryn Gambling Task the person chooses a deck out of
four possible ones, his choice is followed by rewards and loss. Progressively the person must
perceive which decks are advantageous and which are harmful:

The speed of the somatic marker is a fundamental factor that accompanies any decision making.
There are SBSs, such as the Coscoroba ICT, in which objects, made by humans or from nature,
must be categorized. There is also a task of categorizing places according to they are from
Europe or Latin America. Another of the SBSs places predatory countries and countries that are
persecuted (their little flags are seen). The person must detect these patterns and then, when
the task is abruptly interrupted, decide in which "geographical" position each country was. If the

person intuits which are the predators and which are the persecuted, it will be easier to detect
the direction of the flags that indicate each nation:

In the figure, the flags are frozen, but the movements imitate a persecution or a escape. In SBS
UK-77 the “geographical-dynamic” cut was the following:

It is appreciated that in these tasks there is a combination of cognitive abilities since visuospatial
memory plays an important role. In SMS "predicts the weather" combinations of cloud cover are
presented, and the person must learn which combinations anticipate rain and which ones a
sunny day. These tasks must be mastered, progressively understood by the person being


It contains five SBSs related to literature and cognitive processing, including the memorization
of poetic texts. One of the SBSs, ‘poet’, asks for the memory of a poem, then gives 60 seconds
to type it. The poem is present before the person doing the activity, but he will not achieve it if
he does not have the help of his semantic memory. Every glance at the screen and storing chunks
of information to type takes time to complete the poem. There are also prose literary texts,
which belong to prestigious authors. The same should apply in this activity, but it is necessary to
focus on the conceptual relationships that the text presents. In the SBS of remote associations,
proper names are presented, which are the surnames of illustrious writers from different
countries. The person must associate the three surnames and enter the corresponding country.
There is a test of word association in pairs: The person must learn the pairs that go together, are
presented in an original list and then are presented one by one. The person must choose among
all the words that appeared which one was associated with the one that appears.

The associations have regularities, but no so common ones: For example, pairs composed by
countries and geographical regions (not necessarily linked in real world); abstract concepts and
“domains” of the philosophical soul. The skill of the homeworker is to strategically generate
associations. It is necessary to create keys that unite them, some have a functional
neighborhood or are pairs of opposites, while others require activating specific memory features
to distinguish them. For example, “sign” and “will” is one pair and “representation” and “mind”
is another (the associations change with each practice). In this example, the concept of will has
to be amplified, linked to what is desired, and it can be imagined that signs of things are desired,
so that will, and sign will be associated, while the mind can be thought of as a computer and the
representation as something technical. In this way, will and mind are separated, as well as sign
and representation. In this task the person must perform different semantic skills. All the tasks

in this section aim at the development of semantic sensitivity, it is a training in the use and
control of language.

Remote Associate Task

Above the reader can see the task of associations between surnames. In this case, three famous
writers from the United States appear, this example is precisely provided to determine how to
write this country (which could be USA, North America). In the remaining countries this conflict
does not exist.


This section includes general interest SBSs that need to be developed. This impacts on cognitive
abilities and has a special appeal: Everything that is done with certain content can be done with
others. For this it is necessary to contact the developers and ask for them. For example, in
capitals there is a multiple option where the countries are and four capital options, one is the
correct one:

A person (cognitive coach, professor, teacher) may wish to have the capitals of any specific
province of a country, capital of a county, and other relationships that may even go beyond
geography. This can be combined with the presentation of a video that navigates a continent,
as this software present about the whole Africa:

The person navigates the map of Africa and the countries and their capital cities are activated.
The original software presents a special development for each of the provinces that constitute
the Patagonia. The SBSs ends in questions that must be answered gradually:

In a combination of data presentation + possibility of arithmetic calculations + cross-reasoning

of variables, the Human Development Index can be calculated by country. In the end, questions
are asked about the value obtained, and it is compared with that offered by the United Nations:

Again, these designs can be combined, applied in the areas the cognitive coach want. It must be
clear that is possible to mix:

a) Present an initial text

b) Organize goals, structured instructions

c) Present a video, with inclusions within it

d) Relate text and video with music

e) Ask e1) categorical questions, e2) to write, e3) multiple choice

f) Design activities to interact with the content

This is of interest for cognitive stimulation and for teaching. Creativity has scaffolding in these
tools to express itself.


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