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Hello, my name’s Jesus, i’m 20 years old and this is my daily routine.

I live in Cali, Colombia.

I usually get up at 4 o’clock, I do exercise and afther that i take a shower and then i
dressed, i go downstairs and i drink coffe. Then i brushes my teeth and i always before to
go to my job, i start my motorcycle and i wait to the engine take a good temperature, then
i ride my motorcycle and i go to my girlfriend’s house beacuse i go with her to the job, we
work in the same company.

The operation in the company wich i work on, start at 6 o’clock and finish at 14 o’clock.

I usually breakfast on my job at 8 o’clock. For breakfast i normally eat eggs, rice, breas
and i usually drink coffe. Afther the work i ride my motorcycle with my friend and we goes
to her house, then i return to my house for lunch at 16 o’clock, then i brushes my teeth. I
work hard in my job and never miss in the company. At half hour to 18, i frecuently go to
the UCC for take a presencial lessons. At a quarter of 21 i return to my house. I usually
make the homeworks, then i dinner, afther that i brushes my teeh again and finally i go to

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