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5 house in Astrology( House of creativity)

 It is house where intense activity occurs and urges starts taking a concrete shapes
and form
 The 5 house from any bhava indicates the creativity of that house

Significances of 5 house

 House of progeny
 Purva punya
 Mind, chitta and consciousness
 Intelligence, wisdom, Deep thoughts, fotsightedenss
 Pregnancy
 Acquisition of post of minister
 Mantrasiddhi
 Virtuous deed of father
 Good character
 Occult sciences
 Sculpture
 Wealth and property acquired through the wife
 Profound seriousness
 Auspicious documents
 Loves for Clothes
 Paternal property
 Umbrella
 Firmness of mind
 Secrets
 Humility
 Good reporting of news
 Stomach
 Musical instruments
 Scholarship in literature
 Understanding of good work
 Affairs with courtesans
 Welfare
 Distributing foods
 House of pleasure and enjoyments

Fifth house-( Womb)

 Impact of inner side of native

 Gives power of comprehension and capacity to give specific form of ideas
 Helps expressing creative urges of different levels of existences

Strong Ascendants and ascendants lord: Potency, possibiloities and purpose

Good 5 house and 5 lord: Direction to the creative urges

Second house plays an important role

 Ability to express thoughts

 Power of observation
 Creativity, sensitivity, discrimination
 Firmness of mind

Eleven house

 Ability to project the intelligence into the worlds

 Goals, aspiration and ambition
 Realization of ideas and desires
 House of gains

Ninth House

 House of blessing

Rules to analyze

 Strong lagna and its lord to either 5, 2 or 11

 Good disposition of the 5 house and its lord( trikona, kendra or 11)
 Interconnection of at least two of 2,5 and 11 lords/houses in the rassi chart
 One of the navamsha disposition of 5,2 and 11 lords to attain special dignity in
the rassi chart
 Exalation of associated with exalted lord-1
 Mooltrikona-2
 Own house/friend house-3
 Debilitaion-4
 Deblitaed but neechbhanga-1
 Navamsa dispositor of rule 4 with special dignity to be blessed by lords of
trikona or placed houses in rasi chart
 Ninth lord/house from lagna and from moon- Rank 1
 Fifth lord/house- Rank 2
 Lagna lord/house-Rank 3
 No blessing-Struggle
 For natives working on

Sarsavati Yoga

 Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in an angle, trine or 2 house

 Jupiter is own, exaltion or frirndly rasi

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